artmt 3fm ureas thullbijay aufiyflt 4 1031 who never has any punt wilt ft iu thn liunn win n i hun i ut t rit imilmnl wiid piontu in the publlt u tyeut the piarthuut all i jnl who pmliwtu oath advance an i ut cut it prim hooat ha look uttk- tuncnt wlni lukiu thn itmu wiipii prioou fulit 1 t liiornhaul wild lu thn htggout glut r ull tint mniiilmiil wlio gttu hlhlviu nil at iho peak of gondu which dri within tlia wonkt who murkw hunt iluwn without u uiluaukt thn mere bun i who i l public hlumlnif mwt tho wiki uuhi the brunt in ull till mwt tho tnortshuht wlio trlou id upltu of inougor uuleu to head tlm publl- m frwiuent wull lor lownr print u und who fill in t thn rntrifhuiit whi who tliltoo downt thti merchant whom dim your iudlo aid oral umjt who ooughu uu for the locul butuir hhoulii ia rofuaa then who ik panned llin raorrhant hhoe and leather jounml british dacon market qoe8 back to old weights tim ilriluh huoou market luut e- vrlod to tlttt rlgll limit of weight for willahlni uulou fjurlng tin war lb diuutid ft r liucon unit for fat geil- oilllly wuu mo khii that tho limit w in mlrthml vo that tor a time a j wlltuhlr uldo weighing vnywlwri bo- twnin t ibw unci loo lb wu accepted ac u oonatuenc there waa tint ha miinm dbtarlmlnutlon mda by packer i ityoru twtwoeti tho price tor light and heavy hogu und tho price paid for uolmt hog the vktroordluury de mand however u over tho fut lurd- lypn hog la at a d la 1 1 net dlacount in cuiiurtn ho with the light weight hog it mnould bo nnluhed un the farm ur humn timo puat tha ilrltlah mln lulryu limit- tor wlltahlro wr 46 ih to do lb the market i return- lug to normal and thn wolghtm are now 4b iba to 76 lb fucker bv lon ulncu recognised that tho return to normal w inavltublo ami warhod fitrmom l tid broodarri oijajnut ffiiln in cor any but thn will known bacon ht tboy roooat that it u all imv imirtant for thn luturo of tho ixioon iridiiatry lhat fnrmtira brooding- typ ind lirtnln of hoc unaultablo 16 pro dm uoloot wlllnhlroa should ml one ut rid of thorn and olook onlyihora whloli will ylold lrlmo wlltahlro that tho ilrltlab i ratio demand ua wo ii aa thn lrolucw rotjulrod in our domoallo markot outwalchu imiow 45 lb or ubovo 7t 11m are heavily penalised 111 tlm oxiwrt trade tho ho to give taint roaull tibould a aro mktnpallamj mak n from jrio thoyjjjofcj when in doubt add 10 pen cent vull hti itrootikan o rahvsut i nesotutlnif mltk the ro- i of tho rniltvuttar on hla hou inuulrlna caulloqaly about tho ooat of rooner auttora ho wo aurprlaod to flnd that they would ooat him at tho ruto of moro than bo conta a xund though tho metal noluj in inaota aroudd is oenta wall aaid tho aralth you ao man that work the metal up in the ahoii rot 9 a day the nhop ad da 10 r emit for tho workmen a inauranoe and nlma to mako at leaat it a day on ovary man when it oomca to ma i lauro tho coot of the material and labor and i have to add 10 dr oent to tho wbim to cover inauranco cat too then t have to add 10 ior oonl to tho whole thing for overhead tr cent ror tho uae of the car and ii per cent for belns a boa bo i roolly don t not any profit on tho job at nil all i get out of tt la my uv- 1ns- you might aay wall btreot journal qivejthe train lots op room why do ylou do itt when you aee a train oomlna and know you cant imwibly make the oroaalna and you doh t intend to at tempt it why don t you insmedtetely alow down and relieve the engineer of ho horrid tooling that hi train ia about to hurl you into eternity t vou dan t realize what a terrlblo atruln you put on the man in thocftb when he aeon you daahln up toward the croaalng- ahead of hi train not knowing whether you will try to mako it or not there he la in hi cab and know he aait t tup libi engine there you are in your oar apeodina to tho- oroaaln juat ahead you know you are gains to ktop iuat it tho elga of the track and uwkup npd lauah un tho train whuaoa ptujt it m a joke muyho to you jo hlin it u u vow aeeonda of tho moat ititunao ugony toronto olobe woll vay tlieito ore uuroly iiuyh t nbungom i t ok u fililut hiimluy nf tariiutin u troll rtnwn iiownr avfliiik und whin i kt aloiiir by thn hynllulti itow of hoilhim willi b 1hh1 to bq cull od auloit hullllntf aauonlutlon tr race and whlnh william klratbrimik s fnim toronto to liulli thlityflvo or t krty yiura n i found a blank corner ut krodorlok hit at i tiifu at ii rut thoro muat buvu 1mm n a nrn raturduy nlnht but i found but will johnalono had dnlllrul ry ti ru down tho old tarn that utnol thorn an i wna ualng- tho lumber for building jiu now atublo an 1 drivlnif houao in rur of hla ttloro whore kunaom atlattio iit bum utood fir tut ttiuny youra wql when i lookod at thut vacant norntif my thotighta ommunood to chuau uch other huok un 1 ttuok until i gut to the time when flatnuol jmlth mam wo oullml him in tboao dayaold that property to wtlllum hlutro tho lum berman you know whop hydtioy mmith hr rotlml from tho lumbar huolnn the tnlll proimrty down ut thn chock line waa laki avr by tiowdy bharii and buwart thomaa uowdy waa a bulldljnu contractor in uuolph iotort btewort run hla planing mill there and william hharp llvod in acton and ran the aw mill dawn tho otiuntry mr sharp tioodod u atablo for hla ponloa and a drivinc houao for hla buggy and culler lie drove down to tho mllla nearly ovory day well ho had tho lumtier brought up from tho milt for hlanow building- and i tell you it waa uo null etutt ho uatxl wldo clear bounil of aolld yellow nine ton to twiittwo lnhoa in width and tho jolro and utuddlnif woro of equal juuufy- borry i waan t around when mrv johnatoife hud building toi albei ilocidod toehold now bulmlng otl trmipo in tl a llitln thought folk und glvti a goott porformanoe thro or four plahka on tho rarpou- tor- horooa anaworod for u platform a couulu uf iu1lt which tho tlhnrp boyw nlohod off thou- mtu upxtalrw and thmw oot of tho bodrwm window br mulldn ijmlcr mury ann clark juliet htenl funny diamond julia ifnmatreot aiigiiata rjloktin mary ibiirtoll agoon i crrympn caroline hinkh mmy a dtritln iciiaa jano wiituon muty ilydoalborlita john- ult n jmut riark joxeiihlna ynomana mitithu h olubt jutiot hptlght kllaa imi nirklln icitunr htaufttir ann jitnn hill hi un hill mary uofre km rl t hi labu laabolla wntaon viinny ann imymuii joaui blno ao ktrt kllaalwtb llunaan mary jano i urrymuli 1 huiuith lloyd mary kan noy amino konney 1 maundar hunt chutn hiiaau tiuun lor jttvoiilukmm mlrvln ro- llno hfilh prlat ilia moor lulay klral bnok mury wxhhor laabolu jruham ihmt i uueatl ttut will ror ihu tlm if i ut t mi into tit aevontloa you ii livgiu to know jtiut how ott at ini to i ur yotiiitf rolka in town uru hut if uuy mom of you who at- tt n led hunluy hit iiihii bunk there in thimia uootl old layt wan jo dm yjmf tiurooa in ttlnt jinrt auy a and 111 into tbla nil huiitbiy h boo renute- auulil lo lt the tut out tf the ijutf wntl i uwvmu wt ii hava to lt the amtntl lino go fur tblu time lie twton toy ihmim tllea und th hot wtutllur it liimt ulmut timkxra mi out i think uil write u itilumn or two hi it wiok tin dnyu this orowino evil ol gambling wn iht ahut w oyejt duto lit t do it i htltt tbiulitn upon our utroota are i wing taught by varloux dnvlona iioya and glrla are being inatruottid in ita harmful waya yuuns mnn and mo id turn are ol ready adita along till lino of wrong- doing the aoeulajr proaa rather condone hi blaring ovllu liltrohaa too frequently one uratto it multiplied ilevloea from tho apparently innocent grab butf to thnlargeot bet plat ad at 1lmllio are proihtgating thla noxloua cuutotn id an appalling dtgroe to what length will tho ihuiple go 7 oambtlng la aim oat at flood tide mcorcely u game of any character can bu played without bet tlno pluylng u prominent tart why wilt praaa ulld poilu not treat aorloualy thl anc r oatlnif ut tho vory vital of tho iwnt in aniorlcan llfut ilo la fool lab who extract to win aomotblilg- for nothing tiiiu i given ba on high authority ono of tint luaillng nnanoiut inatltutlon of lialtlmore reoonuv dumlaaetl a woll mild ottlcer thla nftloer waa aeen ut iuurel raova called uuin for uu illunatloil ho protected thut bo planed no itot novnrthutvaa he wua tha- c liar god tho bunk inalatlng that itu ffinda wore ttki aucfodly hold to have who t ounlenuaoed object to officer in lime in aoniculture tht into i f lime in proj r quuiitllie in iroiver tualiy and ut tlm roior time will prove wnetlo ul to moat uolla itund othirwlee ita t itot tu ura tlin rnvtrulg that tl ny ih no wok of kliowlndgo on thn hilhj 1 there ban beau laaued by tlm ih luirlmont of ag h nil it urn nt ottawa a rnvland chiiiiou of u bulletin aiitlllatl ume iir agrl culture ip which tho i minion hem ut dr v t hhutt ho dealt totnprn honalvi ly with the unbprt krom ihu hullelln it it leu mo i thut trior- are uevvrul oumjhm or llnm aurh aa iuli k hint burnt lime tmtlfl llmf otone linn vtt w thut llmeatl no of o nllt nt duality t la f un i lo lakny imrta of cniiu lu mn lally in thn icaal uul ut at mo mlnta in llrtllali colummu h mn exlatu in munitoltu in the vi inlty f utkaa w1unlig und wlnnliegoaia tortmrwiitn thtro lu none uvulluble on thn ralrlaa wliat ta ittionvn a km kiln rofuaa li wtmlliam mo hi um aftrlculturul um hpl ho iidvltci in n lrl thut purnbaaoa hhoiild bn inn tin only on unulyal uu lo tlm iwvfoutiirna f iiult kllme rarlw n ut tf lime etc i wm nt- the tihi- ohjthitit tf thu u oil all n of uoumea un i tiw improvomeot t t tlm ineobunl nil rihnlltli n of uolla rho nhurac terlth of the a iu that ahoul i he treated urn minted out and tho in fluent tf limn explain 1 tho mm lutrtlvn valuta of th different kind wnt ftn th uu woll a tho method of t i alt i mhnim of limn an 1 rtmultw from metalled eiparlmentu a labia ktiowa the tminiootlon of unnnttno mind in rmrteeii puoeu in now rlriin wltk ulnn hi quobeo alx in ilrituh ct lun hi t nine in nova tit oil ui i ten in ontnrl lrti iciward 1huii 1 la uuo ubown tt buvv doihiaita domln ion iwpurtment t f agrloultur thoughtful bricklayer x mun wuu walking uloug tho atioot when ho dtvw limit to atioia tubomra who wont engukttl in bull ting a houuo a ha tnnmil lh utarroldlig u brink ucnllt nlly fall atrlklia him on the ahoulilor ijmtldl g up to the limn who were two mtorlo high bo uboutod indignant ly 111 up there vou vo juat tlroi lived u liltkon roe all light reihiui ono tf tho brltikluyora juu houdn t mioublo to briny it upl putting ovgr ideas john ii i ultnraon natlnnu caah hglutor wjnr ton t ylna idea 1 maiden i of the company give n m ma nd mo n tu hit tho liervea from tho oyo t biulp urti many time urgnr than thoee from thn our to thn brain fc therefore when ixhthlbln to uua a picture inatoad of wortl uae ono and moke the word mure connective for tha picture 3 con hue thn attention to tl art huhject by drawing outline putting in thn ttlvlalona then wn make tertuln that wa uto ull tulkintf uimiu lilt mm i hln k 3 aim for dm ma tic opecla either lu umuklnt or writing at inly them out lieforo hand tlda hold tho alien hon 4 lld la tho beat color to attract und hold attention therefore uae pli ty t it l hw word abort aentonoo uiril 1 1 worda big don 4 tall why uu well uu bow 1 ilo not trowd ideaa in apaaklruf or writ lyg nib udveruuement i nougli for two idea d ltaforo voil try to thinvinoo any onn uhu makd a urn that you irre n vlnced ui it if you run hot oonvli youraetf droi the aubjoot do not try to int over anything 10 toll tho truth new york landmarks qolnq i uettlon nf mew la of i to la ml mark of tho kuutorn hotel i ofllco bulultrm the downio york la loulng by thn tlemolitb to inaknnulm kur nearly u humtrod year it lieu lteii tho fwvorlto h hilolry of amorlrai atuifurina flk dymimttn johnny o itrlen wall known for tit praclloo of ultlnoliiur urmu to bo latin american txiiinlilna conooetod many of hi fill hindering uchetiiua lu thia liotot whirh lit tnuil hla houdtiuurler onn of th faturaaof jbu build ing wuu it beumu of aolld mahogany in u33 whun if wa txitu true mil cor- goe of muppllom worn frequantly ahlp trail from now york to mouth amerl nan porta anil whan a return cargo could lint lm aecurejl mahogany btutigbt buck uervluif the vurioae of imthi ourgti und tauaat thoae cargo wro bold cheaply and were often uaod lu the co nut ruction of now york building of thut period mhilo heforo thl uiidutho imyu tliey could oopy tbroullml cement prom beets a- roault of experiment in kronen motoric i tho production of an ex cellent cement a a byproduct of boot augur re lining tho flrt atop n tho production of augur from boot a la boiling them h hue hitherto been ouatomary to throw away a value lo tho oum rormed onthe caldron hut it ha now boon ducovered that thl bcum contain large quantltie of carbonate of llmo it u eatlmated that 4 0q0 ton of carbonate can be recovered from 70 00 0 ton of i toot to ttilti quantity of the carbonate 1 100 ton of alay la added the rooult- anl product being- a good content ttto beet aoum la pumpod into large roaor- volra and allowed to evaporate for a certain length of time befoee being mlxod with tha clay it ta than e hired or beaten for un hour before being fed into rotary oven uuoh a la uood in making portland cement his bequest a lawyer waa known to be a gmapln ilo had juat mado out will lor an old lady client who wa paaalnb nway the next day the nlc lady vory noar too end aald to him about my wilt i ve added ome thine to it- ive given you juat a minute my good friend aald the lawyer wliblng- t have wjt neauoa for tho remark bo he hurried ly called the family in and when all wore aoaehibled he aald to but client now nay what you were going- to lay vvo given you and aim etopped her breathing becoming more and more labored s yea ye urged the lawyer then nlio tinuhed a great deal of trouble he cant prove it yoaat it ih aald if tho heat and uucular effort expanded by tha aver age man in a day could be converted into electrical on orgy it would ba- ouf- flalent to run a gewlng niclino motor tor 100 hour crunaonboajt then why in thunder canl the averagf man prank a flivver mora apeedllyt their mother wouldu t gut on erved for utago curtain kwry one or the boy named alutva wail made nigger black with burnt cork um their ooat ume woro funtuutlo oonglom oration of boyn and womeitu cloth log- woll mlxod up all the mother and ainlor and little brother of the erformorm were invited and thoao who wore prepared ta pay flvn oonlu each wore admitted to tha how jh wan a ahow indooil thoao unduratudlo of the colored troupo got off tholr ro apoollvu ulunt with aviuo oonuldor able prompting hut the bow broke disorder the doorkoopor hud mteppod out without dlvvylugup tho proceed and lh porforrnont wore broke however whun ii 111 biiarp got back with a down or o of mr iuit taffy bullaoyoa puuen w restor ed und tha nigger iduyerw got down to tho blager job of wuuhlnu off tha blank und aortlng out the clothe tjiut rutyyoara ago boyn uhow till linger with aoino of thn porform- or of the day i ii wage bay i mot one nf our old boy hut week who ha boon away foi many many moon jod mcourvln ed been living in mexico for u lomr time it wan real gmid to boo lilna again ho rclnlndetl mo a good deal of hi father tho od doctor who waa otto of uh hero over alxty yean ago when ted wn hero ha bad u long chat with jamea matthew the bol- inuater of thono fartmck day mid tho poutmoater to ilu wall of count they talked of tto old day bomo thing wuu uuld of acton athletla aaaoclution with it luwn bowling und tonnl playing and iiuot plinhlng and also of the buae bull league till took jlmmlo matthew uwuy bunk und i hear he began to talk of acton fumoua arlokstaru of ib0 to 186 ii told of the great game of cricket played when tom dunn uromloy johnton warner johnatoit george koluo jame llahtheurt oaorge mor- ly dr uoflarvln mike bpelght tom murahull ocorge trlggeraon and hlm- elf wore the crack cricket or they played ouelph and biumptoti leorgotown und milton and oven ven tured into toronto one ueaiun thoy defoutod every team they phiyed lu thoao plaoe and wore given ttiu proud title of champion of upitef canudu according to tho venerable poatmuter acton waa juat ag eiithuuluutlavover her cricketer in thoao day u over tho imiuebal lera and bowler of today tuy that old hat of hunduy school acholur utlrred the old folk of the unity krom numerou quarter there ha come the roqueat tell tlte old man to give n another hat from thut old buiutay he boo 1 reglator ono grandtnotber aald 1 found both father and mother numo lu hut hot i wonder if mlno ian t there toot well herae another oonilgnment fronr that prooloua old record book from the ctuaae of 1bu to lla iloya john bpelgbt and william btorey teaoneni thomaa xaghthoart john hill jame hill henry light- heart hklwanl bmlth arthur btawart john yeoman kdmund jotmaton john lewi william lghtlearl tfhqmua perry man will in m affaitfi alfred adama albert walter tmemaaau llott hugh wlthrow john orown robert bluuffer jame nicklln char- le tubby john btaurfar john item- treet niahnrd thurtoll ell llott john- titon thomaa harvoy jamw wild john wetherald ooorgo fubby davld lighthoarl wellington ilrown john vf maphee william buyer jame ulllott ueorge btdll juvenllqt kdgar ucoarviu jumon buyer charlea hill henry moore john adam albert nloklln thomaa uarrlaon alfred farmer arohy hem- troet airl ml margaret farmer ml nancy drown mia abblo adam tecliorajuulaa oral mm mary llgbthaart ann m ilrown jane speight bluabeth wild ellon wet of tho ont bank 1 their vobbery ion hud it origin rumbllig at the in the mad trafk klua up maryland bpiho thl alarming peril hip an thigh lxohatiga harvest op th sea north sea fluhermen tiandle ten uiouaand million tluhe of ull aorta mid also from tho giant ray to tho tiny whiting every year the twli por of ynrmoutliund iweatoft havo alone troieivod nluo huuilrotl mlllli herring in ono uoauon onn uoro of tho north beu or tho lcngllah ohunnol 1 rupuhla of yiolltng uu grout a wolght of food uu u hundred c roil of tho bent gruu lund tn huaaey there ha boon quita a run on fowl farm lutolytml when wo oonuldor thut the ood produce eight million egg the domotlo fowl ha to take u buck meat it 1 eutlnuited however that only one egg n ten million llvu to grow up halm on produoe u thouoand egg for ovary pound of tholj wulghland thotlgli the tunning fftolorle of we tern can oda and tho united btate are working hurd all tb time tn aupply tha worti remand the flab atlll run uli the river lp hundred of thotiaandu diqqebt man in africa compared with 1 iiirlok ocoipior albert ilrough who dlotl a abort tlmo ago an i who owing to hi uovon foot muveu inohou wuu reported to be the tulot man lot thn world wu u mld- got o connor who 1 ut pronont in bouth africa in slated to bo tho blpgpat mun on ourth u vorltabi modern herculea o connor 1 aim oat eight foot hjgh und n portion ulx foot 1 i nolie high can wulk beneath hi arm when outalretohod horizontally he ha a cheat uouuupiment of fit inotieu and weigh stb luiuud while tho ring whloli udorn tho index tlngur of hi right hand i hi large thut a hint plecoouh iiau onlly through it qooo fruit d fp all hi jloaley uimint all hla tlmw lulkliig uluut hi houlth he wbm ulwuyu iii and tiuuully when uliyone wont to uon liliu ho wan in bed with a headache or rbaumatlitm or uomotliing elao onu day healey wa tottering mlaer- ubly down tho road whoii ho foil in with uburly frland of itla by the tuune of jenktn jenklna ho urlad l d give any thing to be attong kh you what dt you live ont t live on fruit uiiuwered jon kin pyult oht maid healey eagerly thut auuml gooq 1 ii have to try it what kind of fruit jonklnat thn fruit of labor jeuklnu rv- plltd algnlricantly 3ao hers ranti 1500 to winni plukhilb beyond rtiti cent per mile i plut excursion i from 0ntarii august 10th and toronto card well jet and tlona south und weat thereof 2nd ii ta- tosomto dauo 11 oo qeaa ii y special accommodation or women convcrttljlc berth colonist can facilities for mcala en routci ticket and ull informatlo from any canadian national or grand trunjt agent canadian natianalgrand trunk tkc and his job trotted over 100000060 acrth j of f ottmjooojtjcnj jrgani7ci lrilkc employ of tho govern muni of ontario are thi biimmcr paimmu imck and forth over tho canon route and along- tint railway watching- out for tho to tula nmoko which 1 tho urn or ire itojjardloah of hot weather block flu hioiqultooh disromfort lonelinras or monotony the tiro iffor makeh hi round pmvonlipg rjutincblnjir flrhtlnff ftro in ontario foroata paytn hi own living ami traveling oxlpniion and receiving f3 00 per day tor hia acrvlcea all in nil tho ontario plro llangar u entitled totho help atld rooporation of ovoryona ilo denarvefl all tho bupport thn people of onurio can give him hi work u of vital importance heed hla warnings iq what ho xkn save ontarios crests theyre urs tho ontario ftro ranjrer dunnp tho dnnpror ponol of tho dry fluramor in conntantly on jiatrol lo culch fireg while hoj are umall ilo cannot proveut tlteni htartinc a a rule he ia at tha mercy of all typo nf rata it hhima thank to hi vigilance howovor twotilrdn of tha forest flrea in tho laat four year did hot hpruatj hoyond five hero and of these half did not eacccd onoquarti r acre moat of ontario ftro izangora are northern woodnmen itrary to common belief only flvn per conl of thorn aro experienced mm llanjrors or returned hanger travel chiefly by canoe and in palm nvor a tuqnlto lieat tha length of which varlaa according tn tho drro of danger from fire other travol up and down the foiraled railway bctona on hand vrlocipodefl following- train to put out flrox not by toam locomotlvea in all ztoo mile of rauroadeurti ui trolled btcadiiy all gummer two man devote their whole uma to examtnlnp loromotlvon to boo that screen and aahpana will not permit thn nsrape of parka and live coal in the clay belt a large force of hanger bupervlso acuieru fire in land clearing operation dont blame the fire ranger if he asks you to ho careful dont think he ii too particular he know tho ruk onurio 1 poorer by untold million of dollar through forest lire in the past help the urn itanevr avb tha increailngly valuable fores lh that ontario forestry branch parliament tlml jingo toronto there im aproprlotor nf u uli utato a man of moat etcltablo tuin- per n men t who lu fopuver uoolllnff hbl cwrku fur tin ji indlff rnattar of owuhlo uuleu one tlay hourlng u cuirk uuy o n cuntomer no we hitvo not 1ftd ftiy or- u long time um proprletof liu- ibln to oountetiuiicn audi uu udmlu- lon liagan to work hlruatilf into the uuual ran mxlnr a gluuay on hbi inrk ho uuld to tho luhtntnor wn havn plonty in ruiwrvo muum plonty down ululr wliorouiton thrf turner looked duuotl uul then to o umauamont of the proprietor burut jnto hyhtorlcul laughter und quit tho uhon what dll uhn uuy lo your do- mandtxt the proprietor of tlte olork wm baveii t hud any rain lut ly equlnoovlal a myth thut the uqulnoctlul atorm in a myth demonatrutad by an aututo oo oper ative otiaerver of the united state weuthur iluroau auy tho balentlfla amarleun thl popular belief la pro bably tha roault of touching handed down from father to eon old weather uwm are very bard to eliminate an eye but nodis tatbbie auld hla teacher p not fllo aald bobby quickly that wrong oajd the tape her there i no i in needle wall what dp you put the cotton uirough then oaked bobble when using v wilsons fly pads nj uitad dirccti0n5 cpitullv and for more effective than stloltf fljr catchcra clean to hindlc sold by drugguta onj oroccra evt rym here u i why the ford is the universal car down among the orchards ot nova scotia tho farms of now brunswick on shorbroolce street moritreal yonio street in tbronto portage avenlto in winnipeg on tho far lunp horizons of saskatchewan and alberta and up through the pioiintains of british columbia down granville street in vancouver on government street in victoria its the same story half of all tho curs vom oca are vord cars in many sec tions thoy are two to oncrof all tho other make and its the same story in africa australia britain europe united states throughout tho world onellalr of all mho motors on earth aro fords why because he simplicity of tho ford car adapts it to every driver because the power of tho ford car carries it wherever 40 driver wants to go becauso its durability and rugged strength make it tho car for every condition of usage because of its low first cost and low cost of operation and maintenance the ford cm is a good car for you to own th new ford prices toumng car with starter 71000 runabout 64s00 sedan 109o00 coupk 99o00 truck 76500 f o b ford ont the ford garage i s king manager dr ii a coxe proprietor acton ontario ducktl and driakefl bonding a omooth utonn uklmmlng the wutnr uklpplng from wave o ta a very ancient gamo tt wu played by ttclplo afrloanitu ami friend llaelu moro than two thouuund youru ago uml wuu proliuhly favorite puutlmo oven thou tho undent called it opautrualumum itu full knglluh numo aooonllug lo u writ or in uu i a dunwo and a drnko ami a hutf pannla cukn i estabushed 167a jfcgga business barometers cem to indicate that tho period of easy money and high prices is hearing an end a dollar saved now in tho form of a savings bank deposit will bo worth much moro in tho next couplo of years after tho reaction has set in bank of hamilton georgetown branch c hackay mxnagxr free press advertisers are always reliable giimmiinti the wise way s if a foolish man wants to buy or sell aiiythingjic ridfts all over the country in the cold or heat looking for the arty of the second part i tlie wise man jinta few lines in dys frte press and lets themgo all over the country for jjiui while he sits or goes about his business when any man has a cow or horse lb soil there is some other man some wlere who is waiting to buy the thing but these two men might travel u week without finding each other advertising in the free press brings them togeuier t let the free press assist you in this wise and eisy way of solving your difficulties j s mdm