hp artmt jtrw jlrpflfl tiiuumoay juiy 14 1d3i y when i 1 1 my im will good pairlcs at nil day y tlmthli ll at i 11 1 ihlh my i i mull and pliu n xt kit f r how i itreitd i gullny lirulkil i lug i rl rtn i lug mi h1 i iii li ilmiu dcnco- on wedorlck 11 tr rnut thurtklnytnyr twcntv vlaj1d aoo from the l of th freo of i thursday july is 1001 alii i ho r wonk of lntlil weather hna punsod 111 twi tin this liildwiimmw tor rhilty uiil humility w urn long in still idlty nml short on plm i illy emit i itovul i u i tillt u ui w work roomnit the r f llu shop on mill htreet unit will ulu rily nut iii u ti tlotl tck mr it holm drovei idolled rnr tit hi km yetrduy tim cur at th ph it ii i price puld 1 lo wm worth mlhtut it touch uu it nur mr j tytit liuu uu m 1 temporarily u wholsu to wurehousa in lint uouton wtore ami l whipping lurg ordor of blankets lumlury utul woollen to tha northwest knox chuioh uumluy llchool will hold thnlr utimuil jn tihi tn idylwyld 1 ark near hnspuw nkl tuesday the tri will ln by i iii i ii tif llespeler nnd lhtiie y lee trln rum to tha park mra di onty anil hu ry or rlved from larkhlll mi monday and thu dr nml hid family will shortly bo nrortuhly onltlt 1 in thilr hue real sivdui order jar hill tuff of u upeclul ula from trfa acton tunning co not luwlng atock in hi yard to till thti orlir- mr knyru mint hi nmii to hit bush out the l lno tree liauleil the log to thu mill cut tha timber thu required wlan hul tlmm taumod in act on nnd thti carpenter ut the taimrry hud them framed ami nut into tha building by ix o clock the kb mo avonlng the twelfth was gloriously celebrat ed tn anoti ona of tho host parade in it history wu witnessed it was ona ions lino ot color perspiring or nnimn fife nnd ilrumn and band music in tha following urdnr clrand marshall crawford w m carriage ooutalnlnir ltolxirt milui ontario wid est oraiikmnan oft yruni jtniaj with mmukara vt tlia dy llnunp ton miicluii i en luind u rump ton i o u na 10 innluwood l u l no 78 tyta nnd drum band chaltunluim ii o u wb 138 norvul 1lo x- no 168 tltti and drum band hornby tj o iv no 17s churrhvillt u o 1 no 81 ulnuwllllama drnxm luuiil clianwlllluiimi i o i no 340 hnuntiton t o i no 34b 20th liriilmant itand ororia- town u o 1 no z4s lualpli u o lno 1331 momilowvuto llrniu imuid btroatmvillo 1 o tt no 390 utrootm- villa 1- o 10 1 trump too 1l o u no g04 rifo nnd drum imnd huttonvllh l o 1 no slt camp bell a croaa u u l tulmnnlnn it o it camnballirula tlf nnd drum bund cmpbtlvllla u o t- no hs4 xo- ton gamut hund aclnn i o 1 no 4s7 it la cutlmateil tttnt tltrrw wro nvwr 4 000 peoptb in tha purk durink iu afternoon and tha day olod with t km concert in th wvenlntf mahrieo auhnkylyll3 at fryfu vlll chorfh a trot acton on thuwtny july 11 laoi by uiv ii a uacphor- uon html mod by ltv j m iliirar m a and hv olivr ircully 1totkrt j ournay of ourpoy a o murrhanbi tn jean otilit dnuthttr of joaanh tyfo died masalkfl in ac um oil ttunduy aornlna july 14 1901 william annlak mead 73 yemr nnd 4 month k sunday school lesson foh 8undav july 17 1021 omv1 hhion ol i1a1i- 1 ij 17 lon n t l kullhfu in th tutylnb ii thy m plutlun that jfuiim ruma into tha world mill or wli it ii nlllal took th road ii ill with at l 37 w huvn ul iii rilvllllim iwhhim lu t aluiut tho lliiui whin i tln road from ji ruuilupt to prrm l lo tha oimlnh 1 1 ik in llm ophmlt dlr u noulpuny of ixiiiint u- takino a chance it la a wallknown faot that many workman tro injuwd ovary day and whllo in nnmo caaea it la tha fault o th employer there are caaea whr it m tho fault 6f tha workman who uuea to take chancea in life thinking it mhowa man 11 nana thu churactcrlotio la extremely marked in tho youna peonle who drjve automobile they ahoot tha car acmaa a track in front of a atroet car uvoid- ntf a colulon by n foot o two nnd th driver la very likely to chuckle complacently sometime when he count on u margin of u foot he ml- oalculate and than he dotf not chuckle arldentm connuntly icnult from tak- inshanoea a boauttful youns womxn a college otudont was vuluntf the home of u claaamata ona afteruoan the family wont on an automobile rldo the m of tha liouae drlylns when tho vlaltor iut beadle him lo thought ha could roh thu trolley truck in front of nn on com 1 its car and ave vrattlns w acconda lie nttacalaulated a the youns men who take chance are bo llkaly to do in the colllvfan only one ucreon ww hurt and that wm the vlaltor a promising- life wrdw becauao a youtiir man tok a chance mora and more fin incroualntf nuqj ber pf yaun peojjlo ura een u lie wheel of mnchlnaa they are re- vponalbe for tho suldanoe of bhj car which ere anally convertoil into alnea of druatlpn youth i nfiir- ally reckft but reckluannwaa mt rapreitad and connuered before one a fit for no reponlle a iort a kuldln an automobile fiq0 and tmiafles uold nlway he uqder roiufti rock a rhanire of cluiraoter aoompllaho more than a chamja of cllmute no aalld work wo over done 4jy a man looking- for a nort place tho dovll nlway beta out an mtm vditwn when aome aalnv boob wrons you cannot feed the aalntn by run- lne uio church into kitchen qomir people buy dlble for the ullt on hem other for tho cold i them tbe mtrnnso thin 1 that a man who in antiafled with eo lltte in hlnuielf demand no much in other many men are trym to atmlghten tlm unlvorao with nnarern that have done nothlnc i t bt thin into a taiisle j there are aome people who hlnk that heaven win reward lluun for awlne chumli a rtlm for adollar entortalnmvnl the- man who boa fulled at runnliur rt botvlnk stand can alway lve tbe alkktlty lot pf yaluble pointer oi rtinfllnb tho nnlvp i tio matter how deprww lh tor may blt mut yllv to holloway con itomoror m oaod m dlrtd iday itbtre ium wvi hi hu x rlin lu iiiuiim rcienli d ill i f lirliatu in joruaabim a luav- jllrlhitillon ovi r nynakoauo n- y tho both rltl at ibmiimua id nihnl lo thlh kind of order llirtullun woinon uu wll ua men wvra lotlmw of lh hrmition virw 3 tim ruru villi road to ikim- uumim renuhhl ulk duyu the u hint tibnno lux uimvo the m lo in uti miati rii aim itieir vir 4 not only ttuiil but hi loniiahlona wire btrurk down by the int unity if tho llu till cmii not im inten reled ii u miylhlii ulna thuii it mhuduloua vinioii viwr hew u mllat hnula uatoiilahmunj and k bumlllutloti verse lhrht hlmlf i ttlven km iii tho tiucuaaury litatnirtlonm i ut 1 unnt him to u preacher of tkb v rue 7 ihlx rtimihiny of men prill ubly w in with haul to help him wilis i itolvrm back to jerusalem vnnte h tlilk lu a purfsot diarrlp lion of phyulcul blltidnea varai 0 lmuifine haul thouiilita during tlite three alichtuvut day when he hud nothln to do but meditate vanttt 10 ananloa evidently knew hull and kmw about hla destructive work vuro ii not only did waul rcelvtt a vihioii hut annnlan llkewlae both lhjklinr to the end of haul oonver ulon the pur him of thlw vialon wu lo muke kuu a chrlutlan and to stamp blri upoatloahla with divine authority v ie verai 18 l9aatn it u plain here that the author la doacrlblna u miracle vurloua u i tempt liave been made to explain the lnclduni from natural cauae but uch ut tempt are lame damascus utiound in water and it wu hot dini cult to find a convenient place for tho bautlom of baul illustrated truth a sincere eeeker alter truth will not low pride to stand ui the way of s ttln what be crave acl b illustration it wo a severe teat ror mull of 1aul atondlna to be bent an uiikiuwn u member of u de- hpud oect for instruction but th hreat man was intent n cettlna hi that it i to be doubted whether he ever thought of that phase of the matter in the day of the pioneer of liiiirnlna wesj ready to accept thn truth from uuch preacher aaita john rmltb and hi la hhelburne who knew nothing of th oul- f tho uchoou but who bad un- mlhtaluihly a mnasakn from ood they were too oujtcr for the troth to be turneil ualdu by pride topics for rimich and discussion 1 httlij thw lvreculor v 14 wlmrt did haul oonverslon take pluoet t- 4eerllw the scene s why did ha wunt toro to lamaut who were with hlrry and what were they with him for7 jaait the conqueror v why wan haul went to a preacher instead of utilnk instructed in the vlitlont wimt wu uio purpouo of thin miracle atlanta the teuoher 1011 17- im it possible to expktln this mlruele a a luituml kcurrmieet 8 why hhoull uuybikly lmiro to dl tit the miracle of the stripturet dally raadmo for next wwk momjuv jul ihhaul lreuehe chilht act 9 30 30 tuotdny july ib 1uul yeurii from jttsu christ oul 1 11 84 wednesday july 10 tho osmji which 1nul vreacheil 1 ow ib 111 thuraday july 3llaul btory lle- foro abtlpjw art m 1333 tviday july ssluul htory ile- roro abtipim act i 34 32 saturday july jj paul chariro to timothy 3 tim 4 1u uunduy july 24 put your trut in ulm i 40 4u how the immigrant is received in canada th canadian pacific li drlnga thousands ef immlai tits it rroently put him plum of utl i mm is runt this means you 1 don t coma to work late so to bod earlier it far eaaler and les hard on other z doit find fault the minute vou rrlve on the job wait until 10 o clock taybe by that time you will forget about itj 3 non t holler your head off be muse your er idea or theory i not curried out pcrhap the other fallow ho idea of til own 4 don t expect other to mind whon you don t knowj want yourself y n dont tell people ot thj work you did year iuki do no j j lono stand no athmamj mulyered o ion from aathm tried ao many o railed rei think that there 1 no real i thonvl they ahould read the i celved by uio manurttcturerf it kellosv asthma case oiioe u deanerata a i icven inlons neslected caaesf paratlon trn prompt w lead penfcll parsj junior farmer need to in flsurc tho load penrlj friend of the asrlcull keep one near by and ao a convenient mw many a jtt ha been hi wan who flaure borne r at pencil uurmln but uj lead iwiiicil 1 that u youn rarmer uu and once having it it used diligent many approuched about keetj yawn lastly and repli the time and by th iriiny are too buny to how can you top a i know where it 17 j kept record i the ur thu leak in tbe furm m i for i book at tbe ik sneer iki sturdy lrt tool l poaeas bt to be when haven t i ma token money you don t irct jhy to find if uvi lllnif vith n hlplond iip itwiikt from patlnr ont lo unlwi iolulnu tli profession down guiiicwuy to the hla oovnmmeit imlurutlou fall wnt hlntf them pas nivlnw haforv custom i t ntoeru hmiltb lrpartnmtt lrliin ud in ntor ulwl kthirloiit-lii- the uervlrn rnnilnrod by a uuiuler of h ful iiimn rb ut tlm port of dim mlwrkntion whllo htahdlnir by tht money changer ntid tlikwt unller and finally boarding an tmiiilritit train iwxind for the west and uil u bow tho imlnliirhlit i iwelved in canada murteously fair ly helpfully expeditiously that 1 all rxrvpt the row who tcnoninty or wilfully huvii dlhricurd the tvgulo lion uml inliut tiiwda 1m firmly dealt with for tho suku of canada a wnll a thaituuilvni the last letf f thn oct uil journey 1 made ovr om of the most bountiful rlvtii in tlm worll uml umld th at tractive mcennry of thu white lutlo kfiniti caiiuilluu vllluftmi ami a hack giuuq i of their loutf narrow farm nnd the curthpr hnl of lillio tito ml biwriniti inuki u dramutle approuoh to tho itw ooiuor to canada all are eugrrly irlnkiiiji in the ucutm raotng with kimin ujitlc i tuition tlia newylaiid tor which utey ure iteodlng in soine rumnh fulnlllng tho ilnnlnk of a ufe- it i a home coming after u vult to the mothcrlund and thn uld folk at homo qrosao isle must however be rock- he iiuumtitliik station w the lovorninenl if the pashengtr hnve a clm bill tf beulth fnm th whip ih k torn llien ii little delay for again cuiiud imiikt lm aufisuunlml rtom lmuiallihi plukuo r p utllonoe the i rri t mlvnituro fyr uiost r orhe u lioiiieo llniux ut 11 quiihjc no rich in hint iv aitd rpmujirr the inst- ni untnwsy to a rounlry of italf u- lonlluoiil the corlreti lunlu ut thu hi youla i inluilikmeiit with the t nihil ui ulid ibe molltu rollowliuf um in hind thrso cr ul c i it uiur nearly two thou un t lmil all in a fonmoon lun ull u exrllnmi nl tnom ile p hold tmiark muasn of iwkknge of evry rinrelvahh type and ian whllo from ilwk uflni iiim k i kin r forth tho human atrosm from thuny landa un i im likliur h ilwl of longus caiiudu i utlll thu uront ntugnnt amonk thn wstirii lulids for the fortune meikcrx hvory lumt oidcer i on hi job u well u nvnry rullway nttloliil kv rylhluif movu with pmlulon wltb- nut frlollon or do iy livvrylody morvovur unvuih eaur to ijelp and to utiuwir iiyntputhutlrully tho flooil uf iunntloin tlhlplowd by wlilplihd thu luwiomer iihll into ll lur biijldlug un foiiu some liuiuiliitf the dimitor til for thin purhhe him u blbitla fill llniu in il ii uoniu pusuluit tbt ilmjor mile tml by the dominion lukunl of houltli who wumi nlowely for any t hyalriul impvdimuiit iwrlouh enoiikb to call for dlumt1i n of mending tiok bmulur room with houiiltal nliulp t ure uvullublu for iim other llpe half a dosi u of them luttui tho tfovirnment insiwrtnru for their civil aervlie niimhiiitlijii iiuikmi on thu cur rent government rngulutlouk wlikb ttru now prolty utirt thu hi who psu imth nidealu and mint do itutlik to the inrimuulngly flllliit iiiiu tni i in thn thur side of ihr atluntlc 11 hi have h- inaji1 o k on paiomforlu nml en trillion tlulfiu lire free to i lit i or ru untur cunndu lit i w n o thu hltf lower ii r of tho lmmlkrutlon hull the uu i uiful mu next puuii hen to i a uiiiv nc n llttpru rrom nluirclio uu 1 i x u tl ajulst in muklntf ii tuny f n tluue who lire now li w cunndhuia in m tid ing tilcsrumu uniting tht ir uujii y i ohaikd uml tkki lu bought in lo natlng i ugguge li guldlui lniliiiu with luiblitw un i tin re ir loin ut them to thn hod i rusi nurmry pi d the hungry folk to thu lunoli m ml n and later to the trslnm that ii re in waiting litre t tit door hr the c p i men uml the illmtlng oihouj who a a bit jo in hi hand 111 in training two thmmuild iwnphi in u fow houiw ipnut i i y ooudui ti ru und guurdo und gull h nil nolng he ln- mt of luuii w rk th immigrant la well rri ivetl in th i land of hl iidop tlon h 1 hnlpo1 on hla w to ii full t itikiiuthlp in thh land oj opportunity alp wnulth for ull who toll ifud bra umauubla to it law a final lm pretoiloti 1 thu rxc llnnt o rip ration im tweun gov rnmeiit ut umr rail way am nil othm who form the ro rxptlou oommittee for tho imw tin uil lu ii ho l glvoii tho glad bund und u wurtu wolci m i no nnttr whitlier ho liulli from u llrltlhli or n foreign huii and im made to feet nt home from the hour he land 1 y columbia gramaphones amd records ajuamatvgeo tm making u hpmtalty ot cotumbu oramaphtmmi wl llooord whifiti lm will dllvm- promptly l vv pianos anv make a auqeo hi 8- aol call t lit star voters list 1d21 municipality of township oknassagawbya notice i booby ulvnii tlmt k bave tralismittil or dellvirwl to the lruorul montumed- in lee 1 ontario volira 1 ut abl the oople renuiroil by nult wcttin to w o traiiamltted or delivered of tbe list made punuuitt to said act of till immon appearing 1 the buit revised ahmlssmept lloll of hie said munlelpallty to be entitled lo vote the wild immrlpullty ut election number of the ijiglslatlvn am- embly and at municipal flection ml that the said lint wm first poutc1 up in my office in nwsnagaweya on tint 5th day of july 1bj1 uiid mmalii thoi for inspection and i hereby call upon all voter to lake immediate proceeding to have any errom or iinluloni oonrectcd ac cording to law dated thin eth day of july 1931 john uarshaxj 3 clerk of said municipality notice to patrons of this establish man t during july and aunust ex amination for gia en thursday friday and satur day only of eoh week lons qrlndlng and quick uepalr r department a uu4 notice to creditors the creditor of james undirnaul late of tho village of acton kurmer who died on or about the eleventh day of june 1911 ii nd nil other having claim ugalnst bin estate ure reuulrvd on or imfore th thirtieth day of july 1031 lo wend by pout preituld or other wise d llvi r to the underalgned solici tor for thn executor a statement of their hotountu or i till inn the nature of the security if any held jly thwm und full p irtiiulur of thnlr iiamoa uddressim mid ilmi rip tlon ami notice 1 hrby further glvon that immediately after the wuld thir tieth dny of july 193 1 tho ald fcn- eutor will proriod to dlntrlbuui tho us tu of tho wuld i mini umonif the purtle nnlltud thereto mil they will not lui responslblu for liny clulm of which they hlntll not hjivo rwnlvsl nolle ut the time k t forth for uuch illmtrlhutioii dotihl ut acton ontario thl utlr- tfttb day of june a d iu21 at lixandltlt maodonai d wild iam uuunm kxecutoni lly jf n 1 armor th ir uolfrllor 633 charlie gervais house painter at ton ontahio triiiik icxporlnnco oarufiil work done all job xromptly completed order for spring work should bo placed immediately residence church street r every 10c packer cf wilsons fly pads ill kill mo s8- f stick klies thin cf any citcheu pican lo handle 8ol4 by all imic- fnsfi grocers nml general btorctv ij the hiqhebt alpu thuwau completed some time ago a carriage road over the alp between thn headwater of tho iere and the oniuc lo the west pf mount 11 1 ana the highest point i at the pa of 1 ho ran nt an elevation of 8 885 feet which u but little lo than the eleva tion or the btftlvio the ofttct alplnei road 0040 feet the new road pae nuar aome of tho hlrlmat alpine tfum- mltm and wtthlp lht of wm of the finest glacier it fumlslie an unin terrupted driveway 381 miles ions bo- tweoi uenava and wee as ii vermlclfle uu excel lent prepara tion is mother qrsves worm bxter- mlnuter it has savod tho lives of osufltles cmldren a profitable vacation at home 6 wonderful days georgetown chiautauqua july 1420 zedslar symphonic qulntatta herbert lson cop little louis shrod pamahasiks pet hjor arthur e runnsll th qllvan light opera blnoar ferdinand fillloii and assisting artlata dr frederle pool with alunby in pa us tine and laurence in arabia william h stout perolval vivian hlrhaelr and hi broadway playar in ii pays a advert i dr robert norwood the old8ono 8lnpr gkt your season tickets now h r mimnts smratsry tennis and ibowling shoes wavb in which productivity of boils mav be decreased a noil a primluctlvi lu prothirtion to it uhlllty to wupjiiy to growing plunbi llio element rmiuhod for thn plallta ilevelopment if we look upon a noil a bank or stirehouue from which something may lm drawn w will realise that uin producing hiwcr iq huiiely in trobrtlon to whutl on deposit icv ryutom of phoaphoru or lotauli that we remove from u glvnii ioti of holt haven the noil juat mo much poorer kit if we keep on taking the nttlul or crop limiting mnt front the eoll by moan of crop rn ul the producing rapacity of tho soil will bo ww i u or il jiptt tho wnno a a cunli lutpk drjiouit will l icdurcd if sonic lldng i drawn nut uml no cor- retitomtlng relurn intuit nt aleut to iru the required oloiuontm to liny soil will lesxl 4s mil rvorty the crop ylnldlng euiwi ity of jt itoll may lie utly nducel by poor plowiiig iwnr tillage attd tieglmit ti pruotluo tho liumt mothod of iuiii mjiiiuft mnnt for dlutrlrt autumn piiiwihk of ifiitd tlmt wush 1 mlli dutlng thn winter und nirly uprhiif fit luoutly rmu ii uouitldi ruble uoll or noil fir llllty ion isnnlttiiig n toll tu l ii mutttnl with tho living rmhi of iiuibulruble pluiilii wuth uu rouch iuu will make nny null unproductive of de ilrnbtu crop ni i loot to provide propt i draluugc to givu nllnf from hiirplu irrigation kumiio or iiiuhi wutirji reuult in rumtiuii rubln do ruue in tha i cnductlvo oupuolty uf uoll tho imirnilttliig of hvo stock tu run ovir punt inn und tillable field luring the wet purltul of tlm year when the hoii u water uouked 1 an all too fraunnt mealiu of rmlunlng graxlng und giving uu undo i rub to pud died condition to the soil uiturn pliosphoruh und lrotuuli in ijuantlty equal to that rt moved by the crop pructlre tha best cultural mouiod ut the pro in r time in order tbut the pro duatlvp ijipuclty of your uoll may not lie decreased 1 htovetimon buporln- tendent lcxperlmciilal mtatlon mldnoy dc g004 stockau sizes slippers womens tlclarid oxford ono nnd two strgp cuildugns and ladies runabouts and outing shoes repairing skwki and nailed work kenney biros main street acton ont horses feet require care many u horse becomou incurably lam mid huu to 1h klllnl long tieforo hi time and hirnit often tho cuuhii im unmo trouble in thu fore ftet do not try to e onomlic in the ehoolng of your horth m it to the bust home- hor you can find upd let him huve hi owt wuv have your horse shod at least oncu in four wku ayuld long cs ik thu higher the foot in in i nml from thn ground the worse for the foot that ho oh on u bl enough iwd at the heel a ltuui oo big for the font moo that yourtiornou foot ure kept soft ohtkhihllly in a long mh ii of dry weuthi r itj in hi hhooh if he stand in for u week ur more but nli lilni beildlng to stand on o thill tio will not become foot wore no doubt you knowthene thing yourself but luimutlmo yoll forget them the golden grain bakery the wtkal with tub threk lls brewers best bread a kfl i- l oil i ml mi ol impad hdnq cakks piis and iastitv ok am kinds every day v george brewer iiu t r the c m i mill stxet near itapuxt church the brunswick you will harpy bflwvc aix thl good things thdy say abou 1 tfhuinhlfoswick until you heak it yourself 1 frank king tho dealer will demomlnilo main sntcot geougktown children cry for fletchers cast0rsa jtlotchers castorla is strictly a remedy forlnfanta and children foods are specially prepared for babies a babys medicine is oven more essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for crown ups are not lnterchanfieawc it was the need of a remedy for uio common ailments of infants and children that brought castcrlabefore tho public after years of research nnd no claim has been mado for it that irs use for over 30 v years has not proven what is castoria castorla is a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrups it is pleasant it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance its age is its guarantee for more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying jjovoriahneba arising therefroratiind by regulating tho stomach and bowols alda the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural bleep tho childrens caffifort the mothers friend genuine castoria always j bears the signature of wztu in use for over 30 years externally er intarnally t la good when applied externally by brink nibbing dr tlioiua teolectrln oil open be pure und penetrate tho tlu touching the out of the trouble utul immediately uffildlng relief admld- utered internally it will niih the irri tation in the throat wblnh liuluo a coughing and will relieve wrfoctlon uf the bronthlul tulieu and respiratory organ try it und be convinced fame what 1 fumot rlnolully it i often vary dubious thing although thorn u j lardy tha famnu fimllnh noyollril haajlv1 ho 10timtl dornoti uhlru ho i of suoli a retiring and mod nt dlpihjslllon tluit his fume is unknown to a number or tho quiet country folic who live in hi vicinity one dov ap iiittiulaatlo aumlrtr of the write visited lorsethlro and ap- tuhml un oil lady whom hn found hitting outnldo bcr cottiuv door t air hardy ivuh near here docsn t her ho inquired which mr hardyt aakod the old why mr tjhomui llnnly who write immiws riplld tbe luaonlatteilihtrunr- oh l know naught about him wuld the woman but thuru be a 1 lardy nur by that ruueu gruil pigs rnlatn morlill condition must ex ist lu tbe sloinuoli und intnallncs to encourage worjns nnd thoy will oglst im long u tbene morbid conditions i nnll them to to bo rid of thnp snd imre the cblh huffi ring uo miller wium powder they will correct the unnetlvo liteguliiritli diy dchtroy- ing tho worm condition fnvorablo ito worm will disappear and tho ohlld will have no inoro unornk from that tauo i acton creamery full market price paid for butter fat any small amount ot cream will receive our best attention sweet tow tot sale every ayednesday and saturday i we willalso pay spot cash for eggs j open friday and saturday evenings best creamery butter new laid eggs and fresh 7blttermllk will now ib supplied at the creamery- every day acton creamery co watson wiles proprietors railway time tables at acton grand trunk railway system doing west no 3d no 11 no si no jc huuduy qolrtfj east no 34 no 30 no 3r no 1a uu s13ah loatoji llipn eiowan hiripn j0 j 4 a n 7 0ban iilban 31hpn 0l7pt u off p li tjsspit toronto suburban tcleotrla tluwy oalno west jily i huiidsy dally viciiil ku i ula dtlly okiiii hnnday ounjsy only sunday only oolna east dally except monday dally except jundy dally except uuudsy hunday only hunday only hunday only train no 3 urrlwm in ai ion at 8 33 on huturdiy hut ml of 3 33 a on sit her wol duyu weight do wen 1 by upeilal eaprea rrnlght lirelght pit und up ut any ad- toronto o 1l aonuw agsnt acton ii7a lia p m 00 p in u 03 m ess p m in t m t4l a m 101 p 11 p m bib a m bi p m iii p m fits bllm iiiniit for ep i lops y twenty yeum hinoea thousunilh of twit him n lain nn nae should be noils l inrntl iiopelnsit jjvee imroklal wm btlnson remedy co of canada 2s11 yongo tit mut toronto ont up4odate goods at a a speigirrs silverware in tableware fine variety also pino cutlery hardware tinware and granite ware big assortment pandora stoves and ranges famous heaters v small stoves oil stove everv article is op excep tional value c c speight mill street aetan chevrolet agency mr h h wilson ht itxiurod ha agoni y for acton for chevrolet motor ciirn douioiiut ration ar ranged call and ueo thu new mndo new nur alwuytj on hand h s wus6n bower ave acton ont pi10nu uu canyouwritea businessletter wn aiiaciatim in ouslnes littar writing bookkeeping shakhartd commercial law and typewirlllno f our training in uny nf thotio ut worth tbeost of tho entire uiurao 8tabt hkltfcsatooh the entire year guelph businesscollege hsrald bldo oualph ont- a l bouck principal a proprietor she acton bakery call phono no 77 if you want a dclicioib- loaf ol broad or drown bread or a boston loal steam loaf buns and rolls pies and all kinds of cookies and cakes also wedding cakes made baked or iced y bread is your best foou eat more op it iwe 77 the waggon will call at your door m edwards co lav and saturday at 0jw pm stars clod evsry night encapt fr aoton ontario f i v -r- y