fv tv a tttan 3fapr tbh thuluiijay a 11 iii i 1021 somebodys birthday tlijaj is mintatmxlym birthday j ii iih mini u m fate hfunautlla imy l six liann u ttmiio lilt tr- girl in eight bnmo illlln ihiy is throe today homo lutlo lrl thirteen homo itttlu twins ro maotly two two uplna i mvnn himumut in vutiiik hlmllrthdycuko anil tuiitihlus ivr the plums hommino u counting- hor birthday dulls on all lur nnprefm unit thumbs humn no in ixmrioliitf ills birthday lull or winding lila ltkthiluy wulclu homo one is nut too wise ur tall kiii birthday buttrnootib tlilnk r tho ixuttutlrul birthday ixtoks thins nf tlio lilrlhduy iliwr think of tlm birthday happiness icvory iluyln lim yvurt kvary day in th ynur my dowr livery iluywnto ullvn unmn liuppy ohlld 111 imnm two or throo or four orllvo twentv years ago lfromths leaus- of the fro pr of thurdy april 1t 1801 v the fall wheat in th uoutlon has wintered vciy uathifucturlly torontos ruto of luxation this year u likely to bo uver twmity mills at u moot l of thn hunly school teachers and aooaloii of knox church last wodnnmluy ur ow llynds eras uiutnluioualitalmmiaii n hupdjrintandont of the hunday bchool in place of ur wm mulluill who recently removed to manitoba the april number of tho inland printer of chicago contain n beauti ful hairtone engraving of a tooaket of playful oalh and kltchowi entitled curloalty thn photo of which wm tukn by mr a t itrawn a ton tho re organisation moellna of the tennis ctab was hold on wednesday evening- april 3 and tbo following omoem elected lion fresldenl dr o i kelly president w stark vice- president ulsa minnie nelson secre tarya k gurnoy treasurer w arnold committo of manajremenl mlsse clam k moor lily nelson bule laird and ada fyfe and messrs j m henderson a j gentle john b moore and the offlcora tho annual mooting of acton clolf club wu held on wednesday evening in th council chamber and officer elected aa follow lrealdent j it walucdrtloaprealdanlohnx sio- 1 uratl secretary treaaur w stark captain rev if a mophroii chaptalvnev j j beany cotnmlt- jlamil uoore tjmh and dr kelly a auoceaaful hook social waa hold n knox church on monday nbjht thero wm a iilondw procratnmo ren dered and refreahnienta aerved died iiili at hu homo mill stroat acton on oood prlday april 5 101 charlea thl ad bl yeara montlik u burokss at sl joaephm ifoapltal luelph on monday april 81501 frank iluraaaa ajrtd 41yara the call of the wild aa a lad th doctor lovod to apand much of hla tlma out of doora and ao tellevea that for moat boya ufa in the open haa a tronir appeavl when ha faau the call of the wild upon him lia frequently sathera a sroup of boys together and take them tor a hike or rome onaraotartuuc outlnjr ufoally it ta the boya of tho hon day school in which he ut an active worker that arr ehoaanfor thla thla in how it fvorked- out on ene oecaalon whan the writer wjui lrlyll- aed to be- on of the party it iraa winter the a now was deep in the flowta nd wooda and the thermometer raj- ivtoterea mtujhtly below ero stmnae weather cor a claaa party out of doora you h but aatherlnv the boya of hla claaa ho took thera for a radial car rfda four rot lea into the country led them a merry hike acroae lota to a haltered ravine in the woodlot of a friendly farmer whero around a cheer- ful bonfire they joked ban eonaa played pranka and anally had a roaat rabbit supper oooked over the ambers of the flre this informal programine flnuihad they returned home with blood tfnjtllnjr in their veins eyes sparkling i witt pleasure a now aanao of aood- fellowship a deep appreciation of the real worth of their teacher and a truaxf spirit of loyalty to htm n few men perhaps would choose such a programme for such an oeca- slon few men would be wlluna to tva u a much of time andperaonal con- tenlencataa ouch things requhef but the fewwho are willing- to do thu are the ones who win tho friendship com- mand the rospect and influenco he v uyes of the younger fellows who are the great asset of tomorrow and who respond so readily to wise and tactful leadership fred scott shopard what do you thinicdf themt these chlckons that have oonae home from the war to roost- there thay are oh twrfeccri at lost and a sorry- look lnr rock they make lawlessness ruffles his feathers and tares at you with carqatsa effrontery theft ta there si- inflolenttr- aj rtl having been uaa f tohelplnir btnaeu so ion to what rrw lre waa hla be wonflers how he ever stood it in the old days to work foy living tlncleanness watehea out of an avlleye for soma victim of his lust idleness habits of industry broken to pieces disdains to settle down to toll highway robbery makes no errortta conceal his uiy head and looks tho part he plays with increased boldness jtfurdervcooy tothoro7ira bloody beak betrays him killing haa dulled nil sensitiveness to the sacrednesa of ufo these are some of tho brood war hatches out i and fosters under its foul wings what a loathsome- huasarduke bird it is our pmb animal how much if a millqht although we often apeak of toll frij jlw of dollars apd millions in popuu- lav tlon few realise what a rh e thin looks llk 1 j ahlden of tho imprcasivcneaii of ft million is to think of it in terms of time bor instance there have not v been e million days since the foundlng- lit ot borne i6n before thp birth of v j christ a- million days ago would take fcv7 uaback to the year 17 bc ijj- a fnlltton hours arejh yflrp twenty hlho days and four haunt this was ml almost as far back as the battle of trafalsar and was before the invention of the steamboat w the printing press the sunday school lessom for sunday april 10 102 iiy h wtiionntbn hiiills tkaciiinom aout hicalth i cr 10 ao t u- 27 oui 7 b loldvt t icvrry man- that ntrlvollt in thn ramomtucorclaeth self- hntrol in all thlntnt t cor 36 laaaotv comments i cor thj aannrwl ixnor of tln naw titariiii tasohlnarta ht lii nomn way tho rplrft uf clod dwells in or unions hi lipla the tssch- ink is xmiually plain that tha human 1 hhw ahould ihi kopt ao rlmn as to be a it imbllutlnit for the spirit of tha llvlotf im1 ita l cr le teihi si si i tim 3 ie lih sz 1 ietr z t tlo puritose of this high idoal im to rr tim from aln vors 20thro la no way to glorify fjud in unoa lmly nxeept to so thn body km to make it o servant xtkillneaa righteousness purity and truth paul ouewhara col uj8 atats that the church is tha body chrlat all in all there is such spirit uul intimacy hatwoan christ and hie follower that in both body and mind we should so llva and think to im worthy of him and nut im inconsls lent with ilia ritthloousness d 34 tho ksvcnaa relehrated near curlnlh would raako iauls thru re fnmltlar to uummj ho addresaod it nlruc leaping wrestling and bolnc wra praotlcod in those gam for the purpose of building strong bodies the christian race wo do not atrugg uaelnat one another hut against sin and the aim is to keep physically mcntall morally and spiritually fit in order that the race may lie won versa 16 kvery one who entered tho corinthian gam was compelled to submit m a ion a course of rapid and sever discipline trainers in athletics today require the same prac tice temperance is simply tha prao- ic of the highest typo of selfcontrol no man has a right to ao abuse hla physical powers as to impair hla value to soolaty or his standtmf with go4 sl tho runners and wrestlers in tho iraek games ware uncertain as to victory the sincere christian ins no such uncertainty uncertainty if victory comes only with unprepared- isss in tho running- verso 17 self discipline consists of two things d the entire ubju-e- uoitof thebodyto tha mtnd entire subjugation of the mind to the spirit of christ qal t uvlna a life that sensual izes and demoralises tha body brings jlfmwg nrtrt flrrrfr- tlon to both body and soul it is bodily appetite that undo us it le yielding the phyalcal that makes us coarser and coarser until we lose power of response to the spiritual the real haute ofnfa is between our better nlelllaence ant our debasing impulses i lustra tad truth no one oan honor god who shows little resuard for the body that was given him with which to aere ood and the world 1 cor 1 illustration a younat woman who hold several important positions in the was given the sort of social ufa that meant late hoars overeating and unwbleaome exel lament still an ah often boasted ah managed to drag herself to teach her class on sunday though aha was half dead she would have scorned the idea of tiering one of her friends as a gift something bo had already nearly worn out yet she wae making such o iter in- to the lord and was prid ing herself on the fact topics for research and discussion i a clean ltody 1 cor j ii m what is the hew tosfamenv teach ing as to kaeplturonee body clean and fut 8 how may we alorify qod in our bodies 1 how la it possible for man of strong physical tendencies to swing over to spiritual hyl in tha light of this scripture what becomes of the basis fopth plea for personal liberty in tboa things that itroy both body and aoult 6 what right haa any one to abuse a trust placed tn their earet if itut wrong to misuse a trust is it not wrong to misuse our bodies which belong to us only as a trust controlled jlody h-90- what kind of karnes were paul arid the people t corinth familiar with 7 how doss training for athletics cor- respond to training for chrlstlon uv- ingt 8what is tetmperanoet 9 how doea the christian differ from te athlete as to victory t 10 lto would you define aelfdlacipuqot spiritual consecrated tlody oal 7 b 11 is it possible to set into tbe habit of doing good- as well a cviir llrwhat l the affect of a lire of sint 13 what is the effect of uf of righteousness 14 then why do men sint it why do men try to deceive themselves about sin dslly rosdlnoa for nsat week monday april 11 jesus the car penter mark fc tuesday april ijlkarnln u live lihood 1 theas 3 111 wednasday april llvood puts man to work qen s ft thursday april 14tlio builders neb l-m- kridtty april 18the worker and the sluggard- orovj 44 1714 saturday apfll 14 the home- maker prov 11 1010 sunday aprf ustrsngtb for tat- bor ps lilt 18 herrings and whales at sydney inlet on the west of valirouvor- inland tho tidewater copper co are working noma mines thny any that tho future wealth of vancouver inland ls in copper there is ao much of it about thre is also placer gold lndionl ofthe livcraaml sold anil al ivor quarts vejns in tho mountains tliere in ooal and iron limonlto and iiiiantlllas of magnet ita on dure lay hound quatalnn and up at qulnsam ijuke the nootka 1acklna co- have a plant up nootka sound where they can jooo cases a day in tho neasonof salmon herring and pilchards for which latter they have more orders than they can 111 their record catch was it tons of pilchards in one night mere is tha nootka tribe of indians whore they have a wonderful well- kept burial ground passing nootka sound by way of lspranuv inlet and so up to narrow cut crask where there is a bis whal ing station and- this you may know- by th j hideous smell that greets your nose as you draw near they kilt the whales about thirty or forty miles ouftrbtaw them up with air ml low tbsm back to th station kvery particle o ho great hah is put to some useful purpose whalebone fertiliser whaleoil and some 3000 cans of wluuomaat a day ksch whole brings in a re venue of i jooo and a spermwhale feooo at kyuquot vlllsge in the sound there is a apruco logging camp com ing out of uils into tha open aea again tho 4oustboat heads duo north for capo cook ort which is so land or is land where tho aea- lions bark and bask and flop down pit its sloping- side into the ma with a groat fuss and ahow of fright whiii tho occasional boats pass by still north jin into quatslno hound anolher fishing centra and qui to a largo settlement of two hundred whites is located a mariners ma itf quatslno hound hrunohlng after twenty miles or so in land into yet three other arms two of them atietohlns ut least anothertwonty mllss or wo in oppoaito direct ions j the coast coppejvco have a tnlnp thlrty mllss inland from jouna iind- inc tho interior country- here la scarcoly yet nxplnrod muoli less ex ploited and many a fortunomaye unknownforynar uco ouvarod and hidden by generations and ocn- turlcs of forest growth at port alice the whalen pulp and paper mills have a sawmill for aero plane spruce t krora coal harbor on the west ann of the bound there is a trail through to hardy hay on tho east coast of the island where one may sometimes oatoh the mainland ooaaboats but this trail is bo bad that the settlor prefer to us the wwt oobsi boob further north than this no bot goes there lire npt enough settlers to make it worth while though fishermen bring- tales of bettered coves with dream land beachos wher the spent breakers of tho paclne troui and fume thslr lite away wnltlntf vainly for the laughter of tha children that never coma and fronpactor- brin tales f thousands of acrns of untouched timber and of mountains unknown unnamed jeal- uumlyguardlasr ths orihelr treasure trovos h o w how jack miner came to teach a sunday school class the story or how jack miner can- las wild goose man became the teacher of a boya class is very inter ring he hud never beeii inslds a sunday school until a lad asked him to go one sunday afternoon mr minor accepted the invitation and- liked 1l he wont again he became rather attached to the school a few weeks went by and the superintendent of the school asked uncle vjack as the boys call ur minor if he would teach tb tough class 1 couldnt read then relates mr miner but i thought maybe 1 could keep two of those lads from putting gum nil the other fellows hair mo i accepted the job and do yottckaow i never had any trouble wth those lada naturally we talked about the out doors most of thn time whv the boya became so interested thst some of them could hardly wait until sun day cams it isnt hard to believe that tho boys become intoreated in his leach- logs or they are so genuine and aameat mr minor lovps boya love tliam so much that ho levelled off a acre or two- of bis farm land that could raise valuafto foodstuffs and gave it to the boyv pf bis town aa a base bail diantond 1 h any wonder that tho boya 0ve jnolo3aekt a it any wonder tharj they proieot h wild gaoaet frank ouunberlaln political complicatioa roplca imi-tfrasv-ho-ir- did irott happen to leave your last pool- itlpht i j newmaldtho ladyflred me r mlatress ah f b was dlasatuf itt nw maid new she was a if was disaatun odt new maid aw she was a aore- head- i run for alderman agln her aifdwoh i tlme hu tuud itdr thomas li ifleetrlqou htutbeon oir too market s turtwirie o ity yearn and in that time k- 11 hap proved nblenalnrf to thousands isirltrlin hlshfavor throughout tsanaija trjanl jta eioellence has carried it fame 1 c ttoyond theesaa u it vfere double tha pneft ftulflbe a ohmtp hnunont pleasantries mamma can i so over to bailies house and play a little while t aaked fouryearold nellie tos deact dont mind ifyou do tlionk ydu mamma was ba fle- mure replyi ibaye b do your best and let thaf end it all your orry la n t you can carry un umbrella uut you cannp make ifr rain voice a the telephonat wjor wll you please bring- your family opd tak atjppor wifh us next bundyt servantgirt replleu tttauk tthrqugh the telhttiqos master and mlstpass are notln a present hut iheyoan oome to nupmir aa its my tiundaji out a dakota farmer sold hla soninlaw onehalf of a cow and- then refused to divide the milk claim lnr that jho sold the front half pf the ihtjisl ka also required the sonlnuw pro vide all the feed tho cow cops tuned and compelled him o carry all the water to her three times a day iteoently the cow hooked tho old man and ho is suing the sonlnlawfor dajnagetr pratika are madota be turned they say yet there are some cranks i know that tho mora one tries to turti them the more obstinate they grow- the fence that divides men from each other on thomoral reform iasnoe of the day lsraadoof barbed wire r tho ntraddlera will be jlkely to get hurt relief from asthma who can de scribe the relief from suffering which rollowo tha dr j d kellbna asthma iteraedy who can express the fealnjr of joy that oome whorl its soft and gentlo inllucnce rellavea tho tlghlaned lohokjnijc air tubes i ir has madoasthmatloaltllctjon a inlnr of ttte paat- for many oood dnicfllsta pvbrywucre bay loul lfdy yeaj tbetmomcnt yoa open a kavbuji accoont taji s bank of nora scotia it beginfk to increase and e ery tuna yoa add- tox it from yoctr own aivlns tha increase is itrreaed automatically by tbe lnr tercet ll draws nothing is more certain than the stability and incnat of agavliuja account why not open oooto- w- i- the bank of n nova scqt1a j e palmor valuator and quids is piniaied to eolect farms in new ontario for any who desire to purchase x have a very intimate knowledge of the best localities for farming will ois6hotyaf guide for any sportsmen who dotlro the bast of hunthis of inooao deer and other came can arrango for aooommot datlona for homeseekers or sports men best of references s- j e almer anderson house cpfoa coohrane- a healthfuli 1wit i prelect your vital forces and build up your ver utivepowersvrithaiiule i scons emulsion thrice dally after meals 1 tens of thouvpidsl ffyl daily prove that mf taking scoff via emalmian it a heaihfulhablt alo maksim km10id5 cfalaets ea eraaaalee esib inpigestjon j finest cuiopsi sold everywhere in canada vvriti ii- ikw i lllsl inlof attlo korwaikteenowltfospital training school for nurses norwalk conneotlout borfara to youna women a twj yeara course in nurslns ho- plu nev uid pvacnu-itea-u- ierod schro byllahus of sohool work and admission requlre- raenta sent upon request j h bodine superintendent sprouting and planting p0- tatqrth rm bawlineim and yield i when the margin of profit in potato growing- narrqw s it was in some places during tha punt year it is im portant to adopt any method which will inoreaqe the profits and the eproutlns oftkotatoos before plantlnr particularly where it is intended to dig potatoes for an eatly market ahuld be much mora general in cana da than it has been in 120 irish cobbler potatoes not sprouted yielded at the rate of 418 bushels per aero while tho jw hi oh had teen uprooted yielded 06 bushels per acre or a difference of r bushels in this cio dotatoos wnro laid out tor sprouting- on april 31 and planted on may 19 or for but four weeka it is usually bast to allow sly weeks for kproutlnr not only in tbe yield creator when potatoes are uprouted but tho crop reaches a msrkotahto also carl lor in the season the sooner early potatoes are on th market after thoy urii marketable tho more money will bo made out of them as a rule to mprout 1 m t a toes medium aired t idiers are selected before they have sprouted to any extent in th cellar and are either placed in shallow boxes of trtys preferably wit li the seed end up or spread shallow on the floor of a room wboro there ta bright light either method- wlllglve almost equally good results at first the temperfttursr should lie cool enough to prevent oiiroutlnirth akin wilt soon turn arsen and become rather tough the temperature la now raised enough for the tubers to sprout and when treated as described two or tlireo strong sprouts will develop from tho seed and the other eyes remaining dor mant orowth will thus bo concen trated to these fow shoots and an a rule uiero will be a larger proportion of marketable potatoes where there are a few good shoots than whore there are many if uwtpotatoosi arejflvsn plenty of light atd the place where they are kept is fairly cool tho sprouts will become very sturdy and strongly attached to the tuber will be groan in cojor and will notbe broken off in handling unless very carelessly used thus given a start i before planting- they will usually oome along- rapidly and tubers will develop more quickly fromsprouts which have grown slowly in a bright cool plaoe than from sprouts which have grown in a dark place the utter moreover usually break i rut off at the time of plan una sprouts should bo about two inches in length nt the time of planting- the warmest and best drained soil tha- to available should be used for 3 tra early potatoes and the nets oid be- planted aballowef than for the malp rop so that thay will got ibe advantago of the heat from the aurfaoe soil in great britain the potatoes are planted whole whan sprouted growth being more vigor ous when uils method to yollowedy but this is not necessary in order to got an increase in yield it haa been found that taking on year with an other ho eanor poioaa are planted in most places in canada after the grpund 4s dry enough to work and danger of frosts are over the larwor th crop will be the foilowlnjtlaklveiiuaa a general rubs of gulranoe for planting- potatoes in canada for highest ylulds where the spring la early and altumn frosts early plant early where tho wprjk la early and summers are dry plant rly where the apring- is latoand autumn frostai late early planting- is not nojtnihrbnt whom tho oprlnn to late and autumn frostsare early plant as soon as soil is dry enough w maooun dominion horticulturist cream vest flour the family eats xnoro bread since mother started us ing cream of the west flour it makes loaves of ex traordinary white ness and flavor rajlway time tables at acton oranat trunk railway byaum ooista woat no it llisum no 11 l-y- 1014 sun no ib mlpja no- 17 113 pjh ooina eset i- no 34 708 ajn no 31 no a na is xx pjn clfjpvm rtapmn f toronto 8 111 am ul pm 100 p to 1103 a tn ul pob j b urban eleotrio railway galno weel imliy spl sunday ifailly ip tiundar 1u osoept sunday sunday only t sunday only 741am oolng cast dally axnopt sunday 411 p m u a m dally axoapt sunday sunday only m pm sunday only you can procure cream of th woat floor from dhundsay acton onl the ford garage has made comclete arrangements eor storing lmtteries for tho winter- month batteries kept at proper temper turo and inspected montlily andkcpt to ihd desired gravity bat teries re charged or repaired when ncosaary advice free oxy- acetylene welding plant is being installed all welding in repairs promptly and aatib- factorily executed our plant foci ymljtht rtuvfrmlhybpoclai express frosht- vnlght plnkml up at any ad- drvea tn toronto o it- aon 10w xjanu merchants casualty co kpeclaluta in health and acoldent inauranoa iiicleai liberal and un- reatrtctod over sl00000p paid tn bxckptionai oiiimninrtuss xn local aoknth 04 royal bank bldo- toronto onl is complete prompt expert attention given to necessary re pairs to cars of any make tho electric utarflng and lighting systems satisfactorily overhauled full line of tires of all makes and b complete assortment of accessories always in stock lg kbntg manager hac0xe proprietor children cry for etchers pletehets caatoriai btricify arerjjody for nfanbl and cmltttwl foods ore bpeclally prepdrcd foi banlea ababy niedidaa is even more essenuil for baby rtuntditw priinaiflt ptpd for grownnpa are not jaterchnngeahle it wasthe need of a remedy for tb common ailments of infanta and cblldroti that brought otstaria before the pabuc after yams of rmeiotcb- qn nq claim haa been made for it that its na for oyvr 3q years has notproven what is castor i a castoria is a harmlesa mbtitnta for castor oh pauregodc props and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic eubotance its ago is ita giiaranteo for more than thirty yearstt has been in constant use for tha relief of ccuitjpatkmyiatnlency wind colic and dhurhoea allaying peverlajaneaa aridng thtrcfrom and by regulatino the stomach and bowels aids the asajmllation of food giving healthy- and natural sleep the childrenv coiofbrfr tho mothers friend t genuine castoria r bcore the signature -of- for over 30teais tms cawrnua compamiv mow voaa enrv uptodate goods at a a speights silverware in tableware pine variety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and granite ware big assortmept pandora stoves and kanjjea fa-nous- heaters small stovca oil stove every articlgis of excep- tlonal value ccspeight hid street acton ne makes sweeping easy purifiks tbb a1b saves labor ask your grocer beware v imluiionrt ask por irratyoun local dealers ma acton granite works experienced qranite r is prepared to supply nionn- monta of all- kinds with skill fully out inspripuon st low prloea see samples of work and styles of monunents a the tnonutnonf arbrfca qpbrryman blooui wltju thgbt actpm ontr annihilate your eve strain by sclentificatly fit ted glasses keep your etnotapoy of vision at mio hundred nor conltnark by glv- ina tho eyes the consideration they deserve i lt us toll you if your vision la entirely normal for catarrhv it is uno df tho chief rsoommandauona of ttrrhomnsaoi lectrlo ointiot itoan bajised inurnal- ly wltlk as milch succeas as it can outwardly sufferers from catarrh will find that the oil whon used aooordlnc to dlrectloiut will give prompt rollec many sufferers from this aliment have found rollnf in the oh and have sent testimonials a there may be other corn removore but ydu will not bo oomplttloly eatlsned until you havo used hollowaya corn itemovar i oriental paper in the art of making and using paper wo are not in line with the chinese and other asiatics who not only make the finest paper in tho world but apply it to all oorto of uses maldnk window panes- umbrellas fans sandals and even cloaka and gmrmonts or il millers aynrm powdors were devised in promptly rsllove children who suffer frsn tho ravages of worms it is a slmnlo preparation to destroy stom- hchln and intoallnal wornis without shock or injury to th most sensitive byatem theyaot thoroughly sod pajrui iraaly anil though in some cases thej may causa vomiting thatia on indl- oiilon of their powerful aqtlon and not of any naustamns property actonlleamitl pull market price paid f orbutter eat any small onpdntpf cream will rebeive our bst attottjsn t- we wilislso pay spot tash for eggs open friday and saturday evenings a best creamery butten new au eggs and fresh ijirttermilk will now be stlppued at the chkambry every day cahtouwrltea businessictter a ninetenths of tho world busi ness la done by letter your ability to write business loiters means speedy promotlun our training in thn subject la very special and thorough it la a common remark from bdslnoss men who have our graduatea in thojr oiboe sba- certainly can write a business letter v vou oan start anyntay and re- celve tbe hum training that placed your friend in her present mmltlnii- of responsibility iknt pxrr rrmajokf guelph business college herald dub- qul onl a l bouok prlnelpal ev proprietor acton cramery cp wat30n wilesj proprietors acton bakery- ctll phonoflo ti if you wnilt doiiclohslloa o brcod brovp bread or boston lot steam loaf buns and rolls pies and all kinds of cookies and cakes also wedding cakes made baked or iced bread is vour best food bat more op it t phone 77 ttw wageon will call t your door shop where you are invited to shop mummmmmsmm jti w m edwards go aotoh ontario star clod gyy might exewtj day and balurdayr at s0i mtpm