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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1921, p. 4

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2 kttan 3vtt ptjaa member clxkirtn wl1y naw4fmr aeoi lulou thiihhday xllptijmilljh 32 1131 liik ackln ihkr ihh advilt hmnc i ji rrliiu mil j irnti lliplu luhmliarii ii r mimiuj itiin till hllbll oil mil lulillln tlll ijkkj urulrnr i not yot ttattom to former condition in the recent interview with heave hurher hi rjavc itii ni pcr that nil rniidw ni crohi tlittltrhrd ltiittroycd by the wntcrworku butrnctoni would w nutinlo ii i jjood condition ui they were before the wutcrworfcn contract whi hcjiln hmt it high time thi work of restoration whs hehik commenced there uro roudwiiyi in lud condition till over town because ot the putting down of watcworkn trencher i ml there are jit leant twenty nectiom f concrete croiiincr which were cut tut no the ihk tlitcliinj iniichine could he rim through which have not been rchiid editorial wmit tm ilottornhlb pence the dublin frccninn irelands oldest newrpopcr uutf the spnkxsntiui for the combative interests ot tlu soutli iikscrts thut one encoiirujjmj fact was made clear by the lloyd georjjc and tie valern correupan- dence which ii hntli the brititih government and the irish leaders desire an honorable pence and that the peoples of both countries were overwhelmingly with them in this common derirc to allow ruch n poni- tiou to he lost would he u hidcour blunder and a crinte njiiinst civilization iltiy from our home merchant the buynthomc campaign conducted by this paper a year ou si ao hud very mitiafactory results wjipn pcopicrealizcd-thnt- inbtiyiiijf de partmcntal titores and the outside pedlnrn calling at their doors they were unfair to the home merchants who are paying the taxes of the community there may be at times same nmnll personal advantage in purcliubinj from departmental stdrcs but it in mi unquestioned tact that the more goods jhflt uro cold by the merchants in a town like acton the more not only will the merchants prosper but the more everybody will prosper and the better town we will have thu ajjuumplioii tabic hoot niul branch the new york statesman sizes up the opposition ot the liberty league in that country ns follows the personal liberty league luburiouly tells me thnt you cannot sustain prohibition laws because they are agaiirt the will of the majority how then did they become laws of all the brazen assump tions ot thcuo rather brazen times one of the most outrageous js the claim that prohibition was perpe trated by a shrewd and unconscionable minority upon a guileless and gentle majority thnt uiilntptiojt is ralrc in root mid branch prohibition is the will of the people of the united states and they intend to enforce it even if they have to enlarge the jails talioldthomooiitliiners the -bootloggorg- undtlie whole illicit tribe a question of schools frtfarctimshrmnkit in tli tohomio um mivftarhaeh buhincbb directory to thn kduor nf the ohdwi mr meajaraltt kirk thlnku that tlhollee enjoy art undue f ivllrfi la f belr k- enaalon nf aeirale jiuhllo aeboola in ontario mo looka at ontario ajmrt from the reel of lha lhinilalou nml 1 hlw it aeema at range that tbrre liuum ho tliu apnarral ltlruluy i rainiol rnnhc ho aayji in the catholhra pnjnymnl of prmlrj -kj- tti i obllgal to helping tlte cattle raltenj ovia hard klactfl the domimoii government is materially assist ing to mnintaiit and advance the cnnadiuit cattle trade by its system for rendering assistance to farm- cn arid others engaged in raising cattle cattle raisers will be carried over the period or abnormally low prices by advances from the banks secured by their stock by arrangement between the govern- ment and the canadian bankers association any cattle miser who asks tor a loan und has security in cattle will bo given an advance to obtain fodder they will thus be enabled to carry their btock in stead of selling at sacrifice prices the banks will loan all that the cattle arc worth every effort will be made to carry ttio raisers through it is under stood that there is no specific limit placed on the total amount which tho banks may advance under the arrangement with the government iawhoiui of the times tho present days of more or icsn keenly felt business depression aud lack of steady employment for both expert and laboring men arc rich in food for thought along lines ot lifes experiences they should cause serious reflection in tho minds of young people and those who are entering tipon lifes busi ness activities in good times such as those of the past half dozen years some workers aud uu fortun ately some young busiucss people too spent overy penny they made and if the turn of tho wheel throws them put of employment or into business tangles there- is nothing to stand between iliem and most trying experiences others save and the rainy day has no terrors for them a very similar thing hap pens when young people arc spendthrifts of energy they use the capital of vigor which should lust them a lifetime and are hunkrupt before they get to middle life spending every pcitiry you earn without a thought of saving is not as unwise as spending your strength us fastas you make it and keeping nothing in reserve usually however the two experiences go together perpetual car of cemetery vlout the adoption of the plan for tho perpetual care of plots in fairviow cemetery has become u livoissuo in the community aud should have tho serious con sideration of the municipal council the scheme of appointing a commission of responsible citizens to administer cemetery affairs niid to put into success ful operation tho plan for tho perpetual care of the plots walks drives and properjy generally is a feasible one and would relievo tlutmembers of tho council of this work the growing interest in tho bchcme is practical mid substantial on saturduy u lady from u uciglihornig city was in town visiting the graves of her family in fairylew sho called liport tho finn puiii mid enquired if it would ensure care of her family plot when sho was gone if sho left 100 or more if necessary in her will for this pur pose there is littledoubt that if tho matter were properly organized and placed before tho public that ample means would bo forthcoming to form a fund the income from wuch would be ample to cover alt expenditures necessary tftkecp all plots in the cemetery neatly trimmed aud beautified with flowers it only requires tluit the council or some committee or reliable citizens take up the matter to ensure its successful consummation can 00yeurn f- vaeo the worlds first peace arch was unveiled on the international boundary hiio between british colum bia canada und the state of washington united states last week it is to ho known as the cun- adiitnamcrican peace arch aud staiida onehalf in white rock b c and onehalf in blaine wash and one hunderd yards from tho pacific ocean it has been erected to celebrate an hundred years ot pence between canada and the united states with its three thousand miles of imaginary line between them tho arch was opened with imposing cere monies among which was the presentation by miss margaret tremcre of new westminister u can- ndinu girl of a union jack to tho united states dele gation and by miss gfctcheu snow of blaine of the stnrs and stripes to tho canadian officials the spirit of amity und good will in this very laudable en terprise is both commcudible and significant tho liberty league al it again tho liberty league which now poses under the new title of citizens liberty league of moderation is now pending out petitions to the provincial gov ernment with n view they say of securing sane and moderate liquor legislation they appeal to those who receive copies of the petition to have them largely signed so as to secure 500000 signatures by the end of september the circular letter ac companying tho petition says tho late referendum uu an expression of the will of the people war ob viously inconclusive out of approximately 1800000 eligible to vote only 014711 voted the majority for prohibition being only 100835 a majority se cured by gro election abuses and unprecedented intimidation of electors both in public and private well welll wore you intimidated fellowclector according to reports the intimidation was exercised by those who were most active in tho liberty league propaganda the pussyfoot johnston episodes in toronto and elsewhere are still remembered the power of the parcnu maintenance act this new legislation makes very definite pro vision for a sou or a daughter or both to he held responsible by law for the maintenance of a de pendent father ormother it is calculated to require tho sons and daughters of parents who are un for tunately dependent to provide for them legally when they neglect their dutiful attention under tho parents maiutiinnce act 1021 n dependent parent may summon n son or daughter before a police magistrate or two justices of tho peace who upon sbnicieut evidence being adduced that such son or daughter has sufficient means to provide for such parent may in the discretion of such magistrate or justices ot tho peace having regard to the whole circumstances of the case order that such sou or daughter shall pny for tho support ot such parent h weekly sum of money not exceeding 20 with or without cosita this provision uppears to be sane and reasonable why should the province or county or municipality be expected to support dependent parents when their sons or daughters are able to provide such support editorial notes it appears to bo a fairly well settled fact that the toroutosuburbau railway will eventually be taken over by the city of toronto this would onsuro a satisfactory and permanent service tho rural mail curriers of canada have made a reasonable request of tho post office department in asking that rural mail boxes now loeuted on tho left shjc of the roadway be required to be removed to a safe location ou the right side now that motor vehicle traffic has increased so largely accidents are frequent when mail carriers are delivering mail in boxes located on tho left side of the highways mall con troc torn iweagw pay most thoughtrul citizoiib or the dominion ht canada who investigate tho conditions surrounding the carrying of our mails on tho rural routes and j fronurailway station or steamer wharf to the various post offices and the remuneration paid by tho gov crnment for this important service will sympathize with this class of civil sorvatits in their appeal for urgejykicrchied salaries a compilation of milengo a nil salaries shows thut tho average rural route is 2ft miles and tho average srairy on the fouryeur con tract is 752 the miiil contractors ashecintlou- estimatc the expense uccouut on the average con tract at i05h per annum tho computed loss to each contractor is therefore j40 the association re t quests that all rural routes arid post office railway station contracts be cancelled and all the prcsont contractors be permanently engaged on a straight yearly salary of 70 per mile per year for rurlmpl contractors and thrco times the present price for contractors for mails between railway stations rind steamboats undnt prevailing conditions re- quests are fair and roasonablo and should be granted by tho post oitlco dopartmeint jwoil contractors in 1 tho state ofmlchigan hqva been receiving rctnunerai ton on a basis similar to this for sevbral years the fimr jpubss felt quite honored in seeing the following quotation from its columns in tho montreal la presse the other day du fmwtpwiss dacton bleu quiine graude majorite considero quune educa tlon classique est in source de grands avantages cotte opinion uest pas geueralement partagce et beau coun rout dnvis quclle est souveut plus nuislblt qu bleu des hommes qui ont acquis lu distinc tion dans dlverses vocations no possedaicnt quune iuntructlon llmitee ot avuient acquis leufs conuaissan- ccs en so perfcctlonnant aiix ccolcs du uolr dtinlod d ttlior rliurchau tmi hot in mlln tii ymtiiot ot cm- fptlirallii wild hot thinking tit on- tarlutahion- tlirtr urmn of eitnarl- iou wrro tlie hilnnruiaa lit ontario ami qual unit thry line i toil to tpct tht 1roleitant minority in qo- btxi nl tbm oatbotm minority inon iariu tbny illil hut conaliw it ncflcaaary to lrovdt apoiml ji rota tion for th- injrlty in ollui mw majorities a look tiul rtr tltrm- olvaa it u tint true to y it at catnollfa bavo unwul tidvlutfaa la tha- taaclef of action rlll tfay have in fitnt fwr vlgbta tkan tl triitnataat denomination in qubum hlr a t oalt va rmrwtnalhla for irelum t r tlio urltlj north aw- rrirn art it wni fraiitfil primarily in twfntrat rf tl nltatata tf stlalwfl lul neraxaarlv it ttttraltl o to th htlnorlly of ontario tho ifflrt 1ntff ilrown bait ratf mw alrnuoualy bhnlnt tuparo ulillfl mbnola in ontario uu article on thu utrjt in jila nerapurtha lot ba1 iaoutilttiwlil pinion intorohtifniiiflh fbn cuflrri- tlnh aebedtm be fnttml hlmaelf fatvl itytbs neoraalty of anreptlnjf aopar- attt arbooala ontario aa a fooilltltiw at union the lrntealanla of qtrwfl umim bueh aeboola a neeeaaavy romll iloti la tbelr awn ra and tha mln orlty la onurlo wrnld not w differ- otttly traatml in blri apch of vb- tuary h 1s0s bo jc1ajrji j for on a bave not tba bll haaltallan la aecpllujf m tho ontario boparatu ftcbool aet at 1ha3 na m neeeaaary condition of tin mlins of union as to- unilerbloott it aw far at on tarlo waa oneerael the turpout la anablnp u ait of fua oaatltu- ilonal wbj 4 liuil that compact of 1bss atoj declare tt a final attl- taiattt r 1 pnouwtaata of qaalxwt wnrtf atronjf at that time thraujrli able ana anrtlld leader in th con fd ra tion debate llir john lloaa indlralrd at jnat baal for tha dlvtaloh of aohool awiumiu in tho eaaa tf ineorpor- aued eowpi bimaalnp for u minority jtilee b aald anotbar point bai vefpranca to 4ajra cm tba prtprtl of inoorpor- atml eompanle an thine are maw tbo minority f tower canada i dla atlaflad with the dlvlaloh of aurb iajfa for acbimil purpose t wlab to irnow whether aw wittllalde and aatiaraotory hiislliml of illvtdlnjf fcufh taxam will ba adopted for inatanrr it would bff aeptalla if tbeae tavrd ware divided on the aanta itaala aa ooventxaant aaaia thla liasltf of dlvlalott wma aeeoptrd ty tbo qulee majority and baa koi imjit of tha qube anuumnnt antavor aiuea if tbo catholic of ontario bad iwen ffetlvely rnpre aiutl at that point of tiwo aud ydace wa abnuld afterward bave had the mean of developing our rohr jaated nf apehdluif miihouh la ean- trlhutlona io aupplrtneut the ahool 4ajcea for tbo aupport nf rlrmentary aeboola voluntary help had to i mi taught in eltln had towns whrrr in- dnatrlaa attmnted cathnlle wnrknra a publlo aarvlrs under tba eontrol of h dopajrbnirat of tho government f jlltlea of ikj ahoubl nt he tluri arnnltl hat illr john lloae anahl tl rhool taxo aaaoaaed upi pnirlle are for the ik arhout nhlldran the eeua t i often hurt by ib affecti v ikj rmrl to divide bfhnol tale ii n th ihi of th faith if aberaholdera hi i ml w ib i ft wli mmhml aa- airtit ruae wnu heard id toronlw by tl uauwmy anl uuulelpal llord llr olbain fbcrrtary and a d low to r the ilnanta illvr l- jb wpr in ntir own miiij at luittfton all thern arn hi jr font of itotaen calhollrt worbmrn and only 11 pr bent of rtelant worbntra wha tbla taattoi- wa hrouuht to urn at- lantlon of the buar1 xy mr jtana allhiiuabea far a f k how they wr all lroteataut it atlrtiek tbo board that it wa uanlfeetly unfair tbavt tbo take l viable aajnat our f for mbool purpoaea aba pall over- to the publle our prop bould ajl j 1 1 aohooi aupimtrt it la raa1 for any eountry tbatf the aenae of jnatlea aboou u thu lu roirtlrt wltb atatuto law la tbf hlnmera fall eaaa the dlriwitor at pany found that 4ba law tttf m to dlet nntbltd or il- uhnnl tavea to tbo ajueailaa of thai blldreu nf r7 per cent of thebr workmen in a irgnllaed aebool unlaaal they a alaobowhiotdniiuilrf of tboromiiany aha re waa owned by catholic- lu the trnltad hatoan4 other rountrle tbl law wa m- aeted in ibflrt when eomtiaalr wr rrlallvrly fw and antafl jt may have been poaalhln then to know at aaeerfaln to what churrbe tbarebold- er went on hun lay a tm know- led u now imtioaalble our iaw- maker have overlooked tbevutooo- hotale rhauira wbleb lava taken pla la tba put tblrtyflia yanl a far ru arparat aebool tappori u eoneemed tin faw aeanlagw av bin each rowpaule a the u v ft to dlvldejt aehool una la oabmr aa a matter of feet the uw bhllna tba c i 11 to auppozfc ttajy tt rhonl nf tliewajorlty what then baa beeonta of tneprv vlalon in the conatllulloa la htna that eonimet of 1bs3 and uaka it at dual aeltlemeatl tba aaawor tej that it la not how fairly barjl 1m ontario iarl of tho eoopct nt 1ra3 fa to th etfaot that heparsu aoliool wupimirtera are lo 1m uemptadl from all aefaool taxe levied for htm aupport of other anhoola tbla k a very loup way frou belaff ewrlad lata etrthit tho national luilwaaaj are la tart owned by aeparaiai hfbool aupimrter thoujcti the itra it bow atada illrit all q aehool hum a ijbak prapertle to tho aupport of tjt arboou of lh majority it on tario ther uu i true 4 of to hydro crthimualon as to it taaauu property tba cwlholie dloaaaa vt toronto and other ctbolln inailtav tlon aa wu u mmmv laduutnal cathnllra mm jtayinff laxe io the publlo arbool through bank nbavaal ifoat of the lianku nrln taneb tb aawo poatlion a tbo rpaniib ttlye vu paper ullla a u of tie rntnpanira aud pullio ulihu lu wlieb the law a it hand doe uo enahln or allow oltervanee of tba eontpael of irfll would take up too much apace tho aweaunrnt act umuii to hs nmeuded in the interest nf th pledge riven aud accepted at th tune of confederation and in tbo la- terwtof oatloaa unity u wi u fair play you hhoijkj iiu jitolatii in tiik iloafk ah wkix ah iavlknjtvmatl4 macllfnkuy let us instal a pneumatic water system iowk4t iormiilfk i1iickh jijotationh kiikk hknij hhkich howard and mccarvell ti wiiaon ft ukuii jkonb 270w why risk it of c0urmourhqtjio- if no owe tcllo vou life if no ono ovr tollh you iiih iroublea it lu tfmn for you in utart a throuffli in votitlgrt tlon pi ml out what all you whn t la wo wrong in you uu to koep ull tbo nnxlou worrlnd poplo ot a dlauiiro tlio big klttil generou ilu- ltoultloii lu a magnet to ieopla hi irouhlo then nro men who uu tliey rldo down town lit the ytreet car are likely to hnvo aorrta at ranger alt ting do tliem atart in to nay that hi wlfo la in tbo itompltal ami ho ta wo worried that lie cant uleep ut night and thero nro women to whom tit lork who in milling tliem dlaitowl rontldom hnr anxiety uhout her lirolher who lm lout hlw jolt and u geuintf cutlomj ihnnn iwwijilo hear mora of utwli htnrlnu thnu wro gootl for them ttmy givo nf their hynipatliy till they aro pped of vi twill v hut if no mip ever tollu you of hlu or hnr trouble if a ulgn thut unmethlng lu lackti g in you that your iiulimi mepela limteail of ntlraotu thut noinetliliig ulwiut you run tho nnlmtkar that you r ltanl 1 unuympatlittto nul molfaltorltftl u uomn liiiilnomh olitne you will il n ulgii io thla effonl hont tell uu v hurd luck ntnrieu wn lutvo troubled of our own and tluit la the aort nf wumlng uomo of you ums laauuig wltliniit tho lielp of a placard in utfont you nri iiaylng jjy own trouhlu ull i run manage dont tell mo yourm wllaoii n tiltnu tlio frltmh eiuliargo on cnnnjiuii cattle fa now cjulto s tiro to bo abrocntod but it is likely to bo tie for rcil for itomo months yd it is father hjiirulur that this lonitdcbntcd hiibcct has now como to tho htaro wlioro it wil probably sway tho next british parliamentary eledtlons blscunsion is rlfo over there on both huics an to the best method of trying to influence tho britlnh parliament towards their re spective viewpoints and towards cither having the government give legal effect to tho conclusions of tho commission or declining to act for therm it still looms as a probability that tho question of the ndmissjon of canadian store cattle will be made one of thpfalg issues of the coming general elections 81 a cow seen- tho arc tin wacow thought to lmv tmutu ok 1 1 net for forty your ban bean on ngulu nutlvo lluheniiitn nf the aloutjun luluiilij ileolun that when hailing off labtnda nun or mora of theaw crea- turvim havo iteen ueu in the ithnl- luurtorm tljoy nppoaivd to imi into rial hut in tba lioiiil und neck they werv nicllke tha hiigo tteaeow oflen wnlght 1000 ihu and lu i0 ret long uawel brown in miniature roreutu ulong tho aleutian iwbiudu and th aucowu onre iuuturwl iherv they luuaaaaml u hiihlt of herding together like cattle mnrtlng und pulling tha lilnit legu weot uaotl mm a htnglo nu but he front dim were usm au legu to aupport the unlnuil tltem woro udderx lmlwoeu tho foreleg ami pjuipu in toad or fcoth the inut time hueamiw way keen by wlilto men wan forty year ago over u hundred yur uftor km duoowry no eve fob coloit a frloiul of mlueiirya a llrnuhor uow tu thlu rouulry lu u ruruto in ii i oral itiihiirluni uirluli lli kngbind homo httlo tltoo itark he went up to oxford to tuk hlu toualer of urtu de- grue nml tho following ittnujay uppear- iii tlm pulpit rrapleiidenl in hi tmw mujtter of urt hovii a few nlghtu luliirlmt whh dining in tho ixiumi of a prominent uirluhloner und wak umaa- vd to hear hla lioxtti pleaaaiitly ro- nitirk mr lllaiik tlutt now hood yt youra khiit aiilt you ut ull i cant imagine why you with your roinpuimlon cimuw red of all cxi torn lu tb world a myrtlo urvcii or an old gold wubf tiavm mulled you much tttr und would have lwin tar morv tlrfi you men never know how y olll hill v u an airlesa earth were tho earth deprived of lui ot- rioatiherm und axlmleuro luuuijblo un der audi roiidltloua wo idiould ii ml that tin rvwy duwn would heruld tho rlulng of tho auu lu tho darkened oailt gorgeouu coloru mark lla ueltlng lu tbo wcbl tlio aky would lie dark hy ly au well uu hy tilght tim atara would uhlna brightly througli tlio on tiro twentyfour lioura hut w ultould ueo thniiuuiila mnro of tliem tliau uro now vlalbla nu ovon the cleareat tilghtu they would not twinkle in the iauhu thny would bo nit almotiii to tho very wiro of the uun ttiitiff hut lm- mmllulely round the rnih thorn would a glow having tha umwaranro of broad wluga and red tlaiiieu would add their grandeur to the imnrohaiva aoone ho zodlueul light would upivoar ou w hroud iteam of llgttt in tho miring n lo tlm left nf tlio idaoo whero tlio mm hud ueu it would imi ivoiuilliln to iitiuly thu remnrkahlo ohject ami no doubt to hoivo quickly the niyulnry which hau clung to it for ao ninny centurion tho u in wa ranee of tho milky way would tie far mom lniiuiuflront than it la now aoeii oven from troplrul cauntrlna a big comet would lio upeu mnntha iieforo tt got in tho aim ami wn nhnlibl wllneaa it wwofiit round tbn him with literal i hie mioed and durt off into miiaoe again uorcury aud veuiin oould liavo their m ovm out a followod with euuo and any other ulanat thero mluht im be tween mercury and tlm huii would uoon tm dlaoovereili till ilat day on earth nt forth ringing llllthely ho ho we tit- it wuu u warm miimmnrh day und ho tuiug of tho womlu und tho treou of tho tlebu and tha ur and the luurnheu and or iieolohuman iwlnita with life and blood und ull thlhku good tho evening wore nu having iriopt tbogrvator lutrt of tlio day ho now urouhod ltl nine if to ho entered the cert hall humming liaiily to him- aelf thn concert wuu jilat ulwiut to uturt all wucfulot looking anuiud hi in uinmulntiy t the motley uudlnnce he hurut forth into aong a alow droning amig lu th im key for full tltroo mhititea tlieit be atoiuiedaluiajmntly will i lag ror ull tlluum and it camel tlmurk and w tho mowulto dletl i nn tiirry rvador 1 whouhl hnvie told you ut tho alurt thut he wuu a milmown lllomitlltfli jterllve wmzg haaa obaarearf writ tor fn uwm cmtmboth mibumfwri ifaaiaaiiaaaii injovevcr be robbed nor your valuable panorn bo lout or stolen i but why take the rink 7 it costa you nothing to open h kawinxa account with tha marehanta hank and alnpoalt your money vrhero it will ba aafa mnd mmm fnurl it coauvrynttlo toant a kafaty depoeltwoxand blacei your victory ilonda inaurmncvoliua wul btocka beeda bllverwara and jowellery under uu irotacuortof ourvaulu aftyoral itpaya th mcrchant5 bank haad ofhcf montreal of canada eatbluhd 1004 orcj7 mcniven jam j oh c j ncl00n cltyauian ouruon ohllrlolan atlan ontario hitmtthor u tho ht ory fra- unil tuuuuw ivednrlik lit mt ttouru 2 t i and 7 to f ll dm c v w tioau phyalelen and nuryaon mill 0t oevrualawn tfltona 2i vxlumn kijrgoi r i yrnttiiui mm atlndon i rit uit fihllimn hi r legal lhon hi 33 j iu jj haitolf naflh vm1mksl mjl harriet tuttur metary pobio c o o va m y a nt ilc its teftkymawtcojtf actom qht uohvv to isjju luwi v a in to 5 ptrt acton bkancll georgetown tlkancll slly dmmu tlwwri la ll free press ads bring results esquesing fall fair at georgetown wednesday thursday oct 56 special prizes honaco and 3 ly icitoy i jj ut team nllijililn for chin dale henvn jhiniuu hnmc lot hy hiiroat a iolt 2nd hy c it turner gonllonmno nlnglo turnout int by itnnk of hamilton and hy j w ijlllott warden third by o c mo- kay itntiiirit hunk of llumltlon 4 lady drl ilouuoy q agricultural mm lleotln nnrval 0 tllnglo itnnd tuninul lnl 2nd hy l v iiourlun lut hy alojf jon rrouldoit 3ml hy w eel il lug by tlnnk of nova imvinclnl coating mill a 00 1 1 00 0 00 3 00 in 00 10 00 3rd t 00 k 00 3 00 00 10 00 5 00 cattlc lleut herd of bhorthornu 1 mnlo und 3 fomalou unr- rhanlu llnnlc uoorgntown 10 00 dairy herd 1 main 3 fomulnu int liy oonrgfltown coated imior co 2nd hy john ii illllulium 10 00 tatry cow john irving mlllon tr 00 la i r llhnrthnrn calveti lorli nluro moitembflr 1030 a o kurrow calf and piq cluu qpecialo hoi for hy ii it mlinmu mer- hy ii it mlmmii ller- ilnat throoyenrohl rhunta tlunk llonl culf miiln or fci clmnto itnnk limit lutcon linir hy krwiu lohllinm ojutn only ta to member of culf and ilg clqh ohecp ilent fat umli llnat fat uheon ilout jion linn wool led nheep hy jnu liouumnnt 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hltniwnn the advantages op stacking grain iteceully a tt wau eondurteil on uhocketlthroaheil und ulunked gi which hud grown in tho uumo hold undr thn aume rondlliouu thn whojik il grain wuu throidied uu uuillil whllo iho htuofcid grulnwam allowed in uhtiul for alg woeku the ohim wen then made oil flfty liuahelu of eueh kind of giahi tho ahixkml untlll itmted nearly nrttmii nr cent molhlur wrlghni nrtyiitvo ami n hulf thniudu lr buehol und aradwd uu ml nr iwri on thn market the ularked nilii hud only a tlttlo miire than thirteen mr oellt mnlntuiv weighed httyhllle tmiunda i- linahel mid gruiled uumtiet uehlnin lilii grower of v niulu almt aw iraetlallv uimnlmoua in thnlr aaidciitentuihtu the udvlmihll- iy uf alurklug tlil- lu tullmr hlgulil- lianl niid their mjmirlenre iiiiihi iwi tsm- lilrwt valuahlo j llewt dlulllllv iduiltl 9iino of iiurueiyhioili winner u himhel or uii1en evhllilled uidi don or ii hrowu llnilheiu co nuu wtilluud tuilurlo inomidly ufie- llout imiuy hy iuhlld 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tootrtly doua wyrutbam btr iiilct oai ovr wlltlaiwa h rat war tha countlea of jialton waltina too and djffrln anl tb city of guelrih acton cntajllo haua may be arranged hy dtilt a at rldnr at acton cr at thavrio iteaa oaloe actou thurcury oldca oualpb tbe keweltaoord fnrgua or wltb w j oorlon llarmlia uakar lllllahurg etaloa ontruhtcul to tl j kerr r- oelv attention rrom dato of luting to date of aae llat your mule with ma ha aidant a do war avenue aeten lhonu 38 acton call at my rxpanaa roy hindley auctioneer conalltlud plton crln it 11 ii n 3 acton j e dleevers book binder t quabao ql caat oualih onl hooka and inngavlnnn bound in ilnnfleomn and iliibutantlal oovera numou loltorail in gold on lllbua itytnn hooka and othor booka au work promptly eweouuu d alex nivem ontario land surveyor and glvll enolr hurwiya fiulallvlhlnnu nana tui- tmrta rtaaorlrdloiiii hlmiirlntu otn certlrtoatou for piirchunorfl and mortgagooa burvaya fr archltecth uulldora und munluliial coiiucllu ural nog j itoiiortu knllmatea oto m clean duildino douyla ot oumuu ihono 10h oni free press advertisers are always reliable thoowandtrohablo jwtnlto and mablo doallow wa ar manufaotiirorn mid d i root imuartarei of allkliiflu of monumtjiital und ilmiilatona workwo uoll dlreoe to our ouatorhoru at wlmlaualo prlca thuu navlng our ouatotnrni 40 ner bant w havo tho beat ndlnncin nnd tha rnly meoliautrji in the tlninlnlnii who ran onrat imoilmattcr itittki ironerly wo nan give reforoiioeu from hiuidr4ia of our onuttmem in toronto and other dluoea wbera nthara have to have law huluin order to ootleot wo imvu tha largeat and heat alook of cjutiiuo in thn nolnlnuin or mure than any thr dealer in the went wn nro legtil- muto dealeru aud employ no agviita and do not annoy or muit omitomerai by mending out ignnrunt ngentx mil lnl t- hia- ordora wa amploy only iniotmirai and defy competition hamilton sons cor norwich woolwloh htn qliolph castorja for iaftnfbaad children intlaafbroversoyears atwagra tba fllctuuure of l smiskfri i

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