4 v lp actmt jurr preen 1 iiuuhday lit 1 miiilt 1919 nil flfiy ixpect- rulfml to hers n no lirlgtit thoy and chnjs mi on una utitl of main htreet wr bholbyvlllos bltf houses with fountains nnd iron dogs on the lawn on the other end the street ran through a colony cf cattajrea where the mill worker lived unally the street lost it identity out in the open country where it becom the road to taylortown i kveryono in shelbyvllle knew mlsa kate lulpln hbe llve1 about half way down main btreel her little cot tnajo was the only place in town where one oould still aee an old fushlonftd well sweep 2ooplo always went to see miss ilnlpln when they wanted to baa some hollyhock seeds or to find out the latest government advlco on conning anj preserving it was auto accepted as a matter at course that she was the one to be told whan nomo poor family needed help peoplo sent her thin- thay had no use for know ing- that oho would find some place for them she was one of shelbyvlll6s instmitlon just like the brick front store pr the courthouse on the w1l miss ilajpln waan t considered char itablo to some shelby lite folks charity meant bolonjrlns to some guild or club wlth omcers and meeting and a chance to wear your best clothes and see your name printed on a subscrip tion list in the bhelbyvlllo clarion hl halpln just took er lltue bas ket and did what ahe oould all alone and she had a lot of enjoyment out of it when she heard a sermon it church about sounding- bran and tick line cymbals aba would ond herself thlnldnx of some woman down by the river whose husband had his lea brok en in the stone quarry the next day she would toko them mutton broth and warm underwear for the children christmas was caroms you could tell that because webster a pae took the canned goods and spraying ma chines out of their windows and filled thoro up with sweaters and candy and whitebacked toilet sets in blue and red silklined boxes xter they would cut soma cedar trees on the aide hill back of the store and tack them up on the porch posts hiss ilalpln always fretted a lot around christmas time because with her scanty puree ahe could do so little to moke peoplo happy and ahe wanted to do so much the christmas spirit with her was not an impulse it was an instinct this year she felt that tba horrible war had cost such a cloud over everyone that there was danjrer of almost forgetting christmas altogether the children weren t to blame for the war and children without christmas was almost unthinkable miss hatpin was paying a visit to an iron dog on the lawn house to try to beg an overcoat for a man she knew who was just getting ovsr pneumonia mrs roberts had token her up to the attic it was packed full in that spec it resembled most attics 6ne corner were the put away toys of another generation the roberts boy had given up hobbyhorses and tin soldiers he was a real soldier now with a live horse the roberts girl had ceased to cry for all the beautiful dolls she w and bad many time dressed dolls for utile for away bel tans and french girls since the corn- ins of the war while mrs robert was pokinr around in the attic kata halpln had an inspiration thai almost took hor breath away it all came to her as ahe happened to glance over in the corner and saw an old hobbyhorse with a miaalng tall bho suddenly thought of a lot of youngsters who wanted that horse and it seemed as though a hundred horses wojild not be too many to supply the demand why not beg all these put uway toys from dotple who had stored them in their attics and take them down where the mill workers lived christmas morn tng and give them to the children la whom christmas was more of a prom ise than a reality the plan rapidly developed in net mind as she walked toward noma she was almost as good as vlsualls tng a scene as a motion plcturdtreo tor there must ho a big bobsled and someone would be santa clous she would make a red coat fur him out time speeds com and friends may scatter fa wide but loving hearts kesp memories kind however great apace may divide and ao w send you once sfjsln our tender greetings warm and and add the olden time refrain a happy chrlatmaatlde to you c hlmoftrwlth i it ersal erlfknt sincere greetings and every good wish for christmas and the coming year prom lp arfcm 3ftx press here jlulticflras itxixoplcs nghli mmfain a merry christmas to everyone of calico with white flannel trimming and little block ilabs to make it look like ermine lie must have a bljf black beard hbe was sure someone would donate the sled and horses if there was dimculty about finding- a volunteer santa cluus ua a last re sort ehe would put on the red lout and the whiskers herself the sled would be piled high and they would go front house to house shouting merry christmas and leaving toys and dolls and things just like a real santa claus performance in u storybook people entered into miss llulplu m plan with enthusiasm a arrets were ransacked and things brought to light that had long been forgotten ller little cottager was soon stutted so full that she had tu aoud out an h q 8 signal fur help her assistant were immediately out to work making lists and painting and mending and the ohoatlo heap kruduully took form in the midst of the hurried prepare lions kate received u latter from her cousin he was her only relative hi wlfn hud diod uiiil his daughter julio hud kept huuat fur htm until the day wlian she ran away and got married then she uun back and asked his forgiveness and he luld her never to darken his door ago in she took him at his word she felt that he would gladly eut out his tongue for those words hut that is often the case with proud i mo pie with quick tempers ha did ull he oould to find julia lleaoon uimo to the end of the trull hhu hud gone out into the way of finding his duughter same times he thought so long that it would be dark and the thousand eyoa of night would be blinking at him before he trudged back down the lane every morning he watched for the rural free delivery postman but tho letter never came this christmas his heart was so hungry that ho decided a pay the visit that had been promised lo his cousin kate ilalpln one day when the ten forty train arrived at shelbyvllle a tall mui alighted carrying an old fashioned carpet bog in hts hand he went ui to the station ugont and asked dlreo lions to miss ilalpln s home hy fol lowing the directions glvait by thu station ugant ha found his wuy up tu main street turned to tho rlghl ut the lresbytarlan church and was soon walking up the path to the little housu by tho well sweep just us lie arrived kate halpln was wondering how sh could ever rig ul that skinny clerk down at webetir a iage s so that ho could oven slightly resemble huntu santa cluus himself hut slit nlied him ss her cousin even though whan she hail seun him lasl his board was huck that was before julia had gone away hilas face lighted up wondurfully ut his cordial reception wull he bald choking- up a bit 1 thought 1 d oome ulid see you it was getting pretty lunosumo homo he never mentioned julia to anyone but his cousin kute did not propose to reaped his whim as soon as they were settled ut the supper table she wanted to have the whole story wus soon told and tlio telling of it seemed to lighten silos heart kate hjiiii iwgun on her wnnd fol chris imua plan lar list of girts was almost oompleted us your arm not una of the ruinlllos knew a word us to the plan shuwad hllus the liaupo of toys and dolls uud clothe waiting tu be wrap pod up and packages tied with el ribbon mr dvwiw the owner of the mill was gulttg tu donate u turkey tu every one of them tho giooer agreed tho paper she told iter cousin silas hut i told him it could not be bocuuse ww ware working li the families to bo visited dream a santa claus is to visit them christmas ixiy oumu bright and clear it ws just the kind of a day that the ones getting- up the surprise wunted a light fall of aiiow the night before had coutod all the trees with a fleecy muss but not enough to spoil the alelghlng the sleigh was plied high with tho presents silas had been over the ground beforu with kale and ha knew where ovory basket was to go it would six ii tin whole sclumo if unytkody wvnt with santa cluus you know kuntu always travel ultn alio told hllus und us hujiuo knows yeli u in hhulbyvtllu it will iki ull tho liner and 1 11 luko you to uvaryuiiii tu he vleltud iraforehulld thu homos ware the only telltale tlilim hut ixirhups the lhlldreii would not notloe that it wah a w clutters old ten in under the red uco tilunknis dtvoirutod with ever slaus there whs a knoojt on the igreen boughs instead of reindeer ukd door she opened it therettood osv v w tho team tuuy hav lo let hoi huvu the market baskets howled u was wonderful how many peoplo wulitnd to holp home supplied the trunbarrluh others the turnips and others oudlert wubslur 1ugo hud tlouilted their big bobaled for the do llvt ry trip und everything was turn plots hot bantu cluus himself bvw his lad cout was ull riulahed and kale bail been wdndoring whether btevu the aktiuiralerk who only accepted part reluctantly would look ptore ill turul in cotton whiskers or eomethlni made of twine or horsehair whan here is santa claus arriving on time ahe told her cousin you ii make a imrfeut janta cluus siium shook his head reluctantly at first ten years of bereavement nnd self efrucetnunt had mads him shrink rrom publicity hut when was there one to resist kale ha i pin when her mind was settled t that was why she had brought mora sunshine into shel byvllle homes than uityouo else in town and now this was to be her of faces somewhere in the world i crowning achievement tho reporter vyom that duy ufa lost its sweetness fur the shelbyvllle weekly clarion b luvued is apoud thy ituula up in noise bouuee they were covered with bells nuny different toiiee as tba chimes of westminster abbey silas entered into the spirit of the gumo with schoolboy relish at every house ho drove up with u jingling of bolls an 1 a merry christmas and bvforv the astonished children could realise what it ull wuu about a big rud fucud ttiuti with u red coat uud while whiskers dumped un armful of packages on the lubla with a merry christinas una house sluui found uloaed the man next door who wasnt on the list twuusu he hud no children told hllus bat thu family had moved away that morning ho hllus look buck tholr tuutket and duiolted 1 in the slolgti ami wnt on until tho hat wiu t oniploied hu wus ubout lo turn emu ii i to go heuiu whuu he thought of the left over buskot it doaati t seem the right thills to tukti it buck be tiiuriuumd uud de liled umt if only uw could tlnd a house mi hlu own utount wliora it ooul i be loft hf would take u lianoe on thu oouleiits bain i wuiloiiiu ho ha ilive on n t uitu hanta c lulls urrun 1 of his uwn it whs getting coldnr ho huililnml to the hurno to hurry a tltbt llul weuler v lges ol 1 team nov i hurrlml when their hea is wete turned from home aflar lie hud drivni a utile further shelbyvllle suddenly stopped us a town und hlh wui out on a country road lined witfa mist und rail feuoas una laat years cornnalds a sign mird saying taylorvllle three miles ted his eyes und just here he saw u house ahead ot hi in as ha drew hearer he saw wreaths in the wli dows und us a map came out of the door he caught a glimpse of a tree all spurge us through the open door he began to lose heart clearly this wasn i the house he was looking for the man told him a short cut hack to shelbyvllle and he turned the team around the old team came to life when they headed toward home the sled mllppexl along down the hill a small house stood by tho road at life was coming out of the chimney there wak a little service flag in one of the wlnuows homemade und badly faded through the window ho could boy sitting huddled up close to the stovu that settled the fate of the toy dog and tho soldier in his basket marvy christmus shoutod silas us ha opened the door the boy look ed ut the intruder with open eyed wonder folks homer uncle silas asked cheerily tho boy edged over into tho corner und glunted furtively towurd the back door hilum held up u wooden soldier that wus au poerd tnnlse its wooden arms und legs when you pulled a string- he pulled it eximirimeutalty and al- nxibt us much tu his own surprise us the ixty m ll worked the arms gave u grrut lop und the lop broke the loe it tlopiied uguln thut was too much for tho boy he wdgad over his nyea ullght whurw s your im hilus asked him has gone to war where m your ma the boy jerked his thumb toward the back door hha w coming just tin ii a wuutuit uunii through tho back door and threw iui armful of wood into the bo thou she stepped lkuk in surpriue to see a strange looking- old man in the house talking- to her boy mu its hanta claus hatita cluus dropie 1 the wooden soldier and made a rdst toward the un who hud vntered julia i ha cried ol father i the two were in eath others arms the boy standing- white faced in front uf them its your gralldpa lkey oh atid then dropping into u chair sha trlml us though her heart would break hut she was up again und by her boy u tulnulu later lis too good to be true she cried you re right jullu was the all- just us huto halpln wus taking- her turkey out of thu uveii she beard hllus sleigh hells well has hack she said as she p lured the turkey o tup of tho stove thau us she turned ilia gave an aa- e tarnation uf surprias whut did it luii t a woman un the seat beehle hllus and int ilttlu iwy wtweeu his well tfthtluul win thais din oughl stings wore ovei i they golherud urouud kule boui ful dinner hllus was sure tluit where in full h ha 1 by v i lie or in all the world tit tliut mallei was uiiyoim having quite su li a merry chrlatmas us santa cluus himself thu yoi ieoples weekly for suug ie used i ibink of some i wanted to write a lee about it for foot of the hin a pale wlgp of amok johnnie 8 sacrifice one two three four merrily rings the suiool bell releasing the fifty little scholars from their tusks leav ing them free fur the day hastily copybooks pens mid enclls are slow ed away and desk lids not loo gently iuhhmi whan hush the mistress piises lies bond and in a moinu the hubbub has iraued lint little furen uni why is iroihcrn tui i hlldrn 1 imvn wjmo gimxl news for you nlie nuyu umllliu rtiund up ii them hrlslmus as you know will soon be here und each fine of you yrs very woytttfid girl them is lo have u chrliatmun gift and to but hare hear interrupts tba miaker fifty palm ufeyes shining with auger untlclpa flnuthat mis hrihika has no haurt to tll tin jjur i hc iml m uf the de il9syxj ilitllnti how mony tin won ifuwllli rt hluh lnvo rvrr i u ral hrlnimio gift ha v ivr known tl joy ol u dull thut will go to sloop or a lok with wonderful lorwl pictusest them l llttl johunlo hlukt hvylie i iirnnr bis 1 right blu eycu gusmg up tit ha rlllnc i i crlrkrl but that will hit itall little i ury clumping her hands h pliiy in tba hope uf u dreased doll how much it meuus lo these llttl thinly clad rhlldran a rrnl toy of their very uwn at twelve o clock to morrow mlas unlike m voice u hnnrd uihivo tho buaa of children s voices ti nuy vou must stay 111 your places unit the toys will le glvun out now you may go alln hrooka sighs as tho last of the llltlo nagar huihcd faces disappears with a smile uudjthlnks with wistful eyes of thf scone just witnessed the joy thut lius been brought to tho chil dren by somebody s kindly thought aguln she sees johnny s happy ex pectant furo how nxrlted the children will be to morrow jsind so thinking she proceeds to unpack and arrange neatly on tho big table the numerous gifts for the children tloldoo- haired dolls in wonderful frocks that go right off tu sleep soldiers thut will stand up stiff and straight in their bright rod coats tea sets just made for an at home and ten rosy cheek ed cricket balls with ten shining new cricket bats in tuct everything that would bring- bound los delight to the children of the poor miss uruoke self the last doll up and then covered the table with a cloth in readiness for twelve o clock on tho morrow would twelve o clock evor come subdued excitement was visible on every face a feeling of unrest was in the air oh how slowly the school clock ticked how long and unending the morning seemed to the waiting- children sums would not go right twelve was tho only number that seemed to be fixed in their busy little minds busy with the thoughts of what twelve o clock would bring even to ulss ilrooke tho morning was a trial lessons were hot the usual success the children simply could not listen when the carefully covered up table held something for cacti of them twelve o clock yea it was really striking ut last excitement was at its highest pitch as misa brooke un covered the loaded oble in all its splendor a loud gaap of oh i in credulous delight visible on every small face then miss brooke raised her hand again one by one children we will itnrt rrom tho top nancy ooddard nancy trembling all ovw with suppro4fcd excitaxnent in another moment clasps in her little thin arms a doll so woaderxul to hrhold that sho really thinks she must be dreaming johnnie is soon hugglng the much- prised bat and ball ow he has longed for a real bat and though cricket days were o long way off be could self victorious he would beat tom perkins see if he wouldnt he gased at it with glowing- pride a cricket bat 11 shiny and new hii vary ownl any child in a nursery laden with wverj desired toy as happy as johnnie with hie one no johnnie had every thine he wanted now find i have one doll left over says ulss hrooka after having distri buted all the gifts t will put it aside for the present and now children run away with your toys for mother will want to see them i know with shouts uf joy off they scam per johnnie treading on air without a doubt he was the happiest boy in the world dut on n earing home his speed slackens for he must go gently he may wake sister ul softly be lifts the latch und turns the handle and tip toes up tho rickety stairs hlster li might be asloep he must not waken her but us he peeps cauti ously around he sees the big eyes wide open and on seeing him the little cripple gives a cry of delight a bat a real cricket bat says johnnie excitedly and lols her hold it and admire lb and now do tell mo all ubout it what did the little girls have and utile ul s voice sounds rather wistful oh dolls mostly johnnie replies dolls in pink and blue and oh oh luw lovely interrupts ul dolls lii pink and blue oh how i wish i could go to school like other little girls and have dolls but 1 would be happy slwuys in bed with u mul doll tears were shining- in the blue ayes so llkct johnnie s ahd he could not bear to nee the little sis ter he adored crying never mind ut deur he soya soothingly when i go to work for money you shall have one and breaks off suddenly an idea jnto his head hut could ho oould hu glvo it upt ui he shouts as rushes rrom the rootp 1 ii be buck soon than runs fur dear life down the road back tu school he must not stop if he does he might look ut the beautiful shining bat under his arm und change his mind ugali no he must think of little ul m tearful blue eyes and get to solioo in tli hot and dishevelled ha runs into the mms of miss llruoke who is just preparing- to leave 1 tiuvi gasps johnnie to ask if if you would nhuilge my bat tor tho doll tliut was left over all this through job liunl run wus a little liiouherwut and until he regains lib brxutb olios hrooka gently tells him tu rest and than tho fehole story has to coma out and iliss llrooke deeply touched at johnnies sacrifice takes the list uud wraps up the beautiful doll now vou must lot me know what little sister ul thinks of her doll sha buys as john nies misty blue eyes follow tho bat out of sight und gulping down a sob in his throat he rpllea yes kflus hrooka thank you and rushoa off at top spd ugalu 1oor johnnie ha leuruu whut u real sulilnoa means as mihs llrooku in tended hhu to do as he mils ulone vbdons uf that long ihurlshed bat rise up before rujn and then the awor picture of his beloved little mlatoi wit ting up in bed with the doll hall tight lu her thin little arms consoles him und bravely he puts his uwn joyi ualil an i so chruliiuik duwns johnnie by uls bodhie putlantly superln tending the tlojli toilet and surgiuit lug names for the christening and then the dreuded iusllun comes johnu where is you half in the exiltanie uf the advent of the doll this had be forgotten oil hello thei some one knocking i will go uud s- who it la lint tui tat again uomes the knock and owning the door johuula lontrontw the iwuitnuili a wry lure man lo him uaatar john orant h say- hi pleuuuitly as two ougi r hands take the unexpected purvl and so up- utufr it is opened on ul u bed the tmloved doll staling fixedly at thu pro oeadlngs another hail und oh johnnie what a beauty but who it is from and what tun yi u du with twot ciism ul hut johnnie is louklug ut the ullp uf taper enclosed in the parcel und reads with shining eyes iw the bruva boy whq sacrificed his gift for tba sake of his utile ulster a huppy chrlstnuu tu them both iris k u uuiikliu service and grow tli great and permanent growth m any institution is impossible except on the basis of genuine service to the public for 87 years we have aimed to give a sound and comprehensive service yet withal a friendly and sympa thetic one to our customers our present strong position is a measure of our success but more largely a measure of our usefulness vvhy not let us serve you tooj the v bank of nova scotia pdp otful order your christmas fowl now mckneky evans will have turkeys geese dodos and chickens our stock of christmas beef will bo unusually fine and all homo killed wui have abo special display of lamb veal and pork at the new seduced prices our stock of canned goods is worth your consideration try a package of lanka tea mcenery evans acton meat market main street the brunswick what shape is a horn dul you ever hear of m horn or mecmuhone that w square lo you know why ihey never send wstar thruuch a square plpex every phonotrrunh or talking much no has a horn but they call them amplifiers they are really the mea phones of the machine it is their duty to round out the tone and send it to the listeners now what shape do you think this ilohn should be toive the best tone and what do you think it should be made of resonant vlbratinc metal or wood built on the violin principle t before you buy any phonograph find out the hilaie of the horn and what it ih made of one of the socrets of the lutunhwlclc s wonderful tone on jlul records is the exclusive patented oval tune chamber and throat iluilvr fcjtiilkcy ov wood like u fine violin it actually ixjkh eliminate alt harshness sll the stridency and that tinny timbre that we have klwuys thought a necessary evil of the old style tslkliuv uachlnos all w ask is that you use your uwn ears your own judsment see this wonderful improvement with your own aye compare it with anything you like at any prloe you cannot afford to make u mistake iuid it costs you dothlna to be sure mason risch pianos bell pianos brunswick phonographs singer sewing machines and other lines you can purchase any of above on small monthly payments frank king next door to livingstones bakery main street georgetown the prince of wales urge photo of the popular heir to the throne for sll free lrcs jcadera the family herald and weekly star of montreal have secured ihc- occlusive rights for all canada for a real good photo 10 it 22 inches of tho prince of wales it is by vatitiykc tho celebrated london fttgland photographer taken on tho eve of iho prmcca departure for canada tho acton free press has made arrangements with tho family herald and weekly star whereby wo are permitted to in clude the princes photo tit u dubbing offer wo now make the following offer good only until december 31st 1010 the family herald nnd weekly sur one year coat 12 tho acoi free pnau one year ami l0 we offer both papexau for one year each and an autographed copy of the prlnco of wales portrait size 1022 inches all tor 275 all orders to he sent to this office gifts for boys and girls 60c ei 100 s12s go i mi h i i uint 225 2 7b 2jzo 3j00 1 u ii1i1 111 vj50 oj00 9h nimii ii minus wanosb sj30 1525 00 jfi 76 1725 7jm iioi kl v hrickh i6t to bsc kmmhi wfnvsf 2joo 250 3jqq mkooti it i 11qq snd 112s will 1 i iiauhowh jo0 17t 2j0o t allttt 11 ib 3 00 1j6 v roikxuas 20 3jd0 136 f rxi iii h u mionh 1225 and sz76 ihh kl v 1 kall 1125 onj 7j0o the bond iiaiywaki co ltd pbon 1012 i ouelph this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct ajl mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you satisfaction savage co jewellers guelph ontario the acton free press warning this offer is good only until december 3 1st iui0 when il b announced the price of the family herald will be 1 50 a year c w kelly son guejjph ont acton flour and feed store ww havti h suiioly ut tliw oluwli b uw uu hand tits wsllkhuvjii brrtd- ul kl ckoics norvsl shd nstlonsl pit ui nothing bsttsr holled oaya oilcakl shorts oat cho bhan rilto flour tult in lluritd suo lit huns or htiwll uusntlty if dxslrul mkclal 1jn1c in ciuckkn vku oivic ouu ci k mlul a tiuytx uoaiismic uoi il icu oatw 1 tiik lillht i t sllslu iimhj 1 mho hl hu robert noble limited henry wrei manager