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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1920, p. 3

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ssassgswaspsras jghssaisf i s gupe arhm jffrrr jrrjfl0 je hultbdav rlvcisfublil 2 itld lucille 8 mistake tho vinlt over lil idlntr mr udioo i look- uiy hut luul bowing low wtth- thou starting homeward soon i mlhs ttelraroo my stepu unl rang ttm bull again j hdorl h rutin the ooor jlew i and with a bo unit luetic wn at my mo around jas neck hor loving urmn tilt throw kluml mo ye axln she klun 1 ma thn ugh unit through slock till i stood not daring lo re turn the glowing kui out my il ui t triad to wimuu wit i iwhl i 1 clooi i loft my can hi started us i hut an cried wli n lu uha vulnly trio to smother r oh dourl oh dur f tl unlit two tfcaii my 1 rothrr wlial ahull i dot wi akid mi and a er j j lucked the ruunpn to ny do u morel bo looking nhini lult mdiuki uikm my tick and forwllh trot ml humnwan doubl quick when on my touch in vnln i ft rtod the sunday school lesson for sunday december 8 i tossed and pondered what wealth of love 1 brother uhi uhmild hull dear v how must i hunbnnd it imr heart ap the idtm grow and- well lo mid til tola i nought hor often nt 1 to uuch avail thttt ern a twnlvamouth ith full course hail run 1 woo d i win hi r un 1 wo twain were n and one i i 1 1 h that my love began the night she khuied me in m into we for lun for ruit usld h why bless your stupid luul poor brother ian wwi kate and snug in hell you ill in i knowjltr why of oourae i did and in my i remit hqr blushing fscn i hid tbrouih nil these venn i did not anno regret my having fallen in the trap she net happy am i and happy too i ve made her although nt times 1 laughingly ud braid her and then line soys the moral dear of thin u that girls don t often make mistakes itf kisses twenty years aqo from the isauta ofthe free press ot thursday december 6 1000 coal has been a scarce article here this fall monday and tuesday looked very much like a spell of indian summer air jd mckee druggist sapect to- set mettled in his now store la the warren niock early next week messrs john tone a co furniture dealers have a pec la 1 announcement id thla issue of the novelties in their fine line for christmas the teaching staff of acton public school for isoj is complete the teachers are thoa t moore prlnet- nar c mophul aooond do part ment mlaa margaret howea third de partment mlwt ten cunie fourth department and mlu no i he allen fifth department where u our lady of the bnowa nowt dan do ii one were to be eeen in full bloom on december 4 shipment of produce rrom canada to great britain for the chrlaunaa trade were never bo heavy aa they are oil year apple packed meat egira and poultry are aoliur through in large f vare 2b here u an ft luetrotlon of jceua eutoment ity irfolr frulte ya khali know tltm wlinii the wheat beoonei ripe urul tlio turou iwoomn ripe they am eually tmatlnriiuhed lint it in on th d iy of judgment that the aeparnll n ik to bo uuido vm 40 verne 27 jnmiim iluoij not explain whom tiu mi ant by thu hervanta verve 38 the toanhlnc t t tbln vemo la plain unni t nn point tl e ovll thut in in the worl t in not of owl ttowlng it iddim from the liantl of an eiiamy ifoma hiivn bol luved that tlile luumago ixiura dlrvtitly uion tlin outlon of diaclpllne 1 the ahurcli but the point of c4 mparlhon ilea in lite reparation that will imko place ul tlio and of thu world veree 3v often the routii of the wheat and the taroa ixiis m ao inter vt n that they ull up loaether vorefl 3d it lir impohfilblo to alrnln thin paral la beyond thu point of com- perlaon vir inetanon nood people in the church may ho influence tlm bad that the latter may beootno koo1 thore ueed to lo a euponuuoa that tares turned to wheat but that 1 4m poaalhla it munt ho remembered uuu- tho point of comparluon la not in one turning to the other but lo final aepar htlon vemo slj in the firn two of tnle group of patablee wo laarn tlio trongth of the kingdom n adveraurlee and in born jonbq at 16 leonard avenue tor onto on saturday deoember mr and i mrs i l jonee a son iho tfvotiaw to bo nmiflluorud wo learn in the kingdom o own utrength in the tlret two is deaerlbed tn combat between the kingdom of righ too ue noes md the kingdom of evil and here wo learn the victory off rtghteaumneas ovor evil yrao 32 tho muatard ucci wo tho smallest with which uia common people were onllnarlly familiar in alantlne tho point of comparison however is not la the also of the seed but in great growth from small be ginnings verso 53 to express this parable in words that we now use the loavan is yeast nnd the meal i flour the meal or flour ropioaaiita society in general therefore thu kingdom is the agency the uctlye spiritual usenoy which bring life to men the para ble indicate that ultimately the king dom of chrlnt will be victorious over the ktnfcdoms of the ourth lllualratsd truth the activity of tho forces of right usness uro likely to be a signal for activity on the 6thor sldo v sb illustration tho organised bodies that have foe their object the protec tion ox evil all had tlmir origin in tho activity of jho other aide who believe die personal laburty leawuu would ever have ooroe into exlstenco if there ha i not b nty- antl sqlooi marrtep l moklnnoniawson at the homo of the bride s parents acton nn wednesday november i by rov h a macpherson daniel unklnnon to ada only daughter of graham died stewart at geo rgo town on wed nesday november ib john stewart father of adam stewart acton aged to years afraid of overwork the people who are all the time trpubled for fear of overworking may dismiss that anxiety from their minds if they take the eight hours of sleep to wblcb they have a right if they take umt to pt three meant a day in m leisurely fashion and ume for outdoor exercise they will find it bard to over work in the hours remaining wnre overwork breaks down one nejraon overs tin- lays m score low and undersauiuf results as disastrous ly as lp tbo case of tnany n student wbo tries to keep tbo fire stoked on c4tn meal mush whore overwork claims one victim hick of sleep and look of exercise claim fifty many of the men who have lived longest have worked tho hardest noma of them have bean prodigious workers lft wo take core of ourselves as we ought jve the body its right over work is- little to be feared barton i preston a purely vsoeials piil t1a chief ingredients of fnnqalee s vegetable pills re mandrako and dandelion se dative and purvmuve tnhpcrfeatly harmless in their action they cleanse and purify and have a most healthful effect upon the secretions of the diges uve organs tho dyspeptic and all who suffer from liver and kidney ali ments will flna in tjisso pills ono of tbo onost effectlv jnedlclnes in con- oentrstted form that has yet been of fered to the aufferlng both curious how did blank loso be tlnser of ils right hand put tham in tho horse s mouth to see how many teeth he had h uin what happened v the horse closed his mouth to boo how many fingers blank had tit- bits a tfo to asthma oiv asthma half ehanos and it gains ground rapidly bulve it petfeated treatments or tr r i x rxjcau0csa aathma jbamefly qndlt will call back than bj no half way measure about this remedy tt goes ilcht to work and gives prompt relket it reacties the inmost brathlng pass- vages and leavps noplace for the trouhlo utourk hw4t by you for ready use r conqhrvation s mrs a had just finished cutting her flvsyeaoold unughtofe hair and was preparing to throw away the clippings when the youngster asked r jilatuer what are you goln to do wttlr the har you out off of my bead t rwhy throvr it away of course arufwered mrs a a trifle impn- tlblqy v what made you dsw thatr i v o l i thought riayho you would keep itoo potch fathers wiub re wttp jjl voanaster needs it y k w tijoitnton th1q flllowail or tiim kinu jom mull 13 1 43 lodu rent ltnt not thyself im oauue of vll loom in 37 1 hlntorlesl oettlno tlmo a aa 1 luce fin ii loe 1 lesson comminli vnrwt 94 all the lnkeul la purablra wnn ilfllvi md at irtly nftor tlio de ivery of tho rnrmf n on tho mm nt a irnl in toiches by o rn during u ci irltuiil truth with u tint thing rnmllior in humuli uxpcrlenoe h illffenr from u fublo in that a parnhlo la ulwnya i mlblt while u fnblo is not iho od seed uh represonle i by iionn of tie klngdum la the truth tim tntch urn fnlunhnoilm st rnproaonted by tho win f the evil one tho fluid is tho world jltr til p nnvlimn virtfit thut at first roaeinbloit wltoat not until harvest time tl at it may be uafnly wen led out load and ovil are ten hard to distinguish in thvsbhurch and tho effort to hnpurato them oftun concrete in bridge and road building sams of the concrete work on the toronto hamilton hlghwsy league innaiilsocjouea have sprung up in tlio wake of great rovlyalti not beoutiso the latter created them but bocatiao tho sleeping seeds of evil broke their bonds and begun the fight for the pomsosalon of the groun 1 with the already expanding forces of tho kingdom topics for rasssreh and discussion i parable of tlio tares vs 24 30 1 whut is a parahla nn 1 why did jesus teach in parables 3 rx plain and apply thejarubio of the tares parable of the mustard seed vs 31 32 3wnat la the dictorenco between the meaning of this parablo and the one before it 4 how is it incumbent upon us to see to it that those parables are fulnlledt iii parable of the leaven v 33 0 qxplalii tho various applications of this brief ibut rich parable a test that shows valu able returns a demonstration- in potato improve ment that should prove of general interest to our fanners has just been completed by mr stanley merrill of lambeth ont mr merrill isjooaed in the famous caradoo potato- section near london whan he was preparing his potato ground last spring nn acre was roca sured off and divided into five equal parts to one of those blocks 100 lbs of s 10 8 fertiliser was applied thls means that tbo fertiliser curried 3 ammonia 0 phosphoric acid and 3 potash to tho second and third blocks 160 nnd boo lbs were applied the fertiliser was put on through the fertiliser dropper of thu potato planter tho potatoes were cultivated just as the rest of the field and were sprayed g times with bordeaux and paris green tho soil was a fair sandy loam and good seed wan planted two blacks unfertilised were left between the fertilised blocks so as to oheok up the yields when digging tune came the crop wag carefully weighed and the yields were us follows no fertiliser u7 s bushels pec acre 100 lb block or 600 lbs per acre 187 5 bushels par acre 1b0 nruirck or 750 lbs per aere clti q bushels par acre zdo lb block or 000 lbs per acre 300 bushels per acre very little potato disease was found in m merrill a crop another libel on pat an amusing afterdinner story which need not be token top seriously was related recently to lord boattyj according to his locdsblp the lawer- deok tnen in the days jftlurr ho first joined the navy were a vorjfjoilxed let ono day said tho gallant admiral when gun practice was in progress the cry of man overboard was raised throw- out two buoys yelled the captain and the new irsh sojlpr promptly flung overboard two bone sfio were walking on the deck what n creation are you dokutt yelled the captainl i meant the cork buoys bs dad said pot how was oi to know rwhether they catn6 from cork tim ton nto ilamlltt i highway linking- toronto wllh a population utt lnnt 000 000 uml hamilton with ul out 110 000 skirls li shores of luke ontario for i alf of its length ami iuw s ii rough u well n of on tuilo rich in hlaurlu ussoclatli n dm wo ii nw totiiili houuty it wn bogun in 1014 to relievo a vnry seiiouu condition tt unempb y wnt in the urban cent run which fol jowti the entering of oanaria into the orriut war the work wuh placed in tho hands of a spoclsl commission con hinting c f mr ii clooderham clmlrmun mr a hyunk ltear mr w h davis mr it ii lunh mr m o hmith mr t w jutten and mr ii llertrum ori imcount of tho r lof feature the commission dmilded to carry tlin w rk on by day labor original t ajjs cullod for a oomont c ncrete roudway a i it toon feet in width but tlio minimum widthwum increased tq is feet before lnylng of concrete was begun and latnr increased to z4 feet on the ave miles hearest toronto tito flhlmumrldft subgmde is 30 foot and i earth shouldnrs have been provided except in special instances whem bmken stonu has been added more tl uii fifty bridges and culverta huva been replacfxl by modqrn re in forowl ftonorctoihruytursbjaefljbftied o carry u 20 ton road roller und having a minimum clear width of roadway f js foot 1 our of ths lsrger re in ferred concrete structures ere gf tho so called truss type the largoot clear mtun is 130 feat probably the maxi mum mn for bridges of this typo on thialuntlnciit v the routo followed was not previous iy the one most travelh d between toronto und hamilton part of it wus sail iy and for that reason used in bad weather but much of it wus little more than a trail the travelled por fl n being only ten or twelve foot in width maximum grades of eleven ppr i nut liuvn been reduced lo fouf per cunt a traluc osnsus tskan juut leforo w mtru ilun wus ihigun sh wod a total of gu vniltl ymr day on the most huavlly jruvulled portion induung thnv in i r truokk on the busiest liyn now tile tram exoowds 8000 vnhlclus h15 nvorugo bolng alout 3 000 nndtli tverugn motor truck traine ub ut 400 mir day the rou 1 la kept open unoughout jie year in s ite of rati or novum snow u forms it was not cl sod for u single day during last winter vnrmors hying rlfton miles from thu toronto market who fnmwrly made tit roe trips by team per weak by h lug up early and late now leave homn at eight in the morning are home for dinner and supper and make 13 trliw jnr weok by motor trucks in comfrt msny of the farmers sell ell oftbelr market produco at their urn kntch tt the motorist and some ofthrm stxt tiesoff- he highway haul it to tho wayside and community markets whlnh have been encouraged by tho commission a conservative estimate based on a partial investigation shows an increase jy jfltijl vggillajniaat tj nlnce the highway was first projected no lass thai 1- xrellont home ara lelng built all along the road as districts 30 miles out are nearer in point of time than thoso flvo miles out were before the improvement the use of a comparatively high prltcd aurfaclng cemcnutodcrcto has boon juwtirted by very low malnten anoe figures regardless of the greet increase in t radio and in the cost of materials and labor tho coslper mile of maintenance on the concrete road- way was less in itlo than in any previous ynor alnte conutruntluii was jotni lot i all ititaruallllg cuma of tllo use of c ncrwto in bridge building noaurred in the tlouhle tracking of the north t rotilo huh dlvlsh 1 of the anadlnn 1 aullln itullway ihitwtmiti lonsldo and 1 8 the bildgca worcontruoteljif re inf rnd concrrti and are a triumph f rullivuy c nntruatlou work no 0 being 3h0 fuel long an 1 60 feet high currying twtauucks an i no i 8 of similar dlmi iihioiim bufa three track structure the length of thu lndl vlliml hnna und ths details of thulr coiwli uctlon are un ronedented in tho engineering world previous to tbia no re inf treed concrete beam with a length of more than aboun6 feet had been attempted tho apuns of these two r p it structures urn each from d to 37 feci long- the method employw in the erection of frhe re- inforoodootvercto sensrs w spsclaliy interesting fualuru of the structures ecnch slab as a unit weighed gg tona which was the limit load tltat coul 1 bo ha n lied by the c i it 100 ton standard wrecking crnno cnamrcd lla 110 slabs each tt tons in weight or in all something like 8 000 tons and all this was done without a single mishap to either man or matcrl al another remarkable feature is that both structures were built without interruption from june 1017 to july 19ir which was a shorter period than woult have been required to raunu faature and erect similar structures in steel passenger and freight trofno on the c p it main lines were con tinued without interruption during the progress of these interesting works what they bav a grant mntiy pooi in rnfnr all the lliclnloitt if their 1ivm to this ques linn what will they suy they aro held bunk from atti mptlng umbitlnus things itecause of tl e conviction that their no juo in tu neon will jronounro them foolish to try they refuse to ally themsulvtis with tho cause in which they liellava becuusa thoy are afraid aomoone will call them foolish as n mattei of fact it matters vnr little what they liny and it mstteru much what one does tho worl 1 swings roun 1 to the one who lives up to his ciuwlctloim innu blasnti his hal but fo hf e rrgulnte tholr action with tl u hope t t winning the approval of thtmo about them thero nn no lourul wreathu duo wh 1 utonrs hit jjarr by the com- liass thoy s iy imver hears earth s plaudits thoaso with which corns and warp nan bu romoved by ilollowuy u com item ovor is its iftrongest reoomrocnila- tlon it seldom fails nothing to eat old mummy mary persimmns eall i ono day on the village lawyer well old lady he said whut can i d fr you ah wants to divoco man husband suld aunt mary divorce your tjnolo bllll cried the lawyjor oood greclnus why bekase hes done get tsjugjon dats why suld aunt mary an wo nlnt had a chicken on da table fo six weeks when you need a tonic to help renew the zest of life and that snap that de notes yigor and strength take scotts emulsion its rich tonicnutrient properties caji be a large factor in restoring strength anci building up the body bcom nawiic tprowfa oat khu ri wanted 5000 head of poultry thoughtless spending jbnngi only superficial pleasures wfssh goon page and arc forgotten- thooahtftj people ar chcclung urknjepetv iary expenses and opening savings ac counts where their money vvul constantly grow and will brsng contentnient andsecur- py in the future tlio highest cash prlue paid for all fowl either alive or drcsa- ccmmunlcato with mltllgan box ml acto firoj spark plugs oasol1ne savers amd oil fiqhters new and proven idea for gas enqjne8 heat and oil oannot apfect this pmjq 200 each sent post raid on re ceipt of price canadian firol spark plug corapfiny burlinqton pntario druq addiction declines under prohibition drug uddlctign has i cen on the in ease on this continent especially for the last fifteen years in 1014 the united utatee passed drastic laws inst the tjmdo in those drugs with result that nearly tho whole trade was diverted to canadian ports for smuggling over thu frontier seeing that there was a profit of over forty dollars on every ounce smuggled rrom montreal to chicago one is not sur prised that gigantic increases occurred in the amount imported to canada there was no corresponding increase 4w ext ks aid loev docomlmi the pedum government la sued a bulletin showing a falling off if fifty nor cenl in the traflla as com pared with tho year before biauieust 1010 thtt same authority issued a imtlar otaument nhowlpg oven a greater decreoiio tho increase took placer lieforo the advent of prohibition and the decrease under provincial prohibition hinco the adoption of fuller prohi bition in the united states various large cities have reported tbo closing of their special wards for drug ad diets mow york in pn example and the federal health commissioner br copeland has announced tha within a year after the coming of prohibi tion there was not work enough to justify his maintaining the drug clinic which ha had previously caused to be opened in philadelphia with the shutting off of the supply the united states laws nuw tended to divert drug add i qui themselves from that country to canada- and british columbia statistics show that seven tyflve per cent of the arrests for offences lngalnatt the drug laws are aliens mostly oriental and friends from the south the recent drastic federal legis lation adopted lout session at ottawa will still further diminish the evil sphere tn ubupdant evidence of the highest authority for stating- that vague rumors suggesting great in orease in drug addiction since prohl bltlnn have no foundation whotover in fact q camptell social service depart munt how cloupb qet their fblnbes tyndull used to explain to popular uudlonres with the aid of a brilliant exporlmont that the blue color of tho sky is owing to floating particles of invisible dust that break up and scat ter- the short waves which are the bluo wave of light thiaju a recent invent bra tor has shown occurs prin clpally at a groat elevation where the nlmnsphorjo dust u extremely fine while in tho lower regions of the air where thu dust is eoneer tho scattering affects all the rays or cotors alike the briulanl fringes of clouds aeon nearly in the direction of tho eun duo to dust which especially accumu lates in the neighborhood of clouds enirrafracts the sunlight around thelr edges v-sv-v-rj-r-iv- why hens iteverlay half an egg ths usual method of feeding mostly grain makes yolks but bo gh whites to oooipjwe the eggs as lbs hen cannot uy these hmtf- uadseggsfsbeabsaibstbani bsck into wroir system missouri bxper fane ax station tests showed that 100 lbs of wheat corn oats barley and kafflr com make above bodily maintenance an average of 334 yolks but oatjr ss4 vrjufaa based on data from ths soma experiments patlnw form ula produce above bodily maintenance as follows 1 purina scratch feed 24749 yolks 14211 white purina chicken chowder 182 os 2b2 55 combmod rattan 429 54 yolks 42466 whites hou the perfect balsj of yolks 1 this combination of par ins pea la masse lbs roaxipnim on robs r of oamplmtm aggs eggs a ben wll lay that s why we can abeobttsly guarantee gore eggs or money back on purina cbickn chonul if fad wltb farina scratch- pead as directed yon ftailway tim tabled at acton qrartd trunk railway system qolno west no afi sunday j 10t4am no sirjam no 31 loasjm no 33 2 ibpjn no sg codum no 17 blipjn olispjn 7 oil otn 11 isam 3 ilpja dlopm h13pjn- toronto suburban efectrlo lis it way 0 17 a m 3 33 p ro 0 00 p m ii 03 a m b33 p m 68 ptju oalng wet lmiiy exrt t sunday dally oxi pt rlinday lljlly excui t sunday bui lay only sunday xtnly hun uy only oolno east jjy except ijunday tttrmittnr wncolu 1 m dally except- sunday hunday only lunday only uundoy only wie a ex fibxpress carrlod on all cars freight delivered dally by kpectal nxprsasi freigbl iexpraas or freight picked up let any address in toronto o it aonew agent acton for sale by d h lindsay mill btreet acton flqur and feed store pipe and pipe fittings for waterworks installing done gbargea reasonable also a quantity of dry kardwood for sale pumps engines grinders and fleury rollers also a 1ctj ijnk of farm implements chas e parker at the implement shop acton children cry for fletchers sti at rxsr a jiui1im fletcheis castoria is strictly a remedy for infanta and children foods are specially prepared for babies a babyto medicine is even nmro essential for baby remedies primarily prepared fox grownups are not interciutngeahle it was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of infants and children that brought castoria before the public after years of research and no claim has been nude for it that its use for ovor 30 yearg has not proven livhat is castoria castoria is a harmless snhstitnte for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its age is its guaranteo for more than thirty years it hag been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying fevcrlyhneea arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep the childrens comfort the mothers friend genuine casto r i a always bears the signature of in use for over jo years tlts ckntaun compamv nxwvook out acton creamery 1 it will prsunt uisrjte4 threat at the first symptoms of uoro throat which presages ulceration and inflam mation take a spoonful of dr thomas kolectrla ou add little sugar to it to make it palatable il will oilifjr tho irritation and prevent tho ulcera tion and swelling that are so psdnful thoso who were periodically subject to quinsy have thus made themselves immune to attaak bhare the 4ntere8tb of your employer it is the employee who gets enlnusi astio over his employers prosperity who is likely to hare it when we hear en 0nco boy fl kins proudly about the big business done by the firm he works for and showing a knowieflgo uf us concerns ontglda the circle of his own aotlvltloa we may fool assured that there is n boy who jtcontha right track those wl o iden tify then- interests with tlin tntcruste of the inn thoy serve are tbo helper 1 an employer nodgvox worth to him full market price paid for butter fat any small amount of cream will receive our best attention we will also pay spot cash for eggs open friday and saturday evenings best creaheby butter new lab egos and fresh buttermilk will now be supplied at i tub creamery every day acton creamery qo watson 6v wdues proprietors guelph business college training to advancement and success winter tscmjrom j a w havo a nuuilu r itookud fir ttint dute don t put it on guelph business college herald dido qualph ont a l bouck prln uptodate goods at a c speights silverware in tsblewaro fine variety also pino cutlery hardware tinware and g cam to ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stove every article is op excep tional valle c c speight millsrasvaetmi when you need boots shoes at any time buy from w williams mdi street acton famous for satisfactory footwear reasonable prices t5fe acton bakery call phono no 77 if you want a delicious loaf of bread or brown bread or a boston loaf steam loaf buns and rolls piea and all kinds of cookies and cakes also wedding cakes made baked or iced bread is your best food eat more op it phone 77 the wagson will call at your door m edwards co wnron ontarip m mere olosed every nlpht except fvl day and saturday etjw gun

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