Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1920, p. 3

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lie artrnt wxee ipm0 rirtlljhimv novlcmuioit 26 30 dlq pbn tt at rfome wiui 1 you liuvu tm shining mots ilo not mr tho whin world roam cilltwluif u ninthly pliant in htay unit dig for it at homo in not in ml iho luring story rnaiiirm ilutuiit hlllsliliii hall tun u tvi til urea jimh nt d htand tut tivory ouiko of gold whitilng utitl for simothlng batter many fundi youth will rear mountain ut llm yellow mica in thii alstuiiln gold appear anil tho longing lu conxuglnii drinking m til u inadnn oup idir tho iiiiiiiiim of munlof living on highway tii nit k up niiltutni ruiimiii utno flows c in hor ttnlii ufur tiiliinim would yuu win hor guidon trwisuro huiy uil dig t r it ut homo in tho hmd that iuim hofnr yuu kind your wnulti by hunoat toll tts vnr votary disappointed ultflitly eollitht tha uaiiarou soil only faint weak heart repining cost uwuy tho rood ut hmiil i ortuno mllo will t uraiy crown then hought for in a distant land hut allows rid cui on hafnra you arni it und you wlil win uil nn now tho mist art rifting ami thn hi tin mio running in irot no foreign ixpodltlou i ur yoni- roiitlmtm step to roam child lu hoarer than thv mountain htny and dig for it nl homo the need op solid reading can t lindurstund it word of it kall tho young fellow blithely and dropping thn volume on tha tablo ho ploknd up thn evening paper and soon bin frlaiul heard him chuckling over tho cartoon now thu book ho had cast aside wiu not written in a foreign tongue it wu not u technical treatise abounding in tmhnluil phrases it wui on of tho book denominated solid read ing tha thought it presented wux io hair splitting philosophy and it lunguugo wu oloar yet u highschool graduate felt no hhumo in declaring that ha could not understand a word of it while bubln und invalid may live on a hernia diet health y people need something to oliew on indeed it 1 unlvvntuliy rucogulsod thut civilised people would lni butter off if their food wan coarser and tougher our mmt t too tender far our good our broad too line mont of us would be i inimdmnlv hnnnilhtl hv r it i rig mora chewlnif now what 1 iruo of the body i equally trua of tha mind our manu fftcturor advertuo prlutad food and irdlbfod mentk1 food 1 offered in nuoh nbundjxnco that wo can ba aavod tlio trouble of hlnkln a nclntlat diucovcm nom- itnuortfint prlnolpla and write a book about it a few htudonu read the took and then noma olnvr nawauaper man writes v olever artlolo in- which tho bolantut n discovery la reduced to it imploat terma and made readable by a great deal of llht anil flippant talk of oouroo that artlcut road by a hundred to one who read the aolon- tino book the bruin deteriorate if they am called an to do no thlnklnjr the ynupv man who when confronted with a bonk of nolld reading dfdarod he could not understand a word of it proably apoka tho truth but thl did not imply any oonconltal weakpea or the brain but only that it was unfit for work bacauae it wu unoxarolaed ah ovary day bill of fare should include some food that need crindln- o nvory day wu ahould do a luuo hard raiding keep a book on the livingroom tablo for that purpoao if you do not road any more than tan minute a day take at least that do not try to read any more than you can road and understand if it i only a paragraph fix your mind abso lutely on what you ar rodlnr grip tha ihouitht and reiterate it till there la no dungor ot your forgetting it think it over to day no tliat when you take up to morrow readlna you will have a certain momentum to alrf you v thl oontlnuod for a year will bring about a very kratlfylng change n your ability to think and when confronted with a nook liv atralght- torward rnghah you wll be aahomed to aay 1 cant lindemtarid il 8top mv paper 1 hvcry muij ha a right to tako a jinixir or to tot it for any reaaoq or far no reason ut all dut at the name time thara 1 a certain respon sibility attaching to nil actions even to so trivial a one a stopping a paper becftuqo the editor any something oni doesn agree with thora 1 oom- plaint that newspaper editors lack toarleasne and honesty that news papers are too generally mere partisan organ that disregard the claim of uuth usaa- unlu ria ix tereata are at stake there is too much truth n tlio charo but iqt u ask how it is possible for a fearless honel outspoken journal to live if every man 1 to cry atop my paper whenever ho reads something thjit does not ac cord with his views tho men wfeo insist that tho paper they read shall never say anything contrary to their views are the ones who ore in large measure responsible tor tho cruvon oowftrdllnoa and the weathercock pro pensities of modern journalism in a community composed entirely qf thsa stop my paper men true indepiw dent journalism would be an lmpo blllty when you are convinced that paper is dishonest and deceitful stop it when it lack enterprise and fall to lv you the news stoi it whn some other paper give you more of valuo stop it hut dont top a paper that you belley to be honest cour ageous enterprising and cloan almply because it editor ha written ihl own sincere vlows instead of yours pr somebody else for if you do you are putting u premium on lnslnxer journalism and serving notice oft an editor that theway to succeed 1 h write what he thinks wlu bast pious his render instead of what hokhonoali ly bellovu tb be the truth h- ant asthma t then youve never tried kazmah that k j hansard carries it just as aflectualas tern- iiloton n famous jtheumatlo caasuifs is for rheumatism ask for a free samplo his cruel silence r- k the mothers heart sank as she en tered thn abode ot her newlymarried aaultdmttd forniathoyoungwtf oln tear hood of theim what la tho matter my ddrllngt she demanded anxiously oh edward 1 a brute a- brutej walled the girl why do you say sa asked the- mother v ijo ha tamo homo late for utner last nigh andand i scolded hint a little r quito right toot agreed the ntqer lafly and what did he yo oh mother lie he hw voles failed hqr dld herdldytho callous wrltoh dare strike your oh worse than that mother h just sat there and and ywwnoat hy i was solng over an old sarup in ok made by it acton young lady over forty yiuru ago whan hi rap imokd bud haopnkhtu uid waterfill wim nil the rnac unit i tuino ncrii thn following lory i nuked inrmlhslon of my young inily rrlunil of oursti she not young in youm now bur nhes young in uplrlt and mn rt n a i rlokot ovnn if she has boflil u grwnilniothar for half a soure of yonn- if he would let nw repro dune it in my column of oourue she agreed for no one ovor asked a roason- nbls favor tit this roy haired youtig- lookliik grandmother from her girlhood up without it being very araaioualy h runted well u i wo rong to toll you thiil story j i bus in su well with my ownaxpirnnua in refreshing my nl nimil in with recollections that i thought you wiulil all enjoy it too ho i tlmldix in uihh it mi youd lie surprised if ou kt some of tho yam that comu to ma whan i incidentally tulk to mi mo of tlio did rolks in town mid out of it when i am getting h tor tut of old day from thorn whan they nover hiiiipcet what i am after it funny ino two of them tnll tha fuatn of local events in tha same way nor do thny jlbo very well a to dates and name hut never mind among tha fow of us who ara loft wo give you retty good reminiscence in thl clock tower column week attar week i iisvq moat trouble with mary about those stories though after lve been all round among my cronies and boiled down an tub oldlimn yarn i get and rcftb them ovaiobe she finds fault with dote and personu nearly every time and then i have t get out my scratch ing old pen again and chunga thing to suit hei memory far mary know you know and thou i always found it paid to give in to bap it makes peuce in the family ovary time wau now id- urutty jaaarly forgot the aunt ileuoy story 1 got out of that old scrap book when i gat started about the old folks and things i for get my text very often bay hare l la now have a good laugh a i did aunt i1iqtbv s mbmony buys a funny exchange there 1 something vary touching in the fond nous with which old uga cling to the recollection of the pout wo have a venoruhle grand aunt- mr ltoty parsons w huso unimpair ed immory thus often oollghtu those of us who revel in tte atnrle of u punt generation rid one duy we invited mr onurdon who is collecting mu torlal for a forthcoming book to oom a over and see the old lady and listen to some of her old time stories he brought with him alius peter to whom ho is engagod and we in troduced them to ant uotsy churdon ohardon munpured the old lady a the scratched her head reflectively with a knitting need to 1 lommo see there was a sam char- d n tlvod oyer to the corner nigh to forty year ago roembef he stole some pork outer deacon haines cellar hope twutit you wait tr and the old lady smiled pleasantly and mr chardan who l about sb years old and painfully modest blushed violent ly as ha said ho dldn t remember of ever doing anything of the kind no coma to think of jl it could not a bon you this are chardon was a dre df ul hannum foliar praps twas yer father or mobbe yor uncle said aunt betsy placidly a she resumed her knitting this wasn t very pleasant for air chardon especially us miss peter who had nover been lit our vicinity before began to look somewhat dubi ous and so wo mildly suggested to the old lady that mr chardon we bom in nobloboro law yea said aunt hotsy curls i shouldnt a known ye i was brought up to kobleboro an member now all about yer family yor pa failed djdn t he when you wiut goln on jfer 10 year old an nancy cousins give ye the mlttep on count of itv- thstwu just nfnra yw hud hie hprijna wh just at this terrible crisis tand while mr chardon s face uoemed as though u match might be lighted at it and mis peters majestically gathered her shawl around her wo trod on the old lady s foot with a desperate hope thut the tide of recollections might be cut shorl owwvh exclaimed aunt tletsy whos that a tread ii on my foot dont ya know ye botterf und she regarded us with such a vindictive glare over her spectacle that we have no hop of ever being remembered in bor will l think mr chardon we had better be going suld mis peter in an impressive voice rising from her sent rfqn t be n huch a hurry miss miss i dont quite git your name said our worthy relative peters we suggested as the young lady stood undecided und the-xvretoh- ed mr c hard on made a ran tic effort to smile pleasantly are r lashyns of mine my grandfather and father tlvod in bheopoot said tha young lady frigid ly but it was very many your ago fllas you child said aunt betsy contentedly i member all bout em an yer rnothor too sb nover freckled a yju do on her teeth was a white a yourm yount aint false ones ba thayt mild our relative eugerly to which query mis fetorp shook her head fatntlyand said aha really must go why l never soo no one in such a hurry remarked aunt betsy do- jfllulna bo youn la by her shawt- whljo mr ch5rsdn looked us ohoertul rt uiough hhlmd killed some one how old be yout with some hesitation tho young lndy murmured 31- utnirio noe said the old lady sam he married yer ma she was old billy blxbys darter in forty- live i member pttokerly n account o bancs borryln 110 ot my husband to go on a hanbymoon with you was borft nigh abdfit y car v lifter and now it seven ty five alt according to that you raus be leijamc see and hero aunt betsy oommonced counting her fltjgarn wkjiti wiathbmatlcal precision that wouhl have evolved ttilrty years fropi the past bad wo not contrived to rocnllfhor nttpnt y tolling her that itflsii fpoters was going and that she itad better say goodby wall it vail must said our relative reluptantly lssnse you must tbnth a proper pretty dress you ro wnarln hut what- bmdr the ijranafimaknr cut it no nor imp in taint 1 ig enough rouno an it too tlrht you aln t bad a fever nor nothln hnvo ye7 continued the old ladylft a loud whlspev ifbinclng at the lower part of tho young lady a form wliloh her null hunk skltt displayed to ex rollout advnntaa you look awful thin vor urns ulnt blggor roiunl tlmn pipe htuins and shaking bun 1 cor dlully with mis holers and har oncort wltli u pressing invitation for them to call tiftln soon our go d aunt itehty bada i hem adoo chardon don t speuk to us tiow and mis 1 etcrs lookeil stral before her i s she passed on main street what have w donat wall this fortyyear oil story re mind ma of hiy vent ruled but do parted old frloml asu hull i und to in joy u i rack with thu old man grout ly tie wu ono of tlie tlrst to saitlo born uftor thn aduimina g up from jueba pnivliku a a young chap shortly after taking up his homesteud mid building his log house i n main street hp went djiwn to imu nnu mm day and there hn mt habra c iter u blushing duu mr f old mr cautrt who niiuind down thnra below tha mountain nlmut u hundred yssr nii 11 marrlad her and thny lived here happily for vnany year well hil tn this community from thn day o the earliest resident mh old gentle man knnw nil fumlly ffnlr ukn i ixiok if aukml uliout any person or event ha would ot onui reply oh ym she vs john bo ami ho st ontt wife bha was ijoji whites eldost daunhter and they ran uwuy und worn married ut flulilph ly old 1 hogg frank il t ycnl kjijiwbim when ha effma to acton us u lioy ha slid mr w 11 got pretty thick und one day she cleared out with him and left her man and family hohln l but eho wu llko the old black rat and wa gloil to coma back again and no hv d so on ha liovor tired of re counting local history iminx ally about men who had marrlad tholr uecond or thirl wlvou or women who inll in love with another man wftnr the tlrst wa bonn umir old chup ho trlml it him self your after suhra died und tnar rlod mrs wright of bin brock the mothnr of hi son ulmun h wife anil of mrs john bfliiord thny lived here for i number of yeura very happily toacther but thn old man survived her and remulnod wlh u until he wa somawhara betweok so and 100 well by jink here i am wandering again whan i get to thinking of thasl early rltlsons wp we up in years when i wo a boy 1 generally gel off my dot a the irrevoreat young folk of to day bay and now to think 1 m really one of the old chap myself the young peop call me an old man hut i don t feel a bit like it except when the rheumatic which t got when i used to plow that dump corner of tho old meadow gatrf ne bay come to thing of lb there s netting to be only a very few of us old folks left here my friend joe lasby loft us this surnmnr for hi long home now mrs thomas iqbbage has nine totororttoie live mm thomas romervllle her a was nancy brown 1 atnl with us and nbln to relate in teresting mutters nf the early days when her father squire brown wa u magistrate and councillor and had aspirations for a seat in pari lament und was the first superintendent of tho methodist bunday bchoot then wo have jlmml matthew the oldoaf postmaster in america hut jlmmle never talks you know he says ba upant sixtythree years or more of hi life in linking stamp at tho post pmuo for aoton pooplo who should lick tholr own stumph and bus never time to talk buy you should havn uaan him tho morning the news rtumo from toronto tha morning after quy ttawkua buy whan ho wa informed that he was a groat grandfather uguln ha was mighty tickled when he found a day or two later that charlies first born son luwi hoswell hull boro his own grandfather numo boswcll matthews the founder of mora well wo have a row mora old rolks yet there m my old friend peter olli lons the oldest retired farmer in aoton of tho early settlers days peter 1 a veteran of the confoderato army of the xinlted btate civil war lie wears his veterans msdul wook duys and sundays with xuirdonnhui pride ri only thing that bother him those days is that bos not ho fortunate as tom btatham who lu a veteran of tho northern army and getting a pension of ico or 00 a month then there s john bill but nobody thinks of john a an old fellow even if the register in the old hill family bible proves that he between to and 80 johns boon in acton at least 0 years thftfc i romember of i ulmost forgot tom blllutt lies a walking cyclopedia of community annuls but soma of you would toll me if you knew mo when you mot me that tom is not a resident of aoton well perhaps ho aln t hut it on record ihat not a day nau passed in sixty years rain or hlne weekday or sunday that tom han i been in acton and do you know 1 heard tom suy ono day ha dldn t care a snap for acton and it wouldnt make cent difference to him if every store and fwtftry m very tjlaen moved away that all right pejr hups but if such a thing huppenedj where in thu world would tom got lied tie real lonesome down at dublin corner or at bpoyslde castle these days john camnrou is getting into tit old men a cluss too but john writes himself for the n own paper sometime so l d never think of julsslng him for old time stories well wall well here i am again ive wandered right out of bound and nary a word uhuut tho old juinn aitums house or mrs ola and her patent stove or john speight and bis brldo or the dempsoy and their boys und girls and the editors shear snaps off my sheet right here n6t to be overloooked a uttle brightoyod three yearold was seated lu his high chair at the dinner tablo mamma hod plnatdhjm anuglyi up to tha table pinned on hi bib and succeeded in getting the uttle mischievous hand quiet and making him hush when father proceeded to ask the blessn while this was in progress our little ohubby made u dis covery it wua that all the plates on the table wxaept his own little plate were in one pile at pajfras place and a ii seemed to him wire put there to got the benefit ot tho solemn ceremony bo sparoely waiting for the amen ho held out his own plate with both hands say ins please papa pray on my plate too thbe8t preparation few girl mako the mistake of sup- posliut tucyvcan aygpebsfully do more than ono thing at a time but a great many while engaged on one task let tholr thoughts turn to something else whloh is waiting and perhaps worr over ir and make thmselve uncord- fortablo and unhappy there 1 no task so small that we cannot afford to bring to it undivided energy and in terost the way to make a success of the least thing is to do it as if it were the greatest thing putting our whole heart into it do not wor flogged on by tho thought of something else waiting to be dqno reproaching yourself for every lost second for getting all alfout the fine touches the bo reparation for tha now task is tho loot wf dona court y of boolul borvlce and kvanllsm jdnpl mcthollst church toronto community betterment triumdbnt j d w1vnolds d a onurla anulhrt c iu tiitlpli on i ilull nl lu i ut i iumki llm1 nf tl alnt ot l relem nsl w h aiywlers in nl in tfr fallow ibinpi t i a y 1 u the town dominant tl r r nmlt i at vl uinrii will ilu nl wrur hij linllly woh ull itluuhl ulctlllkf ml tib views which wait in jnl il pefnlive mc vamint f lo kaatcro cm u thr u 1 a un h lilic1 iota vnnmtnl in unlsiln ttij ttt pomlnlim bleclipo will pro illy liainl if lurineia electnl in imirly avify province uu11al nfcclbct tlie rrsl foi- ihl mnvmtni m wllxl tco n tl- lip 1 i y pcke l mrt n ists i sra qt 1 in il nln until wa usm lo tjba ittu iglit tain what ii f m kail i in in woion nada aa co otrnmlo intcrvaia it pttml iltcd 1b a varment ms s clfotis c4m f lia intra ei up in phrai ilr u lit fuil iutloa kaklcnc ul ratal neilcct nrj- tiajlinb puklntf tie 14 hr lomnmcnt 1inl inlaiaata srs quutcil trim cvary tialib apcakin cmihrr n i mly in canada il a ill ss mwb in 1 unlied htti aedn so l knslanl tin thcay rural 111 in fniilanrf for nioie than a mnrilw haa alatmad h anmihblali and lie tlumen ttiia ctcay in ilia unltwl stitii prompted ur unt aewcll i i appoint hia country i f n nlalon in canul enparlmaal autloaa hiiciilluial l llcsaa ural ocu aoclatlct anu unitad varmra orsaaniatlosa hsv llisa i pupulatluc ii bii rlftp i ha cltlco lit ultra aro only umt iincil in i an half ni thai population ho willi ii rlty if wirnlph w hai wllj an f in lu111 asit apaculall mant aicninpinnl t tha aln i m wli l ilia iii lull dcclinr till ihfmnt i ufsyntation it u lit r i panae an i cnaldr if 11 llu thu j for tl sl l the natwn i n all i ah ul i prr tn cf to yuu wltb cheaty umiiur nl nn aai uaiire itiat all la wall ut t it la imlv lb falia propbal bo proclalma 1 aace pcai wlnn tl rra la i i aaca s i taka i 111 a urcaaloa of pa nttn lalily and aimata 1 in from tha farmira pulnl ol yuw what la not tnarcly fe rural protilam i ul aaaantlally a national pr 4ium ktlbai hbporulatloh renhaltin 11 llwjjphls ul he idg racplly nado nl uurxt dpipiltlon lu ll uulad hiatal i ratlailnarr aallmatait f tl unuwl stata nmui fo tha year ion sic wui ui loilustc tktl the lifmlu nomilatlun jrf utat nail n h lroipfil lu i yt iml l ilia lal 1orty a i par cnt of tlia peopla f thn ii iltetl blilft lvrl in tl a c ntry a dccaja a ji par cent ul dm fxpuulion w rural lut n w it la illmt- 1 it l mly a pr rest iua tl i la a tru- lury f all fnollah pllnk co intrla sl llnl in tin united uf and una la llltlr ilinarn aamo clfcrti if li gely utrar grown t an and declining kaia lupfnp hars in linn 1 yinins nut 1m that n tl im i itiaas and akaaiwta rltliln the mtmary if m an ua dona mht ut it it oil wltoj paopl mill nvanl w ah uld hot tin tallica tiavoj prulucail tha nal population 1 propoae men of tlieaa ctiangai iht in wlm ara still comparative ma h that national clung ihi sllowad to coin ui lu tta la our avaa lo facia and too nc tiiu sod which ma i alialllr to ahowl varwheis of tlia laduilrlal i been foateiad by mir political ills of many of tha tcoaomlc nlnfttkntif centukv inouttkial lutvelopuenttlia nineteenth century la illatinsulahad amou tl o tcnlurte aa thn er of is luatrlal development hclenca ami isvcntue until in tl a ninetacnlh century aecompluhad mora in apdlng up tha pw f indumry than ha i aver keen accompli thed lo all the oontuilea piactdlns alnm cain 1 eai to till ih aoll an i tul a cain w rlfcl in bria and linn lun tin tirat half v 1 nlnelxantlt lahlury tie aowar went forth to a iw jut m did tho aewee of tl paralta oaaiing tl nialit with 111 tuipemlng palm all ic and the harvcatar cut tha with u a alt ha aa did iha harvo iwtantulh century tha ad waa aown r lour hortai and with the aallll la day a ten men laum jo a ball maihlnary haa replaced hand uhor in very inluiiry that la tha u4uatrlal revolution tta toll the inyrniloj of mail hicry haa bn acrampanlaj by an coooalo illaiivary ut even siat ilinltaranca namely tie print i pin uf tha diylalem of ulto it wa dlarovarml ii at a man rnild do more work could irecocna more pcrt and eglclent if he wi fcrpf at ins ainau opcralton rcquirln tho mini notion wir bllct hour lloua uuth of hia mind and ol bla body became an lot mind uula s i tile will be ulomatifl bcn con used to liloti which foreaaea the anlil id whole tha lit 111 of tka imllvldual w tiiuian will be in ln lis can make hi wheel i la acre but ha can neither uiabo enslna m r run it he la em aa unlike ti he may ihlnfc to that work man lent by iperui fav r to no of tha new monition facloelea in america the man canto with a record if nine year lervtre lnihibtatiii m tor wmk in the world wl at im yoi tin there- hia ntit employer aalietl hopefully 1 put in bolt uleo lle j if h it will lo i all a i ancrslb odulrlc inonablslac imy oni hit tinmini of the email vltaa hup hud factory tlia craao lo ccowimy of product mi include i transportation and factorisa null ha placed rouvtulcat ta line of railway tl a amalgamatum 1 1 fact rui nt la neceaaary ii iha divlilon of latior and iho locatlu el lac tori railway eaatrea hs pfodud the s ntedam susnfaclorlsg the city induttry li live taritfa under prvtactive larlft the manufacturer doea it need to raie hw much he paye or hia labor lot i be protection csablc him to chars a p fit not only ui tha coat f hi raw malarial hut alio na the coat of hi ubor hence for forty yeara tie iirmtr selling loan open market haa coapaleil in hie bid fir labor with tha manufacturer mil iii in market protected by tariff mill eoouh to prohibit or to reduce oulilde cnoipetlll jji tha lodact of our syateoi firty year ono canada alaitnl out to ii illd citlea he cconi mlc policy could en i ui nothing iln to her aroaainla policy hav tutu whud nlkli nal snl mrui llealr l the eilucall ul ideal il haa act up hi llglil i that the hill try i r hi calling th duct 1 1 iur lechnicvr u unaucciuiilill h rlcultura t lugai iia a loptcxi the policy ut n 1 pfolmt4 artliani or tncrhan hla have becohia civil or claclilcal oi drilled into oom hualnaaa ur ofher mill ull in 11 tliei al cuucalton and it ncceailty of labor it ouht ell w long uactul other ol the proltf lion ths ucceful btudctita era or technical expert charged that even lbs failed i i piwiucajarraer it would be wonder if the hod wiui i no ruiitni ii air tis againit ill em i cannot forget i he reproach thai waa tha lot ol i e cuuatry i ly wl m lira ha went to hlh achool in s small untarle town a tanned cannot forget i he urai na went to nih achool in s mal ut vl ibjiw to hlile unle thn owner could proclaim it the product of camping jlbo tanner ha been claied laborer in canada sod the laborer 1 sol reapcclcd however mucll we may ran sbout llm dignity d ubo urttavti development und rural decimialeciour indmlrul ylem ha ictealcd lla own oil and haa failed it ha built up the ciileat the expen of country life and the preicnt day canadian city an expression i m well orderail wall hi la need llilllsb tleno- ciiy 1 falluro our industtlsl ayaictn haa sa it foundation and iha juatliatu ol its eaialcnca tho principle if economical production hy dlvlalon of labor and to talk of economy ui production- in the lsc o preeenl day price la travail of fact sod a per vdnw of cconomld mth a manufacturer in he lnslaml uly abort flma sa lafaimed sfrund that hs u on tlie lot bu it f new tck ry illc the condltluii ot living u th new enslaml city luul becomo intolerable the city had tucked the hie out of the urrnundiu country o lhat 11 al and med lrm round about were uu ion kc able to aupply food foe the city inhabitant tie b uatcd coopcratlm between tha town and ih country ty which iho town could m pply the need ol the country and the country th need of iho tn had failed til t ughtin aliadow of th town had ilcblrocd the country round about ullk meat ega vesatal ncnled b the luwn ware no loo bar produced by tha surrounding country coat ol iranipt rtalloa an i the mid llcman chaise had made hluli food pile kent taxes c muennl uvlntf condltlnns added to the talo of wo every htcioai in wse to the nprllvea wa ahinrlird by lorrcifoniilns increaa in the colt of food clulbiug an i niter tl i lurtlculm manufacturer was aeklng to vscsds ram it all by i fating a slta i t his lacmry in a pari uf tl country which hul not been poisoned by the lie ighliol hood if s great city coral ceansumnis cosagbig uy rami of the dominance i f flh town lb country is st loalng it dlillnciiv appernca an 1 clurpclar and individuality tha very tree and standing crip are no louse meen in june as tl yor but lear an ignobu load of load fey the- wheel ol dying mo tho llenhonf as in all delivery brings iho city ncwspspr t il a port ing column city falblona old ol country taste tachii for jtry school noil preacher fir country churche ara tralncu in city cnool and collect aid cairy wlin them o lb country city idea and ideal and top fend hops that before losff they may 1 e cjdlcd lo city chars the city mall order bourn a filch jn sway the huiineis lhat used lo lie done in tho country atarc and the village smithy long go fallen into ruin no longer laud lienaath tb spreading chestnut tree predacuoa so economic palters our industrial syalctn has ailed and failed slg the small hop ol forty una in dust churned up from th load fey t w v led the ijujat uf ihe counirshle and the iiiral ti with the city news it sensations its inaccuracies im in drcaa n d apart nd amusement have taken nol onoiny uf pioductloo kv iop ol forty year ago with it master iman i urneymiu ur u nl an ppiiotke wm much more efficient iban it cnt day substltiilc the huge laul ry la the city tticn tho boss and the men and ih ct ry elghb all knew their guiwuici sb work done hour were not eoun ut m neighbor nerd workmen wcti i i ii 1- waa d wirt nigh i th wvmburv wviuau uuiisiia o mukn tw niura skilled then than new and i believe ne inhnilcly belter in it social teuuons the rale the poailllllty ol give anil take then s workman cad s chair wag n a art of whi metre aa a complete article an bona in their factories interest in ihelr work s to th aws e indivlluallty a nun can woik ten bout a day wit imu t undue wcbtidbbi of hody it ia the werin of spirit which dmuand im hour and ainca th work ntn mini have a imog wage b holler and ahorl hul th personal and with tho personal nutlen auld co bl work from ikl look upon the work i that it wa good toiuy hey are machine i i r ilavoa to i all i machanlcal and iraperaonal tb loss in incline i du work ten hour a day wit imu t undue wesrlr ich dmuand atmom houis and ainca th wi wg b hi ht ur long or ahort the continued demand hour has reduced labor efriclency arm i the great oppoiiunlly lor occasional mployamst il be kept out of illlsrfty with labor cus il ere i nothing it ear fo hi wno hv fi itclul tabor ml ocl is mia mr 9f srhaj jw oja work notblsf wtlw pvlgctlon of the rm yer charged if at lo muck kn hour jar ubor nld pd barird lo t b- e ihs mtenanf t clfy mil hs n vhk tt port ii fsinllyrllie food wp l would 1 hp iittvl of ouf- 000 tn o arallcp there have crn ellicler- rr y the farm 1 the great opportunity for occasional nploymat tb hoy girl up ibo aim firnl n it bo overworked need not be kept out of school and they 1 not grow up without 7 11 a uf induitry sn i a famlllaitty with labor tha hordes of mi you lb of both sexc hi ijp d ty iw idle wcaus il ere i nothing for thn lo do qty usin doe nf lend i af jo yj lulled l ha hit tecdleas and useful intliil incrrlbscd tl qumher nf t well do without a th trouble wll the conaueter tlia foilerlgg of wriia of ih they end tt a boat uf oil pan j romotara ba enorotousl ipg arlldts the nallos pan very ilgniricantly ymrk wages pr prouuclpu arlldts the nation pan very ta land ami housing apacuulois iroksrs jolliers middlemen ami a boat uf olbe unproductive eccupatkm find harbora in elite i and intrciia the cost of living thero for lh actual worker the greed ul capitalist has fprceili therwerkcra into lifalc tinlona who have now as up thalr and increased may do in a day for axatnpla while gooi brick a era union liaa el boo brick a s day jrunenir indirsivy i can lay la brltk in day fork tli limiting of production i baaed it t hi much work 1 don in a day the work mlgtil not riivy lis ben duor slbjidud id hviuv nil wagci hj hp bvj on itfvutljvl 1 wag bchrdul il is that make living dllfietilt and dlyorccil from nature and economic li wage hnvo wen ttlillhil in the th bai a aro inn vat men rfibe hsl ai found bl hie y or jhtni sad 1 ot lh inula uujr tliyalion an i the- real earning power oj a ms ha been forgotten i urnirig powr can h foun i dlvurceil from thp land what s tor bbpllcd lo the land i the only trua measure of vmlmn sioc work no tk und work must be frjwcnhlfn ila reult if economic m the tlllptjsl iwahil i r pryfc thfl nanufacturer dure the tyranny of the ytm natlva cniidl lor th mot part ar ag umilni im lines or ih prefsimr cjt uborr and mechanic iklllr mnotpn satis the deserted villaob decade inant haa the halilt ol repealing 11 lode thja is dot s dlssertatloa en lotdimltha vfell known poem but puwnust ol idenc of villare industry in canada it la bonuel to the story o the town i it vet i tecommend you to rejd again ooldsrolth a poets and remcalttr uial bit coiuaeuence el li inavlultu mall lidustrlai meter and ertfanlerb of raiim itcclars lhat tho cl higher ecequmla value luan 1 canada with us inavluuls cortacauenca in the sbnoraul growth of rltle haa dvroyd the muqiicm ill 1lduttrus which a beoctlot ago flourished in the village llsnulacturerl pro 1 our induttrlal great factory i ipln and merger a generation ago nourished in th village llsnulacturerl r 1 j oth ejolmliu ol taimi ilia iiias ia an iu tun guou- i sconumlo valua luan a humlre oonlemputou pi tlio one hofaa tuwu thay declare that n w dejeuj 4 ha hi a cannot apaak toe 1 1 junlry village am town have had law il where tho farmr hv and n economic and aocul aa icouoludod negt week h- surpassing adl others in delicacy and fragrance salada tba send na a post cat for a tree sample atatlng the priceyou now pay and 1 you use slack green or mixed tea addren salada toronto phlcetj and daroain bales the stnudy decline in lirloos gon on cotton mill aiinobncn reduction in irlee and in some case have re- luoetl wugo iron and steel oononuo to deellno though the demand i look ing up esuerlolly tn ol country goods corn i soiling as low an fls nent and wheat a low as 6 law nttgar cotiunucs downward and so do tobacoo and ootton hut it i riortod thdt nw vorl hankor are ulunnlng to provide money- for the cuban sugar produeer and for the fornior of tho hoith so that they my hold sugar cotton and tohaooo hntll prloe ro up crude oil boll firm and theia has bean no re duction in tho prices nf gasoline and ooal nil the output of soft eoal is inereumlng hut thn price remain high altos and-wonl-oro- botll belling iirloes thnt ought to uiniui a oontluued lowering of prlrn on olothlng and shoes hide are selling nt one fifth nf the prices that were quolnj three venn ago the wise pollny to pursue i to buy only tha tiling actually needed paper from all parts of the noimtry are literally full of advertise mo nt tolling of great bargain sale thn puhlla will do well to remember thut that whlli appear lo bo a bar gain t day may not lie a bancaln to morrow lluy what you nned anl only whut you hoed overacidity el tka m-t- has upset many a bdgfafs reat u yoeg atomsrh la ac-uj- jwuib jlsariws two of three km1did5 en iba toatgoe befogs retiring end ev foy tejreeldoa a the purity acd go od ol klmoidi gua e by scott kownst real estate if you have a house for sale if you want to buy a house in aoton ask r j kerr auctioneer ahd real eauu deals phonb as bower avenue aoton ont wanted 5000 head of poultry chickens oee6e duckb v turkbytv fow i the highest cash lrloo paid for nil fowl clthef ullve tir dre- communlcatn with nrtmilxigait troubles of the boy tho door closed ttolilnd nn irate neighbor who had 00 mo to complain regarding oertnln of tommys short comlngtb a few hiomnnts latcf a bo was teurfuliy preparing for a pre maturely early lied tlma hn said to bin mo tin c f wish w lived in heaven mot in r iii mother demanded lo know olu 1 anna of bid suddnn nuplrallon towafcd- ivoltar thlitru o woll ha slgjliad a you knnw thn muni w011m not be half so hard to pit una u tlm iiolghlxirs ara kx hangit gone dona ufit tho good tand blurlous days whelttrult ttnd sugar- both were and nvery jollymaking friend draught lu a full alxed sample ietroll woo ires floiiii uro tho good and bappy days when onch 11110 wa a giver yuu luiiikht soup meat and butcher mun threw in u ptiund of liver llastlngu nah tribune- dniefs tho win rt ill 1 iiftan cuiitu a long ih blow llio pkuiuit lollth in nl oull no ininlililn if ho ti th lounlnd th lurikug thut ulviu uu palp often urh while urutol in a ilsntal ohsr with puar ut tlw piiiuonl i rloe the shoo mm i hiivi to w k lo inuther one hulf of tho world mvlu the ntlii r bulf i 1 anno ii douail t know how it llvnh id utlht thut is wid nnough ma ilnm i hiiiiii stuhd oliulln whllg draw ing tho lootli t moms man nru too stubliorn to no kliowlixluo tlia rum u11mi you step en ii ir im lu u wity gifttlng married lu ilka ualng ihi tnloi hont you don t nl- wuyx kt the jarty you want wli mi a mun love s woman mare thun tonguo mt trll itu up to him lo lot mom y do thu talking j guelph business college training to advsneemsnt and quoceas wlnur term from january 8 we tuivo u uumtiur liookrd tar that dut n don l put it off guelph business college herald bldg guslpb onl a u bouck prln mens work shoes boys school shoes may i1k 11a1 latom te gibbons bsst quality ml lowest pries repairing new premise p 17 rfuu- i have just installed a pew power natchlna for repairing ratlsfaotlon guaranteed milt street 1 whyherts never lay half an egg 5- the usual method of stadias mostly grain make yolks but not nough whits lo oooiplsf lbs egg a the ben cannot lay these hmtf- mad eggs absorb than bacilnto bar ayatau mlssoatl bxpertmeot station test showed tbst 100 lbs of wheat eam oats bail ay and kafor cotra make above bodily mslntsoaoce an average of 334 yolks but oajy js4 whl fas based on data from the some ncprbnenta purioa abrm- ula prodoco above bodily malatanance aa follows purina scratch feed 24749 yolks 14211 whites purina chicken chowdsr 16205 28355 comhinod ration 42954 yolk 42466 whites hots lbs perfect balance of yolk and whites and th large number of each tbl combination of purina eda makes lbs tnaslmum number of ckmzuc eggs egg a hen will lay thais why wa can absolutely gusrantee i stare f f or avoauck on purina chicken chowder if fed with purine scratch itasd aa duaetad you lake ao risk fofsaktdthrnndssy mill street 4cton flour and fgeq 8tqrb tannery cooperative sugar flour etc are gradually going down our customers are receiving the benefit op every drop in the market fau and winter underwear at very close prices ah kinds of rubbers por men women bpys and 0irl8 t finb and heavy boots fou men 0vhhxul4 wobking shirts etc farmers bringing produce receive the benefit of our greatly cut prices mill street tannery cooperative a a conway manager acton

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