Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 28, 1920, p. 4

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flff at xt ieaths are lie fnllowln rutin illrthn too j uarrlages boo dmtlu 50o j mnmorlal coxclsjtfoc 10c ir hi extra for pumns born htitf in at i nrt huron mluli ion tlnimlny o ioih r 31 1030 ti mr nml mm ii it lliillln u daughter audrey altoon iatwai ti at baglnuw mloli nn wednesday oi lour 13 1130 4n mr nml un william i atswaltd lino minn clara ittnn h daughter dorothy cluru married iii ackillnlnaitnotiin to ran in atlgust 7 1ih hy the hov leorga lrunkn laivit jdldinn- youngest luimhtii it mr ii t aruoui to i ercy km nu 1 1 n only mm of mr und mm a j wunkburn both of tlnorirolown hi iflnch miciitoiikon at the homo i f thn ml n inter 1001 collrs htront toronto on tfcurs lay oc tober 14 1020 by ilev mr lair a j of t ronto to annie was daughter of hush llnbert mcout nhmn lcrln ouiohton jaitniiam on wwl- nandny october 30 ipso nt the reel donee of it a brides parents 62 mulinlng avonlln tor ntd hy thn fat lid i- of thn lirlil usalstad ly thn father of tlin bridegroom con rn v lorn hum youngest daughter of ilnv w h oarnhnm to ilv frank a crlghton lata lieut or 1st canadian infantry iluttatloit anil younifit spn of ilav a j crlghton toronto died arthciulon in trafalrar on hun day october 34 1820 thomaaalder- hiui aged 70 year k pouchl at llockwood on wednes day october 20 l20 ami li wife of jamas el keough in her 0th year lliiyimapj in artlnn october is ip 30 torrance infant an of oourra hulman s iibmbthioict in milton nn tuesday october id 1930 jann wilkin rtaugh- ttr ff thn latd james ilumn nml wife of itloliard l hemstreet in memoriam illut in loving memory of fur be- i ived hod and brother pte j i hurt who immmhl i way at the fourth ooneral hospital ktaps franco on october 35 ib1h now ha sleeping hi lost long sleep and his grave we may never see hut mmn kent in hand in that dlsfajit in nil may scatter some flowers for me an i hom loving heart may shed a tear for us in anguish torn for the lire no fair that winded there awayori that all en shore i leather mother slater and ii rot her in jvrtn n 3ttt teea thurbday october tf 1q1d brief local items november opens next monday wtiear saiathts wmifrr itobt the price of bread and flour are being- reduced at many oolnta uoenaea for trapping may aooured nt the fhjm imcm ofllce the rrovinclal winter fair will be iteldftt ouelph from- december 3 to a ieohnlcal school la propoaed in oonnootlon with ouelph collegiate in utute arrfttikfl to attend thn unvelllnc of acton soldlera memorial on ar mistice day j a henderson lumberman ahlpplns nfteerr car of nw dual to united states point the proverbial tern peat in u tea pot in no thin compared to the row kicked up in the aucrar bowl have you bad your waterworks sarvloe installed yet la a current query among cltlaera these- dayr tho fun fracm i like u ions noway letter comloc regularly from home jr q m st paul minn mra w m coojmr main street ent tho fmjoi pbxsb a rose taat krlday whloi had just bloomed in the garden acton uotoultural society la tua- tiibuting hyufclnth and daffodil bulb among the members of the society thla week ooobern hiding in the woods and there wed better leave her for mr vroat has whispered round that she has scarlet fever the waterworks trennhea tuivlnjr all been excavated the but trenching machine was loaded up and aent to toronto- thla week g5i l r v it looks as if high prices for sweet clover seed havo ended bo much has been sownt for seed that it is now a drug or the seed market quite a number of our sporting oltlsens have a bad lit tack of buck fever just now and have taken out licenses for deer hunting this la the lost week to secure the ifraea pros at f 1 so tor a year next monday the subscription price is necessarily raised to z 00 the kiddies havo had a bib tlnt during the week with bon fires maple leaves from the hundreds of beautiful shads trees which line- oir streets n although tho price la considerably lower than last year urge quantities of turnips are being brought in and shipped here the quality this fall is excellent mr ilobert wsllaoe takes the laurels for u perfectly formed table carrot which weighs three pounds six ounces it was grown in his market garden on wallace avenue hev n waddell u o of iiallln- afad occupied the pulplf f knox cthurch i it at sunday in jhe absence of itev mr plndlny whp was nqeachlnk annlversary sermons at llalllnafad the orangeman ball at olenwl hams last friday night was disgrace fully disturbed by u n umber v men who went th worse of llquor thersll be a sequel to the fracas it is rumored rbev 8 if wallls harton imtstor cf the methodist church waterloo hits ocoanied an unanimous invitation in bseomo pastor of alnsllo street methodist church pall at nptt con iv f s lx- r u i w ffi w wit i i terehce the st mary a argtis has been absorbed by the journal of tha town adding another to the already ions list of newspapers inergvd absorbed or put ogt of business by the high publishing costs j ibv t i hdoiunds m a of burgessvllle j who preached in tia methodist church hero u week ago was elected president of the s3p worth ieagu of the hamilton conference i ithe convention last wsslt f 1 neighborhood nows- townand country ttallinafad imlvdimtiry srvliou wr i- in the 1 rhliytirlun clinrdb limt hun luv llnv w i i indlay pamtor of kixfx cliuroh alton preuohe i able uerminis mornliitf and tvenlns there wrn large oonsregaf li m jit ixtth morvlneh tliu fnrniorn um usy digging pa tutors ud pinking 1 iim jth porutu nrtip is very sood and very llltln rot found in thlu i mullty a uollt loo driis run down ilia kintli line for two r tlin lots from oomar and on thn town llha tor u uilu of oih i hhiiiiim would area my imi rove the driving mr nnd mrs thomnx klllott vlnltbd friends in this entity last wonk tlio imtato dlglng mnchlnn thla y ir has d emo nit t ruled its utility on the farm number of the farmera in thlw mootlon this year imvii ha i thn digs r ut work it o lours up the imlftto field iii aliort order h can hardly tie eul i however that the worjuf thn women folk 1m reduced ten hunnry mttn for dm hi un 1 auptnr in jmlnto digging luys la as luid us mi old- fashioned thrashing dakville or ntny tkn7ttvtiorroonkjtiijnti ful ror years the methyl 1st aervlcn on sunday wvenlos waa withdrawn on ucctiulit of thn itvsbytnrlan church re oienlng on wrl lay lust ilyron w connvor paasad awuy ut his rnulilnnne in t after inly u weeks illness resulting flfty eighth year soma stir was caused on sunday hy the hum of a large seaplane oommand of col harker whloh lighted in the lake here and moored to k t eibzhtboro pier a large cabbagn which weighs twentythree iounda la on exhibition in the window of hills grocery there was terrible motor accident on coloome street about fourthirty on sunday afternoon whtin alexander maodonald waa struck by a largo motor car being driven east hy c a hum of toronto hundreds were unable to secure ad mission to tha prosbyterhtn church here which was re opened last sunday after 45 000 had bean spent in reno vating it- t obftfhnoe mr ihigald illilhirlikjn an nhlnemed l lent i f thlm indatlty for many ars die i on tin sllity oftasl wnik i hlh eliihllith yoar thn fltnerul to vol ton coiiiuiory on irlday ufterni on ii h vnry lu rifely uttendod mr ami mrs a j hpotica loft f r their in w h me in toronto inut thurs luy ster mlendln a very anloyul in wenli nt the home of thn hrlde a j ur nt mr uiijl mra hugh lloliert m utuhimnr- quite a number of thn farmers of this mnotlun have been ti arnng turnlt s aoton and liookwood li ptlm lly sood tacti qeoraerown the oounoll h viioii fr vi lit u hut rata tcnll iu with fltltig with j a t his club boils i enta i hi- loon um net of c0 per yiur for live yeurs xr limiira llonnntt f winnipeg vlsltel hu slstor mrs u t arnold laal wonk mra j w iedley und mr juii fnlley of toronto vlsltel at iv jlel 1 u over the weak nnd mr john 11 wlnluw of wlnlaw d ailed on u number of old frieiids in town and vicinity last woek mr and mrm a it cuatel enter tallied tha nmmlmim of knox churoh clinlr one nvennlg lust week mr w c anthony is visiting frleudu in ymiilitimik and etrtitf nl thlw wew peroy otuss raturnad from plttablirg last week where she had been attenllng the funeral of her father our silent policeman is greatly mlsaed on thn iorner of main and mill streotm will ha hu omn buck ugulllt horald crewsons corners i he milton there wore no cases civil or orlmln at to oome beroro tha fall usaues on tuesday anniversary aervloeu will b held at flf ri i nrt jitn i november tlie annual meeting of the hulton county children n aid society on thursday evening november 4 in knox church school i loom milton will give the people of this county an opportunity of hearing judgre ii s mott of the juve court of the olty of toronto thieves broke into the workshop of john hunter three times lately the last time on monday evening and liavn stolen his tools a tool cheat und a quantity of hardware last saturday kind hearted hromp tori friends of the inmates of the hallon peel house of refuge gave its inmates n motor trip tit mlttont jus tice justin in his car headed the pro cession a lz box crnto of raspberries was sold on the hamilton market satur day by a milton farmer at so cents a box complaint is mode that within tha last week or so vessels containing flowers placed on the graves in ever green cemetery have been wantonly amas hed c horn p ion on tb eve of her removal to toron to mrs john syar was presented with a purse of gold and an address by the ladles aid of the methodist church lost friday evening the ad dress waa read by mrs w h clement president wodilliia- bells will ring near future mihm ithea ore who it is rucovnrlng nicely following an operation for up liendleltls which was vorformed last week in ouelph oonorul hospital mr and mrs w n wilkinson and family who have spent tha summer seusop ut thalr homo here have re turned to their homo in toronto mr nnd mrs w a murray who recently sold their home have moved to acton lurlng their long residence horn they mado many friends who re bret tholr removal as thsy have al ways been good residents and excel lent neighbors willing to do anything in their power to holp and pefrtend unyutialn trouble tjialtuojipitajjja home was a place of cheer and plonaaittness to ull who enterwl it but what is our loss is actons gain i misses hold and mckenxle who have been conducting evangelistic services i in this neigh liorhood the past twu pmdulislflflfiit their tamualaii on wednesday evening these earnest christian ladles have made many friends during their stay here who wish them ood spaed in thalr work mr and mrs alger crip pa monat und mr and mrs vred grewaon acton spent sunday at mr h a orlops mrs norntfmyarrtimrgirnrry hower and children and mr jos llrott all of tmrllngton visited at mr m crewsons on sunday bannockburn mrs young of pio fourth line who was in tha hospital far treatment for several weeks returned last week much improved in health anothof evidence of thi deepseated sentiment and reverence for tho old home was seen here last friday mr fred warren of ueatrlce neb whoso father spent his boyhood days on cedsr creek farm the home of tho warrens for four generations paid a visit to tha old homestead he was accompanied by mrs james l war ren of toronto who lived lumpily there wittther devoted husband for many years of ihelr wedded lite and her sister mrs john xl kennedy mr and mrs young- the present owners of the homestead gave a cordial wet- come to the visitors mr warren took u walk over tho old farm and vis i tod the fields whloh mr you rig arid his stalwart sons havo cleared up and cropped this year mr warred visited the old sprtna near the creole tor a drink of the- good cool water he always enjoyed sa muah as s boy when visiting his uncles during his visit mr warren remarked always here tofore x have go no home with infer- estlng incidents to relate to father but this time i have a new experience for father passed away last spring ho wai la his mrd year but talked of the old farm and of the qannocltbum school until the day of bis death saturday was a great day for beech nutting in this section numbers of acton young folks were over nnd secured good quantities of the sweet little nuu the beech nuts are taxjjer this yeur than usual burdnqton the tilgh school pupils are making urruntrsmauts to hold their annual halloween party on the 20th inat it promises to eclipse other years the ladlo aid of the methodist church will hold their basaur on frl day december 3 mr ami mrs w f wtttenhurg of hultlrnore urn vlsltlntf mrs uotiev illggs loohst street a large delegation of ladles from tha methoidlat church attended the women s missionary convention at llronta lutsi thursday messrs hussell wilson and wm sutton lefti on saturday for new on- urlo a uiiootlng expedition thy urn in quejat of moose hv j w hunt and mr a lorlroer have returned home from thn worlds brotherhood convention at washington fl c and report a splen- fdld gut hearing mr and mrs f ii taylor of flurtlngoon wish to announce the en gagemiuit of their daughter mary marceltu to mr hugh mcphlo of detroit mich the mnrrtngo to toko place the latter part of october at utirllugton on sunday afternoon at the public ubrnry the ndles n jh q c h c brought their labors to a fitting dose by the unvelltns of the honor roll or enlisted men rom burlington and tile vicinity hurry the benyearold son of mr and mm 10 w smith had a narrow suaite i from urownfnff back of thn revetment wam on sunday afternoon last in oomisanywhh art other young tadc named henry they started out in a punt to tmr smiths boat which was moored o ut from the shore when nsarlngythe lioat smith in spmo way lost his bals noa and fell overboard- aasstu 1 v in meraoriam mllb h i hkmmtitbbt the unoxthkiteal death of jaitn wllklu hume vlfe of i tic hard jl uemstraet was a grout shook to her friends him hud wen in the lkistmf health until ho was taken iii on sunday of last week at her home on mury street und aha died on tuesday morning follow ing she was a daughter of the lnto james humo of ksquoslng and a sister of mrs hubert b to wart milton there are two surviving brothers james hume hornby and wm hume in california the funeral whloh was prtvato took place on thursday to bvergreen cemetery milton cynus w andionson cyrus william anderson one of the oldest residents of oakvlde und gran 1 son of one of the pioneers of this district died there on friday in bis eightythird year ho had jived in oakvllla all his life and for many years nut as a member of tha tov council with his son mr andaman conducted u private batik there with u brunch at palmersfon mr antletimi is survived by his wjfo three soils b tan lay p of california and jam en hall and cyrus w anderson of oak villa and two daughters mrs kev h s magoe and mrs w t hnmbrook imth of toronto terence macswinners suicide the end came monday mornlno the 73rd day of his feet london oct 36 terence mao swlney lord mayor of cork dlod at tblxtoif prison at 6 40 o clock thlsl morning ills death followed a hunger strike of more than seventy three days eclipsing any lnths annuals of tho medical world maoswiney who hud boon tmconcujuit for several days did not recover his faculties before he mled i enclose renewal subscription for kass- passs this weekly letter u always welcome the old mens contribution is very full of interest oood lubk tq him nnd his mary ff p hreughum out the highest offer fur the s0yuar tier cent sixteen mile creek bridge county of hal ton debenture llqoo hasbeen accepted o iltrgess a co toronto being the purchasers at os 29 at this ume of year jepotorlsls driving through wnodel sections tii ho u id be especially careful about g throwing away clgur mid olgaretti htuhs le no motorist bo responsible for a destroying forest fire ceo wallace says eytra values now on highgrado sum otoats not just a nale- but n decid edly different sfllo because it involv es unfaltering reduc tions on suits and overcoats without ro- gard to profit its an attempt to clear the racks of high priced clothing and its by no means a half heart ed ooc lkv6ry gannetrtfir guaranteed come and see from 25 up geowallace allways reliable i i clothier glelphdnt whfen you read our store news in this space each week it tells you of savings now is the time to lay in your winter underwear a shipment of stan field s arid turnbull s have just come to hand penmans underwear midweight wool and cotton guaranteed to give good wear sizes 32 to 44 special at 150 tumbuils natural wool fall weight unshrlnkablo all sizes in stock 34 to 40 at s2j2s 42 to 44 at 0 penmans natural wool underwear in ladles scarce goods wo have them in medium and large sizes 2 pieces vests and drawers at 300 each white and gray flannelette blankets at less than the mills price these arc tho hest imfflff fvtfa inrfla bith nfinful- weight in white pair nd gray special 435 white saxony flannelette at 45c yard- we bought this lino of flannelette before tho last advance in price wide with soft alht-45e-yd- english stripo llannelette at 50c this lino of english flannelette jr worth mora to day other stores arc asking 00c wo bought early tho colors art fnnt in blue and fawn pink and gray stripes iii ins wide special at r 2 yard wide shirting at 95cl circular pillow cottons nt 70c and 75c uiitcarablo tweeds at hoc table duma ik at 70c 75r 1 00 1 w apron ginghams nt 40c nnd 50c one nnd two ynrdi wido oil cloths we want a lllnhu au nt for evoiy mini pre inuentel ilbilrlt t n ii our well kniwu fruit mil i iiiihiniii iltnk uhriil t qooct pav exclu8ivb territonv nights out iikoii y in vnlilillla llnlcr 1 rih lit m tldltlllllm coo apnea of nunneny established 40 years willi fir mrll ularu to agency pelham nursery co toronto ontario oil cloth nnd congolcum wugi 2y3 3x3 and 3x1 all in stock 4 yards wide linoleum in stock at tha old price 5 55 per running yard look ovaiyoureatwlogncnd co mclean co acton roofing save 50c to 100 per roll yourself the judge wo ship on approval to any station where there is an agent we nvp yoa 5q to 1 00 a roll on rsadr roofings of guaranteed quality asksou you u l oj frkb alter inipecttng tho hoof samtflbs ing at our risk sai 1 frea by mail also free catalogue with prices and full informa tion send letter or post card send ma free samples ami price of ready hoofing sod particulars of free de ll very offer the h aujday company u factory distributor hamilton canada how to cure goitre ap thick neck 0 by a painless homo remedy of roots and herbs wo have oured goitres of moro than 40 years standing in a few wmiih tlmo our treatment is guar anteed to bo harmless and will build up auodowp system writs for froe inottpatlon to prop marlo box 307 toronto ont- new wsrehouse for co operative store the building occupied by oio acton criiamery on thn co opomtlvo store propnrty bus tman removed nml a flm n iw mn tul nlad wuitboimi 30x40 has u n imubil on the silt this bulll liiu will be utilised for reuorvo utoclt fir tlin store ths township tsx collectors at the lut t inmttliir of the lamijiiaulng township council tlin following tax fuilhotorh were appointed for 1d20 wiml no peter mllbboii 5 henry may 3 i ii thompson 4 m turner 6 h h i indhuy b william mlohle tllny will rooiilvo 36 each for their services ceuntsr cheok books if you arc in need of oountoi chock iwoks now ih the time to buy counter nhwik honks llkn all prlnlod matter nrn sta4llly advuiiulng in prlco tliny will lint be cheawr and in all piob ability thty will ba lcitnr id vnry thing poltith to u mtlff advance til phkj iliiesfl is ngunt for one of the largest ami betit known countur uhiwk ixhik nrmh in run ml i ciimicuiioih um aasurcd of prompt und uffutitlvo nor- vice iet un book your order mr men hunt treat the klddlss on halloween the plan ndnptod by many of our oltlsens for hutjowo n iiiih litem nuho aunt eusful for several yujirs tha mode f proooliire lias bvan to give the kl i- lles and young folks welcome when tin y nrnkn tlmlr i viittntf onlls in their miisks an 1 umoutlitgi 1 oostunkn treat thdn to aiiplos ouullns or oooklth and wish them u real good tlniu thhr plan bus overcotpe much of tho acinic less molestation of und dontru hon of property iry it on saturday night und muka tho children happy a sale of housaho i effects ot ivtiwls chlewoll hockwoort will bo held oil saturday october 30 purohuuoh mad by parties nl this suln will he loaded on the train ut hoc it wood it j kerr auctioneer cream end creamsrui the orst una iii wellington county under thn sew milk nnd ormm r ovu lation ii1hhio1 in u provincial jovornmuiit act wus tried in qneliih 1 ollce court on wednoodny when an t3rln criunmry mun wah the defendant under the new act ull cream purohun ml ut creameries hus to undergo wbut la known at the liabcock test und must be purotiaied by wdght insteiul of measure the act also provldt thut tho aruamorliu must keep samples of creum piirohuxod one duy until ten a clack tho next it is uuegad hy npeclal agents of the qovorninont that the icrln dialer did not comply the proylhlons of tho act a ramilv almost wiped out in spain and particularly in the province of andalusia families are of a else that would have startled even theodore roosevelt mr hamilton ifyfo the writer was touring anda lusia on horseback one 1 winter and apuiit the night in u fonda ndnr los llollnhes at dinner over his homlny soup mr fyfe was amused to see the multitude of daughters that the inn keeper possess 0 a i you have a rtrje a very fine family tot daughters uure no said honor you are good to say so but replied the innkeeper we ve been very unfortunate with our daughters dur ing a term two years ago the chimney fell in and killed all but eleven of them j 3 when accounts arc balancco we often hear it eahlihat sooner- or later ull men reach thalr proper level in thl wnrlrt tt fhp thr huvn tlnatlnn this is a very comforting doc trine but it does riot have quuo so pleasant n sound in the ears of the honest laborious and worthy souls that somehow or other have failed ef success in a perfect world it would be true but in s world that is full df moral ttlaorders an ours lait is not true heal merit in often over looked in tho distribution of rewardii incompetency frequently gets tho prise that ability deserved the next life will witness a wonderful squaring and balancing of aooounts farms f r sale 100 acres with crop in erin township- miles m erin do ocrsh workable biuflco punt lire and buith 1 uare orchard i oay i lonm noil plenty of water i well and a spring ami windmill solid brick ho que of 11 rooms good collar llnrn i shaped 70x38 horse stable in end of bariujihtkl 411x24 f good driving shed 40x34 school i mile church i miles tlurul mall und telephone 6 noreu of outs 4 acres of buckwheat und 10 uoroh of buy nil in the burn go with tho form pomaesslon urruiigud 1 rice tooo foi rnrm including crop mentioned terms ur ranged 100 acres in erin township mile from balunapad 70 ucrcs workuhle biilunco puuturu 1 ucrs orchard id actus fall ploughed oluy loum soil gmid wtitui 2 wt lis and a lyvor falling spring 1 ramo iioiiho of h rooms nood aellar italik barn 12x4 b tie up 13 cftitlo and b horhcs driving wtml school li miles church rnllu pobsqwlon arranged price 94200 tetmu urmiigod 110 acres in erin township 1 mile from bro0k- ville 7 miles from acton jl00 aoren baluuoe bish good orchard oluy lom soil 2 wnlls and u hprlnst kruino house of b rooms cellar hunk bum 70x60 tie up 3s cuttlii and 4 horns utluw shod 0xe4 gooljtheep pun driving houso j 30x24 hchool mile chur h 1 mile iosuosslon arranged irlco t 90000 terms arruiiked 50 acres at crewsons corners in nassagaweya township 3 miles from rockwood 4 miles from acton 5m1nu wal 56 acres wnrkublp balance pasture and huali smul orchard i ctay loam soil never falling spring creek xog und stone house of 7 rooms good cellar btuhlo tlo up la uttl und z horses itural mail und tele phone posnosulou hi ranged prion 2 600 terms arranged willoughby farm agencyi head office ge0egemwn0nt we have done roo kor home of thn llmnt buildings in tho town i roildrty owners who r iillxb the importju reliability almost invariably aoek ouf murvlceh without competi tion they know we use only tho heavlent uheet tin nnd em ploy only hku1j help und a i tluit every job is thoroughly dime also that ur bill la al wuys um moderate uu wo iiui that opens the door to unlimited opportuni ties in every line of endeavor students may start any day guelph business college hsrad bid a quslph onl a l bouck prln saturday treat for your halloween party we offer you r 100 lbs of our plain vanilla 1warshmall0w pqr toasting our marohmallow is fresh and of the highest quality reg 50c lb saturday treat price 39c weekend chocolates 44c lb when you aro making out yourshopplnr list do n oyor- look our weekend chocolates for thoy are won dor ful value assorted highclass chocolates reg ooo and 70a lb weck- end special 44c t h moorehead brampton georgetown milton acton notice to creditors of the estate of qeoroe mcdain deceased i ho ut lltom of j orgn m illuln into f tin viii iw of alton itriithmuii vlii ilhd in in iilkuit the flftli day of outohur 1u3ii uio tiqultihl on or bo- tln twinty ninth duy of novem- bi r 10 jo to um by pout pit iui i or thorwluo dullvii t tho tin letilitned mil li i tor for tin a imliiii trutrlx r rmbit of thulr iiduounu the iiuturn or thn nvmirlty if any held by thorn lilt i full pnrtlmilutb or tbnli iiumnu uil- i en and lisurltliiin id notion ih ben by further given that immosliitely iiftn the null twuiity ninth duy of kov itiber toao the ailmiiilhtmtilx 111 proaeil to dlu tribute tho umtifth of um sulil state imionu thu parties unllthd tlioroto anil she will not t e rohpoiihible for uny lalmx of vhli li shn iihill not h uu calved notloi ot tho tlnui in t foith i hiioh illutill utlou nutd thlh twoity lihti diy ylutobot a d 1u0 ma1m m utv klolt vtm adnijnlutrutilx lly h n luiinur hit hultoi 18 11 v court of revision cement sidewalks ink i uotli c that tho ontiiu ii of thu tlm corpoiiillon if tliu vltluife of anton imk c umtrui nil us it iwoutl imiirovo- inuiit i unit nt wlilt wulkii mi thu nouth ulilu of lliwtr h trout hetw in lihgln hturt und willow htmit un i on the wi stilly ulile if fiudi rli it tllmot from mill htroot to church htrcut the total cohc f thn work on ikiwm htnit iih aforonulil in u44 h4 or which 170 u i to bi pun by thu orpor itlitn und u74 7j by the owners if thn propuity urfintml tin tost of the work nn int rick hti nt 337 7fi of which hh ill is ti he paid ij tti cotporutloii nml 1163 47 by tb mvnuim tf tin pi hx rty urtudul tin istlmutid life of lie work in twoulv yoaru tiftnviitpn win do liul i li munuav the 16th day of november a oi 1020 at h so o ulook p m ut the oimi ii chumlhr for thn i iirpoim of hulling i oim i ilnla umilont the in iiini i a hi iumntn or thi uo ciliuoy it froutiiiii nsi uuun monu 01 uny uthm imuiiliiliitji wlib i pi tunnu inturihti 1 1 muy huh whloh lm by 111 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