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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 30, 1920, p. 4

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jtp serat oouldtt flrov houth africa the week clothes line thieves tlqlns their nefarious shnrpontber uluatratl property or ctthtene in thoeaat endl perfeaotnmnduli- lately only tho boat smrnunta frobu -v- t th ew britdovdopcjl youtfis who j progressed from the stealing of motors for joy trlileato tjbemaknfffhigtway holdups for the when few of them have r6censent to peniteptiary for seven years the rest of them may get somo sense star gtfvv attorneygeneral rajney wont be happy until the aeksareabolished the published returns of frlfehb gamblers of thp big sums wagered was a bit of a jsfrwrprise to those who thought the fraternity havent chad half a chance if the only beta made werp- by jkttoae who could afford to loose thered be fewer iiteobjectfons to the practicercuelph mercury sif sirwilliam mackenzie is evidently a good loser wt ne from england last week be gave uvsif adam beck great credit as a negotiator wc e should hvc got at the very least 35000000 for the feqlectrical and power companies and tho radials said ttsirwhwanii but sir adam succeeded in scaling down gjfb price agreed upon to 32735000 the irish home bole bffl the home rule feill of 1020 became- law jj christmas eve tho royal assent was attached to the fmcaaure at ten minutes before twelve king george h giving- his ascent tb tbe billaald l sincerely hope fthat this act the fruit ofmore than thirty years of feasoies3 controversy will finally bring about unity jyivtfld friendship between all the peoples of my kingdom fep-in- ireland 4 labor union or not an equal chance tbe association in session last week passed resolutions favoring legislation for the betterment of conditions in manu facturing centres arid in shops and factories anittn favor of an open shop and equal opportunity for organized and unorganized labor the association took the position that laborers have a perfect right to organizo for mutual benefits to demand safe and healthful working conditions and just compensation and for collective bargaining and that men have an equal right not to organize tho association went on record opposed to employing orrcfusing to em ploy a man because ho did or did not belong to a labor organization sentiments of this kind are being expressed all over tho country nashville advocate the real christmas spirit did you have the real christmas spirit did you feel the actual thrill of christmas that heart-warm- ing happiness produclngfeeling that makes ono want gfyftoxlanccfron the very joy of the day or didyou liaye that ordinary feeling that oh its a holiday iilfita take it easy and eat a whale of a big dinner jfsts6fiifng of course you ajo the big dinner whether or jlvn but the question of the real holiday spirit fs a di karen t matter we heard a l man com- plaining along about wednesday last week what he jufijiuldnt stir any of the real spirit up we saw him yvgaiaon friday and didnt nc5d to be told that he gilid gotten it his face was brighter his handsako ijafu different his eyes were kindlier and in what caused the difference in him lies the secret of the mmatter for everybody in the two days intervening jpjtij had been scurrying round not only looking after fc gifts for bis own family and friends but also taking ffift part in some very practical wprk for other jpoople hod neyereven heard of before and- if you sjydfflnt get the real spirit of the day and of the pteaaon theres manifestly a good reason tor it put oydlrcctly that you didnt think at all about anyone but jkfjt yourself of course you helped to all your own 6t kiddies stockings and perhaps jooked after a gift ilisf mother or fristcr but they arorcaly yourself and ijy hence inevitable besides you know you would get bpek f rpni cch of thenfand f or decencys aakc if nothing else you had to remember them jut next christmas if you really want to know that i heartwarming joy perhaps youve never felt it since oucdays of childhood when you got it in the ftfdeights of unstunlng your christmas stockings jpdoing something even a llttlo thfng for somebody vbo cant giw back send a flvvdollar bill tp the toronto tara christmas fund ferry htar abarref sjjvpf apples to the neighbor whom you know cant afford jjuany tywt vyour own kith and kin nltwill give youif you have pt been in tne habitof doing this sort of thjngr- jhijipier christmas 4hn youve ever known better jtfan this even try it fojcnc intd as of scrooge would when he saw a new light detonnioo sicarrythesphit of christmas throughout h the rltiwmthaaulru in thebob c fa dh it family ylchmade thjy tfm pray god bless us ov4ryine handit is this sftmo spirit which has ijli t bringing lodg those -bimaitis- the municipal council for 1921 the municipal situation in acton at present is of a nature which requires the wisest heads available for the administration of tho laanortant utilities in tho securing of which large suras of money have been borrowed the completion and operation and main- tainance of the new waterworks system demand care ful businesslike handling the shoe factory situation is one which will either lose considerable of the towns good money or will be presented to the business public in a manner which will attract some reliable manufacturing concern with sufficient capital to operate and employ a satisfactory complement of workmen thp provincial road problem must have the watchful care of wideawake municipal repre sentatives who will ace that acton is not sidetracked and the housing proposition must have intelligent direction so that workmen who may be employed here will find it possible to secure comfortable homes the time has come when a council possessing ade quate qualifications for the important duties before them must bo elected there should surely be in the council of 1921ainajorty of men whom one would trust with the management of his own busi ness- it is up to tho representative element of atfon to elect responsible and qualified to look after the affairs of the town aura of uiui the quaafiiiitlui twlnar dut to wy youna and er aonl wbt uhtku vaive uimt and u olvr of all sood 1 wmltlna your cholae i th yduna una solomon chosa ono of mutha boat kltta but not tho bat nd uoklna that he aadly fkllod to touch hu hlabmt pohlblllty for tbn aa now it wms b ka ftnrt urn kingdom at bvn to whom all theod thlnav that makafor tho pur- eat hmnpthowi ohau bo adda ara you nady for tb offor mm it itoh to you aik what i ahall thoor adola n thompoon a holiday incident somoumoatbaro will com to our notion in tho busloat momenta of lb day aoma alncer ntlnjnt which will tlr the tndermt eborda of our belna ploaantcaood woman boarded a trolloy car with bar two axoall aona durtna tho busy noon nodrot tho holi day muon tho amallar boy at with bht nxother upon ono db of the oar whit tho older who wa about four yoara old took aoat oppoalto it in- taroatodhlm to look out of th window but froauvntly ho lianood mwm at hi mothor at lenath b cauod softly uothcrt no uunrar again ho poke uotharl thla uma it waa judd a bit louder and tbe mother look ed over and amued the boya lbjbted ahd ba whispered motherl i love you the mother turned a clort- nod f aoa i upon her email eon and men and women in the oar looked tenderly from one to the other tho trolley car had suddenly become a plan of buw slnar becaueoa little boy had voiced thla ever- beautiful aenument mother i love you zlona herald may business depreasion be averted if any means maybe adopted by which a period of distressful business stagnation which u already threatened can be avoided such means shottld surely be adopted undersimilar conditions heretofore a depression might be expected in 1021 according to roger w babson head of i bsbons statistical or ganization who addressed the montreal branch of the canadian manufacturers association recently feature liowever- mr babson said should not be allowed to take her course and men should hcp each other in financial distress jusi aathey help each other in physical distress and thus to a large extent eliminate these periods of distress factors which would lessen lie depressipnwere cited by mr babson first the great mass of people still hold government bonds bought during the war and until these are sold there still remains a big reserveof buying power secon millions of dollars which had been spent on liquor during the past two or three years are now belqg expended on homobuilding and furnishing and on gonerat merchandise then the banking systenii of canada is in better condition than it was during paat periods of financial distress and there is no reason for such financial panic as had happened in the past national advertising has become it great factor in the production and distribution of goods this in his opinion had come to stay and it should tjnd to lessen the- severity of the next depression he standard htntnanyhriesofgoodsahould also contribute to greater efficiency and production yikh less- effoff in foreign trado canada was in a better position tb develop tttan the united states as the latter had reached its peak s6hio years ago seasonal ftucthariohs jn manufacturing sndsclling areau0 being eliminated ondadjuojnienta are more yslly brouahtabout for these reasons it is ain- cvrely hoped that canada will pass through tttier anilcipated period of depression without wious dis tress o bur citizens no telllnp totterlna and run farmer of so i went tor ooneult a auooeeaful youna lawyer yotma man said the farmer i want to leave- all i poaaeaa to my wtfe ae lorfat aa ebe remains my wldder and aftir that x want every thlna to- aowto the children how old la your wife atrr asked the law- yer seventy four then wouldnt it ba quite aa aafe the lawyer naked to leave out the dlaoourteoue phrase about ao ion aa ahe remalna your widow t just leave her overythtn indeed i wont aald the old man but surely aald thaltawytr you dont think your wife 7 now will marry ualn after your death do your thalohfman jooked the other full in the face aa heanaweredaolemnly welv air therea noitaulitk what youna ohaia sj money a resolve foh evbry morning of tru new year i will thla day try to live a simple alnoere and aerane ufa rapeulna promptiyeyery thousht of dlacontent anxiety dlacournaament impurity and nlfaeoklnir euhlvatlns oheertulneaa nutananlmlty charity and pie habit of holy alienee exerolalne eoonomy in expenditure carefulness in oonver- aatlon dtllaenoe in appointed aervlce ttdallty to every truetenda ohlluukcj truat in ood lllte you would do for roaatwy cutian stodwd bxchuif inurmuonal frdfht uon of th 155 ilsl dwacwi on wunutwal hr uid ouiul ma iby wj of umtlajt o p 2 lth pytodbm cbnln owrjgy rmoatomliiitwiradur j- thaqiutiuueh l j it is our policy to buy tho best goods procumb nd sell t tho lowest possible prices ii qusllty nd prices re compared with other stores it will bo found ihst w slwsys lesd 8kouh goods compabk prices and be cokvlnckd- c another prop iii prics of hour pure tv titaeo borienins 5 new fruits etc just arrived seeded raisins valencia raisins table raisins new currants candied peels dates figs btc new almonds walnuts brafclls filberts and peanuts x leave your holiday orders early and procure the very best in the market at prices lower than tho lowest cash paid foe buttkb eggs cfflckens tuitkbys btc wyndbam street ooalpb oat over wlulama store r j kerr uioenaod auotleneer or the countlaa of halton wwlllna- ton peal and dantarln- and the city of quelph acton ontario alt- nay be arranged by mall of at realdanoe at anton or at the free press offloa aston th aleroury offloa oualph the newailaoord parana or with w- j oordon harneaa maker kullabura rwai entroatad to r j kerr re ceive attention from data of llatlnat to data of aale list your aalea with ma realdenee bewar avenue acton phone 18 acton call at my bipana tannery cooperative c a conway muuger mill street acton waaaj eotiav ms of owhur to tks drfinltv of sfesiishhct ksutvudi bs 1- ihi a penny saved is not always a penny fearnedt some- titties it is two pennies lost the merchant who spends nothing on advertising loses much more than he saves j the money spent for plate glass wiridowetis novlook- ed on as lost noris the money spent on better in terior lighting 4 anything that increases favor that adds to sales that multiplies customers is very properly regarded as a good investment adyertising is a good investment just as plate glass windows are advertising sells more goods tomore persons than shopwindows do roy hindley auctioneer fcrvs btook i1eal kstati4 amd uianciiakxnbei camel ltduj pimmm erin t 11 r r s aoton jrcheevers book binder quebee bi east qualnh on book and macaalnea bound la kandeom and sobatanual oovara name lettered in sold on blblea hymn books and piher booka 7 all work lrtnplly exeeutad dalbxnivbn ontario land surveyor and chm engineer surveya bubdlvulona iluna te- deaerlpttona uluoprinta eto for jurchasere and dorta ckrclll mortcaseea surrey for- archluote bullsari and municipal council dalnaa jtaporta lsstlroates eto meleaf build i no douolaa t aubuupu phone 1064 oh1 a word to thep ublic coreulung englneejb 11m a a james co umlted e m proctor ba soi manaaer 88 toronto stu toronto can brldceev pavemanu waterworka seweraaa syatama inolneratorh bohoola publlo halls llouslnjra factortea arbltrayona uucation our feea usually paid out of the i aave our tollenta do you rebent having a merdiant address lis mes sage to you in the form of an advertisement in pur columns on the contrary is not ryptir impulse to respond to x his friendly overtures tho owanti reliable granite and marble dealers wa n manufaoturera and direct imnnaiot all klnda ot onuinntaa ssl headatone work wa aell dtreos to pur customers at wholaaale prioea thua vavlnit our ouatomora 40 per eent we nave the heal apnuanoee and the only meobanloa in tho dominion who call operate pneumatic toou property wa oan tfva ranrenoea fromhundtda of our euatomrra in toronto and outer plaoea wbereuthere baya to have law aulta in order to oolleot we have be laraeat and beat stock of granite ln the dominion r mora than any threa dealara in the wealwe are leslu- mate daajera and employ no agent and donot annoy or peat ouatomera by aendim out lenorant ants aolloltn ins ard w employ only meobanloa and defy competition hamilton sons oor sleli wxtlwtohr oulpb t i iprasngls 03riciiuomd3tk9r 1da0ntogausm msbsmmm m9tim smsmmmmmm

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