Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 21, 1921, p. 4

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fp artmt 3tt ffrm i w lly nvipoiuli- aiklu iihihhdav jhijy hi 1uzi ti1k a ion uy luu uutliui i tf ml tl 1 lr i rita ii til ii u mill i wt 1w tu ir yrr m iv 41 lit it h i it- u ill il in 1 11 1 u ti ii 11 tla fl altvulii in uatk trn tmiy tl um lay m iflhi ollllll i tttu la rl 1 i i it tljarui i at r ll luly th 1 uionk rtl i i ti ii i 11 play jmllxiuhl i 1 i i iill ai win l uirrtcd iii f i 1 1 ii i uoou1 kdlld editorial chanjt in the marriage act on october i the chuncc in rho ontario murrlajo act will come into effect after that date the privll cjc ot i mil inurrmjje licence will he veiled with municipal clerk another chmio provide i tlmt oilly duly ui domed clergymen of recoprmed denomina tions nmy legally perform tlo mitrnujo ceremony nnd they mint be rcjjuterod splendid optimism at forest i he tore t i roo prers advocating the installa tion of u watorwoiki rystoin in that town it say nearly everybody ii greet with tho indisputable reality that waterworks would bo a good thing for i orent i he few who do differ arofhono who do not know of i ho benefit- 1 hero uro maity however who ray that taxation would ho increased tncroby some who my thr actually believe that such would bo tho result micro lire other i nay it who know bettor a tystcui of waterworks will reduce tho rote of taxa tion initl there r no perron in town or out of town who will dare to publicly attempt in any way to controvert till i statement offact waterworks arc certainly tho proper thing for a town like i orcot bo far as reducing tho rate of taxation ia concerned however bro pettypiecoa lockn will bo consider ably grayer than they uro now before hell bo able to repoitvmich reduction in the tax rate from the water worku revenue a county out of debt uml willi a surplus tho county of duffer hi it free from debenture and bank ubt and at the end of tho flnuitclul year had a rurplus of sllwhlo sluilburnc i conomist thib is mircly a poiliou unique among the counties of on in no ju our own jood old county of haltou with liberie of lf0o0 high level bridges more or losi manful and it km miles of good roads more or lesi worn out it i hafa to predict that no ratepayer of tho present 01 of the next generation will cc ilalton county iji tho happy po ition of tho county of dufferm in relation to its financial landing get out in the open thcfte days there i no other antidote w effective to tho tired depreed feeling of tho harassed business man or daily worker or overworked mother or sister in tho home as getting out into tho open the woods and tho hilli are calling today to tho tired and troubled people of the worldnnd ao one should turn a deaf car to chat call who has tho opportunity to answer to it tho poetically minded man puts it thus tho little cares that fretted mc i lost them yesterday among tho fields above the sea among tho winds at play among tho lowing of tho herdb nnd tho rustling of tho trees among tho singing of tho birds tho humming of the bees got out into tho open for a day br u week or a month and realize nature own relief to tho weary and depressed yci you if you are ncvisarlly indoors most of the time cnnndvk allotment vrpnt germany i 100000000 cnnndnn share of the reparations which germany to pay tho brit nil impirc has been fixed by tho prime- ministers confciento ut 300 000000 undei the duciuon of the supreme allied council tho total gcrjnan reparation- bill in plucod at 0500 000 000 or roughly ipcajdnp 10 000000 000 or this gigantic sum the briti h empire is allotted 22 per cent and uudpr the dcclinou reached lust week ciihndn is to re ccive 15 per cent of the brltih total 1 hi j works out ut it lion t 300 000 000 or in other words it ro presenter about one eighth of tho canadian national debt whether germany will ho able to pay the wholt or any tllihitatial part of this and if so when u different matter sifkobacf horpc the urltlsh chancellor of tho exchequer who took part in tho negotiations which resulted m canada receiving a hnro ni announced it understood to be hopeful that tho germans are und will bo in a position to pay a considerable amount hut on tho other hand n great many financial authorities hold tho view that tho collection of any substantial sum will bo difficult if not impossible canada had hotter not bank on ger manys payment for tho present anyhow but go on win an economical administration with a viow to reducing our national debt from our own resources standardized llin v th woman m aiixllbny or the lain vully ghuroh ban mot in the himriay h linol rooraao i link their iiuuua missionary box a utrnlnn i ullrni o linns iver tho room mill uh bun iln rtr buniile wuu oimiii- i i tin niioiiio uri w more oloiniont lliarnm mm wmlnk to i iiiimi aahj mih iunlkin hcjnfulv hhn nlwoy- itniulu hi motliliiw uihiil 1 hiiiiiho itn tlio way nvi rylxidv x i mii hoiiiiik to icuioiu uml all ml mm ton rnnuirufxt i ftul iihliutimil of what i biouiflit myhnlf mm talnlla nut in lint it a ttfm ni hurl tltout four yuurw tin r u mm wmlo u cur now u wuli imr uniinuiinn 1 tutor ly mr purlua liurrlnl to tlm 1oor uml tlm clmiiffmn hn nil oil r u iurga ljinldigo lutu in thn ttiitulity holiool room tho nit ii urowdciljiliiiul wlillo mr iur ii nut tho mini hid hunilla contain u tilliw otlnnolhh uabortrinnt o ihhy nvniihiif riiwiih nnd jlpporn iplii of vhhiu nn nlalmirata uuborli it hook uml u yallow tilnounhlon w ill mrti ltirlua oxolodoil 1 hn tooi tiliy wirmn mimm llow f j iitoilly oiv itnd i ull wo ni viiy nmtili olillaml mt- 1iinht iviilloil n r llltlo womuji h 1 out nllnl ly it uuii liulf tm hour b forfl miw olillttmi tbouaht to linun hoc billiilln llur ox u mut i on lnouulit dot othnrti will you loout uhu ilil rhoyro now tin nn o avory one of tlium ami link ut that biun utltohlnul and lut i mi till you horn tlilim illulin unt i iniililuiily icmlly how hi m t hun iihi my iinh 1m tlmt ut of mutual deliberation on trade revival one of tho most hopeful blgns of the times is the conference of representatives of labor banking transportation industry in many of its branches ag riculture mercantile war veterans and of the trust and loan corporations which convened yesterday sit ting at the round table conference which has been v c y ll provincial government to consider methods or stimulating business in ontario the scope of the deliberations to ho held by this comparatively largo body or business labor and financial men has not been determined tho con forenco held its first meeting yesterday afternoon and will map out its own courso of procedure much good will inovitably result from this earnest friendly conference of the various interests which will affect materially tho success or otherwise of tho business of tho province kpochnl ikvents in irtsient world klfctory the real spirit of the nations to day is for peace tho world is believed to be on the eve of ouo of tho most epochal oventi in history this is the universal verdict of the statesmen qnd journalists in england following president hardings offer and tho british governments acceptance in connection with tho dis cussion of disarmament nd pacific problems iho scend in the house of commons ono uftcrnoon last week when premier lloyd george announced great britains hearty acquiescence in tho proposal was it memorable one tho british premier spoke to a hushed ond crowded chamber and when ho declared that the government welcomed such a move and would do its utmost to make it a success there wua a crash ofcliccring from nil quarters which in the opinion of old journalists in the presi gallery has never been equalled sinco tho announcement of tho qrmistlco with germany mr lloyd gcorga spoke with an earnestness worthy of tho momchtous sub ject with which he had to doarnnd the emphasis which he placed upon tho declaration that if the conference failed it would not bo because tho british empire withheld its support loft no doubt in tho minds of the members or the house as to tho gov crnmonts sincerity an earnest of the sincerity of the brit mli premier was evidenced when ho agreed to attend a disarmament conference in washington thm fall ivemici mclghen accorded the iveedom of london tli distinctive honor of tho freedom of london was last friday conferred upon premier meigheu who is attending tho con forenco of dominion premiers in england this honor is not only a personal ouo to a distinctive person a go of promin ence but is also an honor to tho country represented premier meighen rose to the occasion lua manner creditable alike to himseir anduus country ho was the chief speaker nt the function and among other important things he satd in our political institu tions we are indeed replicas of this country tho hoad of these institutions is tho sovereign common to us all and revered by us all in that ract what i may call that momentous similarity are wrapped up the sense of our common mission on earth and the secret of our unity but i doubt if there is any other ivespaat in which the dominions are replicas of tho motherland our geography i dlfferontrour neigh borhood is different our racial composition is differ ent the assets stored by nature in our soil are also different no two nations dfuhis empire have tfu same path to travel each encounters difficulties nnd enjoys adyantnges all its own these are powerful immovable facts and becauso they nro fdcts we have to shape our plans to meet uiem true it is that wo share each tuners security and the peril af one is tho peril of alf but subject to that consideration each dominion must determine its policy in tho ifght nt tho conditions that surround it why lloya go lo the city ihouecd for such an organization as tho school for hu nil leadership which is to bo hcjd at tho on tario agricultural college guelph at tho end of the present month is apparent to many who have given serious consideration to rural problems many n country hoy chafing under tho conditions of farm and yillage lire turns his oyci longingly toward the city and ho is very likely to tell himself that if he is over to make a real success h mu break loose from hlsprcscufsitrrouiidlngs and strisetoiit fortlio hig centre it is truo that many successful men loft the country in their boyhood and came to the city but it mutt bo remembered that multitudes of failures lid tho sumo thing whilo tho number of workers filling mediocre places far outnumber either and tho difference between thoie different classes is not so much a difference ofgood fortune as n difference of purpoe some boyi are eager to go to tho city been use of its opportunities of entertainment their idea of perfect huppiucs is to attend a different show every night and in the citiot this desire can be gratified but tho youth who leaves homo with ontertaiument as hii chiqf motive is never going to get very far up tho inddor some hoys are desirous of leaving homo because they want to bo their own masters hecauso thoy are impatient of homo re straints ihey want to feel at liberty to spend their loiiuro wk plcnao without giving an account to any one to coin o in nt any hour of tho night and in similar ways to demonstrate their independence the school for rural leadership is calculated to bring together active rural workers for conference and in terchange of ideas to the end that thoro may be built up an intelligent and co ordinatod schemo for rural betterment so that tho young people of tho com munity may be directed und encouraged to realize that tho country and tho small village 4mvo oppor tunities which are often overlooked becnusoof tlio lack of intelligent nnd comprehensive views of the important things of life editorial notes no one offers much objection now weuhuuded a lemon especially lis this delectable citrous fruit has imumod the upper ten price of sixty cents a dozen progressive newmarket got nn udvorse blow on monday when two bylaws one to provide for more school accommodation and tho other to purchase a town park wore voted down by largo majorities the mujoritlet wee more than two to one in both cases era i i montreal has a lav on bachelors among other means of war duys for raising revenue and is on- forcing the tax so generally that after last assess ment tho city received more than 100 000 from the uumurritd men living there lets try the scheme out here mr kcovc and reduce tho gereual rate by a mill or two the buy in canada slogan should appeal to ever loyal canadian enable our manufacturers to manufacture our raw materials at homo why pay a neighboring country a heavy tax to bo permitted to spend our hundred per cent dollnr for eightyfive cents with its last issue tup acton eimii pimss began its 47th year having been founded on dominion day 1875 iho present editor mr h p moore has had 43 years or uninterrupted control or actons newspaper these two instances of lougovity are gratifying in view or tho heavy morality among tho papers of ontario during that period toronto daily globe it was a surprise to many citizens that municipal authorities were not moro discriminating in the mat ter at lotting town hall for lust sunday the cult which secured it woro recently rofiisod admission to the opera house in guelph nnd their founder wan reused a hearing in toronto our public hall is not supposed lo be obtuljiablo by all and sundry who have the money to pay for it irrespective of their purposei uiin iiiim in tlm w u in lb bunk you it uml in miy unit uu icmlly iulj ilruwn ti iiodiom juium mm 1 lirlun nx luljnuil 1 vi unit wo hutklurithuj tlilm 1hx n i u thinif mbull ho into it tlmt o a not ihiur ui ut in imt hulfwuy to tllhm llowou uirt i thmiklit that oiililn t urfonl moro hut i cun ilo it in tlnifm uw wnll km kbit run 1 ll buy th rmunrlul for ilromiuu for thn ltt1 kii in mru lctuho nut in iliillly thn otboru followtxl no iujh prom i 11 y hut whut uhall wn ilo with oiho thhitfmt minx com 1 ton uukt d hummuci male anything you eiiu mm vurdua ronpomtad mfdllwhllo i rttova thai thlk ootn- mlttuo adjourn tic wo k to think or llltlo jam my irownti olourltijr tlm hu it tbiit super wireless llultlih foittfht with iiuvrhuu nroo libitin imiiii nru mlinm umiuiiiimil nub innilniu itlilim mi hllkhtu kuiia ntn nil iontolliil by wlrohun oil thn roil- ihlmilion or ulilf inoiinht into ay luilnillm by thn ultniihi inuulntf tt u huttoiil tlui k it lu u il i ac but u r w of thn win ihhu worth nr tlm future alontf tlm unir uhl of llfi t urn ui bur joyu to lit kin rhu jnuruiillmt will i v nrmuil with u iuui t wlroloim tiupbono itintruituut krom ibi uu if hlm ntnry lin will tulk hltl nc t t to lh tiow rimiui mi i rf lilw itintruotlunh from tint udltoi- wl out fnrthi r tlmn und inonny bpliw wuktud in uittlinr biok lo ttia oinm wlrnll t hotouruplim will nulnud tlulr tinwrr whnn tin wlrnlouk uyu im tnirrn imirfni t iinwauuiinrii will rhl to liuhlluh tilotiiriim of ti plrul intnioit within twiniy to inn i ou of their boluif lulii n ut d ut u illutauin of 10 ono miln wny on trulnu no ilrjvor uunid anil ul uk i will bn luciuuury wlrlnn will no ni ml the wbolti tblntf from buslli tliiiitlfl nt 1 mlnnm hi th lonu run wlraliuui will iilnot if inliol dm limy biioiim thn a to of our iixlhtniuiiil who known t bending fon him ilui outrhu iroiitili hiihin i wiih in aiiirb lint tiimillih iiko li told tblu iilmilll- a w muii nrtjiliycil in mi knit liuli iii wdm iillottnl a lllllmilt iiiiicm of unhhin woik lo 4l rhu rnrninui id bit to u ml fur blui if ubi bud y tiouhlfl with bin nnmlijim mho bud 11 ui ml for lilm unvurul tlinrm unit nnully iiddiiic thut tiotbi 1 lilm uuuln hut would huruilf try to rmnfdy imy tmul lo but mliiht urluo lint win n ti uh irhd to loiiiuci it mho iiimuly limibi thn dllllnully wotuii 41m 1 in il nt 11 nlnj the fluctuating dollar at prosont a dollar i0 j worth only about 60a to spond but it is worth 1 totinvo uocnuso dollar do posited in a snvinga account i will ntoadily incroaso in buyitip poworns tlio world ffota on its foot fee aenin nnil tli nuiiply c mjual to u10 umiuid ifuy only what you without put your dollar a away n saving account commoditlsa uruwn uy only what you oinno t a until their buying power beoomm more iuauxod th m6rchants bank meudomcamontreftl of canada slly uipwi lok eiubllaliad 1b04 l 0 siionev ug1 u u mlmus uy value op doys to aqrioul- ture on tlm prliiolnlo tif touohlntf anil truliiliur did yoinitf btou autrouu lu nnmirinfliuf thn omlerutlou of lioyn from tlio ol 1 lutn tho mr of boyu uo tmuuiituiitnit uro bntwnan lfl unit so in four yuru tlio htuto of vlatorlu look 3 0 of tllimu luilh now houth wiilim 1 cod luid houth auhtrullu 300 now ouluml bftk uuo udoptod tlio uyiitoni it lu inlnriihtlnir to nolo tlmt 90 nr rout of tho iiunarico monoy udvuiiuid iiiih iiaii imbl buck tho nivumnirnir olalrooir to bo thut tlio boyu uro hood udvur- lueiu by their b uurn homo thut tlio country tfutu u louuor ufo in tho net- tier for the uino col tlmt boyu uro moro oiinlly twinutituntoil than udultu uml thut tbolr davoiimout in oryinlor ami of moro bonellt to tho uurroiiud- iiiiim rhut ciinndlifit fnntinm nio alv lu tho imiiioluu doriviht rrom tho uyu tiim in urovon by tho fuot that the dominion bureau of aicrluulturul utn- tlulliu vucorilu tha uct that in 1014 32 417 iiiiilooittu wi ro rnoolvtul for juvonlla immlyrtinlv und 9 318 nujiud unil thut in 1010 ll 7lit iiluillur ap- lcutlunu woro mud sterlinq in thin ooimtry tho word itterlluu vhon utunniad on ullvur mennu nlmply that the munufueturor dpolureu tha m- tloln to imi in h ilo of ullvor elevaii- twnlftlih nnn but tlio llrltluli rnurku nrrariuod in il column 1vo u hart of hlhtoiy of tha urtlolo uuuully the flmt innik lu tho inuknrh hihii noxt oofnou 11 nmilt tlmt hiiowm who ins the iiitlnlu wuu inndo fat ioiulon a leo- i nril h bead for tllimliurhum an nn- ahor unit fin rhi nfnld famouu for ltm ullvor 11 crown dublin hum the irluli hnru uml cliiihtor uuom thn olty nrmn dm thlid murk n lion indicate thn ulinidiirit of niiounum the tlete mark u luttor unuully oomnw laut hlnoe nnoh oily ijhou a illrfomnt vyateiii for i nil touting tho yeur when thn nrtlnln wum mudo it 1m 1 1 tic cum a ry o know the liluto of the towii in order to rind tho date or a dartlautar leco same old thinqs cinnbrhltte imilnrkruduatc oon trmy to roaiilutloiiu wuw etiteruhilnff bin winter when thny hoard omoonu 011 tho utnliu uniitlly hldluff liu ulu- trn liiihlniln ourtulib ha went to tho doilr otid con fioutcd 1111 iiueil ttmu who wuu rovlllhir tlio uoenen of hi youth and wnu ienlrouu of btmlnff blu old roninu ohtnlnlntr iiortnlnuloih ho lookod lojmd luid nnnutuud ah you the uilue old noin qoltnf to tlio whulow laid tho ua mo ohl vlow uml nooi- 4iit holilml tho ourtnhi ho cxchilbimt iho mmin old uumol my hlutnr uh uubl tho mtudnnt oh ytm uiild the vlultoi the wattm 11 htory avqidino accidents tuka iiroonutlonu nuulnat uoldnntu to the ohlldron never llt u iiall at hot wutor jut tho tliioo or on a tublo r bo nob whcio it 6u11 be rtumbod liy hbo raiioktiiir roik aio o uuro tho unout of tho toukotllo ih liirniiil uwuy from tho ouuldn iuikoii of your htove 1bo iitnnin will not nomo out of it thou 011 your ohlld u 1 01 urnim uri ho muhetf 1uml but will ehuuiio towuid tho baok of tho itove luko ko ramo nreoniitlon with tho hilbrtltu of ull bottlou turt thom uwuy from tlm front of the iitnvn uo that thoy will not be imllod down by tnoulultlvo iliiiform 1mot w he liked tho wiro whntm thu muttert 1 ho ymittio ilnulort it u tha jonomou duillnu they oouhln t iuy thn inntal- tiieiitm on tin nlinio uo i huil to take it uwny they wanted it on tho knthleen mnvoumeoii uyutiuii wirut ohl whutii tbutt don i nr it itiuy ho foi yenrn und it nuty bo for rivor hut it tlhln t oomn oir where are thevz a rntili who had rniuto ii fortune waw hpenklmr to n body or uturienu ah my midnan lie ituld qll tny trtimendouh rtnnnotal iirnatlse i owe to linn thhik ulono iiluok nluok otiok he mmln nn lmiitwnlvo pan no whloh iriivelono wtudnnt a nhunoo to imk ylu ulr hut bow ure we ut find the right liooido to tluckt r j quite true aitbur come mniiliiir in one day with mi uihirfuully dirty fimo hlu fiitbcr mi hit arthur how do you bit ynm fnra uo dlityt cant you be moie ilko yoin- dad 7 you never nto my ruue dirty i know but dud ycmvo not ao clone to ho ground aa i am r did tly the nixn tbu foi ulin wokiil ui ut him my n nt no null tho omtnlil qli hut lu u ndliilf foi me roiuy mon on i women evoiywheri ure trylnif to ilo thnlr bout alone for fulfill that tho mumttir tit ull work mtntut ready in holj thorn in th mmcdlublo llttlu ihlnuu uu well uu ii tlieunut thluuu ibnyhud to tln boat lu alwnyy nundluir for lilm the efficiency engineer flomo one wuu tulkbue to a wontorn muu with 11101 en mi in ucluitlrio furm muiiutcomi nt wlmii uubl tblu nitin who ohorlmh- 1 u 1 uthor old ruubloiieil notion i hour tho bruadlhu of thono oinnlnnoy noblnik iu thut thny ru tt hirrouuo by no muiiy fold the ouljiut of 11 furtn i urn romludad of tho um or iu tom out 401 rotu wau feiilluu hlu hunu 0110 hll in to uf duy with oonmiuul when ulonir lamg one of tlutio euperth why qimrlod the oxjiort wiih to ull thut uood lonimeul on all tliouu biiuut the ulvirf looku juut like uuw- dllht thou huhhtituto loiwduul the hunu will nuvr know tho illrr roneo thmi ho woiihiwuy wlllllliext lie jumo thut way he nought out tom uml nuked how tlm uawiliiht reed wuu worklnir rhut uald tom all ol 1 yellow hen huu been on it ovary uliico yon loft uu 1 in hor lout hutohlnuu nix of the cihloku hud woodoii liu tltoo wvro woodnookoru uml tho mut wore mil hlrjhi just a little humorous in nlniiew where thoy have tlm out few iho autborltlnh complain thut thny rutittot eiiforoe tho law liocnuue owlliu to ni i oil uuhtu jlhoy uio uuublo ilutlngulhb hotwoin child and urundmothor her drouu urouuod bin loxjty wn almoitt hml n 1u why uo you iwlt woll biovlty von ktmw lu tlio uoul of wit truvelhiir brlnuu out nil thut lu in 000 nbuervod u wrltir wo founj i ir out when we wore on tho atluutlo uut a row dayu out from iioliiml 1 i rut hoy i don t llko cueimr ueoniid hoy whyt kliutlloy loo much qunl was he toldr mini who huil hud one drink too many uuw a ultcn pleuun rhnr tho jtoll for the cniotiluor e walked up nnd uavn tho boll uiioh a iil1 that it nearly caino out by the room in u vow momuiln an anery inn 11 aiuieured at tile door am you tho fitrotkor aakol the bell iu her yom what do you wnntf i uw the not bio uo i niiiff tlm hell 1 now i wunt to know why you onii t rlntr it youruolf furniture cleaner lomamndo fin nit tiro gleaner oaii lin do by adilluu one tabtehioonful of liontliin and tlirto tabhthpikiiifulu of jlod 01 i onion oil to one 0liart jif bolllna wut m whnu onol enouuh to bo oomrortable to tho bund uno uu a wiiuh wutoi on nil furniture exoent white imniii hoft clutpnonloth for wiiuh cloth und 11 dry niece for a uoft wlnlnu cloth will ttlve the uood ttolluh of ul ei 1 n wood there boluar no varnluh lu thn mixture the furniture will not be utluky from l hlu oleaner men who must marrv an aiitlluioholoi hill introduced lu- 1 tlio lurkhih parllamniit mukofi urrluko oomt v for men ovo- twotity live dofuultmu will bn lin ml u auailm of their euiuhiu wtilch will bo ituiuldltml iifrloulturul imnku to bo in lmuunntu to tnutry n adult civil uorvunt inuy t a btohelor olftu nt luiid lounu und htato nilji- cutlou lar ohlldreii aie h1 i out uu ro- warjlu for nnirrluiiir with a m nutty or d luboi hi u oonflrmod buohelnr the determinative v it lu it lo- l itntiul letter injho wonlu uju and fulth lu 1 1 he pivot on whloh both wotdu and both fuotu reiieuuut ud by the wordu tun u 1 it lu 110 nun to itlimilu to huddle rouinfiihlhlllty foi whut ono lu and doqu upon uiiy- thlnir or unytxmly but hlmnelf whut- ivtr tbu olroumutanueu howutir dif ficult to wltliutuuil mimiiiik 1 iiiilltlonu it limy he lu the iumi uiiulyiibi tun i im dutt imlnuttve watohmauvsxuhiliuir lovun thoue of yeiirroinid in we are always travelling ju who htuy ull the iilioplo muoh lonir- dluliiuoii tliivellltiirlli a i llniatoloulour lu tho uummur thno from tblu ntnnlkihit we bonn liniou llml our- ddivum in the tinluhhorhood of tbu kiuiltor in winter on tho other hnpl we may vbilt tbn arotlo girdle j w kennedy son hardware mnmljiru tinamuhinjr ihjccmc wirino it saves you work and dollars it gives comfort and enjoyment iiuvo yon in yet mmullcd in your iiomu 11 nystem of 1 hvctmc lighting it not it i only a mutter of time until you do mul there 11 no thnc like tho present wo tipccjalit in this tlasi of work und cun jiio prompt nnd nntnifactory ror vicu do uwuy with tlmn unhealthy und dniijoroiw oil lumps and tec what renl comtov in derived in the homo from titer use of electricity wo nrtr nlwnyi lud to jivo ctunntci on this woi k and our pricci will interest you coma in and talk it ovor wenlso enrry a paati aaortment of diet tt res und appllancoi und your inspection ir invited ucmtmber tiur moid quality service ueubonnhlo prim j w kennedy son hionk 1 main strket acton business directory medical dr j a meniven hyalolan and qurflaqn omno mul linmldcnio corner ilowa avuiiim ami hji mtmetm the reeld lion fonnerly oaniiiln 1 by p w lln- dnraon aotou out on e j neldon rjliyician quroon obtatrlelan alioii ontario hn minor lo thifhiti di qruy oiih 1 onii itoiil inco lrloilok lit nnd 7 to dn c p w hobo liyalalan and uur mill gt oeoruatowu pliona 22 lljuilal alteiitlou to dlimiiimi of wo- hon and chlhlnii an i infant 1 e una ihoiim no 3j p o llox 331 haltou nash raftmkh m a uarrlataf aeioltur notary public convenyanoar etc pehiivhan dlock acton ont monwv lotoan ilonru 0 30 a 111 to x p tu dental oil j m hell d d 9 l d c dantlat iinor craduato or toronto itniver- ity the itte- annatbetla iumi u rteelred when using wilsons fly pads sj cad didtctions v cartrul and follow them cxactiv there is only one y to kill blithe flies this m it dmfken ihs room s much as posslbja closa iba wiodowm tmiaa ono 0 tha blitult whr thn mn shfatxtjti about eight incbex pltco thjiy wtlxon s uy padu si possible on plates properly wetted with water hut not hooded on the window ledne where the light is xtronz leave the room closed tor two or three hour then uweep up the fltes and bans them see illustration below t put the prates uway out of the reackot children until quired in another room the right way to use wilsons fly fads a ups and downs miiiiundlit you nii lsdld m tlil moriiliiirt lnuhtoi yenj but ahe whhii t down lint why didnt yoti ilall hi 1 down ileeutiuv ohe wium t m ihon flail ber ui n iw ami call inr down fiv not belli ilown when yoll called her up 1 why the ford is the universal car t down nmonij tho orchards of novn scotia the farnn of now unihhwick on sherbronkc street montreal youtju street in loiouto pmhiijo avonuo in winnipok 011 the tar luiik hoi lona or smkiitcliewun ilnd alhcrta and up through tlm mouutiiin 1 of brltiih colunthiiu down gumvimo street in vaiteonvor m governmont stieot in victoria its tho sumo htoiy hulf of ull tliu cun you ns are ford cjiis in many nec- tloim they uro tuo to one of nil tho other makes and itt the rninio rtory in africa auntralia britain hurope united stines tlnnt tho world oneji of nil tlig motoii on earth 111c 1 oid why becuuio tho simplicity or the ford cnr adaptn it to every drivot n hccniro tho powef tlio ord cnr carrier it wherever the unvor wuntn to 0 hceaii ie itt din ability uiltl ruftfod ntroiiicth make it the ear foi every condition of uhuko hecaiiho of its low flrtit cott und low cent of operation and maintenance 1 im ford cm in 1 uod cur foi you to own the new forcl prices touring oak with stattter 71000 udnahout skoan coupi3 tuck fob ford ont 64500 109000 99000 75500 the ford garage u king mnnarcr tot il a coxe proprlttlor acton ontario p q gollop d b 0 l d o dantal ouruaon onieo ovor hank of nova hcotia jiouhw0 30 to 6 30 miqcellaneoub maiimaqe licen8eb h p moore laeuer marrlaa lleanae wlvate oihce no wltiioau re- tjulred luaiiihl at reaklnnofl in avenlntf pliatf liowuj offlo aoton ont francifl nunan dookbl ndmr aooount 1mmi1 of all kind tuade to order wrlodloal of every dmiorlp- llon ramfully bound itullna nuiiy anil lrouiitly done wyndham ttreet ouolph ont ovor willluiuh jtorio n j kii m lloanaed auotlen4er city of uueltib at 1 the ifree preuu lltloe acton the haroory otiloe obaliih tho nowu lleoonl fersua or with w j aordon luriuina uafaoi lllllabiirir llaleu jnlriiittn to it j icerr r uolva mlfimtlon rrom dato of ibillntr t date or aale lint your aaleir with uu llaaldanoe howor avanu aoter phone 3 aoton call at tiv icxiiene roy hindley auctioneer onaolldated phone erin 4 t 1 r tl 3 aoton j e cheevers book binder quabee bt- heat qualph on luuikm and niatfitlnom bound 1 huniluome and llubhtuutlal covoni namea lottorod in mold o tllblo- hymn lioolcn and nthirninoloi all work promptly cuaoutad x d albx niven ontario land qurveyor and civil emu i near urvuya bulnllvlnlrnii fhin to portu iohcrliitioua uhicitrlntu etc cortlrioauh ror liurchuuori ai- tnortftajreeii tjurvoyii for archltirta llulliloni and munlnliml counolli draliiauro llotwirtd uulbimtod eto mclean duildinq dlna bi aukfjlll ihonu 1011 on j clearing sale op wintett goods no noid uolutf to aimljili for dol- lai ilny you nun make a dollar horn juut uu woll ovaialtii w i2x0 work tlblrlh w 1 7b wlntni citim it ihi lin 2m ant othet mnfllw in irootl tnmcnrt shoe repalrlnu noatly don e k codlc mtlu btmoiot aoton thooldandroliablo granito and marblo dcalors we are maitufaojurura and direct liiiimrterw or all klnda or uonuinentaj mid headeloue vfork wo uttll illreot to our oimtomnre at wliohaalo tirloon thua uavltih our miatomerh 40 ler cent wo have thutxiut ailauonm and tha only meohnnloe in the dominion who can operate pneumatto ttwibi properly wo can sive reforemiem from huudretla or our ouatomerri in toronto and other place whure otliorn have tl tiavq law aulta in order to collrot 1y have tha lanroat and ihmt utook or amnlto in the ioinlnloii or more than any three dvalore in tliu wont wo uro loicltl- mntu ileahm nlid employ no ajfenta and ilo not annoy or pool ouutcimera by ahudhitf out iktioriint nuuuta aollolt- inr ordem wo employ only inoolinnlra nnd diify rninpntltii n hamilton sons cor nonrlob a wonlwlnti h qalpb c 1 lmli

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