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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 6, 1921, p. 4

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lw 2 iat yonge street station means to toronto jjrlitr unllij wtwhly nwipni aiotlue thuiumay january b loll inun l thrj the amxn khix iukss p11iitvl 4ny tlmi in m hi vwwr lr- llllliltoif mill slrl aln nl jitllm fl i fcjnolwf r in ultiodl l mo in ilia unll4 kut acfillu i pilu lutliui mi ilia ddf iiiml 1 alvkutniini uatektnnlnl inlmn cru pr hnfl iiirnuiiniriil lf rial lumftlnn anil j cent par tin few cl iiichiuu cmiracl iupl nnilmcnu of io jnle 0 more in aiiiiuin lit iruta pw wti aaili lnttlti aw-r- nim wllhhi will l uaeiud ttu foal boil tkuuiionkj r hllfai mj ikuio- ortlt iiw luuwnra il editorial canada trade for the- post year was gratifying indeed reports show an increase of 404000000 over the previous year the mania for gambling it iua matter of nmazcmonl tat official reports stato thai 42000000 was wagered at the various racetrack meetings held during the year 1020 in the province of ontario surely the indulgence in race track gambling has become a veritable mania when betting of thin oxecssivo aggro gate sum takes place in one province in a season tho returns are official and have been made to the provincial treasurer ontario will dowell to rid herself of this demoraliz ing incubus guclptkratcpayers handed over tho street railway to- tho hydro had in system at the elections with no uncortain imprimatur of approval a moat not a vehicle 7 r justice middlcton may have followed the letter of the law when ho declared tho other day that liquor license inspectors may search vehicleofor con traband liquor but they have no legal right to search boats because they are not vehicles that is a dis tinction with an inflnitismal difference surely well tho legislature will no doubt hustle through an amendment which will give a freer interpretation to the term vehicle than judgegof mftmiddlc tons type arq now willing to ednepde tho mayoralty of toronto is evidently tommy church9 to keep ns long as ho wishes some people say the established church of toronto v public ownership certainly received a substantial boost at- the toronto elections on new yearns day the hydroradfals agreement was endorsed with a threefourthsmajority what is regarded as the best definition of the league of nations assembly is given by m vivlani the oraror of prance it raises above the frontiers the great international problems proclaims just solutions and presents to consciences of peoples those questions which heretofore have been settled by the few medical jhenfl uquoc preatrifiuons the ontario- board of license- commissioners again find it necessary to address certain medical practitioners in tho province relative to too gcncrous issuance pt liquor prescriptions they are advised that while 100 is the upward limit the issue of 50 per month will bp regarded as high and that 5 per -4ooth- daaa a- av heavier penalties for dromken autoista tho attorricyqeneral of alberta has requested that the minister of justice at ottawa- introduce an amendment to tho criminal code of canada so that drunken persons in charge of automobiles may bo subjected to the same penalties as an intoxicated man in charge of a- locomotive failing to obtain action by the federal authorities in amending the law the matter will bo brought before the legislature of alberta j rv wore energetic work saves jobs n at a convention of the building traces in toronto somewhat novel situation among the workmen empfayevr was revealed the prospect- of being laid off work has evidently spurred some men to shpvf their capabilities under the changed condl- v tions mr reynolds an employer said that on one job bricklayers were nowjaying 1000 bricks a day these men not long ago were laying 450 bricks for a days work- he pointed out that it was tod soon to decide if thjs increased- efficiency in the industry woulcl continue next year roofers sheet metal and other contractors also reported a greater production from their workmen y-f- bylaw and registration not harmonloob on november 30 the municipal clerk sent out a notice of court of revision of assessment of frontage for the waterworks bylaw in which is recited in paragraph 2 this statement vthvcostof tho work is 70000 of which 24000 is to be paid by the cbr- pofation on december the 30th the clerk pub- halted a notice of registration of the waterworks bylaw in which it is stated that 35000 is assessed against the properties benefitted and 35000 is to be assumed by the munislpn corporation the ques tion naturally arises as to what authority is respon sible fof the change the people voted on the by law in the former division jn which the municipal corporation a 24000 the changed plan is certainly favorable to the ratepayers who are entitled vl pay frontage tax but it militates against those whose properties are not benefitted wai chango legally made 1 certainly was not referred to the tatcpaycra for their approval m why not a waterworks commimlont i v now that we have a hydro commission why not provide for a waterworks commission the hydro- t electric commission of ontario deemed it desirable y that the hydro interests in aetonwith an investment of 20000 to 25000 should preferably be admin- istered bya commission and requested acton muni- clpal council to pass ja by-law- providing for the election of commissioners the waterworks system iv a which an expenditurb or over 100000 has been v mde could manifestly be mucttmore satisfactorily r administered bv a commission of business mcnglv ibg the necessary time and attention to this utility qd this alone the members of the council have i multifarious duties requiring their attention and con j7ijh and cannot possibly give the amoitnt of y care and oversight to an important department such f w system as its importance demands vw ovcr 400 water takers when otll applicants are served the amount of detail requiring supervision wwifcereat indeed it may be argued that jrhe jvjpcopjp of acton have already voted afeathst the adop r of a waterworks commission itis true a by- lwwm submitted last year and failed to reoclvo vujncient votes to legalize it but the lapse pf time aihee ha shown that many elcctorsopposed tho by- law because of misapprehension and misunderstand- ing the waterworks system was not then construct cl the- importance of administration was not then icalizcd under conditions ss now understood there is little doubt that it bylaw adopting the commission plan of operation ahd providing for the electiopof vv cotiimissioners would carry jthout any substontul ss opposition the impoctunt question is worthy of ra consideration and it is masooably probable tlit a vfctfp8 reprasehtativo depiitatfqrif citlwiis wodr fejfwjjw consider the mbtter favftrabl flfejlfmpv jogiuiy necessary iliau new marriage law- provisions a new marriage act is expected to be on the docket of government legislation at the forthcoming session of the alberts legislature among the most important changes thajj are proposed in the new act is making a publication of jjanjis a necessary condition of mar riage at present there is no provision of the law requiring that banns be published it will also bo required that the taking out of a license precede every- legal marriage these ave provisions which might with advantage to all concerned bo adopted in each province of our dominion anticipated coal famine averted tho advent of real winter weather finds the canadiancoal situation in a fairly satisfactory state in the western provinces owing to a largo increase prairie markets there has been but utile fear of a famine but in central canada the situation was nono too promising a couple of months ago mild weather through november and december with importa tions on the whole satisfactory have combined to re move tho danger of a serious famine and if average shipments are maintained during the remaining win- ter months the season will be a satisfactory one from the standpoint of fuel supplies a christian opportunity y latest reports from china show that tho most fearful famine in thirty years is now prevailing from thirty to forty millions of peoples are facing starvation and unless relief is given on a very largo scale twenty millions will inevitably die within tho next six months without winter garments without fuel and without food tho suffering of the masses is becoming intense the present distress keen as it is is but a suggestion of the awful agony the winter will bring never has there been a more wonderful opportunity afforded the people of this country of showing to the chinese people the reality of he love and compassion of tho christian message we have been sending to them through our missionaries r canadas position more favorable sir george foster gives an encouraging estimate of canadas futurb compared with thstof the coun tries of europe lna letter during the week to cana dian papers he says after two months stay and ob servation in europe my appreciation of canadas conditions and opportunities is greatly strengthened in lighter burdens of taxation greater freedom from privation and want fuller spportunitles for indivi dual effort and betterment more hopeful- outlook or the future a less obstrusivo background of war casualties and suffering all contrast wonderfully in canadayavor with disordered credit inflated fin ances confused and unstable exchanges tfjo economic situation for europe certainly is growing no better present living conditions are almost intolerable amj the future is distressingly uncertain for the nations of europe the reaping will bo a full sad harvest of thetseeds sown by war- canadians have burdens and difficulties not comparable with those in europe wo shall dvercome them much more easily and earlier than can other countries it only remains to set our house in order for the large tlovelopment which is certain to come to us toall canadians then cour age hope and the heat wisnes tor tje new year the university of toronto lla inlhwnce and its needs the influence and direct benobj to the intellectual add business life of the province of ontario and bo yond of the university of toronto is incomparable without reflection- the casual thinker would hardly realize perhaps that our educational system stands or falls through the standard set by the university for those teachers in our public schools and else where who do not reach the university themselves got their training j from men and women who do and this applies to medicine and science as well as to teaching ontarios standard of the medical faculty is admittedly among the highest in the world and- her graduates in science have- a farreachjng infiueneeon the- development of the industries of the proyinoe the high standard of our pulpits aiso largely determined by the training our ministers reoeivo at the university iowing tf a largely in- creased attendance and the general advance in prices the time has comp when the university requires a substantially larger revenue f thphtgh standard of efficiency which characterizes the- institution is to bo mainuined a royal commission is at present con sidering its financial needs and tho government and legislature will shortly decide upon a policy inre spect thereto mrhtch iny havej farreaching effects until a very few years ago i tho provjnce has scarcely been conscious of expenditures on the uniyorglry thanks to the original endowments and to tho linking upififteen years go the newfound source of revenue the succession duties it is now imperitjve that the revenues of the institution be proportion ally increased to meet the growing number of students bejng registered and the increased icost of maintenance in- addition new buildings are required if adequate fund re potyorthcomin the efficiency of the uilivealiyllljmtiiauiy currently tho life of tho province is reduce to a jower plsne the peoplo of ontario should be lm resjthulio fact tht ho university is not tor- r ithoprovinclsl universlry and liicniini cpmniunity ihori- tatbjjiwj ai active battalion and two reserves forhaltdncoiinty ttw 37th 70th and kmth wiu per- f petuate the decorda won in the great war col j ballantvwe d 8 o the commandinq 6fpiccr hocrulmns tor tho tiswly rooramn laeil halton tlklw yfu joomraonc nt ona on bouvq uattallon itthk tfiil iwo reserve bttuan 76th and u4th have been nuthbrlsed alluirei xtnllm will perpetuate an1 kep ahvs the eplondlil war reeorda ot the bt- uiioah ettar which they nre nared th newveglment he thadutlno- tlon or imikaeaalna- two eel of color nlrowly the 78lh in oftoraetown and the l4ih in omkvtlte nnd an effort will tw mpv to oliuln the7lhijntt o1orn which are not in the district at dreaent the notnmahdlns offloar ltcol 1 xullantynj i h o will ohooee hi omni from ntnonr the o mo re and n c on with overeeaa recordi and where olbla from reeldjsnte ot the cutintyflfhaltftn k c oe will at it nt hold heir rbfiur rank in the w unit luarului are requtd to kiks up for three yeare and to attend camp or pet leave of abeenoe when uiable to attend mew equlpmant win t provided in uie near future including unlforroa for thaband which will be formed enrly in the newtear the annorlea in the county will be repaired an officer rrom ileadquarterw who recent ly vultd oeonretown baa requlal- moneii far numtroui irfiprovementa to the local armory including the armory will be available oc athlella purpoeee for the member of the reirlmnnt am welt ae for elvlluane already a larae number of returned men hive applied for enlistment in the rat mem nn1 there ehould be ho trouble in kttlna a fall oomplement of men for d co which will be orulted inoronretown acton and tr tho jiubllclm mo uonimiomed in tak in thlnam for antntad ttujt it la doubt fitl whether muny toronlnnluna reulljj how crest a boon m conferred ow the ally when tho canadian tnelflj itallway built iteyonce blreet btauori tbm edifice uf common 1 the north toronto u tut inn but the boumlarlom of the city itand no rr t north of he elte urn to niaka euoh an npltellatlnii n mlenomer am ttenrly everyone le aware it llpa on the euvt eldelor voukeatrevl about half a mile liorti or tite illoar h trout inlereeotlon adjacent to a eubway which llnke up the buelntum nmtlon of old yon re htreel with he voet realdentlul dla- trlotn yn u the north yor many yeare a email elation chiefly devoted to freight bualneae lay on the otliar aide of yonge street and i dated fronjt tike acoulrainant of the old ontario and quebec railway by the o i n until a comparatively tecdiit erlod the old elation etood within a atonaa throw ot tile city limit and rrom public alandpotnt tlin incut ion wae ragarded aa negli gible when a few yeare ago the i it decided to buhd a tirmt claee modern paeecnger alatlon at thle point thom were ttioae wo were mtlil doubt- ful whether u would prove of real importance llut everything in way of clvla development that hoe wince traneplred haa damonetrated the eplendld forejgil u thoee onlelale who dlecernml the oomln pivotal import ni of the location pivotal it aurudly le for it lie utwhatla am ifus to balng the centre vt th praoent city ue uny available point fuxiuaing commanded by ueut it m kennedy who will be promoted to the tank of fctfljor one platoon will be eet apart for recnilte who have had no prevtoua military training the advantage of joining the new unit are many herttaro a few of them 1 tho annual camp will be an ideal place for returned men to meet and aeaoolate with oamradea of former 4turn a modem military camp where the comfort and recreation oflhe men u a drat consideration le aplendld plnce tn apend an annual vacation with all axpenaea paid on full pay lie turned men ehould all join militia unit to a to have their war njcorda kept for all tlntflt and ahjo to be certain of receiving all war medala and engagement ban to which they entitled and which will he mora eafltly obtained through a mllltla anlt than by the individual hlmaolf all loyal men with their country welfare at heart ahould bave at leaat an elementary military training your married life dull and drab and irkaoaeat io you look upon your married life m being devoid of eentimaut condition in which you find yuraelf ahil from which vou can eee no honor able eecapax are you at l uneaay and die- autlefledt do you feel that the one to whom you brtfdound le perhananot the right one for you after all ahdtt1 no use to pretend any longer do you look at other married people and wonder how they can aeem ao contented and happy when you are ao blue and feel ao fetteredt at auch tlmcn you think their mer- rlage wahprobahly the reeultof real love and you wonder what it wag in fatuation fn tercet or a dealre to have home and the reault of loneunaea which made you take yhe allimportant btp which blnde you now you thought you would have more freedom you have laae 7yotnmt bomponlonatilp and you find many dllferoncea tn taate and viewpoint and you are dlaoouraged oct away from ueh thought for they deetroy haptneak thei chauffeu3 meal after a frugal little lunch in a country hotel the millionaire who tourlntf the country in hu alxty- horaatwiver cur called for hie bill yea air replied tho walter prompt ly rmur aundwlohfti and a glaaa of elder you had air that will be walt mlnutat inturrupted the rnotorlet thcrue my chaurfaur eome- whnro what hau hn imdt oh i know ulut hm hlr replied the waller ho way m hoa juat bad a anackan amoletle grilled trout lamb cutlet and minw iced corfoe a half- dollar clgur itlid u hottla of claret ir- a bound heart when you find a man who con tinually lmaglnea- someone u trying to get him you may depend upon it he le either crooked or touched in the uppir atprey they aay that the oommonoat form of tnaantty le pamaola which rangoe from the harmteoaly aus picious peroon who imaglnee every body te again t him to the dangeroua fellow who goes about with ft fun in hie hip pocket nut there are ten to one of thle kind amongst those who know that if they were rated st their true worth they would be hung to the nearest lamp post yuu may pa sure that the man who deems everybody ha meets a hypocrite and who expects that everyone trying to bunco or shortchange him is a crook evil ue to him who evil tltlnks the man hha distrusts nviy always be wfely dlatrusted you can tn time tell these business paranolacn by their ahrlvetled up bodies because they get ta look ilka they feel a sound heart ts the life of the rtesh tho man who is trustful and open or heart gets the best of it even if he i bumped riaw tmd then the crodiilous man is often taken tttlln sense not understood by the smart alecs that work and soy i told ypu sol sab hunting ground casualties seven- deer hunters shot by mistake durlna the fteason the fact that seven deer hunters were shot during tho hunting season this year in ml take for deer is a sad comment on the carelessness of aoms of those who indulge in thle form of reareatlan these onsualtles ax apparently taken as a matter of course but they should not be other people have to pay-fer- their mistakaerwhy tfbt deer hunterst fany of these so called snorts when they bo into the woods not as though ey wore beyond the pale of clvlusatlon and frpofroai its restraint a ftw- stiff fines or a few months or years in prison might hav a salutary effect upon reckless hunters give your memory worttodo if you form a habit of putting things down on puper no to fix the matter in your mind by writing itowtn but to save ther- necessity of remembering ywuwillreoonthr sssolutely- dependent- on the written reminder -7- v there ar many systems ofmeroory helps but all it will he nouoed are de pendent on the memory none of them are of ny use e3ioentas the memory exerts tteelf and tt secret of good memory is- merely a working memory ol ve your ms to- dor and it will strenf then like a muscle uflflet dumbbeu uflt either tho muscle or thfmemorytpeixialnldlena beh v llnap and powtrlam business directory yhos orav m o c m mooill i b a v kdlnbursh li 1uv if a ulassow- umlar llritloh uodl oej association t pfllce rredrlok hlreft jui edl out dr j a msniven phyelelen and burpeon onlce and ltnliliccormr iuivfi avenue and lltii hlrt tli rll noa fiirmerly ooaupltml by ft u han- dareon acton ont rich gevqnd dreams mmtuuma u- kiuulaf that- la purged of the horror a jomuii otil- onbuttlou thiirfl is talk or s svslcmatla shrch for the rul king solomons mines 1 tho lortugeia bclitivnd thnt ophlr from which came the vsut treasure of gold for the temple ut jcruaulem was illtmtrd in this country and it hi a fact that name years ago of carl leters farmed ti comany to finance eiiah a eearch ophlr has been lost tn the world fnr its minns were rich beyond drnums in the illble we are told that there wnre brought to rolomoi from ophlr first and then 4m ir1iiu ofgold 8e- tkat a taunt was worth f 30000 here was a trifle of fiaoooooo even the hgn8 had it n johnnys ii rut visit to his aunts farm the little city i toy had not been there long brorha cantn running to her in great excitement aunty i ha exclaimed with the air one imparting great news i dont think this is really a prohibition state after alt whv what makes yn think that johnny t was tho amused reply well aunty waj the starting re- solnder nearly nil your hens have the hiccoughs already this morning 8 to 12 per day auto tractor median let vulcants- tng l to illder day men wanted fill present demand automobile me chanics driving tractor operating tbre- vulcanlslng oxy- acetylene welding storage battery electrical work prac tical training only a few week re quired day ahd night classes write rreo catalogue big wages steady employment hemphills auto and oas tractor schools 1c3 king street west toronto we want stl reliable agerit for every unrepre- presented district to sell our well- known fruit and ornauantm trees shrubs eta good pay exclusive- territory rights our agency is valuable under present conditional boo acres op nursery established 40 years write- for particulars to agency department pelham nursery co toronto ontario kenney- bros shoe merchants v wish you all ia happy new year kenney bros mih street a0ton oht childrens savings atxoimr it i a pleasure not a trouble to open savings accounts in tno names of your children even ifyorj intend to deposit but a dollar at a time in each account we welcome this business because it is an ednca tlon in thrift and we are glad ta assist you in teaching your children toshvev f 1 opens a savings account deposits of and upwards are walcomedv th mcrcmant5 dank hud oik montreal op acton branch i georgetown canada euauwmd ibm l b shorey lbw cwcrandvi- shop where yon are invited to shop the ford garage has made complete akranqements for stoking batteries for tho winter months batteries kept at proper temperature and inspected monthly and kept to the desired gravity bat teries rocharged or repaired when necessary advice free oxyacetylenc wdditig plant is being installed all welding in repairs promptly and satis factorily executed our plant for general repairs bconipietc prompt export sttcpt ippgivcntpaccessary ro pairs to cars of any make the- electric starting and lighting systems satisfactorily overhauled full line of tires of all makes and a complete assortment of accessories always in stock l gking manager blacoxe proprietor h j kerr uae auctioneer ror the counties of hal op welling ton peel and duffertn ami the city ot oaalph acton ontario balae may be arranged hytnall o mx reeldenoo at acton or at the wee tteee ofllca acton tbe mercury oom ouelph thm newalieoerd fra of wim w j qardan llarneae maker llulaburv sale entruated to it j icerr re aalvw auanuan from date of 1 latin tn dot of omu ut your aloe with me residence br avenue aeten phone 1 aetoa cajl at my icxpenee the free press jobjnting deptrtmeiit equipped with the latest model typesetting machine and the most modern acilities for turn ing out all classes of jpb work in a manner that is pleasing to our customers i no job is too big for us to handle and none too small to receive our closest attention the price will be found jftijte reasonable v give us a call when wanting anyuiinginjohprinting acton free pmsss vrr jpiii dr e j nelson phyalolen acton otti olticm uuil i ui4 in- corner mill mill vrutuk mtneu ordfjo lluurm2 lo 4 1 irl iunl 7 to or c- p w ross physlelart and burflort it qierettawn pho kkhui miiicn oroo i iwflfltw timat atlvntlon to ihmw wfimpn unit cjhdrii phone ho 13 po ll31tf hahol0 nasi faitmrtr m a barrteier belloltor notry publie convenyanee efc pcrhvman block acton ont monk to ioan lour oloeio to a ptti dental or j m belt d- d 8 lo a dentt iiooov graduate of toronto unlver- alty the lauta anaetlmue aaed u deaired oflloe at raaldenoe corner mill and frederick- street mtbccllaooo marriage licewsca lioore isvuvr- mmrrlmqm tlee4 private office mo wltnea quired lted at realdem pmaeai ofllee nine aetna out fran ci a hunan bcokblnovr aoocnml book of all kind made l order ferlodleala of every doaerlp- tlon eorerulry bound rutins realty ajtd promptly done wyndaam street puelpb out over william store roy hindley auctioneer xilvh stock iwcalfj ictiyatei amd ukitailandlukj conaatldated phone erin 4 v 11 r ri r 8 acton jve cheewrs book binder quebeo fit eaufk quelph ota book and raacaalnea bound in tzandaom d babetantlal oovera namee lettered in aold en ulblea hymn book and other book all work promptly executed c dalbxniven tjjiuria land surveyor and crvil engineer survey bubdlvlalana plana tte- porta deaorlpuona blueprint etc oeruneatea for purchaser and mortseea survey for architect builder and municipal council ratnam rteporta katlraaton eto meleanbuildino doupla 8l qtjbuipu phono 10 oni tha oldand reliable tiraoite and marble dealers we are raanufaoturw and dtreet importer- of ml kind of monmental andxieadatone work we eeli dlreot to our customer at wholesale prioae thus mavlnfe- our oustoniora 40 par cent wo have the beat pp tmty mechanlos in uie dominion wba can operate pnevuiruiua vftroperb we can lve referenoe from nmiarea of our customura in toronto and other plaoo where other have to have law- autt in order to collect w havo the taraeat and best numt ot oranlta la the dominion or morythan any three dealers in the west we are leclu- mate dealer and employ hajrent and do not annoy or pet customers by aendlrxout hrrtoraniajrenu solicit uurordara wo employ only meohanlo and defy- oompetluotf hameltgn sons cor hanrteli- wenlerleh lt odelpb castob i a iatl rer over 30yrs seitwog

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