Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1921, p. 4

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se5sf umlr jlln wrukwji aullou tub acton illkb 1ukjih i tuillir1 arr tl lag tlm lt llhlllioif mill ritat ai liw u j i u js nwit lll 1 injkilnl hi lira iiml auvkutisinc i wlihnt itlrt llrwtio t iirii uihime k1i i cent par una in tt jvarrl mania loti atli inacttiot awr kartej llll loibltl editorial thcrotionly oiio wuy tl control liquor keep it out on april hi vote yes umlkcep it out the rciil ihimc jho oiilyoiic in thcvolc oh tliu 18 1 h ihit- is whether the importation liquor shnft be stopped or not the ballot itsoh makes this abauluto- y clear under the operation of the provincial act liquor shipments to ontario from the province of quebec will cease absolutely on mny i according to tho new quebec liquor law l stopping importation of liquor as the urge majoruyollhc electors in this riding will do next monday will give us buck tho splendid conditions wo had under real prohibition in 101718 the homestead fees received last year by the department of the interior amounted to 0740 since 1872 the homestead fees received by the federal government have amounted to 5000434 tho timber dues received from timber cut on dominion lands in 1020 amounted to 580780 from coal lands there was received the sum of 301047 and from petroleum lands the sum of 370482 government control is not on issue in the refer- on dum tho people of ontario voted on that ques tion in 1010 and turned it down by a majority of 24u000 votes the good citizens of ontario do not vint to bo in tho booze business a study of the pffect of temperance- legislation on- tho morality and happiness of tho community will lead tho great bulk of thoso who put the countrys weal before selfish considerations to give an affirma tive vote on the referendum next monday the plant and goodwill of tho strathroy dispaich has been purchased by tho proprietors of tho strath roy age this deal adds another to tho long ustof towns where it has been found that more than one paper is an unnecessary burden on tho community and unprofitable to tho publishers the reyonuo received last year from canadian national perks amounted to 70742 rocky moun tain park produced the largest revenue nam civ 48330 tho hot springs bathing tickets alone produc ing 5082 automobile licenses 3035 golf per mits 3025 cuvo and basin- bathing tickets 0037 a chap in vancouver suspecting that he was getting shortweight coal went through it is said p three different ton lots weighing them on a fifty li pound scale of his own and found from 120 to 650 pounds short thank goodness wo have no need to bo fearful of similar treatment in acton under tho present coal merchants something more than immigration statements urging tho necessity for canada to encourage immigration havo come of late from sever al men of national standing these include mr w beatty president of the c p r company and hon t a crerar leader in federal politics it urged that the way to meet the railway difficulties a the country is to import population to settle upon the vast unpopulated areas jlnstead of building rail ways to servo her communtics canada according to this view is racednvith the duty of establishing communities to justify the railways as a solution 1 of our present national railway difficulties the policy of encouraging jmmlgratjon offers no- immediate relief at best this way of getting around the trouble is a lengthy process furthermore expert coco has shown the extreme difficulty of getting newcomerstogo on tho land or to stay there- it- remains be seen if the attraction of industrial and social advantages in tho cities would not nullify the forca of anyfuture policy of encouraging greater rramjgrauon asir sojution problem the bringing of now settlers must re- main a settled pplicvof teisbrany other ybuiig nrioh- with surplus land tobe taken- up but the pressing burdon ot our extensive railway systems could not by this method be shifted at once off the backs of tho canadian people there is but one ueuon it is necessary to keep cletrly in mind the question on the ballot in the referendum vote on april ih it 1ft a simple straight question which the adults of ontario are naked to inswer shall tho importation and tho bringing of intoxicating liquors into tho provlnco be forbidden it will bovery emphatically decided if a majority of those who vote mark their ballots with the xroaa aftcr yes young folks i concentrate v people generally havent much use for the man who is known as a jack of all trades- half learning a dozen things nbvergetitanyono very far such a worker is very fortunate if ho gots u fair living from his smattering of knowledge but tho ability to do one thing hotter than tho average workman brings with it a competence and a certain distinction and not infrequently wealth more and more does tho world demand tho thorough mastery df some one lino know nil thcro is to know about some one thing and tliera is a place waiting for you learn to concentrate in splto of what mnv seem to bo insur mountable obstacles success will be inevitable finding a royal road v writing in the atlantic monthly stanwood cobb defines the newest method in education which seems be to make things as easy and attractive as posslblo for the pupil as a nnttprlrtclpleiti511atd down that the child must bo inspired with a desire to learm to thrit end the uptodato school ran storms tho lessons into gamest thus spelling is taught as a sort of baseball the barter receiving the wod from the pitcher of tho opposing team actual teaching is largely left to tho pupils themselves the teacher posting the schedules for he weelc and leaving the class to work it out for themselves a sort of revival apparently of tho old system which obtained in the english national schools of a hundred years ago when lack ot funds compelled economy of staff but may not the idea that a child must bo interested irr his workbe carried a little too far it is true that the root mean fag of tho word education is a leading- out tho development of what is already there but among tho powors to be developed surely are those of concentration and continuity of effort tho child who is allowed to drop his lessons when they begin to become a little irksome is not being fttted to cope with the experiences- which will surely come to him when he goes out into the world knowledge too much prodigested will do as little towards forming k keen vigorous intellect as prodigested foods to developing sound firm teeth education may have been confounded too much with mere instruction by tho pedagogues of tho post but although a boy might hate his lessons ho at least learned that life brought duties as well as pleasures and that tho doing of ones duty however disagreeable brought a rich re word of its own his motto was not i dont have to- economy musi be practised readjustment to normal conditions is a hard national process parliaments even more than busi ness concerns dud privato citizens fail to realize the great need of economy and clow figuring to ensure a speedy rtsturn to prosperity and normal business enterprise hlgb prices that havo prevailed for so long a time have so disturbed values that much hard ship is bound to result before an equilibrium is reached living expenses have been mounting for some time and in many lines there is as yet no re- duction and in fact in sonle cases an advance is shown so that tho producer particularly the farmer whoso business has been hit first and hard feels keenly the tardiness that provnils in the lowering of prices of manufactured goods which he has to buy- as his raw materials wool potatoes beef bacon oats vegetables hides and white havo all more or less been down to prowar levels and in some caaes below it the formers are the great purchasing unit of the nation cut their incomes and one has not far to guess where the blow will come next so it be hooves business to see to it that every encouragement is given to agriculture to mnke it prosperous and consented any policy that depresses the prices of agricultural prices or curtails their markets or foils to useshe most diligent efforts to secure new markets fails most fundamentally in thegreat national life of canada agricultureis our life blood rob it and we fall like a house of cards- deceive it and tho effect ort tho quality of our people is irreparable big business men of- the country see this they realize tho great dangers in our national life and many are using their influence to dignify agriculture and to freo h from all depression burdens farmers maga zine creosote d0e8 the trick the foncc builder who now nse oek or lonuat or chestnut ft hla father old nay handsomely for hi fane thoee woods ton valuable for otbar purpose to ho used a sentinels around your cow pasture nut there art other way durabll ity of wood set in the earth depend n our ability lakpen out that destruc tive little parasite tho- fiiniu when wo cundathl soft maple willow and box older make botf and uutint pooto pouionlnic liio wood klluna 1u tood value hna been found by far the mout effotlvo luacourtiramtint to tho por- nlktoni funjub tho idea totally to olinnto the povte composition to euch a denth uiat the rot tin crm cannot nvtrate vulnllna with croooote bough mora arrocuye thun the other method m tlaiiod in not the reel creoeote trrat- rnent tiiih latter troutment can be lived by any farmer ut very moderate oxinnim a discarded saeollne drum cuit he made into u ttatlbfactory tailh for the creoeot btnne tide oil in in- nammuble yon ehould do thflc work eorne oletnnoefrom the hulldlnae bet the tank on brloke eo that there l room for a good fire beneath ll -con- neatlna a stovepipe to the fire tux will inurouwe th draft and carry off the hittoke six or eljhj nvinohpoau 4the round iktet le preferable can be trttwl ot fine time sometime it la liupqhmiry lltatto mnulf the ereoaotft by mtxlerute heatlatf then piece the fa about 40 inchea deep in the oil il inoreaan tho heat pearly to boiltnt point too hlffli a temperature waatee the ereoeote by exoeaalve evaporation and weaken the wood nnmftwhit the proper duration of thla bath dopomta on the kind of wood ordln hilly nv hmim u ample now draw the fir and leuve tho poata to oool tn the craote mom experimenter e commend tha the coollne proeee eov- a- period half aa ion again a iteen taken for heatlnc but uauajly the amine tlmela uink enouxh heat m out the molaturo in the wood itlnk avnnuum when coolln be lna and tho oreaeate aoalu in by mtmnapherln preaaure to fill thla va cuum homo men draw out a poet occnalnnally and cut it to nee when the khito baa eunkln far enough u- nully half an inch la den i red though innhe penetration can be oooured bytlontf thorough treatment it haa been natlmnted ttuit a pltohplne poet takva tip one to eight pound of creo- ote nooordlnff to length of treatment thu cutting front two tn at teen cent ten cent a poet i think la a aafe average figure trentmant ef poala properly begin x month prevlnua to cr6oaounc they nhould he neaaoned or airdried oiunh molaturo make it hard for oreoaote to penetrate lie move all the bark from the poata and pile looaely where air will circulate among them keeping them in tho ahado aa the ttunm heat will eeaaoneheoktbo wood compromi8e the utluitde of thorough non-cam- prumlae i one of the tnoel wplendld thlnga l the world the great ulerit eoula who nee their way clear ami go etralght along without faltering- or bending one hair breadth to i right or left win the admiration of men and i10i4 it rt la by auch nrm undylhs peralatence that the long rtghla ore jousht and tho hlcb vlotorle won it le thoee who are poaaeaaed by the ideal follow it faithfully cheriah it un- fiienhably jvlth no admlaalon of the lightest ppealta compromuie that ohango the courae of hletory and ufa over yet foe moat of ua oopamoit aoul oompromlae la not only the caalcat ay but thabeatj u- amootha life turn oaiae fromjujtommcultlea in- lead of battling wltlrthem uaoleaaly make the hard rough road pleaoant and delightful wen tlioae who cap- not worn promise tid only bumpa and jolta and for all it eoftne coin- iromtee la not auch a bed luatrument for doing thing it work alowly eometlmea ven menu to turn lla ttaok upon what 111 ateadlly eeekltjg but bygentleneoa by patience b inalnuk- lon it may in the end achieve repttha that are- ann and euro the tru bl of nampromlae liow- ever that upon which it muat real if it pront la to be worth while and to lout can never be deceit chicanery or trickery thoee who try to gain ad vantage b pretending to give it up nro bound to be discovered and to uf- we can unty compromise nucree- fuliy if ur action u founded upon lllty and gonulne reepeet for our neighbor judgment a certain course of conduct appeal to you after care ful atudy end thought you cannot aeo the wladom of anything different nut rrlende or antagonist whom you and trut look el the matter nthrwlae if the two method of pro cedure are absolutely contradictory one or the other muat be given up uut alraoat alwaya there i some mid dle course comhlnlnc the excellence of both and avoiding the weakneaaea n it not letter to sacrifice your own iplnlou to some extent in onley to get omehiing uonn and well done even if it in not nil you aim at amdealre to dut thla la ttuo compromise the wise hnek it and the world prom by it a little talk on citizenship and health t4uid of our birth our faith our prldo por whose flear sake bur father died oh mot iter land we pledge to thee head heart and hand through year to he in your heart you feel that the poet lia fixproased your best feelings in thla simple verse you are proud of your motlierlnnd and you reeolvo that you will l a credit alwaya to canada of course you want to serve your motherland wetland truly and can ada expect you to nerve her mo you are her uhlld the feed you she protect you she educate you- she give you great opportunities for a free a happy and a usofjil life you will serve per because of what you owe to her and becauae you lovo her you believe in canada you havo faith in your motherland you can trulhor hhe ha played the game uhehw stood for the beat traditions ofthe race na we nay nearly sixty thousand of yoijr bmther canadian gave- their llveo for a great cause human freedom tiu less you are proud of your canadian citizenship mt well you may be u i a priceless hcrltngcl cherish it and honor it do nothing to lume ttl leave it ovonbetter because you lived to make a contribution to it for re member the thing of greatest worth in canada are oot its mlnos nor it foreatw nor it farms nor lt factories but canadians you ajtd i you pledge head heart and hand through year to be there other h to pledge to canada a health pledge canada want you to grow up with etrotig healthy bodies- for youkowrn sake and for her sake illhealth weaken the aervloo of hood heart and hand good health enriches a nation in happlnens in usefulness and in wealth bo oannrtnt future la bound up with the question of health and achoollnii isnoranoe and disease walk hand in hand knowledge and health likewise companion together you must learn the- law of brood health and learn to practise them if you would servo canada wisely and well the junior lied cross therefore aakvth boy und girl of ontario to help carry unthe peaoetimepurose of he cjtnadlan hod society a not forth in arttcle xxv of the covenunt of the league of national- h 1 a worldwide health crusade is kuflsla sobering up coming just after the news of a trado agreement effected by great britain and the russian soviet government the report that lentne is reconsidering his extremist policies gains groator credence than acc to an ordinary rumor the ex- pocbmeeof looking economic fcta in the face from th standpoint of russias growlhg necessities may y served to illustrate the mad faulty of the bolsevistplan of worldv revolution thewoylda vwork now is reconstruction revolutionary enthusl- asts who clamor for further destructive events main- vrtmini their ardor if they are intelligent only by fgnof- j8 economic condition which shows millions in ienropo nd asia on the verge of famine if it ke appeals in canada temperarvce act cases during the present session of the legislature there has been strong demands on the part of certain members who alleged that theylwccctfrlepds ho ontario temperance act for an amendment giving the right to appealtrom mhg decisions the ofdoub 0 british fair piny was worked till it wa threadbare the poor llltrcnted rumrunners boot- loggers and other violators or the liquor laws should jnot only have the chance to appeal but to introduce new evidence in tho hearing at the appeal court the ajtorneygeneral anally agreed to prepare an amendment providing fohappeal this has booh brought down but in his wisdom hon mr raney has left but the lodphofes which the advocateaof the growing popularity of temple- ton hheumatlo capsule for luieuma- it neuralgia lumbago etc und 1laxmal f or asthma ha placed these remedies among the beat eellerr vbr sale by k j llasaard goto the country for freah air polltlolana for hot air the dictionary for eyenpathy and te tqm rumlev8 for prompt eervloa tom rumley shopscorner mill fet wanted honest dependable salesmen to represent u in the ale of nuraery btock yvo supply all outfit freo of charge and allow a liberal rata of commission axity to c o smith a bon ltd winona ontario spring millinery now on display you arecorcuiuly invited to see our specials at 500 nellie m stockf ord acton guelph t elora childrens savings account it is a pleasure not a trouble to open8fcvings accounta in the names of your children even if you intend to depoeltbut a dollar at a timo in each account- wewelcoioe this bunlnosa because ft is an educa tion in thrift and wo are diad to im assist you in teaching your tuldren to save si opens a savings accoant dopoeiucf 1 and upwards are wolcoroed th mcrchants dank of dfvnadjow estbilh4kl 1s04 head office montreal 5ijy dtoi to rut stops fire quick ljionto is the first practical fire extinguisher at a reason- able price 375 complete instal ono in each room of your homo for tho price of other fire extinguishers sec it demon strated at my shop a few palla of buckwheat ilnney uuu left some good try hardwood wikdmiixs sold and hkpanied gasoline engines pumps pump jacks fertilizer genuine frost wire fence and gates cream separator o0 repairs for different- makes of cream separaiorji and full uoe of farm machinery and hinder twine chas e piarker phone 84 mill ot acton the public health citizens alte reque8tcd to comply with the public healthact notice is hereby ivnn that all real- dent m xoton are required forthwith to clean their cellars dralna yard pig utyes wwor- closet outbuilding and otlter premises and remove there- rrom all dirt nuuiure and other sub stance which may endanger tho public health and to hava the same completed by the tenth day of may noxt on which day the bantary inspector will commence a sen oral inapeotlont and further tn we notice that tho eotlon of the jubllo health act prohlbluna the keeplnk of 4 oa v between tho 16th of may and the lfith of november ex- cent in pen at least 70 feet from any dwelling house and go feet from any street or lane with floor kept clear rain altandina water and rejrularly caaud will be strlotly enforoed all clthten are earnestly requested to keep their promises constantly clean und thoroughly duitnfectod oeounk llaltlllhit ileeve of tlto municipality acton march jo 1b1 404 kr that lenlne has come to realize tho cardinal error tfc4r thvbolsheviit hymn of hate a fair inference is aptkatlhis recent contract with economic truth has rahown him a great light tito bolshevist has tried bg-teceaattlieuteiuo- world -without-getting- bv that method v might have learned tj ifmberlln how easy it is to overestimate the pros- rs fovout in orcigii countries the world ideai russiq herself has lost- much valuable time ffi bolshevist pipedreams over cardboard gitfbw hich have served ierely to thrill those iffiwty whh a grouch a russia sober and wojklng mimryo a useful part in thetejitortttiondf normal tt iggicowdltlqns signs of a aalutafy tcadjustftisnt at loteow btje welcome indeed appeal so devoutly desired it provides that anyone convicted before a maglstrsto may within ten days thereafter appeal to the senior county or dlstr judge sitting in chambers without a jury the con victed person if sentenced to a prison term shall be liberated pending the h of the ap 00 giving security to debppnrved by the convhtjkg imnglbtrate and the crown attorney the judge wfthl nfifteen days after notice of appeal shall set 4 dayfofthe hearing and the appeal shall be heard and determined upon the evidence and the proceed ings had rnd tnkon before the magistrate the judge is given power to affirm reverse or amend the order of tha magistrate but the amendment is a doubloheader similar rights are extended to com- plalnsnts in wewhercjftagisttiiteja andthe attorneygeneral reserves the right to bring decisions byrappcal judges with which he is not con tent ijofpro the appellate division of thesupveme courtef ontario the idea thntfiroecutions under the jdntario temperalice act are conducted hi i an ujijwaftdltyfannloalfaahionand right of file triajta tist iw this nemhmlriahbyld prow toialt oivinq awavthe bhide there are many stax of civilisation lid it would seem various decree of barbarian hut between the ori vyatem of marrhsgetfjftptutbtmathsr later and supposedly more advanced innrrinoe there would seem to he none but hauaonaf cholcev wltnth change from the- wojideriaa life to the domesticity of farm und fireside tha previously burdensome and obnoxious daughter came to be con sidered an asset that could when the time came ho oxohansed for so many head of cattle or other desirable e0 quultlqna t t it was a matter of barter pure and simple only a few year eo mon the brahmin of india up to the moment that the father of the pro pective bride led hat to the bridegroom saying 1 have no longer anythlna to do with you and xslvo youup into- the twwer of another there waa still time for bargaining by aultor who had ninre than the brldefttoom toofferfot her acton creamery full market price pais for butter fat any small amount of gream will receive ghr best attention sweet cream for sale every wednesday and saturday we will also pay spot caahfor eggs open friday and saturday evenings best creamery butter new laid eggs and fhesh 1uttbrh1xk wllx now be suppued at the creamery every day acton creamery co watson wbues proprietors business directory mttdlcal dr j c monlvhn i phyelolen and burgeon ofllee and tlealdenre corner bowe aveque and lfllaln ht roots the reeld snofl forrnsriy poouplihl by i m lien dereon aototu ont dr e j nelbon physiolan aown ont l dr o f w robo physiol en and bitrgoon mill bt georutw p upelitl nttotillon to jluniluu of wo- iketi und l und liifuill reeding vhone no 33 l o ho it hah0u nasti farmer ml a barrlaur sollalkirnourv publle convenyanearv eto- perryeian block acton ont uonlov to loan lloiir oao am hi fi pm dr j m belu d d b l d 8 dentlat ttonor onuluate of toronto xjnl ilty the lateate anus t initio uaed u desired t offlc at reatdenoa corner mill wad bvedertok street uiecellaneoua uarriaqlt licenses p meere lesuar marrlea lie i office re- nlnc- acton ont francis nunan bookbinder account book of off bind nwle t order rwiodlcel of every dtcrip- tlon eareftmy bound llullng neeliy and promptly dona wrndham street oustph ctet ovef williams ktore r j kerr lleeneed auotienear vorthe counties of hal ton w ulnar- ton peel uu1 ourfarih and the city of uuetpb acton ontario bale may be arransed by mall os at reaideitoa at aeton or at the atw areaa office aeton tha mrrotiry office uuetpb the 14ewileoord wwraua o- wlth w j- gordon llaroeai aaaka illlubura- sale entrust to il j kerr r- oeive atunuon rrom late of llaunaf to oats ot aate uat your aau with oaa bawrac avtnua ao just for fun xri you bejuva hiere wa eome mistake at the aeanoe last tusht tbout that man who claimed to bo your uncle ben whom you asked tno medium to call ut wloka i certainly alo undo yen welshed over 800 pound end if he had ever lred to ecjuiiw that table wed heardhlaaupnrter buret o- he had lven a rap uttlo boy friend observed wlic asked why ha remained ort ll knee after he had finished hi ruyr wllrmotlier hymn satan tremble when lie r the wealteau aalnt upon hi knftee i thouaht id mak turn ahah a little ltnrt r roomfonone t v the- jooular old- party wa about to board a tromcar on a paurloawat day ah conductor he replied i thin noaha ark of youf fullt t tio alr the conductor retorted there voom for i one more donkey reside nee phone 0 aeton call at toy roy hindley auctioneer uvh btook iika1 khtork and mekciianlditllfl 4 conimud thon erire t 11 b b actom jegheevers book binder a quabeo st cast quelph ont hooka and maaaalneu ttound la randaome and substantial oover name utterexl in bold on lllble hymn hooka and other hook alt work promptly exeouted d alex nivem ontario land surveyor and cm cnalneef burvey bubdhrldlon plan tte- torta ideacriptlona llluoprinueto certificate for tjurcboaern and tnortcaatea survey for arehltkittf uultdera and municipal council dralnacdjteporta icsllrnate oto molban buildino douols bt oubltjpit rhone 1084 oni pianos organs gramophones and bewing macuines- attamaixleo lla tho ftenoyr tha bout lilftubli oftlm almwetnd will bo blatl showany of thehi slnoer qawlno machines a specialty term med satisfactory mrh bl theoidasdreuablo granlto and harfalo dealers wsir minuhuiwnt mil dlwot aorir of lluna or monumuitiij n ir f t mna ueaaatonawwra- wv to our cuatomem at wholeale prloeal thu aavlnr our customer per nt wa have tha beet appliance and tha ty mechanic tn tho dominion whn can operate pnoumauo loou properly we can ahre referonoe f rum hunuraaa of our customers in toronto and other plaoea whoraother have to have law sttluln order to oolleot we havo the laraest and beat tock of granite in the dominion or mora than any three dealer in tho weat we are legiti mate dealer and employ no asenta and dp not- annoy or pest auetoniera by ondlnaout bxnorant asentaaollqlt- lna ower we employ only mechanic and defy oompeutlon hamilton sons don xorwtoh avwoolwich bta ouelnb vm jnlantaana children in use for over30 years indeed jiii f pisi silii- i l j i v i j

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