wht jetton fprty slitth ycai no 23 2 00 lfi yhajl acton ontario thursday morning december2 i02o 12 so in uniticd statics single copies- fivo cents actok baptist church 1100 a m and 700 f the methodist church f actom rev m mover pastor pinonag willow st ii ii mti mini i- 1 huhjool thp howard of tin li u 2 3lth tit liilil luy hi hool mlsal ry diy mm mhilulii hulijitt 1 mull hufi a her you ahe invited come knox church acton rev w l rindlav 0 a minister manse willow strt 11 m mflitm thing wn hnpn to do children- addros tim mlmdonary with the while lfulr 7 m temptation uetusalltloto church new advertisements- house to rent comfoituhln dwelling house for rent aiy in lbtf j it mcklflnzik or n mn cltrter harness etc for sale a cuttr luiriinhm robew htuokot ulo cull ut vutdenoo mhh john ilawson 23 tr mill street an tan wood for sale vvhi quality in milt 4 foot it hk ill 91o oo jwr nrd i- tin li length flsoo per oord apply to ouhhthh i unk knox avcnit or 23 tf 1 bono no 31 rln gflsnjeettnit the anton furmorn cluli will meet in tho count ii oluimbnr acton saturday december 4 ut 2 30 mrmbfim are roqiieiitnd to attend c b i1a1i my u n imown president he rotary horse and buggy for sale light hihko six year od quiet wnmtn can ilrlvo tt a mccatlghlhi buggy good uk hew und aot of irnrj nes apply ut a j tbtmilayb dairyman second ltnu acton si three drain grinders for sale 1 eightinch plate muplu loaf chop per 1 10lnoh plum jolllette chopper und 1 11lncli plat maple loaf chop- er all working on good n when now for particulars apply 1 paul h kiennbdy ifltf ilil no 4 anton houses for sale why not buy a house in anton wlthl all of its no vantage t co house ranging from i860 to ie 000 a ber of good budding labi ask jt j kkiut ileal estate a a out 17tf dower avenue anton notice waterworks alltiltl ywttmtr i-oimec- tiona made with the wattfrwork sys tem may have tlio water turned on at any tlmo upon application to 832 w j ue1d inspec government positions 8tady demand for competent men inspectors fl her ir weight and measure funtorf a jmm ignition also i custom rixoiho hallway mall post- i office all grades writ for part leu- i lax how to scours compotnnoy canadian civj behvicb inhtittltia cortroupondnnao iox cos toronto 8 to 1t per day auto trantor monlmnlon vulnanu- inv k to 13 lur dity mon wuntod fill iirtinont lit miind uutomoblla tpe- i obanlom drlvlntr trwotor opurutinrf lire v vutcanlinc ojtyiltyloiia wolillnc toraso liattry luntrlrul work irao tlcal tralnlns only a few woek- ro- aulred day und dikiii 1unm wrlta frpa catalo ulir watcm butady employmont hemphills auto and qa8 tractor schools 1s r qtrt wm toronto i by a palnloaa ho to n unody of root and hsrba wo hv curod roltna o j taorm tban 40 yarq aundlnr in few 1 wmka time our lreatmant is ur- sateed to bo bannloaa and wilt build i rundown ayatam write for free jlnon nation to prov marlo boil 337 toronto o acton skating rink season tickets are now on sale v children undor is years f1jk children 13 o 10 years 1jh lnca a0 ontlmen 300 avrity at acton tannino co office ltht father dppl or tannery cooperative wokpertand fridav december 3 the right to lie a capollanl vroduatlon il on sort by ramte ttia immlrrtiit comedy wltll chnrllo chaplin saturday december 3 matinee end nlflht tlio ttoiillo hyd lmlvor a uaxlaan luy from the pen of o ilonry comody fox new tuesday decembeh 7 dllare and aonno doldwyn tirrlnir had kennedy kpl- odevot tim third bye f3nub rolbtrxl covnody coming tlio venaoanpo jf purnnd etarrmie am jpyow r l gregol ry pipe fitting is our specialty no matter whnt the jilpn nlujntilno job itiuy nt it will in in killed liuiulu vlu n you milruhl u wltl thnwork all klndm nnd hi h rtf i lp reumntt tbrcaflorf nut mil lltto1 t jolnllib itlil nolrtan riintiril piimi yumlrlntt utn 1 winu r all kin tu ask for our estimate w f mooney acton ont felrmcsale 100 acr1s in sukbing township fi jwiles fbom acton and erin 90 in in i wiirkaliln ha an co imrtuvood buitli prliilpnly all original tlmlicr hniall onlianl 3g n rijm full plmiklird nlny bum oil watered by nrxtk now framo bollo of u r nm roo1 nollur llauk bam 0016 willi imw ntillhiif tlit up 17 cut ho un 1 boon- cmnont ibmtr- watar ut i urn m liool 1i miun t lunch j mllon itnriil mall 1imum hhioii urruiiuuil i rhu fl500 tiiiiim uiruiiund 150 acrks in naksagawkya townhhif t vi miijes ntom acton duckwooo go ucrn workablo bulntmo tlmbnr und puaturn mi inly nnd aravolly louiu uoll 1 vpll imtl ii urimk 1 ruma of li rtiomii and panlrij rank bam cbxljfrrlvinbboawx3cllitjls uiuotiaulei ello school und clmrcli i mllca itnrul fnull pohmioh urrunnd imoo 14720 terinu urruind iato ckv ikkom rockwood 110 aertu wotkublo 41 tion u of tlmbur balanoo wwump luk or- uhnrd go acron full ploithclj clny hutm nil tlood roiiithout hmmn of 7 rooms a out illar itanu liarn 00x40 cow ntablo 60x33 tie up 24 boad plir pun linn lioaao wator in htnblat- tlobmil so rode church 1 mile iohonulin arransml li4oo 1 2600 inoludlnir 5 aorou of tur nip 1 100bubol- or oat and s3 loedn or hay term npftiiged 118 acres in ettin township wi miles promorton 70 acrem workable 30 aero- buub plougtiod 1 well and a nreok if lioi 54 tin up 8- bead of attic htomi va uon elohool 4 lou cburohi 3h mile hum mull and ti phom ioiloi arranged l 10600 torma urraiikol huuih orchard 30 annul fall of c room- hank barn 7 ox willougtby ifarm agency head office victoria street toronto tmlkinonfij main 70 alittl lunch and u hot drink touchou thn right npot tlmriv cool nlhbt coma in and try our fclnnd- wlohea plea too- coffoa coaoa and soupe try a box of our chocolates fine- we believe you will and them at miiporlor nxcellence and equal to the flnet conreetlonnyuu liuvo over tasted wn epnru no tofpeno eklll or oftok in pro ducing chocolateu tlmt art rich cm a my tasty and wbnleaomo one tan to oonvlne ho our patronu ujy tuko hrme a tox today saturday specials llutter scotch re if goc 8t- urdny 8pll price 39c aauorted ohocolnte- rog 80c sturdy bpeelel prio 4qe wiles milj street acton browns j groceryuid cfdckerj all ready for christmas fresh stockvbest quality and lowest prices choice oysters in now try this store once aniwbeconvinced best granulated sugar 2c jer lb by the ba n h brown mux street phone 26 acton ont hydro account hleter 4k llarnard i tri trolley muat arm 11 bt geo uymlh jr eulury 6 60 mnlwrtll juwllufrih ouik pile y 18 8b uuco co iatt uiptle u 4 01 hydro icinntrle iownr com rupjilrltitf metrwm 12s 00 lydro klenirla lower com ihimior for oetolwr 33- ho hydro motrlo towr coi rtoundwlru rotrxitore a commission to ranagev hydro system bylaw was prepared for election of two commlasionera ftt the municipal elections nit 1 1 in imii i kiiimliiy vonlna villi r uiinlllorw ar linlil t oxii and hiimhdvd prvaent an i hii jt in t chlr tim c mmlttom on plnutk- pnnlml llnlr twuty fourth report and reoom- inmtdaymnt of t te following o- toll thl qnral aeeaunt ijlila btw i 10 itltohle ltbor 2 00 alrx nlwn plunt map lu merruantx i lank ulnklng fund tm twbool ilelminturem jum mill luilaniw nf alary orufijhtiiulimlucir i rovhiolnl tnuuumr re -lil- walk ddlxiiiturom nhol jaftrtty icioil udvlco watrworla account ixiinuem ro mlllutf 140 000 bondu 1 373 iummond urcall co guta i valvea etc 63 03 canadian lalrbunkw mora co engine und twit in s 4 yl mueller a co 4 000 fat 14 i mill tdra 40t 04 h uutllor a cyj hturi- m watorwnrku 1 323 73 u muollnr a co hranebfc nte 4vc8 j ii itltcbl tinimln plpk and miippllhm 28 04 a ton tauubio co auppllmt si lhtardmor v tin diippllit- it 41 k3 ig8s 66 the rekort wan adopted uveera holil scott and ltoht mo- vhenwui on imholf of tha continua tion hohool reiueted tbe uee of thn ill froo for nvenlng of dcmbr 13 conldrnbln dhmunlon inued thn council juat a few mnatlnga ojic made draetla rlln regarding theuee of tbe town ball and whlln it wu dlrable to fflve the continuation hohool free of the hull it watt not deemed wlae to cbibllnh a iirooeddmt by lolng mo in thla iuw nothing definite appear- to lm mettled utoii but tbe council promlwnd tha delegation a reply the folio wn day mr john clarke jr requeeted a de- ollon mi ropotule made to tha coun cil for moiuirm xleardmnre at a mclal theetlntf on thureduy even in the one request vnu for a pedal water rate ut the akatlnr rink and the other wim a ruquet that the town run the water into ileverloy house from uarla utreet inatead of cburob blreet the- onotrflrrwjexrtairtliomimi to ilewrlay houao from church flti nnd allow the uee of maria street for the laying of the pipe the council to control th plpn laid on tbe atreet or they pay the ante amount on coat of inetutlln reguhm itervloe toward laying of tbe main from agnew street but ubto to control thla line they alwo ugmed to uae their beat endeav our to ma kin a eiieelal rata for the una of the water during the rink eeaaou j mr llonaid sinclair requested that the drain at hit hop premlaoa br reiuttnxl dellnlte action woe promle od at ohoe the bybtw required for uie laulng of debenture on the aide walk con- mtrueled thla year won given thn re quired number of reading and poaaed petal la aato the negotbtlona at the klyii eprln then took up oonaldw- able time of tha council and definite alaueea were drawn up to be inaerted in the agreement between mynh llroe and the corporation a bylaw to appoint a commuwlon to manage and contiol tha hydro nya- tam won gtyen the requlrefl reading tuid paaaed counoll adjourned at midnight ta card party will tie held in the baaement of st joeph church thle thureday evening mra thomua uyrne willie the hoateaa kindly farewell woads to mra- duncan meqreoor nd family nnxeavlna the homestead almut qna hundred neighbor and frlcndw gathered at the home of mr juncan uooregor and family laat friday oven in to pend a eoolal hour with theaa bo pi tab i a friend prior to their removal from the old home aftev greeting the ooembly waa called to order and mra nelaon mc- lausalln mmniu following ddree i ults mcorkflou ani family the of your departure fromour nelghborbofkl ivall oureelve of thl opportunity of jotpreaelnfc the good will that exlt between ua your genial hoaphallty luuiwon for you the reapeot of all an a neighbor you have lived the life of the aood samaritan your ooh- vletenay integrity and boneaty claim our repeot and eatoun ve feel you belon to on anceatry our ptoneer o whom we owe eo muoh we oherlah i ho rnemnry of their noble live your example la our heritage to admlrtt and to imitate through the year that are to oanu wo hope jou will enjoy a well earned rj vmli ili oitv if ret from tbe arduou labor of thtf form and that nothlnff will mar thef mt valuable 0lolul harmony that ore valla between you and your neighbor we extend to you the greeting of the entire community by aakln you to noceptthe- prevent tendered here with ihl 1 un emblem of un affectloi- ate and graucul utoploi wo truet that when the toll of lire are over you will be triumphantly numbered among the ransomed and counted worthy of a eat at the right hand of illm who i tbe resurrection and the lire may he anuee hi face to bine upon you and give you peace signed by tbe neighbor t james moore passed away at sudbury hospital a useful lifo indod through alleged careless sltootlnk by a fellow hunter family whole 1 lid liuuu ultodtln of 1 jiiliih mihu of tlulh who wiik mlatiikeii for u doer by u hiiut r ut lilgwowt onitirlo rfmiii ui in iuni ihiio of i i ivku inaith rwiulttd jiitnljy in hv joi h kopltwl nt hlidhury on tbur duy mi rnn mr mporvn i rot lie r j m miuirn of the goixoluwti ii raid and polu m maglatrato watt of jui iphy who bud uooompunled mi monro on the hunthi expedition wore at bla itednldn when the ond came nr in i mra moore reunhod hudbury tho vil- lu of ber hiihuuiid death und uu- oomjmnlod tlio lkly from thure on tho hud return journey reaching lulpb by thu 1 1 o oloi k train on iildav muinlttu h had ban mi monro- itmtoiii tor u numbor of your to north dour buntln with tbe horao hlwm hun club on their ground in thn mukoka dltrlnt buck of huntuvillo thlm year bin civic dutle ua city manugnr of uuolpb kept him later than uuual and it waa mtiihoquently nocnuhury to go to a point north of the wuioh itlver for the later hmitln privilege in comiuiny with mr wnlt bo loft luelpb on wednuaduy novemlwr 17 th y made tholr camp hear ulgwood bontn afxty mllns itniitb of hudbury on tuoaduy they wio out uuilklnk dor when tho lamented uctjdent occurred whon mr moorn wu omttloumly duu- uondlntf u aide bill a man by the pume jonea from ualt mlutook him for u deer and wltliut careful invnmsa- tlon ahot him av a dlatanoo of olmut fifty yarda it 1m difficult to under stand hoyt uob a ileptorabln mutnke could ooour mr mooro with thn etrlotcnt regard for uafuty wore tbe regulation bright blue coat und trou- gramdjicalitigmiililllti jonea returnod at oiica to hi home ut ualt after the tooldent und 1m terribly broken up over tho trntsio event maglatrute watt hooured uhmlatuiioe and bad hi wounded friend cojvoyed to the c 1l nt lilgwood whoiico be wu taken to thw hoopltul at hud bury bvorythl imaalblo wmm done to oave hlu valuable life but without avail tho io ft honed bullot nl rod tbe buck and maied tbroiuib tho ioily coming out ut tbobretat dutlug the fortyeight houm lie llvul mi moore aurfered ctroatly from the wound ko retained nonaolotianehm from tbe outaet and wa able to coiivoua freely with bla brother joe from be hour of hi arrival on wodreaduy until u moment before ho puioiod a way ho roajlurt that hlu ond wn npproucblnu und hfl lovln menagom for thu dear one bo wnw leavlnn thomna jamoa monro wa the flrat- born win of tliomum t moore and sarah itoa uinl hi blrthpluce wnu in kin townhip york county hi tm wo tlftylx yenrw riinmu t moore hi fattier wdw u uuoeeaaful eduoatlonlat und a man of ierllng- chrlatlan oharictor ita wtia dtigagisl u prlnclpul of aotou iublln bebool in 18711 moved here with hi family hr locemtkr f that year and for tweiitynvii year wuu the honored principal of our uohool 111 eon t jamo followed hi father profosultn took hi couroa ut ouelph collegiate lnatltute reoelv- d hi certificate and taught- for u number of year atdublin and ieulle school later he wan ongugod ufl principal of hi oeoruee school in ouelph and twelve year ugo tweame city clerk of ouelph iii ability and nptltudu for till work wu remurk- uble two your ugo whuti cuelpl da- numed a now eyutem of municipal government mr moore wa choeen for tbe new ofllce of city maimuer ho hun been an outatundlug figure both in the municipal life of juolph and aleo in tho 1rrovlrice und ho waa reognliod aa ofiq ofho tuw poo ted municipal mun in the country and bib knowledgn of clvla matter waa oroutly sought after by town and cttle in all part of the province gurlntf hid tpnlfre of oftlce u clerk ho devoted hi entire lime to municipal question and wa continually ntudyln und de vising no and vlwtler method for the canductln of clvlo bualitea ho took nn active part in tha uffnlrti of the ontario mun lot pal association and wa resident of ttiat orgunxatlon last year at tho annual nonvontlon he for several year hud been ono of tho principal npeaker und lit luiperu woro ulway interehtln und liiatructlvn in ouelph buh lot akinh thomas nhllia jamfilfl jbbtfamink mcllregor was preeented with ful rocker uliplater nnd a hnndaomefcropae reading a txuutlful rooker ulutlatered in leattr lamp waa r tendered the young iieople kind expresalon of appreciation nnd thanks were spoken andln en joyable odal hour with refreshment tallowed aboui twenty y ot hi spent in acton llarti he wuu bupplly married in peeinbei 18h7 xa bl aor- rowln wife who wita xii monnle nelaon tho elder dnugliter of tho late john nelson br mere tho oral orrotv came to flielr borne when tholi flrst- born a deur little laby daughter wa taken by duutb ufter brlhtaiilng tho home for a rew happy month during all the yeur mr moore wa a trot nuent vlnltor to acton tho home roof tree wa here hi parent ru- ntded hure und tbe ii rat friendships of hi young manhood were formed hero ills rev father- ppssod away thir teen year ago and hie widowed mother continued her realdetipe hero until a fevmonth ago wbenjslie wont to- lvo with ber daughlortsr 11 bohrloter of kllnlieuor in hi badly bereft homo at uuolpb mr moore- and the two dauhtcrti pearl and uuura are left ueelde bla mother ttioro am joeemi m pt tho kerald apratown mr h 1 ua heply to sermon why i am a protestant ii hlr ontiniir- of tut oolmmui e woolt owomlur ii rop it of a sr of your imuuo 35th upikeur- noii lire it he i by urn oviml i m moyer in the mi tho list bunli acton oil hunduy iiikii nov nib r 2i the lltlo read why i am a 1 roteutunt a ulxnlfl milt nvnif iialn i nflir tho xlt if hfvt mud iwtrahd f couwuy in uue any of yom mnler or uny mio in the lowil of a ton niuy have itmin misled by u rt hi ural in the 111 i pit mln rn atom fukw iflkn of u few of the tnidltlonul oolumnliu mardlii tin outlicillo t huroti wlvoii us reiimotim mr biting i 1 rof htunt i retuclfilly auk you to publish this b tier in your itwxt edition und lvn it tho duma urumtnenco you wave tli record of the sermon y for mi entire week u fair opportunl- wns given every win in anton to usk uny quehtlon they wlitbe i regard- in tbe catholic rtnliglon and wheuisr bucauhe of a mind ciohimi entirely to conviction or whethar bet ausn of dla- lntreatadneaa there were but fw who availed utntnaelwa of the opport jtit- qrapllntomattera ujionnon wn ufterwartlu prcuuhed and given publicity in your paper- whl h dealt with matt em tbilt mlirht huv iroen nuslly cleared up hud tbe preuaher cared to inquire from ihouii who ubovn all othure should beat know tbe catho lic church in giving rodonii for be in a pro teutant an nndeavoui waa tnude by tlio preach r to runiovo uny utin from wliut bo might nay by profoulu churl ty tuwurdu individual cutholtru but tu any cathollo bariug or rvadlntf wliut followed lu tbe unrmnn it in xaepli lotihly like ehurlty of th tlnk- lliilf lymltal und uuuudln bnuiu tyi 1 know not what w allh of evidence and xihirletioo wan drawn on to make the sermon u convincing one but llilu 1 do know that thu direct inference from tho preuohflrs wnrds nu publlhh- d could mi nothing lu than the fol lowing 1 urn a irntustaut imhuiuii i would nt be a tatbollo for the following rousoiia and here in characterlatlo iislilonnre bnnisllt down iron i thu lonhoumi of prutek tnnt hlntnry and literature calumnleu that are worn threadhuru from ubiikc but calumnies novertbalese that nre allll ti unlearned and atlll uw falhlflel atvofaj dwaapgadbrtadoaat tn i left udlfleutlon of people who lo not know the cathollo church newiipupiir on t rover- y lu very un sutlhfuctory and to dim lis- i ik ii i t these iteiith hi particular in weekly nnwsiiipiri might furry the affair into month iiiul yenm ulnce thorefora tlmt 1 out of tha question and since on u mutter of cuthollo truth and ha vindication 1 a a cathollo prlesfctin lv no quarter and shall accept none i challenge tbe itovon ltd i m mover to u dhtouslon of any of tho to pica id bis sermon referred to on any public pint form and i will guarnnteo to vin dicate thn cathollo churoh further if he think ut i challenge him to 01cubm nny rellgloum nuhjo c on any ono night in uny place and before uny nuillniico tho lasuo to lo deulded by u hiilntet of competent men to be mutually ugred- upon if he aires prohibition rumbling curd playlii smokln or kindred siibjunt shall be debated from an ethical standpoint un thn urouudii of natural philosophy 11 im to remain your truly wm a aoodiiow joeplt churnlt church 0 treat acton onti novemtier sb 1b20 r j kerrs list of bales thursday oembei- vred ough- ty farm took ut four corner icra- riow wedueaday december s winter svhj -lulldlnguv- uuelpliovd uraln wednoaday lremlior h winter full ii nl id lot auclpli it i ii olock farm of john mcklnuou 300 acre near osprlnge kerrlhon and mr charles jennur toronto und mr rchrlotnr kltohnnnr a brother gunner w j moore uave hi life during the south african war i sleep in the llrltlah military cemetery ut retorla 8 a mr mooro wa a valued member of dublin htreet methodist church and a prominent member of tho majianlo order being u past jn aster of speed iodge no 180 a und a m also perfection a a and a 8 it he wo a tori in christian gentleman kind und considerate to all with whom ho camn lu oqntact und beloved by ull who knew htn no man in ouelph wu bold in higher esteem than t jnmew moore thl fact wa amply demonstrated at tho runeral on saturday utter noon when tbe city turned out to honor the memory of thl good mun at private nervlce wa held ut tbe home at 1 30 by itevd a walker hi paator and itev o w darker of llurllngton a former pnator thl wo followed by a publla nervlce ufter which the im pressive masonic service took plaae tha cortege to- the q t jt depot wu led by the salvation army silver hand which wair followed by thn mem ber of the muaonlo iodgea of the city tbe mayor and city counoll the jlourd of education the city jollce force und thn chamber of commerce the throe oclojdi train waa taken for acton on which there were special cur to aocomnrodute the member of the family and ncurly one hunlrod musonlo brethren who npco the renaln upon arrival at acton the member of walker lodge joined their brethren from ouelph and led lu the parade to falrvlew cemetery tho service at the grave were con ducted by lleve tm mover o w llarkor and d a walker the musonlo oervldo followed und wu con ducted by wor lire ifocallum and the oinoer of sced yodge the liullbearer wore measm d youn w slunllaud hamilton j o jtoee kvederla watt itebor uttle und h p moore acton tbe honorary pa ii bee rem wore t f suvnge j 10 knight j w chorlaworth w j dloknon und klmer davis kingston dublin street church waa repreaentod by iy j oreenaway j it rob in bo n w a howell ii hhophord and ir 1l todd the floral tribute lit the memory tt tho docoawod were very numorou und beautiful iilmoht completely nurround- lng the casket a uteiklng oolnohlohro ludie fact that ex muyor it- h3 nelaon und olty manager t j mooro both vt whom lived in acton were married here went to ouelph for onhirgcd eervloa were hrotnern liwluw ixilh dlnd this year with unexpected uuildennes were memtter of iho same church were iloet uffectloiinto lu their pcruonnl re bit lob- shl und highly esteemed by tbe com muntty were men of slorllu helpful chrlatlun charnoter und were burled side by tilde in adjohiln plot with tho uame minister officiating and with mttnonta ifanoru the ymiathy of the community tn extended to mr monro and iher dnughteru pearl and 1aura a wt un to the widowed mother nnd the brother and inter ix wa p matter of much satisfaction that mm mooro hr am tins broth br nnd nlaters and their famllleti were all ohlo to tto prnaanf ut the funeral to console the members of the bereft home news of local import anothar g w v a entertainment arriihiininiiuth bavi been oomph ted or the iipiearailin hnre nu wednem- iluy deember 1c of the harry letter light optra company they will op hut in costume 1 uiu-sil- und their llirtiiluinent wiiijmi of un unusually high ordet id the 1014 ib military star hn icnuiiey ium mielvel from thn minister of mihtla ayn 1 dfciloe one m ii f m tiuiiod nephew ite inn in france the star ax- f the militia tin 1014 1- i i u r- in honor of hi irving who fell in a it iter aeoompauled hslllg- thn regrets i indl thut i to wear bruvely won tha future of lorn school minting of the ratepayer of lornn nl heothm wa held in the school on tuesday evening mr j m lien- yea ii a tho he boo i inspector wa u- nt und nddrjwoil tho nieetln re j mmeulltikjlmt utrlnl lo made vt nuliii ho pupil of till section to acton luml iiflnr tbe christmas hull lays if urrutigiynent iau lo made with alton truulee hoard another german gun ulxly paunder oermun liowltxer dellvnif 1 to the o w v a hint week und 1 now stutluned ut tho front door of tho ho idlers community there it guard tha entrance a constant reminder of the iru of thn wur dny- the french ijituni on thn urchway of tbe ii e to tbe bulldln apres lu in tivf ueomu to huve a more upl ropilute bottlii iiqiw acton hss first prji eaaaylst mihm ji uu orr of actin high itehool llun 1m en awardud the silver medal for the j knt vsuy written by pupil under thlrteenyewr ontario tlr topic ws my orlt heauon nnd why i uke it the medal wu awarded by thu league f khnplr nnd lr jama 1u hughe tnrnttto wnimte jtldge of theeuy uhmltted 1 ittle mihm orr wrote this tumy while a pupil of uunnott i tbe anlrnnoe room i o d e tea tho dukn nf devonablro chapter of the f 0 b ticld u very uuccouaxul tea on thunuluy afternoon- at tho homo of mr t- li hhorey cuke avenue the room were artistically decorate with yellow chrysanthemum und ferns tea was served from the dining room table which looked vry pretty with u large sliver bowl of mum surrounded by yellow tulle us u cent iij piece mr j h kennedy a convenor of the lunch committee wm uuuble to he preeent owing to thn wad new she ron ived that morn in of the ileath of in r brother inlaw mr t james mitoie of ouelph an evenlna of maale end art tho motnl of tho snrla of enter- talnmeuts given by urtiau from the dominion lyneom hureau under tho uuapice of acton g w v a held in the town bull laat wednesday evening on the occasion the pro giiimme wuu provided by hmui thfa maglclnn of new york iii reper toire of tnuglcat number wa varied und tho exhibition of maglo was per- turtniml wlrhranrskt ltnn dslnlttiof bund lu addition to thl ueotlui the progrumnio trof lleury proved himself un artist of real merit lu a merle of crayon drawing in color which be ixooutidwlth surprising daftness with the flfcet reversed lie utu muda hoveral very pretty land scape and roatdn soen with colored ham on the uand table the closing number was a masterpiece repreaent- in bum w vosn very human pera the house by tho hide of the road mr henry skilfully drew thn picture of thu lltoo house with nttlig en vironment a he recited tho poem ac companied by tbe musical sotting or the luhu the effect waa otrlklng and very effective indeed the o w v a have provided two entertujn- ment now which have won great favor with those who have attended the deverell charges trial adjourned last thursday t be held thl afternoon tbe charge against charles dev- erell for osaultlno a lady walmnu for u toronto suburban ear at the chalet ut lllun hprln iurk and for being intoxicate i in a public place were culled for hearing before if 1 moore police magistrate last thursday after- noon w i dlok county crown attorney appeared for the prosecution and p kerwin of outhrle quthrlo ker- wln uurrlhter ouelph and 1l n furmer lbirrlster acton for jhe de fendant when thn oourt opened und the de pendent was called be fallod to answer to the cull iii counsel elated that ho wa ubseat but he wu prepared lo inter ti ptoa of guilty the inuristrute took the vlqw how ever that ou charge of the serious nature of those before the oourt that tha defendant should be present when conviction wan made and penalties 1m- pontd if the charge are admitted or proven the hearing of the case wai therefore adjourned until thl after noon ut iis o olock on the undertuk- in of tho defendant counsel that hi client would iwdreent then the plaintiff ull the witnesses and lurgo niimtmr o spectator were present at tho sitting last thursday in memoriam mim wnjitam iur yy after a pub 1 if niik h miff rbi mr william ldlly th 1 irly b iv i mother of the hi m lot 0 ki i ond line lutpjehi- puum i awiiy op itn- by novniular 31 llin ki liy wu 73 years at ug hi r mull ii mini wuu cnthailnd oliver dmliiif hi r rel- ilnco h thl vliltilty f i iili u ium lar of ynuru pitut mrx kelly mudo luuliy frleiida him wl nmt i t if nv devoted moth i u r hlthn ill of wbpin huva real lux i niuturlty h id her in warmest aftentlou and h u iit a greut sorrow i mini to mr billy v few year ugo when h r u irtit i in life wa culled by li sth they hud l nt niuuy yeur vry hu i lly lout tin r hho wail u devout id iiimi cutl ll true tif imr fnllh and r liurrli un i thu word of uatnem ixiknu of imt at thn funuiul service lust tliunt lay morn- ingt inhv johh ttiunh by hev father oitclrow weri f ullv merit d the twdy was tenderly lull lo rod in dublll cemetery in iilito her nuieulod husband mllft uich ulm hl for ulnuty five yiarn vcrtt jtloliartl he mat root of milton adorned thu out munlty wlere alio lived and ulthough she hud ruchod thl eitromo uw she wa never a burden to her family or rrlendu ruthnr she spent in r long ufa in ministering to other to day la mr hemstreet 0th birthday last friday mum in aim n a usual in bur home ubout oven o clock a few minute later who complulnod to jicr son 1 chard wlu wu vllvln with her tliat she wuu not r ling vt ry well a few minutes lifter ubo iiasued nwiiy in hi uroih thn oveiilnif lhifont bor three iinu itlchard ocorg and alfred siient un hour mo together with her unl she wait unusuully i right and talked moat intern tlngly bf family nutter unit her happy ri latloimhlp with her iniy mr llnmstril wan the daughter of john vodilu i wu horn in devonshire kiihlund whnu ten yers- uf ugnuiu family cuini tu tn m si v canada und nettled on the farm now owned by flynn tlrothem on which bj the spring which la mipplvln acton waterworks uystim hre nho -wuu- jalnadln wedlook to huslhind ltli liard hemstreet twiventy flvu ynirw ago him wmit n u brldo from acton to trnfulgar anl ri hdlod there until uomit idmf ov r t nty year ugo whou liny n tlrtd und hud in milton mrs hmnutreet ulwuya retulnod a kindly fui 1111 for acton nnd in earlier yenrit wnn n frequent vlnltor 1ioo ifor huhbnud vrifilo ceased her twelve yi ur ngo bl 90th year of their five son und two daughter only three survive itlchard who deputy hbarlff ooorge town lark of mtlton snd alrrwl who abto real lea in milton mr himyfreet wu a woman of u high typo of churac- hhe wuu kind onnldorute hnlp- uud wllhul n trusting hrlslluu she was a llfo ion tumnbi r of tho mothodlst churdi alwavu huluiitrl nu her hoipo wu- uiwiiy- it order und tho wurmen t hoepltullly wuu ovur nxtended hh wu u un ut lowr of nowerw und for mmy yuru wuu u succcuful exhibitor ut the county fulr tbe funeral on mondiiy wu tonducted by hev a b muruhall h a who wuu uasuted by hoy wm mckay it a and itev oscar cooke m a thu ilnmutreet family bu boon itoroly be reft durlntf thn mnt fow mi on thn isnlifil tho only daughter of itlchard dlud last sprlu alfred u wlfo piihwod away in bttoniwr illthuid m wlfo died hist month js ju social and personal mia dorothy ncbioi wuu homo from ayr for a duy or so thbi wnok mr wm cuulck of moffut im vul bn bl dnughter mr w j held mr j gray of toronto spout thn week and with hi brothur dr gray mr und mr lurold nicklln and batw were hem from guulph thin weak mr h v caldwell of luchmund hh1 vlnkel acton friend lattt week mr jennie matthew nnd mia mildred wore here from torontq dur ing tho week mr it a storey um ti good pnultlonl with the air hoard nt camp i jo r dim und la unjoylrir the work there very icb ybrtf glenwiluams bobbers arrested the coeds of wm shenok merehanl reeovered from a cojs thu roblwry committed ut the store of wm bhenek on sunday night k4oy- ember lit waa reported in last issue when the matter won reported to crown attorney pick by police magla trute moore ufter a sitting at the glen the grown attorney immediate ly oommuuloated with tho attorney general department at toronto superintendent lingers of the lro- vluclat potlco du tailed insiector sprin ger of hu force to glonwllham forth with under the guhjanco of cijunty klanj stnble mnrchmonttho rotery wasmn- vmtlgated with the result that goods vahed et 1107 00- were discovered hid den part of them in a oavo and the renin i odor uildor some straw in a barn on the logan fnrrri throe young men hon allemjtfonty and norman logan were arrested charged with breaklng into the store and uteallnir the good and were com mitted fov trial mr jamo warren mihm helen and fred were hero attending thu funeral of ur t jumoa moom on hat- urduy mr annln johnson and mihu hollo stephenson want to ouelph on kutur- day to lie funeral nfjttn ir frl nil mr moore mrs i- h hhorey wuu tho bostohu at a delightful k o d 13 tna at her ifomo on lake avenue on thursday afternoon lust mr and mr 11 1 moorn were ut milton on monduy uttondlug tho fun eral of mra lllcburd ilomutroot br the fonner nuivt hev 0 w darker of hurllligton end mr kilmer duvbi of klnuuton who were here attending mr t jameh mooro funeral on fjuturduy worn guest at moorocrofl mr hi teller of the merchant itank who wu iii for u week or no returned from hi homo at iurkblll the first or the week j ml itonnab wallace who tipunt u very onjoyabj fortnlgbt ut tho hoino uf her tirother chentois uj montreal returned homo laut week isuru c h hmlth who wu 111 for mverul week i now improving und is glad to rucolvo her frloudu at tho soldlur community iiouhu messrs 1l d warren dr cameron wurren and john m warren wore buro on baturduy alternoon from lurontn to pay their reapeot to tlio memory of their boyhood friend thn lute t jumeu moore mr harry lligby who wum in dng- lund when thu wur brokv out und nllstd wltlv thu impuiuil foiou and might in franco and hclglumj urrlvod buck laut week and i with hi undor mr llohert crouti agneu street mr chan cnrtonj mnffnt mr ltqldn grandfather la spondln thu wuuk liere mr carton la in hi eighty ninth year und lu just returning from u mm- week visit with relative in toronto geortn tnwn and vurlouu other tolnla llev wm graham und llttlu son itonuld of lrinoo aeorgo h o u visit ll ut the homo uf hlu slutor mr archie currlo he bu loen vnitjn hlsinothor mr oeorgo orahuin neanj crow on corner mr orulmm lin been very lu lately but in nlowly rn- covorn the lust ishuo of tho chrutrnn guardian pay thin worthy compliment lo a worthy youngmuu of thl locality doug ion dowdy of i imohofiuo now a teacher on th tuff of kitchener publla school toronto und ueklu um a volunlcor boyn worker lit llroudvlew y m o a is tho kind of youn man any olty can bo proud of do tut devotes moot of tho nlht in tluj wek to bby work v jiissaw4 ra t