f tllllkhriay i rhituauy 1931 alcohols alpha0et mat umiowi latf ho 1 a ttoj- hlu ap a mini 1 i f i- ah kii deathlike hm rjp d for lrliiiinr who lakua n nip c fin tompuiilon who urae him d for l ho ilnmon of drink that ws born e for ndimvur he make ti resist f stand tor rrleud wlu mo loudly luhlut i 0 tor tit nutlt tliut ho uflcrwards fool h tor ihfi ti rror that ban ty heel 1 hi ltiloitiiit lo j titund for juorliiif thai fu k fur tilt kiifwl l stolid fiii- the lluu h for convlvlul mfeelln mo bay n stand fi no tltat he trie liard t o tor uin i rale tlial then coma to p stand tt r pride tlint im druwi lu kluun q stan in tut quarrel that nlshlly abound r stand for ruin that hover around b tand for uikium which hi vision bedim t atuada for trcuublnk that win hli limb u for hi uaefulww uuitk in tho alum v for vutcrutit tin iulcky becomnt w for wuitliur uif hfn until maaa don x fur tho exit regretted by none v outh of thl nation such 1m crime z ealoimly turn from the tempter ri in a recent contribution to th north american review jtr vyrvm ted- win hnallli olllcar or new york city kavn thl alphabetic rhyme- which h learned from on nf hi patient while reuitltis it h tuiyti the irani ktu uowh 1m wuhn ho dfamorihod tlin different at hla own rurr he tnmu jacks heifer it surely wun tuird writ a friend of the cohipanlon that jack a hotter should im killed too when tho railway had paid un so- small a part of the value of all tho other a took that it had killed before in the sprlna wo hail lost uoandomo oolt that had seemed ctrtnri to atdwjmo n htutdaoiiu horm vorty dollar wan all tha railway kv u fur tit oolt and while our claim wua pending it liad killed a promlalnjc young cow fiut nil other losses were a hothlnb compared with the loai jack hotter loor little jack hu4 brief wm pitiful i thocfrht nd thought about the teat ter at umt rnora becauaa i wanted to give the thlldrrm aoneuilnc to do than dmlauue i expected any favormble reault i told thorn to ro down to the huwthorn ireu mn write to inepwil dent of the railway perhapa he would m that jaok mot aomvthlna like the value of the dead hetter bo off they went fannie taking the paper and pencil helen allont abd aorrowful and little itoh acareely underetandlnat what ltkl meant walking bealde jaok that wm election day in town aad were all e huay that i forgot about the letter i wan k tart led therefore when the children aald that tbey had written and mailed it they ahowred i cony of il it rood dear ur irealuent wont yoo pleaae tnuko the railway pay roe for my cow that tha train haa jviat killed t oh uho waa a beauty and x would n t have taken a thouaand dollora for her thut wax how i sot her when i wa a llttln loy i had i co that i had earn oj one way and another ao i bought a iila- with it ahe waa a daisy too flhe would oat anhlnff youd give her ror we tried her on everything oven on burnt ginger cake when ah got to be well grown what do you think jtno dldt aha went and ate up a whole flock of lttle turkey and about to begin on th u hen but father caught her at t and aald aha muat eurely die it waa juet about hog killing time ao he gave me f 104 for hor i forgot to ay ahe had little plga of her own anyway they i killed hr when i got my laoo oh but i forgot i never got it in money ror father aald i had better have more etock so he gavo me the nloeet- h elf or you ever laid your woe u real jeraey and we called her step andratchlt becauaa ahe could atep round mo lively we children red hef every day till aho butter bo after a while ahe got to be moat a cow and the railway ran over her now mr president please ex cuse this long letter and mr preel- dent won t you make your railway pay me for my oowr my father name la john c case your affectionate friend jack c cose i awfl children all saw il she jumped up in the air at least twenty feet and when ahe came down she waa dead wo saved her horns what a letter to send to the presi dent of a railway i i thought with gasp f did not tell my husband what waa the use t we should probably never hear of it eiaaln hut two vaeke afterward we stop ped at the poat ofllca on the way to tprayer meeting and gotonki letter that act orouaed my husband m ourfoatty that ho fnlt ibllgod to open it on the church what does this meant be asked r picked up from the steps a slip of paper that ho had dropped and my hublmnd reud lurt of the letter aloud licttr mr cauo in cnuaacjuenoo of a very interesting letter received front your soti biiit reud at a meeting of the hoard we have decided to pay you a larger sum than u customary for the loss of your jeraey helfei 1 the ellp of paper that i had picked up waa a check for 176 00 payable to our jack it nj6w is the time to s qo neighborly mend harness stud need catalogue place orders for fertilisers oet your beadpolea ready join tho hotter fjlres campaign oet tl0 ice house in ahapo tor ice burn out the chimneys on a wet day keop thn wood box tilled to ovrr flowing co operate wltli your neighbor in a buslncaa way itemovo mow from aurrant and other shrub bushel to prevent breaking cut down thn bruin for horwfe and rn hwimii nn t r rt fonhfeyfitclse ao htey won t become oofl wrap mall tnoeu with wood veneer heavy building paier or screen wirio pan awlndbreak ror orchardmmt don t plant red oodarn near ainpple orchard rubber clocks tho neweat thing in clocks is made of rubber and bj meant especially fox travellers this kind of dock being ancaaedv ln rubber has n almost inaudible tick if it falls it bounces and auffers no injury it is in faot proof against ordinary hocks thut characterlstio makes the rub- clock suitable for- mounting on an automobile a motorboat an airplane or wherevcivvluratlqn or shock might disturb tha mechanism or an ordinary timepiece tomplotonta ithoumstlc- capaulea mnif ua uml for asthma are abld hero by h j haasard local f t w waa any great imtunu hi4irta myaelf but rnnn th man how i di like ty wntuh our udimi dmiullnti jtmnoi af luuelull und un k y i ult otti i meuitdr down to a bun hull bbwii m a balmy uuwmnr iliiy but tnuoh uhi all aa 1 iiu liatfwy rliuliwllm un om nitf ivveiii my iikiuibiiih u in tha ley imnui i vlt tha hulmin ucruhm thn wny fm u- honkr y mitteli mini 11 wlnlur u hit ltv wit imro u ml i1mimhi to the urnlw float mifrm away down thorn in he hollow wli thn youngstom t r gnneratlnni wwmi to sleigh ride u and down in thut gully i stood it uu long an i rouj i and thou one nlubt i unld t mury hieumatich or no 1 ii lx hmirttd if i alnt giln t ht linn liooknv kama thin your and mary triwl her best to atop m ikt my wportlng blool wax up and awuy i wtiil tulk hikiui run why for two whole upaumh 1 hu 1 tln time or my llfn i li t loottn in un m caslonal war wlw l with tho fulim uhi evaaaa yehiog hr rwiiiiflhnn it ian t much llki thn hhltmy i uhh1 to play but i vo alwuyw krpi rt f up- to date in thte thlngu ttlul 1 wuh uble to follow thlngu pretty clotfly well aa i waa saying i atuck it out fur two whole nimimith un i thou 1 ltfu ahlvnr and 1 thought to myaolf if i get a cold ii nnver hear tho lumt of it from mary wo i wtrollml ont home the acton team were getting tho heat of the game anyway i thought i got m me and 1 ii bo hangodi ifthuy dldn t iiiaiaallhauhi boys got beat out fliinuy i dldn t got any ootd hut mary trnyn that was rr good luck than good mnnugoment waa tickled to ho utile to gut thorn for a while but i gueua that will be my lust game it to big a nha an old duffer like pin to tuk thought id write ul paragtaiph to lot the young fellnra know i wbm intt reutod in their gamou evnn if i nun t ut out to them only thing lu if i go to uu other one i m going to try to arrange to see tho lunt round inati ml of first because it iieemu to bo tlio that counts j hay i wax taken buck to 1hgq thin week with a rush i honrd thut th word waa being panted around among those who romemthired itev thorn u u jerrrtea r oukvllln tlint luwoul celebrnto his tiliiqiynliilh blrthduy ui wednesday asrtl lust und hln friend everywhere want remomlwrlng him with a ppaj card groetlitg buy i re- mnrndor that dear old man from away back i attended a tea meeting over there in thn old kbeneanr church mas- aagaweyo when lie was tho minister there in tha full of 1h9 real oldfashioned tea mtlng my but the wlvea of those old devonshire farmers who settled in nojuiagawoya along tho ouelph rowd wum mighty good oooka and tlnlr ievonblilra cream why j can tuatn it yot rich as butter sweet and wholesome well that was a great itamootlng every body seemed to bn tlioro the old folk and tho young folks tho itomut of the families and the children young man and mojdona con valuation toxengera and all after the big sup per of good things there wero addresses galore ltv mr jeffertea waa in hla glory und ha made everybody feel at home old man kaster brook was lead er of the choir und they excelled thorn selves mr kaaterbrook guve a hum ber or two on the flute jio waa full of music well just an tho toomeeting was over a big nummoi thunderstorm came up my bow it did rain dhd liow the lumber waggons bum pod unit jumped oh the driver hurried their teams over tho corduroy trouds un- twtesvi tebenoxnr and knntchbull und porwhln say would you liellevo tt 1 vo had a sort of hankering for nuhmitgawaya over wince thut toameotlntf j that tea meeting i vn been over thera acoram of time to toa moetlngthey call them baimiueta now am pit and anniversaries ttnil lot ron whlhiver tt to you th daughter und kruiul- daughtora of to day urn just us good cook over there us thulr muthur and grandmother wore sixty yeur ago when i commenced to go to icbei ami to bottom v well whou tho corner stones of tho nun mw rjboiioknr chunli wvro to 1m iwli in mnv 1015 mnry und t took the day off and wont liver to tlm big event we expeotud to moot many of the old frlomlw them und wo did lint blesa mo if one of the umt porsoitm i met there wumi t lv tliomun m jeffries active und l strong ami straight and smiling us ever he wau it wu good to moo the old rnnn again und do you know ha rccognuud both mury and tnu u noon uh wo inut him mary rirat of courue hu wit always u ginut bund to nitko up with the women folk i nuniinun itooauuo whmi the ml nlu i or mmo to tuu tlmy nlwuyn ww thut hu got tlm best tho larder contained buy but the old preuohor had a grout time thutduy ho unit hu re memlierod when tho old church wu new und now ho wnw uuoltiu tho found ations in id for tho ilno now modern and commodious pile thut tho preuuhar fit sixty yoar ugi wu buloved wu jnutilfiht on every liund all tho folks hovnred ittutut him during thu day old mi- tuylur who wjis about hi own age and with was u ninpibur f th lld church wlmn i uiuuhh minister was there usid sat bealde 111 in on the improvised plntrorm whuih wont down into tho bnnement with the crowd and jio old folks with them fortunately ro one wan nrlouly hurt in the mlaup judge iqiiiott got a aklnned thumb but ho was n presby terian itu u wonder i dlilu t get something too uul i did i got mine at the table when the good things wore being passed urouud well old mr jo tories wai ninety- nine yesterday lies now in ills hun dredth year i hope he ii bo fipnred to go over the top willi u contury to bis credit and then have some more god bjcaa him i 7 t well any i never dreumod i would be dubbed un hlatorlmi for my wand ering reminiscence iiut what do you think of thlst the editor handed me thu iqtmr tho other day lilcsa mo it kind of given mo n iiwollod head ouosu tho heurdmoreii nloo letter came be cause of what i anld nhnut old mr lleardrnora us j know him un a boy and rpr my stories j clarke when iatim man in my aotugo well kiunr- 1 toronto 1 ihrunry 14 j 031 t ur mr mm to wo huve roni ived the but u niiml rs of til airrun ihs 1hh whloll tii kxiulljl thank you fur your pi mpl n hi onm our rt piest nnd to tuuiura you of our uppreclutlou of yaar immlliig these to us tho huiorhul nilllm oiilulnel ifcori in oweli week fiun tlm pen of th 7jt man of tho ills lix k tower omlm ly miiuli thut i lulnrrihtlng id us in rokiml lo the tiiriy hlsl ry of our organ ant lun und lio acton tunni rloi in purthulur thoh exttiiil are being niod with our otln r hluloruiul rerfirdi and will lxi available f ir this tun r ii tum gnnoratlons who will undoubt ediy ujoy reiiillni thorn nil luunh us again thanking you for your klud- nts und with host pnruonul rcgurdi we rumuln 1i- t ions iinahimiita a co 1 or w a moore i uy rolttii lgot ihu lufoimutlon i bpokn of trylpg to unourn in luut wmku atrri ulout how thy tun leiithnr ut 1inurlin t dm tuiim rh h und got it r mly for murkat und i d n t think nell modotkail thu big uurlnjeiiiont down there or uny body elm on to the old mnn being them i not tho real rooomneu or thn nolo lath r tuiim ry und i uenn thut ii aunlfl for 111 wholn iiihtltlitluil llrn it in down in thw it hl storage warehouse there is utile to liotl nx n t tho hdl thmigli it li worthy of mouth tt that doiied bins nr pr ivld il f r skliih arid in i bono nre all hide ed from ihulactiinn ftoutn a or ilaowlu r tny nro phirwd t itoon mi thoy nro icielv 1 nor lu if allowable to rmov uiim until they ure lnspetd and pnn d by the uov- ninient i in pen tor when thoy muat forthwith in prepared for the tanning proton und placed lu tho vats 1 hcuo precautions ate tuken in order to pro vnt the introduction of uny infoi tlou dlueuso to whlolithn cattle in those f irelgn rountrltmi uro apt to lie htlhjiict iaaslng to thn bourn houim wu mid ut iitndernjtnrry fur ho liitlca brought in from dm bldq house hero tho hide urc pilot tied up lu bundlti just u they bava l4en shlpiiod in nit the freight cur a large porietitpgn of tho hlilo usui by lluurd- mum a co corou from bpiilh america both lu tho dry ntate und w t ualtod 1or tlio most purl howoyor pucker hklon are usod ohtalnad from the cnuudluu umt ii il uhlulolr tho dry hide uro voukud for about a week und uru th n put through thn bide mill to restore thorn us nearly pilg a ihoy came off tho buck of the up mat tho wot ualtod hides uro nonked to clean tham after till lias bean dene each hide is ullt down thovhack making wo sides tlm nixt utnjt is i to place thu hmom in tile limn vut for tho purpose of loosening ha hair thn liming process which hoiiplus ulkiut tlvn day mak it poualblo to remove the hulr without injuring tho grain of tho hldo tin mihnlrliik machine has u long cyllude with blunt corrugation which re volvew rupldly und actually pull tho hulr right out u it hwlng from top toibottom of the hldo thw oulsldo of the ildo having been clcunml or hair thu llouh ido miit receive attention untl tho hldo is pita od to u flushing muohlna whlnli b mouiis of u revolving hplrul knife ro- move any noh hint muy lio udhtrlng to thu wkln tho hulhliig touahos liowovwr bo given by bund mid u couple of men go ovnr oa h wide trimming it and removing uny remulnlng hair or rich than the hides uro weloctod tlier um four clauul dcu t ions by which the selections urn mudo oood rejects pasters and gluou a tjood hide is one that comos front it uound hoaltliy animal and has boon well tnknn off a itajoct is a hldo that may havu boon bran led or cut hi some spot where it break into thu bnut of thu leather a 1autor in one that liah thu grain liudly dumuged due to a poor tako off while n aluc i pot u hldu nt all from tho tunnere t and point inasmuch as it i ulmply consigned to the refuse pile of trimming which uhlipod to tho glue manufacturers thlpk ho hurt son tho buyor hocm thut fow indeed get into tbls claps these trimming uro not tho only byprodunt from tho hide there i auto the hulr which is mre fully hot ualde and after cleaning und drying is shipped out tp carpet work felt manfffaoturarw and to hulhtors wupply concerns for uue et plaiiturers hair now you have un ldu whero your fancy felt curpets co mo from the ope ratio i of tho machine used for drying tho hall is worth watching after tho hair leaves tho slushing jank lu which it i washed it lu carried oil it belt coll vuyor und deposited lu h tontalnar ouo hide or which theru 1 u moving uprop brlwtllng with uhort utoel pins which pick up tin hair in small pinii- tltle tho apron is continuous like u towul on a roller and the hair is on itled over to the other ulilo drain ing in thn meantime and is blown off by a fan upon or conveyor which car- rk it through uu vnoloiiud oompurt- mnnt henteil to u temperature uf 140 dogrnu when it reunheit tho other und ot tho compartment it uomn out dry it is then put into a baling mu chlno and 1 mudo up into 300 lb bain or packed in uucks or pupur bug ihu white bnlr 1 kqnt ihipuruto bellitf worth about tlvo thini more thnn tho rd after tho hide hiivo boon ueleotod thty go through thu butolng prooesu in this proem thoy lire bung in vat in which thoy uro uuhjocted to u chemical treatment which thoroughly remove the lime now ull thu prelim inurlo uro through with und we hnvu the hldo lu thu uiiilu so to speak ready to get into the llipior iluforn they proceed to thu tunynrd howovor they uro tlrot i ut into thu coloring win el whero tlmy uro immoniad lu wck tunlilog holutlon which glvo thorn tholr inlttul oolot ing this brug u to thnt operation iii tho heum house und the hide now pus on tholr wuy to tho tuuyurds jintl thv im my jumping off place for thl week i huvo a pretty largiiiy- dovuloped fear of that lhu pencil of tho editor aifll x gueau i in ul ready a ry hue past his utalt so i ii utop right hero i ii get tho rent oc the story of running vouiiy and wall have lliuuttwuek uuldon l any- of you folks run uwny with the ldou thut you can tan tho hldou you tako off your- sulvus after this for you will have noticed that every proouus i done by machinery that how tho uourdmoro product is no superior und in such great durnaiid that they ure uble to koop hundreds nf our cltlsens busy nil the time running theneblsr mncljncs adodbye till nsxt week watfib t w titer the dully neod of every living tiling it rise from the eurtli oliedlent to ho summons of uin nun and descends in showers of biesalngfl it gives of its sparkling beauty to the fragrant flower j it in ho aloliomy that tranmnutea baso clay into golden grain it is the onnvus upon which tlm finger of the luoullntrjiqnalliajmillantuqsz of promlnii it is the drink that oheern und brings no nrrf ml fehnynf uicnulouully thnro aro evidence that the linolriil idiu that a university fesnor worku only ubout holf mil hull uu hunl uu do other people i nut y t intlroly dead thl idea wu limni 1 mi tho fuluo iihnumpdon thut tho pi i worku only when ho i haforn hlu luum a und lu actually i ugukod in tiuhlug 1 hough iruiie of thn old notion utlll rumuln anyone who know u iinivnrulty profensor of thn twttithth iutury reallsa thut ho work hut unit longer thuu moat liuuliiiu null und thut his hours of tulior uru not feuur than those of thn farmer h mo pioplo say that tha firm r dorx riot work in winter tha farmer in llifimntly denies thl and hu i right home piopln ulao say thut tin proftmaor dot no work in sumiuor he donut thin jimt u tiidlgiiantly a doe the farmer and he 1 e pially right v tlio inofinuot u ti aching i wot even half of thu work hn i called upon lo i erforin doullug ulwuy with tho brlghti t of yontful intellect he can- not arfnrdio full lu preparation of hi work hu muut i u ulwuy up to tho minute in hi hirnrmuilon vivo hour to twenty houru of preparation fro- lueutly i rum il oim hour of leoturing hummer provllo a tlmo for reading for rcueuroh foi uilvnntemont in knowle igo then thin im tho willing und mark ing of i huuyw uu 1 i xnroinw hundred of thorn aun the reading and valu ing of oaiiiluullou pupuru ugulu huu- ihed of tin m aiho commlttivns for dinrnlii d h ncit of co uruos uf uilinlnlhdatlvo ilotull of thu hun- drt d iind otto tnattii largo und small thut li ivi to imi ousllnrcd lu tlm work of il incut liiiitltutlon of lourn- ing riinri i i one ut t that thn uvurugo unlvi rlty profmior doe not undor- utund tho mt of uf udvertlsomuut ho doe uui woik lulthfuliy worku lu thu iivnnlng niid often on into thn morning work wlmn his neighbor think ho i ci ding or holidaying but uaynlttl uliout il ho i one of tl0o tiywttn rp looked upon t at creation dawn and said ittggoodvmn trvrtiaxi when your grocer sells you a package of red rose tea crimson label at 30 cents he makes a little tess prof it tkaoirlf he sold you a package of cheaper tea the extra price is alhin the quality the university professor t th i a nilutultu boaliu people bon orally uro inclined to bellevo only what tlmy uotuuliy woo scotch and scotchtopped hfiathonn6fluftbihprn qradeb yorkshire hoos oxford sheep etc why he stopped his btimu- lant j have boforo mo u volume lu which aro given tho n colli ctlons of old people folk wht llvi 1 aoventynve years ugn mil who wer vory not n thu old folk uxd to uy horn lu amiirluh chundler one of the plonini of weutnrn mussaohuaett wuun hn in uu to iowa hi strength and fonul th it in could not do u hard day vnu ho fit tied and became hi so hiluli uuiihi t hi wishes hi wife called lu tho lountry doctor 111 i bono day it wu thn custom inr phyhloluii lo pieacrllto a stimulant nr lurly pnnplo lu mr chuiidur condition o thut i whut the doctor did mr clmudlor did not like to take liojuoi in any fonti hut he obeyed ror a while quo duy howovei the doctor came mul found him rather more irritable und frntty did you tako thn utlmti- lunt imkod tlio doctor no t huvo pi it it replied mr chumllnr quit why asked tho doctor uuioly u h noon fill runnot hurt you or your lulnclplcn it hint thut imucd th old inun itrmly but i found ihut i was hunting for thu urgent hi 0011 in tlio house every time i took a ilouo ihid duolded that it was tlmo to ipilt wultor k 1ut- ney gettinq even it wuh u meiln und dluhonost deal i will get avni with him yet prom ised a young muu uftor the rooltal of a wroilg ho hud iiurfered uettlng even lu probably exuntly whut he will do if hu coir i i out his plan word common word iniva u trick of hold ing un much deeper meaning than we uncord thorn win n wo una them lnjur dally iipeach did tlio indignant young hpoaker riamy duulro to pptoa blirmelf on the invnl wlth u dlshonost not 7 uvenlng up u wrong ulnumt inevitably tuko us down to thu lovel of tho opo who huu vionuoil uu und thut evil sett inrtlclod i ultnout tho worst in jury u houi rut ncotvo justice and dtiiurvitd imnluhhiuiit have their pro- lr plne but lolulfittlon in kind for an uuwoitby doid hi moiqcthlng a hlgli- m huleil poruuu nan nut ufford td tamper with it loweni tho life and ehsraoter to the level of thu not it ruent und coniltuiin l speed demon a young muu who hud itoon in tlio city only tlm o day but who hud bcun paying ntu iifclnn to a pretty girl wanted to pinpoint but was afraid he might be thought too busty he du lloately uppioauhoil thu uubjeat us fol lows if i worn to hpuak to you of mar- rlugu uftor having only made your atitiuulntiinoo throe day a ugo what would you imy to ttr well i should way hover put off till o iiirow that which you should huvo dunu day buforo vuhterduy wise and otherwise thu crow are here lu large number giving uuwuto hopo for un surly spring buy kobruary you am short and told mi uny thing hut you have one nnloomlng trait wmuh lit youo next to spring thoro wiib diuigur that deoember jlitdjotiuary- wnuld uao upaltthk supply or nno woutherj and wo would have nom left for february und march notices this store will be open friday and saturday only of ea0h week all millinery reduced missn m stockford aotorj 1 i uublch hluhx f i h llllil -t- school is the best place lioyu ami girl who may im wonder ing whether it i worth whlln to con tinue school work when o many timptlng buulneu offer uro ronntaut ly una thnmaclvn would d well to mid whutdi lruik rnnn 1ms to iy uliout how bo would tlvo hi life oviji ukmk if ho w rn young writ ing lo tlood housekeeping dr crane loinurk i would unruly u to uchool be- rillau mhootl tho iteut place 111 which to puiul onus youth no matter how gruut u name to makn money a loy may hnve he will surely muko morn money in the long run if ho ha good it u boo it uif at mchool you rub off thn sharp iiinwr of your personality you uurn how lo bo ugrneubln hlw to mt along wlthjolkw und how to play tho game of hfn with the moat enjoyment if you huvn parent who will send you to unhno1 you uru fortunate and thrhu fortunate if you have to work y mr wuy though mhool by your own exertions to uay thut you woul i like to wt o school iftroit wnrnnbln la ui nw hue any im y an get un educa tion if ho dt ulres it enough any girl null gut uihoollng if alio 1 uuriuently determined suckers for cduncillors chairman john a itlchort of thu tnunon committer of tho chicago city council fhum solved tho problem of hooihlilje thnioiipcljntomjlouceal u lucent uuetliig ho paaacd around nil day mucker and for an hour the uldirmuu uut buby fashion licking them hu wild it was thu iultcst and piout uuihhfu meeting on recoril dispersion sale thu uuderhlgned hu roccvod ln- mtrucllon from c 0 8wackhamer to uell by publlo auction on tot s ird line kaiueliia one unit half mile north of acton on wednesday march b 1021 at mm o clock sharp thn ful lowing hiiollthornm 1kmai ml jilt 20th lmp 107141 calf ut foot ifalry queen j130h4 calf at root crimson vino 12th n13e07 ltosst- tu 1i210v lcagln ijuntle 09- 7s0- culf ut foot iiily itose 18ici i uhl trtsatoss miss itost 134301- queen of thu may 14a7llh homo ijidy 141783 crimson vine 13th lfl 01104 lturmpton ikrtl 161073 hunbwun maud kglu luutalo 2nd 1701183 itosettu- 3nd 173364 ilrowllng date given day of sale jiuluj htrathloven advocuto mshb que n s cunrd 140 203 rtruthlnvon victor 14b su4 clear thn way 140301 cholcu loodn 14610 j crlpison hoyal and 1 47300 i htratloaven jd 147100 ohailch upoucd cow freali 3 mouth roan heifer rlnlng s ynitr bred led heifer rising j years trred 3 sit or 1 year 3 calve 3 month 1 iooh yokkhimuoj lleg latere sow duo time of mali registered boar 11 month twelve young how broil 1 york grade sow dun iieforo sale 1 sow bred in january 1 store pig ubout 100 llu hllloh1 ton nholca oxford grale breeding ew 1 purebred o it ford hulf doscn 1 lymouth itook cockerel two sill whlrrletrne complete 4 pair whlffltitroea j futtcti 1oata mernlno trains will b met at acton and lunch provided at tha farm cutntouge of pure bred stock mull ed on rccjuoltc tlcitmrrl0 t0 ami under ouit h over thut umount 10 months credit on up proved jo4nt tiotu 6 discount for cash btore plgh 1 month crmllt w it fillaham clerk auction sale inf jtiu3 r0wnhiiov kuik faiim stock implements hv grain and roots iho uiwlerwlgned has received in- btriiotlou from we6lev warne lot 4th llfie lsrl to uell by publlo auction on wednesday march 2 1021 at ono o clock hhurp the following hohhba 1 buy mure 0 your old 1 buy mure 0 year old in foal to htd nu let till teum will weigh ubout jswq ibu und is right wt ry way 1 grey ntaro 4 your vi rf purtvouo a groat driver good in till barneu 1 buy mure rmng 3 year 1 brown mur rlhlug j yarut hire hteeus jut 1erchoron 1 grey colt rising 1 year aire utouns jet ieroheron 1 buy horse good u ivor cattlu 1 roil cow a year old oalf ut foot due july 30 1 brown now 4 years old calf nt foot 1 grey cow 6 yeui old duo time of sale 1 red cow 5 year duo tlmo of aula 1 red oow due april 10 1 red oow x year milk ing well dun jtugust sti 1 red oow due marup 13 x bhtckjtow due may 3 3 fat belter i years old 1 fut culf 1 yi uf uhi l wblto cow 2 spring culvu llo 1 jiow dun murcti 20 b fat pigi 4 chanksi 1 sow with pignut foot 41110101 1 good ewe 1 oxford rum lamb tomtityv 3b ihymoulh 1109k hn 2 1lyinouth itock rooster imrtbmmnts throat wood idu- wootl mower b foot out nearly niv cookshutt seed drill 19 4lse itlsanll stuol roller lllsnell ill so but throw mashoyharrls mupuro aureojlerj mas nout doniocrat- nearly new nut of bob slolghn nearly new cutter top buggy dour ton buggy jurnlp drill out of burrows a floury plows mo 31 scuff lor fun ulna mill pulpwr hay luck stonn bout haitnlcbs i heavy not double har ness with collars and broeahlng 1 heavy set double uarnemgwlth collars sot of single harnea utrtajr of bulla hay uuw llootfl quantity of hay 200 bushel of pats b tons mixed grain 30 bushels bur toy 30 hunhol buckwheat id bushels pen 10 grain bags 90 bugs potatoes 100 bushels turnips a quantity cf scantling 1 planks some fence poat a good collie dog household wftibcts a wood eook stove wood heater 0 dining- room qhulrs dinner set of dhttieu 07 pieces a quantity of odd dish us no reserve as th farm s sold pom- s sasslan qlvsn merch 10 tiqrmd ho 00 and under cash oyer iliat amount 10 months credit will ivcn on furnlnhlng approved joint notes 4 oft fur cnnh araln hay st cuttle roots fowl and tftt hoffw sh h j hctfr aihuunhr i pho w k qralcam clerk phone 80 acton varieties thn law of supply and rtiiuns those with tho supply 1 it t what they demutid walbrr thl corfen i l ye sir it wu ground thl morn j the wind may lm tompered to thu shornalamb but nothing at all lu done for the wllkclad calf it may be true thut the 1 ron fee r wll now get what is coming to them but thoy have already got wliul com ing to u y i rnressor agronunty to 1 till weln burg mamn three article itontajn- ing starch two run and a collar veatnnlay afternoon ho reafl hi oiy of thn idigle three hqur later hn dlml lrom an ohltuury in u10 llrooklyn kagle home uy tho ihleonn wlui ueo to t that there u bible in each hotel gum room are going to itx it so thut tln nun who tnuko the hotel ruteu has one too the man wlio write a lengthy ar ticle to show how ihhic saved the ilrllon hn not flnlshed id job until hn gon ahead and tell u how it did n the itrmniii i wn should still imi thankful for those two palronu of thn street rar the girl who smile going lo work in the morning and tlm man who laugh go ing home in the- evening two smiths thn vicars namn was smith and be had recently been honored by the de gree of d d the doctor of the village wu ulao named hmlth a stranger came onoe in the place und asked a native the way to dr hmlth bouse which dr bmlth do you mean slrr wa thu reply u what pruach- 5lsly dlw upend llrt i tom rumley qeneral blacksmith and woodworker promptness and bftlclenoy our motto rpeeu1 at tan t ion to horsnahoelng and wheel agent or jnoarrriowb yours iron hosinksa bhopscorner mill st and park avenear v the mill f5is great bargains in mens boys boots mill btheet actn the brunswick thlre l no hrcord made that a brunswick cannot play and play nkttfk the oealw will demonstniu main street geobgbtown tannery cooperative i the store of quality and low prices new fbesii gnocekies aiuuvinc daily our customers reckive the benefit of every oecline in the market co have just added to our block lines of slicotin wlilto cotton wluto flannelettovstriped flannelette ginehams prints towcllmr etc which wo aro selling at prewar prices reduced prices on boots overalls shirts etc farmers bringing produce can buy goods at these low prices mill street tannery cooperative c a conway manager v acton carriage rubber tires s we have the latest and best equipment fob applying gjtthiagfi rubber tires i the best quality of goodyear rubber tiro in all sites alwayscarrlod 111 stock you can get your wheels ro rubbered or any other repairs done on them nt any tlnie promptly and at reasonable prices we have ready for sale vcry one twomated rubbertiro ox tension top surrey slightly used cheap j one stccltro two seated extension top surrey almost now a root bargain two steeltiro top mikados good as now less thnn holt price j n oneill sop garage and carriag works georgetown ont vn 1w vitt