1 mift artntt 3ftce jrt00 mumtiyi y alllll k 1020 old mothers- i inin inn tub olp oritius big clock tjwku while 11 tlm hum lulmil ttnir ti- ili i fairy uhuwl of ann ii u rurxoitnti hour lellfl u hw net ilea 1 hc i in ir irimlilliiu humu clliitf youth u iitreu hwnl mithorul uu limy ic hmtiii olil ithdou wuiim old roue a hain day btotlv tlmm vu u nut ruutlln upd uturulii unil ulimdtnliis ut dikiru lit llic huuirhint mr jwdl who wa vimuii tlitl iuwriiwau looked up from hij work uiwl wmdultnod what can tmiowr r only muy oouiln 1 from fowi ulimvwrml mm hjwrutioi wlui iimilm ijlitt run miika uh much noma on a ruhiy lay i uny lny iqvnii uo ii proved in a fw mlnu- lnu up uunn m iy tyoo wot and ilnw- in ft im onoonnter with wind and ruin rriuipu whlih had raud to bo limn uulrtu plnnad up waterproof und ruhlinr ikmiim in hand her x mi muinuui aha cried ihd you trt wat mavr no linleed v nmun l all bundled i oont what people lllll liloiikh wutnrproor thn tttuyi d ut homo t rournfl do you think i from her before tha day of tihlldran must hava il blormy iluyn aukad minamt i never di1 for oim wlioii i wa four year oh wont to adlblrtot juihool two mllau awnyhut i think i waa ucaroely vi ahhfiut lit nunimor rain or ahlnn o what a hravtr llttla rr nil mat orlnd muy ourlln down on tha m imforo the lira tall ma how you inutinifod it pliuta do i ahould think you milatjiava taltan cold kottln w t wo hud u way aald hr brand mother you know fow ehlldran aver worn iitioou and ulncklng than oxoapt to church but ua wo ware tha ml- latnr family our mother though i it prnptr thai wi ahould wear them whan ihq mud warn muddy howavar or vury duuty w uaad to roll up ahoaa utid utocklmpi in a bundle wlh a towel or two mid trot aton in our bare font tu uuliool it wouldnt do to moll much pmdvo thins uhoa for one pair had to luat a jear at leant and tlm it ho bunded over to tha mutt younger child tho older boy lilrlu would tuka turna in carry in th llttla onea over hard place and twomllo walk wu not much for cou try chlldrtn than whan wo reaohod tha mohoolhouho w would vlpa fmt on tlm towelm put on our ntook- lnrm and mimkm and lm all right aaln whim it rnnlly auowad or rained the fun won imltor utlll if wo ware causht in a utorm our krout tip cart with i loud of bthldulltx would be aen drtv hut up ubout the tlmn for achool to uloua coma child mti in with you would be tlm cry and wo nva or ik of uu with ikirhuiwi twlco tha numlwir of ualkhbora children would atow ourmilvpn nwuy upon the quilt in tha bottom of the cart have one or two oomfortorh mirnuil over un and tucked in ut thn uldftm and than aet or for homo wluit frolics and una thuro would lm in the dark under thtuio ujtlltu uil tho old cart jolted over tho htonnm and ahook ua all tocathar in a raurry hoapl alonk tha way wo would atop ut thla houae or that andn of tha quilt would ba lifted and out would nrawl nnn rum plod llttla truvfllhr whan at laat we were at homo oboj1 tlm itlrod man would take uk lilt iu ilia ohlldren and all in aqulrmlnt bundle and deposit u or the kltchon ttimr to utralshlen our- anlvuri uu beat wa oould it waa better fun than you at in thnan dayu muy on led krut ilmu lauahlnat heartily at tha rocollootlon may laurbad too au aha anawereil jurniilna- up i deolan- brandma you mo ko me wiith id bean a centennial klrl ulrrrn cfifutlan weekly there is a difference whan god alve mtn a wlfo and alk ehlldran he haa dona a jot for a follow hut whn lie slvea him a oluty woman uud a pmidla do ha haa do n o him up thnae aoclety woman look upua vren an nulaanoa wouhllit l oiio nock darning wo man for all thn aoclety women in the country lltitweon cut tin off tha top of tht ir traaio for tho ball room and thn bottom for the bicycle thaaaaoolety woman will noon not have any olathea a w finaa i 1 toaaoclet y woman tiopn 1 muy a more of you bhe then mala coma tu the ball tnnutt you older h later weur hlh oolurn round your iinoks urny are modaat and coninly but deliver me rrom duty womnni who button their opltara around their walatarxchana homo blumn it nn tio furmar llnhrn iiy tlm iirontcer wl oovri tho mluchli x i im kvcryoinj h it llttln to hlaiui ijurliut thn wur 11 mm won tnadn by nlont iviniim ncopl mi tlmm wrfa ii hiit f fvrytlilu whlln iplillna w i1iib liiudn niw i thlnku tiny ulinulil iiiukii jiiut it mutiy mud in i il i k pfnp 1 mind foi all tlmt mind irnmiil w lirn umd to 1 uy limit lh llif iiimtloii hi tlll thn unuiuli 4 oni wo ulliiii t i miliiuii morn thini ii liundrnd ut tho riilo wi in liiirluu iff filyiti 1 i truut and hfi my ki llllloil iii tln tl uumhi traatthi other moriiln und wln j ip- thj wm iihi ilium ailtttnu limil to llvn t ulmont full lt i ho muirouiidutk were an ohuuuud biihw id im it uplhut far him ui llmttreuly dldnt know wlmru i wua th unramlllur jvfapaot wum eauihid by tliv removnl of tho tlnkut fna uurioiiiidluk hundorluii 1 vlllu imwanown uu acton hollura momorlil ilniu on both the mill he ohn ktrout froilauil when i ot my jimirhijia iny od mind wumlorml lunik to the lliu wli n tom khlax built thill duo foiio- for my m rrlenil wlllum uriulop hloroy that waa int mo uov awy bank bo- rurn uny of ihomo ovimiinu aoldiorn wnru born it wuh ya forty or mfty on yoaru uko thlu uummar ihut that fettca wax tailll whnt prldo w it had hi h with blu milimdld bow reiilil encaat that time tho tlnuat in thn tiounty a un utlraotlvii hulikrounil h wum alwayw kpt pulntud whltu and with tha larae turnnd topm and heavy imvellnd cupplusil it made handaoma fanoa indued bom of mminiw how unry mr htorey wu on the mornlnof novomln r 1 1bb0 shan ba wont out uud found that tho alloween pranknturm hud knocked very turned top at tho cor nor t katewaya thorud uuraly have buan thlnw doln if ha ould hava got ten bold of tho utility youn folkn lie had no ue for wanton dama to any peraona proixirty but thla fine fence waa to him uko the apph hta eye well it tmaaed over but aad to relate nearly evry llullowui alnoe haa aaen thoae top so off may hava baeli fun for tho uuccaad- in aeneratlona of younonoodlumaj but avowed a follh aplrlt of ilea truatlvantmut which waa never admlrad by ua old chapa and it la really uvor forty yaara alnoe 1 aaar that funoe ro up anal i waa plowing and h arrow in yaara and yuaru boforw that bay therea no uue my tryltt aver to think or perauude anybody olm that ira not an old man yo and lot me uo why wanr i counr tt uu i bellnve it twenty yoa it a twntytwo your laat march alnoe wa luld w u tu tenderly away in bla family tilot in falrvlaw cemnlory how ho lovod that almit and how ho fought for it uu uoov acton your after your uulittt utron npintaltlon twentytwo yr w ur htorey laft uu not muny of ukwih leavn auoli a sup in aolou wbnn w culhol to the ion homo wuuhoiti i ko aalu i net loat in my anvcriau of thoaa ood old pant day i ntuat try and nt tutck to prohotit duyn uualn xt tho nolillnm havo tho f ilown they tnin well that pretty lawn at tho utarey place with uu oversraana und applatruou will muko a pretty llttla park uud with benchou and aotteom hcitltorcil about undnr tli ahudy pluoeu uud with tlui feitcau down im num u lot of nn old fellow and no doubt many of tho youn folk will muliy fael tomptnd to crouu thn velvety breenhworil thn anldlaru aoln to hava thera and tttko a out and rest uwhlln on u hot ujimitur day or a ploaaant eyculu uuya of my youth yc hava ulldod i intra of my youth yo uro froatod utld ray icyoa of my youth their koan alht lu no mora cheeka of my youth yn urn furrowed all nr thouajita of my youth nil yuur vtit- lona uro ii own htrankth of my youth- ull your vlor im none ihtya of my au y will uhortly 1k paaaod 1alnk of my uko yot uwhllo cat laat thouht of my uo i trim wlmloiu dellsht kyew of my uo lc rcllulon llsht thouchta of my use drcait not the oold ahl wye nf my u im ilxcd on your ood 1 aaw that old fenca udvortluad or bin n the vhkm 1rxtm a coupli wevk o they tell tnn that jlmmlo muora of crowaona co mora buusb it und toamml ittwhla farm laat butur- day and now it will udoru mount imeaaant karma front lawn with a coat nf paint itll be ood ua now andperhapa acme of ua old folla will walk up tnam in the uummcr tlmo 1 aee jlmmlu n new old fonoo lif llvlnir i linn i know if wliut i tmvi- nnlrt im phdu to veil myholf mil aftav mury rud tt ovni- uh uuld it woe tlm wornt mm 1 hud nvr wrltu n ami nil hua juiit lulhtd iivph inln wlml ti lfiihon fir hi hlm ciiht of hvhik rmlly hi llllt ii ha lgiliu d ifjl un iny tha wlu r v n hfti i w huvi lml throahnd it out my mlvlmi lu don iwill too mmli on the tmbj 4 t i t mpir it nullum chr int lull llrianin ullil lot nf otlmr d i uuhjtitu you mlli 1 irlvin dtppy- if you luindi r n- them tmi mtiili fi w jiulultrnpliu in ir hhdory tho ftn brl i mr jumm 11 fyiit t mill and ltlvrntri ii ua o john jlolt muln hirwi the fionutr 0 oooulood pu njl wolln mil uwioi built hy ulrhard iluliillton win of hi rurpiilril acton uvur md il ll lit tt fur hit own ijxmfinm alioiit yeura uo llu pruvlouuly hull rmldi nm on kulrvlnw ave mid ukrvliw cviitilory after llvln thfr for a uliort tni ho oold hi it hotmu to luvld wlllluiumoii who ii there from uhortly nftor bla murrluaa until h went rtvur to tho mulrolm mcllii raon fuim in niimmuifuwnyu ltlclinrd kumdton lived in the brick houao a icood many yeum iiim i mrt itarihiiitnr work won for him u rvpulu- tlon und h waa employed for ynam at ule laiiuorlom hulldln vuta und looch- a tlm lata ouoriie ilourdmoru hr aramirnthoi- of nur mi torruiif und mr gordon tleurdmoro thotiuhi no ne in thn community muld put lu vuta miual lo hlihurd hamilton mr and mrw llumlltona only dauithtnf only child in fuct mnrrled mr c ii wuller mutiuiunturtr icrln v1hbo und the family aold out thlr int retu lu acton uud moved to rln mr lluiiillton went into tho u buul ueum there and continued until lib daath mr joalah itoyle uf kiln puc ho ed the property uud llvad them t numlier of yearn whan ha paaeed uwuy mia daukhtnr mm orr re aided thora for a tlmo when mr jo me if hold retired from farm in und rioohlod to buttle iii anton bought thla pluca and it hum bauii bin homo for qultn a iiumlmr of yoni croaaln hlvnr htruct which opened whnn anton llow comimny u wqit warn built acton creak tho molirta of thla uplendld nroani la ho aiirin on tho third line a llttln over a mile to thn north wlmra it comnii from tha rook tlm creek fltwii thronl tha mrut- brook tfiiwrl uupplyln their jrout ivontlu und butchery uu wnll uu tholr aplundld bniikalow und uuimrlntci d nt m rcaldonihi it copiom 00 clou throiiifh mr mwltnm mr mo i ho uortu mr molvorn aid mr hoim rt wullunaa promrtltii und tli corporutlon 1 mid u mill privilege llrnt uuad for tho old link woolhit mill uud now owned by tha corporation tlnmoa it puaaau throtikh kalrvlaw place tha umlth projmrly uurcuu main ktrcct ono or two lulu und into lalry ijiko whloh covt ra an tuctoittuf vluhty ulht acrea form in a jwn lunula nf tha public purk bud thuuaa tbroiiich tho old mill und on were muln htrc uuhi to tho mammoth tniiukrlco tho tlturdmora interealm thn luret in tha urltiali empire which it nup- plica with mile nd id watr for tannin iurpan thlu acton utrculn wayw a uplandld trout utreum many u iniut havo 1 oauuht in tho ikhi of tho creek when tt mourn orod umonk tho willows whtra 110 rower iiouhh ukutln rlitk und ulvtr tltroet ur now located many a doxen apocklod bcau- tlew havejltiqan jim wild laitd with hta hnnda from under the nod tiunka below the main htreet brldire many u croelful did ulka bpalht udward nick ii n jim mattliowa und ivank taylor catch lq the bltf mill und from flatlmttomod iwmta or to ruftu thorn wuu tha uood old daya mo far aa trbutnnlilu won concerned in acton aoodbyo tub oujmant the oonrowlno neiqhdor dlff nuw nnlithhorh lieen ovur td- ilayt auknd jerome llarton of hla r iill blu mthr ra- eorved and unrommunlcatlva hulnniect ami tier llpa mi t cloa arid aha ja illml to flirt hr rllariina tha aublect murthu itarton wrt not to reticent how vr with br wldowad eatar who livid with them when mr tyaart i ni omiili 1 tha umuc uuurvi addln and what dit thejr riimn ierj for thla tltmt mtm liurton rvpllcml why it wua the dauahtarwho came xlin buil run out of muatard i tot rowlntf iiaulu aa uuualt vh you murthu lo my way of think 1 1 hume tiii pa ure hecomln a hji linll tlie nn iiufllublo anna rhl d mra liurton ently l ilka t kill aha a ao pretty and rnudeal funiy her motbirr la a confirmed ii valid the futhar aeerfia in im awi in tin lty nloat of the time 1 undo idulid he hnu a luw milt thera and hi un t l ewrnln uuythln for the llva viy mrly they inuxt itnl olmervail mra dyuart in her unuupy ionitorloua way to my rortulu kaowlmhaathay have hqiiovir imre on a iwirrwofnir einwll- tlnn iveiy duy nlnrotlnririrntvejr herv a wt ok duo icrhulm udmllled mr llarton quietly 1 tmunlne thay have few ai plkw uhdtmjo money i told tho lrl al ihut i wonljl t ovat to ml r mother mum uu njyweeka bak rvi in and curt over half of il i muppmm help your digestion ladfecttion with kimoids dtaaolr aallr on tom mm pjaaaaat to taka aacajujy keep am kmuumm clipper grinding machine t j speight geometerwrr haa imdulhq u imw inai hlnn ri tcrln i in cllpm ru lliirmi oll pnr hwr- hii ollpikiru vt ut und and aatla- ruotuil uurulitwtl t j speight cearoatown plant mohp treeb riantlnw tlm la dvawlna iioarnr und- it would im o plruaani alaht thlu nirlnk in aee ihn renlrieiit of arttn eiikke1 in aet till a out treei to ail i til furthi r to thn nrpnlc krundoiir of tholr t itutlfnl town xlufih aihxl work inj lre anting huu leen done in the nuat but tin m wlih h could ln vatli improvihl if m tfin u irini tluntnl thn lun eoiinvll mlahv iroain around thn lown hull thrf vicinity ut ihut mm hullj in iwilly nemlu likltln utter hupplliom and in thai commotion tlia t utiu iilh kmvmtrv journal in dlamiu- mlu l udlda iiaeu pi intu out their advantage und dmlrablllty au follovvu their udviltaaea aa memorlala lo our boldlcr und aalbira uu mak lu our biubwjya and bywayn beaut i ful un fuinlahlna a had anr in hunt ju jitipmylncruijn klndu of roailh ua pravantltt nwlh idaldn wewlns aa produoln fimml nun iteaat and bird i llov to a muia tlmm iteaervln uud i rot4 tin trenu both ynun and old alrrady iniwln iluntlnaj youn english to br the world language in reply to thn qu cat ion addreaaed by tho northern leaoe hoclety to pro minent llnnlatn in vurloua oountrleu an to which inttrudkn would be tha moot uultablo forworiawldo uae m curnoy profudaor nf iouvaln unlver ally wrllna kttkllah would undoubtedly be the moaf aultabla the oerman and the- kreivnh lunuaua have lo4 their place tdroubh tho war tha uikllah lanudo in a huapltalba one bain a kind of cdmprotnlaa batwoen tho latin and ourmanlc tunuaa uuki it la blmidc utld la hpoken by moat pro- icrnaaivu uutlona of the world and hau ono of thn moat beaulirut titeruture uf modjern tlmca drink a menace to labor mr ii t hoot kdltor of tha hyd noy now houth wnlim worker ra mntly ntlrned iim itulkf in tho ubentt- alty ot uuhrluty fnr workmen in tha folio win 4orda drink laj tin evil that injure thn workeru mro than any thin elae wo are not ttii isnorunt nf tho prlnclph of economic caueatlnn a to imaalne that mobrlaty in ttmlf can aave tha workln ulaau hut wa are perfectly certain that ttioy cant lie aaved with out aohrlcty und that u monopoly whloh grow a rlohor tho mora t be- ttiutldloa tho brntna of workln men a a uarloua doiiaer tn the cauae of labor jinittho proroa of tha world had his wav i ii junt acream if you attempt to ebvmo uuld uiojaweet youn thin a uut i don t want you to borenm replied the youn main you riot t ltjiit mo to ucrcamrf no l oh very oll that h ilka a ma tou ra liouml to havo your own way iloforw i miuy got autrtud on thin hlh ctwt nf llvln ouoathm im heln- nln to wlah i hud promlaetl you aomcthln ii hter- aomothln morn on tha frlvolauo miahriud and apwnd every blamad cent ynuvu ot and not worry whera inurn la com in from atyla ollut thoro iuw lo und imholit you if i haven t ulvan yutl what i consider one of thn rcuaoiin ror if 0 ii rbjht away wovo al rath or ot the habit of never oakln what tlm prloo of unythln la uny mora if tnmcthln we wuht ahould bo a little lower than whan wo uot it lief ore we kind of think there m aomethln wron with it uud auy havent you aomo thln of a little batterquality half of uu don t know anything uhout qual ity any wuvoualtty iltjpciiilit on tha price lap t that truot own up ilka rure ohljqiortm ovary laat one of you tlmao aroruther rocky tlmou 1 if you dont buy to day dear known what the drlau will be to morrow you don t need ft ttow you are cojolud into buyln und puttln uwuy foi future ue if you do mpund tho ma ktima like a ntuuluc and got every thin you want don t wont now am dear known when you will want you ittvaallod unthrifty und u lot of nllmr utlna i know you mo uud uvcry- nny clue am il in u funny x itoad tha ndvirtlhuuuhlm of uny puhlli and you urn uriiudio hoy head tho editorial in d you ul- urueil to whloh im ii follow roln to bollnvct ilul i bu jlkbvnd if i dont imllave rmiai vcry ono iri hcllovln urn ad vartluamonta i aaw a fuiqty cut- toon tho other day in either the hook wood unpnrter or the new york llcrnld momber whloh a lot wore labelled with klffn aa capital labor mlilillimnii ctc and wo warp playln that old faahlonad numo of illnkurxnuid iloay kuch wua urubblu uflor the dollar tha ono ahead of hi in hold in hla hand uudernnatlf worn thn wordu when will limy sot dliyt and that juut whit wit nil want lo know whan will they kot ill my when wll tho guy wlio nturtud tlio rluv i price ct thwl looiillinr fhm and hi other follow tryjn to keep up bomo peoplo may labor u ilolna it by high waa alrartaf houra etc he appreciated the compliment an old lady who wua a friend of tin pntl whltller tollu thn following utory at one time when ida birthday waa bulh publicly cnlabrattml he hud ua u kueat mra julia ho uut on went then tho moat colebruted oratorio miiiroi america after the dinner whlttlur naked her to niii bint nhoao for hor election tho ballad llobln adulr which ah nan with krout pa thou and fuelln hardly had uhu leup tha aon when whlttlora lot do name into tlm room walked over clone lo her nlda antl a tar ed un at her with cvory nxpreaalun of dellgnl when aim bud nnlalmd ikted hlbun nnd then loupln up ha licked her cheek illu name la blao jtolihi adair ex plained mi whlttlor ao ha tukon that aon uu u tribute to hlmaulf anil very evidently ha did itom that moment ha devoted lilmanlf to mra wcat hardly leaving her aide in- itoom or out durln bar vlidt and when aha wont uwuy ha oarrlad 11 or travollln bu in hla mouth uu far aa the carrlaac and a bowed hla aorrow over her da port ure in wvary way that a do oould heleotod jyair uhoul wayl 1 1 wrhupu uaulu rephtnl mra lur- imi hh kllew how to do thlnga graoe tally ipnt aha did not knkn her htrlah- 4im f 1 under otilutlim when uhe weiij ov r lo tha thfrp home two llayrt inter ullil told how lnmnvtnfent it ulwuyu wuh when a peraoit moved how dlltlcult to ihwmime familiar with a uuw routine uhe carried with her u fronhly bukml louf and aomn oooklna und doughnuts wrapiiad up in a towel vhon ua hh auw how imlo and 111 mra thorp i lookml aba abruptly recalled that overytblu that har daughter hail ikirrnwod hud boon ortkloa tor that lnotli3ra i olnfort mri tiinul hunt her llttl hon to mr llarton hororn the week wam nut uukln hur to oomu and aee her the daughter wau almeiit and tlm mother bud welled tha occumii llarton ulonu with tnaiu lu her uh uhked her to loan hr two dollara until her buatuind returned baturday night it meant a depletion nf hoard nd pin money nf llsht volume but with atlra nheerfuhuwul the kind hear toil mru tturton contributed tha uaknd for wa urn in a very unfortunate oop- ditlon mr thorpe ronl it cant luat ion mr husband ror two yeura ho lion prtaacutln a law ault he muat certainly win tnll a drclalon of tha judge la expected any day now mi tlurton uotlred mr thorpe uorloill rurd tllgiillliml aipriu old uu ii ikxittlm p oca over humluj tha next day tha two dollar wua re turned with thanku ttiut week ad- drlun luiftiin the mill wmo home from tha city on hlu vacation he had boon workln there fur nearly a year and wua not auliraly uatluflnd with hla mkhoux hi graut ambition waa to utart in iiumiihu for blinaelf in a amall wuy in uutomohlhi hupplle and re- palru a line in which im waa n ro ri ch nt hut hi futhnr could not miare tlm rupltul required even tor u limit ed nxmrltnlit naturally adrian llurion mot cry tul thoriie uud qultn au naturally thoy lumutno mutually attracted waa u ftiyal wu for the city tired youn man rovln in tlm wood a flah- ing imiatln and ho and the rieih- imr girl aw mr larton dealgnatetl cryatal whareil in theae vnjoymenta mra thorpo irud again drawn uton hor no friend for a few dollar had been accommodated und mra llarton icnrniiur tho full detail of the ault at law hcume groutly ifitereated- in fact one day whan mra thorpe told of a amall amount of nnal feea needed in tin ault her huaband muat nay mr liurton advanced tha muno adrian met mr thorp whan ha returned to tht city und called upon him adrian wum froq and open to noufos tu tlm father of cryatal that bo had ration in lovo with hla laugh tor thoae two became cloee frund uud una day both returned unexpect edly home it wuh to bring glad nnwa the aut of mr thorp large amount helrqr ut law had been tlecldcd in the favor uwurded blm hi flrat movo waa tc hiimmon mra llarton to hla hqm vou have been a true friend b aald wo huvo lieeu troubloaonia bor rower but now i am in tha poultlon nf tha lender hear mudum and true wpmuuthut vou itri your aon will tell you that im uud i utart in bunlneaa next wotik au purtueru with ahipta cupltul to inuura miioceaa in our under- tuklii and i hope that you will feel aa huppy ua ouraelvea udded mra thorite tn know in that your eon and our duughtnr are aimuged why thoy vo wound up hy bor rowlu your uoul ouaerved unv tty- aurt upon hearing tha new but whan adrian ami cryatal nettled down u year luter directly between the two homem mr liurton felt that her brea 1 cuat uwn tlm watura had returned to har many fold marvin dvmkawhavw ton roy hindley auctioneer 1avv1 iitock ufalj k1jtath3 ani jkuch an 11 mis cenaolldatad phan erie ct 11 r r s acton nrnld 1 cant re- t nf un mpro rtuui ifftn ouplctln uh how he doe0 it an obedient huabahd not far from hydnoy waa object in a ahorf time ugo to do certain work about tha hopaahold and quoted scripture tcjtt tthb wife ahowin that ilia houaabold jlutlea ahould liroperly lie uaalgncd to tho woman the good wife had beei trained in the ladle auxiliary of our youn mana christian aauoulutlon and mho quickly- ronl led by niudln to her umtonlahed 1 1 ego a king xcl t wl wipp jdruaalen u uv man wlp- otli it dlah willing it and turning it upnlila down ttiat huaband without u murmur huu wlkd tlm iu1ich hlnca probably doqfibh lllunk hud hud u day on and whim hn returned 4o tlm oitlpn tho iohowin inoruluuhln pul wuuloil to know why ho looked no dlagruntlotl itlvirythlii wint wrvn uriimblni lllunk how wum thutt unu nuked lover go flahln with a girl onca t hid aha protenl hnht no hhn ualdl ttgalpat hurtjutf tho uhe waa aura they wnra perfectly happy hociluue they were all wabging tholr tnlln london tuiuta cheap at the price iiok here doctor that bjll you i nmwua rather largrf hut thlhk what i aavad you by telling your wife aim hhoutdn t go to florida thl winter let thn boy interested in tha iturw prod atqck bunlnou buy a calf for him and let htm care- for it and fit it for tha vail fair his only want it waa with hlsti hope that a com- morolaj traveller cull ad on a certain trait cm nan they hud rmvor done busl- lieaa together before but u friend had gjveu him a good introduction may i diiow you my tmmpl6a lilrt ha guked after they had exchangiwl jireetluga certainly i aald thovtradaaman af fably and from an tnalgnlfloant ba tho traveller produced a aurprlalngly largo holcctlou of ttttlolea ii uolntail out tholr different merlta und then wultod well thorn only one thin 1 want aald the trddeam unhand tha- travallar beamed at tha thought of open in 4 new account ii whipped gut hi notebook i nl wiuud expectantly what it uflm nuked woll wan tha reply i want it wm how you re go in to get all thoae aamidu luick again intu that llttli ha cheenfulnebo pays iiurii jo laugh imttor huifmoilloli a gimml uloiy a wolltold utory im aa welimimu na a mm bourn in a alck room ieurn to kocp your trouble lo your- aulf rh world lu loo buay to cari for yom ilia uud uoitowk lcurn to atop crouklu it you cannot mm any good in thn world keep thn bad lo youraolf np one uurca to hear whnt hor you have un earaoha hoad- ucha pr rhaumutlum hnnt cry ninr do wellenuugh in noala hut they urti out of place in roa life ijnurii to inoft your frlcnda with a amle tha good humored man la al waya wulcoiua hut tho dyapoptlo or hyimiolinmlrlaa la not wanted unywhare uud lu a nutin noo ua well t icdlth i liituromt lu i ono of tli ono klrl whuat a ulan in gtivrmod by hln u1 u0o the grantor tho prtnclpal the grcatfr tha luwraat uouton rrann- orlut aa e k cook ua tor liahhoircahhmlwiiml ittoclcjna rao- i12s far 118 mkn h wintkil ca1 ijinilol kimona almtomu baa ua for overall and work bhlrta bhee repairing specialty e k cook mux htuicbt wphilp taaaher of plana violin and othar btrlno inat unnenta aibo wimfl oi1qam iu pi i prepared fur conservatory kxamlnatlona meaaagea left at acrom vvxm vnms ultloe will rwebra prompt attention a cheaper fuel wa have on hand a cm- cf manu factured coal called jboulets thla ooal im made of hard coal hcreunlug which la wouhtid to re- movo all impurllloa und mined with oil und priwaod into oval uhape tlm nl of u imn theau eoino well moommendod by people who havo uhihi tlmm and you own it to youraalf lo try them and lf you find autufuctory thla will aavu vou money on half ton for trial delivered u0 e ja b mackenzie acton yarda georgetown kfalchnoy tub mlaa of acton aftar com- platlu her courao ut 1 h c wau hkcatod by them ami in hor pay found a nonridnntlal increuue 3 bill r week more tlian who wad hlml for ouelph business college quelph pr in boots shoes for spring kenney bros have npanod their how atock of imuit line rr kudua and qontlc- tnen ftoya und olrlm t1i13 viniwit ual ml in oxkomih irolt ohntidcmkn ww ifavh tub 1 iniibt hllunu btvwcm wa have not forgotten the dur- ubln well mode lumu for hanl work on tho ivrn in tlm vactory at the quurry uud jtho iciluu gooh ooohft and uiaahon- auuin iluclutl ailu our hpieciaitikh h opal ring promptly durably done both anw ad work kenney bros main btreet acton ont t e gibbons thesoleofashoe ullltj i lo tlm tnnat will lllil thn lil of pilitr hr be debt 6ak tanned ljeathcr mi tht hi uildltiin to ijpmrt you t ion pf tlm hhoiii n pul rail ilild urftrd to pay u u i himh work but we liuthii ihut little more our url uii iw bu txuilb main street acton jlalaa- aar- t them hrei taw rl ilmhtiblu nnd uudt mlrublil klndu ia long lived beautiful troai hill it ua oak aim uuhe and hard maple undoairublea ulort lived qulok grifwlnu trixu uuvh uh cotton wooij or aoftmapiim tlp3t0 houbewiveb- tlm outer layeru of grain ure tlpuie whlalt uutalil tha vitamin uo nimau- uuty for healthy lml knuod im left over of plo- ruxc i m luinl if yviu wlh to inuku ilap tart out of tlmm lace ubould im wuahed lu milk and wuter then floated nlean and put away in bluad flannel a put roaat ahould ho browned on all aula in a hot pan before it la put into the i wit for ate win hiareh for tlm dark oalloo ahould im mail in tlm uauat way tlmn add t arm pint of clear coffee him you aee a very buay day ahead plan a alow in which your vegetablea meat nun im revoked in the aa pot a memorandum ad and penrll hi bealdo tha tuitltry uhalve 1 convanl- nt fur jotting down uupplle which an neetled what the bun gives u tlm ooat nf light jmr nonce haa re rantly imen woiknd out by dr chahe iavidaon of jrianwlch obaarvatory it take an appalling amount of lht to welch an ounce ha hay and th 1 aa aupplled by aa und electric llaht norrmanlaa wnrka out at home thill like uq0o0q0u he auq ahower down on ua 11 nf thla valuable atuff every day uay the doctor ye wa often neglect thn tam gift anil prrfer to ay 60 000 ooo an ounce rr a very much in fi rlor quality if thaaun rhargod u fan thla ma hlrtnent light at the unu rkto a tha an and elect no light comlmnlea wtt hhouhl have to pay 3bs 110 ooocoo 00j a day or about 106 ooo million million dollar a year but tha uun doe not charge ha giv- to u mx without nay nnd without price the value of time xhn retired colonel waa dan in in a quiet etraam when there approached u yokels who rvmorkoil with a yawn tlma aint vary valuable to you im ut hum 1 va bin nwatchln you three hour an you aint hud even a bite m wall drawled tha nahatmari my tlnwu lol vuluahle anyhow to wua to thrco hour of it watchln a man rluh that unt getting oven a bite hear your own burden nrat after that try to helptiarry thoae of other 1mmi1 fleorge vi auhlugton urfftpo and ihe life of vour houj timk was when the appearance of a freshly painted house was the only thing that counted but now we must also realize the im portance of the protection good paint affords against wear and tear any paint will give some protection but if you want paint pro tection for years not merely months use bit paints raj4 a 100 formula 70 of which is bntndrams genuine b b white lc4d providing a cot of such body brilliance and toughncsm aa to defy rain sun or snow where draper points will chip peel and crack if your bouae la painted thla w with bw it actually haa a tegfoccpreeecriraj which renders it mperwiouato the decay of p lo year vou law tbcfaotceomatttra tlv colour aa tbown en color card which la applied en appucatko for sale by c c speight acton ont nmmmmnmimmpmimnwimlkhmia assuring your business a policy of advertising is a policy of life assurance and the protection thus secured is well worth its annual cost away llieyjmiat ber replaced old customers are subject to the influence of tempta tion they may he induced to divitlb their custom to do some of their shopping at a competitors new comers to this community will shop with you- become regular customers if they are invited to doso your competitors advertising is an influence which must be offset if you are to maintain your trade not to advertise regularly to the readers of the acton free press is to leave your business un protected a word to tiie public it is no sign of weakness to follow the lead of adver tising you owe it to yourself to get all yon can for your money the best goods jmd the best service and if you find that your inclination is to shop where y6u areinvted to shop rather than to continue being a customer of a shop which never solicits your good will you need have no compunctiohs of conscience shop where you are invited to shop 41 i