j- v- vvos s- v ty fortysixth year no 27 100 per ybar acton ontario thursdatmo 162o sj01n unltbfd btatba single copies five ccnta the methodist church acton rev i m mover paitor personage willow at lla m huhjoct and andrew 38j l m sunday school 7 p m hnlijopt jmii the worlds iiojhj now vtmrn nnnnn bkttlfrl tiiw nbw yisaw ahiotit come and worship prior to stocktaking a decisive saije op rnox church acton nev w l findlav b a minister willow street p witho vnhin of time beoin tiih njcw yi2ar- riaht public worhiiip vjui nblp vou new advertisements no 4 hoots and skates a if wold at one apply to jam kb matthrwh jr parlor cook stove for sale a tiovoralm art parlor coolc for nolo a bargain for prompt nolo ap ply at lot i con 3 erin or to 3rhd ntdrit phono 3lr3s 1l it no j acton notice to tree depredators the parti who cut a number or christmas tree on my fum and took them away on a hand car will plea call and settle wi further iiotlrv w nw w laj rtjuiy onjnnownt joifn iieinnbtt crewaons cornel men every single irice at the nelson store and at the main store r a a weve hul ih rioubla p ttcc ifio quality and holding down the price and now we have the burden of bearing reductions where therd was no room- to make them three grain grinders for bale 1 lehtlncb pinto maple lqof chqp- tyrr 10inch plate jollletto chopper nd l 11inch plate maple leaf chop- par all working as good an when now i for particular apply mtf paul s kknnedy r r no 4 aoton houses for sale why not buy a house in acton with all of lt advantagest so houses ranging from 860 to j 6000 a nam- berof good bulldiuriout ask n j jcbiik iteal estate aiient 17tf sowar avanua acton notice to trespassers public notice in hereby siven that persons tranpaanlnk on lota so from the sixth to the movent concession of nossaoawoya by hoountr or otherwise will bo praaoctitad thin notice la riven tor protection as i have wood cutters at work in ttiatbush 373 uoiin uknkett government positions 8 toady demand for competent in i ihspeotor flshorles welcpts and measures iactorum immlsratlon also 1 customs excise hallway mall pot omce all rrodes write for partlou- lars how to aecure competency i cawapiaw civrx 8brv1ch insvixutb correapondenca box sos toroolo viljaagb ob acton notice t investors tno publlo ore hereby notified that the new ihhuo of acton municipal do- bentures for 70000 nro now on sale- interest denominations 1000 600 and odd amounts interest run froni jooeraber 21 1810 debentures run from l to soyourtjeroapective purchssenr apptyto j n anderson or anyua mceacliorn canvoanern or to z7x il n farmer treahureri to the electors op e8que8inq vour vote and inllueno are kindly bolldiud for fj jajor g o brawn for councillor v wrail mvhry kucctoil a happtt nhw year tom rumley general blacksmith and i woodwqrkel promptness and emlclenoy jmr motto snoolal attention t to horesahoetnjr and wheels agent for the fanioim tleury plows tours for buainpss corner mill 8t and parktavev near the mill wojejeclanid nevktv ears eve a rigtt to happiness a jof1 production- tarrlnr dorothyphnilpji ill 7 inew veahy day mtln and night wool collofl straaht by 03all klnir thd author of iporth- bound recently hown tatnr eyioll toronov pomedy inew i tufeodayv juabv f j hanry atarrlnjr chkrlaa bay- byo buleodo u of- the third bnub yollartloomedy 1 vcomjno thofiovenaoof taraani suit prices changed as p0uows reg 25 now 2050 reg 30 now i 2450 reg 35- and 38vnow 27s reg 40 and 45now 35 reg 50 andmd now l 4475 reg 65 to 75 now szm reg 85 now 6000 overcoax3 regular 35 to 85 uiviaea into snigroups at the following bargain pricest at 25 af 2975 at 3650 at 4475 52 at 60 ad the mens hats socks and many fe of caps fui men audllo irtany other lines or furnishings too at imraenoe prjce redoctlona x well say nothing further about such values this week but you will when you see them i womens coatsbresses mlixtnery fuba etc at immense reductions also d e macdonald bros ltd jsoelpxtsxeading and largest store wyndhirm miwiiffnrryriiml rantin fflrftb -t- goelpb ont- new year we still have our christmas tafbes at the same special price reg 40c tor 29c special assorted chocolates reg 50c for 43c if cold or hungry whueattherinfc dont forget there is a lunch counter in the large room with a fire placeinit- jtylejeeii grocery aiidi olckeyy fefl9kpbs jjje v of local import vhnlbht ssrwlesat sl albaia vat tie reqaest of eertal mamlx ofthe ttoimrrecatlon there will be wmftchnlaftiti senfjoo- at 8t albans churein n tryt pommeno- lnirt pta andowdlodlns shortlr after mldnuht appropriate hymns uie jutny tthort mdoros and thp ioly communion will nnqtha serrlee i ic township cevijlloiv rmuithitlen v members of uie bsquieslns township qoiwcn reoeld the foliow- ins romunerftito tbrj tbelr serrloes tor the year ty is00 per day nd raria for meetlnca and tor niperintendjnif jdjs traeta sod laspeotllis rojulsr j 1 ndt tt for 3t doutyneve bto w j t hamp shire 7j0i jmnet4odovll 1170 k c thompson 7ti0 beeve stand lsntusoeoolredljaftr attendlns board of health hmttlnc i lj i the busy feet oflse never tn actons hlstorywas there fer auch a pleihora of christinas mall nutter at acton post office a during the christmas wees of if 10 rrerjr inoomlns moll brothht urge quotas or mall jnatter and ovety outrolnc mall tsob fads of letters cards end psreels all inslls were handled by the etsff with sraufylns promptitude the thanks of the com ity are due to tho pelnstaklna and oblhilns efforts ot the stsflt tttay- were op duty from 7j0 a m till t p m each day last week the busy people enascod were postmaster matthews j chester maftthewa miss pern brown and james matthews jr an ideal christmas day j iliqew huvs ibe wea apj sneral conditions more fully contri buted to st ideal chrlsbnas day than was experienced in thul section or the province last satarday with ovo lnche of soft newlyfallen snow a sweet wintry temperatnre of twenty decrees of frost and brhrbt sanshlne prevavnr all throuajb the day the current cordial seasons rreetlns merry christmas orfortyriveypatb thefre press has ear after year lextendtd codialncwyei5b wisheo to its reders vrdjte onr iiumtr of rcadcni fa larger iodav itq j ipre we haye conotdcxably fewer of u origiiialeaib- scrilrers o fortyfive years an to whop our new yearb wisncb go oat than at any preyions new year eason to those who remain of our first readers la the years of lb7ff and 1876 we extend oar blnoereet saluuuons vve had many happy 7fn valitjt llfesi pathway tokether bji we s1eejn all burjsttb- scribers aa pereonal friends and to every one there jeocsforih thla mornino the free pre veryjbeat wfaheafora v happy and prosperous s nbwykarv reeve barber is r aih mpy council jeremiah ijed h denny wl mullin and qtepbenpordiner are the coandnore appropriate and slnoora tju uas o the many fpsicr murky days of november and december waa most marked and welcomr the christinas of lfllo will ion bo remembered and wll always be eharacterlsed as that christinas of the beautiful oldfashion ed christmas weather with lot of anowand sunshine all day the hlah sehool a heme the annual hjsh school at home was held on thursday evpnuui of last week and was unusually well attended each year the nutntmof expuplls ncreasen the function aeemsto crow n popularity the proararome or drills sonca the echool paper dia logues und selections by the school orchestra contributed a very enjoy able eypnn entertabuntwt mr cheater punk was the very capable chairman at hlspart the nrd- gramme after tese numbers a series promenade were endubjedln and the musical students of ue wenool in turnplayed the piano far these a very dainty lunch was served at an interval ist the promenades a roost enjoyable even in was spent by those who had the rood fortune to be in vited to this annual eatertalammit pro vided by the slcb sohoor students and teachers sunday 0hool ckristrnss rally the attendance at the chhtmas rally day service in the methodist sunday sahonl fau1 sunday was the larsest of the year the order of sesvtoo was one of uhoanal latareec iulnoluded lantern vlowsof mbfcwnr cnrlstfhas carol shown by micat brown during- which mr sl jeora ba of toronto vft a ayrfiipals of stoy so dear to thechndren rev dr moore f toronto toldvfals srandpa story ana- made an- pddress which the school greatly enjoyed the white aifts orrarlns vu taken and it amounted to iu040 this has alnoa been nusmented by 9s7 front crew- ons comers sunday bcbool the orchestra was a foafure of the sarvloa in addition to he reaular membersr mr charles laaabn kucheher mr bert mason anm hut daughter mum muriel of llrantford mr amos mason f alton and lr w o c kennwauid mrbrneat brown toronto took port with cornets and trombone mdvlollns the school was prettily deocrfated s the occasion impressive masonla installation the instauatlon of thwomters of wwlkcr ilodffe a f a m a h c no 321 on monday evening the fes tival a sl john tho hvaiureust was most imitresslva and interesting wt bcoc mcintosh p mof qhawo was- the install ins tnaster ills ohargec and lectures brought out in beautiful and helpful review the out standing- principles of the virtues and benefit of the masonle craft the ancera for the ensulna year- ware in stalled as follows 1 m w brow j reld w mwnro i o king- awbro n p molom j wvbro d mctaylsh a duro c moffat- j d bro john jk clark secretery w bro jt acmeppnakj treaaurer y- brocjohii kcnne chaplin w bn- tl if opar l x onrogyatlalea j tylec bfo- wl-ifeojiey- t- br h bro alef soaqd j brbro j xaoallfw r p- o otf hrp w t goopaa i at the cqnclupn q- the cerejqflny very cordial rasotuu4noflhankalq bro molntosh was passed the i brethren were ill pleased to havow i bro mcintosh moke this offlolal ylslt i jo his mother iodge i fevwerden henry cook drape dead wo a can- i dldate for re- election td thnblre i vllle council henry wv cook dropped i dead at the public meeting following nomination at atreetaville monday i ovenlng he apok for tew minutes j only when without warning hs col- i lopaed mr cook hadjbmna member lor the villa council for thpst six years for many years mr cook farmed in trafalgar townshjp rsttr ring to etrectavihe ten years ago- irwfilla n trafalgar he served forakntt tlma reeve of tpo tcjrbalupv fnd n irpb was warden it theoountrhoc hlton hojra for nyyers a director of th halonfilstlranca coixl- i pony mr cook sttendedltmeetia of the insurance company board in i acton last thursday andapperod- to be in cipellent health at the dinner- rendered by prealdept ftd hrgwfllspe j insurance commnyvbu ltuacijn usf thuvidsy stid appiaftd to fee in excellent health at thadlitnertend- ered by president and mrs wanaoe sv j flashy at tnslr home here thda3 of the noveniber m6elns mr cooks uc- l president took charge isr the toaatwllsl and was respeotaliy tutppr in nls capo- city of chairman ntadeatn leavasa sadbiattk in u ssjavt a ueu hyw w jaoutr hvdro commibbionenb actois municipal council foriopl is elected without an elecubn as fol lows b reeve okoroe babbbr councillors jerbmiahbjktx stephen- cobdlnicn j ii denny w li vullin the nominations below show that three candidates were nominated for the iteeveahtpfitmy barber and councillors arnold and icoze ton fwo latter retired mor councillors ton candidates were proposed but only the four abovo qualified sk eitisenw were nominated for the newly created commission of ihoso only two put in their qualification the hydro commission will therefore be composed of rbwa barqbr okorqb hyndb wj aouux par school trustees she were nomv inatad it was announced at firt that only throe were required but on mon day c a speight who has been a member for years and who had one year of his term unexpired put in his resignation four candidates i quall- flsdasvfoltoi vjtik damblej i oborob mann rtoib macponaxab nobbult mophbrson 1tmsfc- have ben doolared elected it wkll be nooessory at tho first meeting- for these trusteeseleot to cast lots t determine which aboil complete c cspelghts uoaxplrsd term- the trustee bord has the advan tage of the councji inasmuch as only two or the six members are new tuenr messrm aamble and maodonald in j the case 6f the counoll beev barber alone was a ntembex lastryeafj massr bsll- sjadxmnnybave each apent a yem members in previous councu but messraj cordlner and mullin have had nomtnlclnal experl- lea these is considerable disappointment that counolllors arnold coxe and bumsard did not 7 accept nomination their reelection waawall assured and any of them would have given itaeva barber a hot run for the reeve- hip the hydro commission starts out well manned mri hynds nast ex- perfenoa 1u be of much value in the administration of ihis important utility and mr goulds business traln- lngwlllalo be of advontogi nominations there ws a ajatllvmglncreas of 5 uyndaqkpnoeyproposedbv nl mcpherson stconded ayai b alo- jan t jftsiu j jf proposed byjr h penny seconded by s tordfner foe 8okoiltrutaw it coopdllwillijamptonisad by stephen cordlner seoonded by j h denny r 1 oamblb vnank proposed by n p mclan seconded by w h- walker- i 1 malvrakonqevproposed by nomlnatlgn for nfumclpal positions en monday ularge attendance is proof pf this promjitir at twelve oclock municipal clcjjuarmer announced that be wasrvrepared tp raceuwnqm- loatlona jor the afflces ojc beefo conn- olllora hydrft cdmmuuilanerss school trustee tbfi allowing nomhtaftan yfn made v for reava arnold vfumam proposed yv h wulkcr keppndl hy ft j ltomahaw ilanuel qborqspronoel by vvorprs aeponfled ty jeremiah bcll 1- j- t iscfloa djr h aaropoed by wj oould seopiided bynp mclam rffov cbufielller j arnold william prouobca by robert mcpherson seconded by n rsmrbes x moniow aboitaib ftproposed by npbusoott seoolided by wm t uulun j j ldelli jbrronahrpibdsedby oeorgit barber neoonded byn forbes jc02pa dk h a- proposed by k j hafsard seconded by r j nam- 6 coripinbr stephen tro- ixwed byn porbcs aooondefl by jare- nfah befii- dbnly 1iknjiy proposed by jeremiah bellnrcobded ty nv forbesi t kkinnby by jervmlsh bell seconded byjas svmon mullin wllsdampropoaed by jommsymon seconded by robt efcific- j- rf hamfltuw james proposed walei rl sepondsd by rj wal yecv v 10 ibcott xtobdrtrftopose1 by james aeoondedby hj forbes r for hydro copamlulonsra irpwnatpvnomd ww pkelacn wcopdedby dr ii a coxn 3 wni- anivkpropoed by jeremiah belt seconded by james syinon ripqoxa w jprdposed by j j cooheyv secondodbyjtenry awrey i hmnperson 0liaillbjs-rpro- potidy ooorgo barbery secmldedby nfotbeav cl h m mo- lean r 1 4 mcdonat2 nbilpro posed by wr blar seconded by atkinson 1 c mcpherson robert pro posed by l m- moyer seconded by jeremiah bell scott nobortproposed by a t brown seconded hyw waikdrt s the- annual publlo meeting pt cltlsens wherathe memtfwof tha past year give anaecouht of their stewardship and candidates make their pledges for publlorfornuincev wafnr some reason ncglscted- tobe held r of our clthxmqpmt v out of tovrn iwtas fhappr cnlbtmab mr majviiv sopor was home frotn aueiph mr bertmowat was borne from pctrplla misehasel agnow was home from toronto mrs jamemolam 1 her front- toronto miss bertie smith was home from toronto v 1 t llas kathleen front toronto qibbons la home mr and mrs a a knight plllnd- sayanddr d m qc torohto spent christmas with mr mid mrs malcolnvmefjean buwcravenuer 7y t mrand mrnfa anthony and mr and mrs w anthony of- oeorg townspeit chrlatmas jwltli mrand mrs- bbwuson bowur avenub mjntvt james moore and mis pearl ofljjuelph spent chrllmn and cofiplo qf ijays aftarwardwlth mr and mrsj johnr kennedy anil family iir pa macleah t watford speutrlslipurkbre mrnmuclaan and saiino have boon vlhtltighero returned uwaubnl with him cm moii- idayjr- v f tt vja ool claude qray whohaabcen hero wnrhl mttier jiri orayand hut mother and f foia wkstufnd tov1i 1 day j fmrawl h stewart ibbm mor guerite- and bllsloand whllonii5 v- jtoberccdmbuprrmmiitun thursday e higlf school i atorne vrdmi j ja qamblo ijr b jrvmejudrrmargmrct stewart tanuvd the funeral of their tinolo jjr jampbeltat -sliver- creek of wlllowdale have been ijueots atthe homes otthelri slater fjndrbrotm i bsqueainq following v nomlnfctoowar tho fonpbbvb 4ohnil elliott thos coks dbpirry rkeyk w j 1 hamp- shira fred thompson cbunciltors james mcdowell major a o brown fred morrison w q appleby rh hunter b t rarpaclougb alejcjoe r cmocjii- joughthomos irooa georgetown reeveleltov p- cotinciuors donald mturityro j- c rush wni memliun w c antnony council reeleetcil r school troiitoaklrkmrgmr aret kennedy j m moore mrmm t v y milton t i for mooor el f borl t ar-tum- ahaw for roeve e- syrvj w blaln vot councillors jvo ball cordon maanabb fc robinsonjohp maxtoda li chamber oeorge f smlllle john irving r if butehln- abn t 0ramhawchariefl j jutai oregor frank pearen john ml mkck kenxle for hydro commualoner w b clements elected j fox school trustoasrlorth ward mrs bella oorham w jmoclenahan bast ward h- wilkinson elected south ward w e mccroady mrs alice dewar s z for maiiiprty davis walter whittaker4fprjlaeva qeorgn hui er by aoclaniatlon deputy reeve w n robinson by acclamatioa counclllorsr r hart p w chambers thomas shields t w sloan w u wilkinson a 6 blflttei w mokay f w meek ward price w a malrs or jb meike vfiuer whlttaker thomas ablotolock 8 f wiflln for water and- light com- mlsslotvartliur hllmier whtlam whlttaker thos a blakelook l mn nitiml nell idtjnahb and ehlldren vlj ted friends nt hamtltoiu i mr jack mcnuvert was home frop jroronofor lh rrltma vacation air nrttmrsbl mbpre and jooe- word at ooracroft miss laura aklnav letillastr 4wk w- saglnaw mich to rult reatltes there wu ihffi pmcanmcnitoehi ot lopdon visited at the old home here mrj and mrrii ksjt mr btrnndor apd11ekmwrc at fergus mhw elisabeth orrui houdayui with her friend mlssnlnsieaire at freel- ton kehnwjiyvof jsjnt anne spent cmstmashblfdaya at his homo here j v- mleluod lmyruobrilaaf toronto are vtsltlngt at their hmrxi here t drj and mrs samervlue of halter- bury wsrsi guests at the old- home -farrai-w-w- c i mr and mbii wren are vlsttlnv friends in seofortb and other points- fail spent christmas vrtlh ouelph t ii j- ilssjrmie of j ouelph spent the holidays with mr and mrs a- t brown t- j j aflsijeste bescoby- of mil ton spent tlitf weekend atthe home of mr ooo agnew- mrs jennie mcdougall and sons spent the- holidays w5th friends lo toronto ii mr iti brown was home fron lajniiton v mrajphp stephenson sjid miss josle ot toronto spent he holidays in the old homei sj j mrjaeonceanewof the staff of the merchant bankv afford i was homoifor j mrj johnbray of r toronto spent ohrlitmas-wjth- his brqthtri dr oray andfamlly m siid mrs jcainpbey clark of men ford vera gueu of mr and mrs wiqpuid 2jtf j mr indmnvap croft and donald pcurham were 1 gneata at mr p macdonaldsv 1 i- 1 v v isri and mrs wlluom thompson oeorgtrtown were gusots of mrsnd mrs royarnold v mus violet and blxater albert 1111 twttnwtmi1 aatav4 ui j a- t eramosa v for reevorw a blekleson fon councillors ao faote henry- bunley archie mcneb and whuam barbep all by aeclamattnn town shi iteoy alex foleon aoelomatlon velph fownshif reeve hugh b cameron- and sumuel hooney remains aajournod unttt- s p ni wednesday january ur 19kl-t- herald flev dr moofs in the home chuva tim vbld adage ia hrophetl not tvlthoutlionor sav in hls own country never npplfps when- bovi t albert moore ddof toronto comes to preuch in his l hnmq- church last sunday dr moore occupied the pulptt of the methodist church both morning and evening and was oordlally- weloomed by tho congregations while his discourses were christmas tone they a most interesting way to the work of the church ovor which be presldea bvaiigellam andbo 8ervlpithi tfecurn bomeilfor orphan tcblldreh the rescue of way ward girls and placing- ujem in hetters w4ierv they arei surrountted wlut chrljtian influence many pathetic inadontesrpwlhkoutaf personal ex- perieooesilrihl vrork wdro graphlcailr dv0orlliedtyjr moore tho opngra- mflott mado- a llbtraj oherltur for the jri mr ilebery whjiam of was omefor chnsteiaa mrs annie somervlllo i vuiunrii frlenflmn hamilton u yft fl mr xjnten kiheywa home from t toronto for christmas j f i 9 fj mr andrew and mlis vera wbiglns rare home frp m toronid mlas margaret kennedy w home rrom toronto for christmas f mr dan van norman zngersoll wnii a visitor in- town on tuaday mr and mrs 0 hqrown spent the holiday with toronto relative 1 wrn tfinnlri msiihsw aid mi mjdrdwre trti frjlmtoronto j9ihnacvtchrlstnu mr and mrs bmest culp were sneateatjthn- yeibcmi- tupp ur johnp scorrow and doris and ojadyavlalted relaurejiln tomnto- mis mhainray wswwrfilli x b onoblamiu thelmo mr co- tier hiss annie collier mis v innls andmrmlfortcomey spent chrstv townv of neirvx4rk mr mlchaeaobrlen of chfcasodand miss jtein obrien of albion- and jdlss alldil brft3bf bene tinguish one ii mr mrs il roy wansbrougn rand mrs oordcm jtacikay and y citlldjcnof r rmnkday and childrenof rockw6d althspnm4stmas at the eoma oflt- vvaiuliroagb mr jos qsjnblo crawsans camera ka mlqar andwhlldr nssaaawevf- arrm hw r 1 nyrmap and cbjjdrendue ipb and mrs jllsvot torcnho tnt cbxutmos at vbi brtlmary jklqeryonusalhuuit supcrtntipndpijiv ot uip hospital at fcdl- llhwooovspjtchrltmas athor lrao jiara uef mother mrs aloe jdcpuer im on reuirned tpcolungwoodwthher jrtalttrpr a few days jj v jnmjribert maiondtwf mjuel of jfttford mr and mrs cborh ma4pnand mlin eleanor of kltehfncr arid- mr and hii amos mason ot alton spoht tho holidays atfjio imtrerilal homo here lmdarttovontostar had ikjrtralts bfmrj sdmnlj j c rossv of aurora wtu calebrated tliolr golden wedding mygtpunastmooro reaij ufaflwfffr vwrortyryoat- t rx jjwlwjjx wosaanwhoil 1m been in tha qentralhospltul tor- v qntoe5wwokla to bo operated 7 orij ijiqrtlyjjfor esoopthclniii otro er nujtsjrou friends hecs wljl hope for mr lakes speedy recoveryr mr w b mterac cochrane who fy nnriiiaftd thtnwyhv farm onthatbjwl line elh is nora for a few weckg bis family hasboenbnr thji ptacnfpfsomo tlino and jbbwlll remoyij his effectefrqmcdchniijiota the new hdinaln the sprtns j mejmuhhtxson stitnlsir ruiisoll were homo from their cap- vain tour mr rubbou thd dfetlncuon bfwthiilh ho macxjeon tdlluuf priio of jsopo for uutblggcst weeks buslhesaaf any j cajivaaaec of the conipttriyln canada s sjwp f- ch7cohtteponinooiia witl- tarla durln vwh1ci lojigikirlod w cohtlnuoualy folwmtunbors the cariadlap pre association wire fence bonuses rj at the closing niooy n of esfltioiln council rottboyeor tho fotlowlmf bonusesvror wire fences ero pufd j diveretuix 1115 ocorgo irvlriir m5 rhjoyco bluott bb0 peter pcdiye 1000 wanoiony 160o pr lindsay b0jupcah waldlo llbop jc nqllo itlbov j- khudiwll rimf oeorge billon ielflwni cole l4mi arkitconeru7teaw it t over th weeknd- t ximi w- black jiloo lijt ljlj tiv vrperoy ay tt waa here fronj- tor onto last thursday attending- tliajugs schooj at homarl mr- and mrs c a mcintosh and arahthava befn spending holldnys with acton rebiuve mr- charlm a a matthews of toronto spent cttristmaa day with his grandparents ndr mt and mrs park j dllts ot ames colorado ore apendhurttio holidays jt tbearentetbomt re mrs- james moore anjt mis clara spent christmas with mtvand mrs charles il moore dundaa mr- jack- kennedy of detroit ju- rived home last friday to spend ai week at his father home tmlss mary vannltter of oeorgfl- tnm spent sundayat the home of her unclomr rbbersuennettt lltllrold andjuts olive mowat of torotite and spend he chrlatmas vacation at thefrhamci here misses margaret bennett and ruby clark of toronto are holidaying at their respocfve homes here mr a c campbell who removed to fergus lastfali has now gone to stoonsvllle his former homo and oafra r i orecory and leslie went tooiean n ttp spend infants pady pound at oeargetewn jtlio- ttody of a newlyborn baby boy 7wus round on tho radial track just west of the town by thqseotlyn men on tuesday mornln the body wb nudonnd covered only with news papers wofghted down with atones chief melvlh was notined and took charge of the body county crown attorney dick- and coroner macoll were notified and an inquest ordered a jury was empannclldd on tuesday evening of which r j hynds was appointed foreman and after vlewlnavlthe holiday inmr aregorvs old tho remalis anjournod unttt- s pv in home- misses vltaaslxvquna- arid malde partrldga of qualph vlsltod their friend misarmitymopbarwh iae wpek v 1 v 4 mr wjlhamwaldio of brgridon man is at the home of hta father mr alex waldle and enjoyln thsvlal ftomhe old homo mr x hughsehor aeoigwtoirri and mr o- b bell of ouelph were visitors nt the home of mr h by wluni dhnathowk mr cyrua stafford of apelph and his brojhor aivs ofstj thomas spent monday j tn lanswiiui acquajnnoe with acteh rrtend j t trffrrmra fc m henderson ken i tibtir- and david vf oal mijk i hblldaypi wlthafon arid oilier acton- friend i mv william ilippu of rprool houste arrived on awuuftasleve to sivend a few daya with hi daughter jr tevim moywv s mlss annlo mfiddaugn iand mr archlo ofe csthlwlnos ora gueata vir worlr- flftfhla important d4lmrtinart 6 ttiilrtunolb andauota alrllalaa pr8 mr w jit qava polloo mtuilstle pwliuiiibinwhoyraaf6r prty-r- i- yrs 180 to itaujhadi aaven lirtdltor of ti eojebrato jhis urrqw- jifj- cckjlhepltn in proud umijdl- 1 union eek of prayer serylee t arrmriaemeiita havftbeen moilo fc s union services in tho melhotlhit uiid preahvterlon churches during tlio week of prayer riext wcokt itheiw wulbommence on tuesday eventlmt januavy 4 and will bewbed in the methodist church i on tuesday and wednesday rev johncoburn field iretey of tho department of-bvan- gellsmnd social service of tlio uethodlat church will oddrosji uo union serylce theso two oyentrigit on thursday evening rov d n mo- laughiin p d field scrotary of tb soctav scrvlco qf the prdbylerlan- chrohwlu pek u knox qhurcti and bri frtdayqvenlnaitev frank a- roblnsoritm- asepretary of t iv- iwrtrient of bvanaellam of tho pre- qvtorlat churcli will addruss tho lntherlnr l sohtf will lon ca ture otjljsc service the mirvlccs whloiimiperioe atsvouwk death of rsvdr antlllt very suddenly rev junto coopor atitllrr m a id of montreal paed away nt his homo 41 st marc street montreal-onchrliitmauarter- noonvtho pt participated in a happy fumllyreritnlon on chrlxtmuh day in wesimount anq whon walking homo was seen to bo 111 oil tuppor stroet and was assisted to hi homo pn l btmark htroeu there ho wont to bed- and before a doctor could arrivoho paaacdnway thojaunji of death woh heart failure i- roy dr anturt waa 1 of iho pjioiit popular methodist ministers in canada ho had held jhargcsiat montreal toronto klng- stori brantford artdhis lost patorata was iri acton ho had also hold high bmce in the mlriutry havlnft been secretary of the trot qenernl con- t rrnoo of canada- in iubj presldeiit of the montreal methodist conference in 180 andalnamlmirof the profes- ri slonal ataff of th montreal wwiloyrfn college for some year- he yum ap pointed delegate td thorrltlifh mcthg- djat corisreno attd was n memhor of- thvmtnodltit cotlrt ofapwar ilnwaa r- crn februarir j1644 at lluduersftold england dr antjiff wiu tyficnnhilf- rled thb soc6nd tlm6 to mtm j j abodarhnm of toronto ilo irt kupi wvod byonviion william ant wlrinlpeg a qaiuehterlnlaw mrs j iflanllwr wltri w durtnlil hwft with whom ho resided pdatorate lit acton dr ant- hlrwas itreatly beloyod here ho was trnusritiy referred to art thoultufad ohrlstlitn gepueman ho pastor m tie m5thwlst church is mmm v