Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 24, 1921, p. 2

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h linn i ii n y ii q 1 mirt a l v 4r l rp j gtlu acton 3frer ptphb tikjiuiixay kbuiliialty 31 ls9t give us men mil wm wliriiol fa r tholi r olva ita mn brant etnlvor men whom courage fallethnever uivcf uh mwlm ulf iltilil make ilmtmrtrrthtf tar ovary irui on hi wnv un whom walth nan nvr natter- man whiuh hope mil never ahatter llvu u moil olvo u tu ut nohh living klml wlu ru iwt aftald of giving to ji u u fllvii tm tiion whoun eipeetatlon till caimplara salvation for nil co jf tfffrrt or olve uu hiitn who hear the sighing of the trillion that are dying nr tho truth men who wait not fur th morrow to relieve thn want and aorvew of tha race olve u mtn of moral ponr who iatt moot tho present hour without rur man who imvnr lope their bearing mid the world n mad rush and daring jca be great give us man at strong decision man who stumble not in vision but r safe mu who ranilar full uiuunn uan who uufter atom resistance to the wrong olve ua man who ere deeervlng man whom cttnduct la unswerving kor the right mtm who meek a higher uvtl man who boldly tight tha devil with tbalr mlghl give ua mm of aafe enraplao men whoa live are clean ertaamplea for our youth man whtm earthly strife u aaded with their risen jloru aecended kind iirvst rest o k owuian out iho children will gat loet in thla tillhartl iobjofltad iy ran hum tha chalre arl deska no they wont get lout anawered abraham a bright light in hi oyea 11 j wi t hardly knew what reply ft make guess i ull ihukd dllt tu get to lluck ilarttarm loggtu cnmii ha non tlnuea that aint hut ixiut an eighth o a mil from here if i call wa ii manage n get nil thn lays an girl there in ehorl riler on no wt sat there teacher w ii find hlonty wood m a big aalaroamliir atove when hat hi ball u string yu had chr bu na tlma a fxt ut th looorathtnnt it u ttartt in my doak i rplld btt i lon t un irrntoml what do you want it rorr hi i my wy wm u aija hi hftr 1 liuiku thn nut hn 101 red i m uoili t tu juo i lid ti knob th iiik r htm mi wthui hom for ilucktt ulnw maylw i rant nod it uiln aa lh alorm i mi think i il im ajiiln to try it ualuolanlly 1 hondwl thn trav fal low that hltf ball of whlia utrlntf which ha rkuaatchl what ir ha folld wan bmt ixrhilmmlt v don t you worry toacher cauaa x ii h buck ilntty fiulok ha mid looking koanly into my eye thl bf bnr thaaa hl- boot mlnci hi worklli hatidy tbay aln t vary utyllah but thay rw nlc n wunn a mnmtnt utter h won one 111m ovwooat collar turned up hla ai pull ltd down nvar hi ttana he htarld away th while laying out the ball of white atrina- tb and of which he had tlod to iho doorknob 11a had iakan em thar thirty atana when he waa loat to als-ht- it woa naarly an vnur before he ra- turnod ttuddanty he came into alcht whn lea than fifty feet from th ehjoolhouaftj want juat bout an atrolcht aa a crow nieal ha exclaimed aflar kvltlna hla brakth dldn t use but half tha atrina boon on i gat my wind we ii atart teutna the boya and stria over there fclrat i want about tan of the uuxset boy to atrina alona twlxt bare nd tn camp we dont want to make a lp taacher an have one o the llltla one loat well vm em lone from boy to boy until we pt thorn there inxumiy tntnniatlotrtlraroj raw the eure u cud of hlnhlan and haa- taned to urlbar il hmalln out tan of tlm utrger boy thny wre bundlad up an warmly on uoaalble and abra ham etartod with them in a body each had hold of tho atrtn and every hundred feat or ho abraham had one of them halt inatrucun htm to aland taat awalllna further order tbua bo poated the hoy about a hundred feet part between the choolhoua and the into a crockery teapot put a teaspoonial ol the genuine salada for every two cups pour on freshly boiling water and let it stand for live minutes the result will be the most perfect flavoured tea you ever tasted i xhi3ard the aound of heavy boota upon tha an try looking up from my daak eat- noctlna to aea ohm former or lumberman was dldly urprlad whan i bahald atanaing at tb achool toon door bl yooth of parhapaj aftaan yeara my noma la abraham tuft an want to set noma ochoolln declared the tranaor the while ajwkwacdly fumbllnk hi cop f told him where to hanc hla car and a moment later led the way to a eat which 1 wo to occupy for the praaent at laaat there wo not llttla tlttarlrur on he blundered after me a wnf heavy and docldediy lanm pair of onwhlde boota accounted for tha morrlmanl and also for the noury clump clump clump acroea tha floor abraham was dubbed boota at teceas half an hour uuar end the nickname clunar to him for nearly abt montha until well until he proved hla aterliog worth uttla by utue i learned aomathlnc of hla blatory partly from othera part ly from hlmaelf lie lived with hie grandfather- a matter of three mile or ao from the echoolhouae thera the two eked out a acaut uvlna on a omau farm i learned that it woe an up bill battle for them to make both meet and that it waa only through the practicing of the moat rlaid economy that they managed to ejclat abrm- barns remarkable pair of top- boota waa one evidence of tola eoonoml for the ktwndfatber had hometanned a cowhide and worked up a portion of the leather into two pair of boota one for hlmaelf and one tor hla arand on i think the auce of the pair won by abraham wma about m number twelve or thirteen certainly they simply onormoua it waa really not to be wondered at that ao quickly had abraham been nicknamed boota abraham turned out to be rather a alow- atudent but he waa tent and aa a reautt of peraeverence he managed to keep alone with hla claaa in fact he worked hla way- paat aoveral parplla wboee oppor tunities by far exceeded hla own v the fall paaeed and thencame one of the hardeat winter- ever exnerlenoed in that aecian ef new ifaaapahtre there waa onow on the ground nhibt before thankoslvlna and for nve month tnareafter there waa little lantlna of winter itlnelb came the blg bliaxardv a anowatorm of aucb tramandoua violence that the oldeat m- babltanta could not recall ita equal that memorable day i remem very well indeed although roore than thirty yeara have paaaed atnoe then intenaety oohl it waa that morning the wind waa out of the northeaat and blew a halfgale the aky vraa over- aaat when acbool opened l que it wquldnt be a bad idea teacher to keep an extra not ore in the atovo touay ranuurkad abroiuug tuft a few minuiee befdre nine oolock i agger tkarea goln to be anow an lota of it afore long 8tu- poae i go aeouun round after aotne more wood there aint none too much out in the ahecv i acreed that auch a eouraa would be advlaable nnd a moment or two biter ha waa olt to the adjolnlna wood aooompanled by one of the larger boya he had been gona lee than tea mln utea before huow began to fall fine joy oakee which alfted in unden the door and around the window in than fifteen minute the atorm ao uilck that it waa impoaalhlo to a hundred reel d latent xn a little while abraham and the on who had aocompanlod him returned bearing deafljwood on their ahouldara they werep ao ejthaatod that for a few momenta neither could apeak juat bout ull we could do to hero teaoherv declared abraham at length getting hi breath i moat day lta gojn to be hard for the youngeat one to get home 1 waa or the eame opinion myaolf bat lent the elaaa in general get frightened i eald that i hoped the atorm would eaae up before noon put the atorm did notjabate in the lenat in fuel it inetwaaed in violence aa the morning advanced i found my- aetlf wondering that father and grownup aorta did not drive to the echoolhouae after the chldren later i learned that aotaral did attempt the trip but were unable to force their horec through the atom wo leaa tban three borav neruhed bealde the road that morning while being urft on toward the oehoolhqueo j one oolock found the supply of fire wood about exhauated mauerawera oertalnry getting aerloua finally ahraham atrodje acroea the floor and camo to my tloak it aeema ma though i can aeo him now oaterml nation waa vrrlt large in hla face tomcher bb whjapered aomothin haa got ti be done an im goln to do it u it la getting riold hare i admitted from the time he left the achoolhouae with the boya he won back again look of triumph in hla nyoa there were twenty boya and f in their teen theae he told to join hand and follow him he taking tha lead one hand graaplng that of tha fore moot or the group with the other hand he held the twine allowing it to allp through hla finger one by one we oarae to the boy who were poated along the routn and each waa picked up in turn finch joining the little pro caalon of a truss ling children half way to the camp thn hiring parted aome one probably uranplng it too tightly hello ol it won abruhum u volrti loud und eer hello ol t won the utiawer of tlio next out- poat tbua we went on abraham ahout- ing from time to time mid the next outpoat anawerlng finally we got there mnro dead than alive it aeemed there u moat welcome surprise waa in atore for ua a roar ing are which abraham had jtarted when nrat ho had reaahod tho camp thare we atopped all that day and all night hungry we all ware to bo sure but warm and glad in our heart to know that wo were uafo rarly tile enaulng morning the atorm having patmod abraham a tatt ed for tho vlllagewlth aome of the larger boy two houra biter a num ber of alelgba and pung reached the lumberman camp and very shortly all ef ua reached our various horn ee th nlckmrme hoot wan a thing of the paat from that memorable day until acbool oloaed for the aummer vocation abraham wore that remark able pair of homemade boota but no word waa dropped by pupil young or old relative to them it aeema to be aa though i can now hear the children calling to him abel abe it waa nearly twenty years before i aaw abraham tuft again after the e of acbool that year then of a spring day i chanced to pas that way again raw him in the general atore there i had a long talk with him i learned that ha wa the proprietor of the atore and poatmaater aa wall hn waa married andliad a family or boya and glrla lie lived over tho atore excusing itlmaelf for a moment ha hastened upatalra returning very abortly with a wooden box under hi arm opening it he brought to light a pair of enormous cow hide boota money could nt buy thove boota he aatd a faraway look coming into hla eyes you recall then he edt a smile playing about tho corner of hla mouth i nodded in the ufltrmatlve tnoae are the aral boot i ever owned he audi choking up a hit grandfather made them j waa proud of them until well i guess the aloe wm forgotten after a time i gripped hla hand and for u moment found myeelf unable to apeak we looked into each other eye and the grip on our hernia tightened y weekly who writ- fohyou to c6mef making thc most of our co uc ation a fjortorrrunrne8 cuntiury to j ultimo mr llanjumlu lliul- nhtour bruin untl timpirutlon of tha areat middle wvntorn mercantile ihumo cuuio tn lilu ttitlm ut lmlf l tint u well ulht 1 1 intend of rdua uiih k no up tif lutve in tb knaral itlua for know tin l ho vna already hi iiim private room at tho ufno of tlmlr arrlvul jyu be imrd over tho outaproad uhcelh of ngurum it hla ctenk he wtut half aware of varied obmmoutm of the ntereil tha adjyliung hut olenkh p they room irrom log from another fine day i in a tone that showed a refreshing uleen and a good breakfaat hut when fjrant appeared on tho woun ave minute latjl hbi aral wordn at unca caught the attentio o the ma behind the claaa partition im beginning to hate utla rooml orant wd been with the company ave day only nothing huf humdrum work everybody iruhblng away no body even civil i blool hard aa a brickbat- tiling paper all day any cub can do that the boa ii have another gueaa coming if he think 1 m solng to stay on this job very long a llttla ntnlle played round the oornem of mr illou month but ho went on with hi agurlng grunt wan lmttwareof preaenee wnuvl noon when 1e waa atnhmnned jo the- prlvate ontna of hla employe- mr ltlttlr extended hbt hand cor dially have a aeat ho said thla morning 1 waa reminded of a story a capital story evon if it u oil ray- self and i thought you mlaht enjoy hearing it a look of ostonuhmenl crept over ocante face aa he oat down 1 think you uhd i are very murh nllfces orant mr lllalr began loaat 1 aalt in you icrttinriy youhgatqtofrhore irai uhl uliilly go to ooll iuhiiu to linvi till ahiui utlou uliitr jouhb mn lntve no one in htp ma what wiit of holp do you mir lh ithplrliiu youth wa uukel mmey in ihtly iiuiiu tha leiaeand piitmtit tfply vouuuty ik tight uboul that my young frhnl yut money in not the ui1itiii only rutiulrvinant iluve you mudv tha tmut una of tb thluatluiiur n lilimenl willi which you are iur rtundn17 lluvu you made atudtouj uwe fui inutunoe of the city library 7 of the v m c a special oouree that ure reauluily ofteredt bf the munlty educational oouraea given by uovernment- opertr no i huvo not the young man replied anyhow that isn t going to colleger jundeetl it im not going to nolle- but it im a moat helpful ateu toward getting ait udurntluu moreover it la an opportunity for you to make the moat of the educational faollltli which you uru aurrounded and that mean u foiwutl utep toward college thuf young man like a great many there did liot take into account the real value of home facilities it la a nplennliitnd a noble ambition i he i dwhrelo ourvollego hutrnthor than cumplulu or whin inability to imot exbillug monetary dnmuiida how much baiter it is to mubo immihllatu use of the local ly- vncred opportunltleatfor un education getting itllo tho uplrtf of theee learn ing ull that cuii im learned lead tu hhjher und b tier tilings und tnay prove tha mauna of opening the ool- ege door to gii to oolleko after all wieal u- ten commandmcnj4 for the motorist 1 lrlve on tho rjsht dido of the road it 1 juat ua uood n the left x blow down when approaching a crossroad it t nearly u dmngeroun a a railroad crossing i look out for children you can never tell what theywl do and you are always in the wrong if you hit one i try to help instead of hinder the t radio officer ha thare for your good nd he ha n tough job a ba urt that your dimmer allytllm hi no joke driving into blinding glare aa you probably know fjncad nnil nbfulhtt aaxnlmtt signs they re not put up ua orna- mehj i if you foal you vs gatto xpeed do it where you won t kll anybody but yotvwclf t when making minor repairs atop longer than you anticipate t speeding round com ore la a atralght route to the hospital ion t race past a street oar in the city some day the jury may call it mans laugh ter itae y tho fact that you had the right of way von t bring anybody back to life least of all yrairaetf your o race rrtn ll he eofut i fhur the dhke of jjhuuihlra waa paying brla apual visit to- hi tenant and a he waa approaching tho front door of one house thoafnothor inalde aatd to iter llttla daushtvn now jtpny if the dilke apeaga to you be aureand aay tfour araoe tha child remembered her moutcra oouohlna and chl thf kindly old gentleman aaked har name aha prompt- when your rather aaked n opening for you in this business mo that you might learn it from the ground up i had no idea how much we had in common 1 waa just out of huulneaa college continued mr lllair when my father branch atore in a uttla country town in the mud dbtrlot of southern illinois needed extra help i wnm aent down for thn aprlng mnntha i found tint put en dull and buck woodsy after work hour there didnt mem to be anything better to do tlmu lo round the corner srocary lntnnlng to tlio men aa they npun ynnnt or dla- cuawed polltlra itvorytblng unemed dead and ugly i wait dhiaunted and one bvenlnk htttmlliig in the doorway in front of tha itroup 1 liurnt into tl lot of uncarnpllmontu ry rnmurkm ttltout the town that id boon muda for itut- ter things und wuii umxl to huvlng them and a lot mam klddluh truah aa t reached tha hnlght ot my oration one of tho men tit tha circle brought down hi cluilr tjji all four lega nnd deliberately walkihl over tn me ho buttonholed mo with hla left hand and with tha fo re n niter of hul rlsht directly under my noo murkud tlmo to tho words young man 1 ii give you two minute to tell ua who writ for you to come then he weill back to hla meat and tippet the oluilr back comfortably against tho counter while the rent of the crowd huwhawed more oiubunted than over i turned my back on tho groap utl went to my loom to write my father for pormja- alon to go homo 1 got- the permuialon and ono day i waa teltjng my father ha atory i thought th writ part it goodsouthern llllnobt grammar joko but i tiotioed that tt didnt seem to wtrlka my father aa being funny he waa silent for un emburraaalng moment then ho pit a hand on my shoulder and aatd what a ono chance you lost my boy i it would have been a splendid thing for you and a proud moment for your dad if thoee old codger down there in that neglected region had found in you a bit of tnaplrmtlon or even a hint of better things ao that they would have wrlt for your return that would havo been great the look ot disappointment on my father face took ull the spice outpf my writ atory i never repeated it again except a a joke on ray self und then not for many month my rather arranged lo uerid me to the city nlqce where 1 had begged to go before the trip south i luul puckod my trunk and bought my ticket all the while i waa poatercd w thooetj words what a qna chanco loatl i hated to be u disappointment to my rather i was un my knooa locking tha trunk wjicn womeuiing wpoke jn- alde me i ullpped out or tho house reached the railway office had my ticket changed und atartled dad out af hla breakfast by ujniounolng that i waa going back to mudvlue aa i called the brunch store town when i came homo a year ktor tutlon famou for ita campua iti msgnlacent building and largo at tendance tt nioatut in the ultimate it ita unal reaultn tn the individual tu- ttentv hard atuy concentration de- turmined purhae and aacrlaoe an uiiplrlug youth eager for an ucutlon onro tunte to huaklu with the quvatlun how muy i gulu in knowl- ixr liy puylnii ttir 1u v dear mir pay- lug for it lit hard work notice n ira l ion und hui rlllot huiikln utiswerwl lluoutlon like all other thing we heu runnot im hud without the price txi 1 tig cov itnl icnowletle more than nil otht r thlnutl onmao to those who tjtiriiohtly ti k il in uu undaunted uplrlt of tutttlllro money uloqu can not buy ii imluud tho poor itoy may bitv i tnofa thun nn o vim cliunoe with thiirli tiniuti non unit un tin hurguhim on nature ouutoi dt i tn d a western bard bo thir in no nod fur uny vnowledge- uoeknig oung tnuti or young woman td wait lhu duy of upoclul aulea the only way and thn curtain way 1 to pay the prlno which mean that if ono huh the umhltloti the desire and tlw inirivoho uhd will make thn beat uho of uvuiy ndtnutu nul facility of- ferail hlni llu will get an education prevcntinq boildriftinci muih him bun hoard in um paat few year utwiut the dumuge dono by noil drifting on prolrlo furma und how this dumtuo muy 1m red uood or totally provtuitud tho akierloiice ufthe late tic william uulllidiirm head of iomn- loi kxperlmt ntul karma i thus gtven in poreatry ilruitblf uulltln mo 1 tree llantlng on tho lralrle which lnuy im hud freti upon application to the hlreotor of koreatry ottawa lr saundorit huys 1 itappenetl to be passing indian load in the apring after a very violent atorm mr mncuuy tho superinten dent and i wont over the ground und we found the protective influence of the forest irrowth un tha plains thare wa about nrty fiot for every foot tn height that the uholterbelt grew that la tu aay a nholtcrbelt ten feet high protected om0 fiuo feet wide of aeld we hud a held of barley that mown ulongaldo of one v the be ita und other field of grulu ut other points the protective litauonco of the let vtmt very marktwl tho atorm hdd been a very violent ana the tree were about fir tee it feet high und for 7t0 feet but the grain waa green and well protect ed and in good condition whlia beyond that it ixgun to getjhlunqr and thin ner am after a few feet it waa entire ly obllterutod thoru tho whole prop wua wiped out by tho force of tho wind blowing tho platibj out of tho fcrt uhd thrifty boy jroddy why or oourae mother one piece of bread doea for both mother oh i roddyl l thought you i ere trying to economise and hero i at my rather- call i had theblggeat nno yo embboth jam and butter on joy of my life for thoee aomo ijjyou rbreed oodgere wrlt for mo to ocunerhtck 1 actually aaked my father to make j arrangements about hi city bualneaa told him that it wa neoea- mury for th new life of their town hat i should be on the spot to help curry out the ilutis 1 hod lut intp their heads so they vo writ for you to re- lurit there wa aathtfactlon and pride lp my father voice that the end of my atory orant mr lllalr glanced ut the clock ua he drew down the cover of hla deak und reached for hi hat how the moment fly 1 have un appointment right away fifteen minute after the usual clos ing time that evening mr lllair looked up from hla work to and grant in the doorway tvertoeon hitnklng ovortouttrtrjrr mr lllalr the writ ahaft lodged all right 1 just wanted to thank you and to let you know that i in going to try to muk myself worthy of being writ for if i should ever leave hlft con- ieit wg rt tii f waft got re the lord wake tut truly j rmiat be total pvohlbtydn if it la to- be i thankful theres no halfwav house hxperlmeuts with a multitude of hulfwmv meaaurea for reducing tho evils of intemperance have all broken down that la tho verdict reached by those in the anglican church who have given tha subject the closest utudy two yours ago the council for boclal hervlce of ino church of england in canada made a carefully ooualdared repbrt in which they aaldi there la no halfway houae no compromise all the ny sterns and improvement in the handling or alcohol in all tie world are no good ut all the vaunted gothenburg ayatem la a proved failure bweden tho fact la beyond all argument tho ayatem of alate iliu- luenaarlsa bun been found unaatlafua- itory vrhorever it ban been found thera accttve-i- wholesale arrests canadians with coughs halt who tfou there someone with a cough ioaa afrlenill stop eoiigbl you tro under arrest thou anda of aueli nritiata arc being made every day in ull norta of canada too long have oouyli and oolds evaded justice and cniuuid untold sutterlnjj to uiimnlty hut nt uiat thny have beau l aornurcil and overiowored by can julaa faniqum imuhataaiivagei j ifya llrouehltls mixture j id you ever hear of thla wonderful remqavf why ovoryho ly is talking aud writ ltk ubout tliu urcat vfork it la dolnr in curing viiloipui colds luouchltla asthma ele j the following is one of thousanda of letter reclym t kindly accept my alnecre i it oak for the benefit my wife derived iliy uto use 6f one of your bettlag of jlronrlhltu mlxluro or oter talrtaea yeara she hog buffered mutely after npondlng dolhtr after dollar upon varloua remedies no ro uf waa obtained ilearlnff of your aot matveloua reoiedy aha dscldod to give it a trial and i am ghtd to aay ono botflewhua niado her wu i you ate at liberty to uan my nam and ehonld ha only loo plemed lo gnawer any inquiries blneoroly youra john holmes yorkvlllo ave tho oris lnal of thla letter may bo aeon at w k buckley limited hfl mutual bt toronto dtmt allow a eounh or old to linger trlth you away with hi hall buoklcys mixture and have cough arrested this remedy nver falli on every bottlo la a guarantee to refund tho mope if not aatiafac uxl j2ol rom now from your xtroggut an boud iff acton by a t daovm can any canadian city beat this the mild an i eouubla all tha yar- louiul ellmafn of victoria in vancouver ixlurkl a ellmatn which im bringing mo rnimy canadian nnd americana to the bnutlful kmpreaa lintel la ilivmn utrated mnat ronvlitolngly by tha re- rorj or the thermometer aroorduig tit figures h up pi led by the tnntmiijitobl- rul oitlce of thn iktmtnlon iftvnrninnnt tha jowmtt l hit teuchl during the 1020 wnm 3s fahrouht it in tha month of january while in only one month namely july won any higher point reached titan r4 degreeu tha meun in the hottest mummar month of august wb de while the mean tlm whole year waa 10 riegrras the winter mo lit lis of jumim y und february show tneun ti nitaraturvs lit both moo i h wdifl t7iilhl as high a tl de grees mo wonder that thn giusm bf ltd that oprlng come early in tills aouahe nnd da llghtful climate victoria la jur ex i-flllenim- ontinilaa city of flower and the tcmpreau hotel as 1u social centre is a torennlal attrnctlou for young and old j record of 120 mean temperatures victoria b c january t july rbrury 41 august march 4 meptemlter april 45 october may 60 novonlmf june m iwcemlmrr arteb the storm y one of the soldlerta al theitalnbow division may 1earaonm magus ne had been boasting to a llrltlsh tommy ultnut ita glorlom immel aatd the tommy i know yer en llu it that ita in bow- is thing that cornea out after the storm h over eln t itt versatile animal kor kale read the advertisement in the local tiaer a cow that give ton uarta of milk m day bealdea two grltidhtonea u hit of farm tools und a net of harneaa grow finet crops sold everywhere in canada write for new illustrated catalog steele driggs seed c we sell qilson- farm e0uipmcn7 slmant in quat- 4pogcnvicci sixty year nf laarlsaahlp of tcmnjr rood aajue beeping aauafactio and real eervioel tbata why th cllaon nmo wina respect and canfldwrtcai from coast to ooartthaaw prooj tofell tbia denendable farm aqrulpcaaat the cilson engine tut year u aay otaer mki it u xtw 7 aatad to b to gghcmt raaalag olrr-ar- d csuwaudc be ladepisiftet aetjt fllais uio vow mm it ike hiift aeluaa eay y omm t let aa dcauhsauata ee p- im p- uv eeoemalbartertt jo hylosylo the tljlo ble laaora i flsb snocalcat isuace eow to tea last akful i k built to tut patrnlc fcatiuaa of explala eliy tha halo u by the ducilatla ti ie cilson streader lllm its3 tdaevaaraiusyiutmvs iba cuboa why h bl talda w4 lou pr t proot na it 1 law down it lu hskt drsit it tat itl lara o manure ta tka baa llsall la llu bret i vhiii tlwbnt usylir aarrvabtaaa warfsam uuzltm rup jadu italllng ae writalr caxalee umjj in cameja mj cj ij y cilson mfc co urtlted cuelph ont call al tum nthmt dw j w barberree acton ont mmmmmmmtmmnmimimmiiimninknml strengthen your businessmoraie i soldiers know what it means when an armys morale is shattered fl the fighting spirit is gone the men invite defeat what is true of military forces is true of some in dustrial armies fl at the first serious jolt their morale weakens hope flies courage disappears their fighting spirit is lost there is no place in business today for the cal amity howler he is drawing salary or wages under- false pretences more distressing titan al else he is weakening the morale of other workers and of business itself strengthen your business morale j take block of your men as well as your goods fl retain enthusiastic profitable workers even at a temporary loss fl venture into new fields for business f trade and prosperity are interdependent the sooner capital labor and management realize this the quicker will conditions improve tell the story of your business andits products in the newspapers advertise create sales stimulate trade reliable table cutlery viu kitu- wlmt ii u lo havtl reel good tat h nth rv un i whim you ilirrhna- wohti miioim cutury you ran raat tin u urn i hut it is tha wi wohtlnkdl tlxu htultihnui mlaol kulvathv kiilvd wra mt- nt htululeaa fauot and in or unary ua will neither ruul or utuln afltr using nci only to ihi wumiu i und wl i willi w i- a n cloth ti rin tltit in it knife lhurl or in n mathln- wont 1 air y tloir ah paaramv whl h f ii rwu would laat rr yaarti thci knlvau run w ill lh umual wuy theatt lltuotabla usx3 ij tbe bond hardwaltk co ua phena 1d12 ouclfn this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know at uniform fair price to fulfill all guarantees and cheer luily- correct all riibv takca to deserve your conhdence by always giving you satisfaction savageacov jwejlcn aaon granite works j nicol experienced granite cutter i pn puiimi to mupply monu ment of all kind with skill fully nut inscription at low price itea samp in of work and atylea of monument ut th monument works l-i- ullymam ihlocic mill street acton ont grand trunk winx the double track route hfattwlchn montreal toronto detroit chicago unexcelled dl il is ear mervto steeping car on tibht train an parlor car on pr i not pal ay tralna vull ittformallon from any qran trunk ticket rgent oeac k ifornlt ulatrict iuaencer a gel t toronto il a holmes agent acton ont l 1t r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station a quantify op peed cottn and oh- cake just received flour peed n0rval bran and shorts hay straw r noble ltd henry awrev manaqefl t5he acton bakery call lhoo no 77 ir you want a deliciouajoal ot ilread or brown bread or a boston iloa- steam loar huns and rolls pies and all kinds of cookies and cakes also wedding cakes madr bailed or iced bread is your best food eat more of it phone 77r- the waggon will cal at y6ur door m edwards co acton ontarip ator closed every nljht bxeapt f day and baturday at js0- pjn ial

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