Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1921, p. 3

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k -v- 8hjp attmt3trrte0b tituitanay januaiiysq 1021 life 8 lisbon v iturn as tint years mil onward ami liuv titer iuat behind tliot mtiuti i have cuunld orro lint i rvm that our ood i kind thut many flowur i lonaod r ha 1 u hlilit ii thorn of j ulii and mutty a ruggil liypalh imi to tli i in of rlioned grain tiia olmifl hut rnvor thfl sunahlna thny aamtnt banish th huh and the aarlli hhlnoa out th hrlglilnr whon the weary rain in done we miiat mtand in tlitt ilnapoat hgdw to una the i inurant light a tut oftun fn m wninn h own ilarknwu camu the very airenath of fight w milnt le throiikh the weary win tr if wo waul t value ilia aprlng and lh win ml ii tniiml be on id and jillenl llofom tm nil inil sing tit hownru iiiuut ixi hurled in dark- liofeiro thoy jlnd the hwnl i oomnu aftor tin uiorm mid sloom bo the imuwi front thn tmrliit t trial uuiiim hi purest joy or hi and from tlta that lmvo laatert hmfi tiia uwenteiit wong will fall iw u poarto come aftr buffering and love lu reward ofwilrt do after earth cwm linuven and out of our loos the gain i a jh k jkg w w i w qf thb 1 ag cacffl 1 1 he b old except ye become stu wnd fn roil you itn acne nanny ilurroughs sat in hr to tors nnd fnrpil hlni with nameit eyoa n de rf utmnan last flunday ir parson who burst oucand you not u very wonderful liloa llefore u tn live here and now a if it wing in the kingdom of heaven it lit it 1 elmuly i m pom i bio for m at lanat homo girl leading a ehett- areil ufa ut home may be able to do it but not u imln girl ik m all day long there nothing hut the burry on 1 buitla and hanl work of tha onion at homo it worry atoul the comt of the children n ahoea and ll ruu in food drloea and throa mora work nt homo tor i help with tho hnuxjwork find th aewtn in my miam mma nnimrtillilui tbtijdmnliua of heaven doean t it t nancy a tone wu atmoat bitter t know aomq poor glra to whom it would wound uko boavrn aald ir faraona sently llekular work in an axoellont nttice a good horn to live ii with a lovln- mother and fathnr and llttla urotlmm v an 1 alatora to lov trwen to worry over aomotlroea tiut i want to tell you 4 alary nancy one tliat a friend of mrfjold roe reoantly my friend t a noaeand throat aj afcjaaa u a u waa hrouht to bin allnlo for a amall operation on her hoaa vr tamo raaon could not give the little thing any ahaeathetlo mo ha took nfty oont piece out of hi pocket and put it into her hand that a for you to apend exactly ap you like aa aoon aa ihla la over hn aald ohearlly im oln to hurt you a llttla im afraid but if youll take a very good took at the fifty eenta heforo 1 begin aid then hokl it thxht in your hand and keep thinking of wtiai you aaw all the time while im at work it won t hurt nearly m touch v the child went through the opera tion unuaually well and the doctor oongratuuuod hlmealf on hla bright idea yourn a very brave little girt he aid patting her on the head and dmtty aoon you con go out and apend your money tell me all the things you thought of while i wan at work i thought of the worda aald tha little girl i the wotdat repeated the doctor the date you moant it waa ao long alnoe hed really noticed a ooln that he hardly tmmenibered that they bad any worrta on thorn why not thoae are number mean the worda at the top in qod wo truat aald the little girl quit afmply it waa thenrat half dollar i aver had jk i never aaw them be fore but it a lovely to hnve them there bo tho folka that have half dollar can alwaya think about that tr iparaona pauaed nd for a ment or two there wajh allenoa then nancy apokn abruptly and r ahe aald have liad half dollara all my life and never thought about it oncer the kingdom of heaven muat be like beauty in the eye or the beholder la that what you meant exactly only i wfta thinking of mm older vorda till except ye beeoma am little chll dren ye ahall not enter into the kingdom of heaven tho kingdom of heaven really mnana your pathra kingdom doeant it nancy t jjut to ae it aa your fathera kingdom your father world ypu muat have the loving trustful eyea of your pathcfa child nodueo as navvies now that they can never regain their old glory the exiled nuaalan nobility who formerly adorned the late caara court are enjoying tho novelty of workr- ing for their living there are in france hundred of theae noble engaged in different in dustrie and tamo are actually doing manual work aa navvies moreover many omoer who once hold high rank in the nuaalan army an now taxi driver in paris count paul ignatterf who wa n eloae friend of the murdered tear now ella milk in oarchea hi wire who waji the moat beautiful woman in pet- rogrnd mllka the oow at dawn while the counts second man grow muahj- rooma at saint derma irt- the moat daahlng cavalry offloer of nusata colonel hkoqraton has ex changed the sword for the hoe and la becoming an agricultural expert at a paris garage another fnmoui eolonol may be seen any day in ouaralla oenecal nlcolajelt commander of tho ttuasian troom in france during tho war now drives a motorlorry for a wholesale firm in parla two urinous are bank clerk and many nobles and ofneor have becomo motor mechanlaa prince boris paint j lively interior decoration or ohn- teaux in order to buy hla outfit ha had to pawn hla jewels treta i l prices to be lower ur j v tregoo executive aoere- tary to tho national association oi credit men in his january letter to members of the organisation through out the united state aaye that there must be an immediate reduction in retail prices lie say the retailers have not followed tho load of the manufacturer and wholesalers in eut- 1 ting prlcee lie soya that retail mer chant wouldtnavr been better off bad they taken their loses and distributed commodities to connutnerta while tha diirebaalng power of the oortaumera was stilt ntrong ughy he explains wafted for the holiday trade before making reduction equal to the reduai 1 1 and made by the wholesalers and that while the trade was fair easentlal bulng has been narrow who claimed the flower8t the minister who made the follow- ing announcement aoema to have been prepared for untoward results from i his preaching l ttjare are aomo oawer hero he i aald for those who ore alok at the i wre three or four other member or oleee of thl mrvloe the uyndg fajnlly but x oan t recall bayl wtion i got dnwnvto the old tuiipery i thought u tuf column or would wfnd no up but ilth yu hare i urn tin my ihlril r fourth weeks trlhutlou unl it mx uu t the to 1 wi itn thd inoro tlioio kiinn into my htmd t wrlto i llilnk mr clw rno if lltanlioorfl night tlut tanntiry fr m air tolmy utnlor hlu tiiulihrnmint of the hualnehm it tir ml uml grew kt inrxo propor- ilons xrnrboltrrnimmin shoe ltarth i ers were mailo hn wnll nm nolo loather the prooia wan alow unuully requir ing from alx tnonthu to a your to tan and linnit ta lonthor but wlmn it wus nuuheil it whu rul liutthur h woa during mr lliurlmora limn that the protluot of thn tuliiinry wau 11 i ally oon- ilntid tl mi1 bather alone the oedniit quality ut thu lloaramore brand ruuiulu rnady niarktt icnimirt ortlara weri uumerouu and nil enurgla went lima on turning out wolo leather in uwthit day hubatttutnd for imm look bark were untlioiiglit of and the nntarprlee of eourluk uulllclant bajjcl inrjillv wn wtrfpu v wern the day whan armara generally were nlearlug up their farms and overy humlock tree cut down furnished imrk for the acton tanniry all win ter long th farmer were to be aeen teaming in to anton hemlock bark it came from tcaquealng and nahaaga- woya from upeyalde and knatchhull and hc itolona then na tlje farmb hereabout bocamn claaml up th bark began to come from erin and feramoea from the length and breadth of both cl jt thorn vaa jennie and r hnrlouo or cltasalc tlmy nallml hor but tho otborit liuiuns have gone froi me welt tho hynda wore ntrong kple their namna how very well i think otullanu ttlny bad a much t do with the nutabllnhlug of hc alliun m church au any other family in acton or vlolnlty old mr llynlu wan dlmili warden fur a time and h filled the cllce with churanturlatlh dignity and atttnntlon tint to think at tlw pronent day you roulilu t ilnd a llykda lu the bngluh church in a year clear ire ii was nuprrln tendon t of kliok preuhy- t rlan hundnysctiuol for y ors lie im an elder and he counlu thn rauh for the hoard of managera hut mmli i llfti chango noma and no do our church relutlonahlpa iiomotlnic wulll weill here 1 k ur taituent again lpu i un t help llttln bit when the race of th ihkipie drop up 1m fore m w worn all frlantl in thoan daya kverylhhly vwrybimly lao a tielghlior mi u vory oloae upi friendly miinlty i gilnan wo ve gotten much mltml up in nutionalitlo now evnr to im u liolghlxirly nm in the old lay when i think of thoae nld daya the taonory i aen uurbtrtill known irty rim idon t or eltuon of half oniitury a william ilmlth and william nioauou and thomas wor- and thomna itrunt and lb came thotnaa bmyth but ton tut dnsned an in old follow iirth in panatuniiulhhonn in thn bi1trehauit tannor7thirw uii 1 k kcnnn4ly in the wifn who prfuulcu their huppy home aud thoyrn a it ing hh a pair of turtle ilnvo no i uti 1 kate aren t old they nnvr will and thnn we romn to jon mn- cluro ud tommy komiiiy utid uluitlrjailflilhiirfiil k itlaeno and many ut thom pujujod ver to thu great beyond woll in ourthi of tllne thn growing lltuirdmoie tunnory had uued uu all tlin hemlock imrk avallebla lu all the irroundlng townshipm and lhy found that bringing it lu by train ran the romt up to double thn prion tby had boeii paying tha farmer ho it waa dm lde1 to build a tannery at itruoe bridge rluht up in the mldut of a hemlock region the tannery was built and the itcardmore intereutu in acton cbed for u time oh i target to gay that when mr walter the nldfa sou grew to tnnn- ttooduha miimwnma wuinmx vr be settled and the hew oiottlora even away up there learned that there was ready money for them ut anton for hemlock bark mfty year ago they drove down with load of bark tn reaulor cavaled twenty to thirty load could be aeen in a string with twenty or thirty toadut and an equal number uf driver mid often an extra man to help with tha unloading of tha bark what a stir they made aa they drove into town and through it with tha long string of team to the tan nery there seemed alwaya to be good sleighing and plenty of anow in thowe winter doyw when the bark was unloaded and plud and tho farmer had received their pay about ii oo to 4 00 u cord they would wend their way up town first they and their horacs had dinner thut knada a buiiy time nltout our four tavernu it wu buay in tho atable and shed huy in the dining rooms but bunlar than anywhere obtn in the bar rooms ldvery roan jack of them want ed a drink uiid every fellow wanted to treat hi neighbor tha ronult that numbers of the driver left for their trip twenty mile or more hack home seeing double home of thom ware njiutinrelsome owing to tha over indulgence in whlakny and 0mn were very lovable and hud in tha bottom of tha elahrh peace prenentu for the good wife and tha children lit home well thn tannery went on utid pron- pered under mr uardrnore ho was a man highly esteemed full of bual neos hut withal deliberate and kindly lie never apveared to be in a hurry but his bualnna wan always transacted kotu molarity and in order the men respected him and tho children liked him lie nearly always hud oomathlng lu his pocket for the hoy and girl i remember nna time going down street toward the creek with a crooked limb off a hasel tree for n fiahrod a plooe of atrlng which chart on t hill had tied up a dollar worth of augur for mother with for a lino and a bent kiln for a hook when i met old mr heard mo re itn looked at my outfit and noticing the pin x had for a hook aaldl oh i can give you aomcithlng that will cut oh flan better than that and he tied on one of those umorlck hooka which we prised no much when we were boy 1 wasnt much of a naherman in those daya but i prued mr beard more m gift greatly and he was ulway one of the men who uot my boy in h ad miration ever after that day remember mr neanlmore the lost n be win in anton io hud grown to be an old man hut nil hi frliuid- llnoh and hilt put in other popple con- tinuod t had grown to manhood and had my ahare ot life a reaponaibltltliui i met him on hill ulruet ho whnok luthdg with mo cukjulmd for the fnmlly undtflon naked ho the church wo proaperlng you know whenever in town on sundayu he attend ed the presbyterian church and be never lost internet lu lhurdh activities when i recall the old tnnnery under mr oeorga l lteardmoru regime it takes mo beak again to worae of the well known man of hi day who were always proud to acknowledge they worked at the tannery for mr beard- more there was oeorgn hynda br he had beau fummun of heworu tnn- i ery lu ouelpl and won oil gaged to eoma tlt antnn i think it wan about 185 when he moved hero with big family and they w ro nil hitureutlng family mir hynda wu a man who commanded gvnprat jrnitpt mr llyndtl was a auitcly bidy ami presided over her home and family with a gentle motliarly instinct the eldest mcrrtber of tha family maggie was girl resembling bur mother blia hi had a marked career wuu matron u imspltal for yiitrtl at vhmtpag and is 119w otcupyhig u wlmllar position in the wet vunrouver i think then there wo outran the eldunt son- ilrlcktnp we mued hi m at aohool liecnuse of hi bright red tialr charlie wait unxloiim tn see thn world llo wont to chicago ubout the time of tha big lire in 1871 and whan ha returned in 1h7t bad great experience to relate thut year he want into purtnomblp with george our own george hynda j v exreave hydro commlaaloner mid father of u family of spldlura and daughters and grandnhlldrt n thoy etnrtud a jewelry and fancy goodbusl- jie in tha west aide of the lmat ottlce 1 store on the site of the present 00v- ernment isultdlng tho lonailon of the old man of the ulg clock tower but ctulla dldn t remain long in tiuhltibha hero acton was too alow for hla twain now ud wanted to see more of ttie world aiid be did long years ago he flnlahed his course and afild goolbya to tiling of this old enrtli but aetirgo ha ooiithiuod the bualnass through nil thf fortyfour years intervening and ha still had a connection with the old business cor ner or he oomes up here tojnapeqt and windup tho big oovernment cjook in tho tower onc oclwloo owsnk tlrtrt itru evolved tln imnfenae work where hariibha huither ahon leather lialtlng ill 1 titium ilive in allien are manufaa- uretl by thu h utid red of employee 10w engpgo t i the big 1i ilit now take in includ ing xjm niildencea on beard more mi not william moaaleu oow poa- 1 and the whole front of the farm whl if for forty years david by dor mil itotw rt kannawn oultlvated with kill and profit and raised good slsed fumlllou in the bargain and woull you believe it not over liwuily yeiiia ngn there was a splendid sht of golf links on this property of eight film putting green and course and all tho natural hasard and hunker any profoiinlona golfer could desire many an urteranon and evening ware apunl on these links by such enthusiast of the itumn j h wallace harvey ivltt or john lawson a o ileard- liinre a j xlacklnnon john clarke john miorult boy mdntosh ii hohnou 11 p moore frank m0i1 tonh ales kncortl unit others matches were played with lliampton voeorge- town und one or two toronto clubs alnal tho old llnkm have bean entli obliterated and the player which are left uevey think of golf any more wnll now bleam mo if i haven jumped uway from the old big tan nery ililln it plnce haven t i but i ii git liuuk again to it and try and give a llttln i j ji liter next week on the day when jeorgo wllluon and john mo- urutl had mu h to say uliout matter of rebulldltg and nxtenklon lifes standards dei hamilton tho father had them settle in acton so a to be nearer l tho bualneas enterprise and to have him gain a better knowledge of the practl cul aide of the tanning bualneas nearly ull their children were born here thon when mr alfred was married and gave up hi law business walter moved to toronto and alfred settled here both families lived in the house now owned by william lo and nrrunlid b or b j nelson at the corner of mill and fred- erlok hjxeets it waa hare mr tor- rutice reardmore had hla birth 1 m not aura whether mr onrdou was born there or not but 1 think ho well the- tannery at brace h rid go bad not been in operation very many year when h wo found that the bark in the immediate surroundings wa all used up and the tannery wa undaa tha amo handicap that it had leen at aoton llark hod to be shipped to it it i atlll running under the able management of mr peter smith who 1 a frequent vlnltor to the aoton work hemlock bark i am told now coal iii tc 1c a oord even at brure- brldgo l in the meantime tho old tannery ut acton did hot long remain idlo i think if was philip pacobt leather dealer of toronto who took over 111 premise add he put chan knee native of hweden in charge thn manufacture of cordovan i oath or from horaehlde for ahoes was tbn all the rage charlie and mm knee became great favorites lu acton their broti tingllsh wa rather intnreutlng their hospitality wag lavish and thuy made many frtond in town 1ut it won hot many yoars iwforc the ueardmore ieopln wanted their tannery property back again the cor dovan bualuan had beep thriving and tn find u home for it tho glove leather tannery which had been built in john tiuelght a pasture held by btorey moore co lit 187 e wo taken over ami the manufacture of cordovan leather replaced the production of glove leather in theae promise an i have aald thut tannery was built by btorey moore jfe co the member of the firm being w h htorey edward moore and jamo moore edward moore was the man ager mr storey and aleo mr jamcsj mooro giving up their time to the glove huslno up town x had a glance through tho article of eo itartnershlp entered into by thl oldtime tlrro tbe other day the document had reposed lu tha desk of tho lot edward moor undisturbed for fortyone year mr h p moore tell me that it was in hi mothers powaesslon throughout tho intervening year after her death lost fehmury when her belongings were being distributed among the members of tbe family thlu document was handed to him us the eldeet son naturally tt had u pooullur intercut for htm 4naimuali an he wag with hla father at the tannery during the threo yuc be wa the manager there well this document coyer four iiugeu of tho uldfuahluited large alio of legal foohtcup and written in the wellknown careful and legible kin- munshlp of w h storey which wa old sallow all remember aa wolt and which we all admired well the part nership agreement 1 sat out with all the auperdour whereaaoji any lawyer of tha day would use and all tha partlctl urn are set forth in numbered para graph xip to ninthly the first paragraph soys i that tho parue hereto respectfully shell henceforth be and continue partner tog then in the said liuxliiess of tanning and kld-dresi- ing for the full terra of five year to be computed from the second day of november 1b7g if the said partner shall ho long live well tho live your term of partnership wa never fulfilled in the tret place kdward moore who had spent all hi manhood either in dressing lumber and building a a carpenter and buttdert or in mak ing lumber und ah i ng lea atavea and hearting wa thfj ma nearer je never liked the odor of tbe tannery thu partnership won dissolved tn three ytjiin and james moore became the pager edward however died with- three and a half yearn from the lotion of the partnership tl the t regret of the community other clause of thin document are intern ting the part ii on were in dividually permitted to withdraw cer tain eiiuin annually from the proflfuroi llw buahufs but no greater amount than 500 per annum waw to be with drawn without mutual consent one rluium wa a follow tho auld qd- wurd moore ahall taua charge of aald l usliieas and eoeifterthamanage- ment thereof und devote his whole time exclusively thereto and in oon- sldoratlnu thereof ahall receive the sum at j 600 ker annum which aum nhnll he a first charge on the jrronts or aatd busluert the lengthy dnou- munt was duly signed and sealed by william lleslnp btorey edward moorw and james moore and witnessed by frert ii btorey well james moore conduoted the buelneon for a number of veers and there were employed in thf tannery in thoo day such wellknown cltlseps ag william ivamaay jamoale cobbgn isaac frencu oharlea gierke emanuel ind george oarrett jumea wathon moiiea bmlth and other finally lames moor gave ap the glove leathrr landing nndhe property eventually omno lntoposaumfon messrs heard mora ft co mia gradually thee bag a pnruou who wou1rtiaeinlhi1ue to wtint might tuuonably lie axpeeted of nn upright christian and to reach whut hu himmilf long for and should strlvu to attain must often be oon- im lout of thn feat tluxt in order to keep from falling tie low tha standard im mut constantly striva to liol too itolltn that ho may be polite too ifonnrou that he may not be nthigy loo kind that hn may im aw kind a he dfslro too tlioughtful to lie un thoughtruu a he would ft lhat he tnny yllhw redatino fowl s a tumlxr 11 rm of liimumi city that eriwnud u pmid ileiil of outever land in loullanne oouverleil ttiu awampe inui rice mcdd tli vanllire was no auncennrulvfaut in a few your tha company hud nnvarnl nibhloa from buy er bniiiuke oftlmlr 1 nun inuen ill tin land thn mmnliirw of ttie firm lot the prohpnutiiru godown alono to make tin ir liiveatlgutloiu i theao mnii found everything uu rn prnanntod 1 n 1 t fur the general dis satisfaction of tha negro tenant yea hlr the nogroea invariably aald de lands fine land raise flrt- clunh rloe oh ya ulr doy pays goo i lirlon f f lie run tint da duoku gntu ull da rloe i whereupon thn would he huynr reullahig hn wuu klng agrluultural not hunting imid lot ttie deal full through aftur repcuti d full lire the him tier firm got wind of trouble and star led noma in v vet gating on it own ao- emuit- why ye you qnem to havo a inn plantation down thorn a prospective buyer udmlltel lipon hi return and if i mold mil any way of protecting tha grain from tha duck id certainly invest but thn grower nnem dla- ourotcc 1 about it that night thn preuldnnt of lin firm wu travelling on tha fa uot exiireaa toward the tloe del lu uee tiere tin uuld to the flrat tenant hn met what do you menu by tatting all the men i u ml down here that thern n mutiny in rlnet you know you ve hud a tumiwr crop for three yearu now and have got a good trfoa for it nvnry time ve air that what we toll tha gnntteniumi but you know dndunka nonaonsel thorn uren t enough the aplrlt of christ too congenial lliat be may really be plausunt too forbearing that he may not cravo rov nge n too good that he may be ga good a lie long to bo too gentlemanly that be may be a real gentleman too religious that he may be a tru christian too friendly that he maybe friendly e too truthful that he may never tell a he too induatrioun thai he may not be indolent too ctuitlouu that he may alwaya be prudent too honest that he may never cheat or steal too lean thai he may not be con tain in a ted loo chivalrous that ha may never be rudej too utrlct thut ha may not be too lux too consecrated ttutt he may be humble too loyal that ha may actually be faithful too uhaxtn that he may not be vuluur too cheerful that hn may hot be deapoadunt too emotional that ha may not be too cold l too tend or hearted that ho may not appear to tie ton hard too lenient that he may hot appear too havare too uffotlniuita that he may never hutu and on and on almost to infinity thlu una of thought might lie carried and tlku thohlmiullo petohii ascending prob lem in addition tha anriwor htlll wo tie the uainu i or if ya do there thing ye htiall never fall those are not worka of aupererogatlon but stralahttortlward manly effort to pnvar fall below the high ami holy atandardu or ufa a revealed by tha love mid wlialom of ood they are the nevrdylng caluj of our heavenly father to come up higher watch the leaks the pvrlod of inflation hag left us p dloease that 1 going to be hard to cure we have become too carale of our expenditure we have gotten no uccuutomed to paying two or three price for everything that wa do not check our exteiue costs a we used to do then wo have become noouatoinod to bo mo outlay which it in going to i mi hard tn out out or even cut downj unlet wa put a little more temper into tha knifeblade uiul a llttln mora initio into tho handle wo have all gotten a little rnggnd on our account ing hyutehi und thuro la need for a tlghtuitlng up be thou diligent to uiiuw the titlttc of thy flock and look well to thy hnrda for rlcho are not forever the man who does not get down to bran lack at tho very be ginning of thlu year and watch hi buslnusn for leuka small and great will be surprised at where ho will laud nix tnonthm from how ai out the knife unit ua it not with reckleaa slashing but with the care of tbe diligent pruner who looks for mors and bettor fruit the telephone oirl tiia telephone glr sits atlll fn her chair wd hutans to voice from everywhere xlaar all ha gossip at hear all lie news bbfi knows who m hulqiy npii who lui tbe blue she knew ull our aorrow she know all our joy ulie knows every girl who la cihualng thu boyu she know every man who i mon to his wlf shs know ovury woman who has had a dark past uhe knows every man whos inclined to be fast in fact there s a georet nnnth each uauoy ourl of thut lulet ventur looking telephone girl if tho telephone girl would toll all ghe know she would turn half our friend into bitter focrf aha would sow u small wind thut would aoon be a gale en gulf us in trouble mul laud ua in jail she could let go a story which gain- lug in force would ooat half our wives to sua divorce she would get all the churohom mixed up in a fight and turn ull our day into tiorrawlng nightt hi fact aho would keep thu whole town in u stow if ahad toll one tenth part of the tiling thut she knew now down t it make your head whirl when you think what you pwo tha telephone glrlt tt- ttick of painters trade many furmory do a great- deal of their awn painting interior and ex terior an nmutuur painter cannot avoid noma pulnt op the hardware h uctt us locks hjngch lux a dies pulls this given the finishes job a botched npimarnnoe and partly spalls tho effect of tho new qo of paint haro bt u little trick of the painter a trade unit will nerve the mrur painter well before beginning to pgtnt thn woodwork apply a ooat of vaseline tn the hardware let the paint dry thoroughfy then wipe the vaseline off thai metal part and the paint will come off with it this- insure a neat clean job or tthtoh the painter jaaf be proud well ulr maid the negro spook ing with nharactorutla patience you aee tt this er way dn laud good it grows lot of rloe and de rloe sella fine but when doy goo to pay u day de duck for bacon dn ducka for floui da dunks for uugwr do duoks for tea and dn duck get all da rloe new mills hall at o ac forms i open in 0 of tha new college rsaldane tueedsy advantage wan taken of tha even ing noealon of jim icrjmr i mental union ut the o a fluolpli tin tuimtday to itni inn mill halt thn nuw college rciddoncn formully dhiii president j beynolds in a brief address intro ilng br jaine mlll- after whom tha now ulldlng take its name paid high tr unite to thtr man who bad ue- cliplal the high onltlon uh heail of the ontario agricultural college from 1h7d 1u04 hla ttimurk thut lr mill luni done ore for the mhege than any other uu waa n coivih with snndnrahln applauae after revlowlug tha growth of thn atltutlon under ur mill mr bay- lio ida uont udn with the following lutement wa nhnll do well if thl college lunoeed lu nttrrylng out the same qmillty or work an that conducted liler br mf floor miliinq in canada ottawa juuuary 11 a rellmlnary re 1 drt on the flour milling industry in i anstla issued by thn tomlnlon bmeuu of btatlntlc for thn calendar year 1610 cover tha operation or i iit indlvlluul puiiit the total capi tal invented lu thn industry in tha ijomtiilcn wau i7c 41 13 the num- tiur of employee wuu fib0 male and 41 remain who wore paid a total sal ary of 8 obj 170 tho toupfuel ooat for operation was 17si s9b of which 403 161 wa uf canadian origin and titt 34b foreign thn tetul dally capa city per 34 hour for all mills wa atatedwbemjbt barrel g 1st of materials tu tslw 117 sct and tho value or product 3ulfll wlieut flour with a sailing value at the mill of ll8gs3 30t waa the chief prod not of the mills answered elour the family eats more bread since mother started us ing cream of the west flour it makes loaves of es traordinary white ness and flavor maple leal milling co limited toronto xotoalpasj il the habit of qivinq vour de0t how much tmlter you fool when you are eon lou of giving your beat unreservedly of dinging your ufa out in halpulneas in insprallou and en- nnwraga e yew g 1 w an infinite nntlnfnctlon thnro in feel ing that wo are helping uomeloly that we strew ounvayu witli flowera tmcausu we know that we it hall never go along the same road uggln that we mska overy body with whom wo hav come in ctntot feel w little bettnr thlu i the way t got tha moat out of lira but un fortunately moat of us do not open up ourselves to the world aery much wo are too aelfleh to fling oura out t aho w the beat that i in uu uu wo go along we envj the person who ha thl faculty of fling ing out hiu heul the nroma the rloh- uoh of hi life juat us thn roa mugm out it awentniian ls beauty to every passerby without reserve it lu a wonderful art and if everybody would do it whut a wonderful world this would bp fling out your bent thlu your dont hold it in don t curv your wat uilng to the grave give them to the world farm lite and hoursof work long hnuru on thn farm are not tha aama n long hours ut a nlty job tn a- ulouodlii factory tha farmer has variety ii is in tho open air he work hard too but he has p him the aplrlt of indupendonoe farm er in aplte of hard work axe earn ing many tilings that money oould net give them thut i no reason though why maehliiury oould not be used more freely on farms every farm should have tho heat lalior saving machinery ialmruaving devices should be in every farm house eleatrlo washing machine vacuum cleaner electric irons flreleu coo kern hot and cold water and eleclrlo light every thing thucsvitl help hlti wf and family and make furm life joyous to them iask for it expect to finch the fisherman ihe afar of supremacy on every bottle of emulsion that you tuy this means that you will always ask or scons emulsion seett av swaa tea oat bo makers of kim0id5 crmt mi wo cw indigestion ttwfjj a ejcottluh farmor twilug elected a n0i100i manager vlsltejf the village hohool and teatnd tho intelligence of thn nlnn by hi iuention hla first inquiry wa now boys can any one of you tell me what nucthhig lr n momen ii a rf ixiy rone and replied n what y glad tod t other day for hauldln yer horenl rheumatism womlujsciallc nsmrlu teinpleton rheumatic capsules hato broaaht hosjth to half- sjaflexora a healthful mooeyaavlng remedy well known or 61 te years pre scribed by doctora sold by drug gists 1 00 a bo ask our agent it write lor free trial park ec tsmpletona 11 kjntfw toronto 10 x hauaard iocal agent the ford garage has made complete arangkments for storing batteries tor the winter months itnttcrics kept at proper temperature and inspected monthly and kept to tho desired gravity bat teries recharged or repaired when ncceutry advice free oxyacetylcne welding plant id being installed ah wcldmjj in repairs promptly and oativ factonly executed our plant for general repairs s complete prompt expert attention given to necessary re pairs tocars of any make tho olectrio starting and lighting 1 jy f rily overliaulod full line of titch of all makes and a complete assortment of accessories always in stock l g king manager ii a coxe proprietor advertise regularly in 1921 tannery cooperative with the opening of the new year we are looking forward to a further decline in prlcea of most commoduita and as imees gradually drop our cualomeni will rromptly icecelve the benefit new aoods are arrivlnjr dally at this store and our customers can always depend on kttinp kretth clean groceries and jrovbiona tower imces than elsewhere fhwan haoih hadd1k vhxkts 1phesh oitk sausagh orangert bananas lcmona grape fruit etc always on band farmers are invite to bring their frobuch bkke and receive cash or goods in exchange mill street tannery cooperative a a conway manager acton just 10 tomorrow will place this beautiful graf onoto b lo selections fa your home at once with the privilege of paying ns beiancm ef price 4u30umx an mbmji matnm weekly offer you pet it an qfjcrvre believe more ftberal than wotth get anyvwacre or at any time again that you should hurry ra tocnorrow ancl take advantage of because it not- ordy makes it caey to obtain one of these worlds best home ejttrartainers but gives yon an early and longer time to enjoy it too will reoognlca in tho illustration oae or the ljoat aad h typea st oraroaolaa balng a floor model that la oomplato with oompartmaata for sfrsuytw vaoorla this ihandaarao tnstrumant bt tuada in both mahogany and famed oak otnlata and yoa esw haveyour oboleo of either it is ovor 40 laehoa high ibm laehea wtds sott baches deep trant to back al tho mqchanlcal details are or beaf oonatroctkxa it baa three apeesl drlvo motor plays lour record with on grinding tona control bdsvs traatoatad jual apoad regulator now bayonotjolpt topo arm colojnoa reprodooar idsuio4iige4 tna with aalldjiisunfniidatiu exdoaed wixta hurttr atakhated no locher pbonoaraslt eoold gtre 70a more ptourars at any prtoa aoneday offer only 1 ask la ahat you par oa 10 downtomorrow and agree h pay ns balanoeot pwr- chaaa prtoe tn small sums weekly aftarwsjrda we wand the oaattietflj ootttt arafooola and vecorda o yotr homo at eooa to pay mr it walla yoa are cnutag yovr eajoyment ftofa it c w kelly son guelph ontario feiit

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