i r ffihp artmt 3top reeb lirukhiiay ii lmiii it ik 1019 sunshine nta f ufv h do- that jod ii 1 nil the w rid 111 1 n u lui oiler how him i the 1 yiu dor buck un ami tin 1 n 1 knvv hi tutu u frlmid 1m flii tilt r u lilrn wh ut nhurtlr m urn uuuli bin u m uwuy a ml toll mtr thu ut mfun tho dark ho iluy ntgh 1 ijoil tullf in iituvi yard puluvt r u uiv li right i ut loud tlml jod 11 tiirl kl sunshli in llll t ml of very loud till- world ut i ihl 1m but u luiah of collect iwi of those relics not in con i r tn at the topt cried john f liolloye you huvo a rood plun unii uitd did fanner with an an thuulnsllt nin up im ur my neigh lmm mul i would ik ulnd to provide uiid hunt the ikiiilrtnri and furnlnh tho relit if some one would look uftrr thn tublt john thought harder thuit ever if ynuj wl nt tn your numo in tho iinwktuim m in 1011111x11011 with it may m i fould urtungo it lie offortd my nuim n loloa hwjlser mid i vo iivihi line ull my seventy ivo ycuni if thut will hnlf uny you jn uy hut 1-uriunr- kwllur uiid hlu neigh lut the mi uutomoblle who tlmtr i 11 wo you plouaurv mul of puln ho iim days urn lirliftit and sunny ai mm nil alouhed with ruin ami hint it jiml how 11 ought trfbo for when tin cloud roll by wt ii know jtiat how t p rot la to tho bright uiidnsmllln sky ho teuru to tukkjt us it ccsnos und lon t nwt ut thu pores im uum the ijird opinion dooant coincide with yours hut ulwuys keop romomberin wlion rare your path enshroud that ood tuts lots of sunshine to spill imihlnd tho cloud ily tho poet fyut capt j cruwford horn 187 died 1h7 a renn t lake all three of you on tho cubbing job nnnounc- ji od city editor thornton of tho coslleton times to the three youth before him i need but one reporter its odd that yop should hnve come here together but you three boys always did everything to gether didnt yout you soy you have nil pawed the tenth grade in school all took a grade in english and are all ambltloiu to do newspaper workr wo are all anxious for any test you cure to give tie declared ted blatter isnt that so john and larry r john tartan looked at larry pot ter with a smile weve always come out about even on teats so far but here is one case where we won t simp ly score a percentage mark one of us must win the job and the other two lossj on 1l im willing to try and lorry answered vigorously in the affirmative an right boys re sponded the editor if i didnt know you all so well i might be abts to moke a decision right away how ever as the paper is off the press for the day suppose we go for a htue automobile tide while i give the mat ter same thought this was not quite what the three boys expected but they plied into the touring car with mr thornton at the wheel they bounded over the hills of csstleton county suddenly the car stopped and mr thornton got out of it with a sigh engine trouble boys he sold after peering under the hood and we are five miles from town ill have to do the repotting myself you fellows can walk around here if you like while i potter with it ill sound the born when im ready to return you may stumble on a story things often happen in this hill and lake county in spite of the protests of the boys who offered to help with the motor the editor insisted that they look around the vicinity while he worked i know this engine and 1 can work better alone he told them make yourselves scares the boys climbed s lenc and roam ed into the woods this is fun bat i wish he had given us that tryout to day instead ted remarked so do v larry rejoined- i say lets sit under this big tree and rest- lie stood tn the shade of an immense oak that grew on tho edge of a gravel bank near a stream and stooping idly picked up a flat stone to throw into the river jiold an a mlnuto cried john tmrtoa x believe that is an indian apeazbjeadl sure it 1st look at the sharpened edges i and its flint of coarse it is a spearhead i have half s bushel of them at home this part of the country is full of relics of the redmen larry answered as he sank down on the moss under the tree suppose we search for more them then suggested john but neither lsrry nor ted wished to do so they were too comfortable on tha i know they ull the ilun log note of horn muti lied hm dunuridcd kurmrr hwlli ttiht a my new ihm work joint unnwnred in u duy or two mr thornton drove the rr iwrk to town in tlne i hopo you enjoyod ihn ntroll ha ald to the lmy u they nu iniod from thn car text and iarry looked yrprliil there won not u word uimiui the teat they wore to iki kivimi to ditnrinlna their fltnoae for tho lnri of rn wirt rr on the time it looked un thou mr thornton had fornotttil it na ha loft thorn and start ih up tho iitejw of tho office will the otnea bo open after sup- lrr john uked would like to romo in and write my story fcr morrow as soon as i got some more furtu mr thornton nodded and hi oyos allowed a glnam of interest woo tho throe of you at eight in tho morning ho anld and loft thorn when on tka following day tod and larry entered the ottico empty- handed a little uhoad of time thoy found the editor reading several sheets of longhanded copy mlllng with pleasure ho looked up whon john came in and joined the group sorry boy a mr thornton said but tod and larry will havo to wait for another opening john wan in the teat i thu teat cried tho others whi teatt we havent hsd it yet oh yes you have the editor laid thorn- i gave it to you yesterday this profession a man or boy has to keep his oyes and ears and mind open all the time if he hopes to find out tho interesting things people will want to rood if x hsd sent all three of you out after a certain fact you would have been olever onough to find so i just turned you loose wher thought there would be an equal chance for all three to hear something of interest i must ssy john found something oven more interesting than i hsd expected the most i had hoped for was a story of how the drought had affected the pastures in the country he laid down the shoot of paper and showed ufa boys how john had con suited the library and woven the in dlan history of the section into his report of the plan entertained by parmer swltxer for erecting a monu ment on the historic battlefield john found a story that other people have overlooked for years stumbled on it and rooognisod it be cause his mind and ryes were open when you two boys learn that lesson you will be on the way to success any line of work wev lorry sold bravely ted and i are glad john got the job he worked while we slept at this rote he wont be e cub long and then there will be another openlrg wont there mr thorn to i captains cook a ollck uruduui tin girl mut ok her in around thaitlriui elerlru range well ii a my ow ti ni uufo utid wurtn ao uri d a ponltlon n tury ut t0 per week tto of thin for ixiuri furo und lunrhoa mud thn r nmlmlcr of hoi ilnt hied to cook miilda wirti ut u i found u plaro ut on u lomfortnhln room i uiwtwl a wook i4m provedvklndly und w her wirk iian vnumigeil i alio gated li wlui it 4tlary thut alio it lei dw thtulll the 11 wutlanod with lvltt ull i d uhe hud thn poor door eraolf und 1 d of youth wua the udverttao- o given ly u c im going to hunt alone john then added lie strolled away along the river shore stopping to examine patch of gravel here and there under the crumblinghunk in a few minutes he had gathered half a dosen broken bits of flint unmistakably relics of the indians those two fellows are asleep ha said smilingly whalta re turned 1 11 not wake them theyll hear the horn i wish i oduld stumble on a story though johc pasture and went up a bill whitehaired man who seemed to have the vigor of a boy at work in a field lion agatherln relics t the usked tn a kindly tone you find a plenty hereabouts th buttle muat hsvo boon a flerto one for we turn up weapons every time we plow liottlet asked john what battler dont you know all this land was fought ovttr by koxom und chlppawu years and your agut i thought every boy around hole kiiew tltut when my father curar hero he could see thu marks of tlult tarnshawks on tho iron that big oak down there was a eupllng then the farmer sutd kilntliig to the lop of the tree umlar which lurry and ted wore slumbering iii tell you sonny if you ilk ln- dlun stuff why don t you go to tho library in town und toudth ihonoor papers t you ii find iota to lnteroat you john was in a deep study this la whore tho battle of tho chlbpewa and foxes was fought he meditated was that the fight in which the ohlppewu wo brokon up as a and sent back into tho forest v the some replied tho farmer ply tng his hoe vigorously their village stood right back there in tho vollsy they did lots of nahtug and hunting but nt fighting the prixe imat thorn ive often though ther- ought to be s mounroeit or murker of some sort there why would n t it bo a gopd mq to hove a big bouldor down there ut that tree with a brass tablet on it and a how to hold your friends- those who would moke friends must cultivate the qualities which are mired and which attract if you are mean stingy and selfish nobody will admire you you must cultivate gener osity and largebeartedneas you must be magnanimous and tolerant you must have positive quail ties for a negative shrinking apologising round about man is despised you must cul tivate courage and boldness tor coward has few friends you must be lieve in yourself you must look up ward and be hopeful cheery- and op- totnlstlc no one will be aurmoted to a gloomy pessimist the moment a man feels that you have a real live interest in his fare and that you do not ruk about his business book or artlcse merely out of courtesy you will gat his at tention and will interest him you will tie him to you just in proportii to the intensity and unselllshness of your interest in him but it you are selfish and think of nothing but your own advancement if you ore wonder ing bow you can use everybody to help you along if you look upon every man or woman you are introduotd to as much more possible capital if you measure people by the amount of busi ness they can send you or tio of new clients patients or randera oi your book they ran secure for you uiey will look upon you in tho soma way if you have friends dont be afraid to express your friendship dont be afraid to tell them that you sjlmire or love them if you love snybody why not say sot if you enjoy on y bodys company why not soy so- 1 t coats fyou nothing it may mean everything to your friendship a lady was asked how oho nu nsged to get along so well with dlsagrtteable people it hi very simple she re plied all i do is to try to maki the most of their good qualities and bay no attention to their disagree able ones no better formuujl to win and hold friends can be founc selected homeless in the midst of hometi as christinas opprviachea the dreum of home ytsals over the heart tho hallowing influences of home huyve typed our citlsuu ihlp family re latlunahlps have iwjn a wall of doferum- sbout our ieopla it aaddena one to know that ihrru are tnuny home us people with tbousiindj of homes ubotl theni god set fro solitary in fami lies it i our duty to work out hi plun there are nj ultltudes without m- ohurch home livery pilgrim on hlu way to the cltjr out of sight need the heartening and strengthening influen ce of chrtauun fellowship we have a pluou in uur liesrt end homes anil churches for u havlour guest at tha holy soason lot ua ahare our christ mas joy with our kalhers other chil dren let ua go with hi good invi tation and bring thorn tn that hut luiuo and jur may h- tilled no bun- day bchoo1 ahould fall to conduct u mmiberahjp cuiniwlf th rautnolsaa r waiting for our coming tribe quben remedies liuerlcari physicians doing relief work in jdoittanogro ull of son te curl- tus methods of treatmsnt emplooed by the inhublluut of thla ltttlo mcuntsln country when u munienogi in i wounded tho first thought of th na tive la to apply chewing tolsaooo horsehair or a fresh rabbit skin with th hulr facing inside oommun ink is considered a sovereign remedy for burns to stop bleeding sore or wound oobwqb are umhi wht m a person is mitten by m dog the fav rite remedy is to pull off the snlmul w and rub uie wound with it u rtiliill i did ii to hontolf iihn only llut to duy th ul mtrong dean hud rnilil mvnt of a duno to i friend u in i f ixilio vo reul jiurty on no rnoro fthn auld i ud- dnly to morrow la mv day ot anyway ho iwn liirofully don ned mho would w to u quiet hojul und droas thor talophono her dour frlond that alio wua upon for un in vltntlou a lovely woltomo groetel hnr und onro more her fuvor waa nug rly aought ireaently hor hoateaa up mjunxl with urnn dour allow iiin tiitianl uptuln willi- un tild friend juut returned fnim oven ua thla in hla flrat ilnlx a for two yearw ao imt very nlco to him i or u aecond everything wuverod boforo iwn a oyes i lea von i her jnlatross son then sho recovered her tolsa aa if he woulcl rooognlae his mothers cook in thla garb utter ly ubaurd deun wua ellghted at th- way his smila flushod out ut hor non- honao and wen j through tho rest of the evening in u delirium or delight lh trip tn in took hor to the hotel in his car und only when ho aald huskily i never enjoyed an evening so much in my life miss dean will you allow me to cull to morrow t then dn came down to earth with a jar uhnl hud aha boon think ing of 7 she would huvo to teuvo a note ut tho hotel saying culled uwuy audikinly and that would lie the and of this wondorful might liuvo boon hha turned with u bruva smile to tho young officer flood night and thanks fur u muat delightful evening captain they that n on th lord shall renew their strength one of the soiim why this is so ut thajt the tr lin ing of patient waiting mat es the soul strong to endure half the wreo k of life txmues from its irapatisi ice at iss- potuou desire tv hasten th foou taps of clod thn i id tho following afternoon u dtutract- od hurt was puxsllng ovor his cin derella note i ii go to itecky he aald but hxky could only tell him that dean was suppoaed to bo living with an aunt some where meanwhile dean was peeling po to toes in the captains own home is it possible that i am in love with a man whom i have really seen but onoett ahe usked herself scornfully then she would open her door and listen tojjieibound of his voice a few days later as she stood at her table debuting tho merits of del- monloos or souffle for dinner she was seised by hor elbows from behind and lifted lightly in the air whllo a jolly voice said hullo you little pocket venus whore do you koop your gin ger alot that confounded dell won ring and i have a thlrnt that must tx nssuuged instantly how doro yout raged dean turr- ing on the man sharply as ho set hor down again there was alienee as she faced the captain then came recognition fend her uugor died tlreut grief ho stammered at lost what are you doing here mia deatit- waves of beautiful pink flushod deans mischievous fuco but she an swered demural peeling potatoes air goodness i peeled potatoes my self for two long woeks when i en listed he groaned at tho recollec tion the joy overwhelmed him if you only knew how i have hunt ed for you little girt that was a nice trick that you played on mo couldnt you see i was wild over you ilesse sir i don t think the cook is allowed u fellow laughod dean cook 7 nonsense you mean to tell me you are responsible for the delicious meal i have been stuffing myself with mother says i have an appetito like a oormorant then dean explained tlte situation i am afnild that your mother won t look at things from your viewpoint sir mother la the best aport ever said the captain fervently it arrange your name is my maiden tiumat usked the yes isn t it wonderful t i dis covered it only yesterday as ii was reading some old letters mothers and i found i wai named for yours although never saw me they wert chums und hud kspt up i one in their early day of my actually i see sho college i correspond mercy my burning smell tilled ok i am to be potatoes us tho kitchen j urn never mind them come u pa lairs this minute this has got to be settled right away interrupted the captain mother proved to be a good sport although some what surprised ut her son s sudden ucuulultlon of u cook doun wus transferred to the guest room kutie consented to finish din ner mother hud a ited cross meet ing and left tho young couple to long blissful evening while tho jtptuin mi- gaged a cook for life by minnie m hind revive the jaded condition when energy flag und the cares of business heoomo irksome whon tho who it sya- tain 1 out of sorts und there is geii- etal deprvssluu try iurmelooa vogo- table illla 1 hoy will rogulutu the uill mi of u dorunged to much und n disordered liver und inako you feel ilk a lipw man no one need autfor u dav from debilitated dlgostloii when so simple und effective a pill tuji bo got ut uny drug store maple products lleport from various maple dla- truu in uustern canada show thut the luupla produut this yeur will bout ull records the inukers ur msplo augur und yryp in cunadu axoeod 4s00u about 660 000 acre uf land uro balug rusorved in tholf tiuturul wikhii auitw of which twothlrus aro sltuute in the 1rovlnco of quebec tho fustapi townahlim of quebec are tho teiiirv uf tho world a aupply of muplo pruduit muple ayrup i rapid ly booomlng known lit orout llrltuiu tut a tubla duliluc whllo inuplu augar la tindlug fuvor ua u awootmoul dreagod dawn by asthma the man or woman who u uinaluntly subject to uathina la unttttml for hla or hor ufa m work utreiigth dntmrts und enorgy la tukan awuy until life becomes a dreary existence and yet this la uoedless dr j u kellogg authrus llsmedy has brought u grout chuirgo to an army of nttorru it rollove tho roatrlototl ulr lube und guurda us atrial future trouble try it ii our 1 iw fit- tdhbii m kmll wt book 87 years of service the foundation stone of any banks success must be service to the public the 87 years of steady growth of this bankets steady increase in assets and resources are a measure of the sound consistent friendly service- it extends to its customers may we not serve you too the bank of nova scotia rrmuvup caplul 100000 kairt iuad 1s0cooco uehmrta 100 wxoro u k graham aollm maiusef ala lirsaob order your christmas fowl now mceneky evans will have turkeys geese ducks and chickens our stuck of christmab beef will bo unusually fine and all homo killed will have also special display or lamb veal and pork at the new reduced prices our stock of canned goods is worth your consideration try a package of lanka tea mcenery evans acton meat market main street the brunswick what shape is a horn did you over hear of u horn or megaphone thut wua aquaro7 liu you know why thy in vcr- aend water through a a u wire pipe every phunogruph or talking much no hua u horn but they cull them amplifiers they uro really the mlguphunea of tho machine it is tholr duty t round out the to no und aend it to the 11a toners now what shape do you think this iiollm should bo to give tho best tone and what do you think it should bo mudo of resonant vibrating metal or wood built on tho violin principle ijeforo you buy uny phunogruph tlnd out the hiiapb of tho horn and wilfvt it ih mau13 oi ono of the secret of tho llhunhwich- h wonderful tono on aill record is thu wxilualve patented ova i tono nhumbor und tlirou 11uilt entirely ok wood hko u ann violin it actually uolm eliminate ull harshness all tho stridency and that tinny umbra thut we luivo ulwuys thought u necessary ovll of the old stylo talking muihlmtf all we ask is that you uao your own euru your own judgment sou this wonderful improvement with your own eye oom pure it with anything you like ut any prioo you cannot afford to muki u mltuk uu i it coat you nothing to be sure mason risch pianos bell pianos brunswick phonographs singer sewing machines and other lines you can purchase any of above on small monthly payments frank king next door to livingstones bakery main street georgetown personal greeting cards pretty holly and other christmas designs artistically lithographed your name neatly printed in text ur hcripls pine plate card with en velopes to match cood choice of deslima no 1 no 2 dot sdo i dot 4 dot z00 w76 00 jil25 26 125 100 7ji5 0hdeh at oncu beroue assortment is broken the acton free press acton 0nt i beinq a qooo l08er 11 of tin education of young people i unit n through work unit purl throiiifh pluy und one of tho tiln your pluy ahnuld touih you in to ikj h good ln4 i thut hlrim not tuaun till tlvutlnir irullitnri inn us to whether you win or loae nothing liuiki hikirt miira riuvorhna thun pluylug with uh uiititiinlht who i urea nothing uihiui wlnnlnic a gihiil loam wuiita to win hut ho not want it un mikh uu hi mi thei thlimn hmrii ynti ig io ur mut im to oitie mil uliouit in i giiirte thut if tiny in uiiuhli to get tho vli tory by fulr rnvttiih they will reuort to i limit lug of tku hvllriv h i the eu i u thig tin y mtiiil thought tl wlnnm for tin vh lory juilu jay shouting la int u vlrtrry tuiriinil tho lily autlmfultlon th y vjikt h in thu thought thut they huvvttllltrvl iy hit ih llovlng w iut in not th d 1iu r la in e rnpl ulhul tho m to lh ya la iu slroi a f w hl- ul d yet wl id ru thur 14 ihu lon w ir hy mpo noiil ttmi w ti fi n 1w ol thy one me urn lit lie ut ul ukl itc u- f llh wlthou lo in if hlu tunipni und without opihimnt of playing upfulrly wlioi you heal u pluyur oupullatlng hlu vr his ou heal pporjotit the umptro favored thu other h is plain that he a u poor loner a ollsgd trruduutn of twenty mtunding rume luirk to hg ulma muter one novfjinbor- to th great foot hull guntu of tho yur tho tcupimn which ho wua intubated pluyed it auupoy kurno but wua defeulod kftor tht gumo ho wni uround for u ord tha oiptalu of tho losing uium happened to bo the mtmatt un frloml to hi umuijjstelit im found tho alulwurt six footor- blubbering ilk u bsjy undoubtedly tho train on hla nervv us well us tho disappoint wua responsible for his teura yot something wu wrong whon u n munly young fellow wept like u t hi id over losing a game of football knew u grout deul ubout thut game und other game hut ho hud not learn ed ono very noceaaary leaaon to be u good loaor the good loner- must play to win but ho muu not urt ao much about win ning thut defeat will spoil hi pleasure he will be ready to udmlt that he has loot because he was outplayed and not legln to chtlcjeo hla opponents methods or uccuau him of unfairness of course if hla wish to win was eln- coro hla regret at losing muat be real hut it will not bo carried to unrooaon- uble lengths lirn to b u good loaor iourn it in your play time so that if later in life you ure culled on to undergo loa you will face it chi itruvely und with the confidence of bettor luck next time since f io7o p4 since i 302981 w loh 30s98bcoughs turnips wanted farries mulkff j wholesale commbtfllon merchnnti arc auin purchubinr tur nipw for shipment at action kockwood and other points wc iirc pay in k highest prices for choice block farries mullin acton uockwood gifts for boys andeirls ma if 0o 75t 100 l5 1m ulltl h hi ijnilh 28 2 7q 20 3 00 iimu t ijt1 i hh tdjio m1 00 9jm iiitkllit i ulow waofh 5 00 2 r60 0 70 72b 7ji0 hot kl ti hi l kh 16o to 85c hlddii kai1h 2jm p0 w00 hkoori in ho0 sod 125 will i i llajtltowh 100 17g 2m all 1 ri s1 ib 3j00 376 toiioqoanh zoo 3jo0 376 i xiitlhh vaoonb z2 snd 27b nkryjk 15 and 7 00 the bond haudwark co ltd phono 10iz ouelph v j ad savage r eye talks millers worm powders attack worm in tho stomach and intestines ut once und no worm can come in oontaei with them und live they also correct tha unheulthy conditions tho digestive organs thut invite and en tourage worms sotting up reactions thut are most beneficial to tiie growth of the child thoy have attested their power in hundreds of coses and at all times are thoroughly trustworthy nkaiuji 8400 killed n ontario last yoar tho lives of 3380 dc mans were claimed by con aumdtiou this is all the more tor- rlbtn bocauio rrost of thppi might have boon saved had they been helped in time hero is a caso in point bevcnu years ago n man came to the mufl- koka free hoaplul for cotiautnp- tlves ho had been on active ser vice in africa wh r hardship and exposure had brokon down his health suspicious of hla symptoms he sought our aid a short timo ago ho wrote through your hospital a soldier of the south african war regain his health and a family a happy hot it tliis is hot an isolated cane for tunny others hnve bxn rust o rod to houlth and anxious families- it takes much tuonty to carry dn tho work your gift for whutnv r vmount will bo gratefully rerowod oonlrlbutlons mu he u nt to sir william gage t pudlna uvonuo or oeorge a hold 123 collugo atreot toronto waterworks commission proposed bylaw to authorize the delegation of tho control and manaaement of and the frail responalbllity for the waterworks system about to be constructed within the village of acton to a commfai sion under section 31 of the public utilities act- syn0psis of bylaw tho purpose of tho liyluw is to up- ltohit u 1ubho itlitltua commlaalon to imibugo und control the vtr works theonuulaaloii to ouautt of four hiumlmra und tho hoove tho tiieniucra to ho euumkiuontly homlu uted und oleotwl by the rutolutyara th tlrat olootlou to uloct two com- intaaloiiom for urn iour and two fot two year ami thoieuftor lw tor two yeura the comnitaalonor lo hi luulltlotl rutapuyr tuko tltttho thut thu vote of tho rulepayoru of thu wuld vltlago uf at ion will bo tukuu on tho ubovo tuoutlonod propi m byluw on xluiiduy llw tltth duy it juliuuiy luo tommanung al tlm houi of nluu uoukk in tho morning und toiulnulug until iivo u clock lit tho ufteiiiooii of th sumo duy ut tho fullowlug plum lhd by the following deputy hettliulng uillura thut 1 to i foiling wiiudivuuiii ku 1 at tho town hull with w j oould iwpuly lioturnlnu ouui 3 tolling hubuvlaion mo aat v c hptlghts ttliop uu mulu ulrol with alun u hnitlh loputy llolurn- lug oithur luth duy of looni- ku will uttiul ut tho p tho town hull ut fou iuhui to up point hi writing uluiiitl by htm two wraous to utluitd ut thu ttnul uuuihllntfupof tho votu mul oil l soil t utlulid ul uuili polllitu l puiaouu llitufat lu uhd doalrou 6f iiouiithi4 tlw puhaluu it this tiy law unit u uki humhvr on uhulf uf the vturxoiiu tnuualtd in uml dualruuu uf iipptmliiu thu pmualug of thla uyluw ihu ljlu of tho cull null of tho a lid vllluiij tbiill utuml at tho twn hull autou ut bit ptil on the auld ttrth dio f jiihuiiry lao to auiu up tho lluiilul r votta ktlvol ro 1 uglnl this llyluw noticw wolhf u hoihy given hut if tho ithfoiit of tho tatupoyoi i- ohtuinoil thiittto th auld ity uw will 1m taken lulu lottaldrathiu by t municlusl iouiiill of iho village uf xotmi after unii month romthe elevonth day ikkimw lilq tioliu the date of the lliat publlcutlou uf this liutloo h n wahmlfllt j43 uurk of tho village ot acton do yoo find u hsxd work to road thla advrrtlamat do tho utters blur or uroi to run togmrtht cmi yoa rejd a column us this rswv paper without suffering t strain do you have tveqosnt ey haadach lot oaf oe- tometrlsta ut your ye for tho glaasea you need w grind our own this stores policy to represent tfoods ex- aciljis to their quality to cjl lo those who know and to those who dont know ji a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantee arid checf fully corrcxf all mis- r takd to deserve your coabdcjice by always pving you salisfaction savage- co lewdlm i cuelph ontario on rliliy tlio ur 1u1u thu uu toinull clwmlil uc in hi when you need boots shoes at any time j boy fttom w williams mill street acton vamous fob satisfactory footwear krasonable prices c w kelly son uueull ont acton flour and peed st6re huvo a aupply if tho following now on baud yhw wllunowh ufrj of ktn cholco norval sit j natluhal rlour nothing batur f0lld oatb oildake 8hoht8 oat chop bran flcd flqur tlult in huiiviu u0 in hugs ur email uustitlty if doolrud tllt 0ial iinh in cuickkw vkbp tllvh oui cmv whal a th1al lomlvtirlc itoillol oath ihu ukut t unudu 1 ikkurd lllrna- no s robert noble liinited henrv awrey manaqer