Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1920, p. 2

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tz 1 tiinhmiv raftuitv i 1020 yram to ane ihl twiw inr to niif ml 11 ninny inn v m u ihirbiu th y in to i tin hinjy mi v y ii nut yn fu hint t ttimtto hut j clt m i h i at ur iiniiu buuh iirmtt un tttm in rly jiiild ntw ur i lllii wlntiu nil fin wjl tl liirfl 1 wish li ii din lublf hnyu till nf wlwi un uilli hionl ku tin i jnnt j tm i il llitiu lu lojl ymi ulwuit whu ran toiric iku iliiy ly duy loll flr uii i uuu uuy othll i tin i w muy wfwu linn ha i iii h on huppy w run iilwnit tint iirncif lit yon win ot ltoniulli thu tn til nt tmf mrly duyu wit rui nlxiiit utn hijruln u ttlii mit will uyu rtuur an thorn thut iiwl to uitnt uu haip wt ii tliliili in mony uymr a i- vunsmnj th normwii wt hint and truntyi lioki twain may imi ai wutd nit wo hurt imhii and htuu with thut urn mil u nui frit mil lwlh fur und mar may uy ujoy in tlmm to nlmn a hourly truld now ycul a rull nw yesr mm urtu an in my may yo ne i an durlnj a the ytiarn tocnimv oh luippy mav-y- bo old hvttuh bomr in tullor rwm was just discouraged and that w was hut whole of it lie sut j x close to tlia stove loaned hi fagged dim on hid knn and hi cheek on a rather sooty hand and gave himself ui to troubled thoughts tho two liook with h hail slipped from him lying unheeded on tho floor 11 thorn lie thorn what wan the use in trying- to study t hern wi the fhlrd evening- thbi woek that ha hud been hold after hours whan ha wanted ttlo th night- siiujot and had how to dg jtigxiiwinplsr tntmlght just wall kivo up nmt an immt thnr wm u loud tamiilns outaldo and tli door of thlltua oaifmtmtloa burst oph4mln lnknmrofiritii ful winter oh- i alloa i oald n ky at about four- teanmluped to hl ayeai in fur llotloa yourelf hitho boy by lha atova without chanln hln mom man mora than was necessary to itunc up lis tha six oclock frlhl uont down ytr not as t know of i wlah aha would 1 qulekabpul it i huva boon walt- ins on hor an hour ufur tlma rubky for no 1 behind though i tfuash i caticath a rlda into town on hvr u it i hsva baanoul to wlndermoro and mlssod tha fivo oclock mall i sat out to foot it but its rather rough wmlktnjf osjulnst th wind npocully wun you hava to walk un loo id rather be toted j on um freight than try il do you suppose thoyll tvn ttis a llftr yxui out ait down sna wst and try for it if you like and th boy blsnced tosrard tha throblocsed atoox l kin wtf ihlsrtnalr onlymt hasnt nny bottom he sdded with a dreary nttempt at a wnlln the stool is all rhrht do you hnva to wsjt evety tucht tor tho frslshtt no not much oftcner than every other nhjhl it is not my business tt wait at sllbut as often as fhre times n week the fellow in chars wants me to do that or some t bins else after 1 m off duty so you oil up the time with tend ing tbat a sood tdes what have fou bewr tme visitor stooped and picked up ihs fstla books arithmebo ond hlatayl you are studying eht wejl now i call that industrious where do you go to school f r tbt the etenhw class at the twenty third uity- nil uiiwii ii it l tun iy r ioula un 1 iiaiihiry dull ihuu11 ph jnnl jul- ltt uj 1 liutu in i 1 t t un ijuainit itlmi i iht iikt t t wlltuli hot uiu or th in liiul v r di mi hifini at liull lllttil wilm ii lllimttllll tf ii1uh ihhik if i mm mi nliiht humlwoilthii lionuliu4 hiyf flmrtt uupln lnluht milnk muy linnt ilk tluu iouou with jjlliluii in itt binluiihiii iuplo dlitnr uiiiluiutiiii i i mi i i flllpi 1 into mcli hmtqiiut wim u ijtli ttt i i i i which iiili on ii lluikiy ktw im in 1 ititlfut willliiur nil i then ft i in w i i wnmluliil thlnltii otioimr wiim n rttolit for a tmi ii lnnidff mil rr linn if in hoyu win llvvil with lilii ninth i nil h id urn 1 wt rk to liimllnt i u iii nt i uuk muni lothn inn un onlnr on u mti fiff fjijl tmllallajtitliem uu ilil in hkliyk mi liu vtiiy mtinli tu id lid ijvni tin hint imiiii tlillic whin chnrlld wmihiih- rtid blu iiu ttirnji i ro i n nl jmtit by turns and hlnniiidm il u 1 tronihltd mill khnw not whnt in nuy it wuu ton r tin thnnthfrw an i it tthikhlintlimn tlmtr to m mtulill it nil t lit 1 tut ht mdile out tlmt hi wuu uirhiiuir tho plirt htmtt nininnr tjilniol luillflji j ujm luy uflnr 1jw ytuirs mid thut bin honiti wuu tu bn ut jr wvtttw od u nlrlrn and liij wiim nftiut i i to knit it- in onlnr in rtliru fov lint lxinril nni ifthi vlii 1 un uknnkltiu i hntiei hud lanln jo liliil ik it any womlur thut lit ututtnrmt anil utinnmnrthlt hut nftjr all i dun t know hut whm any hajijiur thiin htul t w stwoud who liovnrod ulmtvujilm in urnat uiiluluii- thin j ml in mh of thu pniimnu of hln diilhu no luuiiituuil hnut fomnl n chniidn to murmur uuy churl it urn t you rutlmr ulud thut tht uu eoloek frel istn thai nluhtt 7 tt care op vouttbelr two vuiitf fullnwm woro utmidlnu on ihti platform of u railway wtntlnn whoil the tmln on whlnh i iwuu ridlinr utni- 1mi i sat by an win window and wlimi the oonduotoru all aboard 1 had btmu uouudmt ana of tho yiiuntf fellows utoppod nbdurd tha our and ilia other ono called out take euro of yourself t will ami yaiito tlm uunm wi tlin reply h la an udinonltliin one often hum when frhiiiflmnro liurtlnif there wisdom hi it anil yt it dom not un uulte fitr tinousli if we took oaro of ourselyns only wa w uld iw rutlior seinh the admonition anould turry with it th ohluiuttnu to take curu of wimnimi lnt if ntiod bo tlin lata theoilore itnonovoll was a ill all of hluh ideals and ha was without n uiiggim- tlon of sainshostmr h- hfa make- up one of hlu sons has said of his ansar doslra that his lioys slionld bo snlf- rshant ly fathor imtllnvwtl vnryjdronaly uio necenslty of ouch boy bull iff able and willing- to look out not only for hlmsolf hut to look out for those near est und descent to him tiiik gospel wsw nreanhod tn us all jrom tha tlma that wo wurw very very small tliero is a brest nnl summed up in iho four words tako care of yourself in tholr bniadnst meanlna thoy go iniyoii ttwra looking- out ror onos physical welfam wa are dally uur rounded by dangers more grievous than thosa that affect only onr physical jwoll being tha branklng- of u leg or an arm is of loss momtmt than altow- inffouroolvcato lm wcakepouajtto fall into a linn of conduct that woukoiui us morally than tharui no liettar way of grow ing narrdw und snlnah und lwtty than to davntfl ourselves to taking tearo of uursalvns only i once heard a very successful man may his mother was jrt a widow whan ha was fourteen orears id and tho widest lif dren and he added i was glad ns i grow older that i wstm oldest instead of tho young est of the children because l oldest 1 hod to take care not only of myaalf but o my five younger broth cmand slg it made mo self reliant and resourceful it was a hart but helpful education in manhood gave dm a mans sense of obligation and it helped to rid ma of a tendency toward selnshnesarlth which i think i was somewhat orftcled when i had to think of so many others nothing is better for a young- fallow than to have someone beside himself to think tcaavs pinst vote r it wits hwomo l i tlmi dily ptt in i if will ltjvktfy hud luiull lummiph i wilji hir ypuli wm ilviiirlvi hd mull ii ii vuliitli ii in thf nr it rly ti uliiui or in i dully itf lliruurly htn lu n inli tllui nt mill 1 hui 1 n n vitally ihtnllml i lltl llllllllk of m thilti if tin dny of into hnwnvjt i i hj i ul if in ii hnv rlnff ovni a uof utjl fiirni ft i tint m nihil ti until iiib nidt uvor nln inul won iwi umlhu fioiu unit liifnntfut itnd urn mtulju mil hui ll utnuity do inw th i dm i ihi rhh j street station and sometime there twice in a week and some tunc only once its a discouraging kind of study 1 ve been after one vxample for two weeks and cant get it whereabout are yout hot oldt fellowy t rementber him mtfc ut but roo dona well to get so far along- then the two head bent oyer the book and over the row of figures on the margin af a freight bill and pre aently tha face of tha discouraged boy lighted with a smile then there was a little talk between the two ilalph westwood learned that the boy was an orphan who was working at the freight depot beyond hit strength and on vary small pay be causa times were hard und boys were plenty tbat he had a liltle sister in the orphans home and the ambit iqn oftjls ufa was to learn and becony scholar und earn money to support the little slater he went to school regularly while his mother lived and worked between times to help support himself and his dead mother wanted him to bo u scholar und thought it was in hira but she had been dead for two years nnd things were grow ing- worse with him and sometimes ha was dlsoouraged tho freight came and jlalph west wood caught h rid into town run had only time t say oon t give it up charles whu knows what will jhapponttti tflo w toarm comnir new year i said charles to him self with u bitter km lie what oould that bring hi in but more work becauno of an ra train and lute hours and scanty fare und not even tlnie to run up to tho home and see little well aa for ralph westwood he waited only to brush the snow from hlu clothes and wash away the stains o soct frotalia hands which must luivu been left when be shook hand with charlie then he ru a hand so mo library where vl srentleman sat read ing- here he dh not even wait to reply to the cordial oood morning which greeted him save nil his holltu vdwwava reply thai he dashed into bus i noes i uncle ralph i have found your hoy for your indeed that is quick work where did you find hlmt i blundered ori hlml the very one lint vntjty hn i r ilium djii r iiblliik nf tint itntl cm hr jiilftr 1 in liuhlln imltim hui uiu ii jlounuiit only i mimriily iludihnly miiuvum iirmm nd by tiruoiit hdil npimill hhn foiimt imhllit ml tlnif hohnduh d kh h nru 1 hint rii inl wind nf thlr vlll iu tho mill it imtwiitll two ju4mlldatnw frumioj wim llkoiy to hu ion ly foiifihl afloi ii while tlin om i iiu iilouoh mllpikli illto tlll clllltlll of whiiikii 111- iuulntin on ovor tho win whln vlul lorn tlroppml ih ihcy worn hjit to ill ir on mi tlm mirlti of thotwul imidldnlou jaliit xioutty imhlnllon and lihniirpl on 11 i uinu o hi r llkn tlm i utlng of nt irui wuvj i unon u nub t hiuih thorcfoio uh ih rlded to h ivn n wood talk with qilhnrt tlietyniyiilfflit tfidihjjltii uulii tulutlng a nun- lyliiluty fui a o jim liuuuand twit in ull jilmiut thlii ohotton tuiliii4i i will yon h wns thnt dlllouly hxy urlod jnuf nftj r tllllr i olml villi fmutid h ir vour it will count o i llf wffat uhlii j nut t iuj mury with you to iho liiillliitf ntnthn uhu i uu voto loo you know itoth of yo muht vottf for cjomiiiilr lioh f lomniui- lu u goii l uooui liohort cltmivwla your clmlcofor truutmi in thlu ward thin olbbl riinrtiih rnntd 1ojhiijq rcuclicdfor 111 r work hug ul id iiguy plltnl her ti j kew iuuir9 hoglli linl till ov rythlnff uliout ihbi hmii ryoii wigtt to win tomorrow if tuuut stir yuolf ulid lloj out lint funis ooniorn- lug lilu rival xlni lulllvtii f ollhnrt aturitdjlt liar from tho hearth lo lie hud orgottoii that this wlfu und mo tho i- wuu u oomplh nttil being th wlionir iudlvldliul mnntullty tim ttilllvcrl i rli d 3ltrt villi voluo ijlildkly imluimd ham u noak- ilf rumciil why i wouldu t truvl thu follow jjjjt of my idglit the mun light ad a noon nit hgny ut thlu point un jinuhiml urtnr illtinur in tuluiiiilo no m ul h r ubont tlm oipoiiaiit juut now d6itr toll mo all you run uhout your man tho jjml roldpry rrumn wug rnvnma 1 und tho throud ucautod o hob clmnmur irf qulto h mun asmortod hor huhlmud ntontly ifo huti wtuthtno i unmu rough uiilllng i uudrr- nluiid uiu will ron oti jnrt lm con fident he ii anuttv good his promluou there tire ti mimher of thlngu i wuit put thnlttgli cloinmoi is n froleotaut t bool olmromwr olemmer pioned leggy thrtuutluif liar imedlo g slowly why un t that the hume of the ohutrlolan wlio uhod to repulr our telephomuit the wumo uokiiowldilgod ollburt why qllbort mnuiilngl blaswil vaggy rouun i from her uuuiit culm thut man uhod to drink ilka u wliule it was common report that ut uuch tlmns ho boat his wifo und threw iilova lids at hor us tout imon lain of h wurmth of his uffuotlon 1 o you muatn t bollnvo lilt you hour tdgay lob huu refnrmod i unu sure you in campulgnit tin row u lot mjiy imnld t ru anothdh year 8 dawning an tin r your in it wnliii in ir xltml let t ir lu wi rklug ii in wiiltlnw aiiotht r y u with ljit an our v nr hi luminu uiiu thy inulnu- il of l v dirt 1 imjttltathlultm if uiilot hui i v n ii ailotlur ynhr f moiolni of fulthnilnwju un i kintu an th i- yi nm f ahfdiiuim in llu ihlnliu of ihy fm n aniuui vuur of pmgrt u anothi r y i r i f pi il i aonhiii- y- ii if i r ivlin jby prmtntti nil tin du yi annthur your tf hoivici ofwlliikuil f i i ihy lovo aimlutr yt ii if l ruining for jlhr wiukn nhovt anotb i- ymi in iluwnlhul lloir miiuli ut it in on mirth or ohm jn lmnvon anoth r ye ir foi tin i lraiunu kldlny ltnvirgu a new veaitg hcqolvc you uli i vory iinkli wunted wnut you to puy thu quit this wumiiiu- f dly nnd hiol of n n lluie nod mlmt how luuny fhotu you bvo uudo mlntnken unjl kit hu mun who ai vor trred corn oilt nitil 1 1 mplulii i juut ry- iiguln for there is v flow 1iilro with ivtry ijiw duy und you nru v ry lnuill wanted v you ootid not ho tlunnlnuly irlllluit or nrliilhu we ilun t mot then ilunj- utoiw hulf so murh un wo ootl hntir ntirnoift un u uml w nu ii wi in- rlmf trti unil urn nu trun iih tin ir ring you tiro iinoili d ut thl1 ihti fnwii of ui v your und tho oil for rail 111 uu who a n lnt in ithei hoiikht no liullltnl iii vory loul you lined lint li hilinltt no or of riun fliir wo hnw mnugh hnnduumo ppln wlth titun- liinff llgires ittro lu in juniisry und the month lu mllnpliik by uoaond by utiond mo i in u llttla while it will he gone and whli i ura wn dolnut xlout of uu ufa tritirklnff time no huttlo wuu vor won by marking tlmo on ull r tho world m hungr for- a iiisj jhaj flijhl of luw irltw glvw uhu mnlt and wneahhent utt liu out ho lu ut onon ri fotrnlan i unit wnl om 1 1 rim rhuinlui urau for u inuu thoy lookud thrtniuh dm cnllngo hui in und wondttr will tin ooinu lu tluro uomn one who thmugh thoiforcn of hlu man hood rutlior thun jhy his uuinirlor- your savings mean much to you 7- they are as important to you as his millions to the millionaire perhaps more they meanthe beginning of your independence the founding of your fortune then entrust litem to h bank with reputation for 87 years of reliable nnd courteous service we accept deposits from a dollar up ind pay 3 compounded halfvyearly the bank of nova scotia ivuip cpjlil mooootm iw k caallaw kiiowhlfltv of ullr he worl ortnk it ir hob mw will aro you a for you fiir 11 lid horolnon plot und t nun for the lmvok wrllert then w nro wiury villlnnu and ami tarplot wn are thut will 11 vt vi long f htirm s vllllunh l wultlllff hat will toll us tho nu turn i story nf thin ugo if you am a writer niul have tha niffftlko wn wuiit voti whoover you ttri or wliorovtr you nomo fruni wn who enn ghiriry mnn jol wwj should have mlss- n elbefi l fid the five nclbcjt tmln and dldnt know why hey should have to du over work to night then lie drew low chair in front or tho lqvcly gruto lire and told hut that was three days bo fore now yeajpo a groat deal can be done in three days ilalph westwood n l uncle ilalpb did a rent deal and at the end of the time knew almost more about ohturue watson than he knewof himself 1 tlrtf end fit li b or more properly gpeaklng thevtglntttng f it ull came tocharlle an new erli eve an ldvltauonto dr wmitwood elegant of along with all the evl dt the gmut war there came this ono good tiding h helped some young- people to get the hah it of helpfulness to- such a degreo that tuy ure not wllllnc to take care of themselves only but nrejrerdyto irtlirolhers if however the admonition to take car of yoursolf npplled only to ono a physical wellbeing it would be u good one for- all of us to heed never did the doctors und tho medical jour- mls have more to say in regard to the way in which uo many of the young pmiple of to tlydlurgaiihnlhiiiba that ure neceanury to good health j sawa girl hmnkfamlna in a restaur ant one morning and she was not tak ing are of horse f for her breakfast consisted of nothing but a cup of cofivo and a hlg grease- soaked doughnut looked at rorn aveaypemt of view the take corv of yoisraelt admoni tion is onet of broad meaning and those who heed it not lu ull the full- nrs pf lie mcunlnr areshart lu thulr wlsdon ul crolghton making the dav end nlqht there ura days when 0 very thing just wwn t go right whutevor yoif do moim to k wrong by thotim night pofnos you urn hnrvous and irrlulble everything looku gloomy f the little troubles uttd worries huvo grownthto mountains at earns bo you say yourself i ii ko for a walk und set i can t got uwuy from tlju as you wulk up utreut you hnmioit to push u bookstore fhors displayed in tho window jtf kvok o atl jnvluiiif slgu all the newest books on salt stop inside hut of course that di not matter tryomrthlshfoiuridfyml unlucky days you way inyour mind oh there wont bo unythlng lit ouie tu read jflestltutlngly you puss into the sfqre you turn over iwokg tiftor hooks 11st- leshiy then a wondorfu mttlo thhh goes througuou you plok up 1111 other book and a mtuggllug emllo tie gins to chase uwuy uiu gloom thl is something you wouldjlke- to reud n now book by your favorite author ml titke thlu ouu you 1 say to the clerk when you get mitsltlo ni uilliou- phura of lirlhtnass und elieer u- welopeu yon and beam you liomewurd unconaclonsly the grip of your hand tightens on thu treasure- that it oarrles the treuuiire thut already fa radiat ing enjoyment bo yon hllny homo you settle down your most comfortable chair und you lenniack with a long nigh of con tent ahead of you are hours of good ilesomo onjoymonti tsone are the cures that infant the duy thartcn nothing lkn 11 good oomhurilohubln ihwk to mako tho day end rum- tlm world of hooks 1 the 0malle8t htatiom he rod and white aug of jiouco nine oyer the tmnlot nutluh on varth the entire umu nf afonuup 4s only eight uumiro miles although ltlu the tnallust in uron hnvfovud thoro uro three uinullor in ihipubitlou it bun is 000 inhabitants us compared with i hht mid 5130 fo andorra 10710 fpr tjinohtep- is thw ruin nf ralmrsa for the plnti mtehljuid it bis far hun juaritu i why nni far iioppiprtanmiai yet alio wiu sure thut gilbert look ed voxod at hor nod memory j ho picture of the thin pulofutnd wlfo wild used to come into the kitchnu ut home bouglng for ctotbnu for horunlf and liur children hurditnod hr heart ugulnit olommer r vaggy miido a lappy dlvtmloii hno askad ollhort to uteal up to the nur sery an 1 koo thut baby wuh ull rfght and then bring down dull box- of odndy on her tublo it is tinny to ignore politics und heresies and philosophies while indulging tn honbunu tho day before election wuh ut hand lcggy dflclilod to keep her own counsel nnd not hurry ubout pledging her voto aba invoutlgntud tha tuulvcr cuso and laurnod uddltlonnl tacts ubout clam- mer but rafralnoil from further con- versntlon 911 the subjoot with liar h un hand kleclon dny wim fnvoroule to wo mens boonul mild nnd aloudlous llafore qllbort bud boon gone from home u vluda hour 1ugcy hud re ceived tlfrt tclfphnio oyuonts from frlerids auger to seouro her vote ui that ward for a fayorltti ctrndldute later by appointment u woman ac- nuuintunoo culled she wuu most un- kluus to ro f mrs munnlng s mlndnny unfavorably improiwillin ucandulooh gossips might huvo muda ngnlnttt ulemmvrfi oliurualer he hud never beaten his wife hlu wife said he hail neverdrunk unythlng ex cept an occasional hear down in the town thut duy ioggy enoountered other partisans woman 5iln jiscjupiiiiiililvttriun uther hhu hud never been un urdent uffraliit dut now fpr ithe- first time she realised that willing or unwilling women uau a gtavertesponslbllty upon their consciences wall pegsaajssnllod ollbert as hw finished his soup that nghtt 1 vqj vots th way i tqld you tor 1eggy shook that brightly crowned hsnd i went out qilbert but x did not cast any vote hows thatr frowned the man 1 1 made uaurahlng investigation ibont both nominees 1 had plnniiod to make u sweeplns out of religion on wall ai w lltlcs and voto fotu eundl- lluto i could esteem vadpwi1irwatyd tre mun nor vpuuly i found proceeded 1oggy ylth grout o mluoim thut hotli men wem i0iirju drinkers iholr reform was ctuvul ml 1 thi dawn of their polluent usplratlouu its 11 iiuentlii whothor it will endure through u trm lu olfloe tillbert the girl wife turnat the full power of thltmu dnop uoiltiluo uyns tup- on him both those man ort woaw toolul thiy waio uomlnuted for jnirjijioe lll iiovltumuu voto usspt for u oleuu uiirlght cniidlluta o my d ur my dusrl lm sum noun of thu thoiiglitful women r tujl frluuds will over vote nimbly to liulp u party the moll believe mo must bn worth while lu hlnimiiir nottlo lojmifhury ourtis in imshyurlnn advunuo j 1 glorify rttuntioiiohl iiiliop xriwlio tr inicm nry tun bn buppy ntcnnlng tho fllrvnta driving a wukoo sulllng n wr of bootn nr doing the thoiihund and ono tlihirm inrldoiit to our dally mundy lovry four enrnnrri vlllugn town or city lu ull eyes for tha hmu are you the one thoy urn looking fo don t let tlm mounnosh of your imwiuou nuthrull you you urn more than your job don t lot your fulling null you to th floor you nro tuudo to mount nnd immt rlun ovorcomn md lm tin mun you fullering ljyour awk- wiirt gall your luck of nnundnuoo und ignorance of tlm boolu nil tllcuo am fur you to tin foot un i win co mo out thlu january lojo come nut no mutter wlmt walk of life you muy bn found lu nnd i e 11 mun wo jiimd you and hood you hudly it from tho crowd g 1 the brunsvlriek what shape is a horn ind you uvur hti- of a horn or mvguphona ttuit was squaret lin yit know why tboy nvver mmd wuter throbs h a mtiuare pip ho 1- lairy phonogruph or talking hitu hi no has u m j ampllnnnr tiny or really th megaph thrlr duty lo rou t but they call ones of the machine tlm tone and send it to the listeners unnecessary cfluelty atlanta hau madn it il mludoiimoumir hi curry or hold uuy hvluif fowl with its head hmikliiff own mont peopu carry chickens and turkeys for thunkhglvintr and chrlutmauholdbig them by tho ftt and- letting tltolr licuds hang down thlu mode of huml ling fmiultry lu cruel and uimoreiotury it mounn tllucnmfort ft ml utruln to every part of the ixidy of tha fowl lllodd ruutnxi to ihotiyni earu throut und houd inducing liitonno uaouy und ultlmutoly unoouhoioimniooi nnd dtiitb the bird seeks vainly to right it no if wiluilnff and turning its tiyon noon iiecemn guxed tonguo black uid pro truding und it guspu for tirnath wo commend tho uotfoi of atlanta and hope that poop i o evorywhore will uoou huva their uttuntlon culled to thlri un- uocvusary cruelty inul thut they will nult it nuwlivll adyocnt aouee a lirrle 1 louue uuy x guna- you didnt mnun tol sobbed a child pitifully who iv discovered lit mome chlldluh mls- dnmnuuor und the comforting wordu eithiid not only thu woio huimtu trouble hut id 11 inly holped towuvd u better lfe for thorest of tljnt dny and purl japs for otiirjijiyn a little hoy in nn of the klndergurtan prlmurlus in a coun try town a few vourfljiko h eg god wistfully for scj gold mtar when ho miiw tha other boywund iltlu ull get ting thumf butuald tho teacher ymi oojumli uo drnaurully you know und you dun t half muka your tatturs yet no i can read theml lunt you uiione thut niuybo you oould uouhq a llttlat he pleuded cnuapi in doing just tho very bveteac thut x oanl it is the cry pur human hourts are ul- ways making often the world seems hurd nnd cold and does jmjied it wo might uin every ctoudy nation round und nnd tho jlyor lining wrongduliig lu wroiiffdoig in our- ives orilil luibther r we might ai lenut sot thu worst duud lt tho html wlmt oomeu of t thaf picture vstkhkim fiamllcfj eyeujs mfcv aujttoaibulnllaadmaal sunt to 8a dnl and 1 uvnlievadbylbrrja illifnosrruutina juttneya com1oii as vtoor dronbta by wj p bottla for bk l 0 cjr free write v marl- eyi dasaedy co now wlisa hhsni do you think this holtn slum id be to gtv the bent tonic alid wluit dil you think it should bo made jp resonant vibrating lm tal or wootbult oil tho violin prnciplet llnforo yoa buy any phouognuill ilnji out the miiaild of tli horn uil witat it hi waiim ok j j ono of the wecrets of urn itkunuwiok h wopanrfnl tone on a1x ruiordu lu oin uxoiuhivo putontetl ovat tone chamber and throat iiuitt lontiiocly ok wo0i like a dno violin ihullllly pwh ollmlmiln nil hinss ell the nhunrv im water on the drain po yin n t iiuiitjilly fuggi tun 1 ihtltiyt alt yoll iimlioii 1 thut ut i11ui lit ull r wi rknurf ru fi uu 1 niln i tllhillntl ii i lluvi von in iciv yiur 1 muko it 10 itu wthkt y in y or lf 1 hut your mind u in lujv limitllu grip itn frmhneiti rlglnulllyt i h ti ii m nu llki ly uu tint whit ymi wuht lu wm luln inn- ihrulu iff yon in ihl mulur with yuii in uli frmn drink i aa i iiiitlim w ihnlt uioiiuh ubic ru hot tli nr hlhltlonlut licit hut th hliiil iiivnitiirul drl k ut wulni hi thn ululu i ly in lis u it f 11 hi iiiutu wo tluy u tho mini a 111 will wlllnr lllill glv r pin it loon not greatly how you get i hut umoiliit mm j foton mlijorul wutm miluly wnter un 1 1 uch tluiii ura uoitii tnlwii fir th bruli hty ijuy whip fir t llm hut tl ml stum f a nulritwhlppot bruin lu inwinlty iijkmoro inori wut 1 fur pr rnnci you ii mm and fat 1 tho i rail dlff ronne vrryjnipldly atullliutu all llra v to itl itu ull wuik brulndmt doi the work tlo wuttr it gifts for boys ankrfs trke iew who hold out tim frouhinnil olusseu wnroltsd 111 our ttdlfigna and highschools fiwtt op vuat total nu one expects thut in f or vmum thorn will bo an oopsl num ber of graduates tha president of 1 wdlaiitlnn school nelahrutod tha coun try ovr fir its rlgoriiiis training uuyu thut aimut tw7 thirds of the rlass which interu full by tlm wuysld in other walks f lf therei i trememlous discrepancy latweerthosi wln enttir n u worthy unoer faking- and thtiue who pirrv h through often the beginners s4m nlhiit txiunl in en- tuaslusm rit11 one la ardenu earnest full of hop npd umbltlon hut the toady keeping ut it day ufur day is the real test the enthusiasm of one dfas down liloatha blase of shavu lugs another mills the work harder ban hti ssiiectetl another imagines he has ducovnred a shorter path o the gtuil ha wislms to reach and turns hts lwck on his fellows all honor to the f w who ho i opt whether the work lu hard w easy whti when anthusiasm ninkars and outside encouragement fulls set their teeth and go on with tlin grhpl it lu to such that the world entrusts its- re 1 bh- tasks lo wliom it turns n extremity hee tliat yod dy to beginjudiust as ready lay ttaldn the task undertaken f tho few who hold out thuttlmiy tlmhro thut wu havo uloiuys tlmught a necessary evil of the old lily in talbliij muohhiou all wi uuk in thut yjtunimti yotmt y own judgment see thlu wondirful impnivi moot with your own oymcompa it with uiiytlilnff you hkotit uny prion you cunnot ufforijto nuilti u- mlnluko and it costs you nothing to lie uuro 1 mason rikch pianos bell pianos brunswick phonographs smgcr sewing machines and other lines you can piirchaso any of nbovo on small moithly payments ioc 1111 tl hi 1 k1h1i j iivl t ii i kjl in do ll 00 q lo ihihii u illtoun wafkikii b 00 1125 w lo tfi n5 i lien kl tu k km 1go to hua klplul kaitll i voo j b0 si0q iikooi i m 4j do and 15 loljocuami wg0 j3 00 v 7l i vi iii hm ajonm 126 urjd 2 76 ilfh ivl lllvah f vl and 7 00 th bond ilakdwauh ck ilxi phone 1612 quelph- this stores policy to represent uoods ex nelly us lojjicir junlity to sell to thoo who know and to those who dont know at a uniform tatf price to fulfill all guarantee nnd chect full correct nil mis takes to descrvo your confidence by always giving you sal isf action savage co frank king next door to livingstones bakery mainstreet georgetown a mnoma 1 now tin- guelph business college herald buttdlno quelph is your to 1jay ir write tut tluit u jiluii for you a l boueik principal remilligan poultry buyer au kinds tor firalcbufl i try toueht live r dressed illdeu kkjnh ana tallow hiqmey asm pnicfe paid thlu scraggy poultry not wanted ul uny prion 1iox1u dodge bros motor cars acton ont the owner of a bodge car can bafely de pend uport coneistenlt coiktinuouaand eeo- noinical daily secive univeirsally lowgaso- hoc coneumption and high tire miuage jroneill acton georgetown johnxeishman representative for acton l boots shoes at any tlnw buy fnom w williams mui slrcel aclon l famous- fop satisfactory footwear kqasonadle ikices cwkellysba- c0euh ont acton flour artotpeed stprc w luiv u jwupiily tt ti roti now un imnit th w11 utiowti orand oi klna ci ok normt d ntlnl flou nattilrla b roueo oats oiucakc shorts oat 0hop dram 1 fbed puour tluit tq hjtrfllh joo it jt j fiumitlty u lht blllduj utlti w cmtokmn toki alvu ou1i oaj v me tn qoulamio iiouutj oatw ttiu iutrr cniiinjtt ljswil lrl 11 hjnu a robert noble limited henrv awrev manaqefl li ttt ki

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