Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 20, 1921, p. 5

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ijeartmtarmijwsefl thuliilday janijaily 30 1031 go i no down t uiiy work tin i i lonf wh n h whnn tha boa ian t t lw ir h ii lot y imfdr i ut are iriit tiuvtr to it i ktir if you ku hrokn you 4in borrow anil though you mny land in the poor i hit i mi anm lluy korgul titxiul tliut till to hneak out ur ul albly nan or bunt f r lavo ulthu laaka that you uu it iy wuy through nl jo a to ttiuii lul iyi lm willing u u wlttwl who will thorn lit nurt to bnilk out witli a harrowing wull if iiutloo uki rough ur uiiplouaulit a tio tliougli y u an 111 ly to wind up in jail i ii t tlilnk iiboul that for tin prin nl lion t thorn u lllo r itlui tit ik if tlio boaa nlunty oc iini who will nun you look right in hla eyn und uhaurvu with it f row ii if lie dun t llkj yoir work ha cmi nre you i per holm you ii got y if thlu coil mo you jmrin though tho uhuntu uro vt ry munh groator that before v ry long you will aturvo if yon ijut thut you an tlilnk uimut klnr thin wladom w nevor have gathnred front hooka thlloaophiru nevor uuppllod it w sill it frutir louforw a nil graft era and ull of tlium worthha have tried thnuu ruliih vary it thay va folloi oldhdly 111 and if you will look whom it not urn forthwith you ii ugme it a the epaed- inut way to sot from tlto tun to the bottom twenty vear ago twentv vea thursday january s4 190 the mercury rcg lata rod it bnluw aero hare laat muturtluy morning i whan unloading tlm big 6 400 pound aura mt the door or tha merchant dan an haturday tlie plaint which ys hnwtum oral t toil to block wan a forward and tho uafo tumbled iver upon unci partly through the aldo- walk nu damage wo duno but it jjaujjavanuxain rn inn if attain fourteen alolgha loaded with over two hundred aaholum t cache re and onlcera or tha method la t huduy school 1 drove to hook wood un monday on tho annual alalsli rldo tho alolkhlnb u oxcallant tho weuthar hno und mild mna all tinjoywt tho rldn tho allfw wr unloadod ut tha uethodtat church ilookwoot which wm comrort bly warmed after no vera 1 addrowma tha wohoul wnn trnutod to a llbontl up ply of oundy und vhortly nftr da- parted for home arriving in tho boat of nplrlta without uooldant or tnlahap of any kind iir qracloua majowty qun vic toria died on tuomluy and tha itlnoo of walm in now kins kdward vii an vrnplro mournu th douth of tha worlfffc toatoat aovorclen to the ird mayor of ixndon oa- borna f ii m january 1 my balovod mother hak jiuit paaaod away nurroundd by hr children and grand children hurnd albert kilward tha abuva rowiiaca fuv tho world the aorrowful now a of tho umtalnir away of the quean whowo aubjecto lovod hr with lyujty and devotion atter but k weak of aerlou lllneaa tho and of thla career never equal- lad by any other woman in tho world a tuatory carao in a almplyfurnlabod room id oaborna houae at exactly sir jatnea i told held un hlaliand il tha people in tho rotin kao thl knvlandhud iof her queen maa tha i qh3 ivciuwl ftirny qulfe itaaoafull ha krunbred no iwiln amonsf all nftr till p qilmoct thr orebut f tyhg tfw npt fnuuf fvv w ititm ua tw 0n of their own liquaeuold nor tflu tho maurnorn ba found among hr own nuhjeet nlono h la not tup ntucn tq aoy that never in the hutory of the worlit ha a finale death tutuaed auch reproach without a thought ot keif ind unromorvedly devoted tho dutlen of tho hour although occupying per- hap the proudott poaltlona ever fllled bf a woman and never wanting in a certmln queenly dignity her toatea ho- ntoanour and ever her droaa were marked by the raroat aliwpllolty uho tuuj been indeed tho mother of her people und no a knottier aha will be mourned in ull tho affaire bf a lata aha manifested tho name wladom that inanlred her private lit nor did her own country alone oujoy the frulta of her experience und sasnclty through her kindred and dosconflanta abroad her inftuence for many year haa been ttll la continental politic ulwuyii on the alda of peace i the literal truth two rooklea wore indulging in the moldler privilege rowllng ubout tbelr troublog and tho high coat enjoying life while on leave i ordered u chicken dinner ul cafe and they charged mo o dollar and alx blta said on a nowaboy overheard him say muter he aald vi know whore you eon set a chicken minn or for two bit a good big one too tho aoltllsra lookad akepttcal but the neweboy invlated that he wbh tell ing the truth and told the otreat and number of the place too v a few daynlutor uccordlng to the argonaut tho two ool4ien wont to the v and determined to vlalt the chimp restaurant they fotind the addrowa h waa u feed atom the sunday school lesson for qunday januaflv 23 llv w w tiiolinton i ltomotion in tllld kinuimjm mutt iff 17 zs floldnn tairt the boii ifjnmi cumo not to lm inlnlutdretl unttiliut to mln- uter utid to slvo hlu ufa for tnuny matt 0 2h hlatenol battlno so litun comlninti vi rnu 17 juuim und lllu dbhilpltiu hud trotuihly wi from m row th jonlun thruurh jurloho ho wu lug irtifom ihaui an u 4ptuli nomt im fore hlm mohlloni and lvou thiun kiii uo in untinia to huvn uoliuht ovury itptmitunlty to inukn thont undntutuiid iu rul hthltuttl mlwlon mil nuur thlr mludm of tituturlallxm vtin ikilul huro uu pr0l tlon of illuuxti r htrumin to thulr ura 11ml r druin wwm of u trluutphaiit und un nonqunruhln ltiitdiu thoiiuh jt xuk iud uwxidy iriiid hlu ilutl l 1 vr 10 lb- horror of it ull lu horn rovnsled for thn aral tlrou tuko uyd thoy could not undcrhtund ikn ib ul varxn 20- ffulumv tho molhor yln- ctircly worahlpod hut ulio wau ut thn muna time tunhltlouu for hr uouu vfirua aillir imtltlon wnm both uuwluo und til tliuod olf htokliig duln tha flmr poroptoiiu varna 33 thu rnudlimua with whluli t t dal qm tw ujlndu uii thut lihilu brouk in where anseht ftuf lu troud vnrao s3 murk uddu and wtth tba iwptuin thut i um imptuod wllhul uhnll y lm buptliod it indlcatoa an ovnrwhrlmlng of borrow auch am luul inttirthl their tnllidu jouuh ajau leila tham that immortal honom are not btfrtomd on u inurkut buala or glv- n out un prise vcrao 2t tho otltof tn were prob- ulily no mom rlghtoiuu than jumau und john but were a ilttlo jaulouk vrelb am oontrautsd with qen- tlln fovariituutit tho jewluh donlqcruoy exdludthl tyranny w tuminuu to mngt stopi look i liatcni 1 whut in the wnrl i h tlintr iikhtlf- nl lltntrlcn ntopplng in mho doorway it din uliurv and i inllnu u dnlnty fort llnuur ul a ilttlo htunbonrd llutt in uomowliul hhuky lottora roquolitml tho tuuiinr by to htop look and lau- thutt uhl 1 her mother looking tip olnfildly from tha hit or unwlng in hor huu hi oh ihut la u hi tip memento of llohhy und 1 nbky und iholr itummi thu tiiorulug they worn plnylng iull- roiul und ttno or tho nrnualmiu hnp- pmiid t ho by that nritmn cliulr wllri4ly liny ounlit to l- tuu to put uwity thflr thluga when thy iluluh pluylnk whut- if unyonn cume lll will 1 bullihno 111 liuvo to put it uwny mynnlf jorutand the illfforence betwuen tomporul und iiplrltuul klnudomu tho word nilnlut or ojtulta the prlnolplu of wtirvloa e 37thln uj contrary to tho khipulnr lda of jiromlnonco joauu up- unta ull out ordinary nutlonu of great and dut i notion we actually do hot p ran tiro what jlo tnuchea on thin huhlect we extol hi- worda in irarmon and prayer meeting and go oh juat aw wo wore going before to enthrone lllmaelf with othora to low nlleglanoe hut runt to auvo all from tha lowlt to the groataat lll ifo la glvon uu u ranaom to redeem noil from tho powar und captivity of ilu llluitrtad truth it la man hlmautf who douirmliiiwl thn nature of hla- reward v 33 llluatratlon a pompoua individual ho lu addition to lie ing u multi millionaire waa political bono waa turloua whon hla oon waa drafted i after he had pulled every pooslblp i wire to no purpotto it dawned upon him that he oould nut auccesafully oppoao tho vedoral uovornmont know ing that hltt von wuu likely to ooon be t overaeub tho rich man nought out nun high in military authority 1 want you to woo lo it thut my aon geu thoeo dacoratlonit people nro making much over he demanded you are baking thn impomllilo waa thn reply the jnodaia and itoouruuona atund for bravery and the uolldor muat furnlahthut hlmaelf toploa for reaaareh and dleouoalan i a bad xrophoor va 1710 1 where wore joaua end lilt d lac 1 plea thla hifieont 2 why wuu joaua prediction of dlaaater no rephigiuint to ilia dunlpleat a when had he pre dicted hla death beforet i why fi they not understand ii a selffmn uoqueat yq 30 34 g who wore tho none of jbyflepv whut dp yju lilnk t b requeatt f why flldalom jfimfta and john nn phbh ttert their atjlhty ot drink the cup joaua mentioned ti why wore the ton indignant t hi a clear rxphinutlon yu x53s1 0 how did jewluh government ootl truat with oantllet lowhut in johum trying to got them to see in varuaa 2 1st 11 iiow doea joaun conception of grout none contrast with that of the world today t dally roadtnoe for next weak monday jarmarp 34 tho trlum- hal untry matt 31 11 1 tuesday january ib the cleana- ing of the templotmutt all 1317 wodnowluy january aa queatlon- piut tho king mutt si mm thuruduy january 27 the king lleioetod mutt st 3343 it day january 2 jenu clalnut to tto king john is 33 40 ruturduy january 30 jouuu cruol- fted o king john 19 1333 sunday january so blttg xruleoe unti our king pa 7 10 the poor mana friend- put up in amall bottlou thutxareeajilty portaole and eold for a vary email mm tr thorn an koloctrle oil poeaoaaea power in co ncen rated fonn lu choapntua and the varied uaee to which it can lie put muka it the poor man friend no dealere atock is complete without it jh doautvef a clear skin the dltlon of the liver rcgulaleu tho o6nr dltlon or fho blotnt a dlfordored lyor cauaeg lm pur it lea in lle blood und theee ahow tliomaelveu in blemlaheu on the akin put-melee- vegetable h pllht in uctlng ujmin tho liver aot upon the blood and a clear healthy akin sll folhiw tntolllgent ua of ttiltintan- rd medicine ijidlen who will fully appreciate thla prime quality of i head ptlbf con una thorn with the qortulnty that tho affect will be most gratify ing 2 li awillinq sacrifice yre have o neighbor whom we knew lb be greatly devoted to her awn family hut unell we had our iflrat california thunderstorm writes frlbnd of tho cempuntari we did not know that aha wm entirely laotlng in a lrpper aenaq of humor 1 heard her celling in the mldat of w the atbrtn and otend my window rt flm ur hunter ut homer aha aald exaltodly f jhttd a dreadful shock when t took down the telephone receiv er and x want him to come over and put it back on tho hook isnt mr roberta ut horoot i attg ge tod oi h- tn jht aamge wluf m bo h v know- i think it tfg jl f venr 4ngeroua to handlethe tbiaff a il dqnt rnt to cull them v i 7 1 i- 45gftii6 utrlii ulil thut won lm i no my itoiir ahu kuury x don t ii for u little mind buying it ivff whlln llotitrlia ulurud iuuve it nintliort why wlul firt oli juut to liuvo i mi or two prruoiim h ok ut it mm vraton hud rnuum- i 1 in i duo i m wing irirhuph you lull uluwl whll hllltljin ihulrlroii ilpn pink- r 1 in u llttlfl round o at undurutuudlng why you tom of iiiunm indunil i wluh ho would ut j look und llaton before hn pliiiiitih fit hare why 4ut y tarduy whun i wuw nnrvlng ta lnnnlo wulnihlny in nitdmd tom llko u groat ttolllv dog- tin owing muddy unow and ixuika und hockiy wtloku right and lift und bw niorlltlfld mi muriy to dfuithl i von don i think of unylwidy eluot w nil i dim t know of rourue lloli und i ogity if tiny would lvn ip t w tuyw yw be attracrrons of tweed ont iwuyu tumiiilng round uml gattlng hurt limy wny limy do mm m it r tit on unluhid hr mudi und hnunti to foil a iimii atiyonn ulov alio ftiquliwl with tho huron tabu mar- in r thla time lkurl glgglnd well really aluib you pre me mother aim uuld if we could liuve it 111 thn dining ku m win re rather rull itue it boforu ho btnrtw on one of hla iil- lernilnablo utorlnu whon we huvo gunat hhe utoppml abruptly ut the look tn r mothi r m oyoa well really mithr who auld ii u hulfwuy uixilo jill una hynw aaho1 if tut mmm iiyoim nlaund father wna all i eould think on it tlldn t occur to you did it dour to atop for a mlrintn and look at youmiirr well tlien i guoaa t muni for you tha fault that thla utile nlgn lu111 ut ouoe n my mind tif voura uoatrlon you pride youruolf iitxjn your manner my dear and you have reaaonthoy are very pretty in moat wuya hut i wonder if you rnallao how very difficult it la to hold your attention oh yea thorl you uuy oulckly when i oak you toj do mi tirrand and away you tly imforo tkhow whether you uniler- atnnd what i want or not and many timou you do not or tea fathnr lm llatnnliig you y without uvvii looking up from your imok und then you give a queer iidorlng attawcr that ahowa you huvnn t listened at all and whan your grundmothor ralla you to her door you npvar luve umo and alt down in the louturoly way that old people lovo it w ul- waya gooil morning grandma i hope you fl imttnr ul 1 you want y thing apitolalt mury ta wultlng downntufru uro gone baforu ixior grundmu llam avnl had time to cutchher breath one of thn rlrat lawa of ooiirtnay my iluur la to iwinavo ua if your tlmo wore momnnt ut leant at tho full dtapoeal of tho per aon who uaka for- partlculuriy if aha la older than you that waa the tnnuaago i hoped ilttlo sign might bring you stop quietly and ttbaotutety un til youknow whut u wanted ol you look atrulgnt at the- perann who in talking to you und ply full atten tion lihtek uulotiy uti courtdoualy until you know jtint wtiat he vanta und then unayvar intodlguntly lleulrlcfi run acfoaa hi- room and dropped penitently by h rrtithor4 uhglr llut moat ttll he aald fltnp lleatrlce and iook at your own faulta before you make anybody oluo llaten to your crltlnumut of other poop la i lor and tourluta ltlclinl ock nnltlod in twimki in 1r3b and mm jameji jumlnuon who at dim time owiiihi tho vllluge alto twonot reoetvoil ita numu horn nunr the tweed rlvof tcolluhd u ploiiupr gavv the in to hla canadian home a neigh borly river alnga ilu plcturaunuo way through yio town and lie many raplda und wftorfaua preaent abundant water- power icuat und north of twved ore good opportunitv opportunity la but a doughhut with the rim in aomeonon atumaeh aak any man who huu made good and he will tell you that oppotunlty la but a data on the calendar u time when an individual woke up opportunity la n tloaalhlo ohunco whllu work with un opportunity a probnbla ohunco opportunity may bo a chicken houao it muyie u nuw tplll or it may do u vlollm hut who oyer heafl of oj oliick an houae u aaw mill orji violin nak- ing u nucoeaa ull ulonet i optmrtunlty tu uh urfpleaa ua monkey fat aa liopeleah wltlioul- wovk nu try- ing to atop up u rut ho vf ooiqriii olioeao n tho mull who deiminda on on oppor tunity ulono tha follow who refuuen to work with ait opportunity in a uaa- joaa on earth ua a buttonhole without a button j tho mun who altu down und aaya ho la waiting for an opportunity to turn ui la aa welcome lu aoclety oa a looking gluaa to a woman who hua juat reoovered front p aeyore euae of amalloox i ungenerous in judgment italph la auch a genoroua fellow aomeouo waa bay i tig hod lend hla lout dollar aa quickly ua if he had million that ho had practically no uaa for artor hoarlng thla trlbuto it wag a little hhock to tha llntaner to moot ltulph u wutlcor ao later le wutt u junior in col in go und tha olaaa honor had juat been nwurded ralph ranking tmotinil but when aomoone cangrutu- hpted him ltulphu tuoa fluahud don t talk to me ha auld ruthnr be rlrat or nothing and uhoum tiavo benu tlrat too dent you know whut tho mutter iht why dun can a uncle la a truetoo undelleva me that whut guv him flrwt honora thodung fellow who can make u aimieeh or that wort doea not deaarvo to be rollod genoroua spending money freely la eomatlrpcfl mlutakon for gen eroulty whon in many ouaea it la not remotely rotated to thut attractive trait and even one who la genejroua with money may luck gunemafty in more important matter the youth who would reudiry lend hla laat dollar to un acquaintance but i unmnaraua in judgment la aatlafyliig hlrnwfwlth tthe leaaor thing and ignoring xhat which really- multora to be genoroua with your money und ungenaroua with your thinking alumpu you ua lacking in gelieroally the brunswick uiiailluna have gntvrn more and mo o uj rintlva of i m rlohiieaa und u hy of tn illrtaiunt pavla of our dominion tho province of ontario rli h hi auoiilo boautfua htoturloal net ting un 1 mi port milt lea haa purta that ui dlatlurltve no of which lu twecdi- towuahlp of itluutt rford county uf jiuallnua it hua uttrurtlona i luko rlvur hill c nl nil location auund biihliidha hi tlvhy fn in u farming und that lu rich lu promlhd thu altuatlen im h hupi y una juat wont in the rooky region o lroiitoiao uml addlnglon oouiitini ami it relalna enough of tho luguol along with many other uomilo nttrartlona to make it a dnalrud auin- mar rcnort wnuill lalunda dot the lukn ulvmi tha uiiphoulpuu name of tjtowi by the iarly luolve aetlleru thn mohwwk und muaaabaah irthanh and around it la woven a mint of in dian lorn and woodland vlalon tho winding and tree qlud uhore which vurlea from low gently uloplug aaudy heuuh to awlrtly aljtjjiig reeky line iireaflnfw pvnrv wmftv thnt httritcj fhss kiooco and ore chimney milieu liuve produrud qiiuntltlea of gold in tho running dlntrlct dalrylnm glvoa on ojctmimlvu manufaoture of aheeeo wltli i many au 20 clieaao taatorlne within radlua of ten mllua of tho town tha outstanding dlotrict of tho town- ahli lu north jlaatlnga whego are the only known depim i la of mlaploklo on it of a wiirkuhlit ul mlapluklo ore un tho mont iiatui il htmriij uf uro whlla araonln lu grout vnlnti to lin dominion th duponltl havn iwuii lioroughly uroapi tiled dui ing tlm laat vr and hftvo boon pro lininim 1 tha hirgvilt in tho wofll tin t n on try la vory iiultaliln for mining dnvolopmont ua it la wnll aiipplle i wuu water powor und tniiimportulloii fuoul tluu thn only uraonlo that la rodtm- tfrd n w ft lme t a ilial obtained ua u hypiwlilul funil tint cobalt rilnu und ih ing miiuu- furfurnd ort ft uipull uculo with i ructlu- ally all the output going to amuilonii agnta ao that it la difficult tn buy canadian oraonlc without going out 1 lu of canada to do ao araonln whh li waa oa high aa 14 conlu pop pound haa utl abnormal pi iflo wtldh cannot hn mntnnlnnj if th unwaoiirnoa of aiipiily am devulopeil uml the aarloutf ahortnge in um world u uuppiy i draw lug u god deal of ottt ntlon to tlilu nail in kuatpffl ontario the aupply of uraonlo in tho united htatia hua imnn prmitlcqlly exhatiwted ftnd atnnrl- turjaa are unxuila to tap ho mineral reaburcea of canada in order to rarry on tholf buhlneati au to the uueu of aroenlo there haa i on t5mpkubto davdlrpmmit in the laat few yegra it u a polaoru nnd lt ue nu part nren la wp1 i nown but it haw ltii found a llfolver ua well a a a ue doatreyer and agrlrplturul ok- prlm have reallaod i la potent and far reinhlug noatbllltlea on utertlllaor a jouruahat writing vt the poaalhllltloa a whlnh hnvft-hcco-rtrvb- i qre jl jcnnls oxtant tho qoldert onlurlo tniui if north liaatlngi lund of rockg and ahallow far ma inn aupply n commodity of auch almr to ugrh ulture 1 will lm another llllia tmtlon of tho wonriorfut piovliun ct nature and tt e atreuge but hnppy irony of nvnnta for thaaruu pluoed ahnll give tfow uf to the more fri itful rnglona of the eagtli 3 q the thouohtiful bell dov them la u gllmpae of un umualug ida of httmnn nature in the following uunedoto which uppoarg in vrlenov intelllfcuiunr for four oonaeomlya nlghtu the hotel manager hud wulcliad air gtinut ftl hor pitcher u tho water otailor kadain ho anld on tha fifth night if yoii would ring that would bo done rnr you hut whom la my bolly uukud thn lady t rliavlmll la healde your lied re plied tho muuagii j v the beilt aha oxalalmed why tho boy told hie it wag ha fire lim gnd that 1 waa net o fouob it qn fny aioountl t every child needs nourishment that notoahr sus tains strength but also promotes nor mal growth scotts emulsion is aioodtonic that ia or special significance to children those wio wro not thrtviris ousht to take scotfs emulsion bqittai bumic totaato on the limit k utrong family tenllng ua you might tonu it lu ull vory woll begun pago lo the now mlnlutor of orarton pariah hut if it la onrrm fur j why you um juut nutuiully u ivnial uiikltuu ubout whiirn it la going to un i tharo won whore tlqulro pnrry luhl hlmaalf upon to u plolon back lu war tlmou how uot quarlnd tlm milliliter upy- ing outortulnmant wal l mr tngo not un willingly the udulrc va lno ov tke mun hat aienl i u huanllly hard iron aoivin tho onlgmu t wod- lock ho core lu did it ho hid mnrroil nvo aluteru the upy urh in v awmhle luimum of oonaouuuyonhtf arter one vflfo lifttl lwn l0l ttnd mourned hearty ltu upprxiprluto hv marrlud nohr lie kept hla oourtln und eapoualti right within tlm family tlrolo uopip auld hv didnt want to break in u now motherlnluw but i alwnya contended it wuh the feallug i v juat men li o nod wnl whon ho come to uuk for the nrtht and laat girl ho aald to old wcaoon hoyt i want hetty hwaya tho dcuoon for ho waa neur ntouedeaf i want you ahould lot mo have kllx a both r oh ye want betty do yat whut ferr for my wlfo per hfot yoal i want to marry hor wul yo tioodn t hollor uo tho hull neighborhood can hoar yu uun havo hor y got did ull now auya tho ol i deacon kind of alow und and for he aot groat atore by ilia glilit hut i wuilt ye to know ho uaya lifter a klid of quint pnuu thut if nnytliliig huptvanu to thut poor mla- luldoit gli i ua it haa ii hoi poor alaterg yu noudn t ooinu round muklu uyea at mnthtir fnr ye wont git horl von couhtn t much wonder con lulled mr page railway tinrie tables at acton grand trunk railway byatem doing waat no 26 sunday 10 34um no 30 a la um- no ai 10 34 un no 33 n e 3 111 pin no 36 6ltipm no ju- h 13pm qolnoj eaat w no 34 sunday n 6ipm no as obam no ra v nil lum no 33 a ay pm en 34 0 16pm no 38 a 13 pm toronto suburban clotrlo hallway qolnd weat lmilly oxnpi tliiriday iully i u pt iuitdoy i ually ir it sunday miihluy only l mini i ty only hiinduy only 017 a t 3 31 p n b00 p i ii 03 a 1 iii tin itlpb t u j 3 03 pin 10 p n i 8 ci a x t 48 p u 0b p n you only uuy one piionogkapii yoo might as wlll be suhi out with your own ijyib and i aksabour the uhunbwick frank king tho dealer will ifemonatrate wain stitelt geoitgfrnywn estabushed 1672 yarn money in livb stock cariei utaciuctiuti of b recti- ing cattlo end tha riht kind of rinnnclal backing will put you in n position to make money from your herd tho to promote any logltlmato do velopmont atone this lino bank of hamilton georgetown branch g c mackay monacer id i dor a worm powdera ore qw medl- elua for uhlldreii who uro found auf- ftrlng from the vuvagua of wormn thoy immmlluvuly ulter uio ntomubfllo condlfloni under tvhlch lhe worma aulwlat und drive nam from the hv- tem and at tho name time llipy are tonlbul in thulf offoct upon tho dlgee- tlvo orgqntt renorlng them q health ful operation- unfl cnaueing innmnlty from further laortteru from aqph a cuuae i for dr jd keltogga to aucceedara bthara fall na la taatlfled by many thouaanda wfib have found thla out for themeolvem why continue to endure doya nnd nlghta of unspeakable ajjony when u remedy of auch hab standing hag not yet been trlyjt envy i wuih i knew mi h i tie aa tlmt mah m w3iyt made ono million dollars and never vnmt to college hlo vyt got a diploma mini nothing- we money in qeebe although geeae ahpuld recelvj tholr rtnal futtoulng for market in a hurry thut lu to aay by bo ing oouneq olooaly und fed heavily for tvroy throe wpeka thote la now a good jia nee to bring them along to a fa weight by turning thorn on tho graltubbla thu means obeup feed ip and the exarclae the blrdnjivltt jilnjn movlna ubout to aeouro rooi water wm put tem juiil tha right uhupo to muka fipv lna on the final crowding with or other rich reed vvheregaeae are foreefod they be- poundi oandltlon thulr hvere are often eriqr maun and will gel for 1 per pound where there im a demand for thla particular part of the boouo another nource or oonatdarubla revenue from geewe la the feathera which are in growing demand und commtwd w jjuicca about nuo pqund ot leathern pun ba pluoked from 0 gooaa in a year beet here pre rlpo for flunking vhn tho quiu appear dry ftnd do na eon- lain blqpd really irallabla aathma remedy all aufferera from chromo aathma eboula try dr j d ktdlogge aathma ilamody ojpd tii r no matter how many others have ftaoomae ratottontvetgnmr irir illi much m 1b pounda wlion litgucb sorhu dlaanpearwhon treated with lowaya corn ttomovep without icavvlns a fhhir news for well dressed men buy clothes that are guaranteed it coau no niore to buy clothoa that are quallanthlkd than ftny othar klpd l ltthx name dreaswull on the ln- hllu okour couta im a touimm 1 gwrantoo uuy ure uuaruiileed by s munufuctuiera un t by ha to bo abaoletely rlht in every par ticular or wo wouldp t veil them clothes are handtailored toyour measure at 3000 v 8500 the suit or overconl french dry cleaning dyeing ro pairing and altorwttona of all klnda huvo aluo aecured a no 1 lun- dry agency which will give prompt aervlce und guaranteed sw or k live ua it trial on any order and be convinced alao agent for dreebwall qrgnd mad to maaaure clot haa geo hillman tailor acton a 8uccesbpul bargain the ahlftloaa ownur of tt wotlllloua id hnrae joel turner had boon lu- ha luiblt of foadtng tha unlmnl from ha crllu of hla more entorprlalng neigh bora until tho putlonoo of hla lotlma wua ooropletuly oxluiuatod thoy utd cuughf him in tho uct of halplng hlmaalf to eotn u tiumtier of tlraoa uud ao them wag plenty of uyl- dance to tonylol hlnl hut on accoun of hla family uhd hla vlndlotlyo ila- iioaltloii lib oilu wanted o uroaepuo hint pne dy whftil jftelfl helghlora wro dlaouaalng the glfugflon aomo pne hiy- goalol lnt it avqiilll bo an flct of mercy ahloh w ftuio aolvo thulr problem if they liouglit tho old hm0 nnd pu i ouf of 1n mltery thla atikgaauiin the eoiiforeuoo ud- ojitod thuy auhaivlcl n purao of ton dollara umf aent u committee of one to buy the home ifoce tho plan woe- threat on od with failure the oommlttoa report ail that joel did not want to hall after a fow duya joaao wlnflcld who thought hlmaolf amnethlng of n di plomat undertook to liugotluto tho aule und to hla aurprlao round jool not only willing but unxlotiu toaoll th horao thut auld teaae in a oongrutulu tory tone ua he hand oil ovnr the tan dolutm wna u good dtiul for youi xou will gut lota more good out of thi tun dovant tgun you would out of tho old hotee rf thule right uaaontad joul i knovr whurp i uti buy a leum for tan dollaru castoria for infanta and childreiv mothers know that genuine castoria always beaxa the signature of qolnrj eaat v pally unt u hiinrtay tlully mi pt sunday pally nxiiit ilunday hunduy only htliiday only huu lay only preiqht and express icaproaa lurried on ull ouru ltftght dallvapnil dully by upik lul napvove freight wiprvflu or lrrnlght plnkid up at uny uddmaa in toronto o il aoniovv agnnt acton acton granjte works j ntcol experienced qrarjlte cutter iw t impart l to mipply menu menta of ull kliulm with aklff fully nut inueriptloiiu ut low prion boo aampluaof work and atylea of monumenta at tlio moniipiont worka phutltyman itro k millbtreet acton ont guelph business college training to advancement and suaaaea winter term from january s wo have a numhur rookid for tliht quia uqii t put it off guelph business college harold bldrf quiph ont a l bouck prln exact copy of wrapperr- in use for over thirty years castoria newfoundland may come in according to blr john alrd goneral manager of tho bunk of commerce i newfoundland lu vary favorably dla- poaed towarda u union with tho marl lime pmvlmira it ml ultimately into thn canftdlnil confedorptlon al though thu inhubltaiita of tha uldeat colony were inuuh mbro fuvoruhly ilu- poaod towarda tho maritime thuu to upper canada hlr john atatoa thgt tho maritime provlnoeg are hr neel of an agremilvo onion laut ion policy to dovolop their latent retiouroe lie ntatea that tho provlnoee are proaper joua and that their atapdlng jn tha bond market lu quite aa good oa thut of ontario or quebec acton creamery full market price paid for butter fat any small amount of cream will receive ourtieat attention wc will also pay spot cashjor egg 1 open friday and saturday evenings uptodate goods at c c heights silverware n tnblowarc pine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and rnit ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters small stoves oil stovt every article is op excep tional valbe c c speight mill street acton when you need boots shoes at any time buy f110m w williams mill street actoh j6 iucst creameltv ilutter i4ew laidlggs and fresh buttermilk will now rb sutpued at the creamery every day actoir creamery co watson wbues proprietors famous for satisfactory- footwear reasonable prices shop whers you atfe invited to shop village of acton notice of registration of b bylaw not loo lu huroby glvon thut h liy- lnw wua poauml hy tlm mmilulunl council of thu village of actnu op the 30th day of pcoombor a d tojl pnl- vldlng for uie laaulng of poln nturtiii to the amount of 7f00o for tho punoao of dafruylug tint tout of thu dtitmti na tion nnd laying or witt rworlm malua within thn an til vlllugi iv 0u uf tho anld amount tn bo uhmanuil uhnhmt thu property boiu lotted mil 3ri odd to be a uml mod by ihuutiuw ipul corpnrr alio n and thut ntuh by tuw waa vrih- tervd in the ltiglatry oltlti for the county of hultun nu thu twenty- aevonth day ofnooimlmr a 1 1dj0 any motion tn ipjuifh or hit uuldn tho uumo or uti pint thiiitif tniiht bo muilu within throo nun i tlm uftur the tlrat publloutlou of thla ul tlm und oimiiot be mud a thorcaftei dated the aotli xliiyuf utcmbor a i two x7s ii n fatlmbr olarkv kk m u 1

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