3 ijr artmi 3xte irmi hiiu4ha v wltmmlt- 19i our blllu 1 1 f i wrnpnad in u hluluh haste ji villtyu jlil tlm in 1 or itiitiiiiiii huu t init with h r ilrmny anil ludlili milium i u huiui llko iliilily ihlpu tjm rlomtu unit hlult in u vll urlud utit of blue jtrnnd lloldn b tow uu l n cloudu drift hv are ilil t mid peaceful too hut i look fur iff int i wfliidir mill wlmt i ui r tlm road that runn v r tin 111 dm uilvar rlhhnuu of itlo utrrnmw in it wlnilliiif lustily valid iilnu uinnkn puntfont with o inuu floarlnt inn urn n und jill ami ov r it nil hrondu truinillll noun drowuy wllli iurg untold hut i look fur off it ml i wnmltr ullll wlmt 1m mini ii of rftawmd tliut lailn over tlm hill over my hcud it uwullow tllou and a pioiulm or freedom ruini or it u lout whero yonder tlm uiuh lieu tint hill in i din rw1 u linn ttut in in jmjl over tlm o jffm road tu win am ami it hndw to nil unknown worm tlm vullny inoy uhn in dm unit if it won hi willi banner of talut unfurled hut l lookfur nrt ami uiuulor wtlll wlmt horamnu of tbo road that mini over tlio tilll alu m clotfoltor aquamedla inlii tlo chntnlutry niuau wo learned how iioltii uot on dlrferont uuhatunoc ttouitllnwu they mak u mixture that xiiladitm or lunula u riam- home- time they out u tlm miiludunca to which they mr u polled lamtlma they art lowly uho win that they do not huvo much power over what huu itcoii nxpauod to their notion in mia tiouruo of our bxperlmentm tin profeuuor ifuvti um u hit of told und told um to duotolvn it wo tried 0110 arid uftfr another but lion had any effect on tlm icoid w left it all ubcht in tlio utronanut uold wo hud hut in tlm mornluu- it won junt um it had men tlm niuiit imfnra wu mltfht mm wall havti tried to tlluuolv it in uaur w tried combination of dlrfomnt arid but htlll tlm uold remained unaffeolod khmlly w told thw lrofoor- tlut w uinuatit bol1 0011 id not 1m d i lived un minlliml i kimw you iould ot illmmilvn tlm uotd bn naid nona o tlm unidm tlmt you havn tlmr will t tek it but try thin ml im huidwl um a ikittlo lalmtllml nllrornurlall arid aum ittisla w tmurl homo if th contentmnf tlttt bottlii into tlm tube tltat hold thfl tloc of uom and the cohl that had t4mliitiil ho ttmlly all tlm other ucldm iulcky illkammmiim1 the royal water tlm tiold at laat had found lta mutii- the nckt duy in the nuutaroom the tintfatuwtr mkftd oo you know why it im rallod royul watorr yo wo reiillod it la beeauae it im the tnaaur at feold which call mint ulmtmt ovorythlnjf elae tlmt ran imi tmiured on it lloya aal1 ho than it will not hurt tlm ituoion today if x lake time to tntl you that thnro la one othar aub- utanoo that im jimt um impervloua aa uold it cuumot im touched or chansixl thuuuh a humlrod uttampta am mada uuon 1u that nubauttioe im the alnful htuirt trial and urilfltlaii will not brortk it down rlchoa and honor will not antton it imprisonment and pun- uhmont will not maatar it kvoii du- cation and outturn will not dlaaolvo tlm alnful hoort and purify it of ita tlrtiaa the re im but one element that hua power over it tho blood of jfeua chrlt the havlour tho aiua rpgta of tha au1 your aoula are preoloua ln- llultoly more prooioum than tha sold you liavo imdn working with too not truxt ytur aoula to the action of theae otlmr lnfluticm they cannot touch or chunwo thorn iut brlnir them un dor tho bfood of jaua ohrtat and the hlii of your moui will bo dlaaolved away in tho prooioum hlood of the hon 08 boxina dibhots homo yenrm ao tha illahou of uo1or and man while driving- with iiim wife waa attackoil by two rurtlanm who iti inumled moiioy ho jumped from tho carrlae whip in hand and mot about the mtacreanta who were driven off now oulaml hud u famoua buhop nnined helwyn x moro humble man novar oxuud in hu youth 1 had froatiuntly dallghted hla unlveralty friend by iiim proweaa with the fclovea on hlm appointment um mahop of new zuiilukd he ikwhdib aealoum in tho rauo of tho muorlk a mention of tho puopln reaontcd hla interforance uiid one nlifht ho wom uttaoked by tt hulf- tlrunken ianulhmuti who bit him on tho oheok 1 the blahop immediately turne1 tho other iddo of hla face and tho ruttuu wtim not miiw to avail hlmanlf of the onimirlunlty then tha mek uolwyu took oft hlm coat my llthln ho auld tellm mo o turn tho otlmr oheek when oimi im mmltton hut it rivom hm dlacmttoii- ary powir when that im done thau ho wet ubout bin uaaallant uml left him in tho uutter lurniliiulium protlucod nnothoi m oulur olirlntlan in itev j ilawortb on oho oetualou while walkliitf hi thw city ho haw a polloemati utruggliiur vuilautly wltlp a burly rurrlmi tho uuurtllau of the peace wum buv- liitf u bail time with hla brutal aioudl nut a lid won nonrly exhauatad the loan wuh uot youmc but the vlxlou of unverulty duyy came to him and miulntf tho bully ho moon plucod hlni jiut of notion choosing a career now loyn aald the acboolmaatar whou i unk you u que t ion you must hot bo afraid to wpeak out and aiimwer hie when you look cpund and moo till thu flue houttom fnrma and cuttlj do you over wton and uilnk who ownm them ul uowt your father own thuin ilo thy notr yo mir ahoutad the boya well wharu will your rathara bo in thirty yeura from nowt uhkotl the teuohvr doudl ullutitud tho ixtym i and did you over mo lu tho atratm loy men lounblnjf about wait in tt for aotiidoua to kivo tbam inonay wall where will they bo in thirty yearmt ooud i andvihu yll imj tho louuncrm thonr oat a bamketwork lifeboat neonim very frail itnd dolliita for tho hard work at kottlutf thnxivh rouah oeum to h mhlp in dutreaa yet n bont of thin tyim ha junt imici inventml mid it im claimed that it kiwm bruutdr aafety than tho uaual kind tho wood in framework of the lmat im iiovered with a cork llnluif and over that im latd nil outor oovnr of woven nano it 1h nnlil that the nuw boat floatm better than the hoata now in uae und tlmt it im liupoaalblo for it lo mink tho baakot lifeboat in mo light and ftprlmjy that it tm i ohm likely tn bo crunhod y mwlnrltiif aaelnfit the aide of it mhlp or ty tho burfottnir of tho r well i hour the folku who didnt o tn toronto pair wore rjullo intarrutwl in tho nlorjrof uy vlult ami mod kit t loin wliau i whm down tliaro on that foro- wnll vlull i llnvo u lady in town uuld the ilhr duy uho llbad that liolter tlmn my ralutili of tho mhiuuwi of tho ol 1 uouaulliif hrhool comillluulonnrh nieatlnau of ultchty ynnrn uin ihntm all rlifht i ttutmui hut uoiitn olhor folku uv ihut it lu bound tn do tlm yonnitr lionoratlona uood to hnvo tho rocor1 of tha lutnb1thhingnf tho urluwilu of ii ono early doyu und iir of what difflcuttltm ware m t ml ovnr- comn in jirovlllntf iiohnol prlvllattau for the lioyu ami glrlm who are now our vury own urumlfuthoni and icrand- motharm i have a kind of uu idoo that what hiim woman llko1 moat in any toronto 1 air utorlea wuh tlm amphuulm i uavo tn the fart that tlm liivnutoru nod itmiiufaoturora apiiar tn have devoted tlinlr inventive uklll and biiulnotoi an- ify to provldhiir lalior aavlns toola and marhlnary for tho inenm comfort uml iiayluif very llltlo attention to hunt and heavy work tlm woman are olllad to do 011 the farm und uluo- wlmro wall thutm all rljtlt all rlithu lay it wom hinted the other duy by n rudor who did 11 1 know that 1 wam n round that a rhaptmr on the ourly day and the people who llve1 n momn of tlm utrwitu of artou would b aoneptoil i ronrawm i have watidartd uliout u boo4i deal wall huro uoom quneii tjtroot from main tn younif waw hlooknd up about eluhty yenrm uko whan tho rlrut tauhary wall built near iim intereclloii with willow the creuk run throuali tho valloy thtre and tliaro never waa a brldite now 11111 hall thnwddanco of mr torranno hoard more with tho uparloum iuwiim and kardanu cover tha tlrut part ad jilnlnk main htreat iltiut at thlm tlie hold livuther tannery tho workm of the aoton taunlun- comauy and the ihtardmoro coimutny and tlui o t it tannery uihiiiim and tho toronto huhurhan llnoe und nwltchea rover queen lltreat allowance all the way to tlm q t iu trarkm beyond ouolph blretm until thirty- fivo or forty j earn ajto nil tha hetntork ltark hldew ttiinluif products maohlnnry eto waa tautned into tho tannery by way of main hlreet about thlrlyfwo forty yeaim aao a brldito wom built at tho foot of willow ntreet from nnar aeuea fl treat acroua tho sully to tho unitary ulovutlon tiiih not only aaveu the heavy haul up or down main utroet but aavod a block or two of hnulnco tiiim with a four or five rnnl loml of itreen lmmlock hark into the tannery property or a two or throeton load of hutthttr from there to the ktutloil made oonulderalilo of a nuvluif thn hrat tannery on tha ultn of tho prenont workm of tho acton tunulnif co wan built by iltoroy mooro jit cd w ii- tttorey imwur1 moor and jam mooro for pnlllittc wool and tunulnif hhaep ukliim into koo1 leuthnr thlm continued for noma yearn a t dovan loather bumlnemm followed in which liorwa hldea yore tanned into a superior srado of bhoe leather with tlm into william llmlth aw manager yinally meaara ilaardmnre a co pur- clutae1 tho proimrty nud omtahlluhoil the now branch of their tmiulnif iiumi nm under the manufacturlna nam of tho aoton tannlnjf company tho property oonuplod by thlm tan wary waa prevloualy the pauture neldm of john uimlijht and william mnaauim with ratea to each opening- out quean htreau the next property to thlm eautward won tho lturiiu farm in tltiimo early daytt david uyder wum tha tauunt lor thirty year ho worked thlm placo und lie worked har1 and mland u laro family tavn did pralty wall on thlm pluoe thouiib it ruther rolling on the rear port ulontf the o t 1l tharo worn many ucrvm of wild raaplmtrryimtchcm plrkoruci tti4jre from vlllalfa und country tavo itydnr had u rather ferocloiim hull which ha wom ulwuyw enrero to have filialund up or ooralled hi witim anfe lace whero he would injury uo ono h wum tho aoltluh plan of wimfl of tho iiarryplokorm if they it owl rod to have tlm berry patch pretty muoh to them- nalvem to net up tho y here comou ityderm bull ho ii kill you if ho eat chew ynu noedlebm to relate i h biro wan a ucutterhitt nf the mora 1 1 moro dm lorry- plokarm out of thn put oh over thn fence to the rullwuy tracku tho man noma how a i way a worked and acornm of lmrryplckera were day after day defrauded of tho opportunity to pick tho luimloum red and black riimplterrlew or thlmhlo imrrlun whllo thu wily hut dacaltrul fow rillwl their pallt without dlnirulty neeillaum to may ltydarh bull never molobtad a wry picker i utiver beard of it over imiiiik really totaii in the itarry patch well when dave uyder not tlrod pnylnif rent tp tho ltiniia nutute ho ilaol ithl to own u farm for hlmualf and tiouftht one lu krlu and inter onn near ouolph thn it no old uantlo- iiutu im htlll umonkat uu halo and hturty though imtwaen alkhlynvo and nliuity yoarw of ana and llvlutf on hlmwlu farm hauldo hla duuahtor mra lemuel went mr lly1ar wum hitccaodod by llnbert kuiuuiwln a cltuaii of utandlna wliom eviiryonn who know him wum proud to im called bin friend ha did wall hero and ralaod u flmi family johp vahe ililewt liecama 11 druakliit mid did a uaod bualneam lu tho utaud where a t hi row n now ronduotm thu huhluemm hit imcame 111 and with tho hopo of very ho und um icunnawlii re moved to amuxa california hut thtro ha died u few yaari inter mrm km- unwln rohldem lu 1ui auroicm cal another nun im uev william m ummuln ll a tt 11 now the rnliv- inter of jfohti b treat vtlylarlun ohuroh humllton anotbtr bntthor alaxultder rvaldum lu oaombtowu yjuo mr uydar mr kauuawlii uot tlrwd payfnu rent nud lwiulit n farm ut hhelhumu hero both ho und mm kiutouwhi paaaod uwiiy nflar pond- lutf long umaful and rxmikjol 1 liven finally the tleardmoram imumhi thla old ituriim farm t im old fund hoio bad mimurihiu tnuaula uftar tlilm tho limt or ttiiui all wum tommy o llrh n ikiw of main fltreet wlii o mio to cunuda imfore bill family uiid kopt liatch lit tho old imum qo miindny mornliitr nhjh on to twenty ymtw uko mr ollrleu viim doluif a lit tin wauldus for hlronelf the hiovo pipfm mil ovt r- haated tlm floor iihovo wait limited and whan tlm foltii in tow 1 were juhi ol ok homo from thurah the oil limine wum iroliuf up innmoke ruphliy it i u mud expflrldilfn foi our t nl idm d tt how 1 ltlxm from tlm 1 mi raid 11 thlu llr rohhed him of hlu m w c ml 1 11 iijiumu jdujuriutunijilauoihiuif uml hlu hutdourtiod uuvlnuu wlluh ho itti fully mtiwi i uwiiy n uu loimliy trunk uioililin oroi l troi thlu fttriu tin it won tiuiny yturu nu uupmu utlouu ml taut ownnii by tlm fl i it und in uplnd by i im huuuuift ruin 1 iiiiv t ht utullon him for ninny ynrn utrlck uml mru ict lly luiil tlmlr i 1 mil rulutd 11 lurjjo ind int miihk tnilly of iilno or tan hlldrou ninny of whom have mndo thnlr mark in tho world dtntilm tlio old 1 lu tlm rollii of 11 worthy uou who hi in tho prleitliood jjilrlqk lu a uuutiwiurul limn hunt und promlm ut cltunu of tlirutford ouiitr huu u iiikii iioulllon with ault a wilxira- tlm wlinwul lirlntliiii ink munufuclureiti nc cu tlnniitl ohio und uevt nil mi libera of tlm family urti in iturfnlo n y wlmu putrlrk built hluumlf tho hoimo on nulph ilirit now owntl hy john wlllliimuon ami niovad thnrt to hmmipl ttli 1 who hud n ulgiu d from tho ii lull t oiiuluhlllary and movad to con atln ttuik ii ih rouldiiiico in thlu ctit- tuu vuiulnd hy mr kelly und f iilly t hay aluo woro blnuued with u luruo family pratly wall ucattered now hut a crillt to thi ir purantuk tho only mmnhtu- of thlu tlnu laro family re- uhllnu hi atlaji ltoullo mru ijilrl tha rnothnr hi klflu tlm wife of cuutoinu onirir murray mnlloiiuld ha mm i thn oldout uon lu in johnntnwn n y and william lu fort niiiu of thn ulov d- parthmut of it loruo muuufoci huu rourem nl wlnduor wall llto old a t jl cotluifa finally outllvod itu uuafulimuu mr itlro built u homo for hhnuolf and family on youuif fit runt und there ho ulopt thu aloap of tho junt 1 he old role lit ahad whlph wnu uupplnntod by a now uml moiltirn mtrurturo wnu moved to thoiillo qftlm old c a your or ao nftorworl t wuu 1 firnt atnnwn i ha ii fu wuu un incaudlury one und it lu ullauad tlmt 1i11 nluttreperotiu itoy then ii villi hero wot it on tire jilut to ueo it bum more about tho old folku later a black irishman no tli inn uulonluhiu viulloru to tho wout lnllcui more than tha upnnrh of tho neuroeu nuturully it tnkeu itu tone from the intittiiabo of thn people who uuad to imi tlmlr mnnlcru in cuba und in porto uico they upeak uimuluh tnd on tha lulnndu of haiti mid mar tinique lvanch in jumulru and in other llrltluh lulaudu the ueurn upauku with u cockney nccuiit in mnntaar- rut which irhdi plnntaru pnonlad lu tho uovuntaauth oantury ull of the deu- coudanlm of tho formor ulaveu hnvo a ntmnif hrouua not vary lonu uho uuyu 11 r kroil- trlcktruvcu lu tho crnillo of tha deep n llrltluh uhlp tlroppod niirhor in the main hurlwir of the lulund and uu irl lonuu umonu tho puaueniferu leuu- intr over thn hrntl nccouted a uonty notiro who hud conm ulolikihle wllli fruit to noil ol uay cuffey ha rrlad phwufu the chauco for a llvo lad to not u job fifihorol kalth yar horn r uumweratt thn nakro if um wurruk yar ufther yax can foliid it lu icohu for thn lookln an olll lie thttukln yo not tn bo cull in mo cuffey mulco uliyu mo uamn inithrick mulca ahy mulcftnhyl lulntu in blvvenl iiyo muno to tall ma yar an olrluhmunt am rood a wan nu yeruelf wurrif wurro an how louuva yc been uuuxilkjllhjrat kolva yoara coma it pathrlcku tiny yo dont toll me an lu that tnlmn yovo turned an black an mo hut oh itia how if ol wtay ion if onouuh to mako mo- fortune and uo on back to clones with it twill tnkn uomn inlttbty uoft pnrahuadlnb to ket mbkkio murphy to marry ma an mho not halu ohlo to full ine from any nayeerl silk hose craze qhowina in a unnnral revlow of the nllk lu ll nut ry far tho luut ulx monthu liuiueil the other day tho llllk aiuioolatlon of amnrlca ra porta tandnncleh to want normal oondltloiim many rtnnu pre dict that tho nrauont year will twiunl tha prewar yeurw of 3014 and 101d and ull declare uu tncrauue in yanluao over 1030 oua of thn mnut noteworthy feature of tho trndo lu tho nvar oranulnu ilanmud for ullk hnuo tho forawortl of tho review wiy in uujjlo fornix ami ullm utiulea can counted an u tlftoanmlnuto u troll n ion if it cltyu main tboroimhfaro to- lay than could be found in nil tha uooulled liaauty cltoruutii of a uc of yearm aifo tho pniit uauuon hail ueon a larger and mora varied tllupluy of oalarad houo than thn puhlla huu been fuvored with for many yearft hupplleh did not noual thn tlamamt owiiik to m mtrlko of tilaht monthu in boulory mlltb hut no doubt tho com- ink honuon will protlucn a huhlnlont aunntlty another hlfh murk huu lmei tnadn hy ullk underwear etipeolally stt thn love ullk fabric oollu in umno pluah ox ootid ed tho produatlon ullk undorwear lu uuld to ha worn longer um a luxury by women of wealth ulano hut uhto hy their itolfuuiiporthtir uhtteru who it ml if durahlo and econ omical canadian forests publicly owned thn method of haudlliia foreut uiiiiim in cuuuda differ radically from thoua ouutomary lu hoina other countrlou in cuunda tha dlfforont kovarnnieutu mold and utlll uell tho timber to tha lumbnrmeii and leauo thonv thn hind uu which tho tlmlwr tfrowui in uonio coimtrleu a inruro porcenhiuo of tho timber land lu owned nutrlicht by prl- vittn intoreutu lu cuuuiii 03 per cent of thn thnlier land im owned by the provlncoh or the dominion tha pro vincial uml fodorul no varum a 11 tu col lect lu utuniiuiae iiuum and ground rotm u rovantiej of batweati niuo mil lion und teii million dollara per your no matter whether the forentm aro nul by tbu mtato or by private cor- poiatlonm every altlxan im intoreuled lu thnlr coiimervatlou bocauuo of tlm lummy tlmlr utlhutthm circulate but camidlnnu have thlu additional incen tive to care for thn foreuta that 03 troam ot every 100 cut down brliiu uomn revenue directly into a pro- i110lut treottiiry or tho dominion t rou nd ry i courting on stilts a dluimtrouu firo tn tha nepartmant of lumdum in itauoo iium foouhed at tention on tho fumoiim mtlltwalknrm of that dlutrlat owlnif to tho dumpimum of thn moll ltd oonthuiouu lloodu the people jimntly furnmrm and uhephnrdm mm ml the urvutor part of tliolr hwm on mtlltm 1 tho uhfvof which they um expert xhu htllth uro htriipned below tho ijihw the 1 out iwlna fautolmd it a kind of utlrrup ralued llvu feet rrom 1 kroitntl a pole which tho ntilt- iker cnrrlom lu piano of the ordluury wulklnamtlck uerveu um u rout tho 1 proilutf hlnihoir uuahiht it when hultlna- tlm woniu6f tbo dlutrlct uro um ikllful um tlm man in tho uuo of utiltu nfid it oourtlhuiuila utrldlng olf to thulr trytinpluco hn mtlltu im tl 00m- 011 ulwht a fmnouu htlltwnlkar of thu dutrlut iviilti dornon u baker walked on htlltu frnpi 1urlrt to moucow u rtlhtau o f 1 c10 uilkii in fifty ebjht day a the itaipy valley hmn tin ud ion who ult punii lui uiouiulthuuiulily itliuuldciiljil mount iv iut lumo to 11 phu 11 tlmt v uu culltd it nilbtik liny found it 11 mtniuuily holy vail j huiu roioml ilury lltrt in thlu volley llvu h tw 11 300 und tlo in rmltii and niinu lu uollliiry 1 uu or lu nvu dotte i about tin lr it ollrri tlntt hound tin vulbyii hi 1 no 111 w 1 fron fin oittr world i vd 1 ijiiirutil j ho hnnnltu und the ii 1 llvo 11 llf of tho rutut imclu- ilmi utjltr the hhmlowu of tho l 111l piillbu if m00it 1 vereut und can innlrmiliu tho miirvtlouu ihuutitm of un till 11 111 poiuouul uollluh it lu furthir tolirilel tlmt all tlm ii nl mi 1 did blrdu in thlu vull y uro i vtruolluurlly tuino llork pluoonu won i i conm und luko food out of our imiidu mnn uml bird and lieuut dwell lnif louetht r lu tlm uhudow of tho holy pi 10 u all trnrou know tlmt ulow utifo that 1 111i11 man or woman fur from thn crow hi uml tho utro tu and tlm ulow unci ddliik uuiolto of i human lutbitu- ilouu ilurburliml uml usml uuvuuary know it clvlllxullon tloou not nucupo ii moimoterloi or ull creadm und fu libit have been ptoplid by it from unto immemorial hero in thn hhualuyuu tlmuo tired inula huvo kinio to rent llko tlrthl uwallowu nautliiu lu tho very nuveu of t he hoof of tho world the puuuau- tiy of uu mi t uml uuurlun of ulnolar uhii river and tho foolhlllu that fall uwuy uml uwiiy to tho fur pluluu anil the uteumliii junulou lu iholru hero in a klrvunu of thn juich jlaoou a huppy vullny on tlm roof of a plunel human uuliiro lu a cliniinleuu thluu tlmre will ulwuyu im n fuw uoulu who will ulokon of tho world of itu wayi anil of tho u ha pun that utnlu itu pitlhu tlmuo will llnd uolltude whether it im in mnnuulery in tho heart of a umtro- 4olh or in u cuve hollowed in tha ilniutfltrtnrnrmnirntnlntlmtoverlookh l roiillnout the latest inventions for cooklnif unmll atnounta of food a coal utovo ima boon invented tlmt lu jilut lurue enourh to uluud in a hole of u rcifiilnr utovo huwulluii plantoru have found that u 11111 r ratio topu formerly reuurded an wuu to material maku icood ulock food when properly ilrlml i m prove 1110 nt 11 in tho uniteil eltatau nuvy rudlit utullon at cuvlto oiialilo tha truuumluulou of meuhuku to tlnu 1 ruucluro wltluhit roluy of l invention are ulauu lmmlu imi formed that they lit rlouely toacther to lidiulnto wire no mutter in what form it may bo iiout for houiiohold hue colored rlaaw cavern havn be in von tod tluit can ho iiluced over nlcrtrlo iniiipm tn rhanuc tlm hiillhiif offactu of rooiuu an nlnotrlo utrot t cur in hullfux kiiifluml huu fieon titled up ou u trn- vallliiu- kltohou uelllnir meulu to per- lionu who llvo iilnniltu route aftnr ycara of nxpertmnntluu n 1 reiiclunun huu invented u rardlnif mil chtnn with which kuiuik llireu can bo lire 1111 rail for weuvlnef into tnxtlleu t ho blade of tt now nafoty ruxnr lu u circular tlluk which lu revolved by it uprlnif inuldo thn ha ml in controlled by u thumb piece on mm uldo porcelain inniioy lu belnu mndo lu tluxnny for ouatemala which plniim tn experiment with it in plitco of tha hunl rubler currency now in nun there lulortrlc beat druwu from u lltfht uocket iireiiieu tr nu 11 urn nftor they aro clumped in u now device a now bouter of tho crank opera tod typo cnn i mat a uiimle eua hi n cup or whip cream in tho bottle in which it in uold ixerhnnntn with motor unnw plowu huvo been uo uucceuuful lu norway that uevarul munlclpalltlou axpnet tn lino them to keep thn romlu open next winter itu inventor ban patented u com bination nmracement und waddlna rlnar thn hitter tmilnif addod at tbo proper time to form u uuiiilo ploco of jewelry thn hrnxttlnn ooverntnont in eroo- ina an uxoprlmont utatlou for enm- huutlliu and mlnn producta und will extensively tout caul produced in that country make the most op ourselves children aro prono to foritcj the utile dully houuehald dutleu uuultfiied to tho 111 a uaod reminder would ha a iilutn luinr lu thn kitchen for each child on thene wlatou can bo written thn tauku each lu oxpectcd to perform an each tank lu flnluhnd it lu wiped from thn uluto and when tho ulato lu rtaan it la unucrutood that pluytlmo huu arrived tha uocrct of uucceuu and hupplueuh ilea in lenrnliitf to llko what wo have if wo cun not ret wlmt wa uko lu ncceptlmr thi new and tumlnif thm tn nur food inuteiid of frettlna bocauue they uro not to our hkliur mout peapla would hnvo happier llvou if when they were children they had h luutfht to mnka tho lieut of them- helven if they hud uot uood looku tliey could ut leant havn coed manner and make theinnalvcn uareeabla lntereut- iitt niul nbllslnu inrenta caahnlp tlm future of tliolr 0i1ij iran by ninkiuu thn homo nn invltlnu pluco for their yoimir frlondu they owo 11 to thn children to nttrnct unliable compun- iouh for thnlr future ufa ami to ur- rauuo tlmt they uhull meot hucii rrlendu in u natural wny und umler the wluo uuldiinco of tholr oldoru rustless steel iluutlauu uteol ueemu to ha u com pletely utnhllnhod fact and it uhould ho looked into for emjiloyniout in varlouu luduutrleu in 1 iifflund ueveral uteol wnrky aro pnyiuj upocinl attention to tho production of uuoli ufeol the metal oontoluu a laruo umount of chrome and lu uuld to lie remurkahln for itu hurdueuu und htrontftli hh rt- uluonco to chemical action lu uuoh that it lu uot affected hy twill inur in nltrli ncid if lu uhmi uh u uuhutl- tuto for ulcknlplatod metal in thn mn mifuci turn of luutrumontu ra0pderrv jam 1lnklo muiiufnqturor peopln dont want tomato need in ketchup uo wo iuihko out tho mlhitlu iniiulultlve irrlaud and wluit do you do with the weoilut jlcklo manufacturer jut thorn in raupborry jam uukftj it look moro natural llko- spectacles for russian cows itu obi uou found lo lontuln iifi onl fu ni tin 1 u for iuiwu myu an 1 nir- lluli ii wiii r ifllitly thlu iniiut lm 11 joke uhl tho liiuliitm men or uonuoim iniiul huvo nlrtd lu wiltluif tho wind rowii ii rtuoleii 1 mild iirlululy not ho ltd for iiulmulu uu hi wuu no mlutuki oowu 11 u 11 uh pp 11 huve ionic worn in protit liclr eytu from flhffihaw whhh htrimcliau ft huinlrdu of mil oirnlt ulrteu till into uiulmr und uota up a m rioim uf- ftllon tlmt may r nit lu total blind lln htlndn u lu not 1 now om- ilnt 1 in 1 0 uro ninny limtilnrou of jif hbilory rim uluro of tho- nun liiluir on tho mow raiiiuu it prlckluif iiitu tlnu tb10 lu u liuuatloii of u 11111i1 r tlm tyolldu ilulil of any kind hi 1 omen t xtremnly painful und the hluht hricluu lo k if tho matter lu nit uttimdd to tlm tyolldu uwel und hut vlulou muy rcmuln imjalied for mouthu on thn vnut utoppau of jtiniula tho ml hi tlmt uiium durluir tho onrly uprlnit whou tho ground tor ritnun im of mil u lu ifllntanluic wliiu am t rouble i with iiaow blinlmuu but 111 vera i ytuin nij nn it mil hi hi nun in- vi ut d a upochl form of mjmctnch u willi brown uluuu which could ho funt cned round tho hornu of rattle with bather ntruiu quito u thrlvluif imulm uu urtiw up hi ilm muuufurturo of tlmuo tipoctuclcu inil tbo wur put a utop to it mid tho rattle uuffer d nnverely now ituuula lu inxloiih to iidopt tho mmwly neulu mnuutulu cllmbi r and arctic ex- plon ru huvo to wear hlno or icreeii rluuueu when lu unnw chid rettinnu und any ncrloct to tin thlu muy loud to lutrtnun tniuhle no amount of familiarity 01 uuuno klvtu immunity oven to the people wliouu unrootnra have lived amid thn for centurieii 1 he nuklmou ion u mndo unnw fipectnoloii lu a very crulo form from drlflwjiod thin ut to tho curvature of tlm face olrh iierveu uu n bridjjo tor thn uml in each of tha dluru that ir tho oyiu whnrn tho wood lu about two inrhcu thick tl narrow 11 lit about width of a thin uuw rut lu made riiilh the nil hi tbo lltht puuueu to yca iiiloclantly dlinlulnhad tn pre vent unnw hlhulllooo nauuoii uno j tlmuo icuklinn unow ilmiclnclon in arnenlnnd and found them very rooi uu tho ahuonon of inuu prevented tho vibuourlntf of thu ulrht by tho coudnnuntlnu of mnluturn oh tbo lenoeu cuptuhi pnrry nu tfli- lli r explorer nud hlu men niuo worn nittlvo unow mientnclnu on one 00- cuulon when u party of mnn not out from perry 11 liout without thlu pro tection every man wnu utruck with lillntlnenu and no mm waif abln tn di rt tbo ulodao jmvw bod leu of man havo namo- llmeii boon affected hy unnw blludneuu in peru it whole divlnlon of thn army mnrcblnit from c uxoo to pano hacuiim blind ami u hundred uullon had to bo uummoned to load them tn their deu- tlnatlou xinny of thu urfllctod men wander d uwuy nnd fell over pro- clplcou in 1703 lu the alpu bodleu of plodmonteuo troopu wore ulmllarly incnpucltutcil lint thn lenunn imn now been lnnrne1 and mndoru travel icru lu uuowy re rlonu invariably waar cnlnred kpee- tarloa and thnnkn to 1c nit i lull enter- prluo which huu dona un much to fou ler klndnnuu to nnlmalu the lower rrojitiiron aro ulmllarly protected xray shoe fits tha nvonifrn womnn ninhltloun of ntyle particularly if younir uoemu likely tn cnntlmin to uoloct her uhneu for prattlueun rather than for fit au tbo i reach nay onn muut uuffer to he beuutlful and uurlt pennltlou nu cornu and hunlnnn nro thercfarn tn bn hornn with patience novertlmleuu many nutiiufucturoru of nhoea tn day uro turning out foat- uenr mnntly it lu true for mon in todunnuo to a demand for bantu that lit tha feet tho war lent important help in thin direction imcaiino tlm qovernmout mndo nn elaborate nnd hclnutlflo luojulry into tha oujeot und nu a renult our nahtlnif men had tlinlr uhoeu proucrilied far them no iiohller wum permitted to 0i10a110 them far him uelf ltntalleru antunlly havo accepted the idea that feet ourht not to ha required to tit iihoiii in u wuy wo canadhtnu hnvo practiced faotdofornintlou nu perulutantly n thn chlmnio with the dllyernnon that lu china only tho womnn and tlmuo of the upper clnun follow that run torn on thlu account ft w of uu havo nnrmnlly nhapud feat commonly thn tnea aro crowded to- tiother they hnvo not hud room hi which to uproud nuturully thn noweut hleu alreutly udopted by a fow ubno doalern lu to una an x ray mnnhlun of upocinl pattern for deter- miuluir nt tbo auutnmai trylnif on n pulr of ulinoii utundn on n platform and tuoka throiirh a uort of hood ut hid own feet ho uoaji tho outline of tha uhoannd tho bonou of hln feet if tho imnou of hlu toon nro ut alt crumped or twin tod tha foot lu luutuutly np- puront thn toon uhould nhow thorn- uolveu upload nut flat without jam- nitntf ahrt preferably with n little upneo between tho wfif ton and tho next onn a pulr ofluhoou that utandh thlu tent cannot fall to bo tomfortablo packer of wilsons fly pads will kill mope flies than s8- worth of ahy sticky tly catcher cicun to handle bold by ulttnrur- lut oroccra mid qcncral st area mh bbs jftladc business buronietcre msom to in dies to tlmt tho period of easy money andhlgh prices i no n ring uu cntl a dollar saved now in tho form or a savin ji bank deposit will bo worth much mora in tho noyt couple of years after tho reaction has sot in bank of hamilton ii0uet0wn iikancii g mnckoy manager trnmtenmkamimngf read the a dvertisements the publisher of this paper draws your attention to the advertising columns and particularly to the advertisements of the local merchants 0 these merchants have invested their money in goods to satisfy the needs and desires of all 1 w their enlctprise is a distinct service to our com munity for this reason we should buy from them to the best of our ability and in so far as our needs and judgment of value dictates then too the general commodities advertised hjuohr columns are worthy of consideration tl is desirable that readers should ask merchants to sup ply advertised goods wherever possible by doing so the eytde of trade is kept alive and intor-connnun- ity commerce stimulated we repeatyreiiifthe ad vertisements wbmlmmmmhhbb ia s an