Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 22, 1920, p. 5

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br arttutsrw yrrco tiimiuwa lalhll 33 1020 haven q time- 0hirunlly lw 11 ml at tho dour with a i initio for a tiruthor within jl ml till ills tlnunrtf wri sura ami niuimuixl tu on lot mo in lluij 1m uiimuihlntc 1 know ymitun uo ln it hill 1 know yi uun illml uioiiuiilly wiiiiilorthl wionk iti murili if ti inuii wild wtnilil rlsa i mulit ti thi imlnlimt throna lion it i rtliulim for thn follow wlx ullt u 1 of llw iii mil 1 vllli ii umllo i wuli 1 mlutll lit it tint i m v luiy tn ituy uiwl i m t harry to that i fl illy imvoiit not tlm- at a i oihwirtiinlty iut 1 r u iim l wh wh hunl tin with a lit ml 1 i how irri- 111 uiunn opmwtini ly hint tlllll y tluit nuul it tlmlr 11 n i ili to w ltltt itm ft diuiii t if you fl klt tlltu if tiwi t hull th i iihi with h w 1 cornc ullinu liuow it lul iii illhw ilnil hum i iii mules it tub sunday school lesson for bundav april 2fi-1fl0- liy a w tiloltnton utjih wlhm riiciuiu h 5 lolilmi tiit thy n iiilo uli my imiiik mul thy i oil my ituth i 10 hlatoflosl bttlna about 1173 it c ilotlil lnui l of ull tlia muiusuu tliiw urn lly willi h th old wurlil ju ueourmul this jiuvli i iht tliu iii hy far tlm imorost dm rmihlht thn woril a luluttluir tl lu uiki u uiiurth if thn luililt 1h youru yiu should ilimkti it j or if you wnnt to lo wlmt in urfarwl to you you ii tliul thito to ih it or tnulto it mbtl vce t twenty vear8 ago fwtn ths lasus- of ths prmm prtu of thursday april 28 10qo 1 cutiuih1i ih liulldltuf unothni liouao nn churih hr l ur john hurvwy u m vnit h suqcaa- live ituiiklitiir urilvml im monday ion thn niot furtuiiuto man tn town tia friimo li uml tho minimi and nurhlmry un wirnf iiut for a nw tuanlnif mill ut llniwn m saw mill 1 uroumt wum lmiknn yntnnlny for i nw block ut thn omr nr ullt ml willow hiim tn mr john arthurs mklik thn ocuvutlouh- in cmwiita llivn worku uitvnrtum trn tie twiilvo tflivo rnakom lootl mitt hnuck hnv pur- oil tho meut bulnm of mr w vce hutchr tho mnuuul contorts ton nlmuiinb 1 i if in proifromm i v r apoolal inofltlua of th uunlol- 1 comifill nrtir hetrlnjr thn oulnlon 1 tto town nollcltoi it wan decided llen si 111 htrnt ut the point i tho how block in to he nrooted ylaw will follow nrrttnfllnk to the street upon the tine of the y itom john to main btroeio f will iribully 1m token with lual rotortlrm im renent build er now litilhllnaj are uonlem- iw korn itoevo ami counoll- pt nixl kebb of durllnjtlon anton loit thurndmy to in- e our eloctrlp ilshtintf plant j tarn taken in hsuirt by coun cil on lnd nttluinn and blvan 11 tmittitiknt of internal with reference to the pluni the ilenent concert n saturday erenlnv whm both licceeaful mid en joyable im number were klven by ulmes jwuile nlcklln lexio curk and mlna wnlker uml meaam ii jean d m llendomon uml b j moore mr hula archeatra uud acton cornet band mr icrneat peinton ted ymtnrday mornlnir for toronto to tnkti a alt na tion in the elwtrlo work of the unit ed electrln co the tannerlna xtrlkn b uver and a larva numbor of mnhave returned to work aftea beln out nearly two weejca the men who have returned to work believn there la now a ttettar undorwtap llntr betwoen employer anil emplnyora which will in the fjituri raltm wajrea to u ilvlnr future worma are enoouraked by morbid condition of tho mtomach and bowel and mo nuluaau millar worm powd- atu will utter these condition oftnoet immediately and will dwccd the wornt away no doatructlvo iwraalte can ivo in contact with thla medicine wrbtch 1 not only a worm destroyer bat a health iflv medicine most beneficial to the young constitution and aa such it ha no superior i farminq without help mr thomoa llakrr of sol bin write ttural canada for murnh as follow i am not farming- now to make money i am turning the most unaealrabtn land to work tq iiermanont pnaturaare crop x am btowtrnr to sell are fall wheat fancy early pea and clover aeed am also increasing my flock of ahoep keeping shorthorn und enough coarae grain to carry through my stock with out buying much except some ollnaka and bran in march i am by- lag aom jtookiira tn eat rough feed and urplu bay then to put them on greaa und ratio in the full i am doing with as little lilred help a possible goodjnitn far farm work nra nlmoat imposalbln to gut and wages are ao high that unles prices keep up and climatic conditions are favorable to the production of good crops it might not pay to hire extensively my reason for growing pea is htrww makes good sheep feed ienu come oft early in jup and thrre 1 time to make an axoellonl preparation for fall wheat my reason for buying stocker in march soma ut this time ure snarl of t feed and -slock- un rhoaper then than when rruna comes when there i a attoi ft dnraaiid forcintle tn coma to grass x am something like the old yankee who admitted that alfalfa waa a good paying crop but hu mild all hla life every summer he had enjoyed a waekh uhlnc and im ialtl last year ha luul a big field of alfalfa and when over- he planned to go fishing the jfv aim waa ready to cut again and ha had to give up the lulling so more alfalfa for him 1 have e j to tho conclusion that the townfolk can howl i i dont expect an eight- hour day but will take it easier and produce lea there i no potaonoua ingredient in hollowoya corn cure and it can ued without danger of injury eqq8 as food 1 bggx tv one of tho most pulutablo most nourishing and moat convenient of foodfl in chemical composition of egg closely resemble meat in nutri tive value they ntund betwoon cheese and milk while in real intrlnalo vulue egg imind on a pedestal far ahoyo their value aa ordinarily rated in- va ligations conducted under thn new nutrition olasalfy fooda on a luwla df their giowthpromotlng dlseaae- v lmuitlng power in other word only a limited numbor olvtiatural fooda such ma cgkb nad milk have been found to oonuln thoao vitamllies abaolulusly- easentlal to tho proper growth and development of thri human body and for d repair of tissue aovasanttal in the reatstanoa of disease kgga and milk aa natural foods the only foods in faot that contain all the elements for thagrowth of the young wlhbrer change was needed d0 you think mbm omgirl wiuaver change her mind and marry t i two if aha marrlm it will ba bo- baua oame man of her acquaintance shajogea hla niliidjwi tltlilta lsuor comma nts 14 itiitb wnu pohhlhly u mii- tcinimrury of lldmiii llhn wmi thn braatgrumlutelmxr of david thiaikli not u jewoiiii in iiilitltlmi to th puatorul purponu of tho lwu it wuu written to show tltut ilia iliuiulitor i un allun ruon nonld m h piitlnrn f blh vlrtgn ami by hrr uarrlu take wn imihirtsnt plu- in tlm hlutocy of the jwws hd vprsihl13 for liitrodiictlnii yt1 g m k5 wus jfhitvub aiiar other nutlylritf territory hud n- wn dulty liiropurubly tim nctid with it wlin oriiuh vent lull it nlui twturnihl to bin imtlviv mul dy going with hr tnotlmrltilitw ituth csat her- lottwhli jotuivab a hmpln verim l it u worth tunilnu tltut this iiji turo of th very iiilillmuy of love luilut two wonii n not two noi aa do other well known utorlnx tim iwuuty of thlu tiurintlvo uml tlw in- oulnnt it ilnixrllhs in not mirpuhmixl in all literal urn vtirsn 17 llilth wuu initkltur hor choice ror ii fit hint hud limtljtlkii oounted the rout anil did dot roil aid nr it mil unjiistlruliln unnrltloo 11 meant much in un orltmtitl to im tukou uwuy from thn family ilu of burial ituth use of tlm tiuluo of johovah shows that hhu- wtiij ttlnulit u uill v r this wus prohuhly duo to her mother- lnluw ynn 1r hlnre hull u purposes reached lhiyunl a tnern llupulhn unit family osoenuloii nuitnil wuu ail fit in allowing her lf furn ull the conuo- iiuences with liur verso is luatiniurh as llothlnhom was u imxll pluco tlio n turn of nnuml umomiianlod by itutl tould not es cape nolle and comment 1 ho death pf naomi nuuuuiid und nous would rreate quick sympathy v vnrsti so naomi meulis sweet while mara means bitter rho was simply lolling her sorrows to her sym pathetic friends verne 31 when she hud left them her oup of ny was full when ahu returned it was n bh1iihm hlio at tributed thn oatlae of her grief to an overshadowing vrovldnnco versa 22 liy making this olio joe ituth found hor personal su coons throuih devotion to hur mother in law htia hnd beuuty oburucter nod a graclnus prose mm illustrated truth the christian who fs hlmsalf an illustrated nible will mid many read- era v ib illustration when nw students come to it certain institution of learn it la customary to ask thorn what led them tn chooso tlm ut hoo in tlu way it is nosuilblii to niitlmute the value of the various udvertlslng med ium used by tho si hool one day a young man cum to tho school from a rural reguui many hunilrmls of mile away tho reglstrur asked him how and where he had gottun hold of un advertisement of the school he re plied thai he never saw one tlioru wa a poacher in our town who cmo here to school ho added and i sup do he recmtimnnded the school r n6 he flldn t but t could soo for myself qeautlfail ideals mukn beautiful character v 17 illustration ho charaoter oftuth wa shaped by ber faith in jehovah tiro voung man from different part of the country met and becunip cloa friend ohe was raw und undiscip lined the other a young mun of tin christum principles urudually their habit snd ideals bciini the lumu the roughir of the two said the other one influenced him because be made renglnn so attruatlvn all young people are influenced more by thn re ft inn they oa prxctlcnd than by the religion they tjcur of in theory toploe for rtlsaaroh anil duouaali 1 a vim arfiitlnii va- m 11 r wlmt m ui introdiiutlon lo tihj j who wum ltuili7 why 11 ii ih rill jlethjnlie wti 0 n 1 v wrtu f hi wiii no of this stniy ennsfst ii a luntlnu liyulty vu 1hjd n why iim iluiiiilitorm in law und liiotlinixlu lw fleiilu ntly llwomput- llilny 7 wlmt ih iiiiiuukki liy nuomlm tin hill ni option iii hnr iir a hul it turn l wuu nmniil nuft ulnt in im by tho urriutli iiai by th almighty 7 lo f the yir did tiny 7 11 what it lit with thv rest of till utoiy in tin ilihik of uuilit dally rasdlnaa for nmt weak monday april 3lfhiimue llvi n mid unl ttijhpalfopi 1 hum 0 ih v tuisdav april hi lluiiiinhh i liuiiksglvlug 1 hum 2 i lii wnlneduy irll 3 llulnuef htiv lug vu l harn 3i ih 2d thursday april btl the cull w tin jtny bumuel i bum j 113 id jo friday april 21 jshiiu culling 1u pln murk it 14 30 hattirday may 1 1 ul u aiwount of iiu rn autit an u jo huu tuy may t piiiilu f hitryo to jliinjtliy j lliu 4 i f you qmilc ovrlcnb smile tttintjld vvitli atlims 1j tho only expreaslnn that mnvniu to oonvy what is nnditred from mi uttui k of mhln troiihlo tlm illf rrom lr j i kellogg u aitlmu iti nn dy is imyond umiihui whnn iill wuu auffarliig llx ro conn m comfort uul r ut ilrouth lug liinonniu norniul und tho broti- hlul tnbhi fionplotily eh ut d thlu ihiiiiiltilled nmnly lu worth many llmoh llw prfo to ull who usui it peach pits as coal whut lo 1ii wltl lliu imuinnun plhii of 1miii h pllsi u puolr htomu urn mllod in cullfniolu lift by tlm din in rl uutl iliylnu iiluxlu huu long boon u problem tlny urn ulmply curtnd uwuy und uind for filling in hollowi uml miiklpg inndu until it wuu din ovimil quite litlyjhit tllpy wem nnn nuiishlulo tor to buvlng tlm uilvuiilugn if iwlng fui ilinupir than eithni wood or oul llkn mul tlmy cunnot be ii to kludlu h irn but the ttro ounn uturtml tiny hold thn limit and iimko one of tlm hist of fill 11 lliut nun e uiicumd upywhurii f or umi lu orllnury gruto fires- thu tiro hnuts the oil lu thn annd until if forma a gnu which fnrobs thn ntom itpnrt uo thut it burns from tlm inuldn out und fliiully din wboln stone glowu ilka a rod hot coal away with depreeaton and msl oboly rhimn two evllu urn punlmmit of a disordered stomuoli mid torpid liver und mean wrvtolieduoas to ull whom they visit the surest and speediest way to com but them la with 1uriunleom vegetabto illlu wlilnh will restore the hnitlthful notion of thn stomach und oritur roljof thy have proved tbnlr iihefuluasm in thousands of cusns und all thpsn who use them can certify to their superior power origin of hello you ultquld try to unru tho old wolf uttiru cull boionuo you know thu wolf iw n woo nt uml thut uhould h tin ut mil thlu cull whs used in fiiince first und afterwards in kniflunil imt tlre uro no wolvis in kngtnnd now und tho buglu cull liua 1hii forgotten in both roiintrloit thireforo we pit lilt it krou unit call it oiif own loven thoiirli william toll und ilohln hood bugled the uumr rallh before ann rlmt wum dlhcovnrnd wo uun muko it am- urltiuii thu iiutiui hu wo huvo tho old 1 ri nrb wo hunter h cry american liveimb was apokiji in ifinhluh court circle so thu titled wolf himtorv used thu fiench cry of hub lit loup or a lou loup loup being pronounced loo tho cry being in loo thn ungllnh put on the ii mid made it halloo und wa muds it hello which m un amiirlcuti nxpreuslon nu nil thu tolophoua glrlu know ho tho o1 wolf hunts ru bugle oallh which enmn hire with tho huguenot will uuo bo american when blown through the woodti trumpet of tho uutixiuthmef ihni ueurd in hoys xjfe riita lu tlm rtuu uillwii 41 1 ii on ii i t thlu i jointly ino- wn urn ompnlont nil wlul id utirfirlilg fro i ilof tllvo oy hlhl j ho rami m your dimming vihioti muy im of h1hiiii iirlgiu und ror- j ctcd with vol y ulmple i ton i von muy im bono ull ly wurlng veslliig ulamn wn will bn llblit to knirllii your otulltloij ejf- nt 1 mid muku tho promr gluauis furoli wa orlnil our own ljtnf bis mm i hu io t 11 hi fulrl llllll ho luluu lo ml nit iu wi nu nd wll thr 1 iilf hwuk ir k inly lllni 1 vi ylmidy lliifmi uml iifh u t mill i 1 ii tin lu ii umlli no thu in r 1 ullt u umlli in hlu vol hut lu r t 1 vm id i ho wus it b v lim ii htllii ihp urn ii nd ulwiiyu till m llllll b it 11m iry tm r pop mill llii ul tlm nttir ynu like hi if you und niuld know jntl low mill mo pop torn linru huu mil 1 b i 11 mo l f thlu tlttlo orl 111 u 1 of hi wn might bight lo i 11 li a und real estate if you huvo u ho uuo for sale if you wunt to buy a bouse in acton unk r j kerr auctlonar anil tlsl estate dasla imionl- 30 dower avenue acton ont boots shoes for spring kenney bros huvo opened their nw stock of bout lino fir ludloi and oontle- mnii hoys and olrlk 1111 olbntmcmin wis 1iav19 tii11 1 ini3ht blltlno htyuoh we huvo not forgot ton tho dur able w ii mil it o itootw for liurd work on tho irirm lu tho kuotory ut tho cjuurry und tlm kjluu aoon onodit ano uioadon- aniia iliickti aiua oun him ciatrnca itupiilrlng promptly neatly and dumbly done both tiowol uml null ed work kenney bros main street acton ont oh i ked up by n it- y vob ipyrih hot suody y in tlu i hungry truvi ii ru bill hem do you think w oruiug tin tiiilnu ut thl llllllt bn lino uond to tin tfrd uhf oft but bow mmiy of think thut alio nutuuid uny oru if it wer not for flvoru unl hlu will i bought out wuy of nrfirlng lt it lu tliokool big iiillo und tin kindly wuy that provoke a luuli uml n imppy roollnir ll die in irf f ol iim u vhnt if iiomiboily won to no ihrouuh your i lu to duy with tin aumo thing oiiorgn wuu lu lllng und iiuy vurtly tlm u nil thing but huvo out dm kiiillo ulnl drop thu tliiiry uounl from hlu vnlco ciin wo not ho vi ry unrt thut fw would think it woilh wlillo to luy if hlu op orny no lliu umilo linn it good romm rolu vuliin it hilim l mukn l lu it worth willi ihon lu imvn oiiiii fare ulwuyu lluhti i up und to upiuk in u kindly ton or vnln it iiuinly ih iavhn tlitlnly out of lb- pinullots th mohl it hrloiia n hiulln pulu uomi thing into tho hi urtu of tboun wli uti it unit milk them hupplir ull duy i i udu tin nr home ut night with u hlur purimu lo hi good und kind mid turn no umttur wlpit omiu if irhibln und illuiippnint- biont tlnd id uu tho boy with ti big mtillol not tho put on ultul but tbo imllo thut huu itn nn t uwtiy down ill p in u liool in urt nud blouuoitiii only whuii it rouolmu hlu fund ho lu doing thn world u uimtor tiervliu thun b uviu will know valuable load op hay tlm following imld nt glvu un idea of tho nuormouu gniwlh of toronto uluru eliudfnrd klmiiing tn htotch- muu who pluynil mo important u i urt hi urn t v lopifit nl of camilla prut not font oil itu utrtitm novnuty y nru a nd row huiiihiiiou a furmir lu tlm tiwnublp of york took u loud of buy ono iintumu to toronto ll uoll lu thu open mnrkut kin ding nh uuln und unwlilliig to tuku thu uind buck with him nvir vi ry hi nvy toiutii ho rfirtd it to tlm proprlitur of iclgin m holol on yongn htroit on very euuy tormu 1 im hotel kwpi could ii upum the cituh und offend tho luttir lu luy- iiinnt for thu buy tlm vufilnt lot on the norths uit oornor of king uml yongi htioolil with h hliiuh rslou reliictuntly nropttd 1 hut lot wnu uold not long uuo fui 1 30 00 vcllow l1qht debt a in i iiu of ti up huvn rerrmtly boon muilo by lllumlnutlug oukliuiirs with huuuiliuroiit cltidtrla 1nmpn gnu man tleu umdod foi color mini oil inuipii the ruiiillopower lining the sumo hi i unl i ruue rho linger thn tiumbu of yellow rpyu lu thn light it wuu found tlm gn utor thn optica ctttnltincy lllnu luyu wur found to hu conducive to einllor futlgpo of tho eyo ttiuu it uppniru thut thu gviurul praforoncu fur light of uu umhor or yollowluh ruut lu not tho rtuult of n tnorti notion or imblt but of tho nyon roooguulou of tlm fuot thut uuch n light ih lonw tiring thuu thut of othir ootoru wo i niu food upon thn vitality of ohildinu and euiluukr thoirilvi u u ulniplo nud offectlvo cure lu mother oruvou wo mi iqittunnlnntor on the defensive during he aftermath of influenza or its de- bilitating complications there is more than ordinary needlhatyou-nourssh-an4-patect- every avenue of your strength scott simuisioii nuse of its efficient t6niciuihrient properties daily help tens of thousands to renewed strength- 77ioe toko 1 are fearful or rundown in vitality should tmc the means that help build up a healthy remuitanc what- scotts does for others it will do for too try it railway tims tables at acton grand trunk nilivy syatan oolnfl wt no 3c hiinduy j0 34um uu 3 10 34 atu no 33 ulllplil no 3f codptn no 37 u upm ooitiu list no 34 hunluy n dh p ni nd jfi hhum no iu t luurn no 31 3 3upm no it t itipm no 3h y h 13 pjn toronto suburban eunlrm hallway qoimj wast b17api dully minpl liuuday 3 93 p m dally oxiupt hunday m xhiilycxiiipluunday ii 03 a it p m a 0 to p in hominy only hunday only hiludayonly shoe polishes the great home shine ipaaua for black tan oxbloot brown leather shoe whit cake ami liquid for whtto shoes mtfl p v dauby coitporaitons ltd iamntoalcam children cry for fletchers castoria fletchers castoria is strictly a remedy for infants and children foods are specially prepared for babies a babys medicine is even more essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for grownups are not interchangeable it was the need of a romedy for tho common ullments of infants and children that brought castoria beforo the public of or years of research and no claim has been tnudo for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven what is castoria castoria u harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is ploti3nt it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its age is its eunrantee for more tlitm thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of const pritltm flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea j dllnywc vovarishjiosa arislno therefrom and by regulating tho stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy mid natural sleep the childrens comfort tho motherti frlaud genuine castoria always uptodate goods at c c spk1gijt8 silverware in tublcwurc fine variety also ftno cutlery hardware tinware and granite ware big assortment fandorn stove and kangcs famous heaters small stoves oil stl cvrv article la of excep tiofjal value c c speight mill street acton in use for over 30 years cshtaus co ml my nlw vorit city chatham plants of graydort motors limited you can buy the best graydort ever built thf crnvdort which vouf curtains opening with the doors with very a warnxlc bull apccmlly right ii rlt urayuort wnicn your h and aw long m built hes dler has todav is the best wh morc dri comparllncnt be west urtng und l graydoit ever built t cause of tke shorter and smarter cowl more than that it is the greatest a graydort which has thcgoc4loots graydort value of a srnarter top handtailored in our own for 1365 you get a graydort with shops a smarter hood with many long ten riajor improvements and a dozen atrow louvres 4 there are many more rciinementa which you will find when you drive tkernewgray- dort refihemenu with a bigger gas tank placed in the rear with a new extraheavy extrasafe steering gear ayiththeemergencvbrakeon a lever and with therm oicf brake linings a more convenient graydort the ide here you hove the same powerful firwly- built motor with its big bore and iong liero too proved carter carburetor every unit of motor and chassis is bigger und stronger and higher quality thnn is usually consid ered for light cars gruydart production has boon doubled for this year but our dealers tell us ttat this will not ha sufficient to moot the demand it would be wlao to oee tho graydort dealer today v prices 5paaoanger car 1365 fob chatham vrnr tax extra f 2paasengor roadntc- in tho samo pnee graydort special 150 extra on the standard graydort ace 4255 extra on the standard c h harrison acton ont stroke the same heavy crankshaft many pounds heavier than on other light cars built in canada by skilled cunddian workers and canadian capital g haydotti motors idultbd i chatham t ib a- in 3 02 n m o n m p br a m ctb i tii h btt m go 1 no east dully oxoiit hiinduy lully imitiiit kumiy llally tvifwiit huililay w tlinuluy only uuriday jinly kuituay nly freiqht and ptpiicab loilirsuui inrrlil on ul iuurst ifwilgtit 1ollriml iiaiiy hyktiwlal ntuna froutht lu uua nr 1 rolrllt ilrknl uu at any adilrusu lu toronto o it aon low aunt arlou supsrlor train nrj la ths vou can start on monda ssasluri tl en tiro vaar guelph business college harald dulldlnu oualph a l douck prin when you need boots shoes at am tiw uuyprom w williams i mlirslnet acton famous for satisfactory footwear 4 rkasonabie phicls acton bakery call phono no 77 if you want a uollcious loaf of broad or brown ureal or a boston loaf steam loaf buns and rolls pies and all kinds of cookies and cakes i also wedding cakes made baked 0 iced bread is your best food eat more of it lhono w tho wbkn will call nt your door m edwards to acton ontario stora clowd evary night exoapt frl day and saturday at 030 p m -i- 3 i

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