Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1921, p. 6

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ffillt arton 3ffni fnea iijlilttmay tlhltkluikil it mi fools and forest flit 8 ton him km two pretty tin wondu mill limy i mount rlurnttf titty huood uiultluu hero und they ion 4 i i hit utuhu llmm til mid li tily wit uml rtninnu tilled nil lint i ilitii lull ti lit till tlln 111 tin bum titty it fui torlou ulnl mini they burned up tho illlvfl mi i fli uu they huruod ui thn illmllv ptopln now when you no uliuihu mi don t uu lummy nr 1 thn foretjl n hmunm ul p thoy ll tint church imth llm tl lllottfl ami alnul into tho fortud tin ii iii turrit am tfr tommy i nr tony willi tiro on t bun iu till tony 1 oncer ihifnrc uhuly thoiuhl 38 tisn comment prue ic after th x hide nee ut thnuuulnoli und lure dencrllmsd in h turllflr irt of thl chapter lul ml htlam wnnt hi athena athena fun tint fitter of mllalihnmnenl wrlenr- lltrulur und art or th rlnl wurw clvlll1ort wu lutndl- im1 lmwivr by idolatry thl vujl lo athiiim wm in i lit uuluinn of tl a i lint round in hi inif liml rltutii ho ntiw hit y urn ui hi u prltmn wlnt unil ynull thfj il m liny mold iln liullic frnd ifcfc month jumou iuwltr llllllltf twfentv years ago om th- imu of tli pr pre thursday gptmur 1z 1boi alcll i adi in the lurrnui butt wiu imlw town actoll won with lrotty kxhi fi u leu tin i rurtlc wtiatever mr mohanl jtooli huu d ilwtdliiuf un l aui thiimiu fcool who wild nulaf ur uml mli played her ii ami fleork ucoro of lo whli h hum hull jpod of hi j tit llii her brother i mrdoilitht mulu htreet will take itnmtxllut ium- wn union mr win hiowii ii ft mt thl officii vnhltirduy u oru utulk lhlrt4nii fee i live inouim it bmitlh willi- it iu the hleti- tat wo ituvn imhiii tlilu your tliu ttim uua lint imwii iilutitful ittrva vnniillin urm uuilihmjt lium liurfiliuuwl th hroi cimfoihl unary utut fruit lunlna nf litr hrutlii r mr j c mttunwn xllll hi rent mr multhtiwit muy k l ikiitvur oil to tukm a immuioh willi iiim liniunr thtru in ut juwiphtf clurrh lut krituy fcvniiliiii tin cunmiiiiy it iiuielutf tlin mlullonu of tlm cnuui wiu imirfurmwl liy hoy vutliot- liy who itiui ihwii m- luiwnrml ly 111m tirilo 1uumi iuwl inrf itev vattior mnhuiwy rector of h ury cullintm llumllkm klitlml in tli lmiirwamlvf hurvlc in ouitntmtlon with thn yutmif thmitium vinrl in itia itulillht cliurcti 1uv w h maiklu liuti utirtviml to kvii ciiurh of twtmty loiuutnu in ulslit kln- ink all tlm younv ymuu actun tttiil vlcldlly ituva thn irlvllniin f uttoml- ln wlilui holiliiiif n ncitlon irt tha tiniln of inuulo ul th l utt vvlduy ivunlilaiit uoklnuy wax it hot iwlra liy u idlull uiyirchbtt- hlm dhyaliluna ituy ha u mow nut of ilun- cr nnd will recover born uamhiiaw in auton on vrtduy hniilnmher 6 idol ui mr jihtl mrm ii ltamnhuw a turn nllhon in anton on thurmlny lutlmhir 6 lttol to mr unl urn j c neltuin a mtti ijlnnailoiloiioii lit acton on trtunwiuy tniomlwr c lai tit ur urnl mr w 11 hum camlaborotigh u matticd htatiiambtonhj li ht altutn church anton on wetlntwhlity nvan- lug hrpumlwr 11 isoi by itev j k cotliton u a ucorxn umltmy htatham lilal not of thorn huuhum to mario dmulite of li lute uiohurd hton 1i of acton died dunuait in kramomii on wmltim day bntombfr 4 1001 llunnmh jaun ihintwr ukm1 ztl yonitm month woltdhn at iu romldfinon on church htreet ac ton on wklnm4y ntt inr bdtilnraber 11 jbol wllllum jl vordan hr utcd 1 yeunt the sunday school ubssom rob oundav beptemdefl 11 1alll in athi-nt- ilohlnn txt iu hi aitu 17 u 31 11- iut rlui i the house that 8miled i took t rll at open trolley in one ot the miuit buuutlful lutrt of now kniuml ylth nie ww friend with oalntf eye nona at the buty of the way wo journey i- cpd her turning o curve in the rond wo cutne upot n enowywhltn lit tle cotlbito houimi on u krouy nlopo the am till doorywnl wu ukiow with the bruflit colon tnuda by the flower nd a crlmeon rnnihler roa wam in tho full beauty of ilm obuntltuit bloom at one iilde of the little pi an oldfaahlonetl yellow troee wa at a corner of the houu liikjr mid wlit- dowe wnr opoit wide uml thn mouiui of home one iuiylruf u merry klr on u ma no cmo to um a mlr of lively yellow klttene worn pluyin um only kitten ply on the ifru uml near by a motherly lien wum ulucklnn lo her utrko hrotul of downy ohlck a wiodle surdon wu ut one ldti of tlio hoiiho ui id biwtmii it mid the boiute wa a lontf row of pink nnd white hollyhock on the huiwut t u motherly looking wumutt in blue cotton drom ami a blr white upron imlllntf jhmut nothlnk could hnvo bat m more h loik tluitt thut little wuynldu cottubo lu um checrtlil vlronmonl hut my frleiifl mude u mmim ovuii mora thuti homey for who thut llttlo liouue moomh to fulrl mile upon u doeent itf ulf a tnllajdown the road wo canto to one ii f the utntoly dhow puioft of tlm nelithborhood it wnm u huso uffnlr of dull cruy stone there wait au iron fence tainted hlavk in front of it nd t imlr of huare iron icuto were rlod vine almoet covered thn hlh iron fnltce and it wa u if w warn bidden not tu even look ut ilia houe buian of the oh utter ware oiimmki uml ut one wa in lht ulthoukh th hou www tdtiuntod all vu u allent hhnl the iculit um if tho boiim were u f xtxn my frloiul turned to itto id elttl i ana tlift houe eeetum lo frtlrly v trown uion un h wtu aomethliuf of u coloflltlenoe ttiut u day or two utter- 1 iilcked up oyie of tny mot valued muicuxlniui nnd piuntl tn it an mrtlale nbtiut thelloutw rthnt bnillful it wum pot the umllmtf little liouue hy the mlilo of til i niild that my outtfrvliiif frleiul uml 1 hud been but it wow a ohfiary iiouho tlit teemed to em lie ut the lutlutcrtthy there tore mllln wild frownlnif linum o uru there nmlllnk untl itwulit lieople and i ueotl not any whlnt kind wa like boat to rnttet ulnwt idouttry im wtntt hrttl to the i wu hhi4thi uyiniuthy thx old phllihmiptitir korrulru hhil ivimiiiini lu ulillr ulmlliirly v vnrtmi ib tli wro ilia two tnot timllntil iiyiitbmk of pltltokophy of he time tliy orutlnully th ruuiilt of rftirtm to find lmillxr moral kuliiillir thn it tho rorrupt vlljni of day urfortltil lu 1uuim day they hujl de tuul pr4michd jtuil ml tlm rotiirrnrtluii lcvcrywlnro bo lulil mtromi uton hie fuodutilontultl of hit troll ion of jihiu chrlut vmru is tho ariwmtcuu wwi muru um verjb 24 the itnipln thought 1util wuu u new plilloaotilior uml worn euifr hrur blm vtrut 31 cltitwlcul uutbor rilt to thlu uutun rhurwrtnrlhllr or tbn athnu- pmiple tlwy wum ovur running uflnr mitnntliliitf hw vertut 21 on hint hjmil tho futiiouti pillthupheru untl laucbrw nf tbti w il uttwml it wu proluihly hure thut hoi rulem whm killed thny worn vnry rnllclouu but tbflr relbxlon wuu idolu try vrnto 23 afltr bulblluif alluru ti th uhuul riitui thay mvtotmwl to llftvo feuirvil thut tboy tulieht buvtt ovnr- ikeil ut j i it hctiori the ultar to th unknown oihi vfmt il ttm god whom they knw it wu the treul oml of mm jitmvi uml lite urth 1aul ut oitro tnbukotl lythnum wblrh idrotlfu cod ovtly th naturul l th tint tin n vtrtw 2t tii pmipla of thu heathen worbl ukent tcrout wrulttl utvou tli iloriitnont of the templom of their icodw upofi uuierfliiou illttpluy vemo i unity of tho many uatlokbt m utrunx tlortrlntt for oreek ourm creek dlacrlmluhtod lmtwun orwek nd barbarian um tint juwh did between jaw uml oantlle vemo st ttuhm wlui mutk qot will tliwl iilio and lie lit not fur dutunt veruo xi 2 ivul ittvokm lo tthow that even tho uroutl atbonlaiim bui formed loo low n oonceptlou of mall and blm tlbjnlty verue 30 31 hem iuul- flrat lu- trtulucch chrut um a unlveraal judt lunteatl of u lovlnjr havhiur topic far heaearoh and dieeueelon i isikuii lhlkkaoiililo vm 1c31 1 whtr liad lnul and tlllam lwu juttt provlou to till loamont j lie- rrllmt the fame of atbetuc 3 ifow did iaulu prvuclilnif differ frtun the phlloaophle of tint timet ii an unknown uod vu si 4 what eminent namoa wnko auao- cuimi wtlh thut upoty k why dltl they build un ullar lo uu unknown ajodt hi the ttua god vu 34sb what wa cnwrartarbttln of the bo thou world in- 1 what dim laul meek io brovv to the athenunut iv god itoaulremenlm vu 1d41 bhow doe 1aul lntmtluoe chrut hero for th flrit timet 0 why dir qod overlook the time of t bally readuo for next week monday hepumber ix the luw ijhorty 1 cor 10 5333 tueihlay uaptmbei- 13 ah ll not on for the hako of oilier 1 cor 8 1- lumbering in brittsu columbia 1in crritltiit luiluuti y colmnhlii a in liimlmr mm y tli mm utulu of i no ii art c in jiloy nil in imriillhur it frtiui tlm mlvciitiirou iirouptttitor who until out for pitrtu unknown uiiil plortd to look for filttli nml prnllt uliln tholiar llet until down lo um on mrt pollulior who tlnlitlicii off tlm ihututlnilly vtln i puiiel of nnuiclim tlr at tlm furtnry it iu oulimntt il that thcrt urn 40n billion ftit of intrrhiintiihlti tlmlit in tho lnivlhro moro thnii hulf tlm for- uf caiunlii uml oxijj rtu thut over flvo tlitioii thn uiniiimt proaiuit fliit tvoiv ynur roulil ho huotl without nikroiauhliitf d on tlift tlmbtir rouourcru of tlm vuluti of furnnt prodlictu for 1u10 i70su5oqi hut thin wom luruoly twlnji o llitt hlah prlrou inovullliitf ill liimlmr wimk nulp if dun worltt uliortuuo uml u urout tlti- tht ihhiuium ilr lu ii or ull llrltluli coluuililiiu troru kinw- ln lo u iiuluht of 2cd tcou linil 0 lu s fitt lu tllniutilnr it lu unod for houufl roiihtructlon i tout hiillillnu- mhim propu pohu rullwny tlu hriln and irimllo tlmbora untl inuiiy othur tlllokm thou tlur tho i oil ceil i- fumed thu world for tho tthlimlnh it prtmliionu ilioni frunium urn i flnuly droiuuiil puiiciuhiif for llillnu uvlnu rikuuu tho llltku ttprucu for itoro i wtultrii htunlonu for hok- furturlrbr und liiilpwootl vunroiivi r in n city of iiuwmlllu thnm lu u frlnut of thoin lliihut tho tixuikm uild hiletu of tlm count urn mill the rlty uml oun util lom looku out to without wutobhiu uoiiitt llttlo tutr towliiu u hint immuu of inuu hulilnil it thut huvo co mo tirhuiu fro in rniino rump huntlrotlu of mllu uwuy uii tho who ulmll uny th lumlirjflnu u llfo lu not oho of llio bout dioro lu cure froo and uovt to nnuro ho hiioihih hlu iluy lu tho utont oiitilooru with tho wont of tho wuii thut ooicoh out of thn fruhrut rodur tho nmoll of thu wood- umoko of hlu cuulp flrou of wot maim wild huruthir- buluom burk inateutl of thu dfufonlinr tlln of rout latut liumunily ho ijouru tho roni of ft illutunt wutdrfdll tlm cull of wild uoono or thn wnrnlif cry of lit follnwu ulloni forout in fore thundoroum thud tollii him that unothol klnnt ilr itiim foil imimiith thnii huutlu hlu u id iluy u wotk tlnnu h liuu notlilna ottio to think about mt ma ovimlnir tnml nil roiuly wtilinff for llm ut tho cook liouuu iuui u plu liml nouiiil filooji ihmo urn in ifrulutrgfl i u nut piijn i nilllii si j huw mlllu nnd 70 iihlnultj jnllla ho ft will liu malltod that tlm lutnlini world in thhi irovlnro lu n vniitly imiioi tut quo t ull tlnmo wlm luivo hull boltm tn it fiom tlm lum- bm uliir hlmuolf down to tho export iinwynr who can coinmnnd ulmout uny ti hu ludtti by rptmon of hi i mio ulilllty jt a w 13 wedneatlky eleptemtwir llv an an cient tcvll um mi 181 thurwluy bepumber is tho van wucrllxhl im ip 113 vrmay rpl miter if victory an- urrl i 4m 111 butunlay lloptember 17 wu the goapol uako 1 cor b 1s3t kunduyv heiteml ib god m oood- iumm is s 113 do it daily a mho manufaelurerm attention wmm catletl to tho fact that hut yearly ex- lmnue for new machbiory liail beau itly cut down naturally he wum muflt pwttawl but for a time wum ut u bim lo acocunt for it klnally aftnr co luilile rabbj invnalucutiou it daw nml upon him otut tho leaaened oxpeiimfl for tnurhluery doled from uwout the time when bo had placed u nw aupr- intenilent in cburare of the factory how do you aooount for it mr wheaton that my bill for new ma chinery and repalm ha beau cut down conalderubly ubioa you lutvo iwen with umt rtuerled the uutnufaoturor an mln uddrslnir the uiertntn- woll i will tell you mir repllod lite huirlnundant you olttood ma in full cluitw und i have carried out ti policy that tn the lutut i have found worked la great advuntac when i came here i found that it bud been cuutomary to employ rnueblolul ouch humuy to work over tho vujrloum muchbimi tblm i put a tnp to for two reumon that i dont bellnv- in habltath work and that dally uton- tlou to the machine would ndit lo ihttlr urn i have vmployd an aivert mur hlu ut to place in proper order arti uufht any machine which went wroiur throukh thn day muklna it a huril und uul rule that audi employee repirt dally uoythbik wronic with hlu or bnr tnachbta the ireault ha lutm thut u unity only minor reitalr or ad- juittnientm have been uocemkary v fel llurnbum in the cunnoqate court of the countv of halton notice to creditors of w l mullin dnceaqcd thn creditors of wllllnui inonnid mullln lain of tho v kin no of aotmi in tlin county of iluuon roiluoa dealer lornauod who til ml on nr about thn ninth day of autfuut a 1131 ut thn tuwnuhlp of lcmluhttlfi 111 until county und nil othnr porunnn hiivhiff clulmu uhuliuit hlu lcututo urti required or lutforo tho 3tith dny of hoptoin- br a d 1031 to forwurd by mall poulnitt propald nr othnrwhtn dollvor tn tb undfirulttnod lollrltor far jean camplwll mullln tho widow und ad- mlnlittrutrlx of tho lcututo of tlin until deoouuod u utnuimnnt nf thnlf ua- iiiim with full partlouliiru f thnlr rial mi duly verlnott untl tlio hnttiro of the uocurltlliu if uny hold by thorn and notlco lu huroby furthm iflvtm thut lmmfidlutoly uftor tlin uultl 2fith day of huptotulmir a i 1031 thn mild admhilutrutrlic will pro mod tn tllittrl- buto tho utuiobi of thn uuld dotiorinol uinank tho purtlou thorounto hy law nntltlnd and uhe will not bo reupnumlhln uny imrxon of whouo olnlui with full purtlculuru thereof uttiudmd und vrllutt uhn ulmll not linvn ruoolvoil uolloo ut tho tlmo of hugii dlutrlhutlnn liultml at anton thlu aiith duy of auriiui a d 1031 jlflan campdi3li- muuin adiiilnlutratrlv hoi in i tor for ail- the test of life thn teat of life lu not in rlnlnf tu home ruru nmurseuoy ibul in tnaklnf tho lieut of jtuihtlnt day thu courko which eiuiblem u man to uvn a llfo im called for only on except tonal ucaa- mioiim not onn peruon in u hundred vr ham a- chnlice tu lift um a ufe- huver while ovryono need courajte or meetlnk llttlo tlhtcourtmemolitn dt u only now uiid thou that the rail hiincn tn muke uomo ftrtiut muciince fur th uabn of other but iflvlnsmup our own wny uurlnrhik the mont rom- fortuhlfl chnlr uml the first rending of the newupupor klvo conutant opixir- tunlty for tile development of aelf- danla tlio emirknoy which cbiim for ireat courk und jrrut koner oolty ctinim only now and ibon but nu one will full in any ituou crulu win uloopta the llttlo 0iimrtuiltlem renew ed with every aeiiln- day to ahow oournae and kindntuu and forteful- fortuquebe afpitcciation of thee8 lu muny iibioem where tlmlwr true ur to lie found in iortusul ono mmm thn following liimcrlpllotim vh who pum by und would ruuo- your bund utcuumt rue hnrkou era you burm me 1 um the hkut of your lumifth on thn cold winter ulhtm mid friendly mbude mcreenlnk you from th mummnr i and myr-rult- am refrwahlnf luabt queiicblutf your thlmt n you journey on i am the beam that hold your houe the board of your fblr the bed on whlob you lie and tie tlmtmtf that bultilm you i bout i am thn handle nf your hoe tin door of your hometeil the wood of your cradle and the ahall of youi comii 1 1 am tb broad of kluitiica uml on lower of wauty ve who ukm by uhidu t my uruy- ari barm mo nob in the buimoqate court of the countv of h alton notice to creditor of peter ma nab deceased tlio crodltoru of isiliu monuli into of thu vhiairo nf anton in tlm county of hulton giitloinuii dooonund wlln tllod on or iilwiut tho 30th iluy of aiitfuut a d 1u31 ut thn unlil viuiibo of anton und ull otbnr norumim havluu nluhtmi nitulnut hlu oututo un roipllrcd on or lmfnro tho tlm i dity of oatuljd a i 1121 to forward by mull pnutuio prepulii or othorwuct ilvoi tn tlm tnitiermlioind uolloltor for john hiu vey of tin viuiui of aukin i lotiuil luhpoctnr thu uolo uurvlvink jelxnoutor itf tho luut will ami tcttumohl of thu tiiltt iloot iihil u itttilimifint of iholr utimiiiitu with full ttittimilmi nf tluh olttlniu duly verllltid nml tlio nuturu of h mociiritie tfuty uuld by thum ami notice 1 lioioby fuiihtr v thut limthxliutoly uftot tho uald llrftt day of oototuii a d 1uu1 thn uuld 1 mttuutor will p rout od to tllutilbiito thn uhuetm of the uuld diuuuiutd uiiunitf ihe purthu ttuiruunto by law ontltlod uml ho will not bo rouponulhln 16 uny per it i ii of whouti oluhn with ull pur- tlcubuu theroof uttuuhvil ntul vorltlnd tin uhull not linvn rioolvwd iiotlo at thtt tluia yf mtioli dlutrlbutliin dutod uc aotoii thlu thut dny nf ihtptoniluir a d 1d3i john hahviay lqkonutur liy l n kurumr anton out iiim rollultor 03 a finot prize definition lloconlly tlm wnnhlntrton timon of- forod u prlito n fifty dollmu for tlio licut uiinwor to tlio littulnn vluit bun prohlliltlnn nnromiillnhcd to dato tlio prlito wuu iiwurdnd to tlov hum tlm u ii thu wlduly known uvaiiffouut id prohibition locturtir mr elniiillu unuwm wuu an fnllnwii it him ill vo i cod dui hovornmont fioin riiinnl imrtiici nhtp with tho lliunr truiln und om n net p u ted poll lion nlmnnt wholly from itu domlnutlou itollovod cniiiitloiuj liniliou fiom drink nvllu mudn tiolini nml unofiil moil of tlioiliiatiili who vlo lioonmliih dlu- uolutti a i von now hopou nf happliifliii und nnourlly t mlllionn of mnthnni wlvou mid rlilldron uml miurtintnod itrnwhur uiuuniillnmi oc ikjiihiiiih nml ninio nrfnotlvo amorlcauu abnlluhcd puhlln dihikhiir ulinniit on- tlroly oh uroil tho bluliwayn nf of fomilvo tliiinliiiitla ignliiimul trudo hi iiunful moicliumlluc imprnvtul lulmi i iii lit lit i illoi lulllld tiavlnttii nu- loifntit aiucintinttd iiohool iittomliinca nml onllouu iniitrlriiliitlnuu by tliouiiiilidii ilminly inoviiutd hocinmii of drink in ttudr homnii diulmiiddil inuiiy vlolouu ohilih and nint latloiiii oi dliiiiliiiitlnn nnd uijli htltuti d imtrotiairn of uiiwupnneni niauaalnou hnolui mualo und inovlofl and mndn paiumniint a noroiimiuy niitlnniil ihiclulnn that tlio coiihtltutlon uliall hu tho hiipiomo uml mloipnitiily onfoirtid und obnyod law of tlm lunil whv a ball bounces a bull homicnd hnniilun it pun lhhauj ii miality known uu oliuitlolly wluni a hull in tin own it mil nut tlin flotu tlio hall imcomoii mit whom it ulrllion tlio llnoi ikinuuiin of itu i liiutlolty tlio hall liiunodiatuly roturnii to itu naturul uliiipo und in dolus no fmnou ituolf buolt into tlin uli- uml uhitttj tli bniiuru a liiiuoliiill iuhii amny from tho hat for tlio hjimn loumm uu li otht i i m ml i plic ii of hi nk ftluown llkn a hall iiuiuot hu hattm vuv tn hticiiinio ii dmu nnt pouni nu tho tinllty of tiluiitlclty simple and bunu dr thomwa ko leotrlo oh im mo almpls tn application thut a child run undtmituutl tho ln- mtrurtlotim uued am tt liniment the only direction la to rub and when tiaod um u dhnthlu lo apply the dlrectlonn arn 6 plain and unmlalakttblc that they are reudlly undonttood by young or ohj dtmt oubtnlt to aathma if ynuj hiifyfli without itu nt liruiuliik thn nlulmi which hind ynu do not put ok tinnthti day tho piirohniiti oi ni j 1 koltuuiru autumn lb medy a ti liii whtiulvrfiwnynhdoubiautq lla nllb loittlir um rolu f that comou will nmivlnro ynu mmo tluni unythliik thut ran bo wiltton wiipii liolp lu hu luuir why mi rem 7 riilu unitily in nnhl by thalniti t voi y whom t m uaijhii oaulbtl f 01muo nr- inooouo uvtounkm 130 us oh no savings account too small dont tlilnk that bo- causo your tint aavtnii tlcponlt may ba kinall that it will not ha welcomed in tha h mk of nova kcolla a aftvliik ac count meiiim a now po- lontlnl cuslomor it u tha haaimiluk of wjmt may be the foundation of n valunhlo account later on h la tho yomik tnana a topping gioiio to a busl- noiu nreor that la why the imall- cst nvlnuu recount is valued in lld the bank of novascotia do you find yourself unuhln lo alonp vjrll aro you ulltuted by triflea do mtjnll troulilrs look big to you do you atari ut eiulden honci av you unnble to concontralo long on nny one tlnrk if o tlieraa mnmctliin wiontf with your norvoun bvhtrm lhrnn nro rlnnger lunuu dk milrs nlrvinl 1 20 will moo ilia thn irritated and ovnr atrnined narvea juit orte or two duueo helps nittuke lo teitoio them to their normal lunctiona guaranteed safe and sura rr kalo in aclin by 13 j iiassaui moved to new quarters i um now oomfnrtubltiy uullltul in tlin now quarter in iho uturkmun illonk and um liottt r ublu lo look uftor thn noetlm of ovorythlnu- purtuliilntf to font wrur i will huvo uu ajututunt with mo tllrootly and thbi will tcreutly funllltiun thtt prompt rftpatrlm of nil work hft with mo 1u- pulrlnu prlnou buvti lieoii red u cod all urudm of mboe in menu uml llpyu iiiidm in mtnck mill st acton fmmmimuxtkmmmmmmmimmtiamnitminxniwbniwami packet of wilsons n fly pads will kill more flies than s8- wonth of any sticky tlv catcher clean to handle sold 1 itiats grocer und gcncna btxurcs whitfflvauh as a tlhuphoolinq fuitii imido of tho llm i miuitlnu- pnhith hiivu iloinoiuitiitud that uiuho mn fably urfotitlvi fur iimull uimuiiitii of wood drill inn liy culnlniliui oi whltowmili liuu piovod ju toutii to bo im iho loiiliituut an uny imliit toviiln tilnd it ih oluuiti uml innvoiilimt tu thin altiuiuith it will not uovoiit tho bunilim f wood tikpnutil kpitlniiuimly tu it liluli limit u ttood coat of cnlulmlnu wolhl will loohilhi till dllllrol fl 11 4ti uiitjiidliir finni lulialuk oikiu- uii uimrlut imitohch mid hlmllar iujjiiii noiiritii nf hie riiulnilhii in nf uu ktioio oftoutlvti fin innldu tl outhldo uuo notice to patron- of tliu kilblulmumt durlna july anj auount ew- amlnatlnn fo aim h yliumlby prldy a tur- ly euly rewhwiikj niartinoiit uu uminl qhw rioiak lorrici ci1011i of all oil fwiltuifni tin iiuiilitlm nf tit ihliiniim huloi tl in oil it in l ho iiluapnit of ull pflnru tloiiw olyillllt tuythu publlo tt lit to hu found in iivt n ilinu mioio in ciluudii finin 1 hiht tn uiuut and ull jountiy mtithantii itotp it foi unh b11 hulnu tjtiilly ininiirnblii und tutlit nmly mud oiiitu lu print uu mitt miiouiii hu with- nut 11 huttln of it 4 charlie gervais house painter acton on loxiunlnnoti caitiful work iloiui all jnbti lromptly hihiiti for uprluu wot it ulini jilacod liuiiindlliluly computial the mission of the advertising pages by win s power president of the ipowcr alexander jonuinr co detroit the innn wlio nnys lie never rcudj advertisements either is n proper tatitllduto for the auunlus club or 3 lnclcjnji iu common butuncsn nensc tlutt in tho viiy it hir bus mean man the head of u uccorsful corporation put- it in talking to his selling force n few daya ngo tho ndvertiainf coltnniii of the tiewspapern aro a boromoter of success they nre conauuctlby ptbqti5oj pien an women juat na the nnnucinl nnd roclnl panes of the news- pnpern aro conrulted for the inforniation they con tain time was not no very lonr ao when the ad- vertunnj column were merely a direction of things for sale today they rank aido by side with tho news pages 111 tlm vital interest of the messages that thoy carry advertisements as a clans huvo ceased to be un reliable v superlative and eitafreoruted claims have lost favor with advertisers advcrtiicrii has discovered that frankness con versation and truth are tho strongest allies that they can have in their effortn to win public confidence and to it is that today as tievev before men and women scan tho advertising pages ob carefully and with an deep an interont as they givo to any part of tho newspaper tho advortiriiij pnpes reach out to you in a spirit of frianththip and cooperation that in their mission to make a friend of you and to win your noodwill to bo sure they have so moth in rj to gcii you but that is rather a secondary consideration a bypro duction of udvortisinki if you please t tho bin element ni aim is to win your good will when that ib accomplished the selling will follow as a natural result look through tho advertising columns of this pupor note the carefulness with which the messages ijuve boon prepared fens t your eyes on tho art that tins boon used in illustrating some nf them sense ihe friendly hand clmp thut thoy seem to extend toward you l then analyse them for yourself ynu will hud that the products that are most portdutontly and effectively advertised are almost universally the best und most dependable products that in a perfectly natural illustration of the law of caubo and effect an advertisement is a pledge t tho man who issues it puts hlmcslf on record the public expects more of hi in nml almost invariably ho measures up to expect nitons rbbidencc church street railway time tables at acton ornnj trunk railway syetam qolnq weft no 30 v ulimm no 51 loalam no 33 jaopwi no 31 c 09 p m no 30 v itatpni no 3g lltipduy 10 34aru oolnd eaat n 31 7 08 um no 30 11 ibatn no 34 aatinn ntu 3d b 17 pm no 38 j no 34 hihluy bohpm nim toronto suburban electric railway oolno whi bl7uru dally nfoapt holiday 3 is p m dlly uxoept ibiudoj k 10 11 iu dully except uundoy 11 03 a tn llunduy only 33 p in ilutday only lulili 1 uuuday only qolj eat 7 48ont dlly rnpt monday 3 d3 pm dally ovropt htiqday tlllihi dally lutit hu inlay v sljm in v ihiuday only c4b p vu holiday only k r4 j m iiuitday only rralit no 1 uiilvctt in anion ut 3 31 on iliitunl lyu imiti ud of 3 33 uu on all titlnr wfiu iluyi irtlubt ilnllvtirod hy tiporlul tutpreem frnlkht 1 ro i if lit pktid up ut uny d- ilrrnot lu forontn o h aqn1sw akeiit acton uptodate goods at c c spkigirrs pino silverware in tahlcware- varlety also fine cutlery hardware tinware and granite waro big assortment candoct stove- nnd hangca famous heaters small stoves ottstow eveav article is op cxcep- tional value c c speight mill street acton chevrolet agency ur ii ii wllunu luui uooured the ajroncy for anton for chevrolet motor curm dfrnoiiutrntlnn ar- raiikrtd cull und uoo tho now inotlelx now cur ulwuyu on hiiml h s wi son bower ave acton out piionu b9 special dont wait until september 6 opening date op pall term at guelph businesscollege harald rldo qulph out inviaillqatlo and iita11t ahlilad of uma cuowd act todav a l- bouck principal and proprietor the development of udvortinlng has put business on u higher plane it lias created a finer code of bushiosi ethics it bus made possible better products um lower priced h hait immeasurably increased tho e comforts of life by bringing within the reach of all the convenience and luxuries that would otherwise ho enjoyed only by the few i t5he acton bakery cu phono no 77 if you want delicious lout of brent or brown breadr or a boston loaf stoum loaf buns nud rolls pica and all kinds or cooklcn nd cukes also wedding cakesmade baked or iced bread is your best tooo tat more of it 1hono 77 the wnekonwill call at your door im edwakds co day and saturday at um pw tor oled every nt except pvi aoton ontario castor i a sor infants and children in use for over 30 yojrs alwojra beam j sft i nunut of ctfy5rei l voyftii

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