Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1921, p. 3

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tinntday may 131 til my hero i did im br out who or love sake cart give with oennrouo earnest will yet 1 o wl take for loves sweet i think i hoi 1 more gone roue atlll i how be for tt n noble mln t that freely unu great wrong ft r ytt not lor la thn am rorglvan who hoar thai burden well and llvos ii my be liarri to gain nnd bill i to tump a lovely ateadfsat heart yt ha who ihu bwa to fill a harder and a truer part til rinus lllali wer tha otown of a deserved nnd pur success vet he who known how to fall ba won a crown whose lustre 1m not las c5rnt may ho lo wl o can oorjimand anfl rule wltlfjust and tender away vfs tho tllvjnov wbtdom taught hotter by him wl o can obey messed ere they who die for qod and earn the martyr on o light tout ho who lives ror ood may be a greater con toanor in ilia eight ff of- w in prison speakers ciiair for canada r- 5 dr lloyre lale aslds lila atetbo- so pe and 1 toksd- straight into lb eye of ii e girl before him you m of nmoo of soldier cynthia kuroa worth lw said can you take a blowr tho girl a fa on whitened but her eye lid not flinch from tho doctor m go on hn commanded it ln t whit you think it nuy bo nil uio harder for that nuon there nothing tho matter with you physical ly you ro am aound a a nut tho foar in fho girl eye c to bewilderment nothing too mat ter i she echoed i aald nothing phyalcauy ta all mental or psychic it the trouble with thousands of people there something you want to do and clr- ounuuncm wont let you do it bo your body sulklijjr ilka naught child tho doctor looked down into his brickwalled garden now and not ut oynthla sometime it because u woman want to have a homo and children of her awn and life doesnt give them to nor sometime lta bo cause of borne thwarted ambition tomcunwn jt because aho abut in by difficult dutie and can t get tha recreation or aooial oontaof that aha need there aro a many reason a there re people but tho result n practically tho same the doctoi wung about suddenly whevbo asked mo you thlhk hi tho moat li torretlng woman in warrenpoetr on mum mary campbell- amidth girl inatantly th doctor nodded qoodt you met on hundred on that answer well mary campbell cam near wolna under once and ah rduaht her way out jnobody helped her that i know of except god she juat faced thine aquarely wasted and work ad at her problem till aha wived it- it seemed as ut sbe bad moueh knock down blow to put any body out of oonwtlaston for year he dreamed of tbo forfjfxn said and then they wouldnt tak her because of chronic heart troubl so then sbe torned to tho heathen at bom and tlld a wonderful work in africa down on ftoarlo- street till her mother be oama helpless and she wa shut la with nor for years then aho hsan to writ her bit of article at nbjbt after her mother wa leap cauao there wa realjlfe in them they broucht ber friend lot of girl wrote her from au over tho country when her mother died ah was exhausted physically and went to little california settlement to lire out of doors in two month she wa in the heart of thins out there once be told me her secret it on of the beet prescrlpuotts i know and im to prescribe it for you now when you are shut in on place you can always break out somewhere else you see mary campbell counted all the world nor herltago and refused to let herself be cheated ou of it that all child qo home and teat your prison walla nnd break tbroiurti somewhere you wont noed me any more ttxehanse agricultural instruction in ontario from the grant of 911o0doo mad annually by the pomlnlon for arrteu tural instruction the erorlnoe of on tarlo reoelved4uws for the purpose contemplated- of the latter amount j116 000 wa devoted in ifflfrto to the agricultural ooueo and to the ajrrlcul ural school and farm at kemptvlue fix 000- to the agricultural renresen tailve and jm0 to elementary xicultural education lnclndlna hold sctenoe and manoal trmlntna a appued to work on the farm the re maloinjr 510 1 used in various way auch a da and in struction in 3tbcetabla growlnc um enoouracement of oooperauon auid lnf struc in markctlnjr th meni of women institute wy you it wonder at it but i teal rnal lonoaome evory time 1 walk up ulll btrwit past the old btqroy ahop and obaorve that the laat vesue of thla contra of activity of earlier year la ion altaolutoly undeniably vanlah ad from human alcht im really tad that jimmy htarkmun u dvlnc the town two a wb floo atoraa and two oomforlable realdonces in ptaoa of the old puieo jlmmyh qui to a phllan throput yoo know tn hl own way but of course jimmy know from nneratlon uf train in bow to make suh philanthropy pay nevertbalea ha u dolns tho town a rood tblna in improved appearance but to set back to tha old day i recall with what splendid pride and confidence in future prosperity w h storey built flint the nnest ahop in town for tilk grow id barn i iddlery buatneam and then after a yaar or two with bla carefully cumulated aaviiuca ho built hi nw rldenoe alonaal lo to match the shop aomaral outline what a house warrolna they had whan he and bla rood wife settled in their bew borne there i ftueaa fred wa the only baby they had then but they came alona wlth food old fashioned fatally rau larlty until there were fred and lienor and mliurra and wlllhtm and jennie and edith and franklin thfcy were a bappy family there out d thoughts oome when i reflect that the father who was acton flrat chief mavlstrate after the town ho had helped et materially to build up was tnoorporatad ha been asleep in fair view cemetery for twenty three years and the dear mother wa ions since laid to real nnd fred tb first bora peseed awfcy just a he wa cettlnc interested wltn hi father in the sieve buslnoaa which wa so rapidly de valoplnv n 1881 and than wee franklin died in hi flrat year and many of u have looked for years at the pretty- 11 tie monument with the dear little lamb adorn in lbat tha crave in falrvlew cemetery and then pdltb the younaenf daughter who married hr payne and lived at rockland hip wa called home only the four other are left my my how time goes and to think we u never wee the first storey ahop and residence again im one of the few old fallow left here in the old town and removal or the old landmark recall the early day op you wonder t feel lonesome whnhe landmark go i j fw u extension at abort ooqjees demonstra tions with vegetable and hardy fruit in new ontario and in other way all lending to the advancement of agrl culture and improvement in rural life how the progressive work coming wfthln the proyloce of the act ha been fostered la illustrated by the fact that while flvo year ago there were no jlv stock ablpplng club in the- pro vlnce there sxe now three or four hundred by the creation of egg circle and the extension uf oo-opera- tion a tho marketing not only of ngga and poultry- but of many other fjiym product by the exteoaton efhe agr- rtcultural repreeentauve aystatn to practically every county in the pro vince by the increaae ot agrlcoltorai ip w with a membership of si50 end business turnover of tm 16ft in ltl1 to sxs association with a membership of 15113 and a business turnover of wj78108 in 118 by the expenditure in ave year from the grant of ffwlllt on the ontario agr tout tural college and the agricultural school at lcmpt- vllle by the extension of short course teaching by the development of school and homo gardening and by the greatly increased number of ecbool fair in 11 only 4 school with sos school and 8 home garden quail fled for grunt but five year later 1 030 school with its school and 41 homo- garden qualified while 1600 public end eeuerate school conducted rh in agriculture and ttuajlflad tor grants also in 118 18 high school had adopted agriculture as an k optional subject a against only iv in 1814 in 1814 the number of schools in the province engaged in garden work wa but sos in 1118 it wavsss and in 118 doe upon too in 1108 there were only three ecbool fair held in tho province irt 1818 there wre t- vrlth 11818 etttrle it fat estimated tbjjt only xu people saw the flrat school fair with b8 children taking part wherea in 1818 ho fewer than 8m00 children and 40780 adult nttchdmthetairsddminion depart- mnt of agriculture ottawa p dear ur it i tlinught i would like you to bring an a football a hummingtop and km p that lias a ring and a few more things you will e in the toy ahop i eoitldn t help a am tie when i vlalt d him a few day afterwards there in bed with all the toy ho hn i asknd f tr pi lad on tup of the coverlet tha toys havlt k been stmt pfat haste from a local toy shop hut joe my daar i said you cannot use them i r lie looltnd at mo vnry pltooualy mo uatmn but when i come home thay will he tor the boya i talked very plainly to lb ultla ian then and explained to him a beat i fcould that be would nut be with long ha wa quite satisfied for he said that htaphon the orderly had told him that no church nor creea 1 ut tnly joeua oould save htm but he aald he wanted to go borne for a visit to tell the boya aa aoon aa the weather was warmer e had joe brought back to the home and ho occupied a tout he aeenwd ao happy watching the boys and glrln nt i lay the imty did not always listen u him when he would trjtt tell them if tiht now foural joy 1 ut 1 comforted him with 1 never mtnd joe you are sowing the seed just leave the res ti ll la visit with u dame to ah end at and he was xbout to be taken back to the hospital then he hel x a grand dispersal of all hla richee ii distributed hi block and toys and other things himself to one good euree he aaid what would you like nureet and to hid her tears the nurse replied i want fifty dollars joefor a holiday how i wish i could five it to you reel jo erled ho one made my throat real mo good a you when the um earn for joe to leave i had an open cab ordered and some of hi closest friends came with ad me a we passed a toy ahop i saw jo look longingly in and i asked him if ho would like anything he aald that he weald like a bird kite he could then watch tb boys flylag it when they visited him ly after day joe approached er to the dark valley and to his future home about which he o loved to talk one day i was with him when be asked ut 1 would come and be at hi aide when ood took him home lief or i could reply he hurried to add out tt might be at nigbt and you would be too tired i thought of that though and 111 ask jeau to let it be in the inornlngwend it willi the kind gentleman who sent joe ao many things and who went to the far pacific coast died before he could return i told joe of thla and he said with a bright amlle wcll that 1 one good friend over there jj wont aeeni o lonely now on tho afternoon before the end came the secretary of the home visit ed jo and he asked her tq read about the many mansions whan sbe had done o he asked her to kls him joe went home in the morning early as ba had desired and aa the secretary put it n her report no tolling bell epeka of the qutht of that gentle soul but well we know that the master himself arose and let him i tbo maggie c well x told you but week i would give a story written by maggie hynd in my recollection this week tlere tt those of you who remember recall what a quiet modest girl she always wa in the obi school day well she just a quiet and modest yet and eh doesn t even give her name to this eweet utile story of the ufe of joseph wlloux but just meekly and modestly sign it his matron it 1 just like maggle sbe loved hls little lad whom she helped o much a aho has loved thousands of other unfortunate lit do one dur lag her half century of caring for them in public institutions here bar story the life of joseph wilcox some year ago a boy wa brought from england to the northwest by someone interested in child immigra tion but unlike the barnardo home authorities they made no provision for hu care case of- illness the lad wa placed with a farmer and the man had to bring him to win nlpeg hoapltml where after consul tation it waa found that ha was uf fcrl from consumption to save hi lire one of hi legs wa amputated the hone having become diseased the utue fallow had never known anything of heme but bad been cared for in an institution a one he called il he wa a patient little eufjrerer and was treated so kindly by heetetfthatrheeeajsioqu itehittaehed- sjfa r hot a match either s a mmdou roanafaoturer of tta ohlnery waa showing a atraftger over nl factory jt tint piece of work lea t itt he aald mdjcatlng one machine isos the visitor but you cannot hold a candle to the goods wo turning ouur pae4r a4 wluu hi tour liner sc tponmuwbogton poefc to th hospital when able fs be re moved the only place to which he could bo sent w the children home of winnipeg f whl matron and the poor fellow bated the ihpugtn of another oidb but a the boo pltal watf crowded be had to cams i received him aa kindly aa i could and told him i thought that be would be happy with the boys he wa only thirteen year of age and poor lad had bad no boyhood day but be soon entered with great j xeatlnto all tbeammca and outdoor fun and improved in every way n at tended the public school and church and sunday school and wat very tentlve when he had been with u for orne time one nigbt after the boya had had their baths i went lo th bedroom to see that all wa welt the new lad wa kneeling beside the window with a book aald to bu joe you should he in tied he answered that he was saying hla prayer and when i looked at the book be held i saw that ii wm a itoman cathollo prayer book after joe had retired i went to him and told him that be did not need this book for hi prayera that be could thank god for hla home and the kind ties shown him by everyt no without tbe aid of a book the next morning oood friday i saw the book in his pocket and he curried it around with him all day so mujch for early train i tig however i never saw him with t again and nothing more wa said f somtxjrnotlurrbuuwdr and although joe was happy i ifeought that h wa falling he did not eat heartllyrajid did notaem en aa formerly ak9d our dot tor to call and nee him ind a brief examination discovered the dread disease again at work this time in the lad a throat ojtce more joe went to the hospital but no opera tion could be of help this timet he wa allowed t bo out lu the hospital grounds and some of the boy from tho homo went every day when weather permitted to have a chat with joe x often visited poor joe and i know thgtjt nttnumueruulflllttnnjiounel about this time a gentleman whose wife wa connected with our home took a deep interest in joe and was very good to him business affair made it necessary for this genthnhan to leave or the pacific coast andln laying farewell tn joe ho asked if he mbxbt bring anything back juat let m jmow j jndati will send nv word jo dmalailow much tuna to elapeer he thought the matter over aqd then aaked on of tho ataff to ok a utter the speakers chair which is ho ing presented tu the canadian house of common by the empire peril raentary aoclation united king donj branch to talto tho place of that destroyed in tho ire at the par llament llultdlnao ottawa in feb ruary 1818 la now completnd and it 1 expected that the presentation will be mad ly the bight hon j w lothernpoakar of the imperial house of commons during tbo sum mer the girt lias been ten lore i by the do nor aa an abiding token of good will batweoit both parliaments and haw been gratefully accepted a auch by the canadian houae of commons tho cbalr la ajf exact c j y of the speaker cbalr in um house ofcom mens doelgned by pugln who wa uarry assistant in tho building of the mew pauumt i r westminister which has been- used mince the oc cupatlon of tho i resent chamber by the commons in um like the origin li the replica i a beautiful example fcarved oak it stand is feet r inchon surmounted by a canopy bear ing thefoyal arms which are carved in a ploce of old oak taken from the roof of westminster hall 4tbe seat of tbe chalc la upholstered in green leather the right jamb of tho chair is inscribed uanus junta nardusi mernor t fldells rnoits coimcla recti and on tho left jamb i inscribed nee j race nect pretlo lllwrton in iealbus host i onori invldla inua deo the replica was executed i y metutrs harry hems an i bona of hi o tor un dar the direction of 81 r frank ualnes of the orlce of works it waa recently in hi matron im auio ell of us who knew and esteemed maggie ffben be era with us will enjoy the inimght into hey lanef lire and splendid i trust in tb a wlae one whlehaa revested in hey beautiful story of httui jot kmy hey declining yearaaway off there on the shore of the paclflo vgnoouver be full of rest and pease and delight in the great good she had done and the comfort she ha brought to t of little children do you remehder when women wore ion skirt and bur sleeves and white underskirt and all thatr and hard odal waa four dollar a ton and pork chop were ten cent a pound and you could get a line suit of clother for twenty bocks and ur wa ave cents a pound and men worse high hat and a cane and you could rent a bouse fur fifteen a month and ahoe were three dollar a pair and overcoat about th phoe you now pay for a lunch and we had no strike and everybody wa happy you do qee but yqu must be an aged bird pass the salt mr qrem radish bed had been at tackedby slugs distracted b sought tbe advice of a neighbor if you want tn exterminate the peat said the neighb place salt between the row of plants mr green went off full of hope a fow day fatter they met again pid you do a i told your asked tbo neighbor i should think i did replied mr green l tyaa auceaafuir well l pu a4 apwn one evening and blew -ewwtum- j ffg u ttoxt mornlnai the alajg pere rsdlsbe up dlppljyr then andcsuiff theimgwlfn aapyy jqo upon thelmaoual a putsomethino in the rack an old farmer who waa attending a church convention chuckled to- himself m1 th ubjecter thel programme see here parson he said to his pastor there a one thing always amuse me about the way you church people go at the business you ve had paper and discussion all day on how to get people fo attend your meeting i ve never heard a single address at a farmer convention on how to get the cattle to come up to the rack we put all our time on the beat kinds of feed i ort of have a notion that if ou put more time on dlactisalng what to put in the rack you wouldnt haye to spend all that tim discussing how to get your folk to attend n vlow at tl e room of the empire rnrhamenlury assoclallpn westmln ir hall whan tl o hpenker end a largo party of l r is and commons wore received by sir ii d kvlllo secre lary or tl o association and mr t wll tu clerk of work and deputy keep r nf westminster hajl accompany ing tho chair is a framed roll uf porch motit omamei tally inscribed aa fol lows dhls replica of th speakers chair it the ikiuae or cdvnmoi at waal minator is herewith 1 resented to the llouao of commons nt ottawa by tha united kingdom branch of the km plre parliamentary association com prising members of both houses a a fitting symbol or the groat iarllamen lary tradition which bli da together the free nations if tin hrltuh com mnnwaalth tl e scroll lu signed itlrkenheod iird ci unoollor jumn w low ther hpeaker f tho houw t cbmniopi joint president empire 1 arllamentary amhwcuitl n ui he i kingdom branch westminster hall formerly the canadian hpeaker on leaving oltlce waa antlllod to take nway the clyilr jn which i e sat as a peruulalter i iv thle pertiuuite will noiv be lost it la pn hublo tl at there are ifc pas f thu rhslrs of tl e old bngluh houae of commona atlll in exlstanoa ntry manulonx iauu pel low in his blograpl y uf iord u lmouth hen ry addlngton relate that in the dining room of white lodge itioh i mond i ark u house aiven by oeorge u sidmouth in appreciation of is avrvlca to the crown thflre ware jwo old and bulky armchair standing guard one at each aide of the fire i lace they were chiefly remarkable for their lumbering alxe and gaunt in convenient rorm and v 1st tors always eurlou 8 to their history were told they were tho chairs nf tha house of common in which addlngton had sat as hpeaker he originally posmeaad of these chalrj he presided tbe house of common in three consecutlvq i arllamonl and had the llatlootlon of being the flrat hpeaker of the common of the united king dom en their assembly on january xi 1801 after the union with ireland one of the chair disappeared iean 1 oil w says and tho mystery of it tute wall never solved the ohojr of tho flrat speaker of tho first reformed house of com mons u tntbo parliament house of thu commonwealth of australia at melbourne it is the chair that waa provided for the temporary chamber in which the hon dr common sat after tho flre of ibm and wa taken away as hfa perquisite by charles manners sutton when he completed iota in 18x4 bin long term of office a sneaker manner button eon took tho chair out to m bourne whan ho waa appointed governor of vic i rta and presented it to the legists live assembly wl no mucoesstve speaker aat in it fur many year in c urso of tlma another halr was hui atltuted for it and at the inaugur utlon of toe commanwnulth in 1801 it was placco with a brass t late re cording it history in tho house of itepresentatlvcs for tho use of the speaker sarcasm the young cyclist wo righting hard against a strong bead wind an 1 wot during what unhappy thougt t had pmrhpted him to venture- ito tar from it ma it was growing dnrknr evi minute and u crown his misery rata began to fall soon tha rain came down lit tl e beat stylo and u e poor fell w k t to tl o aklt then u lo x nf glttiua lal i hla tire open with a moan la r himself from the sad ho and atartw lo repair tha damage presently there approached from ii i oj poslte ii recti on tfhenevolaiit kantleman lailng nt tl e upturned i bicycle the perspiring youth no i tho 1 repairing vitrtflt which be ha i dropped i in tho mud tha old gonilema i tjulrod hui a p nature my friend t the jtoy looked up an i swallowed his reeling with a huge gulp no sir ha replied with a mimnl llrent eff rt at sarcasm 1 m juat cuai glng the air in the tires tha tl er lot a worn ut you know another freak cow chicago ire producing th w and washington a dynamite aetlpg bovine and tho mythical moon jumper havn a rival in a pennsylvania cow tt nt peolallsra in kicking out automol lie lights fred holman f iokorrtoj ar renteoxon a churgo uf drlvli g wltl out a rear light bunting told tho magistrate that after pure hash g a cow he roped it to the back of a truck and alurtad home boon afterward the animal kinked out tbe lights uncording t the bnyar ten loltura was a i led to the cost of the caw when tl o nutgls rate imposed a fine what u the red cross doing th red uoss in ontofip a t pontine it ww wprfc in pthlfaty hospitals 1 contributed tp um relief pf tflsease stricken mfferjrs nnd undernourish ed children in europe 3 cooperated tfltlr the soldier settle- nient board in helping iodior set icrs iwernergonclcf due to sickness uhhe family 4 provided funds for three yean for a course in rlubjlc health nursing in the university of toronto the first class of fifty graduates in may 5 provided eight nurses for child i hygiene demonstrations under the provincial board of health 6 distributed to civil hospitals equip ment and supplies left over from the war ontario enrollment may 2228 wo have aeea canada orcauiavd for wax toow fat ns hire canada oa- or wooct b fnroll in th ilea cross and help create public opinion in favor of sound health measures enroll with your local it ad cross branch or enrollment committee or if there 1 none in your community with the ontario provincial division 410 0hbrbourne trtiucbt tollonto t canadian red cross society ontario divuion he couldnt wait forever a young fellow wfio waa tha crack runner of nl town somewhere in the south wa unfortunate enough to haver a very dilatory laundress one even ing when out for a practice run in his rather airy and abbreviated track costume he chanced to dash past tho dusty lady who at the time wa a couple of week in arreara with hla washing he had scarcely reached home again when the hell rang furi ously and an excited voice waa wafted jn nun the porch fob de uwdv sake wontyov all tell mar dob please nor togorpr to him i lo what uath in thy power ami god will aswiat tby good will tl omo a kemp is the ford garage has made compifte arrangfmi nts foh storing batteries lor tha winter months batteries kept at proper temperature and inspected monthly and kept to tho desired gravity bat tcnci re charged or repaired when necessary advice tree oxyacetylene welding plant is being installed all weldinf in repairs promptly and satis factorily executed our pjant for generdmlepaitr in complete prompt expert attention ivcn to necessary re pairs to cars of any pjakc tho electric starting and lighting systems satisfactorily overhauled 1 full line of tires of all makes anil a complete assortment of accessqk1es always iq stock l g king manager hacoxe proprietor free prewi want adv will find a buyer for those unubtd articles 2mmmmm jzjjwixx tbe 1030 pm daily for sudbury port arthur fort william winnipeg standard 1 edmonton prince rupert vancouver and victoria l t1me alteroattv routus- 1 througb standard sleepmg car service to wnmlpsg ileave toronto b45 pan deqy vm xt north bay thence continental limited vuv t ct n ol cexhraae and cln ry ticket and mlormatlon horn any ageeu canadian national or grand trunk bajway canadian national railuialjs yn advertising is news without advertising uiis paper would not be as iptercstlng to you because the information about goods for sale in the stores is newfe just that many people read newspapers os much for the ir advertising columns as they do for other news this is particularly true jit this time of the year stores are now advertising spring wearing ap- corel and a host of things that are bought for house- old use incident to spring cleaning think of the money that will be spent by women for spring clothing the new frocks hats shoes lingerie corsets- glbves sweaters neckwear light wraps and blouses thatwillherbought the same ib true of mens buying think of the suits light top coats hats shirts collars ties gloves socks shoes the sporting goods and the incidental wearing apparel bought for golf tennis and so on f thinlcof the new things that will be bought for spring cleaning and home convenience at this tinie the yacuum cleaners carpet sweepers brooms gas and electric heaters rangeswashing -machincs- paints varnishes floor wax cleansing fluids cur tains upholstery garden and porch furniture lawn mowers garden tools etc r fhink of the lighter foods coining into use gereajs fruits salads all these new demands jirejhicjdent to the tchangipg seasonrpndfipy al are trade stimulating people feel livelier at this time and consequent ly loosen up their purse strings- the opportunityfor the local mef chants to get over effective local ad vertising news at thismme is so very evidentihat itmeeds no emphasis i l m issviisss r

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