ffiijearkm jfrr 1ib0 nilhluijay july 7 1b31 iolks tlio i uwuy muko u lluy uoit ad uml clvu ui tl ihln unci keep ml t phide in vour town just um wi t nnirucd from tho big hulldlnu u nlnvnlor thn earn stlook lug imy wan informing m thut lift ijinh rutu uctdltnd si mnnthu ugn and from what purl of hnotlandr 1 itskid kioin oiouru rpllud willi uu ivl lonl touch nf lirlds at tliut inutuut i spied my rurjll j s car i mann right in front of tha bullying mill for lurk of snythliig else to hay liy wuy of hilnglug the conversation lit ii ivll nml hurried alona x said i know i know junl m i wus crtmis- ing lti krb i hwr1 him shout w1i vim should sir yon should ami us t ro turned ti uiknuwledpi his kun rs- torl im smllod und wiivmi liu hand in full oonuclo listless that h from u famous town ulxmt wltloli ull the worlil kuaw it is u lovoly thlntf to hearth alo- pianos with which axllad sons anil daurhtors of u grout city descrlbo thole ktuliva plana you rjtll safely put u ijremlum nt twantytlva par cent ubovs tha usual estlmat of any who devotes idolatrous worship ujmiti soma ono spot on cuuth thn sou null tears following isiut out of port arthur uml an wntt- i ull woman waned eloquent in llktl lng ihnm to tha pigeons which hovnr uliout tit pauls iortdon hha hud lxan fifteen years lit h dfoary vil lage of manitoba and now aluuit mho was la won fhn hub f thn otitmi mora au her uyas mo is to nod uml bar inrtkua umbarad i thought of thn raturnlntf jewish aklls si tut log about thn swallows that mada their lost under th eaves of thn lompla out on llloor hour hunnymodo i was asking tho pries of strawberries nml nmmonllug on their knotted uml twisted mhaimim thin neamoii whtni din younif aulcuiwoimin miii they urji not inwxriy un imiuutllul mm tho hootch itorrlem thro won no tu la taking th burr jp hr iwrrlm i ilrow from her thut li hail nrrivl fron kttlit- hurgli jut hv wekm ujco ah irlncuai titrttotl wan thora over uch ut avoitttot ami thn cautlal ami holy- tmmll j tu1 v ver lwn in too amttd old toont ym and dl x rnjoy ltt yrm loilood a lil i thore in only on other moot in ull thn world y lova oioro ami what muxlit that 1 aha unko4l incroduloukiy toronto proudly roitutxl in thirty your from now tho won of thut huuilfi may bi out in uom llttlj butkattthawun town hurklntf buck yourltujcly toymxlx toronto juat ut hi r towards htir belovod kdln thent ik you hmucluo that tho roomy wt la tlm itlaoo for yogt it may b truer hut i want to tll you that alt tho way froui tha tin of ljtlui hutmrlor to tho furthest tnln of tha yukon thouaanda of mmi uiul women who would rivo thtilr ull for thn klorloua ltrlvllako of wulklntf down yono btnit onco mora ii low thny do wuiilnuoit ulout thn ttool old days when they fouattnl mumotuoualy in a uutual hlrewt bourdlwf houao at is to yr wk whan thoy- alaot uridar tho trons of thk allan ourduna on tt hut tlumlay of tor noon und went to uatroio titan church ut nhtht thoy wax nnthualas tlo in ttjtmntc of hoarlnb mir john mao itonatd in uhartosbury hall and waltch inif tha tiuico celebration in honor of liloomfontftln im air my altoo huvo haloed wear down thoso old flaitoua yofuxo btraet uald a sralu arowar to me and urter i have mada my ullo out here i liopo to he u rctfldeut of tho sood old rlly ocaln and that liroceaii of nathnrlntf u comutenry out weat or up north uml rut urn in to npnnd it ih toronto is constantly o- injf thero la ono tiling btter than tho alias pride ami that is tho itrosant anjovtnunt of your town mo oily is brant until her sons hlntf to her ilouutlful for hltuatlon tho joy at tha whola onrth ih uouut 1oii walk about your zioti rudor toll tho towers thereof mark well bar bulwarks con wider her dakmm xvhetherlt bo tor- onto or onu villa lam 1 1 lou or llarrla antpi or oranfnvlh amuik proud ly of tho uint you lovo wlioravur ymi rova may it bo to the credit of the old stown whan thoy may to you that man was born there ami if utiy apeak iii of her in your nreaenca i ltromlao you not a tirteats but a uatrlotd kb- aolutloii if you loan your tomiter uyron aiuuttor in toronto star canadas exports op bacon durliuf roait years and oartlcuhtrly during tha wur twrlod canadas tx- lort haonn troda davaloned vary raiild- ly this is lrovati by tha foot that taut yar tixiwrts of bacon from tha domlwiaii amounted in valua to s4- 000 000 nmlthat our killings of iiors in alrht ytrs douhlwl in number whlla thoso of uanmark and ireland decreas ed oonalderably with the return to normal oondltlons vigorous effort a will tmve to ba mudn in on1r to maintain this ikisltlon tha ijva htook itranrh of tltn dominion damrtmnt of ag riculture has filtered uku uuimmilal oamtmtlun to utlmubilo tha troductlon of iiors of tha bacon tyu in ao-ou- eratlon willi tha imvlualaldntart- mants un arrhiiremant bus immui mada to offer at tract i va mtxas to tnnmlars of lioys and ulr la id olults who ex hibit at local fairs both for quality of ltroduot ami ability in juovln- wharo suuh alulm do hot aslat nt- tempts ut pruilulautlon will iw mkxo- thn idaa is not only to stimulate uil sustain production but to alroulut knowleds of actual markoi require- mants and thus to creato a standard typo of bacon hor for tho ontlra tio- minion whan it is atatad that tha ilrltlah market imports unually c00- 000 000 pounds of bacon undaratandlnr is iosslbla of tha valua of tho trado that is at stake it is hurdfy nacaiinry to burkoat that ha hearty cooperatlou of farmers and avoryono interested lh hoped ror uulos and rerulatlons gov erning tho competition may bo ob tained from tlio pom in ian live stqck commissioner at ouawa dominion department of agriculture jh ol wan or thb big clqck mora thiiu nun inwt my oltst rviillun durli limn who wini lioyu imn- iniii kiiiiiir buck hi tlio old hi ion with tho pilmury olii 1 1 of injiiylnir tlio hoyhnodii puu lima of jut r i ad thp i rn iirromi tltlu trlu or vnit- which uttid in iiulto miilluhly so x u uti tin in on to you jirtlt i irtllln dim ilotun l uirn mi lt uaulioiiu iiir whon hlu mind hi on tho rluh or u pluco to dlf hlu bull ha mk t think of ullkmus i ah ho uovar rould lo hi whon ho fool tho lluo iitugeln with thut joyoiiu sort of thrill iho plaon to lay uuldo your rnroa yor ynarnln ami ytr luhln is by u hrtwik itaiuath thn aky jout hlltln tliiro u- flab in you nil know tho old uuylnu lloytt will ik boy ii but lit my loiuy uml uoiiiowhal nlmrrvlnw curniir licm i huvo notlotml it ovar and ovor aifalii thut moii will ita ttoys if thoy uat a ahntioif obporlally in tltn haunts of tha old homo tharo vo boti quite a ttivf of tlmm vjullltuf tia old home durlnr tha pant wook or un ilnd lvn ixinu kodidiiu my old nynw oimn uml lvo found in ovrny cua that no tnattor bow lilrh r dlynirto thnlr station whnn on tholr roctilur job in thh city thoy ant like itoys iiruiii whtni in tha old hom hay i uot rnthor u shook tho other momliir when i wiui lookhir over my copy of tho lluos 1mioui und saw tlwt the lasue last woek wuh tho lust of anolhnr volumti well ihiiir of un onqulrinr turn of mind as you ull know i turned to tho unit pane looked up tha numhor of volumes completed ami bliss you i wiui uiiiimwl to ond tlutt i his local pupor of nrs lu forty- six years old nnd um thn younrsturs usoil to uuy oolnw on fortyuavrnt wall now thut hauls mo to think that it is ovor forty nitc yours slnos jan knoklnr cumo from ouolph tj spy out tho laud und look ovor tho pros- lukits for u nowupnpor lu anion i wot thilmjuyinr fovet now lul nml jwok aotmeti j fin itracultlkoiiu inturvio cementpootected iron tho use of cement to protect iron is hot a now invention ap brest the de molition n subaqueous constructions has brourht to light iron bars which were thus covered and vhlbhhavs remained in perfect oondltlon lor mare than one hundred years at ftochollo a brldse erected in tho flfteanth coo- tury was found o contain ooroent prolootod iron andhho metal hod not fluffored from uie effects of molstur tlmy ikktti iithututd ovor the proposl- tluu itoth worn unxlouu to have arton ulutid out lu tho wuy thnt only run u uociirod uiroiirh thn putillca- tloiir of u nowhivapor in tlio town i roroambar thn noxt tuauilay ovonlnff ut tlm wvokly niaotliuf f tho itous of tamparumo lu tha old tamiioruno hall nn churoh tttraet tho muttnr of tvoutars uml tlnkets wiih up uml a commiuoo holric nppolntad to ro to luolpli for this prlutluir when jack ftooord uol up uml uuld woll thank icoxlnass imforo wo hava unothor fastl- vav well havo a printing uiilao in aur own town to do our prlntlnir mr huoklnu wus ulvau rud nucoururo- mont on hli ouvuhm ho wont back to ouelph with promluou for soma four hundred suhucrllteru for tlio now papor uml nearly every individual dolnw buslnaiiu in acton hud inruuol adver- tlslna- spaoa for the i0w paper in tha aoursa of tlnia tho prlntlue plant was rqoved down from uunfph und sot up in mutthuws hull which was over tho post otllca storo for mart years located on th ulto of tho present onvemmont ilulldlnr on mill fltront in tho coursa of tlmothu miy impcr uwdn its up poarutica it first saw the llttht of day on donilnlon lay 1h7c i rocult quite dlstlnotty iho first aopuii which up- murod on tha stroat that afternoon iho hons of tomporauno slruwhorry fastlvul wan lu thoso duya a llxlurw for tha first of july tho annual fastlvul wtts to be held in tha drill hhad then stiindliir ut tho corner of itowur avunua and iriii htroat where aloir karord uftaiward bull his rins lew brick rasldanas vllltiuora that von 1 or a number of us who were on tha lommlliea wore at th6 drill shed kottlnr ready whtni u boy with uu urmful of actons now tiaws- papor tho aoton froo 1rchs it wnw novoltyi tall you und ovaryhody u anxlnns to ioo it it was watt prlntpd than uu tho paper is now und overyttody was proud to huvo it ruub looal mwsiapor for tho town this lory is told nlxmt tho aondltlonu pr- rullliir in tha now prlntlnir nlllca whan this llrst number was itolnif uottan uway buck tharo fortynix yours uro it lu utlnrod thnt it required nl pttchnrs of llob aunnws tmor to rot out that first edition now dont know whether this prihibltloulst editor of ours will llko this yarn to vt out und thp- publla to bn informml that puwr ha has luid such pride in for lta sound temp rune principles many years under his leadership was imtni under conditions whera bwtr flowed ho freely und wus tho prlnolpal imivwuko ut its chflstmilnu uml up- lkiurnnoo aforo tha publla i suppowa it lsmly fair thht i should rvo psr tloupirs us to tho clroumstuncvs llob hlmpson of auelpti was tha foreman of tho now ofttoo ho brought with him two other compositors lho llko himself were propinrod to llvo up to ull lb hohvmlon reiiufiitlou us to tho blbulouu propenwttnr of the averao journeyman printer of tbooflj days th threa lived up to tha most liberal vnp u tut tons of thn bohtimlnns und us a jisaquence buer flowed freely when th first lasua of tha iism iukss was belinf sat up nnd printed mi inr vy about it nud llob was callod umin tha carpal as u rusult tho two journeymen wi i sunt buok to ouelph xt duy and llob was put under lun i ii plod so thnt no mora iwor was nimie to tha viuts initsu oflliu with h run lent i it does saum ruthnr uu anonioly i kuubm thats tha ijriu wonl unit snnh un uniomprunilslnb anomy to boor rubillntf as this old paper 1 today should huvo hud its birth with heir no promiscuously prasunt us it was on that occasion hut uuvurthulens notwithhtundlur this lu very ultnllur to what bus prevailod in nuinurnuu honias in this vary community when the 11m ihjfuii was a youuiinlii thern ws uuldum u chrlslenlnr n murrluve or u funeral whuti burr und ntroiirer llquots was not frculy lu nvldoncu in theso sumo homos liquor has bcun taboo for n fjtmorutlon mid mora tut it has uuait with tlm itura tineas ulnoo iiy uml tlm fun in wliluli liny wi n hi id ihi ykiim pu iii 11 id tin v ilthn rimovid or llit hi r th ii him wrin leiiiinlii who luiil lllml fm- 11 dllllt thm 1 lu- ally lb old houh i ilium lhi till if somti tm ii uml wmm n of qihvullonil 11 ook 11 iisruitai si 1 on uluhl a uml wus wiped out tin ni lly tunas of ntnt vliaii uu ol 1 houn whlli has 1 a nxl homo foi yuur lu drhtroyrd bttl 1 think till 111 wi no r kiiu wh u this plui wi 111 up lu minoki llh r iwnty y in uu nupi rlnlly on the part of tlm mlwt liom who hud biu dliilurll on niiiii him in okiiulon duiliuf th ill hi by tha ilh mm hi iulu of thj i mrs w a htnwiirt rty of john v itnh i fumlsy ith h tin of jan 1111 1 111 nirly for yeuru iwmil by haimi i uiidfiilhir ollvur mi illklnytoii n ur llh ih nil tllnu unit mooreu who wllllm the lun mi id of i million hotel in imby vtlmiiu i unity jlr i ntiie ilioru in 1h4c uuttluwu hwun icfl u i hiiiklon county hi uml t m to unltle hrit jiuuau i tall chart 1 the niiiul of this farm prior to mi hull ueiuriiik this propnty it wuu u f vor- ita plnrn with iho ludliimi who rum from thn rem rv nt port credit evi ry uprhiif to mnka mn pin uiirur in thn sph ii lid miriir biiuh which tin n rovor ml thn front of thn form whim juums hall hiilit u ior limine for hlu homo he uulclid mi tho ulttf the imutlou of tlm ludiiiuii inirir nump u few rods from tho unroud line hi ro tha new homo wuu built and tho furm yard und uarun wero htratl where thn indlun wirwwuis hud atoo1 for vars an indian story is tulntwl yet by noma of lint ourly settlers who survive mjsu elliott u ulutor i think of mr oenrua klllolt who livnl on tlio farm now owned uml occupied by mr wll- llum mullhi uml fuhilly wmm times visited thn liidlnu rump durlnr thn uiifcur uoasnl uml mudn friends with thn squuwu unit pupooues there in tha courso of tlmo mus klllolt mar ried jacob kannody nid they moved to tha township of lloauuquat in iamlt ton county a number of yours later un indian who was jmsslnr tbroiirh tlm country stnppod ut thn kennedy iwnno und itskml for somithinr to out mrs kennedy nt onco com pj led und us she was praivnrlne tha meal thn iiplluu mild mo know you how do you wnow mnt iiuke1 m icen- ntdy mo una you in indian mirar bush lu icsqiifislnjf many moons oro you help our wqiiuwu ami puivonuou wo toma up to tjimlitnu county now too many pnoplo at port credit uml lcsqunslur i think john ttrowu fumlllarly known its turin llrowti in this com munity fifty or sixty yours uro lived largest canadian atlantic ship of cqetlsi flu luruout liner ever usulriiod to tlio ul i a wi once routo is soon to muko her inltlaliappoaraiico ut qunlioa uc cordlur to nu noun ciimou is mudn by tho c 1 1l tilts uteantbr is their mwly urqulnd hum tha impress of ilaot- lnud formerly tho inrmnu llnsr kalu erln aiiriistn olototlu and uho is ik lmcttd in unlvn at qunltoo duhlir the first wnou in aitruht thn c p it piiroliuuod this liner from tho urltlsh aovirnmenl lust win- it n thut tho com- puny u own iiteamers which pro now baliir built in luiiiilaml would not bo riudy thlu season on arrouut of thn dahiy uiluluif from tint blf strike in tlio ship yiirds tin ro tha now kuipreus of tlcotland hi of jc 010 unuis tons rim liner run uftor llo urmlstlco until r tlio cnniird luniuc iiur from i iverpool to now york he is u fliut uucond uml third olnwi rur rler willi luxurloiim ahln oqulpmnnt 1 ho llimr wuu built in 1005 und was imperially ilnslmiod for um now york ut rvlce tiio kinprouu of hiotlnud will muko her llrnt iiullluu from qtieboo on alirunt dm now llnei hi tlu iaritiit in tha co mnl ian alluntlo sorvlrn h r ulman- iilouit nro ii n ih ida fot broad th 77 feet und itrnft of wutor si font movco to new quarters i um now toinfi i shiny i ttled hi tin ii w m litem in tho mlwrkmun i uu u an i um hi ll i uhln to look ufdr he ii dn or i verythinr i rtiilnlnit lo to 1 wuur i will liuv un umiutiiiit with um iltttly uml this will ureutly fut llltul thn pn nipt ripulrhir of ull work left wllh me io lulriiir prh i u huvn n ratlin n t all uriidrii of 1 linu iii men u uu i hoys un in uuk t e gibbons mill st acton j w kennedy son haruvuire imumbln tinsmithinif klcriiric wiring it saves you work and dollars it gives comfort and enjoyment have you as yet installed in your home a nystcm of cmctric lighting if not it is only at mutter of time until you do mid there tt no time like the present we specialize in thin clnn of work and can pivc prompt and satisfactory ncr vice do nwoy with thoso unhealthy and dangerous otl lumps nnd nco what real comfort is derived in the home from the uua of electricity we are always glad to jjive estimate on this work and our prices will interest you come m and talk it over wo also carry a jood assortment of tixjurea and appliance- and your inspection is invited hcmcmber our wfolto quality service uasmnahe ivirm j w kennedy son ikonk d5 main stitket acttn nwv iafirravr camichon 1 havo uukad tha lutut puksji to print mr camerons plrturo nriiln for tho wiko of tha older ponpla who ramom- har him with siirli rraut plcnmirti on this plaoo for a tlnia mr ii row n wuu killed whlla drlvlnif homo from milton ono nliht whan his hnruo imi cumo unmnnuroahlo nud ho wus thrown out of hlu rlr hlu widow aftarwurd mnrrlod the lata jainou hyde ttf ur thomas iclliott hilpod mr lie i to clour up thn old miffnr iiiuiu when he was a lump of a itoy nt hlu fattier s homo tom wnu rottd with thn axi in thoso early fdnyh und could fall a mapla or booch with any of tho chop- pars of tlio day mr lloll s houlth fulled und he ovontually sold the farm um with ills family moved to a clou lut ha always retulnad his lovo for tho farm und was mmurally found omliloylur hlu thnu ut soma work which would hrliitf hint in touch with hlu old hulrhlmirw vor ynuru ho boiirht and htilppml fiuju for ii 10 mlnklln whon thay usad tha old 0 t it fralrht houso us p lint in wurolioiimi ltoth mr uml mrs hull panned uway yoaru uro und uavara of their no ns und daughters huvo uhio jlimv fry tlfu aldast son who is now u uraiidfutliar has u good poultlou in toronto ha hnu nnver lost bis lovo for tbu olttj homo and tho old homo town utld nnvnr u youi pm but ho cnmasfbuclf to hpond u day or so hsro und on thesp ylsjla h in variably goes down main uroat to tha old f arm ut thn corhor of tlh second and tho liublln orossroud mnl oonteinplutu thn uood old iluys ut ions iiuo nt tho old iwdu de owancc hltjocn an inturostltir story fu told risard hir nun of tho mout popular hours in tho world ihn old 1 olus ut hams itu author wnu tttrphnii collins von ur who huu bwni tullod amnritutu pramli r liilludlot ha wrote ono huu- diod and uovontyisonsw including old kentucky hom old llluck joo und old undo ned when ha had written tho old volks nt homo ho wuu thnplonuod with tha name of the river riven in tho uooond verso in tha orljflunl tha voruo ruusi wuy down upon do pod so itlhber 1 ur fur away daru n wha my honrt is turning obiter llortiu whu my brudtleru pluy ho uuknd his brothel morrison foi ii haflor nanin for thn rlvor wlmt tlouthern utrauui do jou silir- reut limtiftd of pndoo t morrison oftoroil ynieoo which htnphnu thoualit wouldn t do wall lots consult an ullau uuld moirluon ono a map nf florida tlmy found a littlo liver callod hwiinno jtiint u it exactly cried mtepheu althoiiuh inllllnnu of copied of ins tar a uouicu worn wild his llfaiwaha truiilc one ho uavc hlu lirul two souru to u filoml who mada ton thous and ilollaru out o tlinm marrylnc in luco hlu ufa wuu very uuhnppy igvoir- tually ha went to now york wfiaro he hoc n mo a vnsuhond it wuu ut this period of hlu lira hint ha utruyad ono duy into a shop and wit unit nt u plan wnu fiom tha kayn thu wiutfill pleudlnjc tuna cumo whera mi lovo lieu droumhik a man who wiih prciient ottered him live ilolluru for thn mm a mid in nccontrd uraterullj yoslcr died in a pulillo ward ut the ilollnviio honpllnl now york uml lu entered on thn incnrdu nu u lahorei bc headv to show vouil en thusiasm what missionaries have done mraidouiirluh huvo translated tha lllhln into uboiit sovontunths of uu world s s pooch mluslouarlns havrr dnnn tnoro tbati any ono oluas to fcrlnr peace hinonr uavmrs trlbos r all lh museums of tho world havo it it inrlchtd by thu touynpjes of tho uuts riiuiu1h and products of dis tant touutrits mill olid by mission aries mlsuloniiiieu worn tho tlrut to rivo tiny inforuiiitloii ithnuil thn fur interior of a film rimy havo rivoii tho wprld moio uteuriita uoorruphloul knovffidru of thut inpil thun ull other c lassos uom- blnod it lu to missionary erfortu thnt kouth tteu lilt rut urn is duo thanv is imt u iluujlo iiuii on ijiaord of th redunlloii to wrlllntf of it 1loyuinluu unkniiko by aimtltar thun s hrititlnii worker thu inluinnarlns imvi mfpumled tlia world u vummoiie tha trade with tlm 1iji luluudii lu ono ymi lu mm a thuu mount upont aji fifty years in thrlntliinlslnn them a urvut huulisb htntcninaii tutlmuted tut wliuu it mlsnhmury hud ltoun twenty yuars on tha held ho in worth precaution aqain8t bovine tudcrtculobiq a faw v l o thn united itntei hreederu of pure bred rattle rocnu- uuliitf tho iidcetiulty of inmxi cffoollvj mnnsurou for ote control of tubnroii- inulu urrnnufd u coufenmco with of- liolulu of flio hurt uu of animal lu- duutiy ut wuuhlurtou thn result of which wuu tha adoption nt what in known nu thn accnillhd hard plan inlnu that tho tmid had in on thnr- purhly tented und found ontirnly frao from any uymptnmii of tuberoulonlu tlio plan provod uo hiicflousful over u thoiiuand ht t tin bohiff nooradllnd 111 n brltif potlod thut u decision wuu ar rived ut to udopt tho system lu cuimda iterulnlloiih were prnniulriitod which on mo into foroa lu haptombar 1di0 und huvo tvroved uratlfyhirly huoceuu- ful n niimbor of liordu huvlnp hinin uoorodltad while many others urn dar tout ihoro lu now un uuroa- nit batwoen thlu country und titi united htatos thnt oultln from accred ited hordu may enter elthor wuy wlth- tlotautlon or tout j under tha municipal luhorculoulu order puuuod at ottawa noma yeuru iiro nud thn 0 raoently adopted auoieiinad herd pluu oomponuatlnu lu paid foi anliiiulu oitlclully uluiirhtnrnd nud tha owners urt pormlttad under rorultrtlou jti raal- un whutnvor limy can from tho sulo of tho tiirouss jlomliiun haparlninut of aicrlpulturi tho oalabratloii of lu blrth by hob i n hlu indlrrot vpann of trado and hltnpuon and his cronies away buck i oommeroa 10000 per year to hrltlsh fun 1h7r i com more b there in juna 1870 i cpmmorce manners and clothes iho vojson who takes uolntoient lu clotlum ik rennriilly nlaok in other nupectu i pm omplmtloully of jho nplulon thut ovary vomnu should muko haisalf look uu attractive us possible uml nvoiy man should do thu uumu it shows stilf rasimht snys ur marlon htop of loiirland uu oftlohil of iho rjilmr pnrly nliu clothos huvo u dlutluot lieur- iur on rood ui minis iho wtdluoui od mini lu ay p rnlo heuor ttwmered tluin iho parson uiialassly olohild tho woykluk rlrl w wus ubln qufiujr tho wur to dross hor than heforoj in jl illstlnctly batter typo than at old hho is trylur to koi p up to m hluhnv stiimhirtl uml she whilitm hvr munuers to imi mi wall pi del id an luy clollpn hut ihfuuiiir wll sho uoiitlinius sliould up muuu tho wwailnjf lf tiuvurunt silks und ohlffunu ex pen- ivo ullk slnokluuu iiiriiiiiuim uliuiy nil jowolury nil tho tlnm foi ihri vuuld unlit w onion for miy vpielii woik aluminum whetbt0ne8 alumlniiui unvts iiivtawsllsnt pur- poaa us h suhhlltuta foi it whitufanii tuiiai hilly in riving u smooth kat u lusor odia to ihiu hlndeu win ii uxiimlnuit with u ml roucuiiu thn adrii tf a kulm wh llol ou upum- inum ap pours uuicli siu6otitr old drulrlittr thuu it dot u when whu hod on u stone undui thu cffotil of bdn- liiff thu uuifuto of ulumlnimi butomes ouvorod with u huhuluikiu liuvlnr a lirausy finliiir und poumsslnr o urvut puwsi of adhiislou to iitttul unit it lu lurroty to this that tho ability of thn nrtotal to proluco uu lino up edifo is nscrlbod i i muiiy yoiinr peoplo hnvo a strong piojudlon urulliut unamliuf uiirprliied thay llko to appear us if thoy hud truvollid no widely and soon so much thut pretty nearly averythiiir liuil imj- como nu old slory of cajrsa so many now wonders orn cointtaiitly happen liir thut u man thn ago of mathuualsh would ho hilvhitf littler iihncks of us tniiluhmout all thu time to nuy nothlstf of a youth nf nlrhtnen when youn pooplu asuuma thn ulr or uophlutlcntad inillfforanca you can bo uura without ftnlnjr any further that tin y aro simply protandliiu two younu peopln ovidjutly brother and nluti r from tholr striking raseni- blnnca were mukhir tholr wuy along llroiidwuy nt tha mont noluhlo unction of that wiimlnrful artery of trnda thn boy rlanced arrouu tlm street at n towering nltleo building hlu ayes fol lowing itu nurnnt heavenward till his slnler lljoiiton craning vnur nqr i jt ii to look at thn ukyncmpoi do you want peoplo to think worn jut frtnn tho country i nbw thorn urn things in lin world littler worth limiting ut thun a city skyscrtiptr and thora nrn nlan innny thlngiu of lcfui interest whim skilled builileru ui ml a nlnnder utinft up twauty or thirty or oven innrn i torlnn from tha it ro uml und muko it ii practical hiiulueuii propnultlnu uiy poruou at in- tt himco lu ho n ml to ho impros uul a slnglo hulldliig homing during busl- muu bourn nnugh pooplu to mnka a good hikoii town lu ono of tho wonders rh nrn nt orbit io of tho present nrn and tf it does not no cm wonderful to tho beholder uhowu inrk of npnroclntlnn in our mako up a mother and her luuightor worn on thn utreatu of u uniill town when over tholr bonds iioundi d thn uwlft heart beats or uu ulrplaue the mother look- cd up eagerly wlinreiiuiu tho diiiigh- tar remurltrd with nn nlr of fiuporlnr- lly itaully mother ono would sup pone you hud novtir- seen un alrnhlp before ovt r tholr liemlii wnu tho mlrnalo of the ugeu u ilomoniit noted impomihillty 1 van this wu iwentlnth century of onru jeeiml ut thn aiitltllul- uutu who funelod mini cunld over tly ami yet thlu uophlutlcutod young woman grudged u clnnco nt tl vol which in her own chlldhnod wan declined by iho wineut man in tho world tlio impractical drouni of vlu- lonnrlas when you awukun on u uprlng morn log look out nf thn window und woo lint nhuugnu havo coma nhout iilnco yohlurduy tho mirueln or mlrunlou in taking pluco lioforo your oyou iho loverunt snul lu moved to unoovor lilu head uu ho iiklrtu uio loldu wlmra tho young corn or tint young wheat lu iturllug holy urouiul it unomu to him hlu uoll which tnit a hhnrt tlmo ngo yau lying wuiito mlw tneinii with life making ready to do itu uhuro toward feeding tho worlds liunnry iho notea nf n unug bird warbling hbi spring tlmo uong thrlllu htm uu tf ho had never hnnrd siioh ninuln hoforu iho young peoplo wlin aro afraid of showing uurprluo uhnulil rnmnmlior thnt spoutunttoim nutliuuliiuni huu uu iticahipurablo charm thero mo few mom unpopular helugu than tho 1m- iihwivo perunu mi whom nothing mukeu uopmprinnlon l- proniliuint woman in washington society took chnrgn for a woolc of u young girl tha daughter nf n boyhood frloud of htr hluiuunilh hho know tho ulil hud been ulniout tiowhoro nnd sho resolved to mnka tho wook mniii- oriibto tho young vlultnr wuu taken overywherti all tha wonders of tho mout beautiful ally lu america worn painted outlo hor ho nidtmhplo of intordatlonul fa mo hho was glvi n op- portunltlou for wiih h inuuy a rluh tuuii would hnvo paid a fiibnlouu sum could ho havo pilrehuued thmn for hlu iuuriiuu hut nuyer anno tld thu young ghl soo in surprlsud navar onoo did sho wurm to unytninii 11 un nu- tliuuluhin ono vouhl havo supposed from hor dauitunor that uho hud boon fotj ou muryelu until ulm incomo sur feited that uoelnl opinhtunltloh hod hotn hartortlon fioln flio nrudln apd t ot u without haying hint hi i houtt uu vuu iplioyed yh u bur vlwlf drov to itj i ml wa should not bn ufiulil of vuthltf luttroulj uml htioug t ntlil- 1 wo nhoijld bn jtt1onnlvo ready tw ujnpijtnd und vmttily to uhau tlmufiihip tannery cooperative the store of quality and low prices uio fruit snkon is mw comliur on wo um prepared to um your wnnfa in ivului trull jartl all size awl sugar al imceu uml cannot lw ileal prices on many unfes of fioods aftk sthx decijninfi oub customeks get tiic ilrlkflt ofbvkky 1m10p in the market u see our summer underwear fine hose working shirts fink and heavy boots and comiark 0uk pricks with other stores cottona prints and ginghams at prewar prices try our special tea at 38elucgnuui axc hlnhest prices poui for lluttcr nnd kggn either cash or goods tannery cooperative c a conway mana mill street acton oulflj luluuin plentv op 9copg por it ltiitglnatiiu isli wuiidurfnl trtlng isnt lt7 vuii i inipposn it lu but what made you think of that linwl oh i va jllut in en rnuillllg ulr pw uaud lujulorim those sudden noises do you mart t auildon iiobiaa t jiutona oilwodooi6f dlt milks nbuvinu 1 so will snutlia the irrit ated and overatralneil pirrm gnaraiv- taad bale and bum hoiil in apton by k j hauuaitl ism advertise one of the most persistefit adverlisers in the history of success was robinson crusoe lie knew what he wauled a ship and ho put up an atl for one tie flung a shirl on a pole at ihe lop oriiis island that in the language of the sea was plain to everyseafaring man the circulation was small there was no oilier l medium but crusoe kept at it despite the fact that he got no enquiries for a long time he changed his copy as one garment afteranothr was frayed out and in ihe end got what he wanted suppose crusoe had taken down that signal after a time and declared advertising doesnt pay whtfro would he and hisstory he now i put up your signal and keep it there crusoe advertised under very discouraging circumstances youve gol a buro thing it is only necessary to have the patience persistence and pluck of robinson crusoe and the good ship hotter business will tie up longside your pier