Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 3, 1921, p. 2

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sty artntrmjw tiiuhhuay jwlbwanvsjlbl han q on and gmile tim thin that coo ttie fsrthont t ward tonkins hf wortli wlille 1 that rimtt tlie lt nnl d the moot 1 jiiht a ulnanntil lnlw th smile ttiwt i uol 1 from lioarl that 1 w- it- w l will tlrlvw nwny tho cloul f bloom unlm t llm mm mftnln to fi if worth and oodno too will tniinli kindness blent 11 u w rlh i million dollars an 1 h tlimuin t ot u rent i titer i ti i h nm for nndnea when wo u n u rhn ry mlla it biw ivn li h tho ultimo good luuk it r t i t tylo it r ii hi to try azaln win iu l llim ri j r huoiurncernnt tr r i n nl you it liu thn tt her lutorsat for it 1 nivpily lent jt worih n mlllu n dollar and don ot a cent a hirtuo cornea very easy you wrinkle up with fheer a hundred time hefortl you can squeeze out a ofigy oat it rlnpln out moreover to the heart strlne that will lu and alway leave an ooho that la very llko n huff m era ho away folkiuniertandwlili i y rt smile i meant it h worth a million dollar nn 1 it htcaii t cost a eent winnie a rienw tob rita7eut took tho utter lw doetmsrkod itaedvllle with f it familiar scrawled address up to hi room in the palatial uorsan home it required na eooiid lance for j lob to ruom that the letter wm from hi brother tajte and when ever bob had a letter from lrtit with it av or mj nave of farm homo new written on both side of tho i hl ptynidttaaahal m v fin 5 hsn lorry uorgarf hla second cousin with whoratie chummed and associated sine taklnar up life in the city bob repeated only certain deleted passaae from iute a letters not that tb brother out on the farm wrote any thin improper but for the riuunn that lioh believed iurry would have only a facetious internet in the calve paw swine and poultry of the fraxer farm luto had other thins to write about df course i hi mother fauior v nelgtibora and ih frroiar fllwvor that old fllwr wm xuue particular pet and he hroushi it in just an often a he oould and it wav one thlnsr uiat bob never mentioned to harry for llarrye- ftther owned a flye- thouiumil dollar car and iljtrry waa lt chief drlyer but uil lam lotter bob noted won dertnffly looked the thlckneas and bulklnea of former eptatlea from iaito there woe no poatuge duo when bob opened it b was aurpleed to find put on aheet with- a few carefully- written llnea a money order fluttered to the floor when bob opened the letter with a hoaty dealre to learn tho weanlnsr of it hie eye ecanned tbo loet few llnea above the bojd alcnature i ahouldnt bother you with my troubles i euppoae but bob tella me you ar a regular fellow and know all about motor becauae you drive and core for your rather bio rr im overhauling our car and need now carbureter bad 1 ve looked up the prfce in a late catalogue w have here and think flftbon dollar ought to over one which amount i enaloae will you pleaae mvt ona for me from omo good aupply houeet sue inch and a quarter manifold inlet two anil three quarter inobo between saaket holes thanklna you tor your time nd klndneaa and hoplnjc you may come out our way aomo umm x am your truly libta raior f 8 bjxpreaa the carburetor charge collect l m not particular what atylo or kind you set juat bo it will put pep into tula old motor you know ii it the letter foil from bob atuudim hand at flrat ho thought lute wu up to aomo joke than ha realised there hod been a mixup the brother out on the farm with unlimited pre sumption oa xo harry koreans sood nature bad made tbis aatomabldo re- queat bob looked at it araln yon it wo intended for harry no doubt lute wrote the usual farm new enlsue at the some tuna and sent it to harry i well xm alad the mlxup happen ed aald bob to hlmseir bis eye nnapplna indbrnastly itor i can keep aorry from aeelnc this and from hi briar so intimately informed about the old flivver 1 11 get the carburetor my- aelf and send it to lute if harry has my letter he will turn it over tc me before bo reads much of it bob learned before an hour passed nae jiftrry mohmm reoe -lettbr- not intended for him it was a benulne disappointment to me when i discovered it was not mine declared be youth jn a tone of resist s he handed tho bulky envelope to bob i realty hoped that brother of yours out on the old farm bodwritten to me from what you novo told me about him i know i d uke him but he must have sent mo something- otherwise there wouldn t have been a mix up ye he did hurry- bob hastened to explain luto a queer sort in aplto of his being my brother and ol be doesnt know bow busy you are nnd ho wonted you to run a little cvrand for bun bore in town but he ohtfuldnt trouble you j attend to it myself trouble say old man td be de lighted to do uoniethuur for that brother of yours i just tell me what it u he wants and 1 11 be johnny on the- apot surel no j ll take cor of it as it is only a little matter protested bob both surprised and confused there were moments when harry mortran seemed wry much like ijuto big- hearted frnnk sincerely honest yet he was harry morgan a rich mans son end this truth must not be for- gotten bob eraser a bit vexed and uncer tain sot forth on the quest of a car- oarbureter for the vraxer toiwer the moehanlsni of that old hand cranking automobile was a thing of mystery to bob when tho cor was purchased second handed three years ago lute agreed to look after tta internals a contract the younger brother faithfully kept liisplte of puneturea blow outs and break downs because luto was so handy with tools and good t any sort of farm work it did not require muoh time for the older fraser to do tide which of the twa boys should be sent to the elty when an invitation came froui the wealthy relative jiy son harry needs the companionship of a steady relloble youth of about his owo years ur morgan wrote rand i feel confident that either dob or lute would fill the bill we would be delighted to have ono of them live with us hero in town and attend eohool bo bob had come hd more tlion half of the first school year ivas over ha bad learned nujoh here in the olty and he hoped to leurn mueh more j miilpnn and though bob for roaunnu otuld not imttnto his mlii in tho wtylo and mtality tt t inn ik i ill i u iiu coul 1 drriuu utitruiy lo wum tfrul nl i 1 1 th tnutiur tin i orli not y hi t untry i-ululns- in hlu 1 itru homn li hl w itton volumes nl out thy m rgitn uianuloii ubout tho trof nollool tilxmt tho orl llinuu he n hnvlllg nlm ul tlin mjirgun motor aur linl nl out ilmiy in truth ho liuil uai 1 ho ninny of 1 thine aliout hurry that i ulit iiturally folt uo- riuulnt i aim i to tlt not tloatn it unyllilug out of t way to make this pot iillur to tin 11 afti i u lone trump wlloh touched luiiuuionu knimu unl auto no ounuury nit tly unn bob found i onilur ur of un nnd in rl 1 ut vn iti it whether it w uld p it p 1 ii 1 1 ill ill fuuliy hivvoi dio unit limn r f iwl to imy anyhow hit win ohlhful u uiuil llflitiii lii of lilt two tuiufuliy litiurluil fun 1m i inttko urn pukliuio i tin inonoy ufli i ule mont wus puyul lo only to hani xiarruu boh irofnnud to uucilllcu hlswwn aoant lltwanu latherhaii have lluiry troubl hlmwlf about thut undent flivver ho even 1ulil the rx prvnu c arsea tor ha know harry woul i mvn done hu and ho wanted j lit to thiuu uarry had done it vvhi ii thut llltln ox with its huavy u ntaiilw stur4ed on iu way to lteod- villu llol took u long broath of rollut ynt hn noon lournud that the inuttftr of a taruurotor tor the old uir out n the furm could hut uslly bo forgotten jxh ex uwns lhui iutouudouav mony unler which t t iiho 1 to remain out of sight bob flrut esrrlo i around with him lif hlit puruo hut every time he mudo o turchna that folded slip of green pajmr staled him in the face then he stuck it in u plgoonholo of his ntntly ilouk an i very tlraa he drew out nil unvolopa or a sheet of puper oiwmoney omor came out aluo it seemed tantallzlilkly determined to keep the old farm flivver on hid wor ried mind not more thuu u woak wont by when harry came excitedly to bob room i vrunt you to uao wltat i have over in my don ha unclaimed us a humdinger and no mlmtake and it tome rrotn lutel v nyorn iutet gasped bob you moan its somolliliig my brother yes it s nonelhlif from your brother cut in the delighted horry come on ovor and nn ul luteit a regular fouow all right it is packed to please and serves jts mission salada vxlueaw is used in millions of teapots dally sport aplenty on vancouver island all the time send us a postal lor a free sariiple plearie state the price you now payand whether slaoht grcn or mixed address salada toronto r lldiarry proved iho mogf agrecablii much of a quatulary went down tho long hull to harry u uuurter he tried to guess whut it whs lute uent- he know it might bo mont anything and thin truth worried bun hla guesses ranged all tho way from a home- turned bnsoball but to a rebuilt shot gun monn of theni were right what ho saw was a beautlfid angora goat mg fleoce oloan and white as snow it m tho finest go r 1 e dolared imfryndttw1itbor combed hui angurd through the sllknn mohair all oxj urt job curing ajul tanning wum ffono nu it father said ho never saw anything to wuuul it 1 showed it to him down nriho wlore bob felt a ijulcktii throbbing of bis heart when he hoard thoflo words of mlncero commendation and prulso lear old lute i iiiu own scapablo hard working hamlii hud fuuhloned dhut beautiful rug beautiful it was ovou amid tho rich furnishings of horry morgan w eluboruto iuarteru lute can do a lot of things upoke iiob in u low voice lllnd wuh prldo lieu a wondorl a regular fellow luto hi and 1 d like to know him duclured j lorry ugulu and ouco ugnln whuil tho rouslil lookud ot bob bob saw that ikioullnr thought unmletak- able rusomliluiko to hid brothor lute but imlnn queer fix iub harry explained you see luto sent mo jiiiia out of gratitude for what i did for him and tlm truth is that i huvo not dona uuythlug ror him you dldn t give me the chanoe i havo a note hero in will oh lute thunks uio for hav ing sunt what he cols a jim dandy ho says it wus junt the right sort and slsu and upon a pep with every broath i don t know whether it wus a steam whutle or a bulldog well it wus the right thing any how smiled bob and we ore glad it pleuued lute ira glad too- he sent you tho rug und that you are plcasod with it iiu daffy ovor it i doolarod harry a ho stooped jonoo more to brush hi fingers ovtu the silken fleeoo t is a privilege to be remembered la this wuy by that brother of yours 1m going to moot him oome day with u tnluglod senso of guilt njii of gladness bob returned to tus room iio really wanted to mako a clean brcuat of tho whole thing to horry but bis folae pride prevented he felt too thut the llty cousin had njured too fanciful u picture of that old farm out beyond beedvllle and of lute tho enchantment of distance allowed abundant opportunity to color tho picture with romance and a glory tha- realty did not belong and which close observation would dis prove so it was better jjob concluded to let mutterx sto us thoy wore and again he hoped the incident of tho carbureter for tho old flivver would bo forgotten but in two short months it came chugging over the hoiuoti figuratively speaking and bob suffered another shocsr hurry- wflo ill ror over a week not the flu ur anything as bad as that but a sort of hervuum break down that loft htm weak and slow to the doctor uuldi ho rouat go to tho country and ntuy there for o month or tongr then 1 ii go out to the itosor form and spnnd tlie time with old lutol deolarod tlio patient ihe older morgan hmlled there s tho uttlu but qui to important matter pt haying nu invitation first hon ho reminded quietly thore need bo no worry about that brought in bob umiurli gly wliut- mlukivlngh ho r t were dvertomo i gonulno difihe tu provu the samo good quality of hoajilullty u bad boon shown by trn morgans it ww the krueer way 1 know that mother nnd lathut wll bo glad to have hurry out thuro for us long a tlmo ru ho cures to remain and iuto will bo dellghtod x ii write a letter ut oood fdr you babl luturjeated the iilok one svltli hu9i1 joyful hilarity thut wvn thu sohnr faced man of medicine had to snillo 111 imtt of course to be away from you and tha fulks but vacation is on next week and if wo start i rlilay morning you con have tt 11 days home before the spring term opens flint will give you a cliunee to get mo started off properly x know 1 11 imvo u big time hui old lute i hurry spoho of old lute nu if he had known him ull his life and again bob observed how much be resembled thai handy brother out on the farm in the preparation that followed bob found himself torn butwuan dlsmny and gladness t jmrt jubi a bit tu note how eager wns the city uousln to anno t pld lute ii feuconfldant the younger brother would prove all nnd more as ucompuiilnn noouto ithd friend thai harry morgan lioped fpr but there were certuln other matters that bob willi unconquerable pride wished to oonjjenl one of these was tho old family flivver w could nut kltow wluix a joke tliat anolont jiand cranker would lp to tha wealthy oy oousln whjf drovo a flvoitllounond- dollur cor 1 y fm ulmoit tick oil into a fli to know thof you and iisrry ur cflnilng lute answored immediately n responaa to dobs letter tjte folks too are hoppy and aay he piuottny out here till lie on 1 will bo ut do li pot to moot nnd tiling you homo which muitnu lid vll ono to t uuillun in uint ul iuttlotrapl ejuiu lutol bob to blmnelf tiw wish li wool i hrliuf tho uurruy und tho b iys it would suit uurry muui i ttci to drive out bohlnil 11 team of good liorovx than in a whuozlug hug wagoiil xhu foelitigu of uuourtalnty ho klt to hlmnfllf bruolng him elf with thif hot a thut lut wuul i do the right tiling- ii kuuw 1 is yauior nu 1 mother would have uomo nay lu tho mat tor j ute and the fulkw am gjud we urn rnilngho reportod tntfarry thpy wuittlio cold inother the little spoilers ono vn nl ill iii the early part of vlu- inr wrlti ij u mi n 1 of the companion tli family w is gathered round twt ilro in th xltllug roiui mother was turning fitlmr wsu ro tiding and wo ohlldrun fi busy eltlmr atamou or nt hi iknii i k 1 ah at once w heard u imiivy thu i it sounded us if momi ono hail utrui k with a sledge liummer one f tho i ig wtiiiiks in tha foundation wuu i i kn i up from my book und j uukul wlnt tie n uo was at flrt no ono uooini i to know 1 think it ssld alu will exiled u lvlday morning lmday niornlntf tbo morgana had biutkfast at nix instead of eight harry and bob worn up at five the eldor morgun drove tlmm down to tbo lotion in tho big uir and mm mor gan wont along too tu nay goodbye nnd v noo tlmt thu tmvcllcru gut safuly aboard the train during ull of the throe hour join nay bobs u- cnwy ullnd kept ro verting to the car buroter und tho aged machine it was expecte i to rojuvonalu 1 do hop he will bring the uuriy and tho bayu he rupeated to ilmsulc and time again only the beauty of the country of the country awakening to the gentle touch of spl lugllm made bob ut uasn omo when the train halted ot a woyilde water tank hn heard the fiogs croaking innrvh and saw eluutors of yellow huttoroui peeping through tho wot soli along tho dltoho ttmnywillow w tony buds and maplo trunks were ookli sweet sap oh yeji it ft t rbigtlmo and ha was going homo jteedvillol itoodvlue it n ad villa the porter rolled thennmrof thu little town three time each time with a lotidur und liicreasod emphasu then ha began grubbing the luggage of tbo two travellurs it wdv tlia cuu torn of tho overland to bait at the village only on flag its puuso would forward into tho vostibule at the hcols of the portor bob glunoed through th cur windows latching u heating glimpse of the prune diyer the lumber yard tha warwhouua and uavo dltumn big rod wilp furtlior on he suw the church spire tho suhoolhouso roof and mark dudley s shmoral inerchatidlao store he hoped for a glimpse of the hitching ruck a lilocji frvm tho dspot before tlio train stopped hujmd tho glim 11110 ull right and bir eftw tliree teams tlod to the bar but bono of theua were the 1 ruxer buy ml this wny ploaho uilu way i urge 1 the porter impudently he hud drop pod tils little stool to tlm 1 la worm anil sot off tlia gilpii and nultiiwm bob dldn t realise ho hud tairlpd long there could bo 110 doubting tho force ful quality of luti a wnlcumo and jilht lock over horel dlreotod lutc an he plokad up and started off with most of tho luggago ueo what you boyu are jrolng to rldu home in for a brief moment bobs heart al most stopped beating this wus the culminating instant tf all- the long trying season of misgivings of dismay and uncertainty in o sort of dose bo followed lute olid lluxry across the tlatform directly toward that glossy tnotalshlnlng glass glittering motor car that waited by the curb it was not tho anclont hand crankor no in dued nor did it beur the ioast re- romblanou to that tlmejionored chug wagon it wuii a ruul eotor car nutty classy dfhtlnotly uptoditte is that your cur lutat ushod harry as ha puused ta admhre well you that lu it ourgl lute anuwered his ruddy fuco biumlng you see it one i overhauled and worked over from atom to stern m x omn booker our eurrlagn pnlnter mhlimd her up for mo when i hud her inter nals all fpted sheu u daisy now lot ma tell you i lvo no doubt of that agreed harry morguiu iii critical oyo bad already noted tho humo plato on tba ratliator he know tlia machine to bo a thorough bred it loolh to mo as if you va done a thorough ipb pf overhauling he cyinmented tho gripe were loudvd und the tbreo climbed hi hurry took u front seat with x uto bob got in behind silent and wondering at tt touch of the tarter button tho motor droned and tha big rod car rollmr a way proudly slit can oaso to trcrawl or leap into a fiftymile jgalt ull lit a jiffy went on lute yjiut she oouldn t do it with her old carburetor the one you sent too was just the ticket mot interrupted harry 1 dldn t kend you a sodden impulse mudo hjm 4urn und look into the flushed nnd worried faov of bob thai began laughing heartily ah ha reaciet ovor and thumped boh unmercifully so it was a carburet r lute wanted wus ut ho shouted merrily t guess od if wuu a culllopo or a bench legged bulldog bob wouldn t nay one dldn t show bio your letter it was old lutes turn now to bo perplexed hu almost nhoorcl the spsellng cat into the ditch in hit at tempt tu look bob ii nrt harry in the facu both lit tlie sumo lime bob loaned ovci und inn lo u olouh broaat of tha whole thingto hui 1 11 finite relief than ho dug into an inner poakut and brought forth tho soiled rumpled money order handing it tu harry it s you rn all yourx hu said luto eunt it to you and i forfeited mtf claim to any art of it by li nylng you tlie chance to servo lute well i l tuko it nljljuan ngreod the coimln but only with tho under standing that i can put it with some other money i huvo laid by to give to thu uewsbays over at town when he said thut ho seemid even more like luto than evoi before- wo hon imur sounds ilka tnat in f rinsing weullur my youugi r brother who thought kme ono liul thrown a big rock up on our vi nn nt porch went out to look round but iio 110011 uuma nagglu i guess it wum juut the coll ho sud us mother uiouliil uo tar as re- titumt r tl in idont was not montlon- 11 1 kkulu in tlin umly lng wte the frost wus going out of tha ground father ami i whll piuojlng tbo corner of the hoiiii 1 1 tl ul u crack in tho faundu tlou wall tlm l wil not imvn thon ue- fore jt rub right oirough oontra of ihe larst utano there which hup pened to bo neat the oomer as wo atoppi d to leek at the broken htoua fulhor rumorkedl bo you re- tiii 111 iter tit it ono night last winter we hoard a dull sound that ydu described us being llko thu blow of sledge ham tner on a 1 ig stone und that your brother ml i stmnded tllr-urneon- pitching f- i uf rook on the cement porch t wll htf ih ha real solution of that my itury mother was rlghtj though uhe did not know just t0w tv soumlwnm nnilir this but ton ltai ulthm a llttli itntk or a hollow place in it unl a row droirt of waer ud found hill w ly into tlm heart of it the wti iio cold of that winter night uiih th t wujer n he stone fruse uxpali le 1 und burutlng the hf wi gatherei for dlniujr that dny i told tlm incident to the pthers when i hud tliiuhml father continued jim if he imitijud of i had been tailing thu utory and juut an the drop of water in llm blggent and strongest stone of the foundation lie said burst it open und imueod u weakness in the wall so ivtiiy una of us no matter wluither bo in old or oupg strong or weak luedu to guard himself against tho utile hiiim that dnd lodgment in the heart us muoh us he needs to guard hlmnolf ttifiiluht the big one the little mini noon in huiiiii and insignificant that wo do 1 ot try to conquer them but tut them hide uwuy there in our henrls but unom r or later when the 1 irnumuluniiu urn right those little slim will b 1 our un jo lug if you ware temptel to iiluftl 11 thousand dollar you would ituilut tha temptation and have do no with it but when you are tempted to let 11 wrong desire or an uiiclonii thought nnd place in your mind you may not sea the need of ousting it riiuu the little sin may wreck your life although tho big temp tation wail conquered like tbo lslra- 1st wc ought to guard against every secret fault air soulier r the vsneouvsr rew ind club w b- futoher with 40 nd 45 lb king salmon i when captain vancouver discovered vancouver island 138 years ago he declared that it required only to be nourished by tho industry of man wlh village mansions and cottage n be the most lovely country that can ho imagined mill hll flbly up pigment ed nature wince then find ho traveller who has crossed the united sato to california returns east through oft nnd a to enjoy tho beau tie of victoria nnd vanoouvec a4 ill canndh tliel lloekles owing to its mild ellmato in winter vancouver isle ml is as great a play ground for lover pf sport a it la in ummer there are splendid roods an l famous drives for tho motorist water o ports of all binds are popular an i golf tennis and cricket have thousand of dove tee victoria an i vancouver girls clover with the oar particularly the girl sculler of be yn bowing r club who have w la q re i even in competition with crow f he stornep sex in th picture they are left to right i uu klsio cooper mis c 6hamp uu it ustheson ulss klor- enne cooper and v leonle lalonde vonoouyer lfnt i q gregt r for nhermfn who lur th flnny prises frnm v pll n4 mil wat one ofllhn gomeat or thee i the tyoe almoi so calleil by the indians the hsona meaning king tuh victoria ha many expert fishermen among them w fc fletcher a conductor on theliulmall a nanalmo hallway who recently caught two tyee salmon weigh ing fo and 4 pound respectively when one of these boy hit ul spoon h airli he ll keep you step ping name fur a while h ll tow you around dive for tho bottom of tho uto than rorua up and jump ave feet in the uir bometlme be ii fight for nearly an hour before you land him in tha iwmit r befc bafo and uuro medicine for a child troubled with worm i mother graves worm kxtoiminutor fuse plug a 6afetv device many ico o have th idea that when afuse plug blow out it h inernly tlmt u woak link in the lighting ynt cm hit given way lerhap the plugs frequently blow out and the lu 1 nrli tlmo looked upon merely ux cue of those annoyance which mui t he borne a fimo 1 lug 1 a safety device and in so adjusto t thut it will blow out or break tho onnoctun as soon a tha umount f electricity being used 1 greater thun tho wires can fry with perfect luifety inateud of simply roplaelng the plug remedying tho effect tha causo of th trouble should bo sought tho elect ho wiring in n house hi uuuolly divided into a number of in dividual circuit each carrying not more than 7vt nmpereu or the equi valent of ig to 30 ordinary lights a five pound electric iron such a is generally used require five am peres of oleottlo current if t am per fuuo plug are in use not more than tlvu go watt lights can be on thu olrnuit at tha same time a the iron without tbo fuse blowing out an elootrlo toaster carries about tha wumo amount of current as on iron under no circumstances is it pormiaalblo to uno an electric ton and a toaateron tho uumo individual or- dlnury lighting clroult at tho same tlnie if llri n nulling from overheat itpu wiring occurs when two such ap- ptlaiiceh huvo boon used insurance companies as juutllled in refusing ta pny oluhum for do mages beino jugt to hubpand mollis hpd very pronounced ideas regajsfpig he rlghf find wrong of bt sflc pont you think bailie hh nuked one day of hen dearest friend that a woman should get a man payt well replied ballo after a mo- inent uf delllterat i 11 lot fllpl puv fdros gnfl lunalias ou of l ajnma art oil of meril br thomas kclec trie oil is not a jumble of tqedlelngl subtanc thrown together oad pqoh- x by advertising the rcaulf o tlie tarnful investigation of the nurrt- live qualltle of certain olbl a flpphed to the hurna body it i a rare eom- blnatlou and it won and kept nqbllo favor from the first a trial of it will nil q power to repalf am heal castoria vor infajtit dd chudrea in use ror over 30 yrs kiot such a compliment aptir all i was in tho town whore you were born thu othur day mild qulsby to the celebrated authot oueer little bole yes a quaint old place ln t ut corrected tho author itnther and do you uow whilo kwn there a friend of mine pointed r born mq tha hut where you went is it posalblot j did nqt think tho fiiandh hoth on friday morninfl overland f a qujihy jmmmm2 bqlldlng was utli my word ye why tin you know the townahlp recently hud a hundnomo tablet blaged on the side of thn old liousa you doiit nly sol ejcclnlmod tha gratified author a tqblot on tlio house in which i watt burnt well well wow jrtlint lu cortaluly most handgpnie of them uy tho vay ur do you happen toccolont tlia vrordu on that tob erkotiy my door follcuvf anawer- y jtoyg huh fltreov kaiser bronchitis in exile thousands liberated what i have you not heard the joy ful tldlurnf brobobuu bo been m hod kicked rljllil out of society and 100000 cnuudlnn liberated from thb bondage of till diaess kvor tjaeo of broucmnl trouhlo la blown ta atoms by tltrv worlds uiest effective dlaoaso destroyer jluekley bronehl- tla mixture no woudnr beojlj are rejoiolngl no longer do ufr dnuy tho effeets of soughs wlfl iutflw etc and so snxleus are usy thsf o tli era auonhl bunefli also bundreqj of letters huvo been written preelalov lug the ruerlt of thut wonderful mbt- aeuloua rowddy bare is one letter to whom it may ooaoerai this la to certify that i had been affejrlatf i tot over three weak with brooahltu and wo ndvuod to try boauarg bronooitlfl mixture i puroosmd bottle and after the third dote i re- salved relief and before th bttla wma ttpjahw i vroa porfoetjy well in making tho above aasaruon i have no heettamou in sasug it u toe bert remedy i evor enmo in oentaot with tvt heavy 00 da and broaooltlj sjgnjid mrs m bardlnff eo thuuv less brush oo toronto the oriflae of thlg tootlroonlsl may bo man at w k buekloy umltad mutngl 1 mixture provtm la thougands of oanadlan nouaahohl fit toronto thougands o will givo you sura relief it cannot fail seventy ave canto u th jrrlo that stands between you and tho road to health jake no aubaututeaahjt ontho- bottlomdth xhtf satisfaction miftrttntcctl nf onoyrexwdedf ask yfnu- umffglsl 19 hold in aqtotj by a t bjtown dustless banner ash shifters no luuty buck brnuklug- shaking ashe ulft f 1 oily onuy rot knr motion sin ilg null 1 111 lirge mlllrtlng tray plrr ru t und duut proof made of galvanise i iron 1 rice 1 at z 00 450 have 2c per ant of ynbr coal bill these aro dun tl hum an 1 imiiln of gsl vanlaed iron prlcthl nt 1000 the burrow b dustless biftttr a iluntproof uittfr in id to afsn i wlthtwn boteonw mti i to it for ysrw i rice 1 nt 7jhj osvnnled ash can 1js i po hhovel ulnar 76a hi i i 1al hkoow 9alw tbo bono hattdwaek go ua phsn 1012 quelph this stores policy to represent goods ei- ctly as to their quality to soli to those who know and to those who dont know at uniform fill price to rulfllt alt guarantees and cheef fully correct all mis takes to deserve your giving yuu satisfaction savage co jewellers guelph ontario t acton granite works j moot expenienoeo ortanite cutter 1 prepared to sunply uonu tnonu of all kinds with skill fully out inscription at low price bee somplag of wesfc and stylos uf ruonumont at the monument work thiuiyuan illock mill street a0ton ont- j i studebaker and dodge brothers motor cars lliem two famous makes of automobiles combined in one agency olfem lo eveiy purchaser a car u suit their requirement whether it is a sundard four cyellnder uffht six special six or biff six or seven passenger or any thing in the closed type of cars bsiwmbabiimnmatanimrw two of the largest automobile man ufacturers in the world stand behind these cars j n oneill georgetown ont distributor for acton georgetown and milton jr leishman local representative igrand trunk wins the double track route lhotwtbhin montreal toronto detnolt chicago unexrelud dl dnp rnr eervtsfli sleeping tiara on night trains abd 1arlor car on tfrlnolpal day train full information from any qrnri trunk ticket rgeut or c honilty dlntriof ineootiber asttt l varonto- h holmes affent acton qnt he 19 r noble ltd acton elevator at orflnd tnk aialloil a quantity of peed corn and oil cake just received wxhjr peed norval bran and shorts hay straw r noble ltd henry awnev manaqen 3k6e acton bakery call phone no ii if you wan a dullclous loaf of bread or brown bread or a boston loaf steam loaf buns end rolls pies and ull kinds of cookiot and cakes also wedding cakes made baked or iced bread is your best eoou tht mre of it phono 77 the waggon wiu cal at your door m edwards co acton ontario i btor o0ad every niom cxopt vt day and saturday at o0 pjm i 1 irt ssimgm jmlk

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