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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1919, p. 3

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tawf ufyr artun 3xtt proae timiicnijav novimliiit 37 1010 acnin autu ilutun u publuhtml ovory thursday ut uumiixm jukiui iiulldliis mill humi ac lii i ss turn ontario tlin nulmcrltitlon prii a in ii 10 imr your udvtini i ioulairn in tiumod uddluonnl to ofllcm in tho unllu1 htittii tint duto ttpwilrh mhirlptlou aro paid in uidlutttxl mi thu uddi advkutihinu ilatliu traiinlailt udvortuaincnta 10 ftniui ptr lino utiuto muujiurviiiuiit fur ami liiaortlon and 6 turn to pur uiii fur cu1 h ouliimxjuuiit insertion contract 1 1 lut ui y ulvi litiiniuiilu for 100 inutjiui or mora pr milium it utu tr luih tu h inuaitliui advortlkotnonu without innhie diit llmiu will imi inoortou till forbid and chargod idlniiiy uilrjlnul 11 1 mooh1c lyilor ati id ijbl luhor uitokiajl- i ho pence ti citty will become effective by december i ut decided by the supreme council nations which huvu ucceptud tho treaty wilt exchange formnl ratihcutionb in time for tho pact to become effectivo onjthat date the hope will bo general that this old earth will never cc another war that tho peace treaty will be pcmiuucntjtyand that international amity imd goodwill hall characterize all the future history of nations the canadian trade commission has announced that is r prepared to receive applications from cuim- dian lirm requiring german dycy tuffs upon which the allied governments have an option untie- tha icacc treaty tlio applicant is required to sign a declaration that tho dyes asked for arc unobtainable on reasonable terms from british united states or swiss sources under the conditions named there can be no reasonable objection to trade of this char acter going to the german manufacturers ircmier drury ontarios new prime minister certainly radical where he believes improvement may bo accomplished in the administration of public af fairs and in gcnoral in tho methods of government in an interview last week ho prohcsicd the almost total passing of party system in ontario there are few people who honestly cl that the country would the theft of automobiles throughout tho north american continent has grown to largo proportions tho ulcrtness of the police and thofuimerous safety devices invented while in some degree effective have not overcome the cupidity of motor vehicle thieves a new way to discourage these thieves says the youths companion of boston is for tho owner to maka an imprint of his thumb on tho instrument board of the car in such a manner that jt cannot bo removed without defacing the board the owner himself curries a card that bears a duplicate of the thumb print and hies u similar card at police head quarters it is expected that within u week or so tho mem orial cross which canada will uward to the mother or the wife of every soldier who fell in the war will be ready for distribution tho suggestion thatcanada award a alvcr cross to tho mother of every soldier who fell njjihe war originated with mr w a frasc the novelist formerly of georgetown and he ad vanced the idea in a letter to the toronto star which supported it editorially sir sam hughes was minister of militia at the time and ho as well as the prime minister thought well of tho plan but a diffi culty prcscntod itself could a memorial cross bo awarded the mother and not the wife of a soldier ft has how over been decided that the mother of a single soldier wjll receive it arid the wife of a soldier who was married canada rejoices in the wonderful success at tho victory loan subscription which closed last week tho immense sum or 0gi000000 subscribed this year added to tho previous victory loan subscrip tions speaks volumes both for the loyalty and tho financial ability of the people of this dominion but tho very success of the loan demands production and thrift on tho part of the people and tho careful courageous guarding with absolute integrity by the government and especially by the finance ministers who may be in office so thpt the very utmost shall be accomplished with these vast loans which have been entrusted to their custody thrift by tho peoplo and sterling truthworthincss by the federal powers will make for prosperity within canadas borders and insure it a certain und permanent benefit the observations of the qld man of the big clock tower in his column in the issue of last thursday evidently struck a responsive chord tho globe on friday morning said this is no time for building bonfires fuel is needed badly wastage of it is little short of crjminal if the big railways have quantities of wornout ties to dispose of along their lines of repair they should bo required to haul them to nearby distributing points where peoplo wlu are suffering from the general shortage of fuel can have access to them tho dominion railway board and the fuel controller ought to step in at once and put an end to tho wasteful destruction this woe ful waste is not confined to this district it is re ported that on tho canadian pacific and grand trunk railways thousands of cords of wornout tics which might bo used for fuel havo bceqburned in a speech ut the technical school to week hon r h grant the minister of of tho new provincial government related esting incident which took place at tho first of the successful u f o candidates on october 23 hon mrgrntit mi id that as each mow farmer m p p dtood up und spoke in response jo tho roll cal euch mail cxpiessed a deep sense of reap on si bittty and a determination to legislate for all classes of tho community not one over referred to bis position as a farmer or tho farmers interests i assure you wo come to you with honest intentions pt least and without tho muni encumbrances of party going into power said the new minister in conclusion if the not government will live up to this policy and the principles enunciated it will bo of great advuutugc to this province seriously suffer if such a condition materializes on the other hand there arc many who believe that the perpetuation of party patronage has cost the couutrt vast sums and the greatest efficiency of service has notbcen attained in an address before the politi cal economy club last week premier drury said blind party sm is canadas national sin tho dominion government hus sot aside 20000- 000 as aid to highway improvement of this amount ontarios proportion will bo nearly 0000000 it will bo granted only to work maintenance of which will be fully guaranteed by the province to earn this amount in five years will require an annual pro vincial expenditure of only 1800000 by the pro vince and will result in an asset of 15000000 valu bn a welldistributed plan of provincial highways the cooperation of township councils county coun cils town and urban councils the provincial high way department with necessary public cooperation and support will undoubtedly place ontario in an cnviablo position as a country of good roads afford ing the farmers the most economical access to their markets and tho general public highways which will create favorable impressions of the province proportional representation and a now system of votingaro among tho changes already announcoa by ontarios new premier hon mr drury says that proportional representation would ensurjsome mea sure of representation to the minorities of the pro vince it would involve the grouping of const tucn- pies as they arc at present constituted under the now system there would probably be four or five candidates to bo elected trom each group of ridings tho voters would not vote with tho traditional x but would vote for tho men in the order of their pre ference thcfvte would bo registered in figures i 2 3 4 etc opposite the namesof the candidates the ones would be- counted first tho twos second and in this way tho successful candidate would bo deter mined it would then bo possible for an elector to vote for several of tho candidates indicating his pre ference by the figure opposite the names ho could select tho most outstanding men from all parties they represented the plan outlined looks as if it might bo worthy of consideration the remarkable success at tho victory loan points to a wonderful development in canadian exports european countries arc still clamoring for canadian products though possibly the need in many cases s not as great as during the early part of the year financing appears to be tho only object in the way of many new orders and now that canadians have raised such an overwhelming amount of cash for various purposes one of tho chief being to extend credits to other countries desirous of buying maje jn canada goods u period of great activity is anti cipated tho success of tho last loan played a won derful role in the stock market when tho now york exchange became panicky and millions of dollars representing paper money were wiped out in a few hours during this exciting period the toronto stock market held remarkably well tho success of tho loan and the uses to which tho money would bo put were discounted by tho in yes tore and stocks were held up tho speculators realizing that hero wus no immediate disastrous change coming vcr canadian industry j a farreaching policy for tho care and control of the mentally defective and feebleminded of ontario is outlined in the report just presented to tho gov ernment by mr justice hodgins who for two ycais past has been devoting himself to a careful study of tho whole problem of tho mentally subnormal in tlu province tho report with evidence and appendices occupies two largo volumes and is regarded as one of tho most important state papers over presented to tho government of ontario tho commissioner makes his recommendations under twenty leadings among the most important of which are a plan of registration covering tho province by which the mentally defective will bo identified and classified the detention in permanent homes or refuges pre ferably of the colony type of mentally defective women of childbearing age and the segregation ii institutions and colonies of both mala and female feebleminded delinquents whoso antisocial quali ties or criminal tendencies show a necessity for per manent restraint tho putting into effect of these recommendations will bo of incalculable benefit mentally and morally to those concerned nature s way alcoholic tonics and dangerous sedatives are fast falling into disuse jrvhen the body is debili tated the effectual means of restoring strength is scotts emulsion which dbefl what your regular food should do but all too often fails to do noarithe and mtrengthenm the whole body it is the results that tirttow the use of scoffs errmltion that have mado its multi tude of friends w phsjp tchr of pi string no violin and othor inatumanta aixo 1 ijk oltoan will vull at of ruul wodk tun uii wdojdy until further notion iuplln prepared for conservatory txaral out ions uimmxm loft t atom iuk im ofllot will rooalvo prompt attention l the hon s v tolmic canadas now minister of agriculture has summed up tho outstanding facts of cauudus ugrluiturul position in un urticlo appca ing in tho november number of the agricultural ncssiio jo the ontario newspapers at the unaiii the influence of tho press of the country in the success of tho victory loan is freely acknowledged by tho members of the campaign headquarters exec utive mr g h wood the chairman has bent thi l gazottc he presents statistics showing the growth of conudus financial burden during the past live years und points out mcmts by which our national debt will ho reduced ho hays in purt i urn con hdeut that this dominion through the development of her natural resources will in time wipo out her debt forests fisheries and mines all contribute their paft of the revenue but by far the greatest returns will be derived from ugilculturc which in dustry wo must lontmuo to establish in permanency and increase in magnitude otic of tho greatest re sponsibilities that fulls on cither tho federal or pro vincial departments of agriculture is the couscrv l- tion nf tho great wealth that lies in tho virgin soil innumerable considerations are involved in this am noblcm but the whole affair can bo accomplished if wo cngattc in mixed forming with live stock busts i his is the fundamental principle underlying success in agriculture moils request of our ontario executive committ i beg to express to all the newspapers throughout the province of ontario our sincere appreciation of the services and the splendid contribution to the success of the victory loan lull which has be made by tho press of this province copies of tho daily und weekly newspapers frpni various parts of ontario which have come to our notice indicate tht the workers practically without exception have bccil bucked up in their campaign by thej nipst splendid newspaper support which any campaign has ever enjoyed wo have every reason to be proud of the fact tlmt under much more difficult conditions fast years remarkable total has been exceeded and this would have been absolutely impossible without the strong support of tho pjess it must bo u great satisfaction to the press gcucruuy us it is to our own organisation to feci that you havo hud such uu important part in this great achiovcineiryt guelph business college herald bldcl oue1ph llnr tlin btami- op xv- luovalv if tho bunluesta iub- llr our council am practical- our tnotiul ro thorough our equipment lh adequata our inntructnrm nm toe la 1 lata to mewl tho demand for thoroughly com ixi tent help w nixxl you in training- bpooial proportion till dacambor 1 wllltk topav olt caxi- a u douck principal choice groceries and provisions have you tried mcdoogalls for fresb groceries mud irtah fruits and bight jrib7 mrs jennie mcdougall mill street acton ont frsh fish alex mckciude waliinoun 5trt aeurv aiiiiuuuotf tlmt he will have a uuiy of vrh vth on thursdays ottlultj loft ut tho huluto will hiclve uronilit uttntluti dressed poultry ileal oujll ikrlcoa will be lall tar ul klmlu a irvi isjuurv- alex mckenade none to take his place a tiuvnur won once rmualrik nil m ran hack through a backwoodn rv a- ton where tho inhabitant wore no- toiioualy aliirtleaa arriving at a dluiilriattxl nliantr at tho noon hour ho inquired what were 1io urtmiixkiln for getting dinner tho head or tho famtly who hail lux u uhmihtcl in rratlnir on a lorf in front of hla dwelling ronllou that ho jruoaaori nuiil lutv authln onto thi table lulty aoon thua unnmriigrd tho traveller llu- muuntih hut to hla rluagrln ho round tlin foodl to be uurb that ho could not furrn hlinaolf to artakn of it mak ing auch excuae aa ho could for lurk or bmillto ha hijilly tw thought him- nolf of a kind of nourlahmntit that h might venture to ukn then and onu nuro to im found on a farm ho uakid for unw milk wn dont liev milk ajiy rnoni drawkxl tho hrad of yhn lumw tho dogh dead died wook aforo laal tim dog rrlod uw travnllnr hut vrnuttuwnunrgjoinracrwim irr vvoll explained th boat tnoill- tatlvidy the critters dont mum lor know noufh tor om up tir u milk ml theirs i vea tho dog hi uod tor go fetch cm up tailoring cleaning pressing dyeing j p scakttow begs to in- form the public f acton and district that he has oponod tho store nci to kcnnoya boot store for highclass tailoring also clcanliitfi irmsinj hepa bring all kindt of dyelntf altering and lumodeulntf ladies work a specialty sujts made to measure military coats dyed and re- nusdellodv all orders will re ceive prompt attention your patrouugc respectfully solicited j p scarkow ilhms strictly cash main street acton unt first artificial dvestuff 1lrrir ueld nrot procured about lt0 yeatm ago win- i lie nnt artlfwlul dyt- tuff- it wui then lrnnrd by thi o lion of nitric add un indigo but orter iu4z it wun ire lia red from car bolic rlltrlc nnd aulphurtt arlda front which it la ntlll obtalno4 for commer cial puritoaea the acid ltaelf la a yellow mloflcam kmui with an intenaely bitter taato and lt aolutton glvra u beautiful yl- iow tint to auk and wool on which material tt la uaod aa a dye what he brought back a chap who went trouttlahlng re turntxl emptyhanded from hla trip and hla wlfa lukl to bliti in aomo nuf prlae didnt you catch itiy trout at all oh yea aald ho caught twontyrflvn nine large trout but tby were to let i from dm on j ho train well never rnlnd oeorgo aald hit wire youve brt ught boiimj a brandnew nah utory any ho w the tricolor ho many who aported uto tricolor in honor- of franco know of ita aaao- clationa with uary quoon of mcout it wua uary who according to tradi tion gave the tricolor device to iari the white to reproaent the huuae of her 1 loyal buaband tho dauphin tho blue for scotland and the red for the ml routed hwlaa of tho iloyal body- tho itavolutionuoj of 17 9 adopted uarya colore for thalr own leaders wanted tto youraolf bay what you think ami act aa your will prompt the world la rull of lmltatura who urn rrlghtened at the vnry idea of indep endence it la leader woo are want ed ihoee with mo much atady aolt- rellance that tboy ore hot afraid to a tan j alone to champion an unpopu lar qaub or to be designated u odd und pocullar theae are the peopw at wttom tho cruwd biugh at flrat and whom it end by following a call to dutv with malice toward none with charity for all with rtrmne in tho right aa cod give uu to e the right ut uu atrlvo on to tin bill thit work v are in to bind u the tiatioitn wound to care for him who nhull havti immiio the battled and for hi widow and orphan to do all whlci may achieve and cheriah a juat uid lulling leac abraham lincoln the dcttcn halr that time tim wlf of an aiudrlrun fanner no uk iowhr whod fiiriri wuti nlmut to 1m uohl thought i hero nilkht bo olf on tlm farm und ttuilntod on fllgglng u well before nh und her hunband quit thi pluio mi kowler ylnldml to bin wiruti whim mid rlihu d hi money o dig lh wil ftntii uiiiiiiik iii mom lirouiieioutt ikiikiiimiih thu croulrt n4w f oil in many viuih rnllownd tb dlilmr f li- wll and i owiiiih tmlghhtiu kiii jiuu for ivry lu ihey had bill him llr und ilni kww lei ui low oil iiilllloiittlriil yona a charu street toronto knjoyu an excellent reputation for hlghgrado liualna training and for placing graduate in good ponltloun kiitr any tlmo wrlto for ixlu- losuo w j elliott principal war bond interest coupons and cheques cashed free tho merchants hank will cash all war loan coupons or interest chequca when due on presentation without multinp any chanfe whatever for tlie bervico if you havo not a saving account why not uho your interest money to open one with this iliink th mrghants bank hudomcelmontraal of canajda eubllhod 1804 acton branch l b shorey manaser georgetown branch h r m1mms manager economy of ford service v wear is unavoidable even in the best car but certain parts wear out more quickly than others there is no need o scrapping your car because the piston rings have seen their day because the platinum points of the vibrators are worn out probably the rest of the car is as good aa new medical men agree that the human body is renewed cell by cell every seven years you can do the same with your ford car and- prolong its life at minimum cost by replacing worn parts from time to time ford bervico has been tho means of doubling the lives of hundreds of ford cars and cuv tinu down tho coat of motoring the fact that a ford touring car which costs 690 f o b ford ont can bo purchased part by part separately for 917 is ample proof of the economy of driving a ford car it wui pay you to have yoor car overhauled dartn tha winter months 700 canadian dealers and over 2000 servioe garaes supply gunuins itord parts and prompt repair service r u when buying choose a ford and take advant age of the economy of ford srrvicc h a coxe 1 dealer acton ontario kmwxnrmmrnrmmtnwkvammieciikwzmtiiimnx mfflrcfltjiy m i new advertising to some modern advertising is a mere stimulant to buying this was per- iiaps its first mood but in the growth of canadian advertisiiigthcxoas been of late years a constructive force for honest manufacture and honest salesmanship you cannot possibly advertise a wooden nutmeg on any large scale the most you can do with bad stuff is to sell once and clear out the whole modern theory is to regard the bulk of advertising as a capital investment based on square dealing and goodwill and designed slowly to build up a business or a trade mark in which people may trust i education is not too big a word to apply to modern intelligent advertising it educates every one it touches the or ganization is put upon its honor and re quired to study and develop in order to live up to its assertions the public reads and compares and tests current manu facture of all kinds is largely a reflex from the public through advertising depart- ments they are no longer merely selling forces but building forces as well hundreds of inches of advertising space is used in tin free press tins- week by observant experienced mer chants why because it pays them to do so it would pay you try il d he con vinced as your competitor is business directory mcoical thos qflav m o c m mcqilu i- h o 1 illnhunih i- h k i a m fllaskti mmiiiht lirltlali uedl u1 aaauclallmt ti olllcokrhliricu hii i a nt ont oh j a moniven phyalolan and suruton onitii uml ilnnldnik rurnr itownr avouuo aixl ululu lltrln l rnld- mri formerly imui11 iiv u ifan- mcrvon acton out veterinaiiv john lawoon vstsrlnsry surgeon i acton ont unultiato of onturto vtlirliutry col- ifliro ihb0 ollli i arthorn ltloil lt mill htroct tal un nllic lnnrnpt y uttnmloil to k 1lono no 23 r o iu jib hakoli nash kaumkr ma pernvman block acton ont uonijy to loan conveyancing rtntxlh nnrtuwi wlun iic lttrul- of till i r nfuliy uml ilrnus dr j m bell d q b- l d s dntit honor unuluatii of toronto unlvor- lty tho ibtxu nnnthotlo umki tf oatilrttj mibcellameou3 marriage licenses h x moor imuar marrlag- i irmm 1rlvatn omoo no wltrtoiumsa n- qui rod luutxl ut rualdunoo to o von in vuxx fiatmm offlw acton out francis nunan booubirwior vaocounl booka qihii kind- rondo to order period leal o yory d-rp- tlon carefully bound uullnff i jut nd promptly dontv wyndruun btroot ouolrih ont ovw william- htoro n j kerr llcnd auolonst lair tno coutttlo- of 11ltuti wvllln- ton fuel maul xultnii thi tlto city of ouolpli j acton j ontario bajok luuy b- urufdtiy itiall o t roajdonoo tkt acton r ul tho fcvijo ltoa tifflb acton ttia mdrcury omcotjuolpb tho nowbltnoorii jvvrkua or with w jt oordoii llaniti uuuburs- halm ontrutl to l j k r oclvo uttantfon from ilutu of luunjt to data of mi uut yuur nuito- witli r idno l vourta btroot acton i 30 attoii cull ut toy feupu j e cheevers book binder qubo suut guolph jbrtl ltooky uttd hlftitna ij txuiu la llnmboma und juijtutitlul covartt all work promptly efcaeuud d alex niven ontario lmruj burvovor mrul civil e hurvaym bubdlvlnloni iluui 1l- portj laxrlpuuiut llliu prlubt etc cartlllcito for purctiiutorw tuid tnortcuio btirvth for arotiltrcu ilulldur und atuulclpul council uruliutko unpcrtu icalliiultu cjui molean building dou st oukijii itiouo 10c1 oni boies 4j noilonio ganjju grand trunk v the double track route wonthca dethoix llktvvkkm l toi itonto chicago aiwwwii uiwxcclud illultiu far uorvlit lluplnif can on iiliiht tiuli tuij bailor guru on principal day truliui vull liifoiiimtioii fiom uiiy oruuj iruuu ttckut lyviit or c u llornln niutrllt laimitiiiutir auli t toroiitu h s holmes anl acton ony plutw ts tho old and iloliablo c rani to aid marblo dealors wo ui tiiuhumilurjh uml dlrxt importw nf nil kuulu u wiimiul uiil hiuiutoiio wot it wo ihll dlrit li our mukhutirn ut wliolmlu iirlow thua tnvliik our iintoiiiw 4o pu titc wu imvu tlm 1hi upllunf uml tin itly tiiucluiiiuw in ihi iioliloii wlu lull opaat4i pmlhilutic tool pioiirrly wo cull uf rfurtliiii fmill ltutulrmu iif our uufiuifrt in tin ciittk uml tliur plucutl wlmld otlir lliio to lav1 law uulta hi ordtfi- to tilut wit kuvri tl urvt uml iwutt to ic tf ituiiltu id tho iktniluloii or luoio tlmii uu thm dui la thu vit w uio loit- niutti iltiubnh uml uuitly l uiuittit und do not umioy or p t iihtomon hy koimiiiii out uiiomint iik nil tuiluu- hitr oiiliwi wniplot mill hit iiujiui id ilry llmltltto hamnron sons cur no wjott i wwilwioji tit- uuolpai y

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