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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 27, 1921, p. 4

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mriiilw jiiaihaii wrldr nrwiim aodal tiiuuhpay oliomiic 17 1dj1 mil aflfhj i uu- 1im v in iuhlli1iir- jiuluy ti jlrtin i- i nt u it iil 111 tlio ullrrx lilim allvi itjitnh mal ufttramunl n i l t editorial the movement toward church union a very dulnitc itp forward wir taken bytlie joint ciinmittc cm union of the congregational methodist mid piomiytenan churches at tie btisiont held in toronto inm week i lie principle of organic union wg unanimously endorsed mid plan forniuliit- j ed to ensure the corpuniiuntion of the union as cif- pedltloutity tctpoyiihle it will ho several yturs ilt least before union enn ultimately tnke place weckly iapcru not hot over the klectlon about the only purty pnport left in ontario nrr iho city iiuhc i he weekly papers are hardly faynik word a ijrcat contrast with their attitude of iinir 11 decade njo in live yeah the country iicwt- paper hie yiadiiated from either u grit or tory hack 1110 a real bumiicv cntoi prre cumptiiri stuu that ued to fill editorial coinings n now puhliuiedett the regular rate lu advertising fpaco notover sunday albert h llaiiii superintendent of thu auti- snlpoji league of the state or vermont a former acton boy rcqueif thnt worldr temperance sun day next sunday 30th hist be observed in all clirintian cliurche- thin year ai not ovtr sunday thu qbjoct hoinj to present to the people everywhere the fact thnt the rjht for prohibition ii not yet over a national cooperative effort of tin nature will tone up public ncnthncnt in a general interest in enforc ing and establishing existing laws what ohall we give to the world t wlinil tho wrllor wum initio unn tin ulil rlnplod miimoi nrdnrly ultln uhnn tli- vii ilk uix lo 1 lummy llllll lulu iii wuii willi ii milt llllll 111 111 imyw lwxuiti lur hud ti own ohlhlhood ii i nf hnuifluutlnn uiii -y-t-llni- ifi huil wull it lltllo r in wiiiibu yi vry nil ri i tj kindly olil i lie j ktptquiet about it for n lotitf time the older i grow the more i realize thllt lack of cooperation between our political pnrties is re acting upon cnnadiim life socially moridiyvund spiritualty in a liiirtttil ninnner sir george foster g c m3 told a representative gathoriug of uni versity students in toronto on friday afternoon sir george hns had forty yenni cxpeneuco of tliui lack of coopcrntion but he was a long time in making public his striking conclusion thu cattle kmhargo soon to knd- that knglrh embargo on our cattle is very likely to bo lifted in the near future tho scottish feder ation of meat traders tins pnrcd a resolution de manding that the british government pass legisla tion without dclny putting into effect at once the favorable recommendations of tho embargo commis sion respecting canadian cattle the propaganda of hon mrrtoimie and hon manning dohcrty is evi dently bearing fruit japan want united stattw to mediate with china the current opinion which hai existed in tho minds of diplomats tor a long time that japan uud tho united states are not cordial in their relationships docs not seem to ho borne out by existing conditions japan has approached tho united states government to modiato tho shantung controversy with china the request for mediation lias been tnado informally to secretary of stato hughes by baron shidchara japans ambassador at washington the attitude of japan was outlined as being anxious to settle tho question of ho return of shantung to china before tho opening of tho washington conference lv i v i- poor writing by school pupiifl tho nowspnpors of tho province are again em phasizing tho fact that many if the pupils of tho public schools aro remarkably poor writers tho aylmer express says criticism of the manner in which writing is taught in public schools is adverse it is a generally admitted fact that tho writing of many of tho pupils who gradunto from the public schools today is more hko a scrawl than an exhibi tion of penmanship something has gone wrong in recent years in tho teaching of writing and it ap parently is going from hud to worse this is to bo regretted and tho department should give special attention to n remedy thb indefeumblo habit of tho abbreviation of words in writing is also vory noticeable thjs often leads to errors in interpreta tion thcpractlcohrvoguo of both teachers and pupils of failing to spell out tho word and is also to bo deplored no goodwriter wjll abbreviate this word lr honor matriculation plana faulty it is refreshing that at least ono of torontos leading educationists 1ms hud tho courage to point out a very grave fault in matriculation requirements which for yearn hns been detrimental to univorslty students future that tfie existing system of honor matriculation seams to bo excellently calculated to lesson tho power of concentration and tho urdor of studyi was a striking statement made by principal w l grant m a or upper canada collego during tho course or his report of the years work at the an nual prize dliy last weak tho prineipul pointed out that the utudorit in order to secure entrance to tho arts faculty of tho university was compelled to take at least four unrelated honor subjects i believe continued principal grant that thin system of cram ming in tho honor student a number of disconnected subjects or giving him not a good foundation bit only soma loose boulders or learning is largely re sponsible both for the criticism so often made by tho university or our secondary schools and also for some of the charactori make tho univer sity gradunto distrusted by tho business man i would plead with our business and professional com munlty to see to it that the present system of honor matriculation bo radically altered the offender and hi victim some of these young burglari who in a panic or fear commit murder wben resisted arc after being arrested regarded more with regrot than reprobation by some people thoy are so young it is said they are ai a rule no younger thou thousands like them wlio foughfaud fell liko men in the war they are not so young as tho orphans they inake the crime they commit it is ono thing says rudyard kipling to see tho assassin pose before the tribunal and quitcymotiier to see tho body or tho victim which does not pose toronto star tho volcm ijwfii for the coming election o m biggar k c or ottawa chief electoral officer lias ruled that all constituencies in which iherc have been byeelections dominion or provin cial within two years will use the voters list uwd such byeclcctions in tho coming federal elections the drurystephonnon byeelection having been held on february 10 1020 haltou will use the lists which were used then a registrar will he appointed for each rural polling subdivision he will have an office in which ho will nit for six days beginning 20th innt to consider and act on applicationsfrom voters to have their names added to tho lists his decision to be flnnl in each case oakville having population or over 2500 according til the census will bo classed urban and will have only one registrar the other hulton towns and villages will bo in the rural class burlington will hnvo four registrars milton and georgetown three each and acton two canada temperance act in sound the decision of tho supreme court of canada sustaining the federal law which enables tho provinces to forbid tho importation of alcoholic liquors by popular referendum comes as a decided satisfaction- to the six provinces that have put the ban on impor tations behind tho provincial prohibition laws there is now the authority of tho people by overwhelming majority of parliament of tho legislatures and of the highest court in tlio land tho principal pro visions of the o t a and tho sandy bill are affective and giving the license board of this province a chance to prove tho benefits claimed for temperance legisla tion which has been enacted the decision of tho supreme court in the case brought by the liquor ntcrests dispels the last hope of those opposed to prohibitory legislation that a hole might be found in tho ontario temperance act permitting the im portation of liquor the judgment means that the actis constitutional editorial notes mr fisher the liberal candidate must he going somo these days the oakvillo record reports that police magistrate shields fined him 200 and costs tho other day for violating the law on the highway the great task or statesmanship is to bring the finances of the country back to a solid condition where thoy are riot today said hon mr crerar last week well lets havo statesmen elected by all means according to the prophecies of energetic support ers of the respective political parties the progress ives tho liberals aud the national liberal and con servative party will all lie returned to ottawa with fjood majorities tho peoples progressive party has declared for tho prohibition of tho manufacture importation and sale or intoxicating liquors why doesnt it go the whole way and include exportation and transporta tion perhaps it means this but it should be set forth explicitly mr h ii dewart has resigned from the leader ship of tho ontario liberal party in the legislature mr dewart will consequently have more time to de- voto to his legal practice and the liberals will struggle along and possibly find another man of equal ability as d leader and as well qualified in statesmanship i navigation and power of the sl lawrence tho deepening of tlio st lawrence river chan nels and rho enlargement of tho canals so as to per mit ocean vessels to cuter and navigute the great lakes is a mutter of vital importance to ontario at this time when the continued higtrfroight rates are recognized as tho principal obstacle to a reduction in living costs tlio benefits that would result from u through water rato from huropcun points to great lake ports cannot bo over estimated when it in remembered that engineers of the governments of canada and the united strs have reported that the improvement of tho st lawrence waterways and tho development of an initial block of electrical energy totalling 14110000 horao power can bo both carried through for an expenditure of 252000000 and that the sale of power will bianco ho entire undertaking it will bo realized that tlm rulllllment of this splendid project is much nearer than moat people realize tho canadian dctip waterways mid power association will hold its annua niiotiug in ilumllton on novem ber i and 2 when plans will bo made for carrying on thoncanipaigti next year uud particularly a campaign to impress on the federal government that tho weight of public tipjniouis bcilnd the movement ontario municipalities generally uhould bo represent ed nt this important mooting the royal dairy show awarded the province of ontario tho challenge trophy for the bw exhibit of colonlnl produce also the dairy asoclationaj gold medal for the best stand at the showust week the ptfople of england ore gradually learning that cana dian cuttle and their products are worth having as cellars in ontario become dry some of tho mora favored ones will got tho schooling that cdmo to tho liar drinker five years ago the letters appe tite was curbed and pretty well long ago hut tho cellar devotee was ublo by reason of his cash to staiii off tho day of reckoning his time for curb and cure is more or less gradually but very surely comiqgw rt fi wr fiirtfutlnii of fl wllmh llllll u vylll l4jul uv nil y ut undo flutnmy wim vliifim oiil tnitlim worii oftuii mjmiknii iii imlottoroil lullttliuita uikl mn if uinum tlitit ho nlwuvd trim ta ltnrm in imyn wwm tlilu uu wliut you kivo in iiiim ut liaytt unit you lllor mmamtttir if itiolhor wuy o iiihi it u that you cup wliut yoil htiw yliutm llllllrt low kliiiliitm uni itlmhioiui will a row frmii it licit lutni yeulu tlm luttiio trulli o in in fur l nor u kruriflll fnrnl hut with no niiihrt truth in it i tlmro nhi loyal lioarlu thorn ur unlrllu liruvh thiro iri won in that ura pura tout lioii ulv4i to tlm world tho ittut you jlii1 tht itnat will coma lutrk to you o uiutttf trutit w vr ii1 i i dun or iioilry it hi u illvlim luw ml mh with llu rulfuhntmt in hu- hmn lvu if you lulitt nolo of tho liupjiluut imioplo in tho wurlil j ou will rthtrovar thut thy urn limiting utlmm huptiy on tho olhnr iiuiki if you will take notn nt the uloomy tho miihrnllhiif utopia of tlm world you will illueovnr thitt thuy r ronutmitly klvlihf to th world that which thn world a tlmm kor lifo lu iho mirror of klu and tin juutwlmt hum iflvo to th and tlio tinul will coino hank to you iaul croljfhtoii civilization thnouqh uookd ni inuiiy tuitions iuvo iuuft iluli htudy ufjxmkm rljilt iimhr thu r ut tho wiild i iitil in wi huvo mi iilmnii to h how rupmly 4i wh im un miiud llimlf iivtii hy iihimm work yt th ihhiuu on uhrinv uhclv lotnilliliiif llki thl inu impp n if t hllllilii luhiml ihuiikli i imiuiiiim iwvn hud unlvi rulll t loin ihuti llu iidiimi itulm iih hiliuuuu wmt liot of thn pcaila uinl tin lomililiitf i wum not miiillar willi ruiuiuoii twenty ynnm uu thn olmiiifi uuin now half u kiimrulloti hiiu iumi- xl uud thn rwrnhm bw hh ton lulling twlno m himiy lriilphio t mi ru una wrlln um thmi ltivu hiiiulrn tliiitmund urn in nt hoolu uu tfiinpuru with twi hiuulnxl tlinuiiunil two ilj nulnm bo thf ihltloitut thtlilu muluhll klntf nrtlrhim tor rmiiinrrlul orth in ilollum whll of thn iiohnnl vulimlilo all rk nun of nn rii1y to hiurn liquid pucl donna n iirlnntlnc nnu urn planultik to ilollhln tho valuo nf thn coul r- rcu of tlmlr rountny hy turning itilnorul into a llinild thut run 1m buciiml hko imttrolmnn llnrthulot tlm fatmiuu 1vfliich rlimnliit ttrnt uuooitml- oil in 1liiufylnir roul mora than alxty yeuru otto itu t mat ml it with rlihiul- rnlu and mltil it in unalod kiuiuiiuiimi i ttiinimtruturo nf 37t darhw ooiitl- ifrudn a iluimlnii inatlafl lniirovil irncmi hy carry luu it on unilnr pmuuiirn hut it renin in ml a curio im rathor tliun a prurtlcal orhivniaut lulo a connun ivof ihirulu 1m- ro vn rod a way to ihiuofy all ktndu of ruil uud ovon iiiit uud wihmi iiim prncamu roiulrui u tttm intra turi of 400 ilmnwu roiilliirudo hut it lu uahl not to imi cikimuimivo and it prodiiflom n ihjuhl thut run ihi rtiunod to imtrolaum of uiuo4it uny rouulhtonny uud it oon- ulnu uciirraw any was to ilnrthnlotti rtlfloitlly nmdn caul nil wuu ulmout 40 mr cont wuutn it lu avldut that dlucovory at nnco ilouhlew thn fut vnluo of roal nupoclally of tio jvoomr and choupor itroilou pocket winclcqs 8et0 klrctrlrlty riinaliiu to a vary ureal xtnt a myutery all thnt wo imvn dona with thin nroat forco no far 1m to maka it pull tor oviry ulnaln nlaco of elaotrlcal much in ry in work oil hy meonu of tho olortro mamiot whlrlt hnu thn pownr of piilllnir iron or utoel lowardo luwtf tho oloctrfrjnnanot roqulmn a con- uliloruhlo current to tnuko it nf any liu otherwln kit pull in ho weak that i lira pah in of tlolnic nny wilrk within thn htul fnw wokn hqwover epoch makloif illncovory han iwirn mado hy moann nf wlilrh a tiny cur- nt ran lm mndn to do qulto luinl work plucn of hratui la laid upon a utah nf chalk or ulato tho moat mlnutn t will coiiun uueh a poworful nillienlon luitwoon tho two that a utnno ibmiir co imiuudu cuii hn tlftod into i air hy a piece nf metal no huacte than a imuiny thn dlucnvory will rovolutlonuo or dinary and wimiiomh tnlophouy it insana that hoth cud lm workml at far ioum tntimiiiha ami with grantor iw- olanoy tlmr u no ma won why tho nar futuro uhould not moo wlralenii- rocalvluif tiotu that will fit into an t- tnrlio cauo or oven a luiokat wucgebq tho new chlnru nlnliinit of thirty nlnn charaotork im proving w dnoldeil huooahu tho touohliiff of tho now aya- tom mturtoil nu a unmll nun lo and prin cipally umotuf nducutora tian now roanhtht tint utaico wjir it lu kivaii id nil thcr udvanood uohoola throughout tho country hpoclal oouraon in train ing tcunlierj to tntrotluoo the hnw nyti- tnm aro iwlntf ulvon tn normal unit hluh uclioohi and tha m lulu try of icilu- nitlon hnu bivoii iih nlholal approval atul axnrouhoil tho hnpo that it may hooomo tho imtloiiul wyutam of thn ra- pulillo no prteognt clmrllo had ixkui to wohnol that liiornlntf tor tlio flrut tlmn whnn ha mo homo lila niotlior nald to him will churl id how do you ilka hoiiooit ilka it well enough hut i havont not my prohont yol your prmiuity qunrltkl mthri what do you inbaut 4 taunhar wild whan uha mw no vnu may ult horo for tho pronant llttla mail hut i uut thprt all tho mornhiif mid illilut ut a thlnir iar- hatw ill net it thin aflrioo wiltp vvabnnr abkgo aqa1n isiu jnnou wuh nltrialnnu nonm of her aonx llttlo frldinlu will in uho huld uditrcnnhift a nix- yourohl who wan nnjoyhitf u plate of oold lwof ura you uuru that you can out your own muatt thn ohlld who waa making ileaper ulo ehortm with hlw knlfo hi1 fork mo plloil vu tkaiikm ivo ofton had it iim touifli bm thlu ut hninn iho elector who has not voted boforo and there are thousands of women who wlirvoto for the first time on december i will huve somo difficulty in de ciding who to vote for the average elector is honest and desiresto do what is right if jio or sho is a believer in a high tariff and inclined to lot well enough aloie he wllloupport mr mcigbcn if ho 3 of n radical turn of mind and likes change he will support mr crerar if onaho other hurid he wauti to strike a njlddlocourso ho will give mr king hfy support ronjfrow mercury do vour bhahe jio not bo among people with thut iihmivo ultlttidn which nvpootu to r- olv ovory thlnir uud lvo tiothlmf lull to do hour uharn toward thn uon- rut ntrtiilinnitut add your ron trllnttlou to tho kuynty nf tlm mm- puny am uuuther huu put it ho not nail into inuvriiutloii with nothluu in hohl u your uliip nr with only imlluut it nriy ihouuiinii urh iitlu nil oulpul uiii lu nvnti moro runic through nu ojniortunily hy u hopl thoiitfli our luuuiiuun in tlm liuulu t all ihlu ndurullouul uyutiup it hnu in h4n unpimirtuil hy tlm unitnit iftiitb tio lumiit kovnmmmil of thu phillip luhiui huu inild tor till tho iln vklopiucut tuklnu only mlvlco jmil uliluni4 from tlio nutrildo wirll i the jersey dairy tj dunniix and citas mckeowtt have miido arrangliucntn hi open a new dairy hiniliicu and after november lut will iupply cutomerr with pure jersey milk price 10c quarl dllivriirid daily octwen 4 andoj m purlieu ikirftum of securing milk fnim the jcrhcy dairy nuiy icavo ortlum at uic store pt mcyean co business directory a humohouo pickpocket llir haul tlinmitoii rlilif of tho uprrlul hratich nf lliotlmlil yurd tnllii tho followluu utory in tho plrkpoouotu own wnrdu thcro wan mi nhl uoutlo- inan in luiluutu ci mini llu uouil to cntnn out of hla nfllru at itvo oclock uhurp nvory ovonlmr and utnp on a rufujtn to look up at a ludy at a win dow unit wiivo lilu hand to ikh j in wuu a utoiit old party uml hla walut- roat wad rathor tlftht hut i maim nod to iot it all rluht und it wim a rod koii wulch on i loft that rroniihiu alonn for u wank or two und wlion i wont hark thero lid wuu nifaln uhurp ut tl vo onlork and wavlnjr hi hat and urlmihitf jnut tha uuma nu hforo iln had another watch rhalh ucrouu lilu walutcmt no 1 uot tfiut nml tho watch loo und it wan a imaiity woll utr would ucurcoly tmllovo it hut tliroo ilayn tutor tlmro ho wou mraln d lm hud not another chain and i had hcarrly tho linart to dn unythlnif ha lookul ho el i mr ful ami happy hut liuulneau lu huulnnuii woll i uuk- i and wliut did you dnt oh i took it nut ami nu it wuu watnr- liury i put it ttark uualnl wum tho old plckpookotu huawer the school of the home mown in cuha limy havo diurovered upundtd nuine tttc a uclinol dapart- mont for it tollu ult ulwlut itnolf tho itchool of tlio homo in iluvunn lu it pluro whnn a ulrl may loarn a liront deal uhout homo mukluu in u uhio itlm courmj tho dnmand for tho work haw hoou mo groat thut over half nf thn tlrat oluiui brnduatod huu houn taken into tho achool uu tnachoru she wag nt old lin old lady who liked children bunlilnff over ilolnit nied thrao how old aro you darllntft uukod i iiuit oh hold ilolen im r ly now and- it couldnt ue artlut to prontor thoro you am air lvo painted you a full linn of nn- ora und ill warrant you taut nnnn will know thoy aro not icanulun tlilu your fathor thatll your itrand- futlnir thin your umatkrand fathor 3roflteor i lold onl oooil lioavonn ian youvo madn my croat-nrand- fathev a much you mi or looklnu man than i ami wioc otudcntt who wan nero 11111 uiikod ono utuilant of auothor wumit ho tho clmp who wou alwayn cold no uald the wluo ntiidnnt that hi xio anothor suy nltocotlmr an nptlmut lu a mamhor of tho har- lonilom union who lu utlll pnylnu dilon an floctrlo hut ion worka only when puuhed mnrnl dont ihi tlka nuch n button ircmlum iolntora ftomn of ua dopmtl loo much on fathera monoy tuklntf uu throtmh thin world mid mothoru prayera taklntf uu into thn naxt nw york flun prohjliitlon crook 1u u nlimo jjlvon a trlhutury of thn moicouxlo itivor hy oil pro poo torn intra u no it uooo dry at ttu knouth utwiut tho flrut of july crch yoar albert d savage icceklcred optometrist anil mtiutaeuiring optlcun oavaqc optical- building tllaht rl tli pot olfloa oulph we operate the only lens sur face grinding machinery in thb dbtrict moved to new quarters im now oomfnrtuhloy uettled lu thn now ijuurterm in tlio ulurkman lllook und am hollar uhlo to look uftnr tho ueodu of nvory thhiif dortalnhig tn font- wear i will havo an uaiilhtnnt with mo dlrortly und dum will urently rue i ii tut n tho prompt lepulrlnif of all work inft with mo jtfl- pulrlnu prloou havo heou tmluoal all urade of tlhoa in moiim anil lloyu lin on in atok t e gibbons mih st acton war bond coupons cashed free tho merchants bank will cash all war loan couponu or interest dlioquoa whon duo on proaontation without making any charffo wlmtovor for tlio oorvicu if you havo not n sbviiikh account why not uno youi- intoront iu monoy to open ono with this bank t trie m6rchants bamk hoad oftic montroal of cakiiadi establtalmkl 1004 sialy iwi lla4 vil l h sjlobey mi ii k uiuu5 un fall millinery opening miss florence murray hns opened millinery parlors in tho rooms next to moorclicnda storo and has on display ail the latest fall models a cordial invitation to all to call another drop in prices w evans the wct em meat market submits the following low prices loin roast 20 lors or vonl 2s veal chops 25 ilamit front quarter 0 lops of lamb 5 loin of lamb 25 lamb chops 30 curkdmiut3 back bacon 50 side bacon jjfi smoked rolls jio boiled ham 50 roast ham 50 beor loar jio sausages our own make 15 new potatoes per pock 50 ukev botliiir beef 10 thick pib roost j6 choice rib ronit 15 briikdta w round steak 30 sirloin steak 2 porter iiour0 steak j rump roust 18 pork shoulder pork gliop 20 loin pork chopa j5 x veal 10 froittqunrter roa3t 15 main street w evans j acton ii whv polluf ali iuiilujittoii of thn nlnkubino imilu to fhu tdrvnali uohliem whm muailoitod hy thn uumiihvoii fuiim4 of tlm jrliohniull illirllltf tkn tluia of thlr r treat trtun iho murno th wont muuiih huhy or nihutcay und m lliiuerwlty llud in fruiitn to donoto n muu of ntmnifth unit chumotr the lihii itulihu- thnt man with hnlry fuoim und lirirtu und ohmta atn ntriuir venv considerate did iho mntorlat who run over you hiiovv uny oontihhtruuoii whutuvart llu corluliily did uuhl th vlotli anil v inurvelltid ut thn nxhlhltlo ll iinumtned 11ml ooufoundod mi of hu fnim wlom to utiiru til nop if it imiv ikhim duliiiiftod uuywhnrn d j a monivcn hyaluluii muj ctiruaon fflnn and llnnhlorn o cnrin r llnwr uno un ijj1 htrunu i i una furiuerly nnoiiplod l u if iu on aodin out dtl u j ncloon thynioin ouroeon obtelrloi acton ontario iim t ouijrtr to tlm lutn lr ux ny oillco and ilonldnine iruilnrli k lit ua dr c h w noan phylolum uml ouroon mill at gsorfjatown ilion 22 hporlnl httmitloii to- nimuiaoii of wo- nnn iuid chlfdron und infant lnodluit- lcqau phono no 33 p o llnx 33b haitolo nash farmer m a durrintur bolloltor notary puhllo canvanyanoar ct pchiivman dlock acton ont mon11y to loan hotiru oho u in to im dental dr j m bell d d 8 l d t dntui honor a rml im to of toronto uiuvr- mlty lh utouta anouthntla uul tf lonlrod olrtoo ut ronldnnoe comr uiii nrt vrdarlolf ltrou dr f o qollop d d b l o dantal ourgson of lien ovor hank of nova iootlu irouilfi 0 10 to 5 30 i3vonliiiiihy appoint mon t miocellancouo pranciu nunan f- uookhlndr ooinint hoouu of ull it in ilu mndo to order intrloillcalu of nvory d rl- tlon rarofully hound hullna nuntly und nromptly ilono wyndham btrimt oualpli out ovor wltllnmu fltoml it j kerr lionid auotlottr por tho cmnitlfiu nf iln lion wnlllnu ton pool ami dufforlii und tho city of ctioluli acton ontario tho iproo projia oftlco acton tho moronry oltlnn quolnh tho nowakoranl koruim or with w j oordon haruoad uabor iiimuburff ciuioh dntrunted to it j knrr r- olv attention from dato of liatlnn- to tin to of aula list your ualoa with ma raiidonoo dower avnu aoton phuno 3d acton call ot my iqxpoium roy hinrjiey auctioneer lolldld pi on erin it 11 n n 3 acton j e coeevers hook binder quho ot cast oulph out riooln and inmraxlnnii itound in ilunduomu nud eluhotantlal oovom jjumou tetturod in gold nn iuiie hymn hooka and hthor honliu all work promptly cuiouuil xalexvniven durvoyh bubtllviiiloiiu riunn jl- iiortm ptiuorlntlonh lylilrprlnth otn cartltloatoa for fiurchuuoru anil mortiatthw lurvoyu for arohltwtu uulhloru nml mnulolpal couuollit ijralltaiii llonortu iutiinatou nta woleam duildinq douqub 8t quwijpii jliono 10b4 oni coitsuluiij enelnucra jflkiiefl lroctor rnlfcni ltd i m phootoii uaqom munaur 38 toronto st torohto cun ilildlon lnomnntii watorworltu hnworuuo tlyatomu luoluoraloru tlohoolu puinio llftlln hnimlnbh liotorl0h arhllratloiia lttluatlou our fess usually pmiu out of tha mony wa nuv our oluntu tlio old and itollablo granito and huiblo uoalors wo uro mailuuoturorh and tllroot imiuutom of all klmlu of jmonuiubutml und lldudutauu work wn noil illrot iiir iiilbtnmorh ut wholouulo tirlowi wjavjnij nr ouhtomorw 40 nor cnt wo huvo tho tiout uinltaiioh uml lh only tntiuluintom tn thn dominion who dun o horn to jimnimatlo toou iironriy wo nun ulvo rwfnrouoom from hundmd jif our oumtomoru lit toronto in id other ditoim whoiv othora havo to havo ly nultm in oritur to oollcot wn luivo thn lufuoat und hout htook of oianlto in thu dominion or tnnr huu uny thnx dauloim lu thn wcuit wo urn loultl- mutu it ii it i ii m uml umittny tio uuuntii uml do tint unnny or unit inmlomom hy hondlnu out lunoruut huohtu millolt- inu nrdum wo cmnloy only inooliaiilnu rind itufy ooiutmtltlon hawlton sons coi noiwttih jk wotilwloh hmt auoljili

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