Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1921, p. 3

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ffihr attattireettb0 illuhilnatr jfunh 0 1q11 a womans question do you know you huva uuked in a wji do n ilit by tho huittl ulmvi i heuil und a wiinmn ma snmuiiu wonderful love tlili ii know yd u have uuked i prhalnuu thing- am a chllil might link for h toy i mundlng what others huil dlwl to with tha rckleu duuh of u iwy written my leuunii nf duly i you have questioned mu w you havt mil muu ilk now tlui until i lit u m uimutlou thee you rnmilra your mutton shall always ltn hill r your uiu ku mid yum shirts shall be whole i renulra your heart to lm true qodu mluru ami pure uu imuven your wiul yuli nipilri a cook for your inutb und iwef i require u for better thing a iinuuiutroum you re wanting for stock ings itiid uhlrts i look fur a liiun ami it king a king for u biautirut realm culled home ami a muu thut the muknr hod lllmll look upon un he illil tha aral anil uuy it 1h very good i am fair uiki young hut the rtfae will au you illil mid thi hliom of way strong ttlnl tm your heurt an ocean deap i muy launch my ull on its tide a loving wmnitii finds hauven or hall on tlm iluy uha 1m mada a brido i moulre ull thing tliut are cmml and trim all things thtit a man should be ir you kivu this nil i would stake my hfo to ik all you demand of ma if you cannot do- this a laundress and cook you nun hire with u little to pay jlut n wummim heart uttd a wunuiiiii life am not to lie won that way 1- llsulmtli uurrett hrownliig you uuy have asked for the oostlli thing liver muda hy the hand above a woman s heart and a woman ufa add womans wonderful lava that i have- written your duty out ami manlike have questioned freei you demand that 1 stand nt tha bar nt your houi while you in turn qumtlon nw and whon i naked you to ho my wire tho haud of my houa und horn whmi tutli i would realtor with munhlnn through ufo thy nhlald wlttiii borrow uluill coma you thirty with dliklaln and a curl of tha llu and itolnt to my coats muslntf hut- urn and huushtlly uuk if i wupt u nook to mervo up my ixwf and my mutton tin d well t klnif tliut you look for um not h hut only u tihtlti earnoat matt whoup rmt ottn ahun th hard path thoy ahould trad often tihrluk from tha aulf thy hould npan tin hard to lmllov tl tlio rowa will fado vrom thn rhiik ho full mi fair twtr hanlr to think that u hoart liroud and cold want over v floe tod tharo trut tho uum will fila and tha lavn will fall and th autum of ufa will coma ilut thn hnart that i kiv will b true aaln may thould i make it thy mhalter thy hom thouiili riiulrat all thins that urn wood and true all thin- thalu man should b ahl lady my truth doubt not doubt not for thn rtuit i hmivb to tha moue canadian wonders almout avdry day hrlnff further evi dence of tha wondoni and hoalbltltlos of our canadian illmte and growtli pomllillltlem now it mmtm that tll ollvo and ta nil tirvaumod to bo tha output of at laoat aemitroplcat ou- niataa nan ha brown in our own acoordlnw to mr i rtavonaon of thi oovommetit toxtmrlmnntal btatln at tldny il c it la alao noaalble to btow ton and ollvoa on vanoouwr lalund thouith only mi an intereatlnc nsparimnt i irdlotii no cannerlo for oie dlupoaltlnn of itomasrown nllvoa and no tu uurtlna wth vanoouvnf laland nroduot ul but hn intonds to aand w tolmla thla yaar anbush ttrn train tha experimental a tat ion to confound hla floptical toolleojruea tio capita i ttioru ura tin tea ulanu at tho axnarlmontal atatlon they m tilantnd tu 1d1e all tha nlanta uat at that tlmn are htlll allva and llour- uhlntf thn plant wra about bik inchu hlah and wllo at the time they were ant out they are now about 30 inched in ach dlmenalon mr fltev dhaon lina found them hardy and via oroua 1 made worn uu from theaa nlaittm oiica ha kuld 1ut j cant auy that it won hluhly unproved thcrourttiilaftqllb4rjwliiculiiiiy one la a traa ulautnd in 191ft it la now nltout aeveu foot hlah there atit ollvoa on ity too lb trunk la about two inohealu diameter there oru two other llltlo treea from california planted hint year and bqlh dolua well mr htavenfcoii thlnkm that fruit could hot he exneetnd mora thun once every thrvu yours thoh are sixty llir trees ut thu hld- ney farm homo ofthem are ali years old the blwitest of tha trees is seven feet hlah as ntuall as two pounds and a half of fruit havu already been picked from one tree wluu tha extant of their development tin the island may be undor thn most probable elraum- stances tha nxnertmentu at the station havo not gflno far enough to determine hut it has at lt boon dlsoovereil that there im no uktlnulty about et tins tho tree to survlva and flourlah tha flail have survived nineteen de- vrees of frost of the varieties tasted the jananesa tlsluts pro van itself tha hardlaat of thn lot there is little doubt tliat further and xtanded ex- berlment would succeed in devoloplna a variety suited to this climate and soli there is no reason for anyone to feel sceptical about rio cultivation on vancouver inland ut this lata day mr mtevemioii oontlnued turs havo been known on the island for lht lasfe 40 years vign are in uttobether an- other rutestiry than tea and olives as fur as this island is concerned and it should eaally imj immulbla to interest quite likely father was tenting hlaeoaa know- ledaft of urthlinetlo now sonny ho said suppose your mother had three dollars and i had ten if t aavo her seven dollars what would nht haver jlyaterlcs muttered the precoci ous child as ho drifted into tho eard- dsn i ce5ssbfe mkii mymir oluiirvu who wrote tlinuo nittvu rilulltitf to ptuotim anil inrlduiitu in rmtnirtlon with kutrvuw d mi u ry ovni fourlnm y uru ul jiinips ulioiit from ilrln tin irio to nfi othr uitlioul uuy precnnrolve 1 reason i uuiu all of uu old hujm urn liable to do ttinl wnll 1 vo hoard anme nlco thlnku uul 1 uhmjt hlu remarks wliloh i copied in my olumns lsut wik s i am u wins unollmr column oi two out or that old un rup book ntfulu thin wenu i think the wrltup ho ulviu in thlu wikku ro4ujctton are imrtloulurly intnrdtitluu anil em brace u minitmr of local rliuructcrs who looinnd lurjtrt in life nud in tlm hturtu of muny famllu s twenty to thirty yuuru suo this n 0uierv r u contribution thlu waab on a beautiful hnsy aftamoon oi heptatnber 30 idflt a lurue uuutmliluuo uuiikmhi in the evereren icrovo in the rlrculur plot immoillntoly farliik the uutrunce to 1ulrvlow cemiitury vol- tnitnrs in uniform bruuti hands prominent louul uttd county men and ultlsaim konernlly in january 1b0o w t mooru win of j t lioorn our nutemed munlflltml clerk und treas urer and for over a scaro of years iriimliiat of the public uchool liand- some ulfted intellltcent and adventur ous left arlon to bo with tho 3nd rontlnicnt from canada to tho un happy ctouth african war ills imrlenoes on thn way and on tho field ware fnllownd with koen interest by our cltlsaus au th y wre roportml in thfiwa columtiu ilownvor in deoem- lier follow hiu tha town hull flair was suddenly soon to bo ut imlfmnut and uiu word wum iulrkly puwieil around that jack moore hud dlnd in the llretorla hoiuiltul from nnterlo fovnr horrow and sailneas over tho dnceaseil and sympathy with the relatives were freely expressed and a movement was soon net on foor- to commemorate actons share in the oouth roll of jrt tains forces the movement cul minated in tho gatherlnif aliove refer ral to when the maaslvo uranlto mon ument whlih uttrants the attention of all visitors upon urrlvltttf at thn kates was unveiled hymns worn suns prayers nfforcd uddreuseu delivered bandti played and sol hers marched to fttd from the plane ami whlla tint j oars romn and uo nlld ifenerutlonji rlso and ivaus away may lw read tha and the iilnry of actons dnreaw- e tw tthu uf away lit irolohu when u mlnlutnr of thn kimpnl liven for a number at yenra in u community nfter huvlntf unrvrd uu puutor of n church for ten years he is vnry tlknly at his riocoaue to lnave mnity vurm frlomlk and uo when very many of our o iii turns uu 1 those of tho vnmmuiw ity adjolnlnu lit their wulku thronuh valrvlow cutnetery comu to the sloudor eny sliuft iwurfiuf tho nnme of llev r ii cameron u native of tvrt wllllum ccotlund and for 10 years pastor of knox church acton who died rilirimry 2t ifioo uued 73 years feellnus of old tlmn frloiulnlilp for a demirtod puutor and reoollectlotih of his worth will ho awakened those who wore ucouunled with tho tnun and his work will host lo able to testify to hlu worth hut it may ba added that one ut entire utraiikor to him relates nil occsulon of neuritis him mllos from anton on u week evenhis hi a furmhouuo kllcheii uur- trounded by men of tho llalilu and wonn it of thn homes who lltilojod with intentin luterest while he dln- coumad on thn ueatity of tho ionl in lunauase which showed tho uoholur as well us tho man in intense sympa thy with his thoitio hlmllarly here is thu luut restlnu place of another venoruhlo eic pastor tuy 1l ii cook of tha llaptlst da- uom i nation ills active curnout work in the interests of hts church in tho days of its inception here in tho removal of the old church front ilallln- nful ami us iwioomlmf the worshipping home of hlu hook as well us hlu pautor- ul worktfollowlntf leadlttu to thu per manent estalillnhment of thn causn und in tha days ofltlu retlmment golntf to and fro us a joyous rlpenlntf sulut will uwikcn when thoiikht of tiiem- urles frsurunt with tha odor of a food life in following tho roadway bank into the wood6d helshts a liranch puth to the right brings tha vfultnr suddenly ipom a c inured upuoo in which uta lulu u utrse browtl ktnlte pillar sur- iitted by a uloha on wlilcli is traced soma of thu world s yitoiiru pi ileal out lines tho inuorlptlnii convoys th fact that hnro ho thu reinulitii c a lowd and lioucred uohoohnanfai mr hubert uttlo irilnrlpal of aotnit rhool 180773 und that monument nm uruelud by thosd who had beitdnlt- ad by his tuition in 1h04 some of hlu scholars who ihnuuh tljon llvlnir fur from not lies of their youth felt lljelr thoughts turn to the old times und the old unhool master ions passed uwuy arruiiuad tar u re- union which was held that your and was slnitularly sua- casstlll tha old hoholaim meet ills ut the old hchool visiting- tho uravo of tha departed muster nlld in the ins holdlnc a public ttieotlnu- and uo- luu- over tho old tlmn uoutiea louolhisr it was than decided to hold a slmllat uutherlus in uhout halruiliiaini yeutu lid so in july lado the uioond ro- inlou took pluuv which was char acterised by the unvnllluif of the inon- t which hud been but recently o roc tod by voluntary ontrlhutli euloalstlc uddrcusos and a kroup photesruph of tho com puny rathe red und the pillar llahurt utiles bast monument is uuld to be in the lives of thotm h tuuuht many of whose nutans muy lut found in pluooii and wjtys which tend to thv uluvutluh of thliids good und nuhhi ildrlntf iirouml tho i round h uttentlon has often heuii ut it acted by a pluln white hlah buurlnu thu liiscrli- tlon in memory uf ltuth cornwall ijeloved fiiund uf hnv ouo ll coolo hector of a tint died beptemlwr 0 18di sued qb yeurs and along with u verse of poetry aru uluo thn words she hnth tlaiiw what sho could wonder bus often been felt us to tho nature of the friendship thus man if cat ml fgr nnn posulbly half a lifetime older thuu the do no ivlu tr in the oupatlty of ohltiiiiv iielhbor nurse or chrlnun worker tin re urn thus ic- preaseil fielliika of strniitf tralhudo a later cxajnluatloit dscovcrvtl aunt koh on a untau atann at thn foot uiiuohi hidden by shrubtmry but this may ulumt rnr unjrnc the ralatluuhhls ullmuiltd ilia tin ida nt soiitus to lw in ktpliif with tin chututr of tlm lurtm wliwi uuilduli diutli iliirluu hlil inuiiiubi miy linn c iiunl uuch ru- ur i und uympiilhy 1 lie wrttei u only lull i view with him won murkrd by uu mini ilon ovlmi rcim mlwii d uliinu wlim hi uiuiiklntc of un ml of kind in ui wliluli hud in un ilnnt hy one party for another unnlhitf whli h ultlonuli thura hud beuu u momtnry ouuldt ration hivolv i um lor r iiiurkit i lmr aru howevnr uoinn thluus tnoimy funnot buy oiin tnoio refrnnr inuy i mi kirmlt tnd in thuub notes rnuunllna pnrnons in whom thu public hud morn or hmu initriut in u plot neatly terrarnd und always ki pt in trltu oidor u tall biown srulilu shnft uuunouuted hy u irupeil urn tha bauu utona of whkh tnars tlm nuluu hpoilit has nit uruvtd on its north aids thu worili johnph allmrt dlil may 31 1001 with tb uki many will read the timnn uiil n memlier with puthetlo in tnrout tho uiiljont or thu tipltaph it lu safe to uuy tliut in his llfn nhnout cvury duy of tlm nearly 40 yu u u whlrh wnrn upunt in aclon he con ilucd tit lulrvluw upd adjuliilna burying kroundu morn fuuerulu thuu all othru of the uutnu prof union tukmi tosothei jp tothut period and v nil a imuutlful uummnr uftermtol ul the cloun of a llf which hud only ruclied itu prime ha too was coitveynd h i inr unilihit iiiuuy retfrotu in tuaunir nut lipoknjt hruumni und muyliup ec centric yet hn carried a heurt and rurpaun whlrh made llm vulued most hy thofiu who knew hint dieimut i when ut his deiiiue u homo which had xprt d 1 read unntly then ye visitors to kulrvlow ciinntery utul spnuk uoftly while in re fur this is no ordinary place here ure depoulted treuuui hopas uttectlonu und juut as deep l us marked in tha rams of those named an marble slab or printed pak uu are thnua slvetl tnore promlnuupe thlu lu a place of tearu fond recol lections and joyful hopes of re unions theua considerations coupled with unother that we ull will protwhly in convnynd hlthir uooner than expected should lead o retlectlou on tha hues hy a vctieruhlu writer of muny sei utlons ano no room f6r mirth thllluu here of life uo soon be miiiib and therefore by all means our local authorities us reft rr d t lust woek muy uulte justifiably tin m i conulderuhle amount in beautify his and properly eiiulpphiif this oui clly of tha dead ohfllellvwil an mpohtant btation the other duy a new enslneer wui put in charuo of tha nnuluii of a fast oiprous train for the first time tho road was new to him hut ha was u rather a selfconfident chap und he was all rlifhl m he tooted hlo whistle lot out the throttle and away they dashed over the hills he smashed rsht ulioud by stations over switches never once sluakenlntf speed there name a sharp pull at tha ulkital rope with an exclamation of annoy ance the confident enslnaer jammed on tho brakes ami hrouaht his train to a standstill i ho hwuiiu down from his seat t inductor who cutnu rutmlnic tcwar1 him the pasuohirors wsra pil insout of the cars and hurrylntf for wunl lay whats the matter with i you anyway f demanded the conductor tldntrou know that youre supposed tnif at that last station t rno i yon so busy making a- recoril far speed that i forffot jtlwmt thu stations oonfeaued the enjclneer i m in a hurry to reucli triy destination well back up to the station ami lie quick about it too snapped the conductor the pasuenkerfi jnerjid unil hooted und some of them raved uu the embarrassed engineer ellmhod into bis cab revcrued his lever und bookifd to the station how lonr think you that uitiftuecr held his job on that train t not lonif you may be assur- that yomitt emjlneor is a faithful representative of too many younjr people today in this use of speed theyve become so carried away with the idea of making a record for fust liiun to their doutlnatlou that they dont thnk about stopping- at ull the illations t one of tho stations that sonany of our confident youtiff engineers run by cathe road to succeus is tha station that bears the signboard courtesy oh that station hasnt iteeit listed on tho tlmutable for a lomf time theyll explain glibly ttinrcs no need of stopping theie now husliles there isnt time those oldfushlohed ideas of courtesy in business were nil right fifty yeurs ago hut now if you ulucken ut to ba courteous the train behind you will bo pushing you oat of the way ilut the young man who talku tint way uhows that he is not un with tha hlmns ul ull the station marked courtesy is still on the latest tlme- tuhle und is una of tlfe most impor tant stations on the una many a you uu man who has thought he has been well un tha road to success and fortune hu been bunded the surprise of his ufa when ha has licurd hlu conductor suy hold en there young- men your run i throu on this rou you forgot it it rmportautslatlou it is pretty expensive running- hy stations its ruther unplousuttt too at times ilut theres 0110 big- ilhforeitoo be tween the engineer pit that express anil the viiglneer on the train of life xlnpleuuunt though it tie thn railroad engineer oun tutck to the station ha mluued hit the young vnglueer on tha roud of life con never go hack if he mlhsns the station ha mioses it forever ills only boneis to study his timetable learn ull mh stutlflns and keep his spd down s lo cult stop at woflps with a 0ackdone 1i uemo youug people the word enonbmy means very much the same thing- as stinginess there ss few tnorturn young canadians who have any teal liking for the word thrift their ideal is to earn a good salary und spelul it as they uurn it and then tnakn a fortune by some luoky strike locoitonty would lie as music t your earning if you realised just what it imunt icuonomy lu u proof of solf- conlrol of farslghtbdness no pno uqvuu money who has nut learned to say no to himself no one saves who hus not learned to look beyond tho present kconomy is the founda tion of pruuperlty thrift utul eoon- omy are not unpleusans wonls if you utulerutuud them rightly they are wolds with ufnukbone rehhaps he could qijeds llarrlater to hostile witness- what did he do witness ho uald llarrlater inlorruptlhg you must nut tii me whut he najtl it lu not evldenue wliut did he 1i0t wltnusn lie mlived his hps ilka this und if you were deaf and know tln-rvadlnu- you would und urn and what it msant luntnud of liunonif foi uu opportun ity that jiuit lltu your iiullnnutlouu devi li p yinirui if uo uu to take udvtiu- of ui mil of jim opiortimitiu that um ut bund at tin viy llm- whmi ii1011 audu int ukiklui imploynmut ut 11 h u iliiniiill foi workru of as- puiil utilllly ami pin ullat iiliallflca- tli ilu riji 1 11 urn illffi ioiit wuyu of b- liil iudy fin importunity oim way lu to ult by the rnuihdim und walt till it riiuuiu uloug- unil uuutlii r is to takji off your out und go to work to nt yoiirunlf for some hard place uomo 1h ult um of pocullur uxuctlonm ona who adopts the uixond nf thesn ninth odu never hau to wait 10110- diplomatic ho wuu ouo of tlm fiw r malnlns- old thus duikiu he hud rtnluhed the odd jobs fi r whlrh hi hud i101 11 tuplnyd und hut in linn 1 appeared ut thn buik dnot how murh in it unclet lie wuu uuked you uuy how muclit elwr yo ull any mhuus i d ruthor you would uuy tho lady of tha liouuo ra- whut- but how ihuih idled yuii mi it 13 1 f ma am add hub in uuvnuty live ceutu yo uhl glnimu dun du fifty cents huru you nil thediblb this uook thintuinu thu mlml of owl tlm ututn of man the way of uul- 11tl011 thu doom of sinners and thn hupphnua of hlhveis itu tloclrlims i t hnly iiji piimilu um bliidliur itu hlinniiu me tun und itu d uliilans um imiuutubli il nd it to im wise hi hi vu it to hu uufo und pruutluu it to u holy it contains light to dlrixt you fiuul to support you and comfort to 1 im i- 1011 it is tlm travellers inup tlm l ilgrlmu uturf tlm pilots eoiuiiuiiu tlm uoinleru sword und the chrlstluii u i barter hra iuruduu is nutnrtd heaven opened and thn gut- of lull illudlnued christ is its grund subject our good itu diulgn and thn glory of god itu ond it should fill th liomory rule tlm heuit and guide the tut head it slowly frequently pray erfully it lu a mine of wealth u puniillue or glory und a rlv r of pious urn it is glvm you in life will he opened lit judgment und hn rcmem- huruil fori vi r it involveu thu hhjlmst k upouulhlltty will rawurd tlm grwiluat tuhur und inmlnmii ull who trlllo with its ua or oil contents tlelectd an unfortunate mlqtake a nuvhu tuuulutrute uuked nltrlsou- ir to explain why lm wuu found lying- lu thu tfuttur illitire yer honor answered tlm in- hrluta i juut happened to wulk lm- liimo two lamp poutu uu luuod ugulnst tliu wrong- one ll wn own and offer ha unsold lulnriro of king edward construction company limited 8 preferred stock price 100 and accrued dividend car- rying a bonus of 30 of common stock making this investment yield 11 with safety tho dividend on hopjirf erred stock un conditionally kkid irrevocably guaritd by tho united hotels company of america tho dividend of 8 on tho preferred ttrid 10 1 on the comrabn stock are assured under the term of the lease of the build ing to the kinf edward hotel company limited therefore to those who buy at these favorable terms this investment will yield 11 i wvlla for detcriphve circular addreti wamackenzieco yilmltrd flovertimant ami municipal itomls oorporatlott hceuhlls 42 rcinp street weat toronto a dollar bavod now in the form of a savings bank deposit will ba wortli much more in tho noyt couple of years after tho reaction has set in bank of hamilton lougetown branch g mnckny manager business well maintained by merchants bank of canada substantial gain in deposits u ivoflt and toss account shown satisfactory profits for year surplus of 203375 carried forward after payment of dividends and ilonua current loand amount to 112000000 the utraitgth of tha canadian bank ing system during the period of da- jlatloniuuul k in giy reflectdby t ha utntemetita of tho larger canadian batiks the annual report of the xlerchantu hunk of cunuda details of which have ltoon mudo pllhlio s the first of thu luiger buuka to make its nppauruuoo for the ttucal yeur to april jhlti ihlu coyfoi ulmuitt the twelve months dining which deflation hnu lrogrcuned throiikliout the country nlld on this account it will int of hpeclul i nte real to shareholders of hunk to know that ils huulmsu has wen so well maintained during thu war period us is wellknown all the 1 links undertook special huamaau for the governments lfor the past year there luis been a general tendinoy to udjust theuu upuclul wnulertaklngs ami tu go buck to normul uvh at biisl- tiess the merchants hunk lu particularly interested lu the growth and develop ment of canudiuti commerce agricul ture and industry on this uocouit its business is closely related to the whole general public of the country there will be upcolul intercut to nee whether during the period oi deltalon tul lessoned industrial activity the people of thu country have bnii able to keep on adding to theli savings a fat us the murctiunts hunk is concern ed its clientele huvo been ublo to do this au deposits bcurhik interest at the end of tha flacal year amounted to f uo b04 510 up im rcuun of approxi mately 10 000 000 foi thityuui notwithstanding- the huiiged uou- illtions und tliu luuhuunl tetuiruineuts uf niihtoineiu itiiuiit loans huvo boon well iiiuliitalnud lliuui now stand ut suzgdigtj of this ii mount currant loans and dlsoouuttt in canada total uodiaskflj and ihuus to cities town municipalities and sehnel dlstrleta is ohb eoi of the total ussetu nf i00 si 400 luinlil iuu ts amount to fto ill tad inouulod in theiil are 1oinlnloit und prtivlnalul government lecurltles umoiintlnif to 111 0sd sis up from 7 bos jlo in the previous year whlla hallway und other hands debentures anil h locks uuud at ig 020iob as ugatiist 4 got s8v canadian uutllolpal etocurlues and hrltlsh knreign and colonial public toourltlcs other than canadian amount to 111 163 767 prac tically the same figure um u year ago rtirligf the yeur the capital of tlm hans wus inoreusuil to liofiooqoo up from id 400 000 in the sumo period thn htmervn fund has also increased to 10 4k0 ouo up from iii 400000 hie pront utul loss account also contains a number of interesting fea tures hvoii during thu period of lassoil uotlvlty ull the dividends hove not only been comfortably earned but tho hunk has in addition boon uhle to pay a bonus to shareholders profits far tha yeur a mounted to 1140 hto in uddl- jlon there wus mcalved us premium on ttaw stock 11060 000 the amount brought forward from the previous yeet was 1s0 774 this mudo the ctul umotint avulluble fir dlstrlbuuitit 3 713 gon which was appropriated as follows hlvht ntlh and houus tl b33b tlovef nmelit war tity on nntn 7lrculatloii 00 m6 iranufiind to iiihoivo kund from irelilluni it nnw hlonk iigo000 louvintlji tuiluikie to hn cairled for ward or jii3 rtb 1 riia prlnolpal item how as folluwut ul the generul ututemont of uxuotu und uttbllltlca total uuuetu tjyuld uasets current loans i iloanu to cities towns muilloiputltlcs ctu deposits p0t thiarluif inturaul j xxiposlts bearlub lutereaf 107 3u7 bui 00437 s80 100185 uoj 3 os ii co 20 733 831 12h0o4 ub why la a naughty hnhy like an mi- uitfit brlilgiit hecauua itoth aro uiibiurublc what fs it that files high and wears h shonlaia yet huu no fxtt a footluill why did tlm limlmllu utulidr iiihuuuh it wuu tod to ue tlm rtoor- utii u utile furtlmr uloug what flowers huvu we on our furot j ullfm uwit lips 1 roim what can you take the whole und yet liuvn soma u rtt the wunl wholaacme what is it hint huu only one foot a stocking why lu an erlipsa liko a limn whip ping his sout ft lullnu lha sun why is u nva oclock hroukfuut like u pigs lullt llccsuuu it is twlrly too surly about the qcotch no half and hulf ulwnit tlm ttcotch chaructnr what im huleu he hut en what lm likes he likes and ha lets you know it right uwuy ho lu ulto gi titer ulmtra or tory hlu politics decided ills raligloil decided got hill right and he is magnificently right get him wrong and he lu awfully wrong a icotchmun seldom changes hy the time he bus fulrly landeil on his feet in this world ha bus tnuln up his mind und h ke ps it mudo up if ho dislikes it fiddle lu chord you cannot smuggle it in undir the name of a buss viol wo like per sistence tata is so short that a muu cannot afford very orten to chunio his mind if thn israelites lit the wilderness had hud a few uotoli leaders instead of wunderilltf ulxnit for forty years they would in three weeks have got to the promlued laud or somewhara aloe just us derided icscltsnge stop the pain headache neorabrfa itbiumatw jtaelc ache belatla aud ovarian pains one ortwohit uufl- anti iain tilu1 atwl the pain u gone ooaraateed hale and bare irloa 30e uou in actow v ifl of hahluim easy walking lu impurutlve fir tlm hmoi who inihimh tlm grutir pert of thn tlum on hi i fit llhoeii built on tha p r uut liiudti of uood loath r that ni ii u foot u i on 11 imi takn lure of huvv uu flic up thut omfortullii old pair our hhon ll pulling rem ws tha 11 f oryour hlkhm rnutorou their lnuifulnrhs unil ineatis i om furt ncoiiuniy and suturactlun you da net target thst wa carry s firtcla lliw of tlhiim for man and days te gibbons mill st acton the ford gftrage has made complete ahuangi ments tok storing batteries llatterici kept ut proper temperature and regularly in- jpectcd and kept to tho desired gravity rattcnci recharged or repaired when ufccctary advice free oxyacclylcnc welding plant ii he i ti j uihtnllcd all wcldhij in rcpuiru promptly and natis- factonly cyecutcd oui plant for general repairs ii complete prompt expert attention riven to necessary re pairs to cart of any make the electric rtartinj and lighting cystcms satisfactorily overhauled full line of tires of all makes and a complete assortment of acchssouics alwaysjn stock n a coce proprietor lgkbmg manager tannery cooperative the store of quality and low prices new law level irlcw on all kindd of basiw sharienlnir ijirj illtc u taploal etc okang1k ubmons grapk pruit spinach etc at veky close 1itices special valrtes in fine lloou warkliik iloodl tennln shoes sunning shim womens white canvas oxfords kle ovemus smocks and woritlni shlhs at greatly reduced prices butter and eggs wanted highest prices paid either cash or goods mill street tannery cooperative c a conway manaeer act ton mainpainiraimimmmnmmifrmi getting results there is no doubt that people read the adver- tisements said a leading merchant to the free press this week as lfeliandedincopy for some extra advertising vc have tried it atid know we have had special sales already this year and in every case we have cleared out our stock of the goods ad- vertised within the time specified the response has come not only from town but by mail and tele phone as well as in person from the country for miles round people are watchingthe papers to save money these days yes we are quite satisfied that it pays to advertise in fact no uptodate merchant can afford to neglect his advertising it is evident that otlcr merchants aro of the same opinion or it wouldnt be necessary for the ittee press to print 6 puges whether its a condensed advertise ment or a ilohole page of display you will find advertising in the free press will bring results t 7 uu f t

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