Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 16, 1920, p. 3

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r 1 a- zwie arton jfr phfl f- friiujiflday dkokmnion le 1920 wlftfer qaroervlnq whn tho adow l drifting deep with the eold wind blow in that11 the time to plan the way voull start your aacdon growlnr thatll ttte lime to plot yotir around hlltlns by the lire cuvlnv nil tho crops the spaaa thoir demand reipilro iattuos hore cuofimlwri tliore cabbages notetoeu xjmn bsans end cantaloupe iladlsheat tomalooa golden bantam corn of jrours taaaats fair uplifting now the time to plot the ground while the know le drifting let ilia howling bllsurdm blow i tores behind ami studying need catalogue you dont need to mind em i ian your garden now if you wont to beat your neighbor then there will be only need of inecssant labor the interview was much mora for- ni iri jnnn ba g tt ofi course he had felt no oertalnty of miourlng the position he had not px tented to be made unoomfortable mr duma was rmiaoua almost to the point of gruftnese there sesraeo to john there woo aoma thing almost contemp tuous in his air as he looked over the referenoea from the boys taachsr and hie former employer john waaa little surprised at the nm fhl 11t had told hlmuir that the position waamorv than he oould hope for and that although ha woo id make the application becnum- it wu foolish to lose a uoot thing tor lack of trying he rnunt not sat his heart on aue- oeedlns- hut lit aplte of his preparing himself to be rejected bis philosophy wna not equal to the strain ar he answered mr burns questions he was minacious that his heart was growing heavier and heavier till it seemed al most a doad weight nut at the end of the interview mr hums did not tell him flatly that he would not do bit down there he um rvmjlftfe t llie room wmol john had quitted tor the momentous interview walt till 1 see you again the half dosen other applicants for the position gfanced with evident ourloslty at john as he returned from the room to which he hod been sum moned and again took nlgseal curtis was the next to bo called to the august preaonee and he went blithely wlth nf mrf ttat was nharaatertatlo of curtis just short of a awagger in a little over five minutes lie was back again scowling darkly what did he say to your he baked pausing by johns chair y- lot much of nnytltlns j net told me to wait ye he told mo to wait toojlut my time is too valuable forslttlrf around waiting forfhptasure us acts aslf ho were piytng me a uilary already exclaimed cmtla rathcre angrily and had a right to give me as curtis slammed out of the room someone brought the message to young alden that- mr burns would gee him next aldens interview was brief and ho came eut wearing an expression of the utmost dejection rile told me to wait he said paus ing by johns chair and peaking in a confidential undertone but whats the use j knew in half a minute i didnt have a chance the last of the six applicants to too called into mr slums private office came out with an ais- of being la a hurry snatched at his tutt and vati- lahed through the outer door without ijdngdack over th years wo hay llvad every one of us may recall things we wlati wcliad dorto differ ently wc have not always done our best or used our opportunities to best advantage hut we all remember men and women who have lived amongst us who seem never to have failed to do their level beat with everythliuf hey yrundertopktod- w i wlthths-hs-oths- mornlng when i called at the russfl otc and the editor related to me a little incident which he said my oatoaifuirlan friend peter aiubons who if retired nnd enjoying his old age lit the comfortable homo on what capt burnsused always to call hope hill at the head of frederick street told him the oilier day hay octogen arian is right isnt itt you know since i quit plowing and began to writs- have thought it looked well to try and throw in a big word once in a white mary suvs im too much ilka the oolored folk in thlu respect i that my big- words dont always 3w t anywuy the kitg ontw t some of the jawbreakers i learned in the old linhles grammar about xty years ago or mt and what i meant when i used thao big six syllabled fellow about my llfolong friend peter was that ho is now in the 10 to soyeacold class i well this is what iheeditor iom roe mr aibbons said to him bay oldmi icdjtow- ogja afword or lftckward look and than john became aware of mr burn went to any more the speight wag- stanblng in the doorway and looking were just as good as the tamcs k i stonslng in the doorway and looking about him qulgglcalty wlwe are all the others t he inquired whr they dtdnt wait mr bums hoi suppose you step this woy john complied as again he found himself in mr burns private oraoe he was awaro of peculiar unbending in the mans manner a suggestloi smile hovered about his lips in ms ey was the ghost of a twinkle why did the other boys leave wonder i said the same thing to you all i john fouttd mr burns looking at htm as if ho expected a reply x suppoee he said hesitatingly they thought there wasnt much cbanoe aiid youthouatjnlur chancca were good apparently to johns aatonlshmenf he found htmself chuckling well not exaet- ly hi owned- buw didnt nmonto give tip beaten till i had to moment by moment mr burns was growing more human let me see he said your pome is john web ster yes sir this is a salesmans position for which you are applying john and salesman do not always have smooth aalllng they meet with discourage ments veiy often and the fellow who urat-equal-ta-meettn- hulmwtlt inake a failure of ajobof this sort mr burns watsictually smiling now and john siiuiestartlcd at hs own daring gave nlav fnls smile taaak im not ahray qult suoh a tartar as 1 seemed mr bursa sold pleasant- ry but- there is -no- use employing in this position a fellow who loeaa heart when he is snubbed you alone ntrththftverooa thtstest now when can you go to worktr- hlmern corr sj jy local agent for torn pletonjs rheiuttatla capsules and raamah for asthma says these two vtondand remedies are selling better every day jlior what you think the- peapjawiio always say just what they think seem mostiyta have mighty unpleasant thoughts quoted ffdlth with a hue wry twut of her lip i maw cousin sllmortripplng down the wojktivo minutes ago laughed helen she has been paying you r visit and exercising what she oonsld- or her ppeolol privilege of saying just what she- think- of course her though would be in regard to short- comings khe neve think of things that are io ones credit its a little way of those who have a mhwlon q qy w they th j mhrmureirrsjdlth ahwooiiv nedover all the things i ought not to have done the opportuntuea 1 had lat sllprand she made me fee suoh e useless oumbsrer of the ground that h nonsense dear cried helen doiit at that worry yoti ife only coushi kllnara way oh prldek her- ihiar she aways picks out be rflaws and thinks jtboutthem i notice the ilea of couklnailnor making you with your busy useful days fer like a cumberar of the ground wouldfa helen vt an see ut itjingjakitn m lotcoftunshine qui or yoar jialf oll mlhd 4mat odualnjmlfxrbikinnd saysj prw does nindrnd the unkind- hesg anfl injusuoe of thecals eshmate nljrtafalmoatajmuch as jf thechu- clsm hadeentnerltedl v f person who pride- themselvemluimtn savins jiwtwhat hy ilnk should when he sold that johrtbpclght add matthew fiwann made good furniture in that anop of- theirs where donald slnetalr is now so busy my father had them make two tables for him there pretty nearly seventy years ago onewas a block cherry and the other a blrdseye maple father cut down the cherry and the raaplo trees on the old farm over in dublin requeslng brought oe best of the logs to speight jt awann and asked thorn to make the tables they whipsawed the logs into lumber and after h was vail seasoned made the tables they turned the lege dressed and polished the top and leaves and when finished my fathor was greatly pleased with their handv worr- thatitr wawell dono rhuvtr just dropped in to tell you mr editor because you will naturally be interest ed as mr speight was your father-in- law for i atll have those two tables in dally use in my home tho cherry table is- as good as the day it was made the blcdseye maple onn hi aluo in good condition except thiitthe hinges on one of the jeavos has got a little woak i suppose the hardware old man bonxle sold to the young cabi net makers was not as good as the work they put on these tables and gone during all the years i farmed my speight waggons did all my teaming john speight did every piece of work be turned out in the very beat way he fcnewtkow speaking of capt burns who lived where peter gibbon now lives minds me of another phaso of the old days the burns owned a lot of pro perty here- thoy had the dave ryder farm and two or three below it on the third line capu tom burns jived with capt- allan during his days in thcormyhe had learned to jove hot scotch too welt and it wo mere than capt aluneouid do tq manage jilro the bottlo hed be allowed to get down at mcdonalds or benxtes or at one of the taverns once or twjoa a week would only last him a day pr two when the bottla wasempty the thiret went right on capt allan honestf tried to keep hlra tn but capt tom would hurry off the bock vrayovarto fells tavern where the station h6tel lsnowrand in an hour or so would havo o toe carried homo to hone bi1l i rebau one day it must be i4arly nlxtyr years ago when thi doughty capt allan determined hed kfep hla thirsty foliowoltlcer in the house when one of these unqiertchsblo thirsts had selxed him and to that end -bad- jilddsn wa boots -and- etoh ingfli but uncle tom was not to be thwarted by any such subterfuge he wanted a drink andjie wanted it bud and he determined hed have it plyly he walked out f the backdoor and as jytyootofthe side gate to frederick- street jle was seen barct footed nd all nlelnghleway overto bill bells bar he got his sqppjy of grog and barefooted hewandsdl hlaasrayl jiame again as best ho could- happy and befuddled but not so much overseas that he oould pot grin at- the other captain bavlnrput oni over nnhlm that time capt tom finally went to rest and was burled beside his kindred in the old burying ground behind knox church oq main street well rnnlshed up 4he old zonas adams house lust week in that i i mentioned robert ijlnghum and family as resldenu- there thirty years ago tho paper wits hardly off- the press when a telegram reached friends here saying that mr bingham had passedaway at the homo of hie son wesley in saskatchewan anlntlmat tlon was also received that mrs ding- 3uun is seriously 111 at the home of her daughter mrs w baldwin ot hault te marie buch is ufa the histoid of the longest- lived family epasvx aatly the earns as tho ending- of tho biblical- biography of motliuslah and ji died- r the next lot on main street to the znau adams house rndjojsswus the pxo4exiypurclmsedbyjtfnmpelght the blacksmith jabout elxvyaevon years ago that part of tho property on which noblo mclame houuo and lawn and- blacksmith shop are now located was part- of the adams or- chard speights original blacksmuti hh sffisis ivliw i ir- oiiiiio h tnhmitk uy m shop was south of the agnes street thjs part lot the orcltardtflrnsthe cot- tago built by mrspelgm for his fore man dave willlamaoji after he mar- rtvd idsalo wms ifwas very com fortablo and happy home and obn- venktnt to the ohop aftemavebought the mcjphersonfarm in nassagaweya and left the blkero thing jm mo- xamt who had- marrlev ufosy mllno and had followed davewllliamson as mlkrf speight foreman moved into this housev hs jlvcd there forogoed many- yeam bought but u old po improved the residence and won many friends- and a good measure ofpfosi perlt hls brother nobloauocoedm ifilm in this home through enlarge- tpent and the addlupn ofmodern im- noyemrts andomfvwll mrs noble malrftm and family have onebf the most comfortable homes in town i i- when mlehael speight was engaged in blackstnlthlng in acton the busi ness wan an enargntla one tho lum ber mills nt st malena bpeyalda and smiths were in fill swing and most of the lumber was teamed to acton with tlte teams engaged it meant much wqrk for the blacksmiths in th una days thore were generally as many as four blacksmith hhons in anton and nil were busy portynvo fifty years ago mr speight built tho shop now owned by noble motlam it was equipped with a htoam engine trip hammer iower drilla and other machinery a the time it was regarded as tho best shop in hattoh the speight waggon was then at the height of its popularity johnmode the woodwork mike ironed off the waggons and samuel painted them the speight shops were hives of hnduetry in the course of time mike decided to go hack o his boy hoods home at markham where the simlght manuvacturlng company op erated by three other brothers was doing a big bualnces bughty or one hundred men wre employed and mike took the management of the black- smlthlng find of tho- business when mr speight moved to markham all the mfimlmr bin family hut hlaaon qharlle went with hlmj- charlie spent the whole- of hie sixtyodd yijars in acfon mrs alice fieury the eld est daughter returned here four years nico from markham so that the- two eldeat memlrs of the family rido in tho town which is their birthplace tile other three daughters reside at lamalng on young street near tor ortto a nntrtt nrnovc- when michael speight tetlped croo bu h james mdam lourht the alto p tenia arfd good wlll he was a good blacksmith popular with the patrons of the shop and conducted the busi ness until obliged through illhealth to retire during bis many years as proprietor of th ohop he not only did a large general buxlnesa but also filled many orders for messrs beard mo re a co during the construction their tanneries in the way of building iron nsrrlar chains braces brackets and other heavy iron work mr melsm sold out tf james anderson who had been blacksmlthlng at ttden mills for some years after cflllp yfla m anne mill with a aerious accident in a train wreck and h in turn disposed of th business to n p mclam svlio had been nilllng a responsible ponltlun in the blacksmlthlng department of tho o t it- car works at london noble still conducts the bualheaa and has proven himself one of the best black smiths who ever wielded a hammer or shod a horse in this oldest black- tin shop nrxcuni 1 what stories might bo related f onneatlon with the history of thlti old shop the many fine hones shod the accidents with nervous and unruly animals the incidents and anecdotes iodat the- side c of- the forgo when formers- have been waiting for their waggons to be repaired or their plow points sharpened or their horses shod the pride with which young farmers and teajnsters have gone odt with their new lumber waggons or new bobsleighs or new buggies and cut tera for these latter wore made as vrelpas the more sturdy waggons knd sleighs how we remember mike speight with his merry ways and- all the- men and apprentices who worked with him and afterward to every one of them might be attached i terns of interest and qualities of moril how memories of boyhood cluster about the old smithy with its ringing anvils and jts- ehowers of sparks and its muck- smiths brawny musolos and well- sklllsd -eyas- and- hands and whore the lad who has not loved tololteral tho blacksmiths forge and nnvllf ooodbye old shop and your days of auld long yne prohibition and poison see what the dry law doebleays the scoffer as he polntsto the haed- lines recounung a growing death list from indulgence in beverages with poisonous kick but the scorrer 1 wrong this not the result of the dry law this is the result of years of licensed liquor selling the saloon created appetite which are now seeking satif faction in a ciulcker poison than it used to provide the wood alcohol victim ut the product pf the dayawhea whiskey wag plentlful h prohibition must be judged not by what it can do for those whose appo- tites were formed undelc tho old re gimealthough many of uieso may be helped but by what 11 wll for the rising generation and for generations to coma we cannot eradicate the appetite where it has been acquired but we can prevent its acquirement by mllllortk of young americana who wlllgrow tt manhood and womanhood in a sa ponies land chicago jfivon- ingpost the mqdern newspaper thcmwlern newspaper with its vast circulation and wldo appeal li crttla of the time a mirror h of the mrment it is thf bcnoclmastor of the world butlt la more than that h is ran everkindly friend a staltnch nndcertaln help in trouble it reaches to every corner of the land etrotcblng apt the hand of comradeship toevery fswifknamsmdreverjreqttdserrtjttr thejrar its power was invaluable it brought the last pr crumb of com fort to many in the knowledge-oon- voyed hy soma pictured trinket that even in death they were hut forgotten the- universal knuwledgo that publi city brings makes all mankind our friend it la the lodestar of olvlliig tlonxondo palfyfilxpreas t tart with bavlna can the people who- believe that this wqrld is a very unsatlo factory place are generally those whoare living sel fishly but as sooaas onesets out to make this wprlda ood place for someone elaevhls dlssauafactlon wltlr his own location grows speedily less cheer up someone who is sick anil depressed stnd you will discover that ihe skirts bluer than you ever thought k- comfort a grjeved chlldf and you hlfoa1aqoval warmth tnthe sun shine make this- a good yoridfoi- wmebody elao and your perironar rea sons for dlsruitucaatlon will disappear graduullyn err- many mothers con teatlfy- o the virtue of mother- oraves worm jsxr terminator because the know from experience how yoaful it is hot aib a8 apoli8her minqmr aij tho marvels of frlqtlon arelnflntte tho use of the sandblast for polish ing metalibi an instance in point- as is that of a mnottof simple hot air ji m the velocity that gives the pouahr in fjower the articles to be treated areplaoed in a basket in acencrl- fugal fhachino driven at avery high igpeed and heated air is bjownfrdm a plltethrough the basket a high itoilah is thus nrodiibedaryraptdh nickel- plated articles thathave bsoome tarn- inhed rlre made bright lfi a tpw minutes w tnetal fresh- frmithe hath peods rio preliminary drying far the current of olrdme and polulea atthtj same rdoment it is only neqeeaary so to pkok the arucles that tho air reaobss weaijds the erpryop aankacoolint this in the uiirt story of a girls hank account how it grew from a small beginning to a vtiry reapeatahle itlse arid how anlfrespeotand the whaioy some habit of thrift rew with it we will call the girl mary smith though that is not htr name she la avmi ono of a great many girls who o extravagant because thoughtless she has h good imsltlon but up to a year ago she had never saved a penny there wcrp bo man things which she wanted pretty things which she could buywlth herown money and have no qualms of conscience but someway her own money didnt last long after she had earned it in fact it standing joko in the office where mary worked thoj he was always out of funds three daya before her salary due and then np one oquld cut the comers oloeqr than mary smith i one day thajpapers printed an ai nouncement from tho savings banks of the city that they would add flfty oentm to ttvery savings account which remained wjtb them a year at a time when mary still pad money in her purse and more in fun than in onrftit he said j fsros wbor 1 get some exl monvfklrl im going to start savings account just on purpose to tr n whnn hnlf dollar ft- when she made her deposit of two dollars the bank presented her n tiny model- of itself to use savings lank she was also given a bank book inscribed with hsr noma and the amount of her deposit she looked at it she felt rather of its also or lack of it putting the httt jjankpn her dresser she sat down to study bow ahe was to get anything tq put into it this mary smith w ho wosal wy s outof funds before pay day came atlust she doolded that when she wanted to buy somnlhlng and went without it inuteod the prion should go into the savings bank and enough the very next night the price of u box of candy tinkled into a place of safoty as he was about to buy it one of the girls had aald vyoure eating too much candy mary better out it out until your complexion clours up a little the nnxt item of saving had more merit in it mary liked fine shoes and when tho new stocks were dls played in the windows she made up nnr iiiuiuttmrstin jost mmtnavelt new pair she was actually inside the htorc door when something made her think of the little bank on her drrsser and an old pair of shoes in her nloset wtjioh her mother had said would be an good aa new with new soles and heels and a good shin the new shoes werea temptation imt she managed to- get out of the store with their price still in her purse mt iniq nir oanu new ma txwmir repairs pn the old shoes and when tho amount was transferred to marys bank book she was much better satis- fled with the showing mary lived ten blocks from the office where she ifbrked usually shegot up so late that shehadjut time for a hasty break fasfr- and n run to the car a little thought showed her that if she would get up half hour earlier she could save her carfare by walking and imi in hatter trim for bar 4aye work she made up her mind too that oho did not absolutely need to see a movie every day of her life sho could use all that were really worth while and still save a neat utile sum forher baiikaficount because she was spending her own money mary had unconsciously form ed littler luxurious habits which were more expensive than nece 8hv found though that she oould still wash her own hair and wave it too shtf could also care for her nails as well ns anyone at the beauty shop although it was very pleasant to sit back and have all these things done tor her but the silver saved from the cash register in the beauty 8 chinked melodiously into- the little bank and mary smith- loju nothing from the trim daintiness which is glrlx greateet charm perhaps the most remarkable change was in mary estimate of htalf when she was living through those lean throe days hefore pay day ihe bad always been ashamed of herself as an improvident creature too weak willed to resist the temptation to extrava gance her self respect rose with her bank account she began to plan ahead targerthlngs and better thing than had been passible in the old days of easy spending by tho end of the- yearshe had little- over one hundred dollars in the nonk not counting the largess of fifty cental she took a pleasant trip- dur ing hpr twoweeks vacation and had v artjodsuedtitmiteggieft she now entering hor second year a patron oth4savlngr bank she wears better clothes and takes better cure ot them thanks to leas candy and more exercise she has better health and so la better looking she la more intelligent having- thought out for herself thlngg which attect her as a wageearner and a capitalist a rest of all ehe knows without belnr vain or conceited that mary smith has grown stronger in the will power which is the basis ofetaaraptert that she in no longer the creature of clr- oumstauce the servant at her on whlmc shehagti good deal to dotn alinplng those circumstances and as for whims eho hm gotten bravely over them and knows the reasons for what she chooses to da ah because sho wanted to get fifty cents which aha didnt have to earn no only in part thoughtlessly she took a step in the right direction and that set her to thinking thought did the resfc ci-j- j r no hoed to suffer with oorns jor to run the risk of paring them remove thtpv urely and painlessly with hoi- loways corn remover rrasonable ambition do noi invite disappointment by srttlng youp hsur on- tho impossible if your feature- are plain and yrrar skirt eoarso dorriotlet youfaetf tfeam of turning fntoboauly by he help nf some maglo beauufier a h tmt make your ambition a reasonable ma consutent with possibility a hun dred bright hoys of jlfteen should all datermlne today to be president of tho united statea it would be impose ible far nil to realise that- ambition andvthelr poraeverapoe andiete atjon and ability no matter how ex traordinary could not alter the facts in the case but if each of these boys should determine to be a prominent useful citlseh only his own lack pf persistence could keep him from at- talnlnjr that goal thoughtke wll lir almoafai mlraole- worher it la limited by the possible if you have po mpuloal ear it is use- leas to aspire to be a vioimu- if you lack literary taste you cannot be a u ocean ira writer certain qualities are necessary- for suooeag n any tine and your ambition should be defined thecl feepgn yourself but when onoe yom tiave fettled the direction of your effort as defined- arid limited by your nature then tho question how for you will go dfpenda almost entirely on your own dewrmltlftyori thedrug habit and intoxicants prohibition decreases both s veniried statibticb estabubh statement it la commonly rumored that t hern has been an increase of drug addiction since the oomlng of prohibition even the ii is nop of durham hasallowed himself to make the statement in extreme lerma and opponents of prohibition make the most of his statement hut u there any truth i the atoryt there certainly i has bttan an increaae in the drugtraffio espectally- in- canada during the last ten years the increase was terrible but 1 was it before orslnoe the coming of prohibition 7 this is- the issue during thelsat twelve years the consumption of noroatlo drug has been increasing in nearly vary i ctvtllxsd country and this is easily u- c off increased availability many people who felt no inducement whue the hypodetrnia needle had to be used were strongly appealed to when narcotic drug became available in a form which allowed thelruae as snun thatncrease in the united rtates was so appalling chat the per capita consumption- of these drugs in lt was twelve times greater than in the worst tcuropesn countries and fifty time greater than um beat this discovery led to drastic legula- tlon which bad two results pirsvtbe traino was diverted to canadian ports with a view to a t canada into the united- htates second it tended to send the more 4 the ignlficanoe of the first statement is seen when one remembers that drugs costing twelve dollars on ounce in montreal could be- sold in chicago at sixty dollars an ounce and ths meaning of the second le recognised in view of the fact that in british columbia where the tneraeaed traffic was said to be eerlousth police report that seventyfive per cent of par sons arrested for violation of the drug act wer aliens but the essential fact u that this diver nlon of the truiqo and its addicts to canada took place some years befere any prevlnee had adapted prohibition people mutt be on guard against fabricated tatltiu l firh r i asal tured an article copied from the new york times in which the arrests under thess acts for itlb lilt and 1110 were compared with startling results rut a competent lnvestlga- tor quickly discovered hlat the 1vs0 figures were- fabricated by combining those cor 1i1s and lltj and furthar the returns sold to refer to arrests for dmg using were in reality the number of analysis of drugs made in the jboord of health xabratory nug addiction aria irh hablla fftfmori 1 are the least one serious aspect of the drug- habit is the intense dealre of the addict to in- duos others to share the- experience and one of the chief factors in starting the use is a desire to- escape the feeling of the mornlnar ofter the night before it is therefore no sur j prise to learn that about ninety per cent of the women addicts are of the prostitute class alcoholism is far more likely than abstlnene to induce the drug habit meoicau testimony dr dean bevahexvrealdsrit of the ameri- can medical assoctstton signs the following i it u eaul tbatbt tbbtraailtkia period a few ptraaii cat off ffom the mm of ateobot aava rauricd to drti ii ubatltot but if m it t alraplr a tcmsarrt7 suttarana due to to l traaalllon itprathe n el aleehol to preblbijloei and ihe numtxr el tbtav cm i very aiall la- dud eomparcd wllb the nnmbtri thtirre bsda drag ddrl by la iree um o alcobo la the slat an official of the canadian federal bureau of health last winter gave out the statement that ninetyfive per cent of tho drugs which enter canada come to montreal which is not sue- peeted of being a specially dry city and that most of the remainder come through other quebec points this fact does not mean that the drugs were consumed in that district but is related to the price available in chicago and buffalo changes following prohibition it would be too much to claim that prphibltloa kills the drug habit but the facts grbt striking onhugh for instance in the great bellevus hospital new york the ward for drug addicts has been closed since the dawn of prohibition btsewbere the united states commlaalooerof irsalth r s copeland who had established a drug clinic closed it raying there are not enough drug addicts now to keep the place open dr raymond ftelb- the superintendent of the mattawon stat hospital roapjmsod authority on the subject with great caution reporta tam oonvlnoed that thestatementa whlfih the liquor intereate tnotude in their pro- paganda to the effect that drug addiction in creases enormously when dry lawa come into p community are very much overestimated i have seen no substantiation of the statement and very much doubt its authenticity it- looks ox if thja were another cose of empty but nasty hearsay still more positively the editor of the journal of the american medical association declares that there uj noovldqnoe to show that any ln- eream in drug usage took place slneo prohlbl- tlon came into effect questions sent to vt9vy druggist in british columbia elicited unanimous assertions that they had found no indications of increased use of narootlo drugs uor of in creased demand for suoh since the advent of prohibition yet you hear on all side in that province the confident assertion bveryone says that there is a terrible im-reasa- in drug- using i since prohibition came just so skilful pro- paganda has lnfiltratedthe popular ml ad until the silliest rumor will be retailed by everybody giving some other everybody as author of the statement this same trick is being played all over canada- canadian experience t the awakened public interest in the drug evil led during recent years to greater efficiency in the police action for con trolling it and oonso- quently more arrests of drug tradero at the last sesalon ot the federal parliament drastic legislation was enacted which the federal health authorities believe will eliminate the troubles that oorae to us as the result of the united sjates traffio being turned to our coasts yet the drug ofilosr of tho american- inland reyenuo department asserts thgt dope using is decreasing net increasing and while the consumption there is falling off the trafflb through canada is declining still mors rapidly tiers are the canadian government returns of imports of aarcotlo drugs rlo endlav parted endiai june tats jumaiss t cocaine mtsoaa soaoas- morphine lllblosa ltloss opium 7tll s iros in plain words the tranlc in canada has fallen off since prohibition to the extent of between utyslx and eightyseven per oett yet silly people say that there is appalling increase in the use of drugs slnoe prohibition came into force and the new act had hot come into effect when utese figures wgrs prepared mens work shoes boys school shoes may be had rom quality lowest prices repair i no x i have jusvinstalled a i new power machlie for repairing satisfaction guaranteed nsw premise arthurb- block tecabbon to ydiir chrittma shopping now pltrc clell i pceaeryed asald only in i sealed airtight packets rm used in mullons ot tep6ts daily qrowincl gooseberries oooaebertfas tcqulmun oien airy situation and- clean nullum tho topj must be kept well thin nod out to in- sure goodafrult they should be dnuui edlwlth iwellcampoated mnnunv and no weeds should be allowed to grow in the rows these precautions are necessary to ward off mildew littlfci things v a orumb will fnrxt a little blrd r a tliouglit prevent ui angry word a tend bring forth full many a fiowdr- a drop of join firntllh ashower t a uulntiloud tho aim will hide w a dwurf may prove a giants guide j f a narrow plank a safe bridge form a amlle mi mo cheoreaa spirit winertotnanployiwentrbimrt many men now available for farm work a large ntnaer of um mm have had farm experience and their eervkea un noay available at moderate wages with board farmers who our usefully employ one or two of these men at thfo time wfltbe frenderine a service to the community as well aa to uiemselvcavi bdany farmer have repairs and other odd jobs which havebeeai put off for years on account of the high coal of labor yhja mhjht be a rood time to tret caught up with work of this nature farmers uesiring help please communicate wrni voun ukjaij njapnboentatnrj and state the nature of the work and wages you are willing to pay r r fleming agrieultural jpnreaaitatlve mnon- i ontario what giftcan yod mare to your family that will be received better than a bell piano or player piano try it this christmas and see how they i show their appreciation guelph ontario personal greeting cards beautiptll embjematic christmas designs artistically lithographed and fjtetl sh ypurl name neatly printed in text or scripts pino paa oard with envelopes to match good phtef ptusnai nol no 2 no 3 ldo w7s 200 2j5 2 dor 375 a2 3 dor 4doz wisr w29- 500 625 600 1 7js tsrder at onqerbflspre assortment is mrrjorbn the acton free press actonont iplllte

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