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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1920, p. 5

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ww- syi r a tmijsi msmmitamrm i j marnbrr canadian weekly newspaper ainxulu tiiunbday drc13mi1nr a 1920 tub actok ihee imtfeis- i ptiiliwl evnrv thurday mora i the k mulming ulll stunt acton oulerio the iplhln prim is fjw per year in ailvanto iviaian u charged additional li rira in til- united mtafa the date v wlilfh scrlplun are p ii la iriiliiald on ll addtaaa lalial ir advkhtlhintl katkstn lift agate eairnnt lor tint iiiierlun ami j each aiilmnjitaitr iirmi cnlract dlaplajr j lactic of mum put iimupi 16 n tiaemenli without sixclic dlrcc charged atburdiiitfly v ii p moore edlior and publisher charged atburdiiitfly tkierilone4- edllmial and st itasldcnc i pr unci in r blerllfrnent or i oauh insertion- adver inserted till forbid am ir- editorial iaiiuicc8 for bod roads occidents at the last mcotlng uf the county council in accordance with tlio report of tho special committee appointed to consider claims for damages for acci dents on county roads it was ordered that choques should be issued as follows marshall campbell 2050 fran it jebrtson 2x25 jameaoconnor 7s a fourth claim received a few days previously from geo gordon for an accident to his motor truck on tho base line was left over to next meeting the com mittee to investigate it and report acton should he rot her well for tided if a few more german guns come from ottawa wo have three now they ore lino for quantity but rather indifferent as to nit lily compared with aome which have been sent to other centres in tho county have you ever noticed tho man who knocks most does tho least to improve the cause- he knocks think of this the ifcx time yoiiticflr a ihsnfillcixing the church tho town council tho board of trade or the fire brigade collitjgwood bulletin canadas exports of paper and pulp for the first n months of the- present fiscal- ycarwere 103 049481 as compared with 55009550 for the same period last year this is one of tho reasons for the high cost of paper to canadian newspapers percentiuze dcdactlon in prices the present reductions in prices expressed in percentages are not bo impressive as the percentages of increase were two or throe years ago the con sumer who used to read about 100 and even 200 per cent increases in the price of certain articles may not bo deeply stirred by news of a 50 per cent drop in cotton goodvor a 35 per cent cut in woollens but f ho reflects q moment ho wil realize that a 50 per cent cut is joxactlythebamffos a 100 per cent ad vance made when all goods went soaring with war prices court w of social service and kvanxellam ipl aaeutodlat churah toronto community betterment continued f roin tut vvoekv typkal caaudim villages of yawjssmey 1 hall oof deal la generalities but atull country village with which i wli wall acquainted h r aa- i have been abla to discover the hlatory of jrlbe aa epeciua in i boy at home on ray lather i farm so- it them two village la tynkalof hundred on of to tha gist f thes vlllagee in ita palmiest daya bad a population kaalbly of ihraa bundrd people in tbetvluag thic brothers bad settled una teb- had a carriage aliop making buggies vragoea elelgbs and exauducllng alao a general repair ebpp three or lour carpenters and aa miii black f ml tba war employ ndv all 1b krts that went into the manufacture pi thoe carriage war mad in that shop by those tnan from ilia raw material in iron and wood thay fashioned the t pokes tjl felloe tha huba tha urea of tba wbader tha aalaa th reach a tha jmaea tha polaa and the whloutroaa each nun waa ft acarl pfnotluonar in hla own trad- the cftrpcntera culd run a lathe uaa the dfawlmtl of abapo tha fcltoca lo the ctrcla of iba wheal tho blackantltb could forgo a l i weld irao or naaaajactnra bolta- another of tbasifalncra optra ud rah factory for tba manufacture of woodan liajjd iad in bind ln grain belor the generally in binding grain before t a ol th aallblndar utlcr and agga ta tlieaa thrco ctlng to jcenidiijaonr kdqcntion jpqptarip before any owner of a motor vehicle can secure a 1021 license ho will be obliged to answer on the application form whother or not his vhicio is equip- ped with an approved nonglaring headlight device jind if it is he must give the namo of the devlcohe yii using a suggestion has been made to change tho name ot the house of refuge of the counties of hal ton ail feel vtotthat ot ttiohamcjj or tkcared infirm this would perhaps sound better if not a n mi ottis ifl- yviuie arc accepted who are neither agjjdnor infirni thp fvnnty rnnrll htm glvwn mntonrrawwyai pbt1 z- mission t erect a monument tp the fallen- soldiers jfcjt thp- township tbo centre of thejntersection of jhp gudph and hoffatspeyside roads if trie site of 5ue01d elm tree crotsroad had been chosen it would ijwvo aised tnsnjr but the other sit is nearer the j- centre of the township municipal elections aro drawing near and right now is a good time to cast about for the very best ivauable council timber this is important tho wellheing of a municipality should be the aim of all uid tofbe a flrstclasscouncillor requires good judg- vlment unselfiatjpessandajubhc spirit tet there vjbe wise choice for each municipal seat n effort is being made by the bureau ot statis- tics at ottawa to gather all possible information re- mgarding the debt of the dominion the various pro- gvinces and municipalities and issue a comprehensive v statement along these lines rlt is interesting to note dominion has a debt of 2273811806 the ffc provinces have to nu debt of 323025054 outside fel- pi indirect liabilities and guarantees vv it is currently reported that burlington p to fchsve a 250000 race track this is a matter for sin- cflip regret halton county has beenfree from such atvf wjjghtlng influence heretofore if a racetrack is 3ffp the usiiai race track gambling and the 5 jnruences and conduct whjch always follow feiese institutions will inevitably follow this one j wh jn tha name ofcpmnionsense and of morality dcwthiigood proyin of ontario-pennitwithim- prttfgnitywnat the adjoining states of jmew york and michigan prohibit because of their blighting and im- braj tendencies havefrt ye sufflcient of evil in tjjtibdwb country to combat without permitting the jitlishment of race tracks iij attractthe blackleg jmmt trbm the border citieaofthc united states orbovio our jowils and cities c v municipal electlov matters will soon b to tho ijforoagaln a sweeping change has been made in bo act respecting municipal elections by the drury spvefnmcnt at the instigation of the labor- element rwat government the heretofore property quali- jjiwdon of a candidate has been discontinued and igovny householder- oij propertyowner who is a ibfltish subject and of age can be candidate for ny filvtlve pfflcc in the municipality with no further qnaliflcatipn necessary there should be no dearth of koindldates tho change was made inorder to enable 0ioot element to put their own candidates in the bimmorc frealy the new law will intensify the jsooessity forguardlng the moral qmallflcntiotiioftfie gidldatca wo should have clean lawabiding clti- ffipasourrepreseotjtrv ha worklngjnans candidate woufdbc anything vcjwhut an estimable citizen oak ville record v cj the country weekly newspaper ichfly jill the country papers have raised their ittbscription price from 150 toj 2 per vear this jajbeen made necessary through the increased cost publication in common with the city dailies and jadoahd publfctldns the country papera jlwtbeen brought face to face with a very serious w4lon nd haye been forced by self preservation toidcreast their subscription price it is tobe hoped wlfo be forced pwp p 1sdy therothwbeen a jgthyilstof papere toccd fntothe hndsbf the iyrvv wo matter how efficient city papers may bjshby ake- the- place of the country iwythere uj a persoriility and a flavor about the pt i town paper cannot be furnished by any tfw publication qrfearth to the people of thedls- jijrict it is guide philooopher and friend andto those ijpjnf away from thvold home centre its weekly pomjng lis welcomed like a message from an abi gjfidrpor tht mojbt iet countrj papers have ivervfce7nlghtng the battles oftho comi jwyijerye they see that the interests of tv rt and of tho trhi srp linked dp togoattluwt thomoatparttheyhflvobm warinr fm6d mpye ttfivolmhwftesffsirsorthe nmh the department ot education of ontario is evi dently determined that every boy and girl in ontario is fo recelvo a fair education whether the children or their parents like it or not hereafter all children ot school ago shall attend school regularly and lose rtoilme except througptllnessor otherlcealtciuhnisr parents who rieglcctto send their children regularly may bo brought before a magistrate and fined when pupils lose days oimf day it interferes with tho workof tho teachers and it is unfair to the progress of the children the fine that may bo im posed la from 500 to 2000 j indualriotta i in tie ctmn t- local preacher i lft mm wot hug at their own iradai i fairly welltodo and forty y unity all were prominent in lha round nd coarap graina fr t the nuili ul tbndfillaaa and country community conirlbutory lo a tworooiatij achoal looked after tins education of tba trillaga cl man who held that aehool lor twenty ycara and oadea balng tba vlllagi f tba trillaga children th prlnct- teacher ha wae an booond and raapacled cjli wttypacaaaa da ttat niunga lor many lb alftbli irtlir ill hilled tha raka- factory then tha hnrir ga t lnwerprlcrd hilar i or of lha oarrlagn hop of the village wtiihiilaph llf tnpi and an imthwtant rounlry aconotny and coawcjti indioflanr adrertllf tytllhyiaploete tbvpra iely diral trad ol tbo morl ell i hai bent dj rrug ahopa pro a iron a and buggiaa gradaall ui with tba cloalnjr of th oarrlagi abop went ada fall off andtiitally the ml nlnlal t of all achina- aatnad iba ahop went t dlaapocarwl th lh village had eerloualy dii and tba will gooja from uai tha el abraaet wf the lall off one y houaci took th place ilnraluccpcr larlreil pnicrprta and ll will tho decline ol lb ibp lootlgrfe abanilooed dy thla llaaa the population ull the declining trada of tha factor lea tp e a factory mada clothing and mailorder i lha goodff lnmiaht from the village atoro ijmibt- lb prolaaalon wit rloanl nd 1 far dlminl- iperlabccd achoot t rcaa who baa tbuuur vuua th a liar 1rtrttably on hundred ivillagb wcro a carpcqtsrahop a blaokantlth ah atore frniir brolheralortned a firm l bicklay hid will i wae the extent at the populalton at nny l a blaokantjthabop two ahocmakerv tw a over by raaa who where doara cblldcn are inlelkmof lemalning long in ilill money interests oppose moral interests there is no myth about the statement that both in canada and tho united states a powerful finan cially supported propaganda is being energetically waged by those interested in making money out of the liquor business mr t d jwccujlough secretary of tho- social service council at london ontario has iss a denial that temperance orkera are cbn- iemplalting the launching of a campaign agalnsf the use of tobacco he declares auch stories are set afloat for the purpose of turning the public against prnhmiunn mrmocullnugh nlltrfi that for m on tha backy pertain sections of the press has been ing letters ostensibly from persons who are in favor of the passing of legislation wljichwould prohibit the use of tobacco and that in reality such letters are written by thopuwicityagentsof thedistillers and brewers the tragedy of the hunting grounds little indeed did the editor of this journal think last week when he penned the article undor the above caption that before the paper was off the press ope of his warmest friends would be a victim of just such a tragic accident as had been dportrayed as occurring iall too frequently every season in the northland hunting grounds that a man 6t the type of highminded and useful citizen as t james moore the able city manager ocguelph should fallas aren stilt of alleged culpable carelessness of another hunt- er is a caldmity beyond words to describe because of the oftrecurring casualties of this character it would seem to be wisdom on the part of parliament to enact some drastic measure which would mete oul very severe punishment to those hunters who are p u c t ti -stj- cai c as t sarily be responsible for the death of others on the hunting grpunds have farni lids reached their peak price all over ontario are- reports of fapns changing hands which had changed owners within five years no previous period fnthe last thirty years at least witnessed so much activity in this respect as there has been in the last fow years fuxthcrmore npt since tho old barley jdaysv before mckinley an4 dingley tariffs barred the way to the american mar ket hayo farm lands in this province commanded such figures as they do today jit is probably within the morlc to say that prices ofordinary farm lands jn average mixed farming sections have advanced anywhere from 20 to 40 per acre in the last five years in sonie sections owing to special circum stances the- adyance has beeu stmgrater men wh6se memories go back fortyyears and more tell ofrarms jn this section sclliqg up to 100 and 120 an acre in days longpjast- after that land gradually sagged until finally similar- farms were slow of sale at q0 to 80 for some years past prices have heennrhorcorless steadily stiffening flrmoess being parriciilarlymarkcd the last threoofour years until now sales at q0 per acre and beyond for mbrely average land call forth no special comment 1 stt marys jpurrialargua dominion governments opposition to prohibition that the attitude of the- present government at ottawa is not overly sympathetic becomes more and tnore pyident ibefgro tho orden minlstiy went burprofficothqicinadaf act wa3sramend6d that any proyince which by a majority vote of ts electors decided against the im portation of liquor from abroad or from another province would be guarded against importation by bringing the provisions of the act into force four provinces nova scotia manitoba saskatchewan and alberta voted against importation- on october 25 it was generally supposed that ended tho matter and that at the expiry of sixty days the importation of liquor into these provinces for beverage purposes would cease now ottawa despatches inrimatoithat the law is rather uncertain and that with- reference to giyjn g effect to therecent tlta min of justice is preparing a special report representa tions have been made it appears that the date at which importation must cease is entirely in the div cretipn of the government it cannot cedse in less buj in thai ivrr nil uiiica iutpiw m tn initt nthwmsi and plaatcrcre poor or five day laborara lived jn die vlllag and worked lor ihafarntcra inlhe neighborhood not a verv important village aortal ft may b a id and not much loa when tho imlmlrlat revolution produced ita uauir reault in tranalrrrlnn nil theae irndae and indua- trie to lha town hut wall where are iba auoccaaora of theae village worker today t who are ihay and what ere they t i wlah 1 4 point onf that th tradcon i have nten lianad with th exception of ihf daiylabonra wr all naalar worfanten working in tha abopa which they owned their aucceaanra have joined tb ranka of thp antployeti or the unemployed aval lowed up in tba great lodualrtal atmy 1 ucantlc lom oaanttaot flrat of all tba change haa reaultcd in an tcononalc loia both to th rural dltrctud lothsnalliui atlargc tha couufry tbcn with tha vlllaga lla needed tba village u polled whether it wee lo ahoa oint or to aaalr v agar a needed iry men im iai vicaa wtileh tha mead a fork to attar pen food slow poi agre ni jnt the country auppllad on trip from th arm to lb vlllag wired a double pur pne of auppljr and demand durbtg the wnf tha tmrai and vuuga of canada ntmla t n matter of patriot inn to aid production by going out lo tha fame and helping ar haryenl thkt aervlca waa a regular thing in th vlllagea n ganeratioq a bo no patriot lw but lor ecooomy and nelghborrioaaa tho carpcnlvf ba blackamlth th l j the waaonb auapaodod their btir j regular thing in th vlltagaan generation a bo not for and nplghborllr t and helped tha famtera achoot teacher the ahoeinakere and t brr lalnaea during the buay olduaa indaiatrlbl meftwd mean a accn from my sarlhtal chudhoodv on- banutunl aunamar nornlntaatnan want into a cltaennara oau of golden wheat to out ami bind it five men with brain cradw over their anonldcra beaded by any father bad nndertaken to cut that ffllaen acre br aundown fin men with rabea qtetlhlr al hi m btnu itlitlmciji eul7 tha men included nclghlr of tbw wheat waa uut id atralntat flneeby uiccradleri lahl and aa laat j th wheat a lid from th taeth of thoc tier lt and village tradeapicn rwnth fter awath working in nnnelbn a 11 bills tho rakaa of tho blndcra wen there lo gatler it into ahaavea jt waa a beautiful acen the nnabining on the y allow grain the rythmic awing th cradlea the eliding fall of iba brain atalka upon tba taeth o the crndliln awllt motion of l be blndcra aa they mads tbo banda wdh xz v mi ffalu their j a day a toil but mu4 a the end sk it waa enlivened with lalcand eat and cheeryi rrtlng ihc woe k era paitaod of the awntb for moment reat or aai in the abade ol tha fenew corner at lunch lint the job wee triumphantly completed by tho end of iba day prwaent pornaag mtnatatoday on1on man with a acllhlndar big enongh aod horaea enough oan cut and bind luch field of r a la a a required ten atalwart men ta tlia day of primitive agriculture and the conomlata tbrbw up their hat and cheer tha good tlnta that haa come and tbe ving of labor that bat been nccompliabed by machanli cal invention and the cheapening of tb coat of production- but tbcro ha beat w avugnfuiornnwht -ehaapcnlng- of nv t tabov-baa- jaaply been-trajta- fcrrad and the coal ahfficd froan one item to another at the pretest jay in at cad of u bn f lhc tttreit w working in neighborly co in the field and tbo otbcptolnala aclolev for t d to cut the grain to nunnbunnr tbe mii binder oi sake iff parte andotbcr macbbuia to ntako part a of a of ihaaejfbindar and mebnl infinitum the m rka to makoparta of other ntacbwgtriat will be er are not working to tbe open ntctand aimahloe o j tha 4k at and the bongs of bird a in their ear the k in lha grime and tbe dnat in tb roar and tha din of the factory and men in tba open air and aunahtoa of the operation on man u in the fiew and tho ot bet haa to bo manufactund to cuttbe grain to mai otanufactnrcd to malte rv aanucibmm ia qiii hi pane ana uipr nwapni to nu that manufacture parta of tha eejfbioder and ao on ad infinitum the men who work machine lo the factories to mak parta of other nachbugtrit will be uaed to naabn parta of the selfbinder are not working to tbe open adctand ainaahloe of tba harvest field with tbe chirp ol tha crtckat and the songs of birds in their ears tbe work when they do work to lha grime and tbe dnat in tb roar and tho din of the factory and tbey aro not working in neighborly cooperation but in a diatruat and hatred of their rmployarsf and in growing diaoontcnl and entmnl again it the whole monatroua in dual rial ayatcnt dlatrtct social nod bciaaamk lnsvrtba upfhot- ofrf la thlai wheat cannot be praduoadaschaaply aa it could forty tfr ago awd th social wtmoapher in whkh lha work necessary to produce a huabcl ot wheat lacaaried on nan bocn poisoned for the phc could forty tfarv a a huabcl ol wheat iacaaried on baa bocn pnlac e of tbo harvest flw hat been rcpuoed by the atmoapbero of tha factocv 11 1 irt l- rrti i i put thla quet ion where la the ouuhlowd mcebnfc that used t be a pillar of the church and tender tn tbe community t th old whitehaired village ear pen i er come mind- ila waa a good carpenter he and hla neighbor tb blank smith mada a vat tba year in tbo year ibo whan my father bold out brw rctfi j wagon waa aofcl at auction or tfa my brother bonght ll and in nine year later my brother told the wagon again at bis a motion sal i yoti thla wttre father sold out brut retired j brot a good cltlaen ooi man ino a t erase ooy our i rem village carpenter taught us little boys m tha bnnday school it 1 not to lo- inferred that alltheaa village tradesmen were good men in tha orthodox rellgioub aeanoar sunday school toacbera variety ia the aplctt nf life- i ahouhluke to cjtaractcruf another ol our village mechanic of forty ytar ago but in thla inatanoo tnp xact peraonal description btighl causd tntchce tba auhbi qucatjon is ilhnr- an important paraoqaga today la important praonia todaj vulige under conaiderallon sur- comcn and tb church l ijr w no rj orty yara ago tha auh in c p enmunlty nny mlhra dlatant from th ho waslever known m- suffice tttn eat hejaas known by th minister and th- radcra as a wicked wretch somewhat prolan occa rtdcauraiiariwibtmi m with udt isbb whale the habit of confronting ihe preach e n cmtwrraaalng qucatioata about cain i believe wn warn favored with better- prepared st tb country church because of th presebcre wholesome regard for thla who might or might not be in the congregation obnoxious at h waa to th many oftbe grown men and moat of th boy secretly admired hint for thn roarago ol his opinlona i ruiaua k a ln el fraotur and a habit of atuturfoagate him nddl llonal indlvidnauty it rnayba n deploratde fact n view of hla mgularitlee but it i badly is my rnay be none th less th fact that he ndded to tha gayety ol the community and among tt that we hived h wa not the icaal he did not originally belong to tha communlly hut homekeeping wita a certain gjabiortnd myatcry ear- got indrvldnajhy aamva1ahalwhy detcrlb theae parson lodlriduar not machine beeaua thonr- respect devoting tbelr emits man a akill and sod were of a different social type from the farmer and by their rtlffsiaaiib enriched the social ilia or the district and liy their dcpartnrn uu community h been socially impoverished tbe bodal ijle of thm faraa also haa been unpovsrlsbad that naoeasailty follows n they ware men heloagliiriflthg cenmunitrlnvvery to lha community tbey wbeu do before kteni that tha bocui ik of tbe country resulted in making ufa h nerlsb i a a toll yt t ho factory r w 4 anaplantlng awvtceaw- th changewould be progreaa i rr rvlcntab than would b tho work on ihe farms but uu ao hot to men hon the thousand a and tens of uhiduihh ui uieu and wocnenwbo end trlun in a city and liver br oceupntkn called parasitic because they add nothing by their labors to tha materiavor fire of the nation nor can it im maintained that the ufa any way happier than that of tb worker in tba country ie sb bo ao ungeor ot uk thejbiew u established and it haa created n clasaoi people who can not and satisfaction in country ufe wo gr becombrr moep and morn an urbanminded people demand ins aa a sort of intoxication the ooeuhtlows and sallslacuoni of city i aerial tha town dombtnt 1 close tblbecrtal tr town donsbtant and he tsartetl vnhge with an in stance of rural depopulation similar to that with which tht berul ugrs rnrnl dpeablatm hs onurto figure a gfrenaj th opening u mi ottawa acbool by mr imli uinuter ol edacalon 4a tba aaoat a4lywquent thathiy tcmne ifreen any respoosibl sourc for nsaay days last r onurfo bad out of v total of fcyg rural schools five school e with an- average atteaxlance of one puput n achoala wlutut verage attendance of two m schoola with three school withfoun aehoole with- firet 4fv aehoole with ebi and schools on the flufa sa there were a hundred ndled to four to world i i- v t- j- n- wr bfteen scan farmer reiurnat to the townsbln wber he grw lnti ansnhood it hore north of codericb along four ntues ottha a ton road in hla- k and four cblldree attcadlng aehool the bnm5r had r what about it v yf th 1lkls of wliodustrial ytten i true yr going to do about it t machinery and tbrtonlortb have xonu to alai tua am bullr ftlull mm ana ah all mir lawrhluioo au1l a ii jivj anthhe cities are buit snail wc our induauhtlarealea and all go and ii inachucrrbuu down our cities d j band in the eounlrye edhtb for with theae chaos same lunges tl cftybrtd rural way o living j would be bintple meaautes but no rnacdlea for with t habltfl ami capability gnil chaiactcr of tb pejopu woam remgln the peipte cannot wrnnd farmer in a day nor can- they laarn th ru ntcrehr by being driven into the country t pi a p out th danger the prudent span foreteeth tha evil and htdeth hlmaelf the aimpla paaa on and are punished- the two tbemes the jtmvn domioaar and the desert ad vuuge dnat with tacts emerfiitone and sy a tern tbey nrenot n irrgumcnv so much hi potatofyrew win u t blaaamrlt is idu to blarn claases much naor po to hume individual tor a system which has received national eadoranlion no claaacspltajist laborer or farmer cast rightly point to another and r thou art thnun thn farmers have tpecuutediu town lots instead of lav w ting their burplue r arm and the condition a otrnral uvlng tney have en- bandoo lha conatry hie i ao directly g indlreetly by occupation and by falling to give their young people opportunities ii and n roted for prol actio rightly pol r aarninga in improving tba coureged tbalr children to die pa ragtnv their owaoco gocba pti that are beginning to bo twilcaabia some degree of maiiery ot equality it essential to suceaa and o utlsiactum and content the individual mlnglnto markela controlled by organisations combines u la hefphtss wlthnowonl to say in the price either ol what the tyranny nf tba market baa drivaft many a good rm ftaafchrfij9fiwfj heyfaln for ihe far 14 unvlhr enit selling wilf remove pn haye r during the tailustrul ii b klf kwbu altogetho dstlrabhv this uhf cuss oonaclauanasala hav i- r j o the farm farmer jy fain for ihe farmers the power to bargain woftiawrd r thg result has tn some nteaiure already onurlo in outness baa lent is notified of fropi l altoaethe detlrabu this new class- oonaciouaetesaja havh l claaa pride a pride ol catling the aucce etf the united f iticat adreumrn haa been udden andeodrptchioas and this vlng good 1 farmer of cents plcu than xyfo nonlha fter the govqrnment the rea the referendum in- the various provinces r fyars to be no requirement that prohl- huoyhtioh shall come into effect within tbo agents of the liquor t raffle 1 niblo technicalities in the way tjiaw into effect it jj tempernnco throughout v i royernmehjthat thpy r iljiii- ottawa always iv ivllatri of the temper- answer jbo4- f ot been mccorapubhed one bear amoni aciaubneia ifn effect tn eras ting he polltl- cnla new interest and importance to country people nod country are bogiemlngto aca thai fonntry lite haopportuiiltitni ndarvmntagb hitherto wnanfpacted il is a cooaiimmatlost deroutly to be wlahad that the new else consciouao amoni the farmsre will continue to emphasis the interests satisfaction and inpotfancnof country uu in order to oefsst lha urban tastes and urban way of thinking which haver doeahni tad ao tong wem i0 pyine auggeatloalf el a wnatruetiv kind cevtaf medial j arucle which offrfa so much detlsct tleliint aesthmi catruciivncrltl is not pretended thst the pg- tn place ell indi ti labor and capital in the open town footing industries a equal baala with other indu tries jy toanoourag rural organ i sat ion for butbteas and even for political purpoees slytetceswc- u ood not is t -t- or the good ottbe oatloo ukewlse ro foster j ioef agrl 47 to ailtkat agalnaj cjs andof unvit bvinmmry tliasn reforms woukt bring abotit a change ig t- ry life by community organisation ru niltbral re search and iosirtctioet intba acboota sum coucwa rural credit nretpo7tbmorthe belting of csga ov cdncalona and social meal more than mere phonograph yottr dexuloo on tbg quajity of tha torn and youll pl chooeo rihu your btjncuoa like thst tl utv ouwbertnj uxxisa wul be tba uvutviwitk not because wo ggy bo but bncaum a cktnouratk on ttu gupet- intrtruinent wfll esornrbion you rthe bruoawidt method of reproductjon a truemea dam tom in ofhe laatyumertts omm two etuaawn jtam nant phonograph i j jnt alxr wood oval iioenuult uke violin it errtw fro t dom rrosu all metal and its oval shape comply with the cceptd lawn of acourtk it n and projects raualcal tooca with a purity power and awejctnem that la worutcrful in luellke fidelity 2 the alirecord aixnsgdu- ultona puy aix record cojutectly with the exact eight exrect dipbram nd exnet noodle hothlnc to take on or put on x mere twiet c urn errurt l drurukks are bcaroe this xtrtaa place your order oow gjt your xiruu brunswick at i frank king phone 254 georgetown buaines directory thos 6nav m dc m mcqill i 1u0 p- evllnburglt i k v v b olsuurow uamlni- ilrlllah uadl- j aawocflati offlw yradarloh mr t aeton ont or j a mcwivum pftyaiolnn and surgeon offloa and itaaidanna coninr lower avenue and elgin htrwota thn roeld- tnos rormarfy ooouplnd by l u han- demon aoton ont dr e j nelsorj phyalalan aeton ont nr mill offloa anil laldlljp iui nnd krcfwiiik hlrixla olbo lloilrn 2 lo p mi p rm i 7 dr c p w noas qsargtlown otlt hpaclnt pftenlloh lo 11 woman nnd children uud vminmr phono mo 99 o flog 3h habou3 nasii parme m a barrister solicitor notary public convanyaneer etc perrvman block acton ont money to xku iotinv30 un to u put dental qjr sale i commicerl on tuesday novera- ber 1 6th and continues until pecember 16 everything in our store reduced to prices that are jlound to attract your attention we are only listing a few of than hrr conie and see wvoutfjelf- positively stirythjnrr in ou stoije bedtwed llloachwt undunbtanchnd coln 10o par yard off whlta flnmiolrue 30 luahrw wld per yard u soo whjta vlnnnololtn 30 inchnn wide per vitro 27o striped and idork v uuinpleue 3 inch en vrlda imr- yartl 2so striped suid dark kutntiojalui so inchea jvrldei r ynprl fan tnalotinon regular prloosl9 for ctis tmblo wipan rwirular prion h00 or tabln elnsn regular prion h60 tor u all curtain tioodn print j aalatenn cunghama chambrayn k shirt in all klndn 78o s1j5 10a par yarel off ovorajla and smocln rogulur e37gand 300 fur bhoapakln li nod coatg rblar 15300 for r mena natural wool underwear regular is2 for mens lubbod ttrtrterwodr regular lb0 and 1175 or ofong jneocej- lined underwear regular 1135 or boys flnooctllnejl tjndorwear rwarttl ladic underwear children underwoai cotton spool aolllnjc- onch wloe per yard off 7o pr yard off 10o par yard off m 9soj0q c a tu e- f 1 only qoatitobo regular ss300 for 1 only ttobo rogular prlco fio00 for 8 only itoboa roirular price 100 for uittg b r 76c for a- t bwo 3so par oarment off soo to soo par oarmoni 10a 1b4 13joo 3so par pair off mens lawes and childrentsshoes und ladlasj shoen 1a 75c to 100 off 2so to 60a off my chlldronn bhoea mnna heavy rubber ortr jtubbeirbm- 76o pew- pair off 20o per pair off groceries tcnvrefrahir 70d aound ror7 anka ten regular 76c for com starch and laundry starch g pqnkagentor loemoitnjtd orange peel resular 70e for saodlesui jlaleinn roatulor seo for rroeded roiiilrm 2 paekajren tor ooper an ff 67o r sso corn flakea and jpont toaatleet a packajcea for r soap all kln 10 oakeu fo uatchost regrular 4de 3 for ctieoan regular 0o a pound for cl ss pound pallg of ilenui slock food for 7o s7o sso this sale is for cash r l gordon oring persona greeting cards beautiful emblematic i christmas designs arlisueauy uuugtaphed nd steel cut your nome nmuj- printed in scripts fine plate cmti wih eirvcjopea to match good- cholce of dcslgna no 1 no 2 no3 ldoi 175 200 25 2 doz 375 425 3 dpi nip 500 600 4toi 5j85 625 7js5 ordert once before assprtmentt isbroken dr j m bell d d s l d i dantlai honor qraduata of toronto unlvwr lty tho lataatai natheuo xwed u dsbtjtwd ofseo at rwaldaooa cornar kalu suid rrawjeriok slreala miscellaneous marftraob licenses h p hoorav lanuar marriaoa lloaneea privmto ofnoe no wltnoaatan re- qulrad tawqes t talcwemh in avanlna inm paasm ofooo aeton out fna hunan sseokbirklar aooount book of all lclodn made lo ordor perlodlcaja of every dearer lp- uon cmrofullr bound ruung- neatly and promptly done wyndham btreet- oualph ont over wllluimn storo rvkerr lletanaad auotionear far tho comium of halton wolllng- tou inml and dufferln and the city of ouelpb aoton ontario saleej may be sirrmiwod by mall ob at realdenoa at acton or at i the free preeai offloo aoton n tba afarotrry ofooe quelph tbo newareooris ifonrua or with w j oordon ilarneaa alaker ifjiubtirat saltov entruatpd to il j knrr re- eelv attention from date of i la ting to data or eaje uc your ealoe with me ree4rre sowar- avarm acten phone ik aeton call at pur tqxptuum roy hindlev auctioneer tuvifl btockv ixxtaxt kfltath amd memchantmbio cormolldautl phone erir 4t 11 r- r s a0ton j e gheeyijrs book binder- ouabeo st m oualph ont dooka and rtutsoolneau bound id handaonio and rubatantlsja oovern naunea lettered in void on hiblea 4xymn booke and other booka all work promptly eaaeuud d alex ntven ontario land surveyor and civil en o i nee r- surroya bubalvlalonit plana rte- porta doaciiptlona dlueprlnta etc cavtiaoatea for purchnaern and mortxaaeea rurveya for architect builder and atunlclpal counolbr dialnaaa beporta ttaupaatea oto metltan building douala- at atjbffjph pbona 10m oni grand trunk lysff the double traclt route montbhai toronto li detroit ohioaqo jnxctlu4 dtnln or rvlo gomplda if on njiht train nnd parlor car on drlnolpal day tralna vull incormatlon from any oran tmnk tlokat rjctnl w o m itomln jdutrlot pnaaaiar acont toronto h a holmes aient aoton ont phon it wi- ismmiiiias thu old md reliable oniiito and mafw dealers hrvarai- manulatutr dreot importarn ot all klnda of tonuamaua auatonteraat wholeaale ivloati lna our quatomava 40 per cent we have the beat appliajioaa and tta onhr meohanioa la th dominion who ao operata pnauaiauo tool property va can- alw ratacejaoaa from hundreda of our ovnttmw la toronto and otber plaoea hara ouiew havra to bata law arulta in ordel- to ooiufot we havw the laxawat ana ivat atook of qrantta m tha dominion or mora than wty three deaatega ta tb waajl vf are itatlu- mata dfjalara and employ no aaanta audbvaot annoy or deal eusrtontara by wendtaa put lanorant ajtenu aollolt- pia o we aiaploy only triaobanloa ana did aoupettuotv bltvllton opt3 lenrwtoi riatob staamcak iflfi5wviytii

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