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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 3, 1921, p. 4

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er foe artnn mtvt proaa unl r i- all wctur niwifr a ull tfmmtmay incuiwany a idk i p i hi i i lined ac i nn i tlir acton i uef 1 kk u hi hi i loon hull iwlpthh luifemp 01 ihhui i nl 11 ii irl tin lata to wl irl kiplj k ixl it ii atrl tu adlici label awuti iji uafi- riiniunt ivcilucmnu iimii im i ut it lc rl lninl j 3 nta ir llu- c mmrh uj l 1 nl 1 pi ivolucms tor io tki kl nowr tj i ll i i ii 1 ueu ii 1 uoouis tlii r tin i r 11ml r editorial tho proposal of tho government to endeavor to bring about greater cooperation between rural and urban centres with a view to reducing tho spread between producer mid consumer is cert amly timely believes in the broadening out policy at burford n it thursday evening principal j b reynolds of ho ontario agricultural college guelph advised ilia burford u p o club to take in rcnldonk of towns and vlllagcsjwlthln their ills trict tq obtain a lull discussion on tho questions of thp day tho llirtlfl improve the crops tho doparment of agriculture estimates that tho passing of tho migratory bird law in tho unifed states which forbid rhooting of game birds in the spring has gained 20 000 000 in food tp the country in many district where the birds were almost ex tlnct thoy are rapidly increasing in numbers it is said the improved crops is a splendid comment on tho sanolty of this piece of legislation tho farmers of ontario can trust premier drury to say the right thing at j ho right time without being gagged by unrepresentative men who see only tho rights of one class in tho community guelph mercury government houso and tho ccromonial oponing of tho legislature still exist notwithstanding jhc complaints that used to bo heard in rural and labor circles about them it appears to make a difference who has control of such things guelph herald the port hope guide believes hon mr howell s withdrawal from political life is only temporary as is alsohis estrangement from certain sections of tho liberal party iho country cannot afford to allow mr rowcll to retire from public life a bonus of 500 is virtually assured members of tho legislature for this session at least premier drury has admitted the proposal had received fav orable consideration at tho hands of tho govern ment and not a member of thn inmsurtim n oh jecting newspaper advertising takes a man or woman by the arm and says hero is tho product john smith sells it in your neighborhood now go right out and buy it thats action direct action of a kind that s wort1rfhilc tho merchant who does not take advantage of it is missing a golden opportunity tho peoplo who talk so glibly about carrying appeals to tho foot of tho throne forgot that tho privy council does not decido appeals for english i nab or scotch cases tho privy council is good enough for tho colonies but not good enough for the people of tho motherland farmers sun n a statement m which ho assertod that tho people or tho united states had saved 1000 000 000 in their drink bill since prohibition wont into effect wayne b wheeler general counsel of the ajttj saloon league highly commended attorncygenoral brundage of illinois and judge landis for their f ffective enforcement of the volstead act as was anticipated mr john r eluotteeove of esquesing was elected warden of tho county at the meeting of the county council last week ho has had ample municipal experience and will fulfil tho duties of the position with ability warden elliott is a son of the late john elliott who was for many years a resident of acton and a brother of dr a s elliott who practiced here for years before going to tho west beforatrauon is b strong policy for ontario at a largo gathering in kingston recently pre mier drury delivered an impressive address on tho question of forest conservation ho stated that old ontario had been almost denuded of trees which constituted the supply of commercial timber la new ontario immense valuable areas had been des troyed by forest fires furthermore there had been absolute waste and bad cutting by lumber companies premier drury indicated tho methods of reform that ijis government was undertaking first a more effi cieot brc prevention system was being established m the forest reserves the government had adopted a policy of re forest rat jon by municipalities it be flieved that the municipalities would be able to carry this out effectually heforestration bad already been begun in suncoe county and 30 years hence tho wis dom of the governments policy would be clearly eyldent he believed that tho timber wealth of on ttrlo would eventually becomo sufflcienfft meet all government expenses tho now worldstands in great danger of a timber famine and the co-opcr- ation of all the people is sought this is surely a sound policy for ontario to adopt homework for pupils at regular intervals the subject of home work is revived in the newspapers by supporters cf both sides of the problem there are those who maintain that the pupils especially those who have reached the high school are overworked and that when thoy are dismissed in tho evening thoy should be per mltted to devote the wholo interval before school resumes in the morning to tho lighter relaxations so essential to proper physical and mental youth mr a h d ross or tho arnpnor high school finds it necessary to writo a letter to the chronicle in which he- point out in reply to questions from parents thai tho amount of time tho students spend in their work is not excessive and that this varies according- to the ability of tho boy or pirl mr ross may bo right in some cases but not in all tho average boy or girl who wishes to keep up with hio worker the high school will have to devote considerably over an hour a night or lag behind at the same time there is undoubtedly a good deal ot uninformed criticism or the home work problem tho curriculum is crowded nduic hours at school are short requiring students to perform home work has a still higher value by placing them as it wecoupon their honor and pre paring them for after 11 fo by accustoming them to work without the actual supervision to which thoy are subject in tho class room the student who will study only under tho eye of his teacher ishkely to develop into the man who when ho takes up he battle of life will work only when he knowsfio boas fo watching him tho mercury is not in favor of ex cessive homo work but if our boys and guls wish to get through with the work they must tdyj at night ron f row mercury the liquor traffic flustered a dispatch from london england says intima tlqns from canada that tho new budgot of tho do minion n finance minlstor may contain some strin gent provisions regarding importation of liquors have reached this side according to ttio statement of a canadian bankep here and- have resulted in a rush of exports to tho dominion it is understood that many individual canadians as well as leading firms of im porters have placed heavy rush orders fur scotch whiskeyand other liquid essentials within jbd p few days 1 i nonclare headlights are imperiuve unlcipalauthorilicajhttiifibtitflriojlkjicipg advised that tho law with respect to headlights on motor vericlcs is in effect and should bo enforced tho law provides that every car operating on the public highway must havo an approved form of head light device applicants- formorpr vehiclo licenses must state in tho application that an approved tens has been installed or tho license may bo withheld it is bettor for all car owners to comply at once approved lenses of different styles are now available at very reasonable prices jftomlnlon government policy to be revealed it is hinted that prcmicrmeighen is to give publicity to some of tho dominion government s plans for tho future this week as tho banquet to bo rendered tho primo minister at tho windsor hotel montreal which will be non political it is expected says at gazotto writer that several important an nouncemcots on questions confronting the dominion will be made together with an intimation of tho plans being prepared by the government to meet them this revelation will surely bo interesting to tho peoplo of canada the income tax and your liability are you figuring on your income tax and making returns as tho law requires everyone with an in com 6 of one thousand dollars per year or two thousand if ho or she is married who lives in canada or has lived in canada 1 83 days during tho year or is employed or carries on business in canada or is paid for his services rendered in canada is liable a doctor in algoma was fined 2 000 last year for making a false return failure to fylo an income report with the inspector of taxation leaves one open a lino of 50 or more better got a blank and make out the return required one of ontarios best local newspapers the newmarket era commenced last week its sixty seventh volume it was established by the late erastus jackson who went from guclph where ho had been engaged on tho guelph mercury to start tho now paper for thirty seven years the frahas been under tho management of the present editor mr lyman g jaoksonon of tho founder he has labored earnestly and assiduously to maintain its previous prestigo and uphold newmarket as a busi ness and educational centre and has admirably suc ceeded the era has over been faithful and loyal to the best interests or newmarket and thewido com munityof which that thriving town is tho centre the farmer soon to have cheaper labor the farmers sun keeps its linger pretty closely to the pulse of farmers interests in canada in saturdays ssuo it said wage rates for farm labor reached their highest pointin the history of tho u s in 1020 as national averages according to figures gathered by the department of agriculture and just made public the average wage rate for labor hired by the month it was shown was 46 80 with board and 64 05 without board for day labor at harvest 3 60 with board and 436 without bdard for day labor other than at harvest thd scale averaged 2 86 with board and 3 5d without board prices in canada follow those of tho united states very closely let canada settle her own legal quibbles absolute independence for canada in logal mat tors and tho abolition of the appeal to tho privy council which that involves wore discussed last week at the annual rotating of the manitoba bar association j bi coyne k candw r trueman k c wore strongly in favor and c p wilson k c expressed tho view that there would in practice be no appeals to the privy council if the strength of the supreme court of canada were incrcawcd nu do cisiop was reached by tho association which arranged to call a special meeting for the further discussion of the question canada would undoubtedly bo the gainer if thd supremo court wore mado our final court or appeal understanding hondn a morn hainttroga thlna than tn bo willi tit i r 1 1 to u pi in to under ian 1 lion or a afory am told in a n qll cumpmiy at tn knallah nobl mitn who waa riven sio0q0 by a rail wat romiuiny iwrauw their una on or uimh1 on him vatat aftr mvbral ymur ihv nobleman mull that tho rullwiiy had bonalhtftil hbl property in ta i t f injuring it and ho wrote tho com any uxplrlnlna hu tvllng and nxprooalna hl whth to rat urn the mo nay in th little group who llatnod to ii in atory n variety of opinions w axrait1 ho mimt hava llftd aom to arli 1 al i prta paoplo dont that ort or thlnir you know unlaaa thny export to gel aomethln out of anl another lauehinsly ierlarot imvar lv anything back to a rua 1 tho mar x oould aquea r 11 em tho lotlor 1 d ilk it llnrdly onn kwm 1 a bio to undaratand m tlvo prompting tho nan thoy- hcemel incapal u or appreciating tho tronglli of a lofty aonao of honor i own aal 1 an nl i tlmor tn botng a i rolty i a i raacnl i ut at tho aam 1 1 mo aw tho hlghaat admiration for a ii i f hi nor and if ho dooervod c mi llmont ho paid himaolf ha i no i ivrnbly in adtanco of aojns mr i wn tluy wl i haw ho admlr i for mop of honor and aoom to be i nl la of ity lorotui ling whut honor n i tl mn wt u auy that ovwy nan iuim hlu irl an 1 uxune that tno 1 1 illnt l rnoroly wearing a maak am m tuli g a an 1 let conroomton than thoy km w thoy nrt i radically ucknow lodging tl oniih ivm inratttal in t f under tan huff whut in m anl by u oonao of honor announcement for farmers luxlra rauli rlrem for good wl oi i now lull kggtf call tno up by tnall and urivum rio jmsroonally ui 1 i will go tu your piano right away 1 1 do b lalnoaa thfl vh tallnfuotlo i guairantood tn you try ma boforo you ooll your fowl than y u will loo jlloo wo buy all kin in of acrap iron and other junk hldo an i aklna alex gilboood p o box 100 aotonw oni i am waiting for your tiualnooa ahut tl ro tuarterii t t a oantury ago tho famou now hnglan 1 dlvlno iloraoa suahnall praafhd a thought ful and aloquant mormon nn thla thamo tim aarmon laioo tot g ti ault tho tajfta of a prooont day congregation anl many of tta woull hardly bo ml irantod by i to oloeo woven reaaonlnga and itw laurely application tho ouh joot howerer l inlonaoly 1 raotlca it bt o wtandtnlr grlovanco to tho youthful aplrll that lirwk1ch looka an larga grid grand a vtowod rrom i in oponing gatoway prove in tho dally axporlanco llltta more than a round of trivial taaka and monotonous dotal la tho y of youth nxed tiar ly on high cm ruo la impatlont of the winding path hy which he travou t ward tho glowing mountain top that fooling u likely to ho naoentad i y the great ovontx that aro almoat dally hai ponlnga thoae loat fow month thouaanda of young amort cana are lending a hand in ahaplng tlio doatlnlom of the world tl at la to hoy but thla unusual oppottunlty t do mm great thing only servea ti aonont tho drabnea of thn oommi n mak for thouaanda of nthotw yot one wo top to think about it tho vital important- of mll thing waa never mora in ovldonoo than tt b4 i i day the oo ordination of lura borleao dotalu haa been tho worf 1 over tho moat wearing prt of war work an t moot of i ur hlun ira a i mutaked hnv iinwn i ul of a falluro to re a 1 1x4 how ential tho knemut trlhoa were in luivfi g a auiv an i aufn way t tl u giu d nul even unthltiklng ainerl putw no longer anoor ut in i nut o g tv ornmeiit regulatlona which immwl ut hrat ralmloaa glunio llko lioodloaa on 1 rooliah meaauroo tim gut of thn mallei lu hint ufa ao much a tlaoie of detail that un lomwn put iho imnt that in fit m tnto amall thing ourllfa 1 urpooo wtlf dover and oxpraaalon at ull tlui moat nonvlnclng ci rlotiali llvox am ti t llvod in tlo upon or puhllo t imcorvatlon but in 1 umblo uiitirotoitdlng home where lovo and iiatlonno and klu hy mlnlatrlea ront chrut in little intimate rlr c0 aueli an hifluonco mukeai itaelf moat fait and dooa it moat bloaaod work klooldoo the wlaoat of uri uro poor ji dgetf of what tm groal or amall and our ootlmatoa are often- aurpriotngly rovnraod tho oarvnnta to whom tholr maaler onmmltted the pound tn ona nur lord a parabloii thought of we want a tlo liable agent for avery unrepra- praaontad dlatrint to eoll our wu known fruit apd ornamental tree ah rub a in good pay exclusive territory rights our agonny la valuabto under proaent oondltlona 600 acres of nursery established 4s years wrlto for partlouuura to aaoney bopartraont pelham nursery co toronto ontario ifenlent arrangoment but tho tnng tor t imaolf it would noem had an y all ujo whtlo to the klninl m he waa mceive and wuw uw king for man quallnod by their falthfulnoaa to co nui y brm of truat anl authority tho way wo do amall thing la the anil teat of what 1 behind our doing of anything and oharaotor not droaa paredn vouohoa our fltnoa for a wider rel 1 and a greater work guelph business collegetraining to advanoement and flw winter tartri fro january guelph business college herald blda quelph onl a u bouck prtn he kissed me ttil la how u new olnagow hlgti ihool girl recently paraod tho aont- anoo il klaaed me 1 lie aho began with a fond ung orlng over tba word tl at brought the crimson to bov choeka la a pronoun third poraon nlngutar numbor maa lino gender a gentleman and pretty woll on unlveraalty considered a good toh kbmod la a verb tronaltlvfl inllcatlvo mood indicating affection nntt and third poraona plural numlmr ud governed by clrcumatanooa u ah well overybody know mel anl al p mat down our glasses are sight preservers they are buoys of hope to shipwrecked eyea thoy nave sight dispel the gloom of defective vision and render a service beyond price dq your eves require saving 7 oojat no liquor for ontario from quebec indications look promising for tho closing up or the source of suppjy of intoxicating liquors so popular lately in quebec authoritative informa tion 15 to tho effect that under the now quebec license law ontario and other provinces will have to seek some other source for their supplies of jiard liquor or be content with what thoy can get within their own border on doctors prescription the government intends to take over tho wholo trader wholesale antf rotail but will not go into tho export business and no else is to bo granted any sort of license that moans that the ontanvman will havo to get his stuff direct from britain if ho gets it at all the referendum in april noxt will pui a stop q importation frorritthat quarter verily tho walla are closing up oftectivejy against the radio in strong rjrinjb kenney bros fall gnd winter boate and rubber 7- boot for all tho family aaaortmont of fin qoode he our prices will always commend our oo0ds a queett brother in law thny want i 11 ft nt tl o bo4 nayw llii crll t whnn an irl llol inn uuk 1 lila nolghlor in tl group dag pardon a f non you toll mo pbwnt kin lif croaturo lu thntt tl at unl i ii n man iw a liatlva of australia lixi l ivlnwl ex lalmo l i ut and mo ultttr julia tnarrlod wall u lliltnl lauqhino oidnt pav ti miny r im i fix m 11 o room vlr htn fulhor wno tanking down u ourpot tryh g i lltorly my wl at la tho mattort anld the mothnr i inju hit mi finger wltll tlo ham mor wall dont cry mhy dldn t ou laugh t i ll i waa the rply l u aulomobllo gervloo for iwjth piui engera an 1 freight la contemptalod botwoon argonllna an 1 chill by a routs romlng the an do tnountalmt rural service department special attention given tofarmorhprobloms ubo our hural exclmnffo scrvico if yoa havo livostock foed or seed jjrain to noil or wish to purchaso hat it on our bulletin board aiirtlon snlo i furnishml frea of chsrse havo ytni rocalvgd ona of our farmer m arrount hooka 7 havo you boon aunphed wlui a droe lln and poodlnif chart t coif in owl e m tmtmrwmt0j im yoot temtfmrm th mcrchant5 dank hulomcmonul of canada etblhm0h actof branch i ii siiorcy mnr georgetown cw ckanuvu thebrunswick you only buy one phonograph you might as wfll be sure tind out with your own byes and ears about the brunswick frank king tim dealer will demonstrate main strlet georgetown repairing carefully poraonally and promptly attended to rubber heeu 8poulty kenney bros main street acton ont nntimnimnmmnmctpmmmmrimmmmjmm imimmmr a modern force in business advertising has established a new order of things in comnjerce it has become a mighty power in business progress a complex yet com prehensible transmitter ofmany parts for thedistribution and selling of merchandise and service its function is live fold to enlighten or educate to create now wants or to satisfy old ones to protect and foster legitimate enterprise to establish a medium of understand ing between buyer and seller as a basts for mutual profit and advantage to pre scribe an economical price and the maintenance of a lined standard of quality none know better than the buying public how well these functions havo been fulfilled k modern advertising has given us an insight into various manufacturing processes the producer has taken- us the consumers into his confidence and told us just how his mincemeat his lour hit clothing etc is made wo know why certain things should or should not be advertising has told tis broadened our understanding and guided our judgment modern advertising has enabled us to unlock the treasure house of the worlds beat music through tho medium of tho player piano und tho phon6 graph the motor car has lengthened tho business day and brought tho fra- k grant countryside to tho atys door mbn shave in comfort in ten mlnutcs where they used to take twenty a mngio bottle provides us with cold drinks with the weather at 00 degrees or gives uu warm bbverages when jack frost dips at 40 below modern advertising has elevated the standard of business ethics it pro tects the manufacturer from unscrupulous competition and the consumer from base imitation it conserves trade extends business and creates good will v it enables the corporation the manufacturer or private individual on trial to take his case directly to tho public and to secure tho publics jubgmcnt on his j policy or character based purely upon their reipcciivo merits f modern advertising has opened up new opportunities to the oppressed and poor of far off lands it has turned an uncousing tide of immigration to new countries it has developed nations and made ttio name of tho new world a promise of better things among tho people of the old ah this advertising has done and will continuo to do it is tho over in creasing influence for tho advancement of mankind tho most patent indeed of the many forces influencing human action j 7 t v isv ftilt n i l business dirm ljiy dr j a mcniven phyololan and burgeon ofllpo and llooldo r ii or u wm avenue and lain htrentn ii roult nco formerly ihxiudm by it u lion deroan anion onc dr e j nelson phyelel n aolon on anl frederick iuill htr r t uf mill onto b p m hour a r 4 1 it u 1 7 to dr c p w noaa phyololan ano durgtan ii oooroolowin ph wi honao ur ftr h hal hpofilal attention u 1i a rf wnmn aid chliui lhnwo 11 i u i iis if arotd nsii farm if m a pcrrvman block acton ont uonkv to toaw lioira ota art ia c iii dr j m bell ddlldsj danlla honor oraduata r tra rtoolrod office vrarlcu btroota mibcellanrouh marniaoe licrnscs h p uooro uouo mairlo l private offlro mo wli julred tn ief af rl ui t v paatf pasaa offloo t vrto ont prancis nunan bookbinder account book of all kin la ma i la nrdsr periodical at very ver1p tlon tsarofully bound itullnif neatly and procapuy dona wyndham btnat ouipb onl i over wl i llama ktorol r j kerr uooneod auatlanoor par tho countlo of ilalton tti 11 ton jol and thifterln and it o city of guelpb acton ontario sate may bo arrmiicod by mall car at maldanoe at acton or at tho woe proa oflloe at it ttio heronry onloe unlth tho nw ilooord punfua ur wltb tv j jordan ilarueaa ukor hutaburm- baloa ontruatad to it j icert ro colvo attention from data t ilaunat to data or aajo uat your oatoai wltat m raaldeno bowor awenue aotg lhono it aoton call at my bxpaoaa roy hindley auctioneer kllduj phonos erin 4t 1 1 r ll 3 acton j e cheevers book binder quoboo bl eaat qualph onl hooka and tnakaalnoa bound in llandaoma and bubatantlal covera noma lottord in b1 1 on ull lo tfyntn uoka and nttt r imviv all work promptly cuoouted d alex niven ontario land surveyor and cmi enalnoar btirveyo etubdlvlalnna 1 ut u itn porta doaorldtlnna itluci rli ti t certincalda u r pnrcl aum an tnortvace burvoya t r arc hccta uulmer and uunlrlpal council isralnacii 11 oporto kallnkatoi oto molean building doualaa 81 quhll pi 1 hong 1011 oni notice to creditors op the estate op aha0ail ouni8h p deceased th f radllt rw df al nu ill ounlflli irloo into of tlio vlllui of acton widow who ho i on oi nln it tlio fourth day of january a p 1j1 ro rwmlrol imforo tlio twoiity aljihth iay of lthrubry 10j1 to ml ly pnat i roiwl i av olliorwlan inllyor to- tin underalprnwi w holt if w bttnnulor htutciu nt f tl oueu tho tiatura nt tlm i ouilty any i 1 y tl fllt of thlr nihio ml iiahmou m l i h ai nnlln lu limply tuithm ilvun that lnurtt lint ly attcr tlminl i tw tv lu ih duy tt ihrumy a u uj1 no null rumutnr will irodinl tt ii til hutn tit himnl i of tl o at i t uu ntt the 1 iril ui tlui i ihur i 0 h will not lo hihioi 111 fo ii v duliiiu nrwliloh 1 i hull n t h v i rolv i i he ut tho thno not fulm fo turh ttlhlilh itl it uatol ut adnn out thtu jlli i y of jnntmry iui ruauuol clutlhiii hi nui itflon iqkuoutol uy li n ffurnior hill hollrlt n 31 3 i i tho old and roliablo granite and marblo dealers wo ara mahiirut turom nn i llrool lnhrtera of all ul la of m i n ti tj and hoadalone w rb w hull hrw to our nuatomera at wit ttt aul i uo4 thua vavlnir our ouat itnnw 40 ior o ul wo have the beat apllanom nu i tha nly moohanloa in tha ivomlulon who ran nperato pnouniatln lot u i ntiwrly wo can give referenu m rri m hui irtmla of mtr nuatumrrh lu in wi t u i tlior plafjoa vrhnro alhtm i ovf l 1 itvo law aiiita lu order to ooufct wi t uvo tlo larooat and beat alodk t oranllo in iho dominion or murt than ny tliroo lealnra in thn wvat wn urn 1sltl inato dealer and m 1 y nu ait nt and do not annoy or pent nuat tutor una- i ut lain rum aaaiiw h tllnll- i liy ohnyl nnd defy ooipihitlth n iiamilton sons coir norwich wnotwinii n alpt r-

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