tlimtlldat al ukj u 1uju thc home newspaper dull mi i imin i now lh liinnik tin lii i m a wuiichix t itll lllmlfl l illtllljilliu mil iuibl mil mlimitu f li i hrolii li tin it n window pouring twenty vear8 ago f of tha proa prlt thursday april 12 1000 and i ii tlhl jjm h fills 1 1 1 iim 1 i i ifij r ii t i limit u iihiiiiiiu i i ill it iucrl- i 1 uthv und nil din uruiululra li dujlii 1 1 riiny rll how ll- ii uti ii j til fin print inrlt- rliim i with 1 uiii tuhlohfiw tha i ii imi uilll i glimmer tllti lump liulli 111 ahd fuutuhl i lid wlu ltno whlto wil uth tin ir niuy thatch anil urn iblbt urtu of llu clatnulm ui1 tha imu i faintly utdi and i hur ho tuyrluil pluulufa growing mi tliu uuitl m will while llu vi ltlt um i ami t foul a mulitln pit funic from tlmt unity pugn uncoil rwmt bm ul illf of llllildlllg flnwnrm utrong 14 m cnt of flulil and mill anil n rjt li ruutttliit iviuido mhima to billow through it ull in wiioho iulit nwoll im mingled uontf i f lurk uixl lupwlug dull from tha hwittluh of ob unain 11 rood lug in thodu huvn undergone oonmldaruhln hitllkom of ustn small uoikm hut lwrtului liovtr 1 un doubtedly thn jriunt uatltifuatory but even with mmpurutlvily umull hock tmmn urn iuw lining hiny hroodar the ilvuntiiuu of thiio uloveu 1m that they tun lirood largo nock ut a m tmuiitlvdly mull iiimi thn pipa brooder wa tha ayatom thut win forcierly uaed on large plutitu urn u till quit largely employed it given axocldnt aatlafaatian hut in ho aipanalvo to in- tit ii that tha atova hroodora urn lanre- ly unplntlng it thmo atova brtmdom can bti uaed ir any ordinary colony house thua avoid ing tha nocomwlty of it upeolul broodor house thay ura tnudn in d liferent alse mid will nooommodttta lthar lorso r hriuii hoclih vlvti hundred ohlcka etui imj uttoiutol in u colony hoiwo with ulnifmt um lit tin lu bur tut bo in b mull hroodar und tho ud- dltlonal coat is oomuurutlvnly low whon tha chlokw urn mmuvwl from tha imtuhotor caro luiuuld bo takon to n void chill in thorn tim broodar bolld ba mo hautod that thuy will bo bl to sot ft tamimiruturo of 100 da- greoa it tha bovom uiro heatal to bo or sb dfttroc ihifiirn thn tliitiku ftro jut in them thn bout imnaiiitod by tha ehloks will brinir it up to thn desired tempcraturu thn id on im to kivo tha ehlolui un low it t hum rut urn um 1 ooiuiuitont with thnlr romfart tb tempratura whnuld imj icrhduully ru- duoed but never mo qulokly um to chuub any dlacomfort to tbo rhloltu with tlm tuoodnr miovuk tb chick 0a mlnct tholr own tamnaraturatf if r thay want a llttbt morn hut thny can sat a little vloaor to tha miovb k thay at to warm thny ian mproud out a rllttl rnoni it u udvlwuhln when tha ohloka r drat put into tha hou to tnke rlnjr nrauml tha hiovo in which tho ohloka art contlnud untll thy im- qoma umhi to tholr now iuartorm nlid bt aocuitiintwl to tha wouroa of bnat than the fnn inay in removed iror thla purpoaa h hlrlp of rcudyrooflnir half width uniiworw to mrfikitlon an tt 1m aally hajidlih and it hraukh the drauchta whlnb wro liable to bo aloiuj the floor and whlnli ara una oc tha dansvra thut bliould ba suarded acalnat in thin muiod of broodlnir foadtnje when tho chink- m hatch- ad it oomou into um world with m liufnoleiit nupply of nnuruhment in the form of vtt yolk to lout it for aavaral duyn wbut u tihlck ranulrea at the atart in nut feud hut warmth and itau whun uio clilckn ahow uoal- tlv alsna of humcur whluh will bo n about two or three daym uty them it food mcatterod ort ft little ooarae aand hr ohbikv u kor till flrat iaed hard bollod mca and bread oroniba in the proportion of about four of bread orumbd to qn of eifir la uaed laad llttln und often nlternatlns thlx with miyth bupply tender rnn feed mioh aalettuon or hometntitk similar after tho nrt wek hopixira of dry maab hhould ho kept baforw them and by tbe tlmu thuy ur ilhiut ten daya old the oust feed may ba duuontlnued place brit wuler and u uuh of uour ptllk where uiuy will huve fra nn- oesa o them no l bl nit provide anl- mlfoodi in boyor form than rtoca aqur mllk luorua uolwrtnon foultry divuinn central icxperlmentn karm ottawa the philosophy op life did it ever ocour to you that a rnana life 1 full of nnr und ump- tatlona7 ha comja into tblh world without hid oonment nnd uoeti out ajralnat hi will und thn trip betwean la exceedingly rocky the rul of contrarian in ono of tho feature of hi trip when hit in uttlo the faltf ira kua him when bo 1m blii tho uttla ilrui kfna lilm if h im porc ha 1m bad manauor if ha im rich ha in dlahouut if bo tihudm crvdlt he cuti t pat it if he lu iiroapariua overyliody wantm to du him ii favor if lie im lit poltica it in fnf wrufc if ha im out pf politics ho im h trood to hlm rountry if ha doam tiottflve to bit country ba a a atliury ciimm if he doea it im for ahov if hu lu uotlvolv relltflouu ha la tt hyikiorltu if hu tuk no intereat in rellttloji bo im u inirdenud mliinur if ha riven urfoutliin bo u u uoft pedtnen if ha i urom fot no una ha la ooldblodnd if ho dl tt your thorn wrm u krett rtitnri fur him if hu lvn jo un old utiw bo mlhhud hlw culunif doth athletics a traveller let hlw umbrella in n hotel titer uttuohlnif to it a card bearing in bold lot torn tho warning thtm umbrella bolnniih to a man who condoul with bin tint n blow of two hundred und fifty iouhd comlbk back in five mlnutuh he returned to find the umbrelb gone nid in lln pliiuo tha maanuso thla curd belotni to h jnurt who oui run twenty miloa an liour lent mm- in back a foa to aathma olva bathma half a chance und it kuiiim nmiid rapidly iut kivo it nipautitil trtiutmnntu of ir j ii kuiuibk autlimn ilotnily and it will fall buok oven finder tltura im no huf way mcuuuro uttnut tiln reinndy h atoea rltchtto work und drive a- thma out it ueuohua- tba inmomt hrea thing puanubou nnd loavea no laee fhrtho trouble to turk have it y jroli lor ready uae hiinby al rll u im icater a ulf iiluttni tulkid of b lint uiuuiil lii ttiwn di bl y lo innii u buulii i- ilv inif up tin mo tluyu t iiitm for lb now blot u un mill u1 willow htnttl will l u ud fur in u rw duy tba uluiw v uw mi tba way 1 t im ihittln up the mm thut li nut itullka u hludu or well nd it ull ut miimnjcr when um nlntylii 1 lu fruum aw roukliib uf in llu t ii i llu oluli will meat fi nntunl nitlrn on lrlduy rvonliiu ilimtmuhtnr mutlhawm bum turned tint thiinkh of li ion aurfarlntf nd iiinonifortubiy crowdad community y ibw iiiiuvil of tho i trillion ut tha utrnbea of tha kt uolco qthar im- itiovutiunim uro in oontamptatlon xi r miiloilm unllouuld applied ut tlui rirultliif mtutlon at toronto lout viwlt volididunh nioxlterkitbrthr north wout mountad isilloa he waa iiiouplwl uiul im uwiiv to b a ulal wurt uiililir i ho cuiiii il luu- engujted mr wed- iiuu unlutm ivtmlort to ml the va- riinoy uiuwilliy tha removal nf mr c lillohln alaotrlfllab ii im u narrlnd tilun uln will amove to anton tiakt wak und b txtaotei to take rhwrw f ttr plartt bottttbt9rd lib iliry bm ixxin nxnl ut ttso xt hi iidormoii b cow millinery ipnlnm on rlduy mn haturduy lunt wera uttviidod with tha umuhj auccawi uada mhuiwim ur tha ordnr of the duv ulpm cutniiiall im in gliuriiu au u reault nf thn uirati anoilum of youns mnitto thn north weat and to hulny ulvnr ijutilot luut fall a r- clty of tnoii fir farm woik wm re- ivoruvd from dlrfarant part of ontario lthirtm rroni vurtoii aectlon now mtulu thut thn ultuutlon hu bean bruvat1 by thn mprlnat movamanl to- wuril manitoba tha maildlns of the tltiltanu to hjuth africa and tha pmvbilonul jitlulljn 6 halw8t iftiuur with tha rwirultlntf now goln on for tha worth weat uounted in lb tha prices mr hlnxl rn thk jumn ur llknly to ha mora uttraotlva than for many year the cmploynou nf itaanlmor a co and tha anion tannin o to the liumlh r of ito urn nut on athki in for bn advance in wa up to thn pruuent tbo re uoemm to ba no dla- imuiitlnn on tha part of either tha mm or their employer aivln in the man am well baliavni and there 1 fnar tha pauoo will la broken by any lllexal aolr on their part born xjndhay in kmiueln on monday april to mr and mre n v llnd- when patjerjce 10 not a vi ft vim mk ii nliuiiiitioi ii b iii in vlluhl unbuilt 1 i ha 1 im u i 1i i but i i f poor kknnigiy in unrli ll to tcnniod a o aianf in irh it to hr a wecond hue n acton on haturday mr and mr john on thursday march id mr wm allan omilea the irlce u where the who plnche all the prlrea uro tetotalur they won t take a drop no profit la with honor unlvau it im reumonahly mmull a youiia huahand call hlm wife lllrdla thiouliue alio i nlway aaaonl- utad lu hlu mind with a bill nivor judo u man by th milk unt- brallu ha currinm hn may havo lrt u oottort ono momawherd in lu plaoa rut ciuhm toout bid you reud about thn mc4ut yho mwallowed hlw tounpooilt taudnrfoot no what happen nl to him kilmtnhibm bcout oh ba cant attr a llttla ski bruuhln her hair found thut it omcklod and nuked br mother why it did why dour you have alectrlolty in your bulr explulnml the mother lun t thut funnys commented the uttlo ono i have electricity in my hair ami krandmolhor hftm aa in her itomuclt theroa my father ha amak and ohnwm ahd ha im bo year old all ould hlw opponent tf he bad not iimoii tolmiooo ho might have been 00 yy tblu time it wum an old llttln aay in op portunity hu luilr in ront behind aha im hd if 7u eeua her hy the rorclook you may hold her hut if iffared to aucapa not jupiter himself n calcb fiir anln tha mill will never grind with the water that liau p of ull uud wordu of tongue or pen thn uaddeat are tboua it might have the lt tat of youth im a readl- iipm ti tuko up v now thin or to ml wilt to new clrcumatanco when thut im prvtumu old na bum not yef ot nny grip v rub it tn for lama bank a brink rubbln with tr thomaa uoleotrlo oh wll inure irfme back the kin will immediately aboorb the oil and it will paiiittrute the tlaauee and bring upoady rnllof try it and be convinc ed a tha liniment alnk in the pain comem out and there are ample sroiindm for maying that it touch la magical a it im attend to vour piano when the tuner came to tune my grand piano the other day write a rorrouikomloit ho waa gloomy go- lug hla rounlm im o aad job almoat evary piano im in tiad order and he will huvn hard work pulling them up ugalri i gather thut ulmoat the flrat economy woman made wo to atop having their plunou tuned in many riiaom wlfora u piano wo tuned by contrtict four time yearly the regu- lur tuuurwent totliai fnmt in lth und ufton u utrangar finlahed the year the contract wum not renewed then cuma u time wkiun few gvownulmi hud lelmuru t ltay and uftcr that lack of ooal prevented drawlngroea ue ing uaed regularly bo my tuner indh hi planom out of tune damp and nhlllod him advloa im to have draw ingroom flrom um fretiuently a po alule und to keep the lldeof all piano grand und upright mlaed while the room im wurm never to 9ien the window for mora than a minute n fog or ruin tt play bn muoh um poj lllo to have il tun ml reanlarly and never on any oonaltlon to keep muula imktku oaarnnmentm on the lid or body of tha piano lairna inlirlttah weekly i miller worm powder do hot heed the nit or help of huator oil or any pur- gut i vo t iioinplote their thornughnea bnoiiuin they uro thorough in ihem- waive ono doao- of them and they will lie foupd pulatuhle by all children wllluiiilajhe worm trouble by muklng the utnmuch and bowel untenable to the paraalte anil not only thl but tho iuwder wilt bo tiertaln to exert rnoa itenenolnl innueiioe in the dlgce- tve orkb uplrltadm 1 rt with i fuitlv lyhlghl or if youi viu itic injur d n tlm butoilui pruxiottm wi involving u irlbiu huudhup tlm ultuiitbui im on duiium i in piithnia hilt to bi ptillciit oui r round altoubluim im ultog tb out of lb way moat of you willltu vrtllu hiimli cup iiui irtniom in yqi uiphu h ttl tha uihtlon wlutlinr or inl thty um v i lab id itolwrt loiw hi viikoii id the huudlcui of 111 luullb u thy alcul frullty from whli b jiu wuu mur rraa thut wuu mm thing hn mult not bolp jr iivu onit hlu huulutui wua to hour it um lie did with u rudl unt ohuarfuliiphm 1 fylug tha worbl la lomiibu him iiu ull tlivullil hut aoma of you uru humlhuppil jullt uiinacchhurlly if your biiniibup in u poor lurrlufii faulty urlli nbtllim un unplouhuiil volt i in om ol griiin mttr hor ornny of u thoiuntnd ulmllur do ti ihti lutioiwa lu ibo luut tiling you hiihiii i cuuivutn whut you umul im u dlhhutlruitlnu uo ttirtmla thut h will drlvn you to impiovj mml mout of uu ura ii graut itul too r ady to hfpt t prxilvn ruiiltti mid nil um tfii induuobiltu wliola wbllu n mou uunaa im loiithiimlly it iiiiw uu nglng would ba twttai if thay wi i on hum uuy r la lit in go ufa uiitfcrlng from u huudl lioicutlmr uiiinciuuiiiry dlfnrnit u tliroukh m thut lu thay saotka eualtatl narvam nul im arr un umiully uttrlbul la to dafoflllvn dlifamtlpil um til i utomuih domluutim thn uorva kiiltrnm inmi tit iumnlnam vagalubhi i lllu will allll ull dlhturhuliom of thlm char rallnva rmm irrltutiuif thnra lu no uedatlv ilka them and in thn correction o irrogulurulou of tha dluwtlve proceoit prapurullon huu dona ho effai rork um run a tnwtlllnd to by dm steele briggs seeds from better seedf 5j sold by leading a merchants throughout u j canada n n write fob new n iuustratedcataldg steelebriggs5eedc i cana0ic3 tiut aft srtlfofi- wmmmmmmmmmmwa here and there it lu the uuma with u tiook hm with u mm i with a good tltbi the demand for tha book or tba tnun will ha mutl- mnrably incrtiuicd honia of tha rrform mm 11 era though uloum in tlia cuuun do not nppniva nf klat whan thay have tba propar mubjaat they rind even khuoad too our cunlomm und huhltm ura like tlm ml in roudm thn whoalu of llfn ct- tlp into t hem and wn aa nlnn on through thn mlm imcuumn it tw too mi oil traubla to gat out of them a aula ohujirvir rnmarkm that t tnan who utopm hlu paper to nconnml im ilka a man who gnfu barefoot uava hlu n1iom safety first imith whnu it onmtil to love 1 wouldnt glvo u tlmuaht to how murh h man la making maud neither would i dar what would primarily in in runt tnn would ho iow touch he hud alrvudy mudu thorn lano uwi taking hanom hoaton trunuorlpt the fisherman u the mark of supremacy which foi nearly five decade has marked the fame ol scon s emulsion when you need a tonic to help put you on your feet again you ivill want scoff that is known around the globe the highest known type- of purity and goodness in food or medicine look for jjw fuhqnnan bay scotfml- ceu feoww iftmolo oat real estate if you have la houue for aula if you want to buy a houue lu acton oak r j kerr auctioneer and real etat daala mionh is voima bthest acton ont attractive prices this week lad lea and misses patent leather nnd kid pumps ut 275 lkdles kid boots in gray brown and black at ijo and sm dress good in poplin wine and taupe colors de duced from 125 to 7sc gnhardincs in taupe re duced from 1 2 to 75c l starkman kdsavagizr eye talk jpp should i x i jkjm an i w uro rimpatiiit to xirti nil who urn miftoiliiif fnmv dif itlva nyiuluht tlmctiuaa of your illmmliig vlulou may hi of iilmplo iirlkln uiul cor- yjli d wllh vi ry iihnulo isiiucm you tnuy im imiui- httcd hy wearing r ullhg kluhmih wu will tie nhln tn tl miirllm yout condition x- aotly und niuki tho proi r kluuui i for you wa grind our own lonui i c p r cluaulng trvumhig hepalrtng your clothes thoroughly cleaned in v workshop pressed and repaired by expert workmen we cai make that old suit look ijke new try us geo wallace gullph- ontario alex mckenzie fish merchant wellinoton 8t acton hlu tbo following lluh mi tuitid tit lu wruik llul liilmnii liythnnlico lmnk hulmnn nllnid lb ikiillbut hi the iilocc iti mullbht idled lb i raiih xvhlto i uh lb philuijl lb mmlicrol jb i 1- u bin 1h 1 imuin llnddiu lb killitii lb olunm u hi klppnni piiu 1roub ijilio huporlnr hi blng do i rcub kninltii lh lb 16c eoc 22o 18e 2bo 20o e4o 24o when you need boots shoes at any time 1 uuv from w williams mlllairwl acton pamous tor satisfactory footwear rfasonasle pricls the sunday school lesson for llunday aphjl it 1020 iiv 1 w tikiuni tn dlltohau and i1ahau 1ici iv 1111 ihltalll lu lu i i iii mol lait rkt lod lu opt ifliui und uhiigth a viy prvaant hi ip in lioubl ja lu 40 1 hltarlcbl battlno 1 im alumt i3tl ii c 1 im nnrllmni lr 1 lulr dull i tin bin um all ipoulng nlnn mid waphtull limy joiiiniiiiidliig ri mcpuriit d r m mid h nee fro nl um x wi r of uu t uitloiih ufa captur id utkhit jonmul in limy parmlttud idolatry to win uu in frim tba oimiip p w i lahro baras hat finlrtli li jndkbm varan it im uu oilmlul ciuoiii to udmlplator juutlco li und hi i aim uoum lid joroiilmi nnd i i thl i hill kuiniry of itphrultii varna tl your luuu will ulinw you thut ahuluii mil nuiihtull warn uap- iirutid from ii njiimln umt v brulm kphrulm uiul llunjtihili win a aoutll ciomu to thn imlovod jaruuulxiil ira luibly ijuluirnb m piirpiwii wuu to uffuct u clor 111111 hutwui ii tlm 10l hi und miiutharii irlbiu in iwlwaii v h pugun king jul in uu i bin uriny nil i hlual wlllli vuruu 7 tho luliholl tnwm or toinut in mitral lulnuthn llararjihovuli primuod vb tory nvr tb lutguu prim ti viraa khumk knew thut bmuh wum u proplmtimm but wum univluoal ibut h r vlulbbi pruince would tnuko vh tory mom jura vrao tt ikborah auaun d him that if aim wttl hn victory would ba uu- cmlltiml to bar llarak meanim to huvi baa willing to ba oil floe fume in tlin bib rnt of tha muoocwi of a rlgutaoum cuuae naitary man im big atiough to do thlm vara to t lu hior probable thut tha mudorlug hhould im on foot in- f ut hi face ii on ut tabor iwuk und hlm urmy hud an exuollcnt view of the iimmy lu tlm vallay of jfesrecl und ilao hud u good camping ground varan 13 1 ho kailltam mentioned iii it ran 11 uaam to liava m tod dm 111 former 1 buy had ttlwayu hud more or ihm lo do with laraol voraa 13 tllhorum cmnrlotu warn uthara1 touathor in the plulu which opened to tba mo und ovnr which plain thay ooud ba driven verwe hjublnm rhurlotw uccord- ing to joimiplilim undertook to mir il tlm moutituln on which llarak mtublltdud llarak phiiy at tha f ialioruh ilumrniidid ovar- whnlmlngly iton blunru vara ie tha victory im iiltrlhutnd to uflhovah tllaara ulld hlm hoatm ware utterly routed tiiim wu i the iumi mtund mado by um knultcm ngnluut luruallta uupramuny b vuraa 1 0 vurloiim iitlamplm huvn iwmii tnudn to nttrlbilta tha dnfmit of illoaru to u uuddaii utortn braukliimf from tba north a terrible tnmpomt panlnd by thunder uud light- nhig und uwalllng loodu but no miicii nifplunutloii im given by thn hcrlpturai to pica for raaearoh and dlaeuaalon i daikiruh u imuu vm 7 1 who mum dlmrabt 3 how warn obiilun und nupbtull uepiirutid from jnrii uulaint s what wum thti urfcot of ihlu haparattnur what wan tha orluntul numtoni in ttdmluuteriiig juu ttio k whut wum oolmru 1 1 u purpoun hi thojlotblii dtumr iliad hnrat fl willi occupied tha- torrltciry lietwcuu thn liortliaru and itonthurn thlifmt ii llaruku co opcrutlon vu bll 7 who wuu llurulb uud what hlu fllauru m jjofout vm 1318 h who wuu blunru t d wmiriwiih hu- nrah urmyt 10 how did llarak u urmy huuceadt dtly tlaadlng or newt waak mniiduy april is iranl opprcuucd judg j 110 tuouduy april 18 jldooiiu call judg s 11 34 waduaqduy apill ii aitlwonu i- bl oil ty judg 6 sb ss thuraday aurll ib iiilncn idnnour uged judg fl 3b40 vrlday april 10 the victory of uldtxmim iliind jililg 7 1h 11131 muhirduy april 17 david n cull 1 tm is 113 kunduy april ii iownr of kuitb itch 11 s3s0 tqhkt mothem outt dually know whou tholi chlldran ura troubled with wormw uud they love no time 1n applying tbo ttomt of reined i aa mother aruveu worm ton terminator dont ube bio words in promulgating your nuottirlc oog- tiitlona or urtlculutlng yom mupai- 11 it la i hantlntontallthui nnd hincuilo ithllohopblcul ur psychological oiimcii- vutlmim bawnro of plutltudlnouu lkiu- dnroulty it your convnrmittlonill ciiininuuloutlonii pounaum u cbtrnad oaiiolhoiutam a compacted oomjircheu iilbleiieam coubnuant coimtlutuuoy und h nonoulatiutnd cogency imciiow ull od nglomn rati inn of tlutubnit ganutlty jnjunu tmhhlaniant uud unliilna utfec- tut loin lot yout oxlnmponitiemim iluhiubtlngm und iiuiircmcdlutiid axpu- tlutlonu luive intolllglbllty iitul vorno iiium vivacity without rhiidomontudii or thrneonlcat bftuitiumt ttedulouuly uvold alt polysyllabic profuiidlty pom- poiim prolixity ventrllotulal vorlkiulty upd vaiilloiiuaiit vapidity uhuu thti do utile entrandrom purlont jounclty und pautlforotni profanity oluiauruiit or uppirenl in other wordu talk plulnly briefly nutlirully uoiimlbly truthfully purely icoop from aluiigl don t put on uir nny whut you moan tneun whut you ttuy and don t un big wonlml wood alcohol alwavo a poison not only intuit wood ulcohol nut be taken inumully but it cunnot he tiuoil cither uif much or lu u duuuturcd uloo- hol for rubbing oi uthor uhch ubout tho body it hku b datrmlud thut tbu uklu will ittuiorb hultlclniit ulcoliol ti cti una pobiaulng und tba yupoiu thanimawom huvn bo u kuowil to i uiimo bllndtii hm if lulmd nut deuth wtfiii wood ulnohol huu baen uuail iktoiiolvaly lit the uitu in roouim lucking proper vciitllutfou wood al cohol there font h polmonohu lu nny form und thiol cuuniit im einpluiulmcil tiki utrongly hutflutllto aiuetlcun goal or wood no gas no dust saves one ton in seven sold by w f mooney acton nuotltu a hdaalalty ctiut 14 on tha ssbk ono iihoii you wlh low no otlor if my wnk liuteit vii inti i il nlo ir ncl illal y acton creamery full market price paid for butter fat any small amount of cream will receive v our best attention we will akj pay spot cafeli for eggs open friday and saturday evenings best ckkamkuv i1uttkk ncw lao eggs and fliesh buttutmilk w1u now be su1pijed at thecbjbamery eveky pay acton creamery co watson wiles proprietors t have your cleaning done by experts cloihiitd lioimchold draperu luttn und dolicnto fnhrici can ho denned and made to look us freth und brljjht n when flrnt lioujht cleaning anddyeing is pkopkttly donli al paukkrs t mnkcb no diforotice whero you live pnrccli can bo rout in by nnil or oxpreii i he same care a ittte tion ls rcivon the work iu thotikh you lived in town wt will lu phuunil to lid vino im on nny nuiullou 1 emu ilir climtilitk or dyeing wiutis uh parkers dye works ltd ci jnkrs nnd dyeits 701 yoiiro st toronli hib bavinqb in it little town in mootbmd the gruvndlggwr hud been induoid to give ui hlm huhlt of butd drinking at i public ma ting hn l elated bib uxparl enoc i mm boimntiv tell yc ba hull thut for u wholn uiuiith i huvna toiichthl a di up of ony thing i unveil enough to buy mo a hruw cult cotitii wl bruhm hiinilliii und briuoi uullm hu if 1 m uv tvctiilulei for uuotbiti inonlh i hhitll he wiilitlu tt oonim i rliiu llm out uild mau ilklng u tin lure ynl mm itlluf 111 the tihupu pf hnllowuy i 1 wuhln rcaoh of wll our children cry for fletchers cast0ria fletchers castorla is nuctly a remedy for infant and children poodu nrti specially prepared for babies- a babys medicine is even more euientnr for baby remedies primarily prepared for crovnupa are not interchangeable it was the need of a remedy for ho common ailments of infants and children that brought cantorla before tlio public after years of research and no claim has been made for it that ltd um for over 30 yearn hag- not proven what is castoria cautatlnis d liiirinloca faubauttito for castor oil paregoric brona and soothing syrups it ls pleataut it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic uubstance lbs age is its guarnnteo for more than thirty yoars it naa been in constant uuo for tha relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and dlnrrhoea htlnylng fovorlahnoss arising therefrom nnd by regulating tho stomach and bowels olds the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens comfort the mothers friend genuine castoria always betus tbe signature of 4tt use for over 3d years railway time tables at acton grand trunk rallwa oal wot 2t lluudiiy u no rin jo no at- no no tf no 37 cullu ttl no 14 lliiuduy i ru p m hih 011 11 luuin j an p m nir itm hup m torane pilbui c utmi 1u tm s 00 p hi u 0 u in is p m b 6o p m rii llunduy m i in huiiduy xi pt tluuduy mm i lay uly thin uy only hiiiltluy only t8 am 3oi rim oil p m l am g 4h p ii bcs p m lully ckcal t hliuduy dully i no pt hunday rlly nvintt lliniday hun lay only muiiduy only hunday only prciqht and express kprtnim carrluil ii hnnilrnlght delivered dully i y uncclnl uipraaa fredtht kiprnau or lfmlght plokeflup at any addruum in loronld o it aonhw akutt aciou kellys meat market m carry a full line of meats ae i havo hud lnuliy yeara a parlance it 1 my aim to bring before my ciihtoinarm um very choi coat uautm ut u rouhonublil will you give mo uif oppiir tunlty to miiow you 7 caril iaio you ihjinwu and 1cooh wkelly acton ont uptodate goods at c speights sllverwsro in toblowaid fine vsrloty also fine cutlery hardware tinwuro and oranlte ware big assortment fsndora soves and kanjes famous heaters small stoves oil stqvui evenv atiticle is or excep tonal value c c speight mill street acton men jwhopptcctatirteal qualily and value in soft shirt hhould in- hpeci the new hnert of shirts we have pasaed into stock recently they combine every- thln that hi iieceshary to please particular menfit stylk nnd- pattern oorrect in every line 1hik1 2 ui to 8 r e nelson phona 40 naxt pot olfio quelph 7 johe acton bakery call phono no 77 if you wunt a ilellcloils loaf of broad or brown broad or u botou loaf steam loaf buns nnd liolli plot and all icliidu or cookie and cakes also whddlng cakes made baked or 1ccd bhead is your bbs i pood eat moke of it hone 77the wnkiriin will call nt your lloor shoi 1 where you are invited to shop m edwards co acton ontario i tore cud every nlotit gnoapt prl day and saturday nt 0 30 p m 4r ujal rm-