Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 4, 1919, p. 3

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t 3ij t kttatx wxtt frwh ti11jlthia iikmiiiit 4 1010 tug axitii ontario tim advuniu j united hlatoi lmlcutdjtl tlm w louw pugu 1m publlahod every thuradajr building mill htroot acton ihacrlptlnn priro tu 1 co per your in i 1m chargod additional lo o ticca iti the iho auto o which ubacrlptlon art paid la i addreaa label alviittihinj iiatkh trainlonl ad vert lacm cola 10 conu per lino ugale iiioaauromortt fur flrat inaertlon and 6 ronta per lino for each eubeoquont inaertlon- contract jduipuiy oilvcrtlininmiiu for 100 indian or tnora par annum iu ccite pr inch uirti litaortluti advortlaeraatita without poclu illrim ljui will bo inverted ull forbid and cluygod ov6rdfmly if 1 uooitk lidltor and iubllslior tkiupiionkh i irlurun1 liuulurua omn 1 once more the season comes cpund wien the prominent citizena who hove been busy criticizing the citys rulers and expressing scorn of their capa bilities declare when asked to run as aldcrmanic board of education candidates that they will have nothing to do with the mess they arc keen to stir it up but not to disinfect it mail and empire a doomeranq editorial kcprcscntucivcs 0 great britain france italy belgium switzerland holland sweden norway portugal greece poland china and japan are in session to discuss the adoption of measures and sug gestions for the establishment and functioning of thefceague of nations the conference which is being held under the patronage of the belgian gov ernment wab convoked upon the initiative of the french association for the league of nations where the price of that very necessary family commodity sugar is to rise to seems at present problematical the nashville tcnn advocate nays the pricefixing board has agreed that the price of seventeen cents shall be charged by the refiner for the present crop of louisiana sugar and attorney general pajmer has approved it that moans that thc retail prices will not be less than eighteen and half cents the price of louisiana sugor has nothing to do with the price of sugar produced elsewhere hu it is likely that efforts will be made to 11 x the price of all sugars if the price keeps advancing will become an almost unobtainable luxury inrtlf ni11 hlm ni fully every time you get nnollirr amy hair my word rcpliod other borrow are naughty jr lipu iw 4rrur iahu t sugar the hon e c drury is certainly making the people of ontario sit up as he recites day after day the numerous reforms he proposes to introduce speaking in brantford hon mr drury said that the common schools have been giving a little smatter ing of this and that but they have not been teach ing the children to read and write properly em ployers generally in the province will endorse the premiers criticism and will sincerely hope that the reforms proposed will include the rectifying of the defect in public and high schools indicated by tho premier remarks it looks very much as if the cause of prohibition will not suffer materially at the hands of thd nev provincial government with premier drury ex pressing a determination for more drastic prohibition and an attorneygeneral in office who is sure to en force prohibitory law to tho limit those electors who arc alleged to have carried out their threat to knife the hearst government because of its prohibition policy ore naturally wondering whether their ven geance was really worth while or seriously misplaced a feature of the high cost of living hoth for man and beast has developed a new consideration in re spect to feeding and keeping over winrw some least of the live stock of trtpfarm it is stnred that owing to the high cost of feed tho farmers of some districts are killing off just as much of their ii stock as possible jnd that in some cases they have gone so far even as to kill horses and sell their hides several cases of that kind are reported from an eastern ontario county the farmers stating that they consider it cheaper witkhay at 30 per ton to kill the horses sell their hides and buy new ones in the spring this procedure with reference to horses par ticularly is surely to be greatly regretted lf up the united states senate has put itsclr upon record as opposed to the peace treaty of tho league of nations after a long and bitter fight the senate has definitely refused to ratify tho peace treaty all of president wilsons influence was used to swing the senate into line whether the treaty will again be presented to the senate is uncertain but there seems to bo no reason at present to anticipate any change in the senates attitude the rejection of the treaty will mean that the united states great influence wjll no longer be looked to in the councils of europe to help preserve the peace o the world or at least such influence will not be definitely allied to that of brit ain and franco and italy tho friends of peace hoped much from the advent of the united states upon tho european arena they trusted that with britain and the united states determined upon peace a world war would be forever impossible it is stillj to bo hoped that the senate may see its way to allow the united stanjt to take the place which ought to take tn the cohncijs of tho nations the high position of lieutenantgovernor ot on- tario has been filled by the dominion government by the appointment mf a gentleman who had never been mentioned publicly as being thought of by the powers at ottawa tor the high office mr lionel h clarke of toronto a nativo of guelph has received tho appointment mr clarke while he has never been in public life so far as public office is concerned excepting perhaps being a member of the toronto harbor board is highly spoken of and evidently commands general respect it is believed he will make an ideal lieutenantgovernor mrs clarke is regarded as highly qualified for the position of wife of the occupant of the government house she has been an energetic leader in patriotic and philan thropic work and especially with the returned sol diers who have lost their sight through service at the war tailoring cleaning pressing dyeing j p scakkow begs to in form the public of acton and district that he has opened the store next to kenneys boot store for highcb33 tailoring also cic ijv prsainjr repairing all kinds of dyeing altering and remodel ag- ladies work a specialty suits made to measure military coats 4 and re modelled all orders will re ceive prompt attention your patronage respectfully solicited i j p scarrow terms strictly cash main street acton ont m11 dodge bros motor cars tlie owner of a dodgecar can safely de pend upon consistent continuous and eco nomical daily secive universally low gaso line consumption and high tire millage j n oneill acton georgetown john leishman representative for acton m business directory medipal thob gray m d c m moqijll u it c v edliiburh i ii- vt p h lluow mcminn llrltlah medi cal aaaoclatlon etc om jtrodcrick fkreot acton ont dr j a mdniven physician and surgeon omco nd lumldonco cornur flower vonun aihl raln htrweta tho roeld- nm formerly orcuphid by i m han rnnii acton onl erinaftv john lawqon veterinary burgeon fi oruiluatoipc onturi inso 1s80 t- oimoartli mill htroot call ly ly attondtx tu acton ont turluury opi nio tbj ino no 33 1 i o ik 33s h ahold nash faltmer ma dmrrutmr solicitor- notary publlo c nvany a near cto perryman olock acton ont uoni3v to loan fr 1 conveyancing ioa1k mortflajcou whin i almtrnctn of tltlua riiriilultnd rarifuly and loyally jih i m to 8 m at tnlii r h wan8brouqh dental wnrk iioiidi 3 irlvuta dfl j m belu d d b i d s dntlat honor unulunta of toronto unlvor- ity tho latoalay anmthctlo iumm it dclrej onloe t tialdonon cortxo ulll and pvadariok btrta the labor men and women of the country are per fectly justified irv having their organizations for the promotion of their respective interests the failure of the two largest strikes this year that the ivorld has ever known should put industrial workers on their guard however when propositions for strikes arc made by paid officers there is such a thing as being sure of success and yet meet with ignominious defeat in the case of the railway striko in england the development of the motor service changed tho en tiro aspect of the situation showing tho strikers that the nation was not at their mercy in the matter of transportation of supplies while in tho great steel strike in the united states the shortage ot labor to carry on has been the means of inventing machirt- cry to do tho work of highly paid men who now find that they are out of a job no matter how a strike ends things are not the same as thoy were before it started tho most satisfactory way to settlo disputes u surely by arbitration always one of the sanest suggestions foru warden din ner that has been made anywhere in province comes jrom brant county- the warden will this year hold the annual wardens dinner at tho house of refuge ard tho inmates there will be the guests at the twnquct and afterwards wjill receive gifts from a christmas tree this is a commcndiblc contrast to i the method which has been in vogue in this county for many years here the warden after a year of strenuous self-sacrificing- duties by an unwritten but 1 inyiolato law is expected to provide a dinner to his fellow members of the council the county court offi cials and the leading politicians at his own expense in wellington county on the other hand thomem- bers fete tho warden and present him with a gold watch or cane or so mo other testimonial the brant wardens plan however commends itself as a fitting type of reconstructed methods with due- regard for established precedent the free press humbly sug gests that the wardens of helton and feel counties coalese hits year and jointly arrange for wardens dinners at the houto of kefugc at brampton and the childrens shelter at milton with possibly christmas trees thrown in at both of these jointly maintained county institution if you buy out of town and 1 buy out of town what will become of our town the dollar you spend in acton will come home to boost free pressbuyathome campaign read these articles with care tbey may present something yoa hadnt thought of before patronize iho people whose ads are here they are your neighbors and will treat yoa right the money you spend with themstays in circulation in acton and neighborhood the cyclone bf saturday night causcdvery heavy iqss to the new tiuc factory this loss falls heavily upon jutt mackenzie the contractor mr mackcn zio takes his losb very philosophically and is at work putting tho premises in shape to avert further loss to the building from the elements and unnecessary loss of time to the shoo manufacturing company who had commenced to move in notwithstanding mr mackenzie cheerful mood in regarding tho loss it will bo very unfair if this community ullows him un aided to bear the total coat of removing the debris and restoring thebuilding tho contract was almost completed had the unforeseen catastrophy caused by an unusuul attack of the elements been delayed for a single week the contruct would have been completed and the building handed over in that event tho lohs must have been borne by the munici pality und tho ujanufacturcrs who occupied it tho latter having ulreudy stored there a carload of their equipment in ull fairric under the circumstances surrounding the unfortunate event the heavy loss should to some extent be shared with the contractor the building whs erected true to specifications the wall were built upon the customary factory con struction plans the roof was one of the best over put on a building in acton and tho materials were firstclass throughout sunely tho position of con tractor mackenzie deserves generous consideration wo believe the people qf this town are very generally of thin opinion or will be when they give the matter reasonable and equitable consideration and especial ly as reports tdiow that tumilar losses werc caused to other moat substantial buildings over a wide area of he province the attention of the people of ontario and in deed of many outside the limits of the province focused with keen interest upon the doings pf the new provincial cabinet their expressed views and intentions relative to the future administration of ontarios public affairs is regarded with much specu lation the newspapers are on the alert for particu lars of proposed changes radical or otherwise the women too more than ever before now that they have been given their true rights in the franchise will read political news and speeches with possibly tho same interest as they do the society events and thefashions the latestannouncement to bemade through the press is that nominations for the ontario provincial byeelectiona made necessary by law for mem bers of tho drury cabinet will be held on de cember is and elections one week later the 22nd it is to b hoped that every one of the new ministers will be returned by acclamation as there seems to be a desire on the part of the besfpooplc of all political shades to give the drury government a fair tria it will be graceful too if the premier and the other two cabinet members without scats will e elected without contests when some u f o seats are re linquished to them advice is generally regarded as a cheap commo dity but at the meeting of the open forum jn toroqto the other dayw d gregory who has been intimately associated with the politics of this county for a number of years gjve the hon mr druryana tho members of his cabinet a series of wholesome suggestions his address was entitled a programme for the new government- the recommendations presented advocated the rank and file leading the government and not tho government leading the people dealing first with administrative matters ho pointed out that there was a danger of the new government attenuating too much they were un tried men and tho province should nf expect very much from them the first session in fact in mr gregorys opinion the less they did until they felt sfire of themselves tho better but nevertheless tho people would insist upon their doing something to show it was worth their while putting them into office premier drury should endeavor to dispose of the government house and then assume the pre rogatives of the head of tho government elected by iho people and bo the individual- to welcome notables and other similarduties ho avould further stamp out profiteering appoint a provincial purchasing agent to secure all supplies of tho public institutions refuse to appoint judges on salary ob chairmen of commissions prepare a nonpartizun voters list abolish property qualifications for aspirants tu muni cipal councils consolidate tho work of county judges sheriffs audjailors consolidate registry ofllco work and simplify records of deeds mr gregory is quite versatile in hissuggestlons you wiu always find tt prwtltabu to consult u when deolrlnjf jry oooda clothlntf iloou and bboo tlneoleums olltlottui and aooorto our lra la to ntlclpta your daelrea q acton m hills our aim la to sll you lry good ucni furnuunjr and qrooerlui tho quality and prloo or whlch will koop your tnony in aoton we can compete with ajiyuna nnywhr and trongly urae com- parlnon dc ru8ell the panaur store is criterion for nurlty and wholeaotnenaa id patent fcroiulaa we carry j well choice perfumery toilet article vlctrolutf our ltll wall iapef bale ik now on und very special bar- iralne are offered a- t brown coneult u flret when buylnjr hardware we carry a complete stock ofanelf and heavy hardware silverware cutlery ormnltewarej eto and can convince the moi critical ojr price mod uualtty ve rlaht- james 8vmon the local maekets are essential s riquaj ilesponaibilify for their support best upon the v and merchant must assist each other we dat in all kind of wnh and cured ueau and it u our don lie to hwuid and hold your putronaca by fttlr price and hoiicat dealing we endorea thht tutiiiluf buy in aoton it pay w landsboroufsh phospehitv of community depends upon each of these two classes buying products and goods of each other i order your coal new peluy under preaent condition itivurubly mean an advance in the price nut stove and furnace coal now on hand we carry orooertea aa well j c mill never buy furniture from a catalogue u all look uood hi picture when buying- from ua you ee the article before you buy and our beet advice and service 1 your undeffakln m oonnectlon johnstone a co malt up tka order for oreeerlee itrinx it to ua we can oompete lit mrvlce quahty and price with anyone anywhere we carry aa well b full una of lry oooda nelson a co we have bald t before and we aay it again you oan buy to better advantage la actoa than in toronto hoe u when vou require buy thin tn general atemhendle we will not be uudereold l star km an now that cold weather td appforacblna you will require rofrexhinetit our drink are red- hot und tu vigor ting our loe cream in ilollcluua our homemade candle rreoli and wholeaume h wlltfatt our lerye bualitee cenneotlen in acton 1 ample proof that our klbata vegetable and ituvbuon are of tit beet quality we aell on oluee liurgliut wild eo licit the privilege of aupplylua your boma moenerv ev bvans contemplating bulldjnfl t if eo lei ua estimate on your re- qlnjuieiit we prepare plan make vetinute and taka con tract cur any kind of building- we would auggeet ordering next wintre coal now j b meeken2ie pair dealing and lew frleee are building up our bualnea we uurv full line of orooeriea and trovulon and our prloe will re umvw tho noooeaity of further eoarrh our quullly aid prloe will etand itinparlaon mrs j meoouoall the xxrmt nuontlul in the ilovulopnienl uny btmlim tat ih tho unt kcwlon of a market tho manufacturer tuuht huvn u tuui kt for hi product or no cannot uuccoed no uuittnr hnv vuluutle thiumi product may be or howemcieutly hie plant iimy tw- oprutd tim wholoaulo merchant lutd the retail nicithaiit may hitvn thu choice l hicm kw of good but if they have hot u inurket whra they cmh dlmpoee of tlmli etork they might a well im out of bujiillorf tito farmer nuiy produce bumper crop but timy will rot uhn thtt ground if ha cannot hud u market for them the wajte earner kklil aiid muwelo brlngr him no return unlea there la u market tor hi lubor thequeetiuu uf market h the hlg one in bvoty linn of bualnea and in ovtfry oommuulty the fiutatlou 1 a v tn oaoli wwmun- ity which auat iw lakento inctudehot only ull the poopte wfao live in iho town but the farmer who live in the eurruuiidltie country aa well there are two alila tu the market queatlon the buainea meil uf the town tnuat have u nuirkol tnf tlif thlnu which thvy huvo to eell otherwiee they cannot continue in hueinfe at tlm uliw time the furntere knitat have a tnurkt tor th thlnicw wholi they rulao ur they may uawell go out uf buain when either fails both buffer th iitrfxhunot of tin town inn provliht u iiturkw for ttm pro- tiult uf tiic tapnar tend thofuruitm can ptuuulw u uurk4 for thf kvod which the lucrthantu luvu in uull jlm lutuf ue uuh uhuui of nitl- kvii liruvlde h murknt fur the t hr i uiui till in will ulul tlin gooe hang high but whnii ltlii luu full o provtilt u nutrkat ui thv oihc tho gooae 1 cookett itot only itte th luw whlrh if drprlvnl of tin market but ror the other uu wull the farmer iiau a right to ixplt th town whlth i hu kuturil trading point to prufhle niuikit ftr hlm prthluclu and the town u nut perfornting it uxiker runitlon ua th trudlll ctiiliv of lt conlinu lity if t doe not utm that ttuuli u kniwket lu rovhlnj thd kwioiiiiihllky uf looking after the fulfillment of tl ulill rvi luxgely- upon tha merchant of the town th fufmer u u fxmluier uud he muat uu- ke of hi product j hforu hti tan ihjhiu u tmihautuvr it u thurefor kt only right but iieiiumty from u huaiiuwi titundtolut tout thu mer chant ahould aid tlm furmr la turning- hi vroduu lit otherwlae the fuinir uuturully will hu at urea of the town kitoiiy to mmiid bargaina in iidiue hllkriooced blocking ul soc ituh ijhigt overall at 13 w a nltlpment of ltob iong men- wrurlnp hhii exihkteit thi week llhoe rotalriigr u aneclallty e k cook when you buy she krom u you are aure of aocur- luc tho beat aotoction tn acton our prlic are much lower than city price our guarantee i behind everything w aolt kenney bros our bread la baked uight here in acton and wo guar antee it whuleaumenea we aollclt a well your patronage for hocne- atlefy ako ilaatry etc we aim o m- edwards v co thle campalqn aleet with our approval and ha our hearty endorea hon beardmore ev co our pereonal tntereete are centred in acton thl move ment 1 deaerving uf muooeea and we hvoeh a uowat qlove co t em loci i distributor lw the bord automobile and can aupply you with genuine ord part at reavotuibu price a complete tatock tt tiro ulway oil haltd let your next car be a kord h a coxe oblioayion on fahmeh8 0 lilkrehullt uf i tllwu huve utlht to xh t u u nihtk1 for tl tmliuhilu whuh tly havu loliig thili duty to ttiuir cotnniunlty ket in ihu mu wleo it u not only oivimiuky to thu pioutrlty of the rnnnm thul thy inertlmiitu in tuiniiiif tlibir tnwihiiudlae lulu muh on the other the fanner to to eelt uml tht if they do nut right but it i hould uhi the otherwlae it 1 nbviou unit he niuiuhu will li which to buy the prwlut t uf the furmrrtt ovlde ley willi thl u u douhhihuiiul hpomui 4ualty uhin liotli the tuoixhaht und tho frimou kel whloli ure cjmhnllul to built liaitaiof cliw would inipot from point hundrmu of inlu itlatk whltih it could buy ut luinli would li lid tl obligation ruatm ii liiulnlulti the mer it any town wkhli t the rutin tuikluct ulug u very witortalghted dy ah ttulloy roi- it would im lnuklg it llllmuwlhle for thu tercltuiy to buy tlm good of n louci hunt au u inattr of tuwii do thl uilurf it hi foktxt by uiiutiu txm-lithil- to a townjiay bi hxut hi u ooiniiiuuuy whh h ut not iiu1iriwo lo meet tlteflki uvinamu utl in that chh it i foruod to uii prhluu but the tilwn which la ioiillilltd to h thiu u at u ihaadvuulwg rrum a ntimniciiliil wundlmihit uuha if la eaaentlally u liuinufm lui lu town in whlth t4 lu puilul m wohl to othr oiiuuuultlt- ar bihtg in nough uh o tftot that whuh farm proiluota uwuy must have outside bualnet in kite average lommlitilly however the town la it htweperity upon the money tixlyed fiom the channel of trade rathel jn uimhi tliut jlulnrd front iho eal i own produtt in the nvirugu town tho inerthanta caiuiot make it and continue in bualnea if ihy at depundent i of the town for their buaineaa deptui milely uiwil tlte tiple hfu bualneaa lull luat l eoinliia in und ii u huolly true the eiliirlplo of everything- umi maintain ttut buluioe whlnh lu m perlty in a unuiiunlly ther in bualneaa men of the town ottilug 1th everything rolig out ul t no hulnoaa 44i ti i lu umi titthlua kohig out tu my tt the iualnteitaiie uf prom- hi ull oven tiudo between lt i manufacture and repair all kind uf furniture let me uatlmate for yod on tho making over repairing- or uphouterlng of your yumlture which require attention i cuarantoe my work tho ivurnlture hoapltal w j 8tuckev we do merchant tliorlno our althk of iiupoitm umtl domw tlo wtudlfik for full und winter i ooutplete wo l u 111 behind our owiput und guiuiitu tuitlaf action w m cooper never buyjewelury from cataloouee al jowellefy look gihld 111 luu when buying- front me you ee the urtldto and u well yuu luvo the be mat of my mervlce tad v toe uud per- eunal buarantee qeo hvnds nht time vu require llootay uhoea uulurrf ettu let too mnleevor to tueel your rwulremoiit aiy miook 1 ooiuiiletu my quality of the boat my prioo are right uxiutlrlug- doiio w williams did you ever stop- to consider lhat it loat over hv thouaaiul lollur u year to deliver good from tlin wloiiui tq tho alton peoplet thu miuauiutit paly ror it carry vitiir own pariol and gat your hare of the waving caah and carry ljnnry chester plank main ht mione 63 cenault me flret when you require farm imple- imt uf uny kind am iikj1 agent for lutoruatlonul muoliiiiary and can iruiimnteo you uatlkracliou and aer- iev i grry boola and hoe aa well chas e parker mi marriage licenses h p moore leauer marriage llcenaee private offlce kt wttntaw re- quired laaued at mahtenco m ovvoina ac ton ont rim pajcae ooic pranci8 nunan i bookbinder account book of all oclnd made to order periodlcala of ovcry deecrlp- tlon carefully bound kullna itiy end promptly done jjb wyndham htnjjt ounlpv ont over jvlhuma slore ft j kerr for the countle of hullo ton rtofli una i city of guelph acton ontario dull of balee may bo urianguj by at reejdenoe at acuyi cr al tho voo preaa onlce acteu tho mercury omoe ouelpli tho newblteoord itergiim or j oordon ijarnoa maker lllllabarg balee n true ted calve attenti date to it j kerr re- attention from date of 1 1 hug- to of aale ut your aulu with me reeldenoe yodng street acton phone it acton call at my eupenee x e cheevers book quebec 8l eaat binder ouiph ont liooke and mugaaln l llandaome and uubalaiitlul veru ktamoa ltiered lu gold on ull llymn uooke and othur hooka all work promptly utacuted d albx niven ontario land surveyor end civil engineer hurvoya bubdlvhtiona plan llc- port iocrlpuon lilutprltite etc c art i flea to for mnhuaore and mortgageea hurvvytt or archlucta uulldera and municipal counclle dralnago iteport icatlmutee tc molean buildtnq dougla st ourjll phono 104 oni q3rio4wmdbr3r jfokonio gsnaoi trunk ystei the double track route uirrwitfn montreal toronto detroit ch1caqo ul tcclud dhilng ur t rirloo hi 1 arlr li in if i car iarrf on on prln nluhi inlpul l tnili duy ti im till and vult r infoi tlckel uiutldii i iknt fiom or c uny i it q on rand ilny ii s holjvirs aid acton ont pho the old and heliablu g rani to and marblo doaluri we ure tuakiufai tutor umi dlrew importer uf all kind of monumental and lloedalutfo work wu ull direct to our ouatomor ut whol aali prloe thu bavins uur i umliiiimr 4u ur tiib y have tne btat upplluiuw hjld the illy meuhknlui in thu doiiillllou ilio operato pueijiiatlo to4u itroprly un givo refviellin front huiitxretl ur cuatomrta in to uu to uuu other placoe where uthern huve to have law ault lu onltrr to coltrot we havo the uugoat atitlleat etok uf iranlui in the ikimlnlon or tooru tliun any throe lure in tho wuat wi uie legiti mate dealer and employ iii ugenta and do not annoy- or pat uatumera hy neikllug out ignorant ugeiito wotlult- ing- ordure wu umpluy only tnelmnlt and defy oomuetltlou hamilton sons cor- norwich woolwich si uuelph a

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