wrsi3s00f jfrmjiawt h i p vv ifssppsk i- br artnn 3te primal um1f canailun wuy nawapapaf aaaocutlon thursday fgnjitualty 34 1mj thk acton iufe press li hid im lr- lluililli ulll uitthl il hi lln wldraaa uiml rvary tliufadar ttnrn aetna ontario tla lago la cliargad alwkittikikd rates ti vkitl ialnt bivclltmanti 10 cents par iniattloa nut 5 cent par una lor oniric upuy ailvaitlaamcnta ftir 1 null jxr incli each loaertlna adiaf icclliriia lll bo inaatiod ill foibjj apd h i uoohk eh1v ul publiahar editorial fx the metro system for waterworks city engineer mcarthur of guclph has reported to iho city council that ho considers the installation of water metres micro wouldboau economic wrsuj t metre s i w acton waterworks was for the very purpose of avoid ing waspour engineer is satishednhat with metres much unnecessary waste will be avoided the flat rate in relation to the distribution of electric current in acton was found to bo wasteful and inequable hence the metre system was adopted there is every probability that the metre system will bo advantage ous to tho waterworks system hero the danqeroub vine trell1b managing wvcund henpecked hus bands are not uneommiiif tri china in spite of the subordinate poattlon that women breuppqed to occupy in that coijlhry a oonldertlblo part o th tho railways havo raised freight and express and panscngcr rates no high that shippers havo reduced sh pping and travellers go as seldom as possible do the i igher ratcs really pay when tho trains run any way in- last referendum prohibitionists voted no in april the ballot will havo no fool questions j uat tho plain question about prohibition of importation of liquor into ontario and every prohibitionist will this i mo vote yes 1 i the house of commons has started out right by promptly giving tho thir rea to tho bill to mend the elections act to comply with the referen dum to be token in ontarioon prohibition on april is tho deaf old senate concurred price experts at wshlngton declare that food price today are 2is per cent lower than they were six months ago tho decline seems to bo a really substantial development in the general price sltua- ttoit andriov basniirciyjonsea50tialchanges7 hicharesooftendcceptive j the poor old liberty league which was 3o gen erously cursed by its late president mr- machin for its dishonesty and insincerity is now trying to cam ouflage before tho public as tho moderation league same old deceiver everybody will sec through its alfishcfrorts again j the hon bob rogers who refers to the farmers tqovotnent as a fad and a group of men anxious to hold office has not increased bis waning populari ty with tho farmers by this characterization tho farmers are honest in their public activities which hardl t applies to bob rogers career canadas claim to real nationhood at the annual dinner of the canadian camp at new york last friday night canadas position as a nation was freely acknowledged the desirability of maintaining friendly relations among the great englishspeaking nations and the necessity of tho uficntotacitoc phaswdtyjohn ewart7k7c7orofuwa7 drrhenrjr van dyke who acted as toastra aster and other speakers dwelt on the bonds that unite the anglo saxon countries aifig tho items that went hto prove the nationhood of canada mr ewart enumer ated tho following sho was a signatory of the peace treaty sho was a charter member of the league of nations and acted innhat body without dictation finoy6ourco4hiowasopntotlf4t plete management of her international affairs tho first step boing hd appointment of a canadian am bassador at washington thirty years ago w m obcifno became proprie tor and editor of tho stratford beacon he was an experienced journalist a vigorous and effective write r last friday ho passed away after a prolonged illness mr obcirne was a popular newspaper man and was accorded loading positions irf the organiza- tions of the daily press it looks now as if building material might got down to a reasonable lovel for tho building opera tions of tho season lumber dealers of port arthur and fort willjam announce a reduction of twenty ave per cont in the price or all dressed and building lumber those desirous of building will appreciate this reduction and bopa it will soon become general councillors serving for pay municipal councillors arc waking up throughout tho province to their personal financial opportuni ties tho principal business at the last meeting of the oxbridge town council was tho passing of a bylaw authorizing the payment of members of the coun ell at the yateotzfbfeach meeting attended and 1 for attendance at regularly constituted com mittee meetings fc continued activities of uw red cross d iring the years of the war the red cross society was one of the most active and effective organizations in supplying real and acceptable help to our soldiers right of the employer to make nhttenxorce such a in camp on the field or at tho front lino it is now graduallybut actively adapting itself to the worthy obligation of carryingon its peacetime programme for tho improvement of health the prevention of disease and tho mitigation of suffering it appears to many thoughtful- persons that tho time is ripe for a great popular crusade for good health throughout canal the campaign in reality is part of a popu lar crusade for good health more than ft is a can vass for tbe enrolment of members for tho sake of dollars its purpose is to interest tho people goner- ally 111 health reform in personal hygienic and good public health measures the red cross can readily adapt itself to such com mendiblc activities the enforcement of tbe adolescent school attendance act the adolescent school attendance act will come into force and jake eftcqt as follows section 3 on september 1 1921 section l on september 1 1023 and section 0 on september 1 1932 the purpose of bringing the act i nab force by stages is to make it possible to adjust gradually school accommodations courses of study nnd employments in industries to the conditions sot up by the requirements of the act section 3 of tho act which comes into opera tlon on september 1 1021 provides for the atten dance lit school of adolescents between fourteen and alxteen yearaof age the minister announces that tho rural credits scheme a gooddcnlof interest isbeing taken by the financial institutions in the rural credits bill in troduced in tho ontario legislature on monday the object of the measure is to provide government as- sistancejn tho organization of a fund- to ipan money to farmers for a short term through farm loan associations or for a long term on mortgages through an agricultural development board it has been a matter of complaint in some quarters that farmers had difficulty in raising sufficient mofioy to tarry on their enterprises and tho experience of mantiba during the past year or two in tho conduct of a rural credits system is mainly the basis at least as example for tho venture now proposed by ontario if cooperation by the bankers and financial men of the province can be secured the measure will without doubt prove an effective aid in the matter of farmers loans homstlmo it in said tliat in certain ktirqimrun countries the law co mix i the planting of a tree tor every trse out 4uwn and it 1 urged thafauoh a law who uld u enuotod in tho dtfterant urovlnnoh of canada the xpraaton howovei u only mtaihorloal what kuropan eountrica do provide ia that for overy ucraof forcat out down in certain area unaultabta tor arl cul ture anothar crop o troaa tnllat bo aurtjdbylthfrjaturlwrtiflotal mothoda of roscnaranon on that area whennwttwrrtilantitnntrwb are act aay s000 to tho and when thtiy nre haivaatad auty of mvdnty yearn later thy aland from 1e0 to 200 to the acre if they had ben ptontvd 300 to tho ncro they would havo rown short nnd lull of limha from tho around mid would bo uaeleaa tor lumber planted thickly they reach upward for light maklnc lon- olaar trunks the treoa- which never reach maturity art thinned out either naturaaly or their purpoee important facta about treearowtb are act out in porewtry uulleun no w core of tho wofsdlot which may bo bad free upon applica tion u tho xurector of forestry ot tawa no return fo lightning rod agents exploits with tho growing popularity of tho lightning rod as a preventative of firo from lightning tho fire marshall of ontario is anxious to prevent the un seemly exploits not to say frauds perpetrated upon tho public by unscrupulous agents a quarter century or so ago a bill is now before tho legislature en titled the lightning rod act anil provides for extensive penalties agajnst firms or individuiri en gaged in tho bbio of lightning rods who do not comply with the regulations it is sot forth that all firms engaged in- the sale of lightningrods pay a yearly fco of 50 and an additional 80 cents for every 100 received from sales the apparatus must bear in spection and be passed by tho fircmrahall each agent must pay a fco of 3 a year and must act for one firm only tho agent is made liable to t fine of 200 for infraction of tbe regulations it is fur ther set out that in tho event or damage to a building properly installed- with lightning protection the firm selling is liable to the return of the money paid for the rodding of- the building or to pay for tho damage done to insure this each firm must de posit securities of 10000 with tho fire marshall- unions individuals and employers in tho case of the nashville railway and tfglif company versus j b lawson the supremo court of tho united states lias declared it not to be contrary to tho public p6licy to make and enforco a contract between employer and employee wherein tho employee agroes not to join a labor union during tho period of his emplpyment in upholding the contract with his employees the court said what ever may be tho advantage of collective bargaining it is not bargaining at all i anyjust sense unless it is voluntary on both sides the same hberty which enables men to form unions and through the union to enter into agreements with employers will ing to agree entitles other men to remain indepen dent of the union and other employers to agree with thorn to employ no man who owes any allegiance or obligation to thounl6n in tbe latter case as in the former tho parties are entitled to be protected by the law in the wjoyment of the benefits of any lawful agreement thoy makenashvllle -advo- ct ontarios chance to banish intoxicating liquor 4 n eight weeks the people of ontario will decide whether the liquor trafflo is to bo annihilated pr re- main to menace tho manhood of this hinner pro vince every other province in canada hasbeen giving thought to tho same problem for every where the drinking of intoxicating beverages has demoralized tho community in british columbia tho people havo votodfor the government sale of liquor in quebec the government has commit ted itself- to a similar policy because it has found that the wine- andbeer policy with which the people of this pro vlnce once inclined to flirt is a failure put quebec popular there with and british columbia are passing from one mistake humof 6 tho chlnoae la ooncrne- with houaeholda whar tbe woman u maator one popular a lory quoted by writer in the open court la aa folfcwa a dlatrlot moalntniw waa alttlnr l h la court tryln when iha chief clerk appeared nn took hla aeat the maaurtrote aftw that hla fa do wm full of eornttfhea ao he aaked hint- what have you dona to your facet yeaterday oven in replied the man i won alula under my vine trellht enjoylna the cool breese when all at onc a auet of wind overturned the trail la which t fell uon me and caioh- ed my face nut the masiatrate did not believe the atory evidently theao are cratohe of ixngnr nalla he a id i am euro that you had a quarrel with your wife and were aerate had by her in it not tor blr you have bjueeaed rbjht aald the nlnrk btuahln la your wife auoh n danceroua per- nont inqulroil ijio maclatrat ehpll avenge you by nummonlng your wife bror my tribunal and atvlnc bar n aood thraahln juatoji ha uttered thoao word ill own wife came ruahlna in from uie huxt room and aald whom are you golnc to beatt the mas lot rate hurriedly ld to hla attentbxnta the i ulna la adjoumefl teave the hall quickly my vlnetrel- ha may collapse at any moment wide unrcbt the moat uf poopla wlali they were lriaume other ocuuputlon they know the dlnadvantaaea nnd perlla of thoir own loalton onitlu nul renllae that oooupatlone have llaadvantmr puantinfl a thee for each jtgrkcut- down the ways of two mothers two boys john and henry wefn caught by their mothere roadlntf th roy dursur of chlcaao johnv mo the r took her boya copy away from him threw it into the aahpan and for bade him to read any raor euch booka under penalty of a rood aoundthnum- itur- that afternoon the mother went out and john of oouraa aot tho book out of the euthpan and finished read- ins tt cut any normal boy would do henrys mother eumreated that thay read the hook together mother cad it out loud and somehow it didnt aound rlaht to the boy when the atory came from hla tnothervllpa it isnt much it i truo aajd tho mother but lot u nnuh il but uie boy protbritod well uald the mother zjlppoae we rend a utory uka it but which i think 1j better tho boy waa intoraatod and the mother road robin hood the boy voted it arat and naked john to come over tho next day and llaten to it then the mother continued with the soya kino ar- thua and fennlmoro coo per a lea- theratockliur talea meanwhile the boy burahir of chicago lay on the library table it won never taken up ftnlahed it waa almply two ways that two mothera handled the aatne altuatlon but ttiey rfeoured direrant reeulta exohanse an unuftual romance mtaa lollta armour tho daughter of the packluk houae millionaire waa born a cripple after hnvln nought the aid of apeolallata in thle and for eign oountrlea without the child being benefitted dr adolph iiorena of vienna wad brought to chicago to try hla aklll on the child when oho waa alx vara old he waa beooming known aa the inventor of bloodleoa aurgery and waa laughed at by nuuiy or the groat aurgaqna of the world he per formed many operatlono in chicago and many wonderful cure were made attar atx month oftrettunent the armour child was pronounced cured tliat waa eighteen yeant ago what- over flnanolal remuneration mr ar- mourmade and it waa perhape large the doctoc got much mora out of the reputation thateomo to him beoauae of the auooeaaful result of his treat ment of the child it 1 nbw announced that mia armour and dr liorena will aoon b married and will we hope llv happily over after advocate iron oerms tttiapsnik tirmro fesatona are undergoing a aapplng of the brain and nerve foundations lit erary man in thle country are drlvn with whip and spur to their topmost epead not one brainworker out of a hundred ouaervoa anv moderation there la aomethlng in nil our occu- patlona which predlspoaa to dlaeaaer if we be tout to disorders ranging from fevers to apoplexy if we b fralj from diseases ranging from con- umptton to paralyala prlntara rarely reach fifty years watchmaker in marking the time for others shorten their own cltemlata breathe death in their laboratories and potters absorb paralysis painters fall under their own brueh foimdrymeti take death in with their nilnga shoemakers pound away their own uvea on the tost overdriven merchants measure off their own lives with the yardstlak miliar- grind their own lives wltfe the grist maaona dig their own grave with the trowel and in all our oocu ttntlons and professions there are the elements of peril by change of bual ness or prof esslon do not let us think we con ho freertdr tn image be an eiport in autos tractors we wnnl 200 iiioro moii immediately to nil pdhltlnns in early aprhig at frzr to 1300 mrfty ouarating gua traotora driving motor trtioka and cars aelltng tractors oars and ttm yower nuictiln- ery or aa auto trustor innohanli city bliu wiuiiuy mt o t4 weeks required tin lenrii those trades a dny or evening nlaaaoa at hemphill oovernment chartered motor bohools in every largo nlty of cnnndn htart now and you will be ready for spring rush uend fur catalogue hemphill motor bhoole 183 king- hi waf rontoont iteglna haakatoon monton calgary and vancouver for puture canadianft no untry lutnoro richly bldtaed in thla regard than canada has a dlsunat obligation lo see that these forests are conaarvad so that future generations shall not seriously p lack one of the moat important contributions to culture and comfort finland can teach us a goodasonirtthe tno forests finland ilka canada must depend in a large trieasur on the pro duct of thq foreal to maintain and im prove her economic atatua to neglect this source of wealth is to invite na tional bankruptcy it is most astonish ing to us that canadian have so largely fulled to realise the absolute necessity for u proper forest policy for the whole dominion pulp and imper magesltio- indjan-calm- 1 you cntinul utartla all indian do- dure mr malcolm mcdowell in the washington star nor can you ruffle hi calm dignity i ojtcphnd tho satisfaction oi point ing out to an indian chief an aero plane sailing across the sky it waa the drat aeroplane ho rod ver seen and i hod fond hope that ho would sjiownoniocacitwiient- jixsnltjlpald therol wim do you aryt tho chief locked up at tho aeroplane calmly then ho looked at me but it wo built to jo that wasnt itr be said a harsh critic the gentleman dining at the table n en riot to tho orchotjtru got up from bj ohalr nnd approachwl the orchoa- ira leader l do you avor play by rcquostt ho asked certainly sir replied tho delighted od musician then said tho man i wonder if you and your mn would be so good us to pluy a gams uf dominoes until ive nnlahed my lunch 7 hiccoughs it is reported that mora than one hundred lealdculs of tho wi n duo r- dis trict ar suffering from hlocoughu and the disease continue to puxxle tho medical profession one windsor physician claims to bo treating twen tyfive caaou all of whom arc moqjbrir of a fraternal society wo do not icmember of hearing about thin com plaint so much at the border when llcv sprackllti was on the job ayl mtr express mountains as magnets magnetic observations of the extinct volcano calleil- tho puy do do mo in central france lyve brought out the curious fact that the mountain in mag- he used not merely at oertaln point but as a wioie the top of the dome acting a- aouthrmagnetlo polet blnguorly enough nlmllar observation on the kalaertuhl o mobntaln in qermany indicate that it possesses a north magneuo pole hi its nummll in the same manner that coral la de rived from oertaln minute sea- insects who flourish in the south pacific o certain iron ores are obtained from particular microscopic organism that is the latest aclentiqo dlaoovery which promises interesting develop ments it ha been proved that these germ not only l ut decomposition of rooks and in therorroation of chalk and limestone but play an active part in the forming or iron ore deposits laboratory cultures have been made of- bacteria which depoalt iron com- pourids bothln surfaoe waters and in mine waters hundreds of feet under graundi and the bard orusts and umy mosses that choke up watersupply pipe have been found to be composed of million of these iron bacteria rfv i wi o th a tonotlrsmkatchownba tried- outrtbe-govern- x-rnqg- d niouch- saro expeoted to remain in fuitimo attendance at school until they aro sixteen years of age unless employed oo the authority of a home permit or on employment certificate as provided forhy the but that itis not his intention o instruct attendance ofbcers to make the act retroactive by endeavoring to compel young persons between tour teen and six- leoen vears of age who have been engaged in regular employmorit toiroturrt to school school authorities accordingly will in the beginhlngbe charged with r only for the continued instruction of those sj5 who arp at present at schoolond not for the numbers who might be forced to return to school by the stficlest interpretation of tho act at the same ime thominibtqr expects that the act will be made uly effective to the extent that a tendance officers ensure- first that all young personajjetween fourteen and buteenjxfteaogo shajl be either at school oir ntwvrirqd second that all- thpse who arot work ilttier at ijomo or ingalhfutrempl6yrnents ihail isold the permits ment salo of liquor and rejected it as undesirable other provinces should profit by saskatchewans ex- pbrience- the globe points 6ut thfltthe wise course for ontario is to rollow tlscxample of novascotts saskatchewan alberta and manitoba nnd vote to prphibittthe inipoitation ot intoxicating liquor into tho province the ontario temperance act was effec tive and- rumrunning almost obliterated until the federal wai measure forbidding intorprovmclal traf ficking in liquor was lifted o yevugoi now- the dominion parliament is allowing the peiplfto say whethor thpy want to restoro the conditions under whfch probltion was effoctlvp tho answerjrtiduld bo an emphatic afllrmativo by voting in favor of keep ing out- alcohol lor- beverage purposes ontario will place itself in thotjest position of ill tlip provinces for eji nbr bring injep operatloo the sandy bhl which would give tho govryrneiit tb ablutpctmtrol ojial rafflo injiquor for commefwat sacrsihentfllscictincandmod ed into the y hut where- an enter tainment- wo ln progre and slump ed into a t front aeat firmly kindly and efflclont a v m o a jnan ap proached him saying sorry buddy but the entire front section 1 reaervpd for the officer i wearily the youth rose alt right he drawled but the one just got back from wasnt american legion weekly dps t bane makes sweeping easy purifies the air savestabok ask your grocett beware of imitations ask for it at your local dealers notice to creditors of thwe8tate op thomas qrav deceased the creditors uf thomas gray late of the village of acton phyalolan who died on or about the twantyfouith day of january l2t are required on of before the fourth day it march 1931 to send by poet prepaid or other wise deliver to the underslgnud solici tor for the rxocutrlx a statement of their arcounta the nature of th ss- oiruy if any held by them and full particulars of their name add reuse and description and notloal hereiiy further given ilml immediately nfttrr ttiysatn fourth day of march 1u21 the anlu isxscuirlx jslli proceed lodutrlhute the atd at the snld estate among the parlies entitled thereto and she will not be responsible for any claims of which who shall not havo received notice at the time sat forth for such distribu tion bjis l h ja vjtnvxa ju vndjsm chia by h n farmer her solicitor announcement for farmers icstra cash prices for good fowl mid nwlald kgg call mb up by mall and ad viae me peraonally anatwiirstotoyouniiao rtgut sway otojuslnassi t he- best satisfaction guaranteed to- you try mo before you sell your fowl then you will see also wo buy all slnda of scrap iron and other junk ides and aklna alex gilbooro p o box 100 aoton ont i am waiting for your uualness wanted nonaat dapefflabl salesman to raaiytasw ms la tip sa ot- nurseryntnok we slipply at outfits frss of charge and allow n liberal rate of commission arriy to e d smith a son ltd winona ontarle busincbb directory oh j a mamivqm hyatclan and uurum orlss and iastdi rjn aysntjs and kjsli hwtu t nae forms riy jmwupfod by u attion aeton oit j e palmer valuator and guide is prepared to select farms in new ontario tot any wlio deetra lo eurohaae 1 havs a vty intlmsui nbwlsdgs of the best iocs iii us tut farming wilt also act as gulds for any sportsmen who- desfte th best ot hunting ot moose deer and othaf same can arrange tor aecommo- atlonsfor hem as w of sports men bsst of reference j e palmer anderson house csfs coehrslts itopresontlug tluslpli business col- ings tkalnlug will open the coat lo unlimited opportunluesf or many this ysuros our enrollment is un usually large theres a reason guelph business college hsrsld hldg quslph ont a l bouck principal a proprietor exchange bulletin board this is a convenience that farmers are appreci ating mora and more every day if there is anything you want to buy or if you havo anything you wish to pell post it on tho exchange bulletin board in- thin bank this eervice has proved a successful method ofjiringingbuycrand ane too monagerfav seller uikouicr full portlcuiarb it la free th mcrchant5 bank head omco montreal of canada eatabtlshad 1864 salaty dapoau bum to tf ii i tl hil 50 to 5000 a year for life a canadian government annuity provtoes it no better lire investment available no better security obtainable sanrtot be adsod or levied upon for any causa will be repuwd if lost atolcnw destroyed r not affected by trade- deprcssioa frcc from dominion income tax no medical ctanunatloii required anyone ever the age of 5 yean rcaulent or domiciled in caw ad a may purchase any two persons may purchase jointly employers may purchase for their employee school boards tor their teach for their nuimtert a apply to i lotsadant of bum w sw if imi ifuiuu v t ynur nl lotaodaat of awwltta o btate awl ass lm birthday ferris purebred seeds heres a way toortnq home the bacon while iud and mother sit around arid try to figure out what in tho world you will aa next summer you just keep two jump ahead of them surprise theml hliow them you know how to keep out ot mischief and make a pocketful of monoy ot the- some time hanov receptacle a convenient receptacle to hay araund the garage for cleaning bolt nuts and other small part la made by removing the bottom from a pound coffee tin and soldering in its plaou a course wire screen the part to be cleaned aro thait placed in tho tlti tho oover put jin and the receptacle la shaken in a larger pall oontainlnst kftrosepo nr gasoline dirt and grease la separated from the parts bytbe oil ahtf is allowed to fall though the mesh i start n garden thats the magic phrase boys you can grow them the big red tomatoes string bean galore pepper und radtohe o crisp and snappy hvernmother within walking din- tunoe would rather nave your fresh vegetables ond pay you a price thattwilt make your pocket jingle start with good- lw r red seed seeds ure mysterious you cannot buy by tho appearance i of either hwdde or packages buy re-rry- purebred seeds the kind that professional and aniatuor gardener have planted for slaty yoars they are tealed for vltamlty for abinty to reproduce their ideal parent plants it paya tn plant them tterry purebred seeda can be bought everywhere at the store around tho- corner they could not wh better at any price but traaouf at joc perpaper tat a sjod utart on your garden plan by reading ferrya seed an nual send forfree copy now buy homekilled beef it is ijetimjflavored and it k1ws better- r tiian abbatoib meat j eyprytliing wo soli s homekilled and dressed in our ovfji itbbatdlr we aro prepared to sell at rockbottom prices all meat prices reduced 6c per lbvall boiung beef 15c per lb watch our window saturday afternoon and overling or bargains parties wishing to secure quarters of bcer find our prices tho lowest possible w evans mavnstlleet acton ont v specials for februaiy maden canada pure am h or and buckwheat honey i2y to 20 c per lb inpnils of5lb8rto60lb goou dry hardwood 4150 per load also bo me green birch a car of frost wire fenco on prdor price guaranteed against uny drop till delivery gunns sure gain fertilizer also guarantecdagarist any drop in prico till delivery or c j neliiofj physls acion onl oaids and ufmcitit lnrilvr ulll and vfamtiru jcr orflcs hoar 3 to p in und 1 lo 8 v- tn oft c f w nobo wiyslclsn snef buruaon mill i oeeroetown plnn 22 bpclal sttsnlfx wnmsil and childrt pbon ho 23 uarorj nash raiwmtma bsrrjauo boucitocr uaimfy publle cenvsnyancsr ela pbrrvmam block actorjont uomer to wan uourbm aq to t pta or j m bellv d d e l d dsfttut ttontn- oroduat t slty th uxtmts i dsslrsd miscellaneous marhiaoc licenses pm vrtvat oflles tta sttntmm re quired issued at raldk in awntn rsss fsssa qfflw aetsa oat francis nunan bsekblnaw account books of at klnxts mma ts ntsr pssiodleaus of svsry aaseslp- tlon corafnliy bound italinr nsaty and promptly donaw wr btrse onsl oat ft j kerr lies need auetionesr sor the couutla of hal ton wils tonlei and ehiftsrln and ths city of ouiph acton ontario hejeal may be arrmndd by tnall m at rssjdancs at acton or l- the itree ptess offlcs acton tb marctiry ofno tiulph the nowsrucord prstum or with w j gordon iuriri uakar tuiutturg bales entrust wl to it j knrr re- tmtvn attention rroui dat of luung to data of sain 14t your toih vlth ma rsaldenc bovwar avanuf aetah chen s actun call st tny tcipania roy hindley auctioneer conmlldtmj thon erlrv- n n a aoton je gheevers book binder- qusbso 8l esat quelph ont book and msgusiiio4 lound in itandsoma and bubutantlal covors names lettered tn gold ou lllblaa hymn nooks and other book all work promptly eveeutsd d alex niven ontario and civil surveys bubdlvlslomj tmunw ports descriptions ilhloprhith etc certificates for purrlutfrflim anil mortgasrees survuys fur anihlkcttf builder and minlnhul coimcllirj ralnot tteivortw 1nllmnton etn molean building douolas bf auuipii ltiottf tout on3 consulting engineers the e a james co limited em proctor bab maneo ss toronto bt toronto can rrldgos lavomants vutefworkli beworago byntem liiclioritttim schools xubltc 1 lullh iioubiiib vaotorlcuv avbltratlonu iltutloii our fees usually paltl outpf tile money v savs our cllsnts om perrv 4 co ivytnaapr onurto one weekfebruary 21 to 26hepair eek specm t lodk your machines over and find out what repairs you will need and call at my shop during that week and lot us talk it over your patronage solicited att1b rmdpumbntshoptmill st acton esm jsii 4 jjt of pianos organs gramophones and sewing machines adamalgeo has the agency for tw watvrtavm ot the above and will h b1 i show any of them 1 ginger 8evlpo machines si specialty termw made call at nestdenoo uowcr ae actn ont the old and reliable granite and marble dealers we art manufacturer and direct importer of all kinds of monumental and headstone work we sell dlreoft to our customers at wholesale prloea thus savlnw ouroustomor 4d per cent we haver the best appliahcen andrth only mechanics in the dominion who can operate pneumatlo tools prodorry we nan give referenoes from hundreds of our eustomfrs in toronto and other v places where others have to have taw suits in order tocollect wo have tbe largest and best stock of anutltqiln- tha dominion or more thai any three dealers in the wosi we ure logttl- hi ate dealers and employ no agent oiidnlo not annoy or peat cuatomera hy sending omlgnomut ngunts atilldlt- uig ordero wo employ only muolianlo ana defy oorapetluon cosvkorwloh woolwich bis ooelpb kmmm a-