Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 20, 1919, p. 3

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ohn atfmt mxtt jittflb evening ghadcg tli bimy lay in tndd 111 iiimii t toll i ijii t1i iiuihmi ltoiruwinl journey at the it i urn yf tli kim j mm shop from held fnnn office thoy un tiling homo ut night i to find hi in in i hi tin il unnten ml inxl iiihmiui dollght ami if hiyvo provtu rulthful a ii i if th run lov ut homo then will i hi li mil inn wultlnk ami wuthlnii when ttu y come tltoiti u un viilnic lomlng wlin 11 long day 1 done win ii w ll iiihi iur i uriiiy ended willi ihn lllnj r ho nun aixl tin ii iiiutliu loiul will ulmdo un i ik- tin umliitf of llto night hut with fixknii iu homeward treading wi uliiill ilml hit mumlng lliiht and if w vi proven fulthful thinr will l nomn mm at homo 1 hem ii imi it fuct to i n t uu and iinit tm w imi i wo oriiii i lly uluuloy martin 1 let it go io nit hmiif on to die thtngu thul k i y ii limit tliut muko you un iuiy i a l io of dm worry lot no df ih uiiklty lot go of the uenldlng rn ttini uu i ruining lot go or tlu rltlnum lt k of dm unxloun uver- rhronumin life lot ico of molrhih living- lt uu uf ih tmeleuii die foolish let tn of ih iihumii dm rulao lat ru tlio htrulnliig to kop up iupuruiioen lat ico of di num rllclia lot go of the vloo thut ripple dm talma thinking that doiiiorullxiui und you will bo nurprlucd to how ruuoh lighter and froor uiul truer you urn to run tho mco and hovv muli uurr uf tin c if you huvo hud uu unfortunate ol liorluiico furuit it if you have mudo ti fullure in u pooch your iionk your book your article if you huvo been pinned in an umburraulng ionition if you liuvti fallen ami hurt yourself by u fabio tp if you hvvu kun slander ed uin uhuuod it hot dwell upon it there 1m not u ulugla redeeming fou- turn in ih chi momorieti nnd tho pros- tmc of dmlr ghoul will rob you of many a mijiiy hour there is nothing in it irop them 1orgot them if yoil huvo booen ludhtcvoet imprudi if you huvo boon talked about if your reputation uuu boon injured bo that you four you wllliuvir outgrow it do riot take tho uhuiowa ulout with you kturl with u olouji slate and spend ull your enurjit jn lnff t clean for dto futuro liti not lot tho itttlo unomltn worry und fombodlnu oq- xtoty und rnittim p your onerxy tor thu ix yur cutuul for futuro uchloveintiiit v wliulovcr ik illaurroalv whatever irritate nal tjcatroyu yovf bauvnco of mind forgot it haa nothlnf to do with you tjtovf vou havw better use for your rine thun to waste it in re- breui in ihirry in ueous trlootf shut tho door in tho fucn of ull your ene rnled aft koup it whut io not walt tat rhf yruliiuiu to loimi to you oo urtnr iontoilulii it never let it e tho vtlmuitls ufa tub old man of the big clock towkb turning a new leaf lurry noll lon t bo so partlait- lo about tronlnff tliut towel u bi not v ann tablecloth lilanolio hud ilnloliod ltr work and us tryltnf to huxlen ipllo thpt they mlclit u to rliu 1 cannot toll ho oontinuod whut hutf etimo overjiyou u used to ho so uulck nelllo suld tjulutly 1wiu tell you when i wo ut aunt sjnrlone this summur i rustwd throuuh ray port of the work and thoujiht i ouflt to be commended for tny rapidity one eveiilnu aunt very uuntly pointed out tay fault and very nwoetly suukosted u wmedy i wnl to porform vacli little duty us if it wore un important one sno imvo mo a motlo what u worth doinf ut ull lu wo r til dulnjf welt i promised to try and to ask ood each day to holp tne you dont know how kurd it hus boon i forgel rush throuuh doorw dion huvo to walk buck and shut thenl i have punished nysolf by ripping out utltuuui too relessly tokon ulii dolnu again work slluhtod ut ilml i do think i ltave lmprovod u htlo but dont tempt hie to netfluct my towels or i mny tto bad uualn i would hot tell you tlila only 1 know my carelessness has iiflunoei you this outburut from her usually served ulster inuilu u duop impression upon ulanou and uhu resolved on amen imeni liolh he ulrb linprovod wonderfully tor fairofulnoss in one direction led to moro uuontlim to ull duties i lihyslcallj m ntally utd morally thuy were ieltur tluili when thoy had pr- fonnwl tholr dutus in a thought- tnanoer youtuf chutcl uiali hay by hackey f lierus a icrxxl story on mary whlh wuppeuod tho oilier iluyi tim ixxfi of it is its true and iiiih nt so miilh romance in it as so mo of thn yarns my frlnnd jim anderson dm jmiltor downstnurjj works olt an dio iloovo mul lilliy huwrn and somn ulh vu of- 1 ho ixiyi in thaurbr uhop wn iwrtl iimpany for ioiihhi other tiljtht und mary was anxious fo have an extra nice layout hut you know hor iiluht like mi no is not no rood as ii was fifty yours ugo the dear oldy lady doslrol to huvo sooolerry jam and in the dunk of tho pantry umptlod thn ontents of the juf into klass dish and placed it on tho table at the n up per table our ttucmt who fur bomo minutes had oen looklntf with what seemed puuled intorest in his saucer of jam looked up and asked tho missus i beg- pardon but would you mind tolling mo what tyult this oxcollont preserve is inulo of tho flavor lu tlokclous but i cant call to mind any soeds like these oh for soodnesu sakol mury blurted those ore the murblflm i put into the jam kuttlo to kcop the jam from burn- in i forgot to take them out n f dont know what i ii not from mary whan alio reads this in tho fax llutaa but really dm story wuu too good for this old ranluni to hlvo away the bono of the touring farmer after visltlrjq honolulu of ull tlio thlium they do to fool u fetlow here in honolulu tho worst is when thuy ull play dully uhn u vry muoakly ukultln ho whun tho uuldo said utrrliaiio you watt to moo i bis- vulianot told him tliut i iuesso1 id liavo a n4i at thlu hero wiling lava ho broukht u uoukuy with u saddle and inailu mlrandy get on strutldle for four shod full into u era to j- an hjiiio out llko a ulngod por ts ter tho uuldti forgot to bring our din- tier i felt mysolf urow thlu und thinner hut tin y uftr hours of tolht wo ut to whin tho lire wum bollin i looked ut it for most a inluuto f- mlghty lud i wusnt iii ii uiul thou i said tujmiu mlrundy 1 m glad thut this hure donkoys hunly ut kuoplii ull his fret in under for if hul tiiuke u single blunder tho folkahai k homo would get u wlr that 1 1 goiio up lu stuuko und rlrv 1 want tu toll tho nun and ludlus 4t aint ho fun to be in hades its bud enough to see it bolmn iriim this lime on you ii use me toilln alonti tho rw1 thuts straight and narrow i won t uwoar ut the plow or burrow 1 ii ktu my temlter sweet und sunny itor tnll u he tor love ot hiony 1 d ruthur wpnd my life u- trylug dm n bo lu thut vulcmiii frylugl wr-nior- hun quick wokk ha had inudd his pllo vry i ly and oiiufly by pluulur nut long ugo he vultud tho little town whero ho was imrn und brought up ho was lu too tout h of u liurry tu stay long in wjiit of fuot his stay lasttt1 uvu hours tin liuwupupwr tho nasi dwy came out willi thin brief tale of his uulvltus whllo lu his homo town it is nig ii mount und doublj oluuac t o r is lie called on his old mother got shaved by i ho town liarbar and gvo him u ton dolluf gold plme throw showtrs of piurtrtrt and hlf- dollurs in tho slrvtt uiys was run homo by t ouikjum uiowi 1 lough t u hum k fuim fur twunty- clpa thousand dollara und gavo it to an old friend visited tho itonii for hoys whluh ho found wl whim he tl rat made hu monoy yelled at the rim of n f i lend to lome and go to tlunipo with hint und look him along left for the inisst ut midnight with his wife und sou after out or tho greatest days of his uf in a stroll around on hnturduy chanced to glance up the railway track and between the mill and main street crossings waa a hugo fire it was largo and brilliant enough to re semble tho brush nud clearing fires of pioneer daya such areat in those days when wood was lu the way and a patch of olear land much tnuru do slrublo were common nowadays with wood around 13 00 per cord and coal at 13 00 ir ton a littlo bush la regu tiled as u source of a small for tune t oy tho least you don t see the farmers cutting down their bush and burning it up in the open for thn sako of getting rid of it these are days of thrift necessarily practised by tho average man strongly urged by the government and loudly talked by others for yvaru there luvs been u prucuoo muilo by the railroads of burn ing old ties lu great piles along the trarks from where i saw this fire it resembled one of those useless wastes of good firewood thore ore a few families in town whore that wood that heated the great outdoors for a few feet on saturday would come lu mighty handy before winter is over tlioro are numbers at clti- xeiih who would be willing to pay a reasonable price fur it if given tho chanco to purchase x dont know who m to blame for the waste but 1 sin ce rely hope that all railways under uu government management at leant will at once put u stop to such needleful waste those that aro irivatly own ed will i uupposo unlosd thoy see nt olherwuic contluuu tho woeful wastu llubber lea covered corporation 1onu for a few days tho past week uko tho boys or every ojro ihe pond had its veiituresomo onts on saturday when i strolled around on saturday the little leggars had iot past putting foot a short distance ahead of thur to iioo if it would go through they wero ucamporlnif ull over it ami ikatlnc ll took mo itack to my own boyhood days of thu old wood un 1 steel ikute with a ntr w right into tho lifil of your boot i think my first pair had a couple of flic haromured out and ground down for the runners if i remember correctly they had no fancy name engraved on die side it any ruto and thoy werent nlckje platud the boys of that time how- ovur hsd just us much fun skatiiuf uj the boys have now our shinny won perhaps not us helen tlflo as the hockey of today but it was just tut rough und full uf fun soma uf uieae days i 11 try to recollect some skating and uhliiny incident of acton but my his torical remlnlsonoer u at present pretty busy on main utroet jls wo nrocaed up main street we climb over the fonoe from the mldgley attire property and ritul half a oen- tury ago that wo aro trespassing on a lot ownod by thu late alexander a rant ttsoulr comntonly known in those duyt and beforo as til u ire grunt h lie was a uiaglutruto of the old school and a useful inoiuvar of the omniunlty in those duya when tu iklibora tiuutrollud tivvf tho back feiimi about tho prunk or mudemeun- orw of their children or the insoods of tho chkkenm upon the newly-plant- d sols in tho garden thoy had n- dourie to tio teaoemuklng proclivities uf squire orallt stjulro hall or houlre i i row n and if none of those pleased dmlr fastidious tastes thoy hud rkiulro campbell uf tknowheiuf furm just over the town lino of naaauiguweyu id whom to twount tiiojr grlovuurea acton was vll wuppllwl with juittloos of tho iiuoo in hur laumlet days upon tho ulmilitntiit of tho late w h storey howuvur altout forty- live yrs ago most of tho magisterial case of tho community wore udjudlated be fore him he wum ulwayw popular as u maglstrute and nuulu it a tnatter of duty to inform himself as tu the pro visions of all statutes and bylaws whli h properly oume under his juris diction us a justice of the 1oace duty tho majority of magistrates up- imiluto uro rputod to lie vary cai loss about olwylng llut you must iturdoii this wuhder- lug old nojhllo of mliio for thlj dlgrvs felon im not as good us the preachem lu keeping to my tuxt uhyhow t never wont to school tu luarii logld or liter ury ooiimtrut tloit or nutli i just talk and tell whut ooirios to tny old bead wotl uiiulre grunt hud u suiall houimou the lot whro mr join juinv tine brick rusldom o now stuuds it uii u iiitmll t lupboard frulno cottage in tu fiout room of whli h mr urn nt mail uml iu tided hikhis for tho i immunity out uf tho bl losthiir avulluhlo mr grant and hi estlmuhlu family had rosidod in a mow utatuly tvsiduiioe on main mtrvtat before coming to this property 1 to owned the til to ntoilti houso at uduca- llon iatie which huu tor a number of yoars imhui tho home of mr william walkr hut luufntupo doirlvhl bin of this and ho with bis family tmer fully tuudu tho llfite oottagv their homo mrs urot wus u dauuhtr of tho late duiuan kennedy hr of the first line ut kennedys crossing m uls ter of ltobert duncan alexander and lachian kennedy and their family of two souk and six daughters were a jo to the home and have mudo their mark in tho world six uf them worn teuiih- oik they taught in tho home school uml thsy la light ubnuit thoy all hud aria aval la tile at the time soulre grant n oldest daughter anulo mar rlcd hqulro ur jwiih won william they had a liuppy homo in acton for yearn and ihott movml to toronto whore mr urown died a numltef of yearn ago who it he held tho impor tant poult ion of head of tho mall order department of tho t katun co lit body rents with the friends or itui youth in falrvlew f omelnry the late timothy katun honored tho memory of this faithful servant by romlng to acton with the funeral and- attending tho ohsoquelca hero mrs ilrown is atlll in toronto but for some years has been an invalid wllllau ii grant tho squire oldest son has for yeurs hold an important xmltlon in the mao konslo mann intomstu un wan u fel low ntudnnt of hlr iunald man it undei the late ltobert little in die old stone nehnol here houlr grunt alwuu hud a ijklng for the acton hoys ojipoolully thnne he knew by uoelng them in the kirk on the sabbath he had particular love for and confldnrto lu ex iloovo hynds and was largo i y reaponnlblofor bringing mr hynds fjrto i ramlin in municipal oftalrs ho was iilwnyii at the innuoi nominations whet lo uie numlwr of rati pay era was ir go or nmall ha first nominated mi hynds as a school i run tee and year after year was present at tho opening of the nominating mooting ae noon as the clerk nnnouneed thut ho wu prepared to to elvo nomination hjulre grant would wltholit deluy rise und ny i uomlnattl g- llyndh for trustee or for t an the case might bo his lasi once wan on church streot lu on of mr cameron n hotinou and hero hn fell asleep full of yearn aftar htjulro grunt and fumlly loft this house for tholr homo ut the corner of mill and john streeto where tho mlnaea ierryman now reside mr john vincent and family moved to tho va cated co tinge mr vincent wus some- wtiat of a character about town ho was known as yankee john having come hare from new york state ho wan an industrious cltlnen was for yearn ijnnltor of the schools und no boy nf thn community enjoyed fishing more than he nor wero any mora suc cessful in catching urn apecklod beau ties nearly every favorable day dnr- ing din troutlnr season he might be found alonf thn acton creek some where between the g t ft- culvert and itutherforda farm now tho first brook trout iondm mr vincent died in this eottate about forty years ago his widow lived until about five years ago cloorge vlnoent was a son and karl a grandson and mrs thomas itrunt lake avenue a daughter next vek ill try and toll what i reroemtfer about aunt electa aduma and her husband captain tbtago who lived on tho next lot where ir coxt rosldeit and lu the solfname house which wah built over seventy yearn ago tub olt man smiles what did noah live on when tho flood subsided and hln pro visions in tho ark wero axhauntedf ankod a sunday school tea char or bar class i i now 40uokeu a little tflrl attcr the other had given up moll what inquired the jearhar dry land an unsophisticated man stood wntchlng a performance on a irora- ikine huddenly setxint a companions arm he cried txcltedly kiir the good lands sake ugc look there whats the matter t asked uge look j in re he done it again done wliitr why crowded more n half thut horn hvlo his mouth old yivi ueo lliatr well if that dont beat tho world birh uinli wan once pemuadnd to uttsnd a methodist experience mooting lu company with a friend the friend spoke with great fervor and mo if nhenomont and finally lamb him self was called upon to address th lunetljig he rose and nt uttered out i huve nothing to nay as to myself but i can quto j c confirm wliat my friend has said as tu hlo being a m m minors bio sinner llrldgot and iat wore nil tin in an urmrhulr reading- an article on tho iuw or compensation just fancy xclalmod ilrldget accord in to thin rhln a mnn loses wjkn av is nlnaes outlier got more developed for ln- tunce a blolnd moiv gls rooro slnsa v hoarin an touch an bhure un it u ijuito throe answered iat oivo notlce1 it moseir whin a man hun wun leg shorter than the other tmigorru the other s longer lhlla- delphla tlmen tefor employing a hi place for it joubert- thlnk of your forefather think of your posterity i john qulnoy ad- under alt sorrow there is the force of virtue over alt ruin tho restoring charity of ood itunkln whan heaven sends down calama- tlon it in still possible to racapa from them when we occasion tho calami ties ourselves it in not possible any longer to live menclun bo something besides wait learn when vou aro waiting to do something ben id eg walt a prominent author acknowledges that many of his best stibrles ave lr thought out while ha was waiting for trains or for soma tardy friend a business man jnhone extenalvo rradlnst s a sourc of nurprtse to ncqualntancos who know how busy he- is explains that he always keeps a volume handy t1 pick up if ha u obliged to walt for something time in too precious to imi spent in watt him the olock and wish ing ii away learn whllo you aro waltuiif tu do romothlu besides wait old ladies yes thoy aro beautiful not wltli tho teauty of youth perhaps the bloom may bo gone the rounded cheek and the swelling throat all have imnned away but thorn remains beauty that can be felt the soul shining through the eyes the large heart and benevolent impulse taking in all within lup reach a kind word to one a look of love and sympathy tar an other for they hiya lived long enough td nuffer and they believe in tbe fel lowship of nufrerlng the ntonna and tbdixu bit gone over ull the nharp points in thl- character and rounded them down oo that now they only ripple the surface the eyes may not be no bright for one but there la lean selfish neon and thoy take into their warm hearts the borrows of many and send nut such a ray of comfort und hope into mourning bearts they have followed the loved one almost to the gates of the beautiful city so often that their faces have caught somo of theredanc reflected on them can nnyttrpig be more lovely than a beautifultiret and the longer ttv more grace the more patience then let none regret that they ore growing old if the life is holy tt will shine through the plainest face ih heart hover grows old and when these houaos of clay begin to totter and to crumble away let us climb to the upper choxnoer nearest heaven and look out upon the hlnlng city and tatch he glory a look ahead hlmon liad just paid a longdeiayed bill at the grocers naxtbi it response to many urging jnd partly because hn happened to have the requisite ready money the grocer an old friend in spite of his persistence in dunning thanked him heartily good for you simon he said very graciously you deserve credit for paying up this way 1 know lt replied simon and wish youd give it tu ma sooner an other time great salt beds that appear like ice fields at tho extreme wen tern edge of utah ry near to the nevada line lo the natural salt jleda sixty mile long night tnlles wide one to fifteen feet thick and ninetyeight per cent pure the salt is iwtrfoctly white hard uml lave and its appearance to a traveller is that of a grout polar i co held buy home killed meat mcenery evans are now kmunfl in their own abattoir all the fresh masts supplied their customers llou specxah prices beef steak foe this weekend sirloin steak 32a vorterhoune steak 52a choloo dialling- iteef 16c choice uub hount 22a thick hlb itoant 20e shoulder ltaast sua hump 1 toast 22o pohk shoulder lwk chops wholo shoulder frunii lolu 1ork chops fryesh hanih lamb ryont nuurtam logs uf lamb 32o 30o lolns of lamb lamb chops cured meats smoked hulls hslf or whou 52o smoked hams lialf or whole sso side 11 con 4so ltack llacon 600 buunage homemade 20o lard heme ramured 5 lb fall ij 6 lb 1vu 1js fish rillttun huddle lllleu of haddle fresh lake trout siloed ivuah luke trout whole or half 22e lo z2o ww caully j hill linw ol cannkd goouh mcenery evans acton meat market main street and ills buccem and ooiutuahded the best aal- special evangelistic services 1 commenced in the methodist church last sunday november 16 bright gotpel messitges helpful hymns and music personal christian testimony a cordial invitation to all servient every nlnht but saturday until further notice get right with god l i m m0yer pastor come the making of menthol a plant from which menthol lu ob tained n black mint grown in japan and is cultivated in climates ranging from sixty degrees to seventyfive ttt- greea i about ninety two per cent of the total production p grown in tho ijorthern island of llnkkalii and the remaining eight per rent on he main inland oluiynma and hiroshima ac cording to a united stutee wmmcr oinl reiort thn mint requires a lltfm welldrained noil too roots pre plant ed on the j pan rate rrmlii inland at thn end of november and the plants at tain their full growth durlr the gum mer rnuullm three cultliigs are made during tho seurou tho luut of july lu augunt and in tlrv asrly mart of sep tember thp jhlrd cuttluu yl ids the treut ent iwrcfiitagi of oil und menthol or slain which resemble camphor tho leaves afo iltumed und preaiied in barreln uy tho plantort wlu tlmn uhlp them tp the menthol fu torloo uf which thore aro twentyfour in various urtn uf julian thorn tho ull is extracted from tho leaves by a procesui of press ing and freeslng at various times nfforta liavo tmten made to intrmlure tho living plants from japan into die united stulen but so far the plan luxm leen unsuo tennfut as they cannot stand the voy- ug moasuren am now being luka i to obtain thn see but the plant does hot ripen reutlly uu it lu gnnsrully propsgutrl fitim root rottingii the wav he made sales i knefv a man who hsd more sheep and lamtw than he knew whut to do with and sales were slow oim jay he went u town had a fourpacu rolder printed got a row onvolopos and sent a folder to evorybody ho knew that he tho ug fit would im inter ested in worthwhile nheep or lambs he did not try to one what big stories he could tefl about his sheep when he got up tho folder he just told a plain clear raatterofract story describing each sheep in plain language and giving hln prion for it if ha had had twloo aa many nheep he could have sold them all now he is doing tho same thing when he haa cows pigs or poultry for sale it works just on well with one kind of stock an it does with another nor does a salesman of thin kind need to lie confined to stock this plan will eell anything a dodge bros motor cars 5 theowner of a dodge car can bafely de pend upon consistent continuous and eco nomical daily secive universally low gaso line consumption and high tire millage j n oneill 1 acton georgetown i john leishman representative for acton g if you buy out of town and i buy out of town what will become of our town the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boost free press buyathome campaign head these articles with care they may present somethin yoa hadnt thoofhtof before patronizq the people whose ads are here they are your neighbors and will treat yoa right the money you spend with them stays in circulation in acton and neighborhood vou will always find it profitable to consult un when desiring dry goods clothing jiootn and shoes xjneoleuxno oilcloths and grocer lee our aim la to anticipate your desires inaoton uclean a mills our ales tn to sell you dry goods mens tturnlnlngd and groceries tho quality and prlco of which will keep your money in acton wo can compete wlth anyone enywharo and atrongly urge com parison d c russell the penslar store is criterion wr ourlty and wholesomonosa in patent formulas wit carry un well choice kerfuraeryr toilet articles victrolum our kali wall lupr bale la now on end very special bar gains are offered a t brown consult um first whan buying lard ware wo carry a complete stock of ahelf and hoavy hardware silverware cutlery o rani tew ore etc and csji coiivlnoe the most critical oi prloo and quality are right james svmon onur your coal now delay under present conditions invariably means an odvanoo in the priccc nut utuvo and umaoe coal now on hand wo carry groceries aa woll j c hill never buy furniture from a catalogue it all looks good in pictured whuii buying from us you hoe tho artlrla tfor you buy and our best advlcu and service is yours hndifiaklng in connection johnstone acq make up that orde for groceries ltring it to us wo can cunipoto in bervloe quality and price with anyone anywhere- we carry an well a fun una of ury goods nelson a co we have bald it defoe and we any it again you oao buy to better advantage in actoii than in toronto bee un when you require anything in genera merchandise we will not be undersold l stark man now yhnt cold welhr in approaching you will require rsfrhmnt our drinks uro fud- hot unr invlgoiulliig oui ice cruain in delicious our hnmeiitudd candled fresh and wbolcwonis u wiles our larue buelnees cenneotlom in acton tn amnio proof that our meats vegetables and wuvulunn are of tho host quality we wotl uu ulose margins and bo holt tho privilege of supplying your home mcenery a evans contemp intln0 bulldlna t if so lef us estimate on your rer qlretnanta we prenare plana luako estlmottea n contracts- for any kind or bullying auld suggost ordering next wlitltr i j o mickb asking favors of a matl order house inlerehtintf ueaullu might be obtained by making certain bequests local merchants helpful do all the things rxltthe people of thkie com munity that the catalogue concerns will not oo it hau tn huld thut uu fo big prukrtlon the exact ilkur d tho world la dona oil rrudlt if tli much business donu for no uriuiic i furnish enough money to iinnit tho sold had to be paid for in actuul ths oi nine toutlui 01 some much not tnuttor of the business uf wu not true thorn wouldn t bo utuni could bo devised that would hiii of cominortiu if vvvry article 1 h uiuuunl of money in oircu- lation in the uulttni stutu u only it r luplta und this would not go very fur if nvsryueu hud to k p nouih cuuh on huitd to pay for all tliut he might buy 1 the grnatvnt nuuiiclnin nod cicdil 1 in tiuiployetl and ut tlinua ufu in ml truu at time uf moil of muulhir muui uoniutlmen mmelally lu dm tuniillur a serious hardship umtn th bunl thulr rusoarcos itil tuuh the hume thliig li in crihlit nystem uat it la used unities in abused and works of tho town some uiar- chantn to avoid the low tliut loiultu from such kbuno of the system or possibly to enable then to i ii good ut u lower prco than their com petitor operate strictly on u uhii buidi but the great majority of moixhatitn lu evory community iivt thw- nuttoiuor who are rvnpou- miblo aixl hunost tho privlugo ut u churkuaccuunt and tho chalices uro that imkiiti sort of u rvdlt uyutnirii ly udfenuurdod will ulwayn continue tu be a fouturu of hgltlnuto trudo ask catalocul house for credit you who liavu u reputation in iour lomuiutilty for being ut uiuiit fairly rcspurtslble und upright uuow that win n you loir it or need it you can obtuln crvdlt from ut leakt 101110 of the inuicliantm in your town hut puiiib time when you u lu inuil of mtiuo uitido of inurchundlui and ur a iltllu nhbrt of ruudy niuii uidrr whut you want from u mall order houihj lu the city uiul ul ti rn to plouwo ciiargd it till tho rirut of thu month the eikilin ut will ivo int rating ut luast und tho uiutwer that you iolv tuiy t tuw you to give u little thought tu tho dllfervnoe between trutllnji with the tuuil oril r house in uomu far off city and buying- fiom tho iiuichnutu in your own home town some mall oritur imimiu uii now oirjiullng a aocalletl crvdjt i tem but it u not a credit uyutun uu b iii by mot rvtull kuerxluuita those luall old i iiuumi will uull cortulu liivnuludhui ull tho instalment plan but they hot only 1 mull i uu initial cash payment but require the purchaser to ttlgu a out il t which okvrut aa a murt- gugu not only uu thu uivii haudli pun huiul hut uihjii any otlmr pro perty tluit ttio uciutuuior lituy p4muhij liiro u nothing in this wyutoiu dut boars tiny similarity to dm oikm ddlt uytoni thut u ul by the rnujority of rvtull tiler im lit w ihoia uro imime othur ivputii loll might make of the tiutlt ordor mun when die occunlon uil uiul tu i uiiiu might imi uuuully iu- teroslliig 1of ho tun cv you mm luiunr who bought thut box of gixorieai fruni thu outuloguu loui i nt month might write tho inuiuigur und uak hint tu buy youi butui und oggu of tours it would bo con- faldofuble mora trouble to p k tin m fn tlilinnt to tho city than it la to take thorn in to iwiut locul gnu who lu ulwuy rady tu pay you tho murkot rioe for thout but then mm bo tho mull order man would pay you enough morw than thu muikit pilto tu puy you for tliu uxlra trouble and thou ugutu tnuiho hu wouldn t am then th iu 1 thut inowluu muchiun thut you mr iviiur luivo boon rlguilugon trudlnif in foi n u w muchlini supihwo you wrlto to the tnull otlr inun fiom whom ou ikhiliii that win fn lug- uiul ask him what hu will ulliw you iui youi uld liuidiluo on u trade for u il huiilwuro iluului lu the tuwu whore uiin in iidnilii u111 ullour vin ihl luuuhlue but whufi dy will be glut to do thut much for you will bo notf ye we del in all kind of kresh uud cured meat amj it la our deslro to hofiim and hold your patronuju by fair price and hoiiuut dealing wo endorse thin campaign buy in acton it imtyu w landsborouoh bsraslnn in ludlan hiilnocd btookiugrl at 30c llob ijjuu u ovuruim at 13 to a shipment of vob long man wearing shlu ptttd thlu woe k bhuti ruimilrlu u uhlullty f e k cook when you buy bhpe ivom uu you aio uum of secur- ing thu bent uuluctlon in acton our prion uro much lowur than city pricon our guarantee la behind uvurythlngt wo noil kenney bros ou broad is baked ulght hero in acton and we guar- unte iu whuleuomouesn wo wollctt uji woll your putionuto for homv mudo cukuii lumtry vie wo almjo autlnfy j kf edwards a co thin m campaiu wis with hourly oi our upproval tmd do runt ion beardmore ov co our persons interests aro coiitrud in at ton thin inuvu- int ut itj duhorving uf nuccuwj und wu c lido tie nil ni ryder a moway qlove co i am losal bltribiitor 1or thu lord autumobllu uud can supply you with lnuliio lord parts at riuuouublo prlcuti a oonipluui utoig of tltu ulwuyti on huml lot your uuvt our bo u ltrd h a coxe will i fair doe una and lew prions are build in up our business wo uorry a rull hue uf qrooerion and tuvlalons and uur prices will re lieve tho tieoeaalty uf rurther aearuli our quality and prloe will stand bumparlnou mrs j mooouoall llbt la lndlltls ihuio uli u goo1 uuiny thlngn tlui mull oidi hiuii will not do foi yoll the lint would bu lm loou to iliul into olio lamuu nf u lluwnpupur uu will not give you irdk imvtiv i hum h you tuny nl it ho will buy the futuierd pihiu ho will not puy it dollur of takvs to help nu ui bclt4miu tn hulhi youi ijd he will not luntribute u hint to iho up c hut i j in him huiltuhio inntltutlou ho will not lmd yuu u h l i in tlmo of li-uihl- llio lwal meiliuulti in u c liy will tin evury thing ftn dio triple lu that community thut th- mull or n will not do fur tlnm this fact nhoold make it uuny fm thu p ople of thu unity to daclde which it is tuvhelr inter t fo do luuliiaw with i msnusotum and ftapnir all kin tin of f urn it uro let mu outluiutu tor you on tho making over r 3 pulling oi upholutuilng of your fun ill uro which iiuhj uuxttlon i guuruutud my work 1 ho kurnltum hospltat w j 8tuckev w do mruhsnt yllonnu oui utojk of luipoit and doium tic wooll mi fn tull uml wllitur lu tonipl i wi itund h hind nut output uud wuutunttx uuthifuotlnii w m cooper nvr buy jwliry from catsloi all juwllory tooku uuil in cuu when buyluu fiom mu ion ihiu the urtlcli und un wull you huvo thu 1 mil ut of my korvlio uilvleo uml wr- utiul giiuiuutco geo hvnbs nut time you u quire hoot shoo huhtuirw utc lot mo enduavur to mt your r oultiiiiiu my ktook lu toiiiphito tny quullty lu of tho liliiy piut uri right itopulrhig ilu i hi w williams did vou lvr stop to conidsr thut it tout uwr live lhoiinund imillurm n irui to ih ik i wotulu fixun thu fto i tn thu at ton p oiut iho otisuuiui puvu fm l curry you own pan hi uml t juui bhaio of tho m vlni ttudi uu j curry hot i chestlh plank muin tit iliouti uy connult me first whan you t i uli o futui implo- meiit uf uiiy kind 1 tan lmul ugilt for inluinutlonul mit hln y uud run uuntunlo imi null lion uml ui vliu iiuii botitit und uhotu uu wll chas e parker

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