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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 18, 1919, p. 3

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4a i tiiuuhjiay nicnwirnit is 1910 tub actum tim 1iuewi 1m publlaliod ovory thursday uinilni t tho l lttoad building mill hlrool acton ontario tim nubocr lotion prlro is si go per yuur in mlvuiu iouiuko in cliaritod additional to office in the united hlntiu tim data to which aiibecrlptlona aro paid la lidluld on tho uddroaa label altvihtlllnd hatiih tronalont advartlaamenta lo tnlu iht hiurnkntn uivaaurumont for flrnt insertion anil c uil hr iih for each mutinoiiuont inaartlon contract lluluy mlvi i tlionimiln fur ldo inchns or more per annum it hintu tttif lit i cm h innorlloii arivortlaomout l ihi llli tllrn tlotiii will ta inserted till forbid and clantd i ii i moo uiq icdltor and publisher tl i 1lloniis i ituxlik i4u omo iia editorial 7 tho rcportsjfm the finance department of the dominion show that canadas fl nap cog arc healthy condition though tho net debt has reached farjjc proportions during the eight monthi tn december l the ordinary revenue was 2182700 and the expenditure 203530000 november figures show that tho ordinary expenditure was 43480000 and revenuo 31018000 the burger portion ot the deficit was due to the payment of war loan interest incrcaso in net debt during november w 32- 003000 as compared with 20304000 in november of last year the total ncf debt of the dominion now 1817jaiaft 1 be 1rttiiiir jiivo short shift to the hopes of the liberty luuor in northern ontario during his recent visit in that section they suggested sornw modified form of the ontario temperance act tlic premier poltc frankly and plainly at his public meet ings in referring to this question and declared there whujio doubt in to the peoples verdict on tho refer endum nor was there any doubt that the government was going to enforce the temperance legislation this frank declaration has been generally admired and wjll strengthen his position before the public canadian mckcl is now in a fair way for playing a more reputable part than it is reputed to have done during the war then it was alleged to find it way into the manufacture of german munitions now it is likely to be used in the proposed new nickel coinage under consideration by the british govern ment the substitution of a nickel coinage or re ducing the quality of silver in the silver coins is being considered a canadian nickel company is reported to have made contracts with both great britain and france for a supply of nickel silver has been growing very scarce in britain due in a great part to hoarding especially in india as well as to the high price of silver which has resulted in large quantities of coined silver being reduced to bullion the propaganda for the reduction of waste through unnecessary fires in canada is bearing fruit the public generally and the members of tho cana dian manufacturers association particularly are giving this important matter close attention and the results arc gratifying the insurance committee of the manufacturers association reports that for the first nino months of the present year the number of fires decreased by sixty tho fire loss was 1704375 compared with 3247044 for the same period of 1018 and the insurance loss 1603831 less these are gratifying figures however looked at and the t result must cause thankfulness for what has been accomplished and inspire still further activity on the part of all citizens to make fire prevention tho gen eral watchword it is gratifying indeed that so many indications go to prove that canadas credit stands high a repu tation for sound financial metthods during the war has been of inestimable benefij to the dominion behind this stands also the realization of her im mense natural resources and the fact that on the north american continent she is almost the sole re maining outlet for new settlement on a large scale within the next decade or two she will probably re ceive millions of the best class pf immigrants and these will make her per capita burdens light the net public debt of canada stands today at 1500 mil lion dollars seventyfive per cent of it is due to canadians weighed against her natural resources it is not heavy it must also be taken into account that among her other assets canada now owns and operates 14000 miles of railway at the meeting of tho municipal council last week it was decided to submit to the ratepayers at the time of the municipal elections a bylaw providing for the appointment of a commission to superintend the installation and operation of the waterworks system tho synopsis of tho bylaw which is pub lished in another column shows that provision is made for a commission sf four with the reeve ex officio a member after the first year the commis sioners will be elected for two years commissions of this nature have proven of advantage to many towns in canada there is a continuity to the members which is not provided for members of the council experience in other places has shown also that business men who would not entertain a nom motion as member of a council with the multifari ous duties and vexatious experiences will accept office on u commission where tho duties aro confined to the one specific service in this work they feel that they can satisfactorily perform citizenship claims and give tho definite service for which busl ness training has qualified them efcni at the last meeting of thd canadian club tor onto premier drury said the falmmots party has made prohibition one of the pi a flits intls platform and it will consider it its duty to enforce the pro- ion law impartially strictly and effectively the eoplc have pronounced on the questions there is question of jt bciw a trick ballot it wa not ck ballot the people answered the questions fairly they ave their opinions on four separate nd distinct questions we will see that thoto opin ions are carried fluk impartially and fearlessly be cauae we do not intenti to make it possible for one class to do what thvoiher class cannot do person ally 1 think it would be discriminating against the rich if we nllowcd them to drink and thryrjooriiot to drink i think that fair and cqual enforcement is what wo require the inequality of exchangebetween cnnnda and tho united states continues no cause much concern on tho part of the government and the business interests of tho country although tho shipment of ten million dollars worth of gold to the united states by the dominion government last week to take cure of canadian maturities irknew york is expected to have a beneficial effect on exchange the situation is regarded as being so serious that cabinet ministers speak with approval of plans for a widespread buy in canada campaign as the only adequate way of dealing with he crisis ccnc canadian importers have been cancelling orders from united states firms on a large scale and here and there dealers in canada of united states firms are notifying those from whom they bought goo dsl ready in stock that no payment will be made until the exchange situation has righted itself the dominion government has protected itself so far as the post office department is concerned by instructing post offices not to issue money orders payable in the united states until further notice the dominion of canada was fortunate in being accorded an enexpected prominence at tho world labor conference at washington this was the first testing of representatives of all the nations held er the auspices of the worlds peace conference as u prospective branch of the league of nations this was due to the fact that trie united states the entertaining country is or tho present not in har mony with tho peace nations it has repudiated the peace treaty and is still at war with germany and other nations and so could take no part where it might have taken the lead in matters whero it was very specially interested canada was strongly re presented in all divisions capital labor and gov ernment and must bo considerably the gainer by being thus brought to light a peculiar thing about this position of the united states is that it leaves her out even from that paptsf the world which in the treaty she reserved as her own preserve namely latin america the a b c nations argentine brazil and chiji with a lot of minor ones are all members of tho treaty combination it lookes as if the american consumers wcro startingon a general strike said an authority on the retail textile trade of the united states and then he asked what aro the canadians doing for some weeks past the tailoring trade amongst many others has been greatly checked by the appearance of old overcoats and last years suits the consum ers in thousands of cases are refusing to buy until prices tumble this is especially true in tho case- of woollens the world supply of raw wool is excep tionally large and tho people unacquainted with pre sent problems of manufacture fail to distinguish between thd enormous supplies of raw wools and the scarcity of woollens manufacturers do not deny the existence of raw wool supplies but what they have to confess is tho inability to convert this raw product into finished material with sufficient rapidity to elim inate tho famine created by war and bring down prices within a few months time better and cheaper woollens are coming but it will be a few months be fore any appreciable change will bo brought about in canada or the united states in the meantime it looks as if a lot of people were going to hold tight keep their money in their pockets and wear last years clothing another reform has been advocated during the wcok by premier omry which has much in the prin ciple involved to recommend it ho suggests a form of local option in luxation it would bo a modified plan of single tux not compulsory but open for adoption by municipalities us they voto for tho re form tho proposal is to tax tho land and not tho improvements it would give the ratepayers of a municipality un opportunity to exempt v improve ments und raise the tuxc on the land one parti cular advantage this change in assessment would have over present- methods would be to discourage speculation in lands vacant lots could not profit ably bo held for tho rise in price consequent upon unproved sunoundings through tho erection of lino homes und other buildings by other citizens who spend their money forihese improvements while tho speculator silently looks on und takes tho price for the increased value thui accrued to his vacant prop erty suxh u move has long been advocated but form er governments in ontario never took kindlv t suggestion at tho last session tho greatest progress along this line was mudo when the city of ottaw was granted permission to make u triul of exempting improvements from taxutionjjnd imposing tho bur den on vacant land there are muny of the present generation who regrot exceedingly that they did not have iri child hood musical opportunities and are determined thul these shall not be denied their children the child hood of so many of us waa at a period in tho coun trys history when music was too generally regarded as something that could very well be done without music is tho godgiven right of children and to dc prive them of it ia a serious matter there is dawn ing upon parents and educationists a realization of the necessity of music in character building in nation building and in developing citizenship no home and no school should bo without music music will keep boys and girls at homo when parental preferences futt tho study and practice of music develops tho child mentally and physically it makes the boy or girl more nimble of mind trains him to thiirv rapid ly and accurately trains the eye and tho cur tcuthc discipliuc music is more than refining it is prac tical gradually music is getting on the curriculum of public and high schools tho free press ever alert for the intrduction or departments of interest and profit to its readers has arranged for a scries of musical talks by prof c c laugher tcucher of music and signing in tho public schpols of bowman ville the series was written to help tho musical development of his town and particularly for th benefit of the children- we believe our readers will appreciate this series of musical articles which com mences this week and will be continued for severul months if musical development among tho young folks of acton and vicinity results the free press will fool amply repaid for tho stops tuvcii to secure the interesting articles santa glaus has prepared for you at a t browns presents useful dainty acceptable bibles hymn books all churches books poets in best binding beautiful boxes of choice stationery initialed fancy note paper christmas cards in great variety toilet goods in all the latest designs french ivory brushes in variety safety razors fountain pens cameras the very best huylerv celebrat ed chocolates dolls daintily dressed and ready for dressing multitudes of other gifts to select from a t brown druggist and stationer acton ontario kvry limit mm what km hard iii hu wu llfo uml what 1m oay in the life vtiiynti oloe thlo 1m why there in o iiiuuh illtttontcut in tho buuiau rtco r milligan poultry buyer all kinds of firstclsaa poul try bought live oay dressed hide skins and tallow highest cash price paid thin iviiuy poultry tint w mi tod ut tiny prlo family discipline kiunlly tlurtptlno mem tn bo almnnt rt lout art in theao du ihiubtlona it nil ou id bo recovered and mario n ann art it wjould tin an intoreatlns ques tion how jnuolt at tho nnlrlt of law icnancb urwnllng in thn world today ur dun to tho laxity tu hong motil nnd tin llarictnl r hrtir authority jmrmuuni during childhood if blututlcm wcro obtalnahlo of courao tlmy aro not they would pmbahly how a ronl and vita connection im nwn tho two thin fit parhaiw no imtlcr or ovnrar tnat of tlm quality of truo uumiitima in imm- autlo uan thn ability in admlulmtnr ound ydtohllno u nuno and liolnful wyll huld ik alwnyi vindicatory but navncvlndlatlvo punitive only ma fur a punuhmiint tend to ha a ri- buko at avtl nuut und u dnterrdnt u vil futum at no tlmo ahouhl a iar- cnt lx mora raraful regarding hla own ntato or thousht and fooling than whon it in tiaooaaary tn nunlnh hu child navar aliould dlaclpllno bo ndminla- tonl in imjtnion or irritation or with out consideration of tho mental and nmrvous condition r tho offender for lack of wueh rounlderatlona pun- lahment which la jual and necoaaary inny bocomo noodles and inexcusable brutality clilldioii aomotlmaa intui tively miuw tho taycho logical situa tion bottor than their oldona jo you know why i wmpimmi yout oakod u mother with intent of enforcing tho moral of tho chaat loom out yo waa tho aullnn reply you licked mo ro you wua mad and porhapa that waa pretty near tho truth of uia matter ilttlo brother broko u valuablo vae and utile atr- told on him voa mamma i broke it bald tho tramb- l in it culprit fatw bo aurry bul dont ioim ha mad anothor tittle boy foil in tho mud hurting hlmaolf und ollln hi clean null him mother impatiently ordered him lo como into tho house promlalng him a wfcjnplng or hla cajolobancax ilooao nuulaaioirt whip mo till it rotm done hurt lug tubbed tho uttl fellow pathctlrully thoro wero logic ulid bound rnuaon a well aa pathoa in hla pleu if punishment for careleaa- iiokm waa tieccaaary rum 11 y an open mueatlon it would nuroiy havo boon cruelty to administer it whllo every nnrvj and muacla of tho iltll body mru tytvorlllb w mi kxchango christmas 8av monty buy at onr star no cheap gooda only tho vary boat chrlatma gooda now in every thing for your chriatmaa cako and chrlmtmaa pudding seeded raising seedless raisins fresh currants peels and nuts call and inapoot our gooda to a la to buy on prlc to all tlooda dollvarad to all parta of tho town mrs jennie hcdougall mill street acton ont now llurtiki nil id th look hero father t hla little turn who wu very naughty if you dont ay your pray- era you wont go to iiuuvbii fresh fish alex mckenzie wellington straet acton announce that ho will havo a hupply f kronh klah on thursdays ordorw loft at tho houao will rocelvu prompt attention dressed poultry tleat rashpot will ita paid for all kludw of ilroaaod poultry alex mckenzie the young mans best recommendation a savings account is mora thsrr n start towards financing independence it is a mark of character ono of the strongest recommonfjations in the world of business that a younp man can present xh a merchants bank passbook showing a record of consistent savings a savings account may bo opened with 100 which shows how hiily we regard the accounts of those who desire to save th merchants bank hdofhuhiiwl of canada v eubliihd 18a acton branch l b shorey manager georgetown branch h r- mimms manager lramiirtiniqmm uox 341 acton ont 1 a whole volume on actons history the column presided over by the old man of the big clock tower has been a marked success letters of congratulation to this ver satile old writer have been numerous when this venerable old gentleman re quested space for a contribution every week bom months ago we were just a little dubious as to how our readers would take to this kind of writing but the re sult has been wonderful one day we ask him how long he considered he could con tinue his writings and historical happen ings of the town and to use his own words he informed us as long as my rheuma tics behave and mary doesnt register a kick itll take me a year at least at the rate fm going and as long as he cares to write we will certainly be delighted to give our readers his jottings from week to week ft but herj h the point rjjiere is assured one solid years con- tribions by this writer alorig with our usualnteresting local features to get the full benefits of the oldmans writ ings it seems as if not a single number should be missed we are now beseiged for back numbers for friends the only sure wa of not missing an issue is to subscrpfw tlie free press at once back copies ot issues are uncertain and single copies are not always available tell your old friends about the features of the local paperthe free pressshow them a copy of tlie old mans writings and the re sults will help us continue to encourage the old man and give hup more space if the response justifies it it will mean about 75 columns of purely local history i oldtime doings and in teresting incidents within the next year wouldnt your old friends appreciate knowing about this or perhaps you have an old friend whom you think jlsos worth and would make him a christmas box of the free press for a year i the acton free press 150 in advance 200 to the united slates thob qrav m o i it o i kliiliiril 111 k h ulauitow mimjiii r liriiluh modi cal aamklutloii i onjro- ifroderbj i tut at dr j a m nivln phya clan ri suruo oiilc o and itoolde iiiii aveoui add iiulu ni the reld voce ronnorly iw upld i m hcn- deraoi aotnn oin veterinary john lawuon veterinary surgeon acton ont graduate of ontario vuftfliiary col- loco 1bh0 orlto arthur il u uonldenoa ulll htruei talla day or nlil prompt ly attended to legal fhoue no 22 p o ikjjc 38 harold nash faumer ma solicitor notary pufelo barria con nyart ctc pertlyman block acton ont moniv to loan 6 conveyancing loodif tnortkurck wllhf elf 1 each a h tract ii of tllltu fumhihed work jirefully and orul1y ioiu llourti 3 p m to h p m nt roiildiiix e 1ilvala r h wan 80 rough lake ava dr j m bell o d s l d s dotlt uqnor qroduato of toronto unlvor- itjr tho latoata anonthetla uaoc u deal rod oidm at raaldatiun cornor fcill and prodeiiok htroet miscellaneous marriage licenses h p moore leauar manrlaoe licensee xrlvato omoo no wltti re quired luuod at roaldenoo in evening vn xaxma otuoo aaton ont v francis nunan v booltblodor account booka klnfl ado ta order periodical 7rf- d- op tion caxfully bound un uy and promptly done wyndhaxn street luelph ont over winiamn store r j kerr lice need auotiormr ifor tho count lea t ilulion welllnx- ton feel and dinterln an i tho city of auolli acton ontario hale may be urruiitffd ly mull of at real den co at acton nr at tho free proa ofllre aci thai mercury omce cueii the kowaitooord veriium nr with w j gordon ilarnntm malur illllaburc hajfotj entruaiod io it j ici rr re ceive irttenuon from dute of lluthiif t data of aalo l4at your nntic with rne roaldonoe young street acton pbone 38 acton call at my kiinsnae j e cheevtrs book oindeh quebec st eaat cuotph ont boowa uiil rnutfjilii h 1 iiuml in flandaomo and hulmtantlul ruvum nunu luord in uum on ttlbloa hymn liooka and other txvolia all work promptly lxoculd d alex niven 1 ontario land surveyor and civil enolrteer survey bubdlvlali itu plana ho- borto iocrlptloiij illuoprlnu etc cextlllcatoa for iurchuaoni and rnortmurooa burvoyu fur artjiltcla hulldora and municipal cuunclui drajnac hikru ttllmatoa ute molean building douglaa st aueipl luono 1064 oni 0nes d grand trunk the double track rpute uactwliion montreal toronto detroit chicago buieplui torx on nhhl trulum a 1arlor cat un prhiiliml uul tiuliut kull lutoiiilatluil foin utiy oran trunk llckot utut or c 1j homlu tilalrlot laeoutr am i t turultto ix s hoijvlli airtnt acton ony 11 theid and ituliabtu tiranlurftnd marblo dealers tumiuuoturuiu und dlrnqf i of all klmu tt momnumtai luw- wo uru imimrtui and 1 laudato lu uur utatoi thum wtvhi our litilomiti w tiuvw tho imimi uppllti tly tnevhu u in opelato li w can klvo return at uur vuatonn nt ill placea where uthur aulta in onlir lo wi at whulumth b ltiludrm 4u pvri uiuti hi and lb jiniiiluti whu iu truixrly i oil i hundreda i ito und oiha to ltuvo la w mv lltle s ulen iii tlu wli wo mate ualyh und iiiiloy no itkunt and do not annoy or ui i uuuunmf by aeiuihitf uut laiuiiitni uuiiuiw aollclt lluf unluiwu outpuiy oilw mhtiul and defy ooiniwlltliiu 1 hamilton sot cor norwlau woolwiob tjta rwm

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