Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 3, 1921, p. 2

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ffiljp arion 3t rte ttsa riiunhiav maicii a idsi a north dakota duzzard a 1 ii mm drou uul i i mistily extiu dawn lrr mont aw til 0 imitttl itu lanrd im homailng ikii thu worm ha limir a now tlfty i right uti 1 the l tlmii th nonlrat ul mluiiu union i kuay r r thut rutin hut foil ovr t hiui f oullle when our 1 tmoe inr all 111 tit wlndow- iravelur uw irlng nnd tilling hdy atnltlng in on larkmlng uiivbk lug lutfw duiidiig liilllhg wuulllng ttv tnm t uvorlng and li mlillllng and hi unit hour through nuw hilling miid ilullng arid wetting mi i irttlng on ring nhiuilng und using u now nurllng wild whirling ulul hlu taring nml hurrying and oiling the air with u rhfiumatlo lillt confounding tend wounding round liable roundlng ait i ulumng our garment with death dnallng know and wmaklng and it ink hi rttroualng uroualug tlmjmma uooklng wand rr to effort though alow now tioowllng and holln around tltf houa nmwllng and grieving and loavlng no mark on in trail kw rruthtlng an 1 blighting nil cau for dattahllng if uo bo our loved on ara out in confining rplnln belntlng berat ing w v aafety arrived with our cloth full at wnow vuw mrllbjr nnd whirling nd him- tlng and twirling wo work for th utcr wboro flerc hllasard blow henry a semi a iiit j iumm- llayward settled down p tntolt that but tmtronlalng remark of coualn muriel wiped th merry boyuh took from bin fttoo why du you healtatet aha had baked 7au know you are 0 drvad fully blunt and onupokan that you are likely to upon everything why not ak noma on that ban tact and dis cretion to lftp your iiobm had oonw to laxborough that morning bubbling qvr with good plrll and buoyant hope lle had longed to vult aunt luclnd bo want- 4 to tell her th important now he tlou juat heard th new that there wm an opening for a young chojnul in the l b laboratories l ulddlo illver and that irol blake had told htm that it wm an opportunity in a thousand and now muriel the very huperlor f younaeat daubur of nloe everyday aunt lulclnda who happened to be there- on an u vult had npolled overythln- by trylnat to take tnatter into her own hand how absurd you are nhe deolared to think of olnx to ulddlo river 111 by your with a hanoful or pro- ftmaor letter a reference whan you knfw that tjnele mil would go with you in a minute if you ahould aak hlra svw tnen in thla ute have th influence unjto ulle ha au ho would hava to do la to tp into kfr ilockwood office put him into a ven ial mood by a discreet word or two and ay hy the way my nephew itoe llayward 1 interested in that upenlruj for younr hmut and the placo 1 your thatsathe way pou- tlobui and real bualnea men uo- ceed they don t rush into thlnjc in your direct countryboy fashion they oil the way with a lit i to inlluenco rlbtbr applied jftoe slshed frowned and thumped on offend in- cushion uurlel think 1 m crasy not to let her telephone to uncle alile thl mlnuta be mused but i can bear to havo her do it want th plaoe very rnunh but i dons want to bo pull ed into it x wish i knew what aunt luolnda think ho did nt nay a word oiio way or the other if i m as awkward and blunt a uurtel says it aeeroa only fair that a man should have a chance to find it out before be hire me and not b rooled into bollovlng that im uavo and experi enced because rny undo happen to be a senator muriel rounds so aenslble tlmt i can t pick flaw in her arau- montrbnt rcont reel thai its aulte quuq ktjuaro now muriel carefully modulated voice was as in in huidaar she uaherln- a mornlnc visitor into the bla- livlac room so dear of you to some over the moment i telephoned she wa aaylrqt imid o mlly i want you to do bio jut a httu bit of a favor you m member my cousin nos that tall hy boy w wa at my wedding wer coins to try to set him a posi tion in the l a laboratories over at middle ttfver vou know what boy are they don t understand bow important it j to be l with the right set rrom the vry first and not et mixed up whb ho wrona lmople you would jut ask mrs maynard to make room for ilos in her house know he wa splendidly taken oar of t knlow sho would do it a a favor to you if she possibly could that a ood idea i ii call her on the lonctdlstanoe telephone rlcht now returned emily important ly o lhat if she ha u room no one else can snap it up dont slve hlm nsmu yet said muriel just way lib i a friend of yours very wall connected and that he will brln a curd from you itosa waited to hear no more leniiod th puim rail and wandered round to the back of the bouse rellng mlht wash and iron lurlmla you forsot aataalhlns you dldn t fetealhf 1 bito imforo you put i that undni- 4 iiul aunt i iw linl i hinlled ut him ulii mm thl i unto with yll llftul y th 1 ut ii iiutlll lh lil fr in uifililiikt llultor r inr 1 tr onn iu it i ji ii puto to ki deniulitlntl thlnar aunt 1 ut indu i iiim k lnr lion i jhhii tin that imi t sinnitu iii into film thihd tin liven d mir took out 1 l tan on whuh hi in mini uomo curia irilht kfinrtiuuly mvliikhxl with ugnr taiul ilnntiniuii ult i nil 1 thorn to the wire molar near unas urn ml he orlnd appreciatively when the lout i rumh had vanuhed ilea mtralahtmiod hi tall tiody khnv you way you hat to biv kdvlre aunt i urltidn so i havan uad for it hut ml hy nnouch you v unewered juat the tiunatlon i wanted to ak it may ungrateful of jn to rush over to middle itlver thd mornlna iwfore furlol tin t any more diplomacy into motion but want to do that very thlnf and i am auln to do it jm you rarer muriel mean well said aunt lu rlnlw placidly lteuor puj uom cook- us in your pockat you caq eat a you out rrooalots to the trolley it may imi lain bfor you set your dinner tbe rtad nroaslot to the oar lln did not lead past the living room win dnw wm aunt luclnda rnwln dip lorrutttcr ties found tho l it lulioratorlea without trouble but had a ions wait w for he wa uahered into mr ivick- wood lirehano mr loouwikmi wa a atout middle otnl wm with beetlli briaahml brows wlir he oald in aruk lone of inuulry and lxnl hlu kufce ahurply nn itous nor did hi base waver tint itoas lutd told bin tale ahowd his let tar and answered a rai 11 fire o mearrhlna iiuaatlon tlien the nimos phere chaltkd ye i m wllllna to b you t cliaiioe and see what you can make ttt it declared mr pckwood mettlln baok in hi chair don t thank rn ror if you dont suit v oiny turn you down cold fir one month tryout i don t mind tutylu that there r some lhlns in your favor you don t pretend in know werythlna and yet you do stand on your own feet peak of th hauae a fallow cam tn her for a job thbt morntna end brought hi brother with him to do hi talking- th brut her was it smooth talker but he could n t convince that the nther fellow had sand enough to amount to much have you rela tive in this pert of the country t to anld itoe liut none in middle itlver- i have an aunt in tluxboroush mr laiddda draper replied lioam nmlllns at th thoucht of aunt luclnda i know who she is ubl that make frrteemlla hayward your uneley doean t ut why ill in t you brins referenoe from hlmt lie doean t know anything about ft hernia try declared lloas i should not want you to hire m on hi aay so either be aald answering ati umus ed flash in the sharp grey eye 4 iteally now why notr mr lfmik- wood asked itecause blurted out llous if you hired ma a a favor to him you d be going agalnnt your own judgment and you would lialrocpect m to he n fail ure but if vou hired mo on your own decision you would n t bo ho raudy to admit thall waan t comptitent u were true because tt would lie crttlclitm of your own judgmnnl mr iockwood anwer to that was n wholo hearted roar of laughter i suppose tatn me red itos that i ought not o have said that i hap you will excuse me if 1 aoundetl rude all right hmlted mr iockwood how about a lioardlnr placer l should be glad to have you nugf gest one said iloes mr maynard on ituthvan avenue she may not have n- room he 1 a very popular boarding mln- tress but he doean t take everybody report for work to morrow morning if you like thank you uald hohh i gi an xlou to begin lie stopped at a llttla icatauront for dinner wrote a couple of letter at the poet office and took a long walk of exploration before ho approached mr maynard houue mrs maynard wan hewing on the plasma hho wa a fair plump mothnr ly little woman und every motlonihat she made showed her qulrknes and her decision there a a room you may have if it suit you nbe uald pleasantly where your home mf hay ward t bit down and tell me about yourself her smile wa ho frlondly that ho found himself talking to bar u com- fortably lf he had known her for year but be was astonished to have her match hi frankness with her scrub in a fairly satisfactory way but no hand except her own wa wise enough to handle fltacuh and dump ling or light enough to roll pastry itoa watched her with the same de lighted uborjiloji that ho had shown when he wa u uttlo boy he liked the wholo procea the dotting of the pate with crumb of ice cold butter the rolling with light stroke all in the same direction he admired the hav- ingr of plo crufltthat cam frhmthe edge orthe plate a her knife encircled it the wedge or apple that qtted so neatly together the a if ted nugnr the dash of nutmeg tho sprinkling of cln lid watched intently until the hurt fork print bad been laid along the edge the loot bole pricked tn the top its an awfully interesting proc auitt luclnda he assured her t bellovo watching you cook made me want to be a chemist i aunt cuolnda smiled she was hot much of a talker hho went on roll- ing pie oruatwubtawirt light stroke iojc hero said roe after a mo ment i naught you that time aunt rn i jl m wickedly glad of your coming ere to day he confnuol thl very morning n girl called mo up t ask qui to reserve a room far if friend of tiers- i am so fond of the girl mother that i hated to refuse her but tho girl 1 one of tho over critical superior kind that i can t abide i felt a great reluctance in taking a man into tho house on hr recommen dation you knowu boardhiff house 1 poor mubatltuto for a home a way but it truly awful if peoplo arent congenial hhe wouldnt tit and 1 imagine her friend wouldn t fit now i can tell her there ian t a chance of a room for a long time it runny sold ilos to hlmaelf while get tin ready for w up per in hi new home but th philosophy muriel got from bundles and olitlcu iwn t half so true as that whloh aunt du- clnda got out of her pie crust thfe fragraincc salada anticipates its exquisite flavour scndua postal lor a free bample pleo btatc thai price you now pay and whether black or mlxd address salatla toronto an immontal hymn kevnuty year aco arrow the atbui tlr a young woman atruggllng through i hyalcal suffering and hplrliudl doubt to rind iwr way to owl wiote the word of that beautiful hymn nearer my god tlut grealeat and best belovod america lay in a darkened room in ituffalo rucked with pain daxd with mnauuh tortured with the thought of laavllig bis fvuicll wlfo oomtortloa uttering no word of bitterns against hi cowardly tilayer hlnking with fall itig lnart into the durkttea of doultu and aiming nearer my clod to thee nearer to the after all wu vr a hi poor mangled body wm borna on it way to washington canton toll tbe balidu piny ml an 1 the men and women and little hlldrei oabg nearer my jod to tliee no hymn in all the barred book of song wave america l probably now o dear to the heart t the american people nearer my god to thee ha become a national anthem god grant tliat in tho martyred president hymn may be found tbe watchword for a new amerlcal wrhap harah adam the woman who wrote thl hymn did not think very much of it mo simple it wa so easily walling up from the dp of experience flowed tmm hhe had done ambltlou laborious work laornns tbugrahe had written a hpiathy dramatle poem a reugiauo- pluy calletl viva terpatus and looked for great thing to com of it- vaw people have beard of it perhaps like moat of her production it i out of print hut the hymn b lived there is in it that which btrensthens und comfort men and women end mtfka then hotter something which voloemthelr own yearnlnax led wanl utile did the writer think when aha wa pouring out her heart in ihea urtexfjoiiwearflrwetimt varry eenaotatlou and hoimi to so many troubled woul uk itave found true inspiration in them of harah tlower adam ik t mutll ho been written sim wo born pwb ruury 31 180s in a uulet kngllah vll lag itvf father itenjamln lower wa eilltor and proprietor of the cam bridge inlelluxeucer he wa a widower tj himself directed the education of hi two daughter kllsa un 1 huruh uoth were fnaglln ntiii were brilliant harah early dovfclopwl illerury glftu writing both prose and vonu hr ilater wau miiulcul an 1 net llurab a toem to inuiilc tbe death ilf their futhnr tho two glrbt lcame the ward of their uut william j ti a nolml lou ion preacher und tbn lidltor of u literary magaxlne which nuuilwrod luch famou contrlbutoru ail john htuart mill harriot uurtlneau charlo dlnkanw xilgb hunt and uobert ilrownlng on tho luit with a peurod harah klowr and her ah expcrimekv in journal- v wo plrumn hl w since the dully iprr wu vlvl aixl the chrutlun liun li kert o bliprecute the mighty vatuvht at imrtoullcal pre twenty year ago many seuloiut ui lftitfr cbru- tlunw itavn droam tat vhat they call u cllatlai dully frpr- erl- doutly thu nrut ujh w that or u ilally mwmiiupn lontalnlng only what i dlrnclly vikanejteil with the life aj i w rkil cnriatuin church huch u tin un i t ctt fat beerhe teal elthvr of lraitkil luiitmi sense or of the rul mnullnjr uj runctlon of chrlatlunlty ltalf fj wise man could hallsy that a ully paper contalning t nly chumh uuvu uio ami thoolocl- ij1 bfmlll und sentiment rould commuii i a lnviun equal to th intnandm if tbn wy tmm furthnr- more it lil not nu4ry to hay e paper nllcd with tittcr pertaining directly to clirliu vufk and expert- niru mm tby iti fxornmonly underv stood bofiiro wu tfi tall it a chris tian nowhiuapi 1 4tuii uf wliet 1 culled secular llfflj naaurally into the divine wohomt tfa form a pert of rellglou tokimrufyye a sermon hymn and 1 ruliy yor tlieae two roawm then tl i i 0 u dally de- volfl only to multa tf ui chrutlah ciurch did not h u l tenure huhiikm wiimn kit th row log ap prehension of tin booming o chruuan lifwn loatlk d l tbere i ukiuiv ue hvowevai of thofhruttau dally l ha ban grow ing with the y4 it i that there hi oorely iieodel dally litwpapr which glvu n t t n that aalut- i th ai itlte fr th mnaetlbnal but tlx new tin tlltf how god 1 running thin wod y ho running it in itrrouut i t iliy olfuln or aln of mn uul wontr wt loh interpret humup ekperhih l hi ihrht of spir itual wtadem niultmctikji atgurwuvarr himmklug hum oviy inpartmtnt oat uratnd with thd tknnciiltun of and fir tit irhi kun whlnh ah ewiy m foment of crea tion thl i tnttr t i tund and ilhln nn 1 ih ua at with the general ohrlntliil tvptloi nod pur- fio tar um va v howevor thl iu took no real itaairlsl whapeuntll fuw woukw ag i ykoi the ammlcan dolly htunlnid my tt chod in chl- wlien you jxik b u copy of thin ituiwr yiu r ut in ut rlrat that t im dirrrn 1 from the typl- i ihlly whlrh 1 flui worrlu und even dluguntm the inn 1 tf lolior uiuo and good plantina nutbeahino trees a good deal of advice 1 going the round 1 f canadian newspaper about planting nutbearing tree aloug road side jn preference to tree like elms and maple which do not bear nuts many of these newspaper item come from the united fltatas whore th condition are tfbtj the nam a in canada the advice is good lit prin ciple but in detail it 1 to bovecelved with caution the fact that u tree grow well in indiana is notn for planting it in new ilrunnwlck or manitoba cuuudu hu uu lino notlyu tree as any country in the world her great tree are plnou uprucos or nodur larcho tnupto hlrohe elm a eta und in thcue nu other country tninubj tar in different parts of can art walnut butternut abeutnuts beeches and hlokorlea thrive also auk black c h busau odd atx- what thoee who arc aluut to plant a few roadside or awn tree should do it to rtud out what kind f tree are native to their dlltrlot urfd make u solectloit from theae thlu 1 not to any thut enterprising oltlxon h ho 11 id hot rxiertmet with riuslnhlo tree which are not nutlvo to their dlatrla oecuuso in thl way advance are made but it 1 to say thut the practice which ha tod- often prevailed in the ipaht of spending contddorahle sum of money in planting say catalpa pecan and oft mhelted walnut in different part o canada on the odvlo of gentlemen jiving in california or vir ginia i not necessarily good business out canadian force tern know more about tree growing in canada than any person autulde the dominion forestry ilranoh has issued two bul letin on this aubjoot for different part of canada uulletln no i tree- planting on the prairies i devoted s the prairie province while uulletln o n care of the woodlot cover the conditions tn tho reat nt canada klther bulletin may be had free upon application to tho director of oretry ottawa t work attracted a good deal nf atlanui the charming home of the slater jut opposite tn that of mr vtox wa fre uuented by literary and musical people it wa quite the yashlon to admire the pretty graceful young poet hhe was it 1 sold iiobert drowning unit love to her alone or all his friend he show ed hi book of poem and bocaueo of her encouragement and through her effort they were published thu she hu been called tbe discoverer of thl master among the poet through her encouragement to another writer tho uttuchmant prang up which resulted in hr marriage aknong mr imx contributor wa le who signed hlmoelf jllnlu lied ivlvus through the magaslne nha nant him w note expressing admiration or his work ho replied a literary co rrtwiion donee developing into one of conllal friendship ensued in igu alio met ur william llrldge a man of nolentlfin and literary attalnmout and wldoynown a a civil engineer it won a case almost of love at first sight it w only after their en gagement that borah discovered in bar betrothed j until itedlvlvus undjhe in her the h y whose hitter hu 1 strchurmed him they worn married in 1h3i and the union seemu to have been it happy one hut her belovod inter was dying of consumption iong year of washing over the aurferingt one who faded lowly uwuy told upon tho fragile poet an 1 iri 1b4 two year arter kllsa death harah pattsad uway we are told aha died ulngltg at her funeral one ofhnr liymmcwao gung ho glvatb mun e glvetb shuwer a sweet and touching lyric which yef bold a place in sacred nong to iux hymn uul anthem pub linked in 14041 tlareh adum hod contributed thirteen hymns one of these wiwj nearer my god totheo wbluh with a number of other wa composed to be wutig in mr oxt church simple and 6urv dr thomas jcc lectrio oh lu tto dimple in application that a child can understand tholitv htructlon tlsed a u liniment the only direction i to rub and when used us a dressing to appiyv the dlreetion are ho plain and unmistakable that thny art readily understood by young or old j how to boost vour town ivule tt i mi rov it talk about it ttude ut homo ilo publln sulrlteil lake a home pride in it loll of it hualtieu men itntnemhor it 1 your homo trado und imluoa othorn to trade when triigvrn oomn to town ua 41 lem well hon tfllii best cltl f and imitomtur hiiptmtrt your loal inatltutlonti thut imruflt imr town ijok ahead of when ull tho town im to he cuuuhlored ilelp the public nlnonr do ft ho moht gootl for tin moat puople oii t advert uo in tho local iiohh- to help the editor but ndvertluo to halp yourself hhoe and leather journal 1 htt taste xmm hi iolumn fctr cotuthn nileil with nowu local iillatml and inter- national it 1 1 ut t hi y tho united inwi und regular irf correwpondenl it in iim fiil iilltv onlalhetl in any otlur chlcuko tlftliy the are the vurlou di partn t u lilorrtlure tbn houu wivortii imull alianc snd- funbiou hut youv nnllru tkat them i uoinotlilng in lti itlundnrd that 1 not in thu typical ully vce are not roftrrlug so mprl j editorial on morel atul rdiglou wjjt an i to ihe dally hlinnoiivtto ti t to tlio lttblo helps aw to the rifhinlll of god and hi religion in tliu yuta unrangement hiulu r und c nim of the twper we cannot wu bow nyty 0 un ml getting out of tl all that i whobbomo wllrli j u in tho beat noculor lull jrltn much that la wholesomely miuril a ttulrltuar which mmtuliud in l weekly church preen we do not kinr what help the tuumlurd lu rcreltlif fr m the chrl- tlah olnmont hi l vay of traulaul hiipport thl ua will iw greatly tiomiotl tor the iijwr to make th jouiiifir there i latfedt f oour in the pupnr it u ity uvoral week old it cannot ottytmaiuciam fetet rrom what wm huv to oc the hiaper w mud it vry it km become clour in our ml i ht it nlouht re elv u honity n uk ft from all wha reallxe that tho liy uliould im hindu u utnnuf wyer in 7ubllhlng the kingdom nf rl ooibutc tuon the earth in the lu kt tf the tltan- lanl ltir it u liolier- that 1 ckrlstlnl lb 1 r luw tt n that will not tulut lh mr unl liweet atmtiaphoro of tu hwttnb tbut would rather go down ilt defeat than in even ono inmto pander to the ocuirllou forcon t l nthvlho advotat- promiscuous re callings professions etc hitn hiimnui 1 ha sail that kiac uii lov lancuaf he that aot llt ulk thon aunllit did you ever el a prnpo alt- dour a geulunutti uskoil dm if thg telephone to r lorry him but ho had the wrong number know anything about an automo- mhllr not a thing juat the man i want t ll me what yu think ralaht be the matter with my car th expert that have come along have all gueeaed wrong ami i thought perhap loil might be able to i ua rbjht- a prospective buyer walked into the gsrace and said to tbe tireprietor 1 would ilk to see a firstclass seconl- hand emr to proprietor looked at btm encrtsalmkd a he replied 80 would i brother lhuue do you know folk can pro perly obeerve tbe bsbbath in an auto inr jessle no jllcsie moat automobile travel too past for folk to properly oliserv soy thing t fawyer 1 want to know the whole troth before t can auoonaafully defend you havfl you told run everything i ruorwr yna except where v hid the money i want lhat for myeir and do you tetnamber the faceg of all your utomerr remarked the boy to the seals tan t in tlw shoe store 1 never foraot anyliody m far tltat i ever fitted with a pair of shoe it seem to me said the old- fashioned men that tfi u a lot of money to pay for a readymade nest of clothe wrhsp it to replied tit purchaa r but the aalesmsn mad th trans action palnua for me a poealbu mot mot he told me the enmg hull woulu probably- ooet 10l nt year iutlent doctor x owe you my life doctor ve and that lent ell ioclor your wifes mind 1 com pletely gone huaband wii 1 ve got a piece of it vry day for about two yorv jasrnwffuwrar patuitctfi he till th place doctor thl i where i practice patient dont want no pron for to practice on i want a doctor for tu cur success bedo think sanely i- urn fr 11 in iarn to lutoi lud btnt in n l j uriiuu improve yi u i mm t worry lit systematic wilgll liolh able avol 1 inferior inlpdi nt il auikirli ru ttoiitlvoly no man r w man niuiui 1 ix 1 mr painfully nl 1 ut lieoauae or corns when so certain a relief i at ban 1 n it olio way corn itemover wanted l 1 1 rnanot iim lu til aula t jurry htixk w u ly all rutntm free ofvihaagfl and allow 1 llliernl rule of commission a1 1 i v to smith a son ltd winona ontario the coming referendum vote and vote yes on april 18 tik ontario temperance act a a war time measure was an unqualified bucccm on october 25 1919 the people of ontario voted by an overwhelming majority in favor of the permanent continuance of the ontario tem perance act prohibiting the sale of intoxicating beveragea the bootleggrer must go qn december ii 1020 came the repeal of tho federal order in council which wat also a war time measure prohibiting importation manufacture and export of intoxicating beveragea thus it became possible for individual in prohibi tion province to import liquors for consumption in tbe home v thu tbe bouger is able to offer th same for sale contrary to uw and thus tbe expressed will of the people inojiu province u bein defeated importation must cease everything that applied in the last vote against tbe ssle of intoxicating beverage within this province applies equally to the of them and their importa tion for beverage purposes should also be prohibited hence arose neceatlty for further legislation and another referendum shall the importation and the bringing of intoxicating liquors jjj j into the province he prohibited t v ontario referendum committee what he w qood fo to olwurvn ntlm hirchday in nttlng tnaiier a itwssifcr told in dolall hi lire who oniiiled bl ho newly dnrerlty bravery i self mllanoe at the clohc of her tlliyonjteo who put thl queatlon to tho cl svhat high oftw in nation ooubl auoh a wonderful m 1 nil a haxeii halrftl pat of ten aittlngr in rear meat rnudlj lajhaml uiidhluh- litgly leplltnl iu guo tt mco j nothinq orpen in death thu natoral vegetation of death alley i acini t and ntunvod there is it u green thing that grow there iturully the thorny rn esq ult tree e of a yellow lah green tinge jmi 0 lire the grease buabe while the kehrtuih 1 either a yellowish gray 1 the color of ushcsva llttla round gourd culled tho desert apple grow in some of tho canyon ltljturos yetlow whon ripe and ha a thin meat wlniln thut t exceedingly bitter the cactus thut growh beyond u10 valley in ahun danne i rare here jn short tho vegetation or death valley is terribly ant oven in comparison with tbe wojave desert kaiser fifffillcrlltis in ejcile thousands liberated vvbatl havo jn il beavil the iar- ku udiaffsf mwbuu has un r to kicked rlfttt at of feaciety na 100000 cauilyiu liberated from the bondage of itjteaae very traoe of broaeblil roul i blown to toms by tho wii i moat effective dlseaaedeatroyer ueklvya ltroool tig mixture m ymmjor people are vejololngl ho lojfcr jo fthojr dread the afreets ot tdlvhj cold asuima oto7aadoamjjoni gre they that others should htwttt alc hondred of letter have lu vhutto roeljn- ia the merit of pi uoalerful mb aoolona remedy br 1 ens utter t- to whom tt my 3iiero3 thl 1 te certify that i vaj been kuffarhur for over three vtgital with hnmeutla and was adylj ut baauaya droseblu ijuu i punkaed bottla and after l tolfd doag x re- eel red relief afenfiara um bmle was ttnlahod 1 wjm percecyr well in buklmtti ae mawtloa t aava ao bealuuon in acu it la tkg beat xedjr i ever uza- eoxitaot wlmi for heavy eeld brosuutla blgad mrs vvajtuog a yaigt- leu brush co tootli orlgual of this teitimoklv ugv be aeaal ak tlili wlitnr rhl njitnre provjea la vlln oouaejulda w k bueklej fit toronto thousands o will give you iy nlf it eauuoi fall eleventy ut ojiu is tko priea that lands hot jou and u 104 to health tvji eabalituu iagut on uw bottlo wl tho m suarantcorl ur nou xtuwaed ask your umgiii 10 sox4 in actohtt jl t wm3wk i tannery cooperative tlic store of quality and low prices new hush groceries arriving daily our customers receive tub benefit of every decline in thk market wo hive just added to our stock line of lietitmk whito cotton yhlte flannelotto striped flannelette ginrhams prints towelling etc which wo are selling at prewar prices reduced rrices on bootb overalls shirts etc farmers bringing produce can buy g0ooh at these iow prices tannery coroperative- c a conway manager mill street n acton reliable table cutlery v111 untw wlut it lu i 1 huvi real g 1 tulf- ullfry uul whon y 11 purolihx wohl i nhoi rullury ymi in rent inhiih i hit it id mm ihw wfthti nhoi m ul hlilnh hleel icnlvot thrt- klllvu4 ui mud if htalnuaa mt ui 1 lit irlhmry ua will neither met f aluln aft r using 1 i only to ho wualiel mil wl f 1 with a nleuli nluth to clean them on a kulf i ar 1 id a matihlno would i1ilrr v thtr up vis v uld lat th knives uul if nuelod in th l way drt 1150 table 91900 tj tbe bond uaadwaek co ua 1012 quklph this stores policy to roprcscnl nooda 0 aotly in to thoif tjuollty to sell to those who know and to thoso who dont know at a uniform iair price to fuinil all guarantee and cheer fully dorrcct all mis takes to deserve your confidence by alwaysr giving you satisfaction savage co gueu ontario nmmnmmnmtnwbminsfrummtnpncmwmmmmwmmkrnrnnmmwnmp carriage rubber tires we have the latest an applying gaimiatil 5etopi1 w1uipment vou ibprtikks s the best quality at goodyear rubber uro in all sires always carried in stock you can ge your wheels rerubbered or any olher repairs dono on them at any time promptly and at reasonable price 1 we have ready for sale one twoseated rubber tire extension top surrey slightly usod cheap twoseated extension top surrey almost now very one steel tire bargain two steel tire top mikados good as now loss than half price a great j n oneiijl son garage and carriage works georgetown ont ffalmra acton granite works j nicol expenienced quanitc cutten i lironurcil to nupply monu- tnoutu or all kind with aklll- rutly out liihcrlptlon at low brio hjmj amnlnmor work and tylo at mniiumoiil at th ruouumaiit work isaillymam itlook mill atheet acton ont grand trunks the double track route hktwk1cn montreal toronto detroit chica0o j mycelial dlilng ar rvlo fllaoulng cum on night trrtliisrwii parlor caru on rlnolpa1 day train vull information from any qrati trunk tlokot igeulnr c 10 kornlw dlntrlot puuuniigor agci t toronto ml a ilotmea acnl acton ont vuun 1 r noble ltd acton elevator at grand trunk station a quantity ok feed corn and oil cake just received i lour peed n0rval bran and shorts hay straw r noble ud henrvawnev manaqek t5e acton bakery call phono no 7 if you want a delicious loaf of bread or brown broad or a boston loaf steam loufbuna rind hollsrploj- and all kinds of cookiut and cakes also wbdd1nc cakes madb baked or iced bread is your best fo00 eat m01ie op it phono 77 tho wngeon wiu ca at your door m edwards co aoton ontario

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