b4imi 5 cffljeartnn 3rggfagg tiimiinv ua n iu the value op a smile lillo thf nl muuln 11 mid ii j ivji- tit ll i 1 l wlllt utlt1 i ill i 1 j doni hi- ha will ihu onl k h nil tlnr 1 mi room for iiadin u u chcir njnilh tanurii iiutki i n the dlinph of rmouiat moilt r gaol for nn mill ymi ii vih th hlghfut hitmul for it in nurlv l nt jlu wortli million ilolluru unit it lnun t tout a lit a nmllo 1 41h1i i vry i any i mi can wrinkle n willi rhor a hiifldrid t1mu lie for ynu run uii4iio nut u uillty lour it rlntiuu nut iorovrllljth heart utrinuu tliot will tug and ulwuyu havoii fin cho that la vi ry liun u liuil rti ibnllc uwuy vlkw umlcn1 wltiit by u uiiilla ummiit itu worth u million rioltara and it likoimit rout u cent clitruurt ioitl 2xwkujk the reverse side of a vacation by alio- loiiim lm e3eioooaoooooec3000cr3000cziob auguut outing vnh docldad m uu in jjuy z think of it amiol crlbd jlolmwth ihn ilny ttiu question whji mittlwl i liavo nover boon in uldo u big hotel think nt utaylng lu una a wholi month italmmah father nuakorod bin hrowrt yen ha rotumnd with u humoroun twlnkla in hu y to think nt tho blllm u hljf hotel in canable of uondlng in i you kir in muut got onough m- joymtmt nut nt it to tmy ooutu did hod tea uhalll wo uhalll r- itoudod ilohoocu nthualaatloally annotf oytiu uhouo hut uhn ttald nothing ami 1m auro milled ltnhoccan father not to bother ahitor or matin tom too much trouhlo tho kir in worn to accompany ita- beccaa uunt vvhouo uon tom a cor- noll uon lor had promluod timm hlii uld in u jolly itoori tlmn you mm ilohorca had nxnlalnod to atitio uunn nt the corn oil uopho- iitorwii urw ut tho hotel uiul tom will introduoo thorn all oh vrlint fun woll hi vol hut i droatl utiltlntr rouily to u all tho imiwhur dont you at that aiuio uyuii lout their uparklo fot into tha uvmmotlvn fun hnr futhnr huil rtiuicdiutly inuirjoctod a edrlutri it to her motlior wo c nrforil tolvlahtin ifir if thoro aro no nxtiu unmsiiula for rhitli- ow itunlnniui in ilull tlilu yoar no rnlumtxl annnii motlior juiil a huhhtmutui wulklniffiult ami n fnw uhlrtwulttttt which i nhnll tntilta my- mlf and for autiii llio uiuttor wan uottlihl acrmwtho ntnot lio rmiwrtoil to tho hrowrih on thn ilroun qiituitlon ttlid ur brown hmllivd hla relief thatw icnodl nolthr can i afford to to itacky horn out to any oxunt unyttfuy youro nolliliitf hut klrlu you dont html touny drtjiw6 llhcoa urtd her mothnr okohnnttnl uinom tar italmcca th matter won not itottltwl can maitafe i think urn llrown tnld with n worrll air aftor tho hnad of thn lioutt had ton ft of coursa you immt ifo wll ilrmuied w will do tlm unwliiu ourwelverf and be- bin rlaht away your fathor will not notlctt wliat la kolnk on if i uak hltw for a llttu knotioy now ami then ann wrufkld uiiaaally and couahad loudly that nii mljiht not hoar hut llohici chtpoil imr hand joyfully hummer clotlieu uw not xpiutlv nlii crlml cajjerly and wo ran malm thorn look twnullful by nuttlntf lotn of work oi thorn t1ih uhu lookd oommlifrutliixly ut the umomfortahld anh you know thnra ura all tomri frlonda couldnt you mf it llttlo money ut u time out of your father iteheoru wua bm honant ahd beitalbla aa hni would allow her to iranvortrbthbrtrtrtti taontho outlnti without cldui th thoti aha turned to ueltooca tmitul mlvnly frunk anyway itooky ln not uo imtoomlnir to mtty lrtiuem tw yon are m it eualer to bo without o anne uroteetetl ltebeoca very weakly itebaocu wuu undeilahly handaomn and know it while ann lahored under the lmtrnalon hat ahe wuu aim out aallow at leant hilda ulwaya atok of hdyounbor autera oomilotloii lu tliat dubloum vay und a line having great fulth in illldaa judicmont ao- oeptod the venllot a few daya later anno met itebecoa hvirrylntf howin with her hundw full of thread and inaertlon o anne aha cried motfier ujul x are making ro tlm awueteet dimity for auicuet not emtveiialvo you know bulwa arm irohuf to tnuku it look lovely by puttlmr lola of work on it j they did und it tuovnd hh lovely aa hnbeoa reiirenentod it anno acroaii the alreet to view it it week lator bho tried thi rront door but it wam lockeil hlio runu ho hell hut only h itlmtanl nml iiiruuh iillnhld mi awered ar th himl utir ylelili d to her liiiuli und ho rimililo ltorulinci more dlntimt thoyvo tukon tho hhwihk nun hluu unutulrx thouitht ann wlumi cull er ohiii dlhturh tlieiu tuoklnir her ttinulhrufliet uiiihil her arm abe ollmholl hu atalm mid coma on two workuia itiitthiif jho 1 iht bit of luiu on tho illmlly f iti u iwuuty declurud anno ihllt it hfllmkiuam toim willi lll- turouu bhe whlrlad anno iimunil faohm a hi mirror und hold th dainty wul- i frot of hnr why ejaculated attlio lit auritlu mto bocomlnif to mol owlnif to her being almost ualluw alintj wum uli wayn aurprlaed to find that dainty clothe looked well on honli jfwt w eho orloil and then iiuuaod ca t out aaked hehfloca umler- jandinnly kjiow youi father would anno turmd naldi freift hu kiiimh intrmitlinf kulv y tt tin i xtaiit of a walkluir lt nd nhli twulntm rolmcfn drew hum hrauth of iut- lafactlon looked olotil the tla mhn okidnlnwl ilidlrutliik u white fabrlo oh tho hud l oikundy uilwwot koiiik to lut over tlial old bluo tafft ym klt th b all mato over hut wont the com i ih un blnutlon im awoett and llili fs ult and tlja i- mull for little afternoon aown wo cant imyo too many fmn thtiiuk you know i eutl annn enlterly hlio hluhid u utie inihnkl tlm mirooti hut tn mliitueti lut oi aim lnniomhml ii xiliilly thn iiiumit uf lliu uluh i- kiottrti ulid hllimflnto the unwuiwlooill ittui mie iilfd imii lhlllile uuyh vrn uiliw in huvu two boat i lulu tiiitl 1j and tlu ulilu i an hn- lonul ll want u mi uu ifldil a hout i lull l i iii in d keheoila irniiilll ilin no annt with nil rill- wwlliu unit witulii ntiy tliiiu iwintlnat mnlhr haa juht ill nldeil hat 1 mjiut iuii n iiaiii oolouii moliuli for morn limn in iiitdltloi to urn other illlllfh anu twwtd tlm lhl of thn doot ami hn1ultl hut 11m wi what iilvout tonnlit wi ila llm tlmt ualne thlu iirtiinooii luluroj lull uti id id sllh u linn iihiiko of tlm liiul nu know ainio well utt ull tlmt ut h hikiu rowing uid titiilu ami uolf now i uuht ujwnd thu tlmi t m ui t muw aa the wuiku lvaxuid lutl jihim- uloii 1 liiunt w w in run i n hm only rlily iteltnhoji khvo hldllllho tin imuhimluiuil nioluvlr iirovwil hut tho tlmt udilkliiim to inn liritty watiliolm tuni cromt houtluu iifteriloou walkn iiiultlaa with her frloiiduwer all klveiiui lillkt yw aahl nehepiiiiiliiulei uhkn rew imlluw whllo itnririlrrtau rami iindur lint pyfiu for uiiiitmor wau m iverworklua that unr july hint lrnvullhiu iii jtmuutld alltfllut hlit- ttlneum in july a it wan one hot iifteiuoon in tlm middle of july that itihooru threw niteit thn wardroha in the howiii ttuitw roi anne u liiunortlon aaylntf lu a lone weary lait full of uatlufuotlon only mo anno ull tho nrotty thllluil 1 have to woarl 1 indeed tlmy are iirotty auuoiltod anne heartily then her eyoa travelled tlumjiht fully from tho oonloiltm of tho wardro to iubocaa thin oheeka anil on loafm llrown bending ovur u uhlrtwnliit on whlnh aim wan luyluif inuortlan mru llrownw humla trembled uorvouuly aa aha worked and ocouulonally who lutumeil llebecca had it habit of hn- iilylntf tho oiid of u aentenoo with a c lance no replied anno ulmjily uhe walked unrouu tho utreet ulowly and came on her mnthr aluo iilittliik luuiirtlou in tho front uf u uhlrtwalat and her mother looked warm and tired mother uull anno dooldodly thereu enouuh tiimmlntf on thut walut now abruiitly uhe took the liiuertlott nut of her mothora htinilu atldlnu anxlouhly lin nloo now out on thn porch then irrelovaiitly you jimt oiikht to mo mm llrownl mm tu prior lookilut imiulrinifly ilr llrown t why really ive aoaroo- ly cauulit a kllmiwo of her ull uummor llut 1 auiipoao aim will lot hor frloitda aoe hor attain utter you und llorky ko they wtarled jjio flrut of autftiat ura tuiuiar wonfilown to tho wtntloii with anno lliey were iirooednd by on oxproaij wotton lij which n llttlo flat- topiiwl onentory trunk ratthul round liironunlnuouuly bohlml itu heavy threoutory iron bound noluhhor junt an tho train drew livto tho 4 tat ion llolmcca entered nlono uoarinjf an umhrolla and two hut boxen nurluu llm jnurnoyt tho northi- ward tho ownor of tho tl i roe u lory trunk lay hack lu hor uoat uwet handkcirchlnf acrouu hor oyon whllo anno hor frenh enuer faro in tho onon window kcut her infornind of tho var ied mi i uld n a it met in nil flevorul dnya later n wall from hio twin utkoa arrived by mull it wan dlrerlfld to mm llrown but mril llrown wnu lu no condition to rud ulm lay lu u darkunud room miffirlnir with inflamed oyiiu ml jtuiimir vim oarlnir for hor and it wan mi tuiuior who ruluod thn curtain utrltlo und read ilia wufl aloud i havent wrltton much hoforo wrote i elm ecu hocauuo i m uo tired i cuut wrlto or do unytlilnif olue oxcept watch tlm otliura huvo u koiui time ohpoolnlly annn llho linn tho lieet mimcle of nny ulrl imro und tomjl frlondu all want bar on their aulo in teun lamat rliea und hontlnir and that uort of thin if hlio uo woll und happy and active that i hoar pooplo way they like to boo hat around ii ho away next auminor i wont kill my- uelf kdttlntt teadyt im ulad though that you are woll nn i wuu ufraldwhon i qjime uwy that you woro eolmc to 1m nlrk there wuu u rentlenu movement in the darkest comer of tlm room i didnt wrlto hooky that i nm nick ho cauuo i didnt want to upoll her food time ulifhod itohoccaw mothor not couhaoeduy o ato i x yountf man from tho country en tered one of our icaatoni collosen in tent upon it profeiwilonal career had juat aliout enough money to nettle for hht tuition and 1mk1u for tho nrat year llln couruue watt aubllmo aecureil u imieltlon uu waiter at a largo reataurant located near the cohor- nampuu thu dhl he provide for hlw mealu h hopod to und numdent odd som to d ao aa to tako euro of hla rooiiotan ifefora thu colloko your imd ended the hrv4 etuilent broke down from atudy und overwork wuu forced to turn homo und for tho tlnio ho luff ut leaat k1v up hlw planu there la uo doubling tlm youiiu muua oournko and good lutontlni but one muy woll queatlon blw judtf- ment the atory koom that cfon hnbort id loo wau pleudfld with ut one time to aond two rotclmonth of cavalry to u oe r tain pout thore ih not a man who lu nbt wlllliib to uol okolalniod tho one who ursod the aeudlng of tho troop gentlemen topllod oon ilee in not u iiiioatlon of oouruku but of ottlh ho it wau with tho mtliilont who went to calluwe unpnipurod to meet evpuuuou which nmut ho mot wnok in and week out it wau not u quoulloij of nounttio hut of ontu rreipiently it ih the naun that judg ment la vn uhado wul by cotiraua well maluhiul thn two mnko n apian- did iiiiii which will ihn if hfom chariot to tlm liolghta to vlntory but uii- ikiuully hutuiiuiiod thoy mnko n imrry puli a young tunn went into hiimlueuh on u ratliei prontontlouu htnilo ho favorably known lu hlu homo townl wuu huluutilouii frugal and tomiiof- ti le him ready nuuh wuu limited bit he hoped to got jut u volld foundation in duo time tho tlmo enma hownvmv that ha needed miiro oiipltul to uwhuv thu iiiini uohm and ho anplhxl lo tlnlooal hank for a loun llm ninhlur knew him woll and dluooiiuted hlu nolo for i few humlrud dollnrn tho noto mil tutod hut hu young trttdoitmuu waa unuhlo lo hieet it iimteud ho aoiight u anoond limn i ho oiihhlor ulooklihi hoail i ho note ha ooulu nnd did f can tuku rale of both imtom with in threo tnoutlih pleadnd tlm young man my courage la a 1 i dont doubt your courage pllnd the naalilur it im mh your ago thut we question hut your ahlllly to pay it wtlm hot u ulkuttloll of ii0uioi1o with the young mini hut natal count tlnroom iook into tho future young nun young woman i- judgment ito wollmum d with omirngo when you are uru of that point then urge on thoao glorluutfmteedv lot thorn leap into tho hunnetiu and drug your chariot on and in to victory frederick id uurnbam at bay it l with gemilno ntmrtiuih ihirt miihj nm imintiv to diii long kliihdlnu hull i i lint ili ii tin iilm iiiin nwmw th wo in t upin rminil hi k h imvoll 11 n of hi pin unl tnn- i ulwnyii lm fm i d ami lm uomin it u tiilii by tlm ihiiiih ho hittil iutl l ui din mtlllt- ilng in ui l i in iimintlikiit jiuiiuli lu the aunt not oil ii iiiliu hiiv mmln it llhlihhuty llllt ml illll i olll ptlull mi ion ki hi youth nml llttln i hll- dreii or hlu hlulu utifirrnre i iintlon huvo a niiututloii fni hud manmiiti bifinu th wm 11 ilmli luiu luiu dm imae for miijiv wilui yi iuii und view ed with ltidirfijih ut homo no dn- nnne luiu lm n l ill up in at i nut mi unpuiont otfoit to ntuniy i ho evil nit piled hut tin iiltiiiitlmi luiu hocomo uoulo ulmi tlm i inn limhhtui nml tlm h i flit uiiubiiiilli i ii tin liiiroino thu vhthiiu of thih iumi pioiinny ami tho luittmlng fm t in mint thu iiiun llm up with lu ynnnir iiunliint hie old i imu wuu whin ngn and urny imlru woio levniiinrnl vvhiit gi umliilothniii uiul gioiit giumluir tlmrii winn miuli in iiunn thin in n nun onu when tin 1 wfi peinlutiid ti fot low uiij injui tlmi of tlm ii ii id ilph they nuly tint if tin iinlng ha uoliii to lo love tlnii- blhlroi i ho illiioi net nhniitn oi in m ut imnn good obedlmit to thuli own hiuihiiiiilii that thn wonl of ind ho not hliuiphomnd i ritun h nt now iiliiirl awnywlth it ull thifjinnur will huvir- lom- of tlrundtnotlim u vnlm lu no lot g i d mil would h lm bonded in tho lund tiwluy nihillou orouiiuth i lu gone thn iinpliliitu utod cnllogo i mil youth eupuulally the young wn urn tell themii vnnnwihln pllurliilu uiiabauh- od thut they nm binilnd pieimnt oul- thn diiyu lilglior thniiglit thut tlmy are iiully nuliianniiii that rant untie i utumtj iillogiillun imnniihlblo tow often do wn bui and rriall o mother uout of dud yofii60 uhn holongh tqmiomlor ktu ratlrm and tlieii ah for gtamlmnthnr alio in ulmitly hnpeleuu way nut of ulght ul- mont prehlatoilo or you muul reallao mnmiui deal that ynu nro litmotliniut in nympathy with modnrn thlngu ho why not tiy to reallxo tlmt you namiot grimp tho high uhnlrutlotih of to day t hettla down takn your hack aout nnd bo content it would mnko un nil huppler and tlm dlro reuult f it lu tlmt our real american motboru und graiidmntbntu are keeping out of ulffht ami taking o hunk ueut uu dlinrtoil by thoim who are nil uiiquninilonii of tlin beart- uolieu tliny ciitiiui the nmrtal wniimlu in faithful devotnil luniiutu that have bnen hurod to nnd huvo homo thn trlulu of life now fiirlnif what ought to he n calm gloilouu beautiful min uet mooji to envelope forevi i hio in preoloim formu wliomt plnniu ulilill know thorn no more while the chil dren are riihlllug abend in wild rnreoru into that fatal llniollgbt driven by vanity and egotlum llttlo dioiimlng of tlm uhn il own brooding ovoi thn future way of thn lllu no iniio to follow it lu trim thu i o ni o mothoru nnd grauilmothoru who mo ntrlvlng hero- loally to koop up omploylng ovory dovlna known to uclonon and art to bring buck a lout youth in fueo und form and tniimioi only to full ho utterly thftt tliny hocomo objootn of pity nnd rldloutu jho hontt in aftor all the uprlng wlnilo wn inuut look for tho uourco of otmnul youth nnd niirlt honrtu are dfloiiout found in thn old nnrlohod nu liny aio wltir the oxporloureu of the lingtli of nut ny dnyu on clod it glorloun mirth aim blamo for all tlilu 1 1 uol oint ment ami dluroumit of older ponplo in onully plncodand u iimndy alwayii lit band only the rilunniiltlou to npnly tt in innklng it lu not whin to nay tlmt tlm former dayo worn better than tliono yet nu iird morloy uuyu wo muut go into thu mint to 11 ml innplr- ntlon for thu futuiu all in thonu duyu of youtonlny munt not ho lout dome tblngu loft lioblml wo munt gaoioi mi niiil hold ilium fuiit hocauuo a trial hau proved thfm good tho bringing up of children in former dayu wnu hottor than in tho prehoitt all agron to thlu ihn mod ern child in npnllod or entirely nng- loolod thorn in llttlo cholro botwoon t ha two rich nnd poor both are iiundlcnppnd through hto cnnuo- uiiimtjy logically from ramio nnd ef fect overywhoie v 1 1 1 1 riirn mfonptlonu in homn und church nml iiattnii our old people uro utundlng with brick tn wall at bay i whnn tlmy godowil what will it profit tho liotno tlm ohlirch thn nation to havo pniibod thorn out iot no nnn mnko tho gi oht mutnlui thut reereiioo for tlm old in purely untltlmoiitul with un be nl in if on nlthor lirorlt or louu hocauuo of thlu twen tieth century treatment wn nro mirror ing oconotutfl iouh wludom lu tlm luihhammlfln of mutiirlty without thn frultu of evporlouon ipmi in uiiutnlnod thin iiun alwuya hnou no centurion ago klpg uuhohoiiktrijootcd thn oouimel of the old mon of hl kciug- ilom acted on thn coununl of tlm young mon f hlu awn undoing mid luraolm dluantor aimunncn u not tiourngo or tho loarnod inunlonoe of the youlig wludmn vouth huu in deed tdrvfrtueii nml oppm unity ngo iium ti il oiihjn p ortlnniitlmt gurnoro il lu youth uddod to tho vlrtueu of ago a prloelonu ituuet to homo ohipob and uutloii i there kifieu ho fore no the imago of my own grandmntlini at tlm ugo or elghtyulif iilttlng with her grent uciirletbound lllhln on her inp rending tlm scripture at morning ami oven lug prayoru i witting on a llttlo tno at her feet holding thn imgo hytm book from which wo both uang wo two were ulnno for uu yearn my dour mothor being dtinl my futbor foiighl for hlu country in thn civil war thon another picture i in my llttlo wenoh curtained bad uiipponod to bo hint nuloen nt night would hon thlu tioblo old tnotlioi knoollng bouldo hor own bed praying nlonil o un narnoht- ly for hor uanu mid grauilhoiw in tho army of tttnlr country whilo tho miionllght flooded tho mom envelop ing hoi form ami uuhtlug a fiwo oo- ntutlo in huptillciulnii homn uilhtlo force atamped ho ildmn on my mind indelibly whnt it inveilmco for btir and her nno old filomlh 1 iillll huvn und tilmrfoi tlm mothoru unindmoth- orud greatginmbnothoru of 1030 tlmt nio utlll with mi ihhiih of tlioml- llut ulnul they many of tlnirt are ut bay woundod nt bourn und nutwlde waiting nu uhut uioy can until tho uhitilowm nro u llttln longer grown idvolyn hukor wood cdvlngton icy the one happy h0uh i po you leinnmher tlm night 1 lironnuqd to you him you dour lie wo ant fnt mi hnui am y nevei upojind your mouth mho veu i renieinbfti diuil lie ah thut wuu thn hnpplout limn of my life u a j buoh impkntlnencei ihey had thw impnrtliiemto nftho bunk thlu morning to uuy that i wu oveidiawn und nmt ibinmlt 300 and what did vtoiitln o thorn i told them if tlmy weie going to adopt that kind or utiltudo i ahould withdraw my iluooiiut the oil for the parmarv a holtlo of or thomoh idtrleotilu oil in the farm bouue will nftvi nuniy a journey for the doctor it ih tiot only wood for- lm children wieh lakon with colda und croup und for the mature who uttor nun iinlnu and aoliim bpt there re dlrnitloiia for itu uuo tin alckoattlu ther nbould nlwny he u bottle of it if the houue malnutrition tho root of much yfuvnt oj i binders profren mnd frawlli i scotts emulsion the world foroom tonic food j ii the natural enemy of nut- i nutrition and weakness i scoffs three or four times i dailj bulltk strength hmlpm i itlrioe malnutrition attiay u iijjj2i j steele spss crops from better seeds lsoid iv umm menauimi jllttoliuuir cwam wnnre roo mcw catalog steele br1ggs seed crkk hamilton toronto viinmiplt ca na da s cmc a te5 tseed hms just yon bear ptay ah beconb at z a their bat frankf king c oephqetown ont v ogmh kcvemlmg m wo nro compntont lo oro ull who nro iiufforlng from ilofnrtlvo nyeiilght thunuuun of your dimming viulon may bo of iilmpln origin nnd cor- i ootnd with very nlmple ionium you may bo hnne- tlttod by wearing routing gluiuiofi vvo will ho able to iliiinllio your condition ox- nctly und mnlio tho proper ghuiuiu foi you we qrlml our own lamea iiuklilhomu- tho hut i boots shoes for spring keriney bros itavo opened their nw atook of bent hum fur lndlcu and oojitlo- ron hoyu and qlrlu katlbtu 1iioii cut hooih 1 oil llawim ww ah wn hhvn ljnt fin gotten tlm dur- u hi ii woll mail a hnotu for hhrd work nu tho 1 aim lu thn vuatory ut tho quarry und thu ichnu oood noohh and uiaahon- ahijlfl 1miic1sh au10 ouit hpiiaiatlich llnimlrlng prnmptiy uoutly ami mutably done both uowol nnd null- d wnik kenney bros main qtneet i acton ont lleslf belrciva sootnet hbu keen your eycd sfroiur anof ifoalthy u they ttrclsmnrt itckor hum it sure irritated inflamed rljranulnlcd um mnrlno often hate fur infant or adult afnll drugputo in canada wrirt for tfrco eyouook mrimcnfdy salt in live 0t0ckration8 common null uojllum thldrldrf ilnyi un ihiporuiut vuit in tlm dl t f mout oliium1 of fur 1 1 uulmalii i hi i will l holtir uninii lulid if wn atop utonuldr hint of ihn mlilerabl in tlm liilln of thn body unit u pieuml hi lm lurgiut amount mult do u ul jidlhiitn 11 ay hi ll rgy of ihxiy im ilotu tllo mod oollhiiiijihl iary in it uluo llldl u vi n u pulu- rthnhmi it lu iir mil ill i on of tb pbyhlohgiial urll upmuiii and lm nihility of muuy fooji thn inlimtlnn of illgintlvn julnii nteu good clmilutlonof the jlillihi lm body und pieveiitii ihtijitlvo lutnrhuuoii of th common iluuinu or rtinti uul- nlw niimely honiu ealtln uhoitiuud ahii ihn bitdr huvn the hunt lined uult thlu in lu all iiiohubillty dm i tin tltforenre in dint thut or uwlue uiully lonuiutlng bnu ly of grulu hnuiiu otiioi cluuhmi lomiiimn large iiuutlth ii or rougluign in which 1iwi ill 11 found too luiun illulltllleu f tit rungethn ntomui h ami imiwi lu f uwlue cuuuhig guueu dlarrhliiti llivuiuhiuu and parulyuu ortiu iililtlug jn ileuth hi verthnleuu lllgu uhoulit havn an uu to unit the hi ut of piovlillug it lm i ii u to koop hrm tlu m ut ull union hi u cbvorvl uuptucln if outdoorii u mlkturo at alt ch annul alinluiked liulo hone- luul iid wojitl uuhua oi uort lout -ln- or uhoep unit lu vi ry nm nuiuiry plug it liefom thnm ut ull tlmcn in uuulii bo mout udvluithlo couruo for nu iimiirnbr ouiinly llduieu ucour- 1 hn nat to lulu tn koip tho uboep gooil utuio of in ulth and thoy are luttor uhl to wunl off utuioku of dlu- euuo or internal paruulteii lurthor- p foil plenty of null uheur ii hettt r uuullty and heuvh r hence than do ihouo receiving mi uult r cowu owing to tholr much turgi i uluo and tlm fuct thut thoy um giving dully large umounta milk which cnntalmi nonaldcrublo it u heuvlor ration or uult lu needed 1 or cowu imilug red lu tho utuhlo up to j u ouuceu per day lu recommended whi in rowu giving u heavy now of milk vomilre on nbuudunoii of uult ut io tlmo the dry pregnant cowu uh on lil not lie nvorlookod uu their ro iliiiroineuhi are oven greuir catlli on imuturo uuunlly retiulm lewi aalt than ttioun imlooni und the amount vitrlou with tlin nature of tho uoll and vegetation on thlu account it iu nd- vluable lo havn u iiupply bnforo tin m tlmcn idllhnr rook uult or ground iiltr may bo uuod but in oltbnr caue it lihonld be placed in u rocop tarlo in which it will ho iilioltoroil from tho ruui or milch of it will bo lout young gi owing an 1 ma in uauully re uulru a larger porconlnuo of uult ihm do mature unlmalu hor mom am m exception in tho mat ter or nat requirement here again it ahould he regularly mippllod cake or rock unit lu tho comer or hi manger whe the harm can get it nt will ih tho imut moaiiii of provlnlon llnrueii at heuvy work roiiulro mort ihun thono tlmt ore idle or ut light work an allowance of 3 ouncon pnr day lu generally rtmiinmoudod qoo wjlitilr a nut dominion animal iuti- humltnau eellilllhbicliihibliai cotsrteous painstaking service fvom the moment you have opened your uccouot with us we look upon you as a friend of the bank to be served in every way posible at every turn it is this spirit of friendly service jhat has been largely res ponsible for this banks solid steady 87 yeari of progress aac vyilt appreciate youi account the bank of nova scbtia spaming sporting goods iiili him iiiicriai novtr oiovk at 10o eaoh 11aci haif haih 16e 26e 36o 7fio 1 oo ja 2q0 iiatll iiahh ofovirk 100 ug jjio 3jrj0 m sm 10oo v hahl wbnfl mitth t3 00 fhj vjoo o00 ftbo 12j a irill hit mitlh 176 1 b60 woo 7b0 10od fisjoo rpooo i hahl iiauh wsq sue 60 7tm 1 oo hiamilno hamuhawji wnrruiitid in i nut one lull name 176 s6 y2xj odh maiihnfl rintl oihtui 1450 ami ws60 f irio crirn iahjw nrorit oy cmju haoh the bond iiaudwauk coxtd rphene 1013 ouelph the still koui1 imucuty lu thn uncurtained window oi mnuh uoul chrlntlnn ijndouvor world alan huu a rl lit for nut foi home ror thought hev io h mccollliitor humanity baa hi on aptly divided into lwo cihiuilu illuni imd icmienk which aro yout ltov a j conrad ha who would rule muut norvn and makn bin admirable iiiirvlrn thn ground of hlu invitation to loudoruhip wo need not ho afraid that wo nhnll go loo for in nerving otheru thorn lu no danger thut any of uu will go too far in tho walk of active lovo j c hare a bright joyoua religion hind with with tlm rndluuco of qoda love kllla il on pair klmllou hope bngntu ohodl- 01110 and crcatou u douthlniiu duvo- tlnnto chrlut hev m mcpnnn a oudbtantial prize iho nutlnnnl inntltuto for moral imitrucllon at waublngton d c nffiru a prixa of 20 000 to tho ututo that iireuoniu thu bout uyutom of moral education for uno in thn jnihllo anhnolii 1 our thouuiind dolluru lu to ho given to the chairman of tlm committee nml sjooo each to tlm otlmr eight memhorn thlrtyllvo atulou have already tip- olutoil cominlttoeu to work on thlu 1m- portatit tnuk s all alike patient tho dnctoru hlllu nro higher uml my wlfo uuyu tho modi olus ii noiit moifl than they did i nuwfl don t worry nbduf that now i want lo tako youi tomnoru turo tmtl ont tiruot youl i nn mivti ir thut lu going up perhaps you need a bicycle but dont know it if you ore a worglngman you nefcd a bicycle it will nave yau lonj waitn and tlrcsotno rides in jummed ntreet cars if you are a carpenter you can carry your kit from job to job and nave valuable time a collector cart collect a very much larger amount of money wwi n bicycle you can make double often triple the number of buninem cnlln in a day you can call on outoftheway prospects off the car lines hundreds of teachers and thou- tinnds of pupils ride bicycles to ucliool tho bicycle holvcir the emeroancy de livery problem of the grocer butcher druggist and other merchant it la tlu cheapest form of quick transportation bicycling eaves time oaves car fare baveu expensive h cm leather saves money do you oced a bicycle if you do youll want one that you cut depend on c c m bicycles are famous for easyrunning and long service they are built to stay out of the repalifuwp arid the hu liercuus positive drlva sirnkt the coaster brake without tilde arm ly included without extr dutrga com bicycles perfect massey red bird clevejland columbia 90 made in canada 100 valu canada cycle motor co limile j whston ontauio moulr tonmitn wumlimd vbaiar thl twl nwk i nalblmiui shop where you are invited to shop i i llgiffiimnraiamcimmmcwrcfltflrc dodge bros motor cars i the owner of adodge car can safelyde- pend upon consistent contimiousand eco nomical daily secive universally low gaso line consumption and high tire millage j n qneiul acton v georgetown john leishman representative for acton i this stores policy to represent roods ex actly os to their quality to cell to those who know nnd to those who dont know at a uniform fair price to rulfill all guarantees and cheer fully correct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by always giving you imtisfuction ravage co jewellers guelpu ontario rsb m 4sw when friends drop in entertain them witls tho muaia of kh victrola tijoiroai silvvay frosh intorea in hia maatera votco records of the worlds masterpieces stms and played by tho wozlds sreatest artistai in the latest popular longii and tho newest danco music there aro uo embartm- ino momenta when yau entertain with tho victrola c w kelly son gueuh ont r noble ltd llnvo removed their storojo the hlovattir qt tho g t ft atation wliere flour feed etc may he secured as usual outt duuvjeuy has beeh discontinued r noble ltd henry awbky manaopr l i i rtv fll