Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1921, p. 1

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iht t portyeventli yenr no 11 aoo wan ylflall acton ontario thursday morning september is lozl 13 la w un1tud btjltlcd t single copies pivo conta tin mi7ihodisr church acton tmv i m moyeii ptor paronau willow 6t 11 n hi und 7 ii in tim miulutor j 30 pin hiluilny hrhonl duly ullu you if a imiithur ll hod thlu invlleu if ii ulninui i it h rcliliomn or whnuovi yn tin mriioiiiir ciimtcn acton kaptisx chuitcii a k tvleii pastor 10 m iiiimiuy fitlinol mill klhu 11 it m pciuerveruiirc 7 ii m jiirtnii lut iirlul you ahl counially invj i iud new advertisements tom bale a brlik liotimn currier lot til on trio lilit iiml furiium apply gd uox 57j acton loot a llounry almut enptcmhr 3 hum auric red heudu unltl thuin and rrurlllx jlnuim leave lit i iiuu piiltiif orricic waqhinq machine roh sale a 1000 gravity wuuher lii flmtnlni oniiilltlcn cfiul lilt 00 will null for vh00 a hill hnruulii aply ut 1 kiub puk1ih okklci ran sale on rneddtiick street homm ii o it lit rooitui wltli electric uubb wulerwut kuturiiaco and clutern three lulu with wll kindu if mil nil frultu kniiuli rant hum nlxc 1cx4 ntr imcnu a iiui on h card ofthankb tim lmiiiou auxiliary a w v wiulinu to thank nil who holimd in uuy way tn muk their hukliur ku u un- ceau alun the orohoutru who mo kindly vol u nt up mil their help hifiiid tl k1cnnijdy i lee re t n ry t reou u r e r if you wunt to liny or hell heal estate ak kehh mm know ifj lioumiu ruiiulnk in price from stioa to ig 000 only 1100 tie poult on uomu a number of linlldlnif lolu p j kichh lhoue s6 acton dont throw your old carpet away they malt niw reveralbla velalv hugu sand for vlvlx folder 3 canada rug company wanted at once two hundred men autoguu tractor mochuulcu tlm vulrattlkem ltnllory itepulrlnk 0y- acetylene weldluir mechanic earn a to 115 per duy train for theuo at our tilt modern uchool luittcut ami bout oliilnuoil in izuutem cunudu llltf now euulpmcntu of iii kindu liiolutl- lutf a tiro aiuflueu ac tun i practical uyutetimtla tiulnliiir very tietit 1 untrue tlnnu only few wukm roijulmd v train you diiy und ovunlhtf rlniinun vwlthmit oxtrii ciiuikk lloiirrt und room 700 up cull or wrtlo bouuttful ctalrtiuu udvanttmtii yoaru iotprl- opco wihonu from roiuit to cuiuiu iomililllm hlff anto hum truotnr luhoul 183 klnit htrnot wnt tonmto beal estate w tnii itllvmrtlfilint u fw broimrtltui which wit huvit on our lint uu mnuon will not itormlt mi uvtntf our coimlot hut 1 itouuhcuht hoiiha 8 rotiinu collar wittorworuk nliiotrlo lluhtu 16 unro on chinch htrwit 2 llrlok i ion ma h roouim aollur full ulna i houmi nluotrlo htfhth itom on mill htr 3 llouifhciih liounn 6 roonim anil wooduhoil 2 lotm on t loo no htmot 4 hi nm ho ii no 8 roumu and wood- nhd oouhlq rollnr no in out ttoor newly ducorutad clout r to lluhtii ttirtmco u acre on main hlroflt t hdiikik nut linumti 7 roomn nnd woodulittd uluttiru lovoly tcunloti two lotm wired for ulnfitrla lliihtw on llnona htrot thny thlm for a hutipiln im- mmllutn ohmvmii1oii fl llrlolt houuti h roomn nloctrln hutvtm collar full riui of ho into furnucit tiuwly dtioaiutdd lovely vrumluh watcrworlim cmoiit nutrn on mill htrvut 7 llrlok hoiimo h roomu tmtli rnllur undnr wholn hoiiuo fnruuoa ilutorih a lovaly homo on mill htmot u itroino iiouho 18 rtxunm lurii lot on churoh htrt would muko u vury itood ixuirdliim liouuo v thouo iroiiurtlnm raniio in prlro from 6to to 4 rou and uoiun of thorn uro on very nuuy trrmu at lmyinont wantwdi throii or four unnd farinm in thn vhihillx of aotun munt havrt uood hiitldlinh and ono ticur u mhool wn huvo ituyur for thum if uultalil 1 x a kmttii luxo ictatfl alien t mid htrnkund wallnoo avo auton tf wonderland friday september 1 godless men ailniitod front thn iitnry illurtc 1nwl a ilntl mi of lh dnmi mm hthiiiu with nilvuntun und thn lrltnltlvi oiiiotlnnk of mnn ituldml only hy thu luw of mlkht hull llonm lloyri ooitiody a ulono hhuva saturday 6eptember 17 tim hutittlorx u lia lilntunk utiirilnk wlllhun kmntint com- ajly out of hn tlieht vi ncwh tuesday september 20 loldwyn iilatum chmitfii 11 p thn hon nf turkuii ltitlo vvepnepdxv sepf 21 a loiivriuii mnrrhi ntny a tnln oftwn viim vnv oily umim trlh iimint wltt mil llirwiiiin h111111i14i inuo this is opening week at macdonalds frlmi jt a formal prcscntatioh of fasliions smartest conceptions in new milliiicry coats furs frocks v and bllier apparel fabrics and accessories news of local import tim turnip duyara r duy llu tuinlii tihlihrh linvo rommcii- d tht uuitoiim trutlo a kihmi inuliy loiulu huvn huhitilcfllvord thin wu ut i im a v it yurdu thn nrlrn intld th hi wikiw in 3n for murbntahlti nitmu partrmoa trophy 0mri to praton tll urtrii ltoiiy whirlf rink nf iijph itowlmaj won from anion tt month dun nftor they md hnhl it for imviirul wihiku wuu won lout wovk fron limliili hy c miiumtlim rink of ivoutnn thn wiiiru wuk imoton 3h auuliih 33 did wall ml toronto fair john v itolkflilhon uffriirml oiw hint ul two hofoniu on hh doruot llornixt mi und itiiinud and two thlrdn on viyi und llrut it ml two virtuiltt on mti ut loronlo icvhlhltlou on of u yorkiihlrn liuuu wuu uold to an to ildrouii kunu uu ciiuiijj iii two trophic iefended tliu week quniw could rink suocaaafully da fandad wallaca and maroury anoihoi utronu rink of ttowlnru rnmn train ounlpli luat wlduy ttvrillnh 00 u chulluiiko fur thn wultiu ti cnn which huu immju hld ly a ot on tiuuliiut ullcmimnrm alno thrt contra i tourna- tnmit in juno thlu link wuu nulpjwxl ly mr u ii rtiiliniutii of thn nufllidi herald w j oould with u rink of 1 uupulllvoly now hut wry uut ixiwlrj dnfauted thn vltthont 1 tin ttnne wuu n rimm oiiu unit wuu olounly cokfnhtod thniutthoiit j c ii ar o m yut m btilmnii uaii acto jom alflk w r wo cordially invite our friendtt inacun nnd vicinity to vwil guclphn luif store uilfl opcnlnif week you will nfthuredly find hluch to interest you in thin expoijltlon of distinctive aiwl excltviive autumn and fall rtiodtri the befit creatlonhi of lcudinj deaicnew are well represented in the displays and should you wuih to make purtjuwefl you will have ample opportunity for individual choice from a wonderfully large variety of fltyleh eiprcwaive of refinement and good tadte auide from tlie cxtenfllvcncari of our correct wear you will find our pricefl adjusted to the spirit of the present day and the quality of the karmcnui hufh ml will meet with your fulleatapproval visit thh macdonaij store this week and seb how well and how heasonahly we are prepared to meet your requirements d e macdonald bros ltd guelpits 1eading and largest store wyndfuun garden und macdonndl streets guelph onl saturday specials we offer you n very choice line of crcami in assorted fruit flavors regular 40c tt saturday special imec 2je ahsorttid choeolnlca frenh every wefk regular price 50c and wc saturday special price 0c chocolate bars rceular5c cachr- saturday special prke 6 for 25c wiles candy everybody jlkea candy especially when its ns deli- cloui ai ours even those who say thoy dont eat candy will get tho habit uttcr taatinii our inelt-ln- themouth confectiona they bto made llko the 2 00 a pound kindt but they oost very much less mill street acton h wiles service first if your cah is equipped with a pbest- oijtb battery demand preistolite service itviia pay you our guarantee 19 sound reliance battery service 9 quebec street wbst guktth ont as russells a 1 try our special fancy box calces iul hy tho htiiuhill llnuury iiuilph thar- lluvoru nro flold oniiitit i nllt nut cliiiiolnt und conounut on miltt krlihty u1 hntunluy hpoolul inlcti ouoh 20ti wutoh our wlinhir illmiilay for kiirilkh uitf nqtiimi1ii lvil lcyury- thmt in hoiiuoii und nrloim tniihinillu a f inbtclabb btock qp pnah orqcehier auwajvp on hano d c russell mill st acton ladlaa dowllng tournamant a indlttu imiwilhat loumuriiilkt woj hnlil nt llrulniiton yaaturduy in whlcii ipllfn numlhr of imty liowlr iwr- tl ipulnd oiifl rlnk from arttiu wu jtuioiib tho odiitnutuhlu mlwi ulnnlu 10nmou mliii mm w j flotild mrw wllllum arnold und mru itoy ari llni t iu r inn mint won not ctmuthitml whtn wii wiiut to ttrttut j mr nhi1l salary not lnr a mlutukn wuu mudti in thn ututnmiint tlutt mr j m ilunull luto irlncliiul of thu urhoolu lifers hud htmn kivuii til inrrouui of uulury whim hlwrotnikukti inunl for 103123 wuu tnudo hy thu llohnol truntafu thuutilnry wuu in rnwhcil to 1000 tlm nrilvluuh you mill thlu wuu thn hum tlxml for tho imt yoaru nnfiuuomtiut itullnif from tic lit niulior 1 1031 an appreciated douqual in roiiilttlnu to t vuum vukmu u rhtwiio for odvirttitliik ynulrdy mnuuru northruu st lynmn co umlt- tid toronto wurq khnlnimili to nay 111 tholr httfr it ulvou iim tonuldcr- iihln lilnuuuro to linta uimt thin lu thu 44th ronutmtiv0 year that wn have ikhiu uilvbrtlulntf with you mul ukhiii oviihu imr fomleu uutlafnutloii with thn work you huv dunw for uw mr c oldum haa bold parr xi r chui if oldham huu wold iiu farm lot 3g 4 mukhjiuuwnyu which ha imrchumod from isr john wuiiuituton itttvttral ytnrw ngo to air llydti of door b it to wii mr oldham will hold u ouarlns uula tomorrow tm lath hint umljklr hydn tukcu ikiutiamuloii ut tho and of thn mouth mr und mru old hum und family will removn to iiuttoiivlll whero thny will fiontlnuo iifllr nplary hiiulmuui and ulo ukiibti in marknt cuidtjuln mathodut diatrlet maatlng at ew th llnnnclal illutrlct mtwttlntf of ounlnh dlutrlot wilt ha held ut kloru to morrow at thlu mttotlntf uecla1 miliuulu will ho bivaii lcvamctjlum iikrrmclril unrrfin wundy ttchhtir work nnd mlttlomt itv ilnnry irv- inic of quolph will unak on ironul nvununllhin ucv o b cuiumor of nnuuukuweyu on huniluy thihoor luilly day ohjutlveu und luv it o jolllffo of vct clilim un mfmdoiiu itov w h canlalh of iioru lu chalr- innu and itov t j moyer acton uncratliry enworth lau walnar rop1 thn 13iwortli loauuo hold n mout ijoyahlo wnluni nnd mamhmullow rouut on mondiiy ivonluif alntut an hundrnd luumhoru uuil rlonilu amtom- hlad nt thn rndoitaimnt cmilmirn mmrrloh on thn mill tsnul rouil ilnoi thorn wau u liluktlnv liunnro und lu thifcoonrthir tvonlnir n vnry ukroohhln fnntiirn ilttl huuaajf und liuiiu wtrtt tlfut ncrvl ud thou tho toimtliiur nf nmrtthmnllowh nrfurdnd much injnymnnt 1 ho nomituy wit ul tout thn uonllra mul imd n pltnulhl hnfmonir itov t m moyn tho imih- tor anil irlnoliul kiiupii tlm vul- ifnnt dlronlml tlm rurootlhih und mout nnjoyuhhi tltnu wp hpcnt a luiuor otlll naur 8pyatd ijiut hilttirtlay mm nine clilnf omoor kdwiinl klooily of thn itilund ltvuuo ijtipiirtinont of onturlo toronto ac- onmikanlod by u nitjinhftr nf tho do million mnuntnd lollen vhtlltxl ttio utto llnilor utlll in thn huuji neur miwy- iilde uhout hulr wuy htwu th httit and uanond 11 n tut ampin tivldeno wuu found that u utlll huillon in optirutlon tliurn ipit tlm mtwt of tho mitnt hud i mi tui rtimoyod u hltort tlmo hoforn tint olilori rliched thn plaon it lu miwirind that tho utlll wm oimnit- id hy u man who uvou in milton utid that thu iinulunt uf thf litut wan illu- trfhiilml at vmlaim imliilu n thn county nnd nut of it hy motor ourw at nlblit- hortloultural show at hlluburfl thn lllllnhm-fc- hortloulluml uofluty hold thdr lth oxhlbltlon on tueday thlu vuiiimi of thq mwl uuooouuful nxlilhltumu tins iwoluty over hold tho mitilnx of houuo nlimtu cut rtoweru vohrtiihlh uml wuliuol ehhilronu uiu- lilny wuu far auova tho uvaruei the illuiiluy of riutihid fmltj ami uluo lihiln ami funny tiaklna wuu u rradlt to thn l uf tll kimmunlty the unkiitnlninont wum vviy tnuolt wnjoyott hy thn yminuor ul the uhln rlnta dkotmtlfd that of formal year thera wtnvi tielwu hvti uiui ulght hundiwl irtmtmt thu illnjotont were vory tnuh ifiulllhid to uothn lnltrt thut tlm liannlo of the efltiuiiunlty huvn tukwti lu thn mhowlclhi attvooille if hlllu- huru- with it inlll hrrt h luivo uilnh tt mudoohufml imttloulturul uhow mirly autuu oould ucwuniulnli nlmtlur i omittu with itx 100 mtmbfh mid iiluituluure of rloword und nlunu rrohd in churoh tkw yaare old ltnv t atuatt moore o d wlio u iu of thn dulimutori tu thn koumonlel iniforiiuoo lu iindim icnkland want uvtiriiouu n inoiith iwforo thnufuwlun of tionfoittnctt ha vtttlttitl hu wni hurry ut duhllu wlui lu onn of tho editor of thu duhllu krtmmun the oldfut tuiwiiiiliui lu iriiluiiil und thun went nvnr to hwltmiilund horn he vlulted tho nrlnolnul dtlcu und uttatidod a nnfiirviuiti of thu vorltvm ilrothorhimnl aumooiiiiioii ut luiitova kroni thnm hn wmit ovur to auntrin i itni hnvi duym tt htnifue unuiotliitf thlu an- hiit rnnltul if livlu r- mhtr wllntl tut it uio ann o i mllttlm udlvltti f john uwg hl thorn um muuy uppvillht t will th ihiuuluk i luvnohetl lit u rv linlll in h wlih eiiury hefl- uio llimi of ft1itlu iutlwr 1 11 ithttnu wii uryoi n mutuvmilun t the unman oatlinmiu it lu the lurictwt t otumil iitt v u 1mbue the tiihilotnul nuid uhowh tlie iiowor end iiium modem ihiiih nf the city km iiliik wnll and 1h1 tu he imck in tuidoii boytumhur 3 or 3 worth it wood mnt uk 17 w jr otiuhl uk 1 i103 oolmon 111010111 17 301030111031000 50100021 tutuiluy nvoulnu unilrunt u itxxtjd rluk tu tiiidnuvtir tu lift tlm k yj rrom acton thoy wiit unnucccmful by j lonjc way ikf nd acoree were mm toiunm acton n mouomald tl hyndu hi o hyndu jr w j doiild uk 3t oooofiooio looooo ooi oao io lllobaol ota 4ld 110 101 37 i lawn luxwlhitf cluhu au- tanblaa tlurnumnnt will im hold ty hrilm1r 30 vluy will ut v it m itlunduid tlmn prlwut urn orfnknd for ilitrt untrltiu ucmiitid up ncighborliood news- town and country hockwood mr wllllum mrnuhh huu hrou u humiy hrldn to tutr villus tim wxl- dluif whhli wuu a vory jiratly nun took ulitni tu tuuhtluy of luut wmk nt t htnm of hit brum mlhr mru winy ut mlllhrtmlt wlmii hnr iuukii- toi mury a lie luxwlun thn hrldti uf mr mtmulh thn i rid wori hr irilvoliliuf drruu of uuvy hluo ulu and utirod thu imrlor to thn utrulnu of thn wiithlhik luuiili iluynd hy mru lltrt wruy hur iilulnrlntluw thn iiuttluj knot wuu tld hy uv mr huwjf in thn irnannrn of tl llnlimdluln frlmdu of thn toiitriintlnir ilurtlnu cneweons conkienb mnuuiii a und w- mcdrinr wim uihktu of mr nnd mru w a lluruv lihiu uinliik lurk luut wtwk liny loft yeartorduy uftor thro itnotithu vlult hr mi k itrowu i mru lllown iim miim mliinu m tl- of ptit nuluon und mr unl miu wm wiilllumuon llurlliikton win ilummnrm chuu 1tilur with thnlr fumlly und mr llrowhu tlvn tluuuli- ttu uon ut lluuduy ut ulun uinlutf iurit tlm uiiiiimtr home of mr and miu w a mtirruy oakville i a cruel work with gunu ham itamrtlhu uutunuu lllftfully liodlbmr on the uhuroti of kulry ijiuo onoiamy uat walk idiot iilld broke thn lw a beautiful harou whick flow nwm in xrut imln front lu frurtuil hmlfctliu in un uuort it lu wuu ttruejty why nil on id u im run vfr thot hci it u worthum ue footl thpuo hn jurda ehonlil i mi irihnrvd luutnnd of ktaa hit dnud or rruelly niulmetl 1 a sucicaaaful plaiting ewouralen orj tfanniir liibtyouuniiutar j c muttfiewe und llonuhl hlnnlulr a it i v id hout laet week from u very uucoouuful iwea i flahlnat exnuralmt t ijintf jjtutt uf porth of heutlnku county thttlr tuirty which lucludud dr ilnwltt inh und frank itnyoru toronto tmk50tni lt0- upluiullil imiuw they romatt homo u lllml utittly unit thttlr frlnmlu eujnyetl vory miirh thn konerpue dhttrlliutlou they mudo amm of chanea will mot u trmltutl tho attornnvooneralii dutrtutent lu tlotrnilnhl to nlluiluulo the uumhl- lk at the full faint inutrurtlouu huve iwien aont out thut imruoith ojkirutltik kumca of diner wru ut im promiitly urreatnd offmridaru will la taken into ctiatody without a warrant gamtvm of thuncmi have iwwm made a criminal off once thlu uctlon will nurffo tho tajjaiv nf iviaijaajuwlifltw iwvtin a dhattruca at luimn of the tulru of the ltuut sudden daathj pt jomph j puldina joiuiph j fleldliiu thn wnllknown whole ttulo tu morrhhiil of ouelith dlud vry uuddauly oh hutunlny evou- liiif iiy ho ultipimkl in ut the kutn of thn imtwiinw ttrtkui wlntrlm intendntl joining u tcumn limit fullure wuu thn ouuue mr riomlntr wuu finjoylnur bond imullh und hud been out durhitf the afternoon with lllu duukhltir n 11a u ivoru in ouoliih kt yoaru ato mr ilaldlnj wau known hy muny of our cltlxotni with whom he did huulneuu tuefdea aepeare a be popular flay mr kdltor that wax u kood inifticohllon of yourh in luitt vtucx 1mioiii for tlm holdlnif of uu nnnunl hortlniit- turul hhowhl aukujtt or early jl- n tho rtownru uri thou ut their mid uu you kith lit ycaiu like tlm haul tlumt will ho ifono wlmii tlm kull vulr 1h held kcrat up tlm uultutloit for tt hortlriilturnl llhiiw ito uald uu intoroutoil minnltnr of the uooloty uu tlaturdtiy whnn the lumt iukutt mnn wuu miuhiiiu hhi homo au im wuu working with munh prhln und intentut uinmik iiih rioweru oommltted en dvoond charije on thn ohurare of oounuulllub und nrocurtntf ivrclvitl urown of oonrufl- town unlawfully to rommlt nerjtiry ut qtmirenlown on atiunut 11 thnmuh hurtutiurn of qltuiwllllanut rumo ite- fora h v moore lilc muk lut lute for hrollmttiwry trial on huturdny ultor- iiooii hurtuhorn wuu nreviouuly com mitted on thn ehnran of norjury on thlu moooiui chiuk of miilmrnatlon to ihirjury tlm evljimon won ndjudifotl to im uurtlolent to wurntnt the commit- mtiut of the uoouuod for trial ha wau tlmrvforrt committed tn thn oounty jull for trlu crown attorney tjlok und deputy klro muruhall iloaton appeared for th proueuutluir und lltoy dale of iforktitowu wuu counuul for the dnfanoa tony oeynuk ldhi hu pu a cuwe lit which there wuu couulder- uhki interont wau luiiird in dlvluhm uouh imre luut thuredjjy imfore jiitlue 19 u lot- wh tin aeorjfu uruwi hukor tnowtl out nf the part of the hulldluk when ho hud ooipluotad hlu uakery foi unvcrul montlui to the premlhad hn tvcantly imrohuuud tony claimed mi extm monthu rnt ulleuhtu thut leitul notice uf roinoval hud nut heen ttlven llruwur temlerd iiim oheiiuo covtirlutf the uttiouut ufthu cluluu toiiyn- turned ttu clieiitie entered unit inn riiliilued iwittiicittiltni ni oeitalu koodi hfltoinilntf to drewur in thn ltifiuutii he had vucutud am noon nu tho fuotu of the caue wyo preuimtiul ut thn tuiurj the judti dltunluitotl tho claim willi v and udvlued tony that ho- hud rftulttchl urewern icnndu without luht whalevor tim illjrh hflinnl hnu n laruer mt- rnllmout ihuil nvur ixifom almut ltfl utluunlu urt reallulnnid oukvllln rv4 rtu to utqndurd time toduy heveral uiitnu rnnvoyud uhout thirty mmnhnru of tho oikvjtle metliotlut w m ii to huldtru cnrnuru on friday iifleilllmiu luut to utteud um thirtieth unuiverhury of thn uoclnty there tlm hlu fair nimnu thlu moruluk therell lm thren jhiyu tif hitemutlinr prourumme morulujr ufternnon and evenlnu tlm numlmtr of alnimlcun earn in liitf over thn hlshwuy uhowu that ifood iniidu uttruct ii hout of vlultoru mr hurry llyrln utattm tmphatlruly that utty doc lulu n he muy render in tlm mout llouutlful iady romihitttloii tloltu not ohlltfutn him to uuy rurtlmr uttntillonu wluttuotivtir object mot inulrlmony htur milton ltnv w m muckay primrhed in kihik church on llimday he ami hlu family knl homo from llouedale lluuum luke hint week milton 1iihllo llfhitol reoptmotl with 371 pupilm ti of them imslitneru lit the primary room where there were iifivtr uo many imfore mru otw cheney noe lura petrle of uuwuukne wla wuu a uueut of mluu jlnuuln urown luut week jtidn icillot and hlu family rumo hnmn luut week after utendinu the iminor nt llrontn mr and mra wj dick and their child rou unl homo laut week from thnttuutimmr coltukotoiitaw itayu muukokii tlm county court toronto hau mote caweu to try thun tlm indue can illunoue of for uomn tlmo utnrithny have nuked jtidue iclllnt ut help thfiin ho did laut year ha lu there thlu wnek on tlieuduy t h hull of toronto nnnuor for canada of thn qnneral accident klro and life auuurancit corporation made hlu mimml nyluif vlult to hlu frlondu in milton mr and mru h dice imipoctor w ii tltowurt preacbed ut iloweu church inut uiniday niornliia- champion nag0aqawcva ltnv j t eltrnohan 11 a pautor the nuuuatfuwoyu treahyterlun chnrchen huu imnn uultn 111 for unvr- ul wocku itov dr mcartttur of moffat hau imen miipiilylnu ftn hint r jnueph vruiik lu nhlo to im ulmnt iikulu uftor hlu toceitt archleitt hlu foot mr chnrlfiu oldham iu holding an mtloit uule at hlu farm tnntnrrow tlm nutlntli nnnlvemary of nuu- iffiiwtiyu preuhylnrlun church will im hold imxt ihiiutuy ihth hint llov dr llluir thn former pnutor ihdovetl fur mom thnti hulf of tho rhurojiti hlutnry will preach mnrnluu utid nvenluv harold jurvlu tho tinted tenor of klrut ljtiuyttirlnu chiicoh dtrolt will hiiik t both horvlceu und will alun nuu kt u couourt thn follnwlnif monduy evtm- liic dr lllafr will ttlve uu addreuh nit tlm hlutnry of tfm church at thn con cert i niiuuaauweyu hchnol lulr will lm held at ilriiokvllln on huuirluy 34th inul v mluu ijtrtlui khadlol hulnlltou re turned houin nftor mihuuiiub jter holl- duyu ut her bmnil father mr k molnodu mru tltephoit cora in vhdtlitk her dutluhtnr mru it till muude hamilton iu i dtimpuey iawituica lu vlult- inif hnr uuoln mr k mclmod mr ii wullucn returned boum from toronto ftaturday nftnr umndhif a week ut the inhibition mm m clayton iu uomn imlter ufter tier horlnuu lllueuu oeorqetown a million at sunday bohool iu nil prtihuhlllty huiitlay meiitembur s6 will htm the lainvut tluuduy liflhoo llttrnllulum them hua over hnon in canada tlanu ultd inupauanda itnvn tit en under wuy for uomn tuonthu wltl ii view to miikhu uituv ihiy hv fuhn on thlu dun not only uu unuuiul day foruiu lmj4mtliiu uf the muutmium work hut ujuu u rral bltf tluy in ull cull- uilljibkuiiduy hctteom a prtikiumine inohidltik h uneclitl hervlce tu thu dify mv kpn piimti by u joint twm- muv tj huuduy tinhunl itouitlu of the itapllpt cunkrekuthinul metho- dliit und prenuyteilau ctiuralmh und one mllllnn vonleu of thlu tiuvo itouii illmlrlhuteil tn cunndlati huiuluy bo houin of thcuv duuomluatloiiu if preannt prtmpoclu are in nny wny rvatlsed there nhoultl be well ovur a million huhleu imvu and ulrlu and urownupu in thu vurlouu co nnd lull hundiv hcttoolu on rally day rev a c stewart tlie new minister of knox church guelph ineflbytery moderated in the call at the meetinj at kitchener tuesday the induction will oe held on pr i day 231 d in st when luv a c htowurt m a mudvod thn information rupctlhu the vry riivoruhlu uttltude of tlm rdum- uutlmr nf klin church tnwiirl hlu mil to at- ton he at on uluiilfltd hu will in liiitj to ucispt arriiiiuiimeiitu wern llmroforn mude to preuotit the tull to tlo prnuhylury ut uu hitting ut kllrhniinr on tuntuluy mviuiru alikmiiltir wuldln und john icniiiiiuly uldnru upihiurttl htiforo im irwtbytnry to inprnuent lh uewulou ihf pieuniitltiu tlm cull and mnuiru w h- kanuoy d c kuuaell and jonn moore repreaented tho umaflof board add concrecmtion th nail wuu mixtion by tully ninety imr rout of thm membarm and udhr- entu nf the oonjtrtntutlon thrr mtlihnnt nuiimtl iu i1h0o 00 with free luanitu und u monthu hollduyu lh ivrubytnry tnoileruted lu thn null und uuvn ttu imunlmouu upprovul thn duta for induction wuu tlxed for friday 23rd inut at tlie ludootlon uervlre 1tv wulter i nlebol ii a of iairuii will preach thu unrmou and lluv h k abraham ii a qutilph will uddnnu the mlnlutur hwv j t hull it 1 uf nuiuutkuwnyu thn iiiterlnt motlertitor wilt udlriuu the coukmhtttloii if ha lu uuttlchntly re- rovertnl frtim hlu recent lllntuiu iu ruun he lu utlll indlupoutttl htv k j murdonuld ii d of unit will take thlu part of the uervlca tev a c llttiwnrt m a the unw mlnluler of knox churclu la mull of experlojion and uttuinumut und hlithly upoknu of by hlu brnthreii luut churue wau mnrulnfcton near iuiownl at the coniiviiunnui mnet- l if here two week uo whnu jt wuu decldetl to uxttutd a cuir to ltnv mr lltewurt the uctlntf ttindnrutnr itev h htunphnrunn m a clerk or the prouhytery ooiikrululutetl the tilt i i upok- social and personal ftuk mid mux lioith hpuluht upniit fjiiuduy vlthfrltiiuhi lit icltt lienor mhin iuhi lloiikirvlllo of loiiduu vlultvd at ton frlnudu luut wonk mru itoliih mwin khiinmr of iclh imn- er vlultod ai ion fi inudu thlu week a very uu joy nh in blrthdiiy purly wau mttit with mru i ii nnny on lrlluy uveiilitu- v mr jmlt wn i ill it huu irono to thn i oi onto njumul hchnol for hlu rtiuruu in pedu uuy mru ltoluutu and hnr huln tluuuli- lor icvnlyn of hau it lllo marin vlultod here durlnir thu week mr und mm wlllhun ihildwlu of unit it ill miirln mude aoidu frhuidu a brlnf vlult thlu weuk mr j wiillnma und bid daushtbr from- manltoulln inland vlultod at the horn or mr w wllllnmn mr undjjru juueph ilrhuh jlirrl- ton vlultnittru itumuhaw and fumlly lnnl lltrent duiliur thn vimu mluu mny wllllumti of hau it mu marin urrlvod on hitturiluy to upond u wok or un with acton ruutlvtu mru w j i htowart mlumu mur- ifimrlte lsiuln und mary of milton pant ilunduy with frlmulu burn mr cuhou wllllumu ami mr w luuicutuff of huull htu mulle worn vluitlutr anton rulutlveu thlu woek mr qonrun it imr mluu wharton und mr nnd mru piilrhhiiru and buhe upent tlu wenkeiid ut nliibiird kallu r laftiirt mum tludr cholrn romplliiuutnry tnrmu of thn uhlllly utul chururtnr of itev mr mtnwurt hlmllur kind wnrdu ware uimkeu by tlm clitrk or lltrutfortl imbytery when ttnllre wuu ulveit hint of the cull the r m urn nation lu to lm toiiitrutu- lated uimii the utumdy action taken lit llllliuf in the vucanny lu thu pautorato they aru liwikluu forward with very ploauurublo uvimctuitcy to tho unttlu- miint of ltnv mr mtewurt uu their new puutor iinkt week another hlg fire at guelph llau bplnnara llmltad were burned out sunday mornlnu outilph wnii vlultetl by another dlu- uutrouu lm ut un early hour fluitduy mornluif whuu a lurtto uoctlon of tlm iux unlnnoru itmltod factory on victoria itnud wau cauiplntoly jutted by ilumnu which emitted damn no eu- inuled bofwaen 180000 utul 100 000 thlu roncerii which im u branch of thu dominion llnamt umllcd u lo- ted in the old kawueer plant nt the rucr tlf york and victoria itoudu au u rciiult of the hluxc the nntflun oin rurd room utnek department nhm thn rnpulr and tutrt of the dry il mil uk depart men tu urn now u tuuuu if rulnu whllo thoiikuiidu jif dollars woi th of dollrato manhlnnry mmd lit thn flux uplnulnir induutry are lylnic honoiitli the crumpltv1 uteel ulrderu front tlm fallen roof at iraut u dooit coutly mnchlneu nre comiiletnly deutroyod by thn heat and tlainob lnrludlns a haouunp tna- rhlne uued lu thn flan uplunhik plant which will proliahly not- itareplaoetl under tlz000 ehin itev w j iady o a occupied the pulpit of lcrln iluptlut church un ft u nda y r and mm it mamunn nnd two ohlldioit and mr and mru n ylmhior- i of milvertott were vlultoru with mr tind miu it w hull luut week mr and mluu wehulnr of ohio mid mr ic otophinufiitul duuuhler nf tor- onlc were weekend vlultoru with mi nnd miu a fitciihetiu thncounty of wollliitoii hj fortf- inif uhohd hi yield of honey it unw tuliilu ninth in tho hut of onturlo oountlau with 78 coloitlou of lmea mid uyileld of floann pnuudu of wttlto houy mcuuru alex and jehu mcluolduit left luut week for mukiiotawuii llm flfilh tiunlveruury nrvlceu of tho hllhthuiif luiptlut church wera held itumlny ami monday itev w j iuily 1l a of ht oonrtce prourlmd ut u tu und 7 p in on monday nvenlntf uu entertainment and uncial uuthorliitf wau held hov a t tlower- by lijd uii old hllluhtirif boy but now lututor of dovercourt itoad iluptlut church locturetl on a crop of tim othy advocate uui1l1noton ill wit itoue mcimieruou huu tmeii tu- uaafld on thu hlh tlcbonl ututf tn till the vuoauoy nuuuel by rulttiutloit of mluu murlou hmlth lutlury 11700 tlpi wlllnuulihy ifolf uuku havn at truitied tnuify pluyeru lately 11 r and miu huko lined of ottelph wem cuewu of dr und mluu heed luut wftqkv i miu tracy curry und duutfhtor dorothy who liavo upeut thn paut two moiithu with ontario rrlcmtu left lant week for their liointt hi iteulun mr h 1c uihldell of auli leturnwl home luut week itltei u liloiniatit week upeut with frlendu u new yoik city hi ami mru will oralmpi llrooklyu n y returned home luut week arlei viuhiuk with relatlvcu und filenlk in lu limn inn mr utul mru km i t ttoehm und chlldrnn of detroit motored to town ulid upent thu wmkend with mr und mru j n 0rjm them wem io j pupllu iirewutit ut the luuh hnliool und 330 ut urn public hchvhil mi umniuuduyj oumuetnwu klorul co wuu uuulu miouvmnrn in eunylnir un llrut prlxo for kludloluh ut toronto fcxhltiltlou thirtittwu konudry co huve u- utlledthe noutruet for mukluif ull cum 1 1 una foi tlm vlctoi lu kloctrlcu hupply co of tortmto mr a hmtelwomru hn new bonne on main hi rent north in u valuable uddllloil io that purt of our town xliu vourikin uf lctlmbntoft who huu bein itultlntr hr lilme mm mo- allihtcr riurlutf the utimpier lua uonc will hei ulhlcr mru ulllott to vlult in tin vicinity of tlmh fonnei home lutuw villa 4ubc uorajd mr c v col em mi wuu u hurrohhful uxhlbltur ut tho toronto exhibition whiuthk four prlhu on hlu poultiy uecurluu flrut prut ou ltouo comb all ot nu cock iithpeotor w ix tltowurt tho ohll- dranu aid lunpaotnr milton iihlreuued the wonieiiu inutltutn meethm on kuturday ufteruoou in thn luhllo ubrury the tin promo iitlifa of thu floiiw of iciitclauil which met tcceiitly ul kliu wllllum uppollitetl itov a w tnhhu huinemn chaplain o tl0 order mluu muriel lutrker ttiir retuntetl home itt ut cuthnrlnou nftet u two weeka vlult with mluu murjorle hp4t mru la donklu und dauhtoi thuou ui rived luliiie rrom kimluttd on tlitifu- tlny laut mr und mm alhert hollunil utul won wlnktun of yarktir utul wilt iiryunt of jclinjiilou motomd up oxhlhltjnii und upmit the weekend ut tilt hoiiit of mru thou hheppurd mr a j thontum rmiujuitor of wutinhiwit huu taken xip ruulniicolil llurlliiuton and huu moved into hlu tiuw houuo tpt the ooiubr of qtuen and llltut utmelu ml j k wlokuon of appleby uu- mumeu thtieniiuttumeut nf hlu da indi te r ii floorkeiio to xlr juiimu turn- hull hamilton of huunah altu tlm mart hit to tukn ulune in ihtptomtmr mr whltllnld armittroiiif huu hetut nppolntett by the oiiveriiment to jildue 1 ik lit hmunm ut the followlnu fu1ln owui hound oro itlplny and atthur lluotlt- r j a ijitdiy uf toronto whn huu been upuiidlnu hlu hollduyu ut hnine left laut weolt to nttend tho cnlhiun of pharmacy general uymputhy iu felt for mr and mru william icvuiih lu thn death pu tucuday of their dear little dauuhtnr lifter twelve dayu lllueiiii mluu maiunrnt onrvln hnu returned fiom her two week a holiday in tor onto llvr tuotlmi wau wimuwliuf im proved when uhe left her mru juliieo modeimld nf llrurerltiltl hau benit vlftllluu her uluttir mru john canmion und hnr brothm mr itoliert campbell thu puut woulc or no miu j hhnppnrd or lit paul mlnit who wau with hei uluter mru gtui camphnll ilurlmi her lonif lllueuu and death returned to her home luut wnuk mr holier wllllamu of tho mor ebantu lunik wliuhinr hi upend imf hollduyu at the home of hla father utid mother mr and mru william vyil- llumu mr j and mm a t urown mr w ii wnlkiu mru ma block and mm paruonu mntnred to illklnutnu ye- t onlay und upent thn day with relatival thoro mr and mm jnu allen and little tholmn mr win jlatcniau and mluu minnie kirk motored from owen hound hiut week and enjoyed u plouu- unt vlult with frlendu in auloit and milton lottiruliju home on tueuduy mr und mru p d hartley milton uiiiinunce tlm niikuiccmimt of their third daimliter lllen tn georifi lirl wlluon won of mr and mm w a wllunn qenraetowii thn mnrrluko to take piano thn latter part of uoptota- hnr iliojh dolnii at itockwootl if a donan you no rellowa in oourt at quelph after a spree 3 u monday onbrwufl ouelph un a teuult of u little party hold in thut vllluico m saturday itcp- tenther 9 the oualph mercury re porta tho proceed iubm nu followu the utory of the whole eveulnicu nittertiilumeiit won recited hy wllllum illllu the ilmt itookwood delegate who mitirhed on the ennmt to face u rharifn of ilrtmkcuneun when muuui trute watt lend out the iihnruo nualmit 1lllu ucrtiund after pleuillnif yiillty to thn orfunoe nindn it plain to ilia world lip that ho wau protty well on he pnuueil thtouith the main utrtmt of th vlllnuo lu it motor cur und wiim urrtuitod by thnvlllurn countable hlu woruhlp informed 131 1 lu that it ilnt mutter if be wan tlavolllutf hi motor our or n balloon uu ionic- uu i wuu under thn inlhinnco of lltiunr ulllu admitted that ho linil partaken of little too much nnd u lino of 10 und coutu wau impoued tho nvldenne ftlven by kllln wont to ultnw that on the nlkbt in qooulton ho it met poto hundom who invited bin to lake a little iipln iu hlu flivver tho two drove out uu fur ok the plneu on tho york itnud where they proceeded to purtuke of tlm contoiitu of n lyiltle of linolnh tho iwuin lt- hilf finally conuunted they ro turned tu jlockwond whure wltnetm uwnm thut um keoubh kindly oblleed lilm with iiunthm crock for which ho puld thu mini of h aftnr thn new imp ply of liquid m- frouhmottt hud boeiv puichaiiod they invited ait nnd wully htumpf to join thorn nnd tho quaitntto thou iittlinu off in the direction of iqvorton wvery- thluif went aloitu uleely on thu wvttr- lon jolirnoy uu thoy uruiii ilmvn hack to houknnd whoro two crtppu broth er joined thu purty nnd u uturt won mude fori oiiprhike hurlnif the jour- tiuyu to wvorton and ouprliimi lglliu htuled that pete katuloru had itutlmred lip two now unto tlreu but he oould not uay oituctly whoi o hn had pro- lurtid thorn it appeared hint thn police httd uooii informed of all thn facta lofcurdlim thq putty ulinrtly after it took place nnd tho utnry ulvmi out by hllhi noulltnied ubuiii of thn information- which thoy had uhnndy w an il leiiult pot einmleni beuldeu belutf iihiieuimd 110 ulid coutil fordiunk- whutii alun nhiitucd with thu theft of the two tlreu ruttmcd to lu llllht tivhleitoo the pmllinluiny hmir- hur wuu pioceodnd with uuil acciiued rpuuitlltuil for tilul hull wuu liv id ut 300 nuuh yuw hluo oliuruml with kiiiiplhu lliiuor for uule toutrury to thn o i a but ut thn uiioiit of i mr uw oont uu ini- huucmnnt wuh miulo until imduy a tiliuricn uualnut ijtl otuikh for a iniiphi of yoiiuic chuph weic oil ii uh i in the otlmi day und on teturif luif wtuo itoluif pant a farm hoiiait mt ti it htiiiry tlmy yollinl to tlm fuiuirim it hue lit in tilrlu huvn ynu tiny liiititnillkt i hn tnply wuu uently wafltd iditk to their iuiu vtui but wo letiu it fur uir own cudveu iiuinu lluuoi it the nam u tlnio pofati lrm ly 111 ulnu be dtiipoued of u out better iiuk tlm failure crop tun npoitu ie tf the potato intip in thlu dhdilct x tutlmi dlutuibliiu tlmeutllui vurletleri weio not up to tlm uuuiil yield many luriic urn wem huvo oiiiitl tbul tholr nop will ho up to uoimnl tuklntf the iioiidltlniiu utul inputtx llnoiiuhout thu wholli coiintiy limn me fair m- liutm und thu lu not likely to im uuy uhoitaue

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