Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1920, p. 1

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lortyimh yturina z1 1 acton ontario thursday morning january 1 lt2 single copies 1 ivcjcont3 jjew advertisements tjllfc mktiiodist chukcii acton mov w i will lf lilt lit imltll till ill vi iilni u rvin u flinuliy ii jit0l rount iiif u t mil i i mil ijiouol linn t i inni ii h u i iiii i r 1 iy rt 5 mil iu mrnn orna milch cow tom bale a ylitr riirli4in cow out to mvi al rl j i or ml hi u hmitiilii cilah llll i h 17 if llyilr j mm 1 olnvti co ron bale iri in i i iltlt inil m iilti t oiiriloti pi i fuiu iif il lulllhiiii in cool tonilllloii w up fir ipihk uulo mih i m 1 inltf ay u 4 wlllirldo on hay ijor oale wuutiil il rhiilluiin or hamilton jli mull r ul in 11 lniiiiiii for tox liu ii ik aici vannattiql halllrmfiiil xm- 1 ton 7 28 3 mil merchant jc von wont tn niich llkiluylnu iiublh t alton mill llm minouiilhik lomitiv viii llllllll 11 n 1 nil iiich imaui tt in i lmt lliroujcl no ndur mwi overcoat lost a luiy ii kty ivon n wiim bikini finm llm htiiitliitr itlnk wiiltlinr linom hy miutiiki mi tlm fuli d iinlbi i- 1 iirty win kill u will kindly inuvi ut thn pout oith 1 jamlm r xfattimwh advertise it i i1h 1 iiw 1 uf 11 if hi willi ttft ri itll 11 pimp r anton mul vlijhiliy t hiuliitliui of dim 1iikm intiuim in tha truilo nri i of anion 1m nut uppnmahii i liy liny ihur muir acton farmero club annual meeting tin tin mi ii mttlnif of ailon ihtrm tm club will ihi hill in ilm counoil- clmmbnr anton on h ilurduy junuury 3 1d20 ut 4 30 o clonk hid ruiluom alitor t will 1 ii jriintit mul iiltlonm will bo tibmtpil ft r tin inuiillik your 362 h n tiltown liwildurd douplbhqubcf0saael tint roinjienut liiuihn at tlm oornor of xlutn nnil knk wrlu anion mix rnomu in npiirtmnut uml llvn room in tho othei flan i avllitr oiirdi ti kutriimx from 1 oili trtiitu lor purth uluin unply in mm ji nnln mnj poll k 11 ai tun or w p hmirit jh clmiioi k ava b7- ioronto splendidhome for sale tlifl twi utory inlli iridic iooh on llowoc avnivun jnixt to xii j duo ill ildlmou r ulili inn nh ftm nxnnh imiitry uml oli i ui mul il lirluk whhi- hliud kith mlli dry iimiitint llnurtiil tool titr hliln ilrlvo may lu fin nlthor muifi tit hdiiiin alxlyhlv ftint rrontiibd con tntlly luiutuil liuriiilo nlliimrtiooh 3 tdc t null will hliy tliln iiroiiorty aniiy to ii p wooulfl 1ilmliiiuiu onico anton conulilni knkinecrs- tho etarjamesjco limited e m proctor da so mnd- 36 toronto st toronto 0n hridcca lviimnt n wittvrwifa howmiiifd hveliiiiu iimilm mtorm hfjintibt i iihllt uolhi iiuihiiiikh liiouirh i aihuiutlonu i itlkiiilon qu poo unully pmifi out of tut ntonty w avo ollnt ah sizes gfjcpai on hand rcrotlitqve nutand pea try a ton of vaiiliiu1 in a oon llunin junt iui woll bm mit nniil in tlie rmiku r biniill nutur junt uu ffjuoh itaitt uiiil oinililijriiblo imvliia- loiuuiiuv krice 1050 at ym j b mackenzie four weeks course in agriculture to nr tevhh in yim town hall acton jauuary 6 to january 30 l j- also short courseinhomenursing january 10 to january 20 l under the direction of ontario i apartment of agriculture unlton county itrnnch nndjjalton womeno institute 1 ho coiirbo in akfidjltjiro will cmbraco wvh umk 1c llfllcijh an i muwnh i llm itol h a1hv1n ioijitiiy liiiwkktai in viujir inowia ommiint conhthtfction moh o lanllkmh atmuui tuuaij iioiawv inhkgtm mtiil kunfhih juowlli iiactjcltloi ooy i altm ah1uim1 jiouinl jkahm at oounhi khoihii uml ompoittrion vlotiqitlnailv hciiont k viotiwaitltj ouowma llio cotirso m homo nursing will include demonstrations and lectures in homo nursing as follows horn numna and prt aid thi human body nd ita struqtur bloktoomrsmnltatlo bd making for varloi eibknaaa th blh entarqanoiaa hord 90 1 j applleallona band i n cantagloua and lnuotou dia 1 forma of th admlnlatratlon of pood and madlolna batjy hyguna experienced leclurcrs and intcrchtinif illustration and emon- btratlons will be given throug h counieh fllo a putnam r lllimnflhr a- superintendent womans institutes aftriculturiil ucprtscututivc burlington out e c stillwell b s a auifotimt the-1920- phonograph pforyou buy any i thin year just you ileait the urunswlck ah phonosrahfl 0 one with a brunswick in your homo you have tho true flrit md to n happy new year you have an instrument that plays all rpcords correctly the brunswick gives you absolutely unrestricted choice of records and enables you to play every make ns it has been specially designed for tho brunswick this is duo to the allrccotd ah- nucdle ultona this is one of the new ideas eiri bodied in tho brunswicks exclusive and perfect method of reproduction it plays all re cords infinitely bettor by a moro twist of lha wrist it provide thojircclso needle the proper diaphragm and tho ovact weight fur any makoof record nothing to take oft nothing to put on simplicuylkhl- a child can adjust il v- r tlicahwoodovalllorn 4- tho laws of acoustics prove that sound waves travel in ovals or circles and that thoy arc purer and sweeter when cou- ductcd through seasoned wood this is tbo reason behind the brunsuwicks xcludivualuwoodovaihorn likouhcsound mgboard of n piano or a flhe violin it is built entirely of wood no metal whatever this feature alone accounts for much of th0 brunswicks pronounced superiority in tone projection in exchange tfie bruiisftviek is die final phonograph finn birr why inyest your chnstinai money in a brunswick a riinall deposit will place one in your- homo your old nlodcl taken iq exchange frank king ncvx doorlollvitlb3tonos bakory main street georgetown rr wontjer1anp new vearq pav virtuous men lit t ii nlkllt all muir ctttiy till nimu t iiiiny tl itt mimln hiiliiirn rlnru k iliinoln j iho iovlnif litmn woili v- 1lii luu nim hoimui ui iii nm xtciiwn ivyi liiiwn wi tho miru n iilnl luvli i ttoirtiir on tlio no i il ui to of hie il turn tim limit ijutk m llmwh ii forvmt ii r unlit in n i iln inii tlirllllulf ii l v ttilw pit tun hui mitnii ion uml leo iviitlny u uml 2 wur tux fridav jan 2 inn wlmliu mil wltu hlli- loy mnmm tlio fihimm j roulit will olmill cliutn 8atujidav ian y inu it 1 liu mur n tue8dav- i- till hlltlt lm- of mlkht lht- flrt ipluilii nf itio turllit ti plum lor xlmii- tuln rrt gregory bss russells klehtpriccfl d c russell wishes all customers oi 1919 and i probpective custoiticrs t for 1920 a prosperous nijw year v p c- russell t 1ltlsarr acton ont stor clouti wq vxeapt friday and saturday koevo bather ami council hy acclamation i ivo nominee for school trufl- trts and three i he z elected watcrworkb commission dv law albo to oe voted on au hiiiimihiii iut1ia otlltorlul viiiton f hiu uulln vhlcliwolit to irnu iwfiro hint ilijek luiaauy itvaillfi itiivo ii it i r hum uuun lmul with him u cuiuijrll whlrh will wru imrmonl- 111 ll h wiu tlinitfllt rw imullf1timl tl il itrnlft n illl lx nkwairy tl ujl uida rwmlnutfc wroro tin hour vrliun tint liullutlimm miwt 1 l i dii innnmiffl hfie cotnlcir wuu ilnuliy miruiiinml an nl llmi or oiii i lllorri im lli r1iy tivolitnd mj- miitlmor xliwnt u i unit who vmi nomlnutwd rulll ti ntuiliry sj yjojrvtjjiu ii htlly i fr witl y liirlulllatlon ait iflliww hiivitiiti murlkr tiiinilliuitawm inuuuviji u a uit john liulniuli uml wllllum itltiiiln lii only miiiilhirw of lut lynur wiml wm to oci ujiy urni rnniru at tho iixll of wo ur uihivo lurlhir unit cmumlll ir ilhhuimi at llm inmitiiutlmi mt t noon hour on mnmlhy llm rolluwliiu iiomliiuttonh viro uimlo por rnv okoluiio liauulclt no a ii xlrtim hoioiiiiimi por com noil lor ww ajtnoln nomlnatod by drown uxooiiiia i hy wm cimtpi r jlihicmiaii hlcri honshmt lth 1 ii ilonny uiuondnd liy j a uur- roi a o i 111 aiiiimohh nonitnuud in j ix ja luhmun unromlml hy f mcliiloiili pit ji a cox ii nomtiiatwl by llilimiim a morton htmin 1 j1 hy lllll- iiomi ijimiij john jl i iqitllman tiomlnutod hy juinom hyiunn mtondnil hy itimt mllllk kiin a moyar unniliutl hy ii in i mi toil hy hy jitiiiiiu ity qrant to tha pall fklf- at llm ilouliitf uhiilun ut ill county c it uritiit ut 13 wuu iiuulo bu- llm hultuti aurliultiiiiilmoiuty uu t i to do t ti li t i aitioii i i tovn nvlmm uid lliirllnuton mil liufuluf onkvlll fluu tltu 4 garnoa brlok wofu complud 11m hrhk vork it iir ciodiu ll ifiirnuifiin ftfnjiljlrmjtlri iiliuui-ullu- ul tiu 3tltt irliuluvir- lr mm ii rnillt for mtkblhtf to 11 tliroiikh nil of r i oh wmlhtn llm mi lumtum will nonr hiivo ii vluti r u wi rk lutforo tin in r t jcnaph hall opand 7 h ill iui i il ul t mi j inil m in on luwijay iviiiiiik wuu luruiy ultimjiuill tll ihuih hit i in ut imu hui u linnforiin into it hrluht 1 1 in 7 r i b7hr7oiil ifullinr iwl row lu mntniinhihil thut it ulmll h u imnlilii imi ihiur 1lnrti foi tin huiiiihiirh nf hi j ioim- clnirili mill thole rilniilm i kookoy matulwi tfll wrk tin lihhiy lyinfuu u hotly mti l lit u willi if holky wuu iliiyrl hu twonl till owll llllil tho lumimliu hhww rho wiiiurlih win with u mdhin of k 1 on tuomhiy vi iiluu ktoikwoolii fuut nun nf jnnl r4 nuu down mul vujij jiiulnil anton u junliiru in ii morn i r ui2 tin rlifk iium nmoh of ilf imjllili nnrt thoho nvoiiliiitm bad road cauaa of motnr acolilant it lu ul1ni 1 unit thu i iniuo uf tlm totont iiurliniu iidohltmt to mr klluli illitcku mr in id itm tninutih wuu a hud nliiim in thu roml ihu mul tor wuu uu ut thu pihii mlmir tnnl tlfiu of thn county cinmoll a romilutlm wiut ttuuwo i thut tlm ropnui ntutlviu from lowhlil of tcwiuonliitf lu tho coiluly toiuifill romiin in a iipoolu ilttoi to fully invi ntluutii tlni no uhiiu mul oliilniu of mr lllaok and mrti ijmii aihihur ou of th ulohltnit honor- in an amrlen soldur won him imu iiliwiii hy thn fflatdfvliitrn nfmlluri ll tdwl- hy tttitir william ltnchiiii lioinhmtl i ty i it uiuuliiiw miwoiuiiki hy ii cor- illiuir fo fiohool trul 11t1 illl 1 couixni it numhiutnil hy j0iini tfyiiiii hoc o ml ml hy unlit ml llli mi itl vim moyiw nominal hy w willluiim utmniloil by jumow hymon 1 c uuh1iiclu nomlnntiml hy a i drown mti oii tiy iuwnmoo wlllllllllm jamic1i hvmpni tinmliuitoil by a ii mpijiui l kcoiuluil hy itoht mo- ttnt c c hlumin iinmniithl hy j 1 irurrow inwon iwl hy a 10 nloklin at tlm riiucilunlon hf tlm iiomlmitlnnn ilwnu rohiilvt 1 lu mt lu tlm ovonlnif n nlv thn imihhru if thn coiilicll unit iui uvhool hoard mi opportunity or biviiik an hrpoinit nf tlm if mtowurd- hi1 uiijl tlm iinululutau liomliiiitml ii i hum n to urctieiit their vlow on iuitloim wwdvuluiulo inuruut tl4 iilitfttnni le at i inn oltvflk ob tunmluy ayanlmr ihu liflur wliloli ciitiiluiiitiw nonjln utd liny ntlro nil worn mill lu uid 111 111 111 bullot will tlurtforo inuii thn fnunwiiiu nunum t htiflllilftw cohdinwu hhv i m moyklt jamiail hymon j c uiimmi i 1 c c imioiit thrno nf tin no nm to ho aloctod for a iwo ymr torin mr hum t c iluaaoll mul c c hihiikhi liuvo lnwn memberti of llu honri fur mimiui yimru uml both inwo- luutn clinlrtimn mrjohii ictimy ii monibcr for many yimrk rdtlrori i in ham ulvmr iniintuttontlon to uiliool iturttiru mid iium iiflnuploil tln iioultlou uf clmlrimui iif tin itounl thin hitmtluir wum cniloil tor dikii im j ruin inniihiiilloti tnov liny ujiiurinx hold kttln intirttit for th rutoimyorw iniiulhly twintynrtn worn prnut liiul ii round thu li- nontvriiro wuu htllil llm itsovn nifluliitd thn waterworkn hlifli tii nito mid thu nlioti factory kltuuthm nt coiihi ifablo imiktu ntul nyl tmitly uutlmlloil thn rntopnyaru lirtmaiit on tlm vurlniiw polntu hrouuht ruriiiia itslhsiiui itnhtitiitftllttyrff fin mn nltwtlon by oaiixtnut1oi nnd ixiituiiii tli ii wihii thut tli nm comi- cll inul noon tit to rutlialti for re ol no tion tit hull hit would iirtirnrto di 7nflilmmir- of tlmm w iloliifc hut ilid dot wunt to uhow oowiirillot ituii jonl i ri mtilii to llnlah up tin woik utuhrtukuii moinirh john lnluhiriuil ami william itltohlii vni thannly two nnmlnaon foe cduufllllom iirummt llolb thuiikoil tlinlr inyyor inul mwamlw for tho bitnor mil linmirtrt ulp rnttnnyorrt thoy would uho uu ir hunt miibuvnr in thn tbwn i wi ifurt if nliiuri to olllro ordersdncouucil all cancelled todny but nine ccnsorsnlp in also abolished h shoojdhavebwirrp veajr ago ulf pair8u0arcxalwoot remaih iiiih piurulns till rorm in cuimoll iiuhpihi uud infuyod by vlrtuo of ui wur m miur ant t otluwtt iwonmu lltfctlv olii innnliftijh of nrdora luhiir numborud in ttuian whloh wr liu loiidfrlw common time on thin it mimlmf or thrt cublnnt ntutod yarn- utility uuit oontrqry to thn ihtrpr- tntlinin 1 1 thu rtjeluoinr ordr in coiiimll wlibh hud twu jnjultattwl thu iirdij in council rrhttliik to nonwrlihi lu amnnir tbow rnwolmlod from -jmiu- u ry i wmt only itlna ordrw rolntlnir in tnuw unit niintinlal mnttnm out iiiiumf with tho miomy remain rrrnt until lln unit nf tho forthcoming uuiuiliin of jurllnmunt v only oritur in ciiull dttmaod utiihn tn wur mctihiirw aot whtah will iimulii itrc dm i mini it coii 1 1 1 nf pulp nnd imimr mumni ooaluiul wool order uovrriilirf hllvir coilmnc und goliliftx port tnnlhik with tho i up my niul in turiiuit nt of nllnii unl tho orilor r- j itlnic tn mii wur puitjlinalntf com injtulsjn piiiko lp hoi n if willthvfi wtth tb now voir tlio centura oftteo will bo alonud uu hooii un ho bualirhn coniuotlon wltir thut umlertqjliitf cun hu tlrrludoul r j kciir8 oale list juuuury 7 jigiujjry u fntxu lv hit orwy kru h cllbatiii ici f icrumohii clibhtfn icuat out ncwtt of loiil injjwrl ljaujit fifiifw lit f tflt k wila wiih uu i iran i id lli r ami ilhd fiom tlm dnil ii milvuil 411 iindou in it 11 1111 1 u iuhl jintii iry tlnit bin 1 ody lnii bnnu brouiiht tn tlio unltjd jtnti m iiiti r- it wm muiln with mlliliiry hmiorii ut putrolt u fw wo uu nico 1 hn fudut of ho huivo mrtlllir intl lu nnw in huttt mniitiuiii with hlu lirnthir llov drgliurhii a onok a blunt but elooiinl mamarlal tho iiiimliiia of anton o w v a lulhl a vory it tin if mul iiltruntlvn trl- hut to tlulr fill lull uoniindnh ott chrmtmiiimiiy oirttnrtiiwwnttli mill htroiy front of tho aovnruiiinut ihllldlntf thy pluetl 11 tripod hourur u wi nth of lanrol with 11 luruo union jack llntitlinr nlmvo mul u uolillnru nmtul trinoh hut 011 tha ui aamiwurd hum nth it whh n hlloiu trihulu whluji iipiuuilod o ull whj iiilw tho inoinorlnl uml iiiiuku volumiii for tlm mplrlt of couniiiloulitn nf thn uo fur uu if fall u romriiiloii ohrutniaa wa m happy day thf iutii im chrlhtmiim puy wuu uluinut tilml uhnip injlfht froaty hut tmnuhlhy- wit ho jjiniinl fulriy w ji iovoio1 with uiiow tlioro wuu ln mioihiiihu hut ho motor cur run oil hi ft miunnllilly uttimttji romlu nvury- whoro nnd thn front in thn ulr niuilo diivlnif ixhlliirutliitr tluro wuu ifoiut ukutlnu ut tlm rink niul wonifbrlntul lildtiirn nlmw wim nrowiloil both nfttr- nou mul ivfliilntf thu hnililrodh of vi wi tor onjoyod tho ilny ntul thn chrutmuii njilrlt whloh ntloniiil it utimoilluuly j important raal batata transaction mr i d ismuloy linh uojil thu twenty ilu0 noro furm h lilirohmtod in -jfm-m4iut4wlv-oii-tha-i9ajit- iry umltu of tho corpnmtloii to mnmru jfmamlah llnll uml it a tltorty mr 1 nihloy uuirvtktwo 1101ld fuolntf w 1 tltnut uilil rmolvoa d too fpr th bnlmioa muhrh hill itnl btory in to ml ilnvotluif u part uf tint iiropcqjy to hull ill nit in tu mul may commijoo tint 1 riiotlou of liouhvtf thoro noxt nu itm uxtimh t tiilu hui trimt of html will mum hucomo poputur an it nltloutlu1 pioimrty f i vbuvyand th motgr car alnx wllon ji milton wan flnuil icjiiiil ohih by iol ino muulnintn loo fin havliik whll h y die tun mini ok n thu htruiilm uf milton in thn cur of lib umplnycr ha ill ilanuon it in ft nor tod now hint hatimlny ho waj uuuln uvoi xkblljirutul took tlm ijiur jtrhlioiit ir mlumlon or mr lluukipiip jtey from mr muokbrlrliiom burn jnwhton it wuu mtoroil wnt t ouidwr in it linn wuh hnmidit limit mi mfcily in iiiidtlmr mlthjhw hend bundukod ktt in mild to h in i xd navv 1 mr iioithdiiu oar im mill in clihtlpir uml hull tn huvo item wrtnkthl ita nwuui buu olinic hoi 11 1 from buriiu uml in invuhtlgut- hnr chiiniiiloii puraa found ut not tha ownal on tuouijy tbt b3rd itiht u luiy tuu uiojiullauyitzlmi th nilhfoituiio to- ilmp litr plinia in tlm tout ottloo hhu ihl tiotttnh u until ho hud conn uoroimrtriw htrot in thu nienntlmo u buy found tlifepurq thul amiulnd of hpyrul built 1 in tlm otiloo if thay hud lant it they uiimwui id tn thir iifkiiuvo nm tha hid wont out thn purhff im un ah 1 on if blttuk oio oontulnml two 0110 ilnlliir ii1h u huhh- tlty of ullvtr mid u rntmii tlokt to lnri y hoinut tho bom ut huy willi foiiml tlm pirai wlllh rvwurtleil by jonvlii nl thn loo qjllt und will lonfur 11 fuvor upon thtf indy tvuahi who bint it paaturaa amh thortirdliraa on jniiuniy h a ii maolieiiuuii v tfutublo hpot lullit lorunto will upiuu ut thn hbort coufno in asrluul itirtr uu vuiddulila krowliiffnml ovuiy- hlntr inrtilliilnk tn nillturnl condition a of minimi iiiopu rhlh lenturu from mioli u lmturor boui th firmcra kiul ttiovoiif of tnytnwn nhoulfi bnbi 11 icnut ituul of valuublo knowreiuv n u mitt ry 0 mt m v oodh of chiithmn will bv ivhi nt ull day uml tcw pruutlnul rtomonatrnttoiih on nolla hiuf iliiluuo how tn ttj uviili how tu iiiirvny ilolw how to tnka uuiunffr uud nut lii 11 proper tiulbuiro ayntnm i iiim will bn n pruntlnnl ilrnhitml loo 110 on bow to tiao nil iirnlnnup in- mtllilmiltm mian 1lit of lixhrldki it uriiiluiih uf inwintu fli imruf lion hllll will ihi thn liiitllril lu iloillii iiuminf alii lhi nbl hlu ti ok n pnkt ki iilunlo mill in ut the wrimun iiumpltui nny york mid tuuiiliiuijl dimoiuiliiitoil in hi ibkiim iiiiiiual tipokmu wnnh for ot lib t yuiiriu ollnu tori nm d loitliura will tuku pait lu imjui lojiimi i i ebqucbing cihoii and nassagawcya reeves ly acel home flections for- coundlhorn nroumgawcya must have- ah- otlier nomlnuon lawvpr dale reeve of nrniinftowm ihi llolnlnutlilim tho vui toilm imintliuilltlia of thin muhin wrn tilnilo uu follnwu n eatuaalnf htiiwit j htuitlub ptimty lloiv 1 ntilnlt coinllo w j u xumimhlru kiul rho in hm n jatiir mriownll thn cmninil wuu put iii 1y arouhm- lli 11 tiirmikh thn wlthh will of oliuu h11 hi y niul riiomuu mnffiit naaaaoauaya iliovi o it llutrhoou am iumu tli i coum iiu11 m1i auimw whltloy miwuni iium u hhiipmiiu wm croft uml fwoiu coiihni woro uliio muiilii- ijl id fisuntl a pw nomination ui thvitforo miimiiiiiy nalort hi uvi w irvluir iiloliimatlon 1 r pnty j kohtttc 1 fii iitu cnuin lllnru- 1 wnlvn worn iidmlunt- ml ttanrualown it i va i hoy ijulii iioulmimtlou connolllnru alo ainiiimliilo wul- 1ir anthony u v umirlkiin dnnum molntytrt mlllam mcmlltun joncpli r iiiuili mali ml ilimnl or 1 mak imio vrna mnmull mid ml w ii wllbioil tu i mi t ion i milton tyr w f 1c 11 1 un lumutlmi hvmuj v i ittlu id hyer j irvl r coiinilllorii t miiktfti a ichnm- in rw c ii turin r i huumlntw j c tlcll m myoi 11 wilion jnu wolr v mnrtlnik o hmlluplw j climoiitu 1 il giuluim alnx ariuiiti llif a q monubli uyitni commliuiminir- w 11 oh- 11101111 ifi hm illnii ttfatii v7tnl rniinir wa oiikliii cmiiiflllhlrii john hoiiilloy fooio kooto hiiiiy hiinhy ihil rt iliirwnud w a nirkiiion tioaur noliimt wll- wuni ilurhnr uml jiilli ituthnrford puillnoh llovo hugh itmn inul alix mo couiiolluirw j ai cookhiii 11 thou ooylo o i mollulm id j miuknttn john wuluh w hliultk j ponrluo tluiionii molaiui uud wllllnni mat- rlnlt v erin townalilp itiuivo dllumolcliuiuiiw ullluy biipuly it w 1 nrnwoll itnht mo fnory con tin lllnru gtircilryiin arch iti iii juiumh llouhmn mul p mliinlulr no citation in qualph township hlniiluy liny who wim iiomlnntod for coiiiu lllnr ln ouolph townulilp yimtirdny htirotlrol ami honvi cum iron umt tin ontlro council wnru ilnrlrar fuouiii hyuculuiiintlnti clora 1 ioo j c 1 urrolly uml j a colo onimohlorii w j arthur u a- amrtll t a cniuwdl 11 o kuukim w in own 1 m hull mul v a hurt parau llnovo c 3 lowlnjf uml ooortfo ti mpl hi oouiinlllorh or muir jlov w v atoblhini x ll alpmiwh john mo oltinlf lehotpil by noolmtihtloil donation for oordon horn w ii htowart chlldroiih aid u11- oloty jn upon tor itnalion tn thank lin fnliwinif foi ilonittldim rorontiy ro- 00 1 v oil ut aotml tnya mid olothhnr mr c wimiilhull clothliik mru un- wln clntblnir um fruit mm ii awruy clothlnif mihm m v luniiatt flontrnttnkrtyirtv6mon itaualt luiy tit allimim chnrah aotoju hooka uml 1ru11111 mia ii lluiior iron w cnwily 3i ii filfttid daath of wm jliiulrrall q a c no otln r mmi uhoiit tlm o lturlu aerloulturiil collfljto ouolph wuw paiblla wllllum hiulnoll ui who ilnnth iieouiinl nil glihutinum puy tho ruimriil wrta held on rut u clay uf tin noon from the tbuhleiioo nf hlu tion irof w f uituirrell colutfo iloluhtu tn ounlno cnnit nry hr- vlro nt thn boiiiui mul uravo wan 4011- ducitul by llov pr i a murqjlllvniy nf kuit cliunli tim pull lviirrm wmo pi c a wlu pmf ii ji ponn a v omnn h hurlnct r ihof w it iriilnmi urn a it tomllnuoti wallutpton laa formal warden mr allnu htawmt qt lminllnoh on uf bo iiuiut ininnlnnii armory in lit towntihlp illol nnil1i iily ut bin homo in crhif mi momhiy lift 1 noon mr htownrt bml hem in iii buulthtoi no 1 no wonkh but hlu condition win not jhpnuht uriuuri lip intoiiib i tu 10 to thi iinmlimtiiu mrothiie tn abar- foyu lut in th niuinlntf hfmm6 ami- lonly voiy 111 uml ii61i onrly tu thai uruinnnn mi stowmt took 11 rrom- lnnt unit hi miinlolinil nffulru in bo towobtp7 rirovrnf-tiiii- llnnb und itluo ox warden of wnlllnu- hm couuy pour whio oour in agrloultura tin txmiuhhttljivff fmirwooku nouma 111 nirlrlilturu to ha hold in tbo town hull aotnh comma ncuu tjoxt lucaduy it in umlur thu ill root i im of thu on til nli li pm hut lit of ai lclihnro llnlttm cuiinty llrunnu nnd umbniofl u wldo ruiitr of ktuhjiotti of vluil in- tiiit tn tin fnrmoi in oonjunntlnb with tbbj nuiirtitf in mtrluiiuiiro thuio will ulao bo- m uliort oouran lu hnmi nuiuliik utinur th uuaplcoa of tbo womvn w iiihtltutna iiiim in ulna u wldtry lmtru itlvj ooili an hlm op poit unity for uouiiurlu unit oxporlin- tud luntruutlon in of liuntbmibln vulno to thn youiis pouiiln of uin onmtiiublty mid ovary 01111 who nan mikium ujiroll for tho oouruo gualph man qataitan lwahaa night by cniihuhlo lyliikaton 011 thi oompbilnt of bla wlfvwho olulmnd thht ho naaniiltnd hnr uud 1 hiihi d till nut tir tinnnninw ttlio auhl nhi wna iirrnld to 1111 bunk hulnu whllo ho wuu thrib tblm moruluk uu wua brouifht hi fcuit maiilalratit wutt mul olinrinnl with iihhiillit llo plondid nut tfullty mru mokoowu hnlil thut im hail ho 11 uwiiy mm hti for iw hikimu yaiirm and i pot miiniuit in r lu nil tiuit tlmi hit tllnt lu mily uiimi tank 11 fiiw dnyiiiiijo tin ivhloiiin wuu nl aiiih n lintmo thjit bu liuikhiuriilofln uiva iiiivluthni uml hnntiicd tin iiniiuiud in jul for tun ilnyu mul ti ludulvu ten utalioa social and personal m ml pom 1 1 wum homo from mr mulfort colllor wiim homo u ohrlilnuim mihm annlo uullonullbi hninutm lort arthui uy ft oil lmiliiyun u trip mr n ii mopon hriithi 1 ut llatowol mi a a tiollll of toronto un 11 wnuknnil vltlt en u p n 1 a nwu nf il vlului hi miiui tluil limnpinn nil iluuk w or- ittinduy urwv tnroidd mj p4wtj lu itimui ipnt chrlultiitoi xlth frlilh in toriiito ml hx miiiirmrt lttown w toroiitu fm u flw rtuyk xtlu ii th amiifiioii wm hilmplpii for chrlutmiin from from mluu ltud cook of toronto vtiikd frt uilu in anion uml vultllty mr md mm lmilril atkluam huhu woiti hum from uu ml ltd 11 mluu an 11 in moculcheon won fwm froflporl for tho hollduyu mi uud mm kntd kunk nflm itu of xttu juiuoa moonv hqmo nil 10 wro ten mm tnlin pnnily hi vlaltliibr h 1 hlhtm mm llumuhnw in tunnito wrcvriik v htufford of oulph upmit lliiturd iy with aitoii frhml mru irrnd uiwn uud cbllilrnn of roronti wijo horo fur tbo holhluyw mhu lludyi in ti look of allltoi inn nt miv h f with mrwt 1iiwlr mr it 1 lliowii wuu licn from llmnlltoii foi 11 olirlhttnuatldo vlult mr ajch allan im how mmittkor uf thn muuhuiitu llutik ut hliikliumiiton mr iriiut millm of london bpont huiiibiywlth hlu hrothar un i rmnlly iwro mm ii 1 c11blwil of hull na im fnw wooku with anton ir uml mtiijnr ft kinllb of tor nto mu nt tint homhiy with anton 4 i z wuh wuhoii of ounlph vlultail ut iho lu tuo of imr hrotbor ichiotrlolun wltkon mi uud xini vi llouwluk und ma vimui d f 1 iniulu in awirtowii on ciiiihuiuiii mr mul mrli charlem a u mut 1hfwm uf town to worn horn for chrlhtiiiah mi iucirlbnrvlll of imlon vlalloil hlu motlinr uml nthr frtoiulu tliln wtok ml nnl vlu i moititimli mij muutir urunfof orllllu wri horo for tho holltiuy mru w ft mullln und lmlm hnvn in on ni hoi hintio ut ilollnvlllo durlttk tin hollilayii mrm a tntmufiuw und m1m jim11i0 of toronto ttpont tho holliluyu with anton frlniidtt mr md mm ilcrt mimpn mid mtui miirlnlwim horo frim llruntfonl for tho tnillduyu miiih dtnu hurvoy iium imioii hbmu fro ml pirhonrd uhjoyli rb chrlal mini fiillituyu mr niul mm iluydiu mid dauktitoru uf to roiio vultul mm itimiknm over thn wookoml mr j 00 ami mini mararot ken- 111 dy oy lorontn mmint chhutmim ut uuduiittuiujuu a- r y- mr nad mm krimk wlllliimm uud ahlldrotl fnf ottoivlllo wuro icudmth jit mr jniiklih ilnhnea 1 mi mul mm mnrtln o llrlon of toronto iipont hintuy nt tbo homo it ml j j koimody mr molvlu munli of toronto ipoiit wa hullitay with hlu hrotbor mr clo miidu lirook avvimio mr piniriin milntih of london vluld il hlu mtithor und other frlomlu tierd nvr chrhitmuu mihu vlat mnpunnli wuu homo fiom thu murwdw tmlidiitf fciuliihil oinlnh for ohrlutiuitu mi mul mm a 1u nloklln hpout chrlutmuh in tlnolitti with mr uud ur karohl h nloklln iir mid aim jfuiunwdmnd nudlnn nnd kuntiftth mw hpomlinif nw yimm with frunulm lu tdrtnitn mr lldu bwiidkbumar of kutihoucr iipint cbrlutmum with lilu k in tor mm tt xifiwlnttwwraviniini mr uml mm p mmloiidi ruon kim- im h uml pavhl of oiih mttnt chrut nuih willi aohn rortttlvh mlji4tlhlmii fltlinblo u upomiliik lh lilltlfivh iui bwi nlt mr 1 c ciintdttir tf oiri town wmmv mr mid mm adwln mmloou oaliltwlr woll kuohth ut inutunaatar mntthvwn or tho holldayi mi j victor colnmun of tin y m c a inidon hpont cilrlhtnuim with fijmwlu uf foiuior ddyu in town mru w cobm und lprnlu lufl ya tu ihi y on tlmlr rip to lilnslund to y i h 1 1 lu r inntlii r wiu u iterloualy hi mli4 juii wltaon iiuh lwon appoint ed to tlio oocablonul hut of thu htur of toudbnni in toronto pjiblla bahoala jvlrii 10 r uolltor und mm j u on mhli utonud thv funorul of thlr mini mm 10 j hurpor in toronto on monday 1 com jiak aljtr viator alsor of tnrjnto mul wllllum alitor nlunum kitlbl vihuoii tlulr tnothor urn thou aim r ilurliitf thu liojuinym mu und mm flourwu haiiton i hi ut d thmrirtrrawwlilum uillllwr wiiy un chiliitmuh puy uulotly with tlnli own ininiotllnto frlvndu wrrrsftljo- wdral who wnut 41 vdliihoirlj mrnllnml in- hptomlwro viult bin moth 01 mi 1 mhitr frionda in ulp 0d iubfu trnt wctc vote for un waterworks commibbion acton wanm watcrworkh aiul a ouartetlc of iltihinctui mcn of jpcrtence with mi other r public inurcfitri ffltftocci eir u lxvotvatatior and opgitatc them r au1111 il iw 1 by ihi iiplwu ii i votrt illvu oh ojtili r 1 unit 11 wutfr- worku mylui iy onul 1 rut to in not iily dnlriilju hut u iiuuwialty 7hhy luw lum li urrlui hy u nritim iujrlly 11 i tm 1 nt firm mh rl 1 i n i oliulm ru iium immui tntiiikd it im jiw ih ihuhlo thut u atrolik otuiplumlon of xn rlnrnd bihlm ut hl 11 ih upi olu o 1 urry into frfwt uin ihhfully ihw proimmmi i wulrwiirkm uyutniu in iirl 11 to milk h npihliidi nt of it wiitnrworku coiintil niuil ikouilhln llm pioplu uiiuit jlvn tlulr upprovitl of tllltt liblii tit iiilmjrluhur hu uji atruch uu f iimrutl h f ih pound uud rwuvku uyutviu iliu liitdhnl hiiu ihmjii fouu 1 uuut hilvml tueimiuu lu utlmr inwi u if imulu muiilulpul counollm uro ihurid wlu iiuuli u liiultlfurluuii tl il nf uubllq duilfluythut tlulr lat r ut lu luituruliy jlivwihl in lu ohm nf u cumuliutwjii liu i111 mini m huv u uliiffli luirimait in curry hi k out uiitlufit ti rily tlm mm m pool ho work whh it tluy urn ilmt tul to lmirform it in tin r font lo tho kw11 tout ivnaalblf nilvniiiio t u town to udojit thu coiiiinluuloii plan for mi ni in lul ration nf miioii imi ortnht mut- tom uu wiitirworku it ml utimr publlo utlllllou it 111 ii m rally ityllnvnl hut ut leant four nood mini of limiuhh ifuoehinfi run bn ohotioii in aoton who would im willing to ulvo uf thuli thmi mul ullhty in uorvhitf uu u iimmhihlou for thu plirpoiio uunio1 in 111 hy luw who would not undor uny iumlliona un- rtil h ktmt op thu couim u with itm llllllll rollm rlhmiimll iiiu011 a nyiiopniu of lu hy vw buu imhui pilhllulu i lu tin mi iiluinsm llm hunt thrto wiku kviiy rut lyrsdioull iw wpi nripmlntfi w hm dutlea r niltvi ii lu uuily in aitum hmt liilirriith unit untiorlty lu ulvo 1 or thn nhctloti nf 11 oiumtituhiii vote l oh thu liy luw m it mnnduy nassagaweya i olio miislutrito olio nf mik011 hud u nniikuicuwnyii 1- iui li furu hhil luut wook omi illluon 1 iuiritit1 icariv pliikln 111 uml hi- wlfo wllh ukmuuic klvn wltiiiuoiim worn muuiiiuhi mul tint cuho took lip ftvo houm airoilliib o tlm ovtilonoi ulnunihii lilt hllmm with iiim nut uml mm plni nmi uniotw him wl u rluh doth wort lonlntod w r hiiitunttm nihrmtd auuml ovur in kmip thi pi uro fur u your iho tinuiliiution lulithiir wuu hold ut ilrookvllln momluy wloti thu fol low iiik nntuldnllnnu w i- tu idn fur himvo jinn 11 w mitfut iluvld it llutoliroii pr j a mrtiiklfurt vh al mtirod but mr uululuuiu who ih ohxiliul hy uo lumuthiu 1 or cuunnll- lom mtinurm pmilol whitby lutwurd ajfiiuw pooruo qnrduii wni cfoft il id jumm lllui him wuu mimlnutnd tha ihriiii luttur wlthdnw hiivluu only two omiik lllom lu iy lit taniiitlon 1 hlu will liu an unothir iionihiiitlou to pom inula two morn uuuiiotlluru for tlio towumlitp cnam ii frmmtywir rhera whh 11 kina turnout nf alnctnm but tlio prim ipul toiibi umlur diuriiioilnn umun- ttd to imi tlio conunlliliitnd iiohuol juom tlou und v muttum u mr oooricii ourd in tit nuim luuwoyu lomt a inu hnmn buit woak from colic a wutoh nlabt uorvlio will imi hold n tbo fluniuxvr cluirnb on wodnoaday uvnliiif a nim thiu will lut bold in tho tnvrn- ubli hull itrotikvllln oil wixlnoaduy n vonliilc to nrcniiuo 11 llttiury uoo ty for thu whit or uiontbu urr-1or-artlou-f-vw-vovw- im vluitlna hlu ulmtor mtu camplmih mo ramn to cuumlii to uttmid thrt funorulnf iiim mlulor mru u j iiurmr of toronto a buppy fnmlty uiithorlna w buld ut tho- homo uf mr it- j r witmihrouwh on clirlnliiiii puy alt ihu momlwiru of tint fam r 11 uud unmd- o til ii ron worn pm mi und mm w hull of tlm al- vmutn kriu iinnouura hu t iittiikjnioiit nf heir duiiuhtr ituth to llr i rod trick h llutciliiniii ilrmiiptmi out thn luurriilkn to tuku litiki iiiim wtiuk mm llov j c wlluoii uml family- loft foi thulr now hiinio lu trono on tinuilay tho bout wiuhiu uf u houl of frhitiihi u witb tluiiii llov mr wiimhi in oxjiontol bnikr rrom thu wwit to ihty mr und mm uoy wuiiuhruuifll mm our ion alunkuy unit clit1iliii nf jor- niito mr und mik i rank pity uud ohlldmu of horkwiiiid ull upohf ohrbitiiliiii ut tho hulno of mi mil mm waniihroouh mr mid mi 11 o c cumpholl utul mihh likiuii nf floors tnwu mr hurry ciiinpliuu und mirnlii oooiuo mr und mm ii o kulimir uud muutot qufaul- of wout rirojito upi nt clnhitmiin at mm goo cuttiiiuoll 11 mr alva hturfoixl of ht ihomimt wuh luro ronnwitlr in luiilnlmiot k ilur- lnbt bitwiwkt jin in imu lr1 utroiil in iho old miinu uloiliu ttt fnrmor duvn lu aotoy mrauiitoiilniifiut chrutmuii with rolutlviu in tluolpb mr uud mm it i kmr luul iivappy ohrlutiniiu hoi i owhrmlinf luut wook tha luughtum uml tli it 1111111111111111 lluv uud mm milrfnd of 1 iniiitn mid ml mid mm j v qaiiitdir jiuj tnonjt umllill tho icrun 1 lldriii wnro inymalit ooiiprnl hyuttuillul 11j folt for mru l ii hhoroy wlioao indthn mru a c witrnor dlbd ut muimiiuo du cbrlut iiium puy mr bhomy w 11l down on hutuiduy 1o thn funuiil mm hhiiiuy will ratnrnjiouul ill thu ami mf tbo witolc k mr w m imiill vim in mikuitwl in curimntor wmk on tlm nuiuulliiu hfnrtborit llullwiiy wiim honu fur thu j hollduya ho u now uliuuund in bulbj- liib u uuw uutlon ut tlunlnw bolow r llallovlllo mr p k cnl iwull u with tbo ut kuny t bulldam mrrrat ll moluliitltllu who iium boar with tbo imokllood mupply co nt ilulisar rixnalnon im wnu dur ohnrvad from tha ann r it nil army buu now- biou tituimfoifjst tutt hi 11 noli uf tint nomiiiiliy ut if hltn i ulu taxim with thd ihimuiuii f nniniiuiir theit a vary tnjnyublp clirlmtnuiu initlnn liiu look ulao ut tlio i nmn uf mm john puiiiy i hi wo r avonib whun jihlulron bromlllillilmu an i frondm ti t thn nnmlioi nt hlil livo kiiuioihi dili hitf tbo afternoon il itul llv hniitit clillim vlnltuil tiuu mid illall ibute i pkhfliitm fioni 11 tnritu ltirlotm tf troo iorli1 il frm iullllhvti11 littinto olniruhlll khihnr uud milton ut- to4ad i t zj lz t rwmwfcptatnsaanmiert mu

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