Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1920, p. 4

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ttt 2flp arfmt mxtt pr tiitjjinriay novi miikii 4 ibo tif krron 1 uti 1 uisk 1 inf nt j y i 0 ii llll ill iii ml dp i na altvfrtisini y 11 rtlur si lgi o hl 1 the um 1 wi i 1 au the use of the franchise fvcry good canadian man and wnman in ctty town or country should lc prepared to vote on every measure submitted lo tha people tor decision they should excreted tho frivnchiso on alt muriicipal and legislative issues the choice of men or measures should not bo made by a part of the clcctors while nothcr partthirk or neglect their duty citizenship should be appreciated and all its duties should bo cohscientiously dichargcd editorial premier drury expressed his regret tho other day that the referendum voto in ontario had been dc ferrcd for no sufficient reason he said ho had no doubt as to tho result of jho vote when it lomca once the liquor question is finally disposed of thero will bo justification for the hope- that canadian politics will become saner- and cleaner not that tho statesmen were given to excess but were so disposed tit wtitr thar issue- tho application of the anti dumping utt td sugar will be just as unpopular as tho board of commerce ban tho people of canada generally have no ob iftipn wft t d nf any qnnnliiy at sugar on our shores provided the cost is reduced from present high prices chancellor fehrcnback doclared in a speech in the retschtag last thursday that tho military power of germany is broken her political might is paralyz ed and economically she is struggling for tho bare necessities of life thero 13 no such thing any more as german militarism tho way of the transgressor etc the wave does not itecede those who have regarded the growing opposition to the liquor traffic of tho past few years as just a temporary temperance wove which will hayo an inevitable reaction must be woefully surprised and disappointed at the growing momentum of tho wave tho majority of the people of canada arc manifestly determined to bcdonc with an evil that has far too fong been a menace to the moral and economic good of our country i 1 irish mattonalbui attack on canada joseph devlin irish nationalist m p attacked sir hamar greenwood chief secretary for ireland speaking slightingly of him as a canadian sir ttbtbattiectat ca history was one to be proud of and no part ot the empire was more favorable to home rule he re grcttcd and hoped every newspaper in canada would repeat hut statement thai the first canadian in the position of ch attacked because ho was a canadian canada is certainly treating very generously hef returned soldiers who engage in farming so far 3llajdblillniuljlflsloaiwdftycrs7a0w00r to its soldier settlers principally for purchase of hjnd stock and equipment in this department at least the assistance given should not be subject tq factious criticism a newspaper down in tennessee makes this cogeqt remark there are products whose price has undoubtedly fallen we know this because we have seen the fact published in tho newspapers as far however as our o individua experience goes the dag of general h c t is floating as high and as defiantly as ever v the glamor of martyrdom surrounding the suicide of hunger strikers who are in jail because of thetr violation of the civil laws in ireland by murder and destruction of property is ruthlessly turned aside by the order of bishop cahalan to all such to take food the hunger strikers now have religious moral end ciyil laws to cope with premier lloyd george has wori another signal victory in bringing tw so speedy a termination the strike of the british coal miners the strike was disastrous to all industry and to the strikers thero selves they agreed to return to work at slightly higher wage but they must produce as much more coal the three weeks strike cost the miners and the british people millions of pounds the announcement is made that j the british government has decided not to exercise the rights under the versailles treaty to seize property of german nationals in tho united kingdom in the event of the voluntary default of germany of her reparation obligations this is certainty magnan imous and just like the motherland but doesnt it come rather soon after the groat war for which germany was responsible at the norfolk county fall assizes at simcoe last woek the presiding judge took occasion to ex press serious apprehension because of the number of criminal cases which came before him there was certainly no cause for any such comment in our j good county of halton at the sitting of the court at milton last week the reformer says there were no cases at the assizes here on tuesday the jhdgclcamc up from toronto in thomornidand after signing some naturalization papers for ap plicants from acton he returned by next train to the dry not many counties can show a better record then that and it speaks well for tho law abiding people of halton whig the interesting editor of that inside page of the fergus newsrecord measures up the toronto telegram s unseemly and continuous attack upon hon w e rnney tho local representative of that constituency as follows the toronto telegram has decided that it is going to defeat the ontario government and put a conservative one in its place perhaps it considers that having kept tommy church in that city as far back as the memory of the oldest inhabitant its present task will be an easy one for thetelegrams map of ontario contains only one place of any importance toronto when me telegram undertakes anything it doesnt do it by halves so it makes the moat of every opportunity to go after the m embers of tho cabinet and as the busiest minister at present is tho attorney general its attacks upon the hon w e raney have recently been most bitter canada introduces a new canned- fish canada is to add whitefish to the world s ftp potisng canned foods a factory for canningthe whitefish of northern canadian lakes is to be estab lished on lake athabasca alberta i whitefish swarm in these northern waters but owing to lack of trans portation and refrigerating facilities they supply only a winter market j- they are taken in nets lowered through hnliys jra nndstrcwnja the icewhara they are frozen in temperatures that make all out doors 4 great refrigerator they are hauled on dog slads tajthe railway and shipped all over canada a united states market has been- established in chicago and pther western cities in summer the industry is suspended because liq fish spoil before they can be got to market living in icecold water the white- fish of the canadian north havo a finer flavor than hose of the more southern latitudes canning them will gfvo tho industry- an all year market short or long make the hours count for months past yes for several years the length f the working day and the necessity for increased production havo been closely related and much discussed topics the old twelvehour day is rapidly becoming thing of the past many farmers however have found it not too long during fho busy weeks of the pist season but with many other classes even the ight hour day shows a tendency to shrink every man who works either with his head or with hut hands has a right to enough of the day for proper rest and recreation but on the other handitshoul dttercnieneticu work has other measures than time there are men who work ten or twelvo hours and hardly earn their keep others attack their assigned task with such energy that six hours of their work means more than tho twelvo hours of the other sort it is a good rule to think less of the hours of the working day and more of ma king every hour count where striken fail to give a square deal herets r piecepf philo whichahows very conclusively the disadvantage of the position mf the average man it appeared in tho canadian courier and is a paragraph from an article entitled tho plaint of the average man i send my wife and kids on a vacation before the vacation is half over i have to wire them to rush back because there is going to be a railway strike their good time is spoiled because they might be injured on tho way back maybe with a brick or a derailment i have to spend 100 to go to meet them one hundred dollars the price of a winter suit- and a pair of socks why because this country knows how to organize a strike but not how to disorganize one and thats my kick gentlemen i want to know what you arc going to do for us fellows who own the cottages and the fords and whoudont belong to the unions and dont wear overalls and dont awn any banks we buy what labor makes with capitals profit tacked on and i want to know where we get a square deal study this map it tells but only partly tells the story of misery in central europe within the great territory between the black lines millions of destitute children are doomed to grow up weak- and deformed through want of fatsimilk and sugar unless immediate help cqmts from without herbert hoover7 1nvitedtospcialratacanadian redxross meeting said our problem over th forthcoming winter appears to be about 3500000 to 4000000 children theae chhdreh are the obligation o every man woman and child in the western hemiaphere for we have suffered less but beyond this they are a charge on the heart of the whole world the judge takes a different view a couple of insurance companies in quebec re fused to pay the policies held by a country hotel keeper whoso hotel was destroyed by fire because ho had not notified them that a prohibition by law had been adopted in that municipality a fact which they alleged depreciated the value of the insured pro perty increased the risk and so caused the policies to became null what the lav means by change aj fecting the risk said mr justice carroll of the court of appeal is a change which will aggravate the risk of fire bat it cannot be said and it does not appear in tho record rthat a country hotel is more prosperous when intoxicating liquors are sold ttjerc than when such sale is prohibited rather i should say that a temperance hotel in the country would attract more customers because better kept than if intoxicating liquors were sold there at all events the prohibition voto does not make jt a question of change in the insurance risk which would compel the insured to give notice of the fact globe pmmlaxnt haltona first police magistrate in thodcatti of w h young at the home of his son in london on saturday this county of halton loses an outstanding character in its history mr young who had reached his ninety fifth year was aj pioneer of oakville that town honored him from time to time to practically all the public positions within its power to appoint ho was for years suc cessively a member of the board of education councillor reeve and mayor in the county however he performed what was tho most important public service when the canada temperance act was carried in 1r70 there was great difficulty in the ad ministration of the law in tho opening months after it became in force because local magistrates found it vory unpopular at that time to make convictions upon thetr neighbors who were proven guilty of in fractions of tho new liquor act to overcome this the leaders of the temperance movement in halton appealed to the attorney general s department for the appointment of a police magistrate for the whole county tho request was granted and in looking for the beat man available for the new position w h young of oakville was chosen and appointed dur ing the six years this act was in force mr young fearlessly administered the law he showed no fear he granted no favors he held courts when neces spry in various part of the county making it as on a f acouao a witweaaes- to attend the trials he was keen alert and uncom tpjcomising in hfs judgments- through his admin uttration tho success xtt tho canada temperarice was greater in halton than perhaps any other county in ontario mr young was a liberal an active member of the methodist church and for twenty five years was superintendent of the sunday school at qakyille he was a man or sterling charac ter and halton was proud to hayo him a citizen for nearly flighty years 1 the canadian red cross appeals on behalf of the british empire war relief fund to combat distress and disease in europe 1000 will matte a child 100 will give it aaoing food for a month help in thim hwne work by wending or bringing your aubtcription to the nearest local red crotm branch or to the canadian red croam society 410 sherbourne street toronto what 16 a farmers wlfet the fanner wife a a type as u human bains aeparatd and distinct from other women a eonvnnlent creation of the imagination of eoolal and poll tic i reformers a a down trodden claw worn out through weary year of isolated drudfwy yuiesatod t maternity and ite duties the farmer wife fashioned after theae cent she la israel y a myth or what each theor lier lmelne her to ba that he ma upport his pet theory the real truth is that there are a many kinds of former wlvea ua there ore women whose husbands ore farm era they are individualities and nor aonquttes every mothers daughter of them each samel unity unlike any other to make her unique in tha hitman family and in her relation to her environment and tlaoe in tjie world the farmer wife 1 what aha indl vldually and essentially is and not what some one thinke ahe la or outfit to be she is first of all a womun racially endowed with the instinct primal sanities special abllltlea and distinctive aspirations whlch differ enttato her sex from the other sex secondarily ahe ts n farmers wife llylnjt in the open country under on infinite variety of conditions from nh ject and grinding poverty to u large degree of modestly worn wealth uc oomnanled on her part by an insplr ing serenity and contentment if she were a farm roared girl she has the manner and exhibits the behavjor common to all women o her day and generation who hayo grown to woman hood nn farms and married farmers when we think of the farmer wife we think of a woman a member ot the human family u personality of varying- power and capacity common ly but not invariably a real helpmeet tar the man aha marries in most oases a good mother doing wall what falls to her lot and working out a unlauo destiny largely ordained by the in aorutable btws of heredity influence 1 to soma extent by environment ootp with a history tho arrival t the assay qrnoo of boo 000 sold brought to the federal reserve bonk from the vwultn of tho jtank of knaland by 0l- innmor h n romantic history that it wua part of tha bllllotl dollar indemnity paid by franco to germany after tho war of 1b10 la ry well established whera did france get itt it la not beyond tho bound of possibility that tho great nupoleon collected part of it from tha dermun states thcmselvcu and another part from spain whose galleons may havo brought it over from tho hoards of the ineaa if so it la interesting that it is now finding t way baok to the new world not the spoils of victory but in payment for grain raised by kanaaa farm em and bought by germany tor oasb- ejxohajure h wipkolg o he was so polite to ladlaa aaya llfs that a young woman who vtrut visiting the family wjfb whjoh ho uvod grew quite cnthuslasmov oh hos such a perfect gentleman h exclaimed he always reinemboru the little thng that mean no much yes ugiretod her hoatess pc example he and hu wife were coming down from tha rooritl the flluvator last evening- 4 boarded ho elevator at tha fourth floor and tha instant i entered ho amoved hla hatwd held it in hi hand all tha raat of tha day down ten commandments of belling i tho no rv on from tha eye to tha 1 in are many tlmea larger than those from the etrs to the l rain therefore when poaslblo to una a pin ture instead of wordu uho ono und tnukn the wordu mere connective for the 1 icturo confine tho attention to tho oxuet hubjoot by lruwlng outlines and put ting in tha dlvbrtonn then wa make certain that wo are all talking abouf the same thing aim for drnmatlp effect either in speaking or writing study them out beforehand this hold the attei tlon lied la the best color to attract andhold attention tt oref ore use plenty of it vmw words aliort sentence- nmull aronls big i leas tell why us well nn h w io not b nfrul i of i ig tyt a ui i not tut too much on a uga do 1 ot crow i mmin in hi uaklnv or writing no advertisement i big enough tr two iduus haforfl you try to coitvlpoa liny one aloe maka nre tl nt y i are c n v in cod and li you unit tonvlnoo yourself dro the sul iuot ta not try put ovor unythh g toll tho truth i war bond interest coupons and cheques cashed free tho merchants bank will cash all war loan cotmonf or interest cheques when due on- presentation without making any charge whatever for the service if you havo not a savings account why not use your interest money to open one with thisbonk t th m6rchant5 bank of hood offlco montraal acton branch georgetown p 3jlf ppo4ibom to luol canada etublwmdiau l b shorev mwr c w orandv muro i acm ivucil i freepress advertisers are always reliable m johnstone co acton ontario fall furniture now is the time to consider and arrange tub putting of your home in good shape ixtt the long winter months a house comfortably furnished is gn abode j of joy and continuous comfort lot johnstone 81 co supply yftur fwnituvo requirements firld yod will bawell aflttalled zr jphnstone co ntuuri andl undertaking f wskteskzfck s marriage licenses h p moor issuar marrug lloanaaa lrlvat orloa no wltnsaaaa rs- dulrod issued at raaldpno in vnlnc ptos pnsss ofllos acton oat francis nunan booroiindar aoonunt books of all kinds mad to order periodical of awry daacrjp- uon oaro fully bound rutins naatly and promptly dona wyndhara btraat duslph ont over williams btara r j kerr ueanssd auotlonsw for tho countlas of halton v 111 dot- ton 1 ool and duffarln and tha city or quelpb acton ontario bsjasinjbytirwtmjiawtty matr at ramldanoo at aotan or at tha pro itom orloe aoton tha maroury ooloe quolph tho nawa itaoord parous or with w j gordon homos majfer hlllsbark balsa antrustad to it j kerr aalvo attention from data of halloa to data of sale 14t your sales with mo rasldsnos bovwr avsnua aoton phona it anton call at day bscpommi j e cheevers book binder qusbao- st east guslph ont books and macaiino bound ta handsome and substantial 00 vers nam tattarod in aold on blblaa izyron book and other books alt work promptly cxoeutd r-y- wk uuy oh seix victory bonds r bsarsr or rautrd j e carter invsatrasnt brokav ouslph 0 alex niven burvaya etubdlvlslona plans it ports iaacrlptlona blueprints etc cartlflcatea for purchaser and mortsaareea surveys fur architects builder and municipal council dratnaca report estimates ota mo lean duiudinq douglas 8t qdbljh phona 1044 oni raricuuotoistvasr tttmofro canao grandtrunk h4ilwav system thedquble track route luotwuldn montreal toronto detroit chicaqo unevoellud dlnlne oar servloe bletpliiir on nlwm tralna aia parlor cara n pritiolual day trains vull information from any oran trunk tlnket ment or c w horning blotrlot paasoniror aoi t toronto ii holmes asent aoton ont phona 1s the old and reliable arid marble dealers we are maiiufaaturora and dlraot importers of all kind of monumental and lleadstono work wa sail dlraot to our austoiaera at wholasaje prloa uius aavink ous torn era t pef cent wa havr 1 apphsnaaa and- h v i tih bfliy tneohanloa in the dominion who can operate pneumutla tools property wa can ktva reference from hundred of oun oustomri in toronto and other plaoea where other have to have law suit in order to collect wo have tha unrest and beat stock of granite in the dominion or mora than any throe dealer in tho waat wa ara leulu- mate dealera and employ no aaanta and da tfot annoy or peat customer by aendlna out tfenoraht annta aollqit- ina orders wo employ only mechanic and defy oompetltlon hatptton sons oar norwloh jb wonlwloli 9u ouob i i 1 if

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