Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1921, p. 4

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if attmt xtt tbb untr dln wuly nwppr ammuu tiiuhhiay jirfy i 1931 w hi l fie 1 llu m n ull mt ad n onlr th iiiiinii i v ai- in- i rl- tbl auvkutiivk yin i unit es i on ml 11n w 11 j tx i u 4 a wi i wil b uml till 1 editorial our new waterworks system a very important communication appears tso- where in tin issue from the pen of a responsible and interested ratepayer of the town respecting certain conditions alleged to exist in connection with our new waterworks system it is clearly the duty of the council cither through their owii officers or the waterworks engineers to natisfy ratepayer and all other citizens or the municipality for jhat matter cither that the alleged defect referred to do not exist or that they will be promptly remedied the ratepayers of acton have a right to demand that the waterworks system thoy arc paying for at a very high cost be satisfactorily adequate- or that the sys tem be made udciiualc as promised it would be by the engineers at the outset of negotiations and as the people of the town were given to understand they would be when the plans and specifications were prepared and the contracts awarded there must bo no side stepping of this important mater the people demand that nil arlkioty respecting protection against lire and the possibility of unsanitary water bo re moved they have a right 10 expect it the repu tation of the town is at stake in jhis important matter indeed public safety is at stake if condi lions exist as ratepayer alleges violating the declaration or municipal office occasionally it is noticed in some municipalities that citizens holding municipal positions fail to re member the declarations of office they have taken this remissness cost reeve edward bills of lough borough township council his seat last week and also resulted in disqualifying him from election to any municipal position for two years in an invest- utiou before judge lavcjj kingston it was dls closed in the evidence that ho had accepted 4 for helping to repair a bridge thomas hangerman a member of the township council got 5 for work ho did on tho bridge and mr clark who started the action got 0 mr sills presented tho bill for all in clarkes name a practice said to be quite common wet militia campa the statement or col clark or the york rangers that the recent camp at niagara was the wettest he had seen in an experience of twentyeight years should lead the authorities or the militia department to consider seriously the relations or the department to the laws of the various provinces in which the use of liquor for beverage purposes has been forbidden the whole question will assuredly come up in par liament where the votes of the members irora seven prohibition ivovincc are likely to prevail it is vardy not too much to ask in the meanwhile that tho kindest orders shall be given and carried out to prevent the violation of the aati liquor laws of the vancms fvonoces by the officers and men of the iemascat force stationed m these provinces or by the miliua while under military discipline a dry ti will cot suad for ibe sort of camp described by col clark- globe- the fathers and mothers or die hnsdreds of lads coder ago 17 to 20 who were ealisarj mod attended niagara camp this year will cbtauly be very cjuury aboxit permitting their boys to attend kiaara camp again if the militia xutbori- uo arc to pesjnur such conditions as col oark de clared prevailed this year of eaaployera and employed unions of employers of labor and unions of work- tag men are of advantage and should bo encouraged the average employer of today is anxious to do his beat for his employees the organizations of em ployers have brought them together for the mutual consideration or matters of interest both to tho busi ness and the working men who make tho business possible tho employees unions have their meetings for consideration of matters or advantage to them selves and determining upon plana for presentation to their employers for betterment of conditions etc organizations like the recently formed buijders guild of england may be the solution of many difficulties tho guild originated in at group of building laborers who were dissatisfied with condl tions that classify minutely what ono workman must and must not do and what pay he must receive the workmen organized for service made contracts and went to putting up houses in workmanlike fashion carpenters plasterers plumbers bricklayers and painters all helping one another and getting the job done at an immense saving in cost though they re ceived good wages tho old craft spirit dies harcl ftuentm should help the children educationally the educationists and tho boards of education of the provincvare constantly on the alert to improve the educational methods of the schools of tho pro vince the new curriculum to be introduced at the oponing of tho schools in september presages prac tical features calculated to be of special advantage to tho average pupil especially those who are not aim ing at a professional or university course parents of pupils should became appreciative of the value of an education they arc not fit to have children if they do not want them to enjoy even greater and better privileges than their own childhood know and they are in duty bound to encourage and assist their children with tho school studies in all possible ways cup the clawa m race track betting public betting tho book makers the loud mouth ed auctioning of pools tho pari rnutuels tho whole machinery surrounding tho race track have never in our opinion contributed anything to the decency of life and ve have never been able to understand why they had to bo in order for horse racing to exist if it is necessary to have horses races to preserve the horse and preserve his breeding horse racing should be encouraged on its merits and not merely as an adjunct of tho pool box race track gambling hasjgo many victims to its charge for the reformer to shed tears if somo means are taken to clip its claws simcoc reformer editorial notes prohibition comes into force in ontario next tuesday shortcircuiting wilt be an absolctc game after that date it is being rumored that torontos present mayor will retain office until the union station is completed help toronto star in all the recent years measures j to restrict im migration to canada have been planned to improve the quality of the emigrants the now policy aims at reducing the quantity of it men still say that war always has been and always will be so for ages men thought about slavery and how many thrones are dust from which once issued the voice that ruled tho world in the construction of ontarios highways the fact of tho ever increasing load and the growing number of motor vehicles must bo taken into con sideration our roads must bo built with a view to permanence it took a long time to accomplish it but bone- dry prohibition will be law in ontario on the 10th inst and the wish of tho people of tho province repeatedly and overwhelmingly expressed will at last bo put into effect because there is no other country in the world so able if it were an absolute necessity to maintain great army and navy america above all others should bo the ono to invito to disarmament boston dumb animals magazine the convention of tho american federation of labor in session at denver colo a couple of weeks age voted down a constitutional amendment design ed to give women equal rights and privileges of membership in tho union of their trade or industry h counties grouped for judicial purposes the counties of simcoe peel walton and duffer- in have been grouped in one judicial district under the county court judges act of 1010 under which the number of judges is to be reduced by not filling vacancies until all the junior judges disappear the examiner is doubtful whether one judge could do the work in a county the size of simcoe our coun ty town contemporary says while this plan might be all right for smaller counties it is difficult to see how ono judge could toko the surrogate wort the county court and the division courts in simcoe it has a population or fully 35000 more than tho com bined population of halton peel and dutfenn and tn it are a number or largo towns which usually make more business for the courts than do rural sections an examination of the amount of litigation coming up in this county is seen in tho recent juno sessions these lasted two weeks and the cases mluch had to be hold ovwill not bo completed before tho middle of july onllia packet ireland to be at british dominion it is good news indeed not only to tho people of ireland but to the residents of the british empire generally that ireland is a be given home rule and tho peace of the dear little green little isle is to be at on co restored thobaais or home rule will be on canadian lines the si it northern countries where tho protestants predominate receiving a status simi lar to that enjoyed by quebec to lloyd george the british premier much credit is due for this salutary autebmo from lhohappilyex pressed hopes of king george at the opening of the ulster par- llamcnt much has resulted credit is also due to valera tho sinn fein leader for his willingness to meet the overtures made jlf way and to his assur- ance that the minority right will bo safeguarded ireland will yet be jtmo of the happiest and most prosperous dominions under the british crown god j australian census figures show that that common wealth now has a population of 5410702 an in crease of 070000 over 1011 males outnumber females by about 83000 canada will feel proud if the census now being taken will show an increase of a similar twenty per cent in her population y numbers of cltlkqqp keep the grass neatly cut on tho boulevards in front of their property thus show ing a pride in their town and a respect for thqir im mediate surroundings someteeis in acton present a beautiful appearance while others look like a forsaken back line leading to nowhere in particular canada needs a citizenship where thrift is re garded as a virtue to be constantly observed the real capitalists and backbone of any community are tho thrifty people who steadily lay aside some por tion of their weekly wage and whose settled policy is living within their income and laying something aside for old age or times of emergency an kppeotive weapon the uurlnus weupons ueejl by old eon a nrmy were iiu mui singular tlisn the weapou used by s chinese chrls huh a mlavloimry ho per against ths dreaded lieitval tiger tsuna says writer in tho christian herald had learned to play th nfo nnil took araat uf otlon tn hi oooropliahraont tliouah jjm ultimata about tl mlaaloi uinouml tlhl not ahnio hu oorapuo- emiy tliu itotf liowlatl ami tha oata alt in k awav whin tho ahrlll ouid rmolml tliolr aanaltlva or- him of liar ina thuiib had to no out ono morning- to njoy hla mualo auniolautly tar irom ilia otinukiund aa to bu iur that ht would annoy no on whan hu atten tion wuh attrmctad by u ataaithy form which mi tn rail tha rloo ilalda lylnr b two 11 him and hl mtra houaa x mum h laoaaiilaatl tho tawny lrlpd out ot tho manout uiid hla hoar hnoat mtlld bauthlb mm h thought of tha mlaalonury a llttla aon dow kitlovii in hla whlta irlb it tha tnla- ahmuiy hod a i randy anna to thaaohool- houaa lhara would lnt lio on but tha ulva 11 u ran to guard tha child twklutf u dlftvrant fuuia frvm unit vhoaan by tha tlgor fauns atattad running for tha mlaalonary m houaa vhn h oumo in night at tho ll urry door ha muw that the tiger rb ihero worn him crouched on tho vuimnlo wri th luwnv fui loiildum mvu tar tha nwbthlng lull itia tiwtlva liuraa lty on tha floor boalda tha uilb halplaa with ivkror tauntf hud lurio on lh oooim through wamll g hit 1 thk garden mid now toirind aw he wua lm wimp forward and atood titwen tho crib and the crouihlng- boaat lie hud 110 weapon but hid nte to which he had clung instinctively aa the tiger crawled a llttlo tiourct ho began to urwaa the mtoia the mat holm whloh came from tho liuttrtnnnnt were ilka u ahrlok the crouching man outer atartod erect than at the next aound he uttered u low cry of rage and ahook hla head and th brlatllng hulra at the aide of hla turxr atood out like bruahea then he inovd backward a little ua it turl hod by the demonstration taung utitol oautloualy forward a the unl ma retreated playing- a wild native ftonv the tiger a ho wad no dealre to ik m into doner contact with hu fearleaa heaativh iho nry waa mo alarm- ing on went tha uulr till the tlgei- hud luickid oft th variuidii tming ntlu kcenlita hl uyca taatened foil th brut and playing furloualy alowly hackatl into tho huufte and closed the dhii a moment later looking trotn tho window hn tuw the tlgor akulk away toward tho flco rlelda experimental and rebitaptch work in orain and pieli crops work ag- oe bure that vou keep t a bide line llualnega man are not enthuulaiillc fr tlie aaleaman who carrion u aldo lino oftoii tha em ploy 00 can make out iult a ptaualblo cuwu it ha u u travelling- aalcaman tor u lour hoiutc ofton when ho haa nmdo u mate to u ouatomer ha cull intorcmt him in a now brand of cooou and tulni hla order for thai fcforoatimca when lm hum aold all tha hour he can in u town them u over an hour bofor the train leavea mid ho nut ttuit time in ailun- cocoa he uddm to hi income without being iijuat to anybody ilaualhto hn t itt all till lioundu vvry well but an u matter of fact overy employer known that tha aldo llneu hcrtouely inter fere with regular bualne tho aalea- man who tiarrlea u aide lino la very likely to wait over u train to muke u aula ha im uire of hla aalary und ao ho im mora lutervatod hi aollhitf th article which will bring- him in u llttla extru money tliun he la in aclllng hla regular line uony a travelling man who atari out woll and awake na high hoitew in tha mind of thoaa who em ploy him begtna to ule out tut far ua hla work la concerned when ho tukoa l a aide line hui tha trwvollintf luilcwmati la not tho only dim who ttoeda to ba careful in the matter of a xl to una taka tha atudoot in the hchool wbara uthutlca ro a prominent feature in tho ba inning tha hoy atari out with tho deterniltiatlouthat nthletlca art to lm airlotly a aidn line llut how frequent ly it com ulhut that hla interoat in football all but dwtroya hla interaat in hla utudlea and h la intaroatod in good mark in his hlatory and mathematics oniony because if hla marks do not reach a certain grade ho will not be ullowod to play on the team any a girl starta out with modal life its u alda una bho wants a good time of course hha needs a good lima and it never occurs to bar that tharo is any danger thut uoclal plcua- urus will noma to mean more u her than the interests which at present demand her loyalty vot ovur and over it lu demoiutratad that tho alda encroaches 011 thut interest that it demands more and mora of her thought anil effort till ut length tho puipoaea hlch once wore dominating have liusaed into hutlgnlrlcanco ilavo youit side hnot if wo imj auro tliat you keep it a aids lint wiaps op wisdom the man who soils his health for wealth muko a poor bargain v open the the door to suspicion and peace tiles out of tha window it is hard to get what you wunt when you don t know wliat it is trie only hopeless falluio is the per an who has ceased to u rlvtt for suu- aeas if you want work violl done uehct u iusy maiiltia bther knl harf no time imapla ara made mtir y uiihnnny by the tils thoy roar thnr by thww they auffar little mlmts ute tamed unit uuh dued by misfortune but great mlmlw rise above tt the world is full of will lieopla soma willing to work and th- feat will ins- to let thsm xluro harm is dona by tho cowardice of thimw who are afraid to do that which is right than by tha courage or thoso who do wrong the vacation reason is hero now in real earnest and the newspapers are giving their usual instruc tions as to what onemay might can could or should or may not cannot or should not do in the time of his annual outing the comic papers annual joke about coming home to get resied after vacation has more than a little philosophy back of it the fbeb press haa referred repeatedly to the advisability of placing signs af walcome end infor mation of the thoroughfares leading into town ejiery town village and hamlet in canada blessed with a name ought to have suitable signs on lu main entrance roads so that passing strangers can easily read tficm and feel tiat a real welcome is extended because aojnebqdy said that somebody else said that unday bathing was carried to the extreme in toronto somebody else jumped to the conclusion that the lords py ulance was taking action to atop sunday bathing it now turns out that the administrative officer of the lords dy awncc de clares that the alliance has no objection whatever to suhijay bathfagtiniie ptopricjica are observejl h 1 j u 1 what billy bml d once there was a llttlo boy who owned a face owning a faoe is not u strauce thing but the visitors who came to soo tho llttlo hoys face were tranga their names warw johnny fvowns and tommy juts john frowns ran back and forth on tha llttla boys forelioad until ho made ridres all the way across then ho ran up and down betwn tho utile boy ayes until ridges were there too tommy pouts sat on the little boys lips and putted down the corners of his rquuth npl una day somethln tinpenot and everybody was glad the little boys faoo hud another visitor hilly smiles by name ha seemed to coma from behind the little boy a ears and before johnny ttowns and tommy pouts knewb hhat hilly bmu near he had cnased tharo both off the llttlq tioya fo and they never dored to oome back by more boys and qirls ic per i in out a i and ikkiokii omiifml by and under the gui 1 the lomlnlou limi tmnt of rloulture haa made grant strl tea in canada during recent years it is estimated hr inataixiu thut tin die oovery t marqilla wheat t y tl n cereal division of lha tothriiiiiiul kavms hraneh haa enrlohnd ihu whaut growers of tha thras lralrin i rojlnoas ly j0 000 000 annually ant that ihe intro duolhni of irostn htanuy uiid llur 11 wheats into the nlhar 1 i vlnoes has 1 rought nlhut a gain of ut oust hnlf a milllnn dollars yearly hut wheat is not ihe only gruln thut lius prnnted immensely through lha w ru rarrlad on al the kxiorlmantal paims dy th introduction of daulmnoy victory in 1 in parlloulur itannnf i ats a gain has been made tif omkd coo ooo ntially while other hew grains such barloy flax and puus have l nn minsl1e for an lu rnitm hi vol l ooo 000 annually all f th mtlst unit will dnvalop lu till gleu droll to tha oountry kxiisrlmeuts lalit lrdlng wirk with garden a rlnld orolta have lo 1 lo the dlaiovi mny nw varlatlos bui h as tho tlalw apple icarly ualoom com al- icrlty tomato etc 1 lardy varlellna t tru trolls have ln 1 roven of goo i growth in the i ralrle lrovlmes whll- tome valuable dlaooverlr hav lil m id lu rorqga ami s nntnlily a kft anulul d alovar imineuael valuable raavarcll work has lean dona ly th i tilvlion of chemistry and by th ulvlalon of tot nil y and by th- ituull of animals bntomol laloul uiid flee 1 llrunoheh cap ml a has irei u shown to lie the healthiest of all countries iii uvi stock a fact which mil- 1 ut trlbutail in large meaatlrn to the x oallent system of suparvlslon and con irol adopted and ft i in w ml by tha health of animals llranrh liy its l nxau titulary monsures and other ac- tlvltltes it is conservatively tuhulatojf tho dlvltrion of llotany has savad the country ijjoooooo annuully htrgwly ly its ciupmio agtilnat smut and its control t f btt blight and rot of po latoes and tlnr dluinwes to which plint life im sill jet t luwwtroh work lu its loin rutnrlcs by the hood ilraltch haw iniilud in upproxfmaioly 100 000 tons of ikreoulnus lielug muilw of maul im value to the lv ut k reader d this is but ono of the mnntallti mils luit have beoii achieve 1 turn ills to the tcntomoloulciil branch when it is state t thut to nrld crops ulon u jiftitldsbls natlmatn is th it the depr datlons of inam la ruiiau u mm t nch your of illenllonoa some idtu of the colostuij work invnlvcd tan i hi formn i in null hunlmndry- by tho greater uso of crop mtwtlonm for each dlnlrlct t is estimate that ontario is hinenitd dy to the extent of ijjoooooo whllo hy summer fallowing u system urnontly eunoiiraged by the icxperl nenltl yurmm hrunoh the tralrln lro inces urn thought to gain 00 000 000 uliually these few facia will ill ustrate tho udvnnoo that is being muds u tha dovcloixnont of canadian nu-rl- niutira lomlnlon lo par tine nt of ag hon hum temrenawce jots lone dry lu dcalgimd to keep men from going to thn dogs woman jmver felt aura that her husband had loose hublts until he cane home tight initials on whiukey liotlles urn lmhl forged i ut imno of thn in toll the lllmral truth ulwut tha utufc thn iirohlbltlnu jokes do not up ihiul to mw lint salt his friend i like thorn i urn fond of dry humor nke a tnau eunugh to it dossil t take much to n drunk thtua days jo the prlcn nloun is co u man stagger thyi hair tonlo oonwuinurs hiuut lo is follows who us4 1 lo hount that thoy could cither drink or let it alone 10 tl united states tb prtotttct fox indubtitv with u vuw to prolactlno thn fox 1 reducing industry in tho united biates from con tun ions dlsuuses tn- iludlng animal parasites tha uecre- taiy of agrlcultura has lssuod an enter vrectlve june 1 1021 uuhjnctlng nnlmsls offered for importation to iuuruntne inspection or examination and rovldhur that all foxes imported toy breeding purposes must be enterea through porta designated for tha entry of roxes us follows host on mass new york n y houses jolnl n v calais mo pembina k dak and tleattle wash dominion department of agriculture i jijjj mil j nja hot water in a jiffy i ii i i a tar rnly u friend in i hi l i t tiviri ttrtiii jij iwlf rum ihs mwhoijhi fw uilnills steumli a- h t will run tn n ll fuul hi i 11 i th rlui llll on if la 1avh wilt irhkl w f mooney do we take small accounts wo do more than that wo invito them welcome thorn and take good cant of thorn v if yoa wfah to open tt snvlnp account tor mny particular purpose or wlah to tench tho children to avo by bivlntr an account in each childs name do not healuu to do so because tha amoonu to b d posited will be small ii is aaffllept to prajn a havings account and deposit of ft ara always welcome th archant5 bank head omca montreal of canada sal y day li u l b bhommv afaea if r muusv w awrt why the ford is the universal car down among tho orchard of novi scotia the farms of now brunswick on shcrbrookc street montreal votive street in toronto portage avenue in winnipeg on the far hmik horizons of saskatchewan ami alberta nnj up through the mountuins of kritiklt coltiitibio down grunvilld street in vancouver on goveriniicnt strict m victoria its the aamc story half of all tile cars you reo are ford curb in many sec tions they uro two to out of all tin- other makes and its the same story in africa australia britain turopc united stutcr throughout the world onehalf of all the 1110 ton on earth arc fords why bccauw the simplicity of tho ford car adaptn it to every driver because tho power of the fortl car carries it wherever the driver wanti to jjo because its durability and riirfed strength make it the car for every condition of uanjc because of its low first cojt mid low cast of operation and maintenance the ford car is n rood cur for you to own the new ford prices touring catt with statttlk 7io00 ttunawout u 64500 sedan u i 109000 coupk u u i 90000 thuck 7r5 00 fob ford onh the ford garage l g kincj manaser dk it a coxe rroprfetor acton ontario business directory dr j a moniven payelelert and 8uror orttoe anil ltjdui liitir i iw avi a h hi jttt ul m t formerly ojoidll y i u antid oil dm c j ncloofj phyui buo olallrlelan attn ontario k 1 r ti if lit lir flruy tun 4 1 m m r ruu itu umr fut 3 14 an 1 7 la 9 v tn d c r w nofl phyatatan and bljc u ft oaaruaiawn phon 22 rtiiiaa urgt if iro- itsj hlrial alnurfi irt 1 h nt wo- u a a j llirao a i 1 f fii vai legal i 1 w v u ii 3i uauu uahu pabmkk m a arlatsf bal t4omry p blls covnyindf bfs sflrvmam dlock acton ont movkv to ivjaf otttr mt miliuaa camai kuu ssd sve4artek bferaec c oll6p d d 8 l d mc ovc ii- lk nt stov untls miacg ncous marrlaoat licbmscat rt p ikm aa mvrlk ueawaas prlvmo cututm va tin i i ta- unlrsd mx r in wtla rm passsr otoom aotoa 0ti ratamcis nunan wotblad- asaoonf books wtt mil ttao- m ts bellas vavkuueaj nt wavy daaity uoj esxatolty bound ruunst ommxtw sod frosapu dooav raac laelph out ovw wllluuav bunt tjaini j aublioaas- ror tb coantim at itultou wlllitaj too pal and dnowrin and uaw city tu fltwlpn acton omtahio o may bs umund by mall o sit naldraca sx frf or at tbs 1mm cmhoal acton j tbat masxory ooes ooalsb th mewafleconl vnfm las with w jt oordoo umxaimm ibkn klulabonr bsjcsl kotrustsd to k jf atsrf r- eaiva atsotlon from data ot llatlnr 1- data nt aaj tjmx your aalea wttb tea ttaaiaanca b aswnu acta kbooa u actoa call at la atzbca roy hindley auctioneer canmllluj phon erl t ll h r a acton miimmm oh i say oltl ohal cried smartai acarly the other avenlne to a friend heard about tha aon mini in lh tot orlcot mo repllnd the trland preparing to boar sand enjoy f not about our postman ottln the sackt asked 6mart inareuuieusly what did tie get i tovx to put tli ifttor hi old hont said btnart with a chuoklp advertise one of the most persistent advertiscrfe in the history of success was robinson crusoe lie knew what he wanted a ship and he put tip an ad for one he flung a shirt on a pole at tlje top of his island that in the language of die sear was plain to every seafaring man the circulation was sinalltlicrewaslio othef medium but crusoe kept at it despite the fact that he got no enquiries for a long time he changed his copy as one garment afteranother was frayed out andluuthe end got what he wanted v -j- suppose crusoe bad taken down that i signal after a time and declared advertising doesnt pay rwhere would lie and his story be now k put upyouriigual aiid keep it there crusoe advertised under very discouraging circumstances youvi got a sure diing it is only necessary to have the patience persistence and pluck of robinson crusoe and the good ship better business will tie up longside your pier i mpmsf iwajs a iwajsiiajabmat j e cheevers book binder quabeo bl east ouslph oni oook and knaoasinstf bound i handsome and hubstantlal hamea uttered in void on lult hymn liookaj and other books al work promptly exaouud d alex niven ontario land surveyor and civil ftnglnr survaya fcubdlv ulcus risn lu ports jjoscrlpuons ulutprlnts etc certlltcato tot iiurelisssrs an mortyastam surveys tor arc hi tret a llulldere and uunlelpul counolu juralnasi hftports hsllmatsa sto molean buildino deuulss 8 oukuk thone 10s on j dealing sale of winter tiodoa no nnl kolntf lo cluolph tor dot uir day you cult make a dotlst hers just as wll overalls 2js0 work hhlrts tt t 76 wlntor csts tfi 17o and 2jo0 and other soous lu uroiwirtlon oomo in and see us for us r all is 8hos ttepalrlna rjastly dons e k cook itlltj stiufiht aoton the old and reliable granite add marble dealers wo are tnanutaotursra and dlrot linmrtrsj of all kinds at unnutnental and lleadstona work w soil dlreot to our customers at wholusal prloa thus savltifc our custoinors 40 per oant wo havo the beat apullanoea and tbs rrily moohanlos in the ikimlnlon who can operate pneumatic toots tiroperb wo can stva rereranoes from hundreds of our atislomrrs in toronto and other places where others have to lutve law suits in order to collect we have the tartoat and beat stook of oranlte tn cbe dominion or mora than any throe dealers tn tho west wo are lea-ltl- tnate dmiersrvnd employ no acenta and do not annoy or past customer by sending out brnorant agent sollolt- i hamilton sons oor horwleb woolsrlnh bw tr sfficti jeiwyjia iti ill h r klpk

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