Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1921, p. 4

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glljtf artxin 3nt tyxtw i1uwhay iiii m nw lin i i ni riimiu u 1 aivi itll lit all sfri iii t 1 f ural th i illomi b will 1m i moou1 jidltoiual arth m still needed the cruihuij ilulout of the mcljhui government doci not niouii unit oiuudn inn no need for mr mei iiiii cniiudu hu placed the imiimicinent of her nlluir in tie hund ol another young man but she btill hi- need laaliilicn mid of all the men of tin mciuutn type to whatever party they uify bolonc who can be induced jo oiler their rewecs riioreforo tt is to be hoped that a unit will be foundfor arthur moikiicii i hero will be plenty for inm to do woodstock sentinel reviow curwdi tu iahuro in gnat irude iloom vjhnt tin happened at washington will bctho itart of the ircatct legitimate busmes boom the vlorld lina ever known cold marquis mogul nier chitidiing coun el for the w ii ruiikiu company or now yoik and chicago during the courto of oil ddresa to the members of tho toronto advertuim club the other evei mg on the subject what mcr chmidlbini could do for canada the speaker pre dieted the early entry or u great oulytnilhal pro grcssivo bu inesj era hu opinion wua that canada because it hud reached an especially opportuuo period in its development and because of its wonderful re sources would bare in this era of business expon sion perhaps to a largor extent than any other country the consummation of this cheering predic hon wtll be gratefully received by tho people or canada the clmrlered liaaku in acton acton luis hod rather n unique experience with its banking concerns upon tho death or random adams btoroy christie st co established their bank artcr tho death of w ii storoy this business wua discontinued 1 ho merchants bank opened its brrllch hero ovor twenty years ago and now becomes the bairtf or montreal tho metropolitanbttllk opened here about twelve or rourtcen years ago und several years ago was merged intojlo bankof nova scotia the amalgamation or the chartered banks with brandies in acton has in each case greatly strength ened the surviving bonks and glvontlieir customers much wider connection acton is favored ill having branches or tho two strongest banks in canada the bank of montreal and the bank of nova scotia si i r where authority in vented a case wluclt fiau created u grunt deal of interest in police mid iimistmnl circles cuiiio up in mitchell last week on election night n man was ur res ted by a constable bccnui0 lio wan drunk mid disorderly on the street mayor hill heard of tho urreit and order ed that tho prisoner bo liberated iho advocate re ports that tho matter wiu placed n tho hands of the county crown attorney iho result was that tin man who created the disturbance was taken to court and find 20 and cots for disorderly conduct and 20 and costs for being intoxicated tho mayor of mitchell who was charged with umiig his influence to iberate a pn saner was found guilty tho sentence was suspended but ho was obliged to pay tho costs at the trial tlm crown attorney pointed out that either tho mayor justice of tho peace or any other officer other than tho police magistrate littd any power whatsoever to liberate a prisoner the ij 1 o hound on the ota at the mi ti tint convention of the united iaimen or ontario at lormtlo la t wtik a motion propoi tnf in iimuulmuit of iho outtirio icinpcruucc act to permit the ne of liquor on unci itjimlar to tho e piccalilli jn huti h columbia nictwif1i n prompt duftiit the convention clearly did not wish to liitcii to any proposal which would permit of tho re intro ductiou of liquor into tho province in any form and by tin absolutely tinaiumoiii rtnudiiif vote rejected the piopo ul with a ood deal of cntlitiiiinm thin tronj ciulorsation ot tlie o t a by no important and representative n body re idiiif in nil parti of the province means much for the ftituro of tho prohibi lion movement wo one party owiw cahndn well everything iippcarrtto b riimiini hiqiih iiiout the nine old way f j lice tho dominion election nnc none of the dird dnitdteri promised by tltrf calamity howlers if lion mackeunc king wore clpci td to power hnvo happened t o far how silly if not crazy to talk bticli rot fven aj old n head us bar i later morphy of i iilowelwho was formerly the m p for north perth wai credited with threatening to leave the country if the mcrjheu government wore not roturnod as morphy was beaten by dr run kin ot stratford by about 050 it look i as if ii ij is going to have toti of time to pack lui saratoga and move perhnpt it was jurt simply bunk ho was spelling and if o he is likely to chntigo his mind no one party owin cnntida even if they act in if they thought so brtiieh pot scrapping tho dread nougliu tho world i three pcatcit naval powen hnvo come to an agreement to scrap os capital lighting jnp with a total tonnage of 1801043 great bn to in the united states mid japan have made their flint i dccinoo in bulk theso figures do not differ greatly from the hughes proposals made when the conference on the limitntion of armament first met four wcokn ago saturday these proposals in eluded tho scrapping of 00 capital ships with a total tonnage of i 878 043 secretary hughes has wo it out with his firffous 5 53 ratio this is certainly a propi tiou outcome and under the circumstances means much in ensuring the future peace of the world but its iio t a circumstance to the 0 0 ratio which has remained between canada and tho united states for one hundred years compact vacta concerning canada pew people realize that 20ms canadian ex service men have been eitnbhihod on the land and are nearly all making good that canadas water power develop meitt represents im investment of 475000000 while iho power produced would othcrwlreo require 18- 000 000 tons of conl yearly or that nearly 88 per cent of the worlds rupply of asbestos conic from the province of quebec tho natural resources in telligence branch ot tho department of tho interior hna just issued n revircd edition of compact ipncts which contains hi eonoiso form information regard mg canada iti area population trade and industries their extcnt capital invented wages pmd values or live itoekr principal crop and amounts produced mineral rcaourcej and preaent production olio forest resources and forest products copies of tho hooklot i re nvnilnblo on application to tho superintendent natural resources intelligence branch department of the interior ottawa i i i i a happy christmas to all christniastide is the most joyous season of all tho year and our christmas wish is that this happy festival will bring real joy mid happniens to all homed as christinas day falls on sunday this fact should add much to the hallowed and happy character of this day of days it should ha made a churchgoing day for all the family with tho rent spirit of worship pre vailing there will bo many happy households with rounitcd families tho usual christmas feasting should be deferred tit least ituti monday the day agreed upon for tho social obbcrvanco of tho festival so that the dear homo mother or housekeeper may not miss the hours of public worship an sunday through tho necessity of preparing u special dinner for tho family the meeting around tho christmas hearth stone of those who have been separated during tho year will be all tho happier if due consideration bo given to this phase of tho homo dutlei tho christmas season affords a special opportunity to do something in providing good cheer and happy experiences for those who need such practical sympathy lot us em brace our opportunities for action in thii respect that christmas tuny have huriphieu for all is tho sincere wish of tho pmm pmwt ivaluo of tho workmen copinufuimn act hile the operation of tho ontario workmens com pen snt ion is quito n charge upon tho proprietors of the industry of the country it lifts a vast load of anxiety from the tent of thousands of industrial worker of the province and their dependant and re ultt in a great diminution in human hardship find distrern it is n pioneer of tho humanitarian trend of prcreut day legislation utid has mndo good the cnuualrcport just i nuod shows that tho sum of 7070010 wits awarded in benefits inst year ac cidents of all kinds reported under tho act numbered 51851 of which 42 were fatal under tho old order of things there would have been u volume of litiga tion and tt considerable amount of money would have been oonsiimed in legal expenses in many instances too strict equity anight hvo been denied on technical ground or relief delayed by the power of tho longest purse to carry cases from court to court six years experience of tho act has proved its advantage over previous conditions from tho point of view of both employers and employees tho farmer know pre cisoly what obligations thoy must carry and the em ployees or their dependents ore freed from the un certainties of tho law how thgv plbcoverted chiirstmas kll wltslmr iu fliiin iiltihiir iitiwn ii lit fir out utim t iii lliul y i mumt hi vilhl tml 1 m hrn- altu from in mitl i ivult tor hr lirnnit n 1 umuituii htillli ixt w i llx tin it fru nil wiim upttti i iimatijr im tluit ililaim 1 illicit it for whl n ft 11m im liiiirtil ii a iin 1 ytu liuvu wirk mii tlm tlim tlmn uy htrm jiihi to uubjtm itdch 1111 lolllfitf uotli to to rou i 1 cirutnmi un 1 1 11 luvm lllll i of hiiwll ticcohdt hut ymuttf mr iluvrly ho liml u litter lit ikliiloi mjiii lin tu unit villi tin- ililwrmt iin lfo nrut o j win- iwr hu uuiir i n to r oio to thn vnhool rly in tin tvtnltim un 1 ulri cunilw iii i hu wot thn hull thxiatrlnt uioahi nm rowt yo morry u ntunum it luithhiif you illuiinuy clnlutiu but iiliiilwlhlfilieiil jity o fiu eoltowal notes a number of ballots were spoiled in tho recent election here dome of tho voters becoming so rattled that they nro an id to have put an i o u on the ballot instead of nn x georgetown herald tho municipal election in acton the nominations will bo hold uoxt monday prom present indications it looks us if tho people of aoton nro already awake to tho necessity of selecting tho best men or women available for acton municipal council for 1022 phis town has now a vkr largo indebtedness owing to its progress in tho installa tion and construction of important mid desirable utilities and securing industries to give employment and trade to our citizens thene all require careful supervision and intelligent administration men ot business experience and fftcicuco nro needed no more than at any provioiib period in our jjtory it is absolutely necessary if tho general impiovement of tho town is to be continued und tho tuxes rod wed to more- normal rntcthnttho waterworks system bo developed in tho mutter or the installation of aor vices so as to produce the highest possible revenues wefhavo a good plant and if judiciously handled will in a very short time yield revenues sufficient to moot the interest on tho bonds the sinking fund and the necessary charges for maintenance but it will require wise men who are accustomed to business undertakings to accomplish this these important mutters should hnvo the careful and serious con ildaration w nl property owners of tho town at tho norninations on monday it miiy surprise some to know that canada is a world lender in tho production of cobalt nsbeston and nickel we produce 00 of tho worlds supply of cobalt mr of iibestos and s5 of nickel the hydro plcctrio commission has certainly done much for thin province it is confidently usserted by exports that for its siro ontario is better lighted than uuyothoi part oftho american continent tt is everywhere admitted that good street lighting is u gtcnt factor in tho reduction of the amount of crim piovlnciol regulation of bus lines on provincial highways throughout ontario through s system of franchises is receiving tho attention of tho depart ment or highways tho coming session will prob ably mjo tho introduction or legislation giving tho minister powerto den with tho mattor ethls would on sure better service to tho public sjk if ever a wngo dispute should have bixn settled by arbitration instead of by tho unseemly strike it wasmhat vh the milk wagon drivers of now york and cleveland through this striko there was de privation l suffering on tho partor the most help icsh section of tho community babies nnd sick persons another in hi mice or the unreasonableness of strikes let there be more arbitration und no strikes lntni ihli my clurrlo haw u uih n lid vol en uwiul mil elj itk- hu u th r iiul u un 1 iiur mill hlwh mi 1 ihlun wuirlnu liml jut i r ctmtlu miii molly iutnt mil jlmml mrclnlluii run nil of nm miiio i ritty wil i un twint vary lontf ihi hi thn mlnlutor hu i u rnkiilitr hulr ii ftl i riirluttimu t id lw uort o ittlrru i 1 1 ul unil lot uu out of our rut mi i natlu a mo of uu l lor otiam r mo rubor ho tlitym wliuo wo woro youritf ntt ihlnu tho ininlutnr nil tlm 1 1 juut iho half urowii ulrlu und hoyti unil homo of tlio inutlnut onflm tuicuok nil holihid nil of ihmii wont thn wooriu liftnr u tron katlmr hn m iibvc lt un 1 a i nlr of oxoii i thoy vtu konti trt tty ntiar u hull marulii hut luck tlmy ooum with a i oiiu tl fut 1 x urfh trvo wiiloy nnd uwittit mil utnllil und tli mhilutfir not lliut ill in tlm hflhnol hoiiuo uinl not thn yoilnir woiin ii to utrlnif poji- itu imt trn it nnd coiutod mo far no i ii it of my cotton woit llutf to imltut i an 1 haul to bin frlniidil ut dnflk ortown un i they uant him buck a i- rout 1 on o trunk cumllon nu liltf au i fnl of tny llttln tlnuor und iloljri ii toyti for tho clillren ami thut trno wnu ilroouod up ruular icrluv uriiiffio ntylo in n whnn cltrutmnu iflvo rtttnn hull ut i lenient wau rnady to an to tlm nrhnol hpuuo w tidii t nny hurch tho you know nnd io tlit ohlllitdu fun kant lu thn4i woulhi t inch fun lu tho morhl if tt woion t for thn null lr n unit tlm mawtnr know hut hu whu talk i n nlioiit whfiii tin ii i icxront y lioromn uu ittla chlhlron yo ruunot luhnrlt th klntf ilom of i drtvt ono immt ho aw naully iihuthml oh a ihlld nml uu mettle nnd mil 1 und uoad luturad to huvo much linuvon horn ixtlnwi tjio mlnlutoi rud tho uor old titory how tho tnr hlood ovnr tho ijaca xinry und thn yoiiiiu child tra tho iilniilitjril hft tliolr riockn uiit tho wliio moil fiom a fur oountry oumw on nllbrliiiutco und brouuht tlmlr klftu uold und fraukliioaitho mul myrrh tha ulruuc thinu w that it uodtiiod uu if wod iiavor hoard it till ii on mid it wuu vll now ud lumutlti nil ifrmul thoro u p lot in tho way foiuti uitm you know you nan hoar a ntory nm ho thlukln uliout tho intoromt on tho morfuhito unit how you ro oln to rnlno ii hi tlmn ami ulkiut how you ii urn jour hlurk nlk drouu lnulilo out uml uimlilo down nnd mnko it ovor now for tho third lino nnd tthout how font ituhy waru out llor nmo ami wlmthpr yoin- uon noil tu rwtlly fftlll in lovo with that hlmnlflton uoxt door nml you don t hour hp lllhlo worilu hi to yoij uu mi lp tnlfi ify frlenil pumto i und uttnndoil to hor hrooil wlitin who rouumod imiifun whoro wau it oh yen in tlin iichool hnunn mid tho mlnlntor wau rondln mid tho lildron uanjr onrolu und tho troowan lit mid tjio ttktu wnu diutrlhutml anil niiiffoak hold of an nthnra huiul ami wo vlnlt i uml kt rottl rrlon lly and wo know that loved ona anothor thoujfh wo nro jul poojilo who don t fuel callol uioii much iiwluvnr and wo know that ou doar iord wau thor and jenny martin utood uikiii hn platform mid himiko ii plooo i llkn 1 no much that i lot thn mlntntnr o iopy it for liio nml it u horn omowliro vnu ran rntl it if yon like klio rumm4fd 1 tho clock whoro tiho kopt rwolpia nml pnoknnofl aooilu nm tho lattofw thut catno nw and thon from hr hinrrjod dauahtor in duyton uml nie found tho ivoom wrltton in tho milliliter u lino ooppor- ploto kimlluh timid wld i toll you that thn mlnlutor eaiim to tho pitted from over tho utui mid that mm mother imod to mnnd hi in an knellwli plum pud unif every ynirt my old frlottl told tno uliout iiiim with kraut prhlo for it ullcio of that pudding- uuod to ii ml m wny to u good tnuny homou lu tho aonjtrkat1oii und thy tliouuht ii wus flno no th i uc ilka it had ovor loon iifion in thoufl lilllti thin wau tho poom tiuo oimitltmah ranpuu onco in tho midnight ioiik o iho niibfilti lot ladder down and lonif it waii and utronif and ad ha foot wan not ou jotlilwliaiii town ami on tlwt lndlora llvr romulii hwlft up ntul down tho autcolm want aild hroukht unto rtli h lowly trrounuu ilouvon t ulflu of poacn and koo 1 intent tho wutohhuf uhtiplmnlh ou tlm hill ulioy rouhl not wt that luddor fair nut timtdonly did munlo thrill around hem in tha ntlll nlritt air tho icflbtom wtn wayfurlnir llehold u arout und uoldon utmr and mo oicy followod prlomt und klnu until it hrouuht thorn taut uml far whom mary with hnr llttlo ono 1uy mafo nmld th frntcrant hay cod u kltt to vurttt hlh own doar bun klp in it vlrulnm urram that day lo rimo tho klory to ooi laml tlo chiiim thn uruoo of lliavmi down wlun thoutcli du did not umlomtaiid clod ohrlut wau itbrn in llothlohom town i ami ovor miuoo thut iillvor utnlr 1m lot throuuli lulvorlnlf ttryotiil liarri throuitli tvulnim of umitf vlbmtlni ulr thn hiiowy puth of htnm and udkoih tllttliitf to an i fro hrhik puuoo and lovo and ood in lont to u m who lurry horo helow our 1 utlmru utnihowii ttrmuimmt chut lu very wwont i hah vrm ami if you could havo luhrit juiiny koltn it uhn looked llko it i horuh in hnr whlto frock with hnr y 1 low hulr wall to muko a lonif fitory itliort mh id niy iloat flond wevo kupt rhruliniiu nv r iilnro iwd ynurii nico our mluhitttr dhd 111m uravom up ou hill lu tho uoutliwent ooruor of c nmtory wllli u unuui nt amy ulono ovtr ii uml hiw uuiuo out lu nnujl lottm hut hn tituaht uu how to k opclirlubiuui and now wodoii e lino it to a oolohmtlon hi tho roh for tho dur tnmi not tho churoh imllt twfora hod culled him um tan hnvo it in our liainex nlut wn imhir up our utooklnkn and wo lot iho chlldmu liellnvu in hon la olnlia till tin y vn vt mind to uhd vo lot lovo mi 1 joy toiuo into our hnntm uml uhldo you hio our mliilutitr imi tho wuyl lhroh lllrom now hrluulu hmuo thn hrlmtmnh trool hoa it on thu mioiy hi or thn youna oiikh nhoutt i toll you th r m notlihiif llko ohrlittmnm un fni tho tdiiqpy hut t inintt tuike my lnnd loo 1 luml o llvlti tulklu to you i nnnio linn htlln tho hull hatoh ut too lluhtl maivarot e euilkwnr i him ihi t wn im ji i nut i ui iiu ii kilnu kan liiilth nuii lu a it la u i mi to in muldy it iliu j nixi wn illii t hi xntllnu yu thut ruin hi u nihility o 1 1 tiling lay thn i unit whin tui nun uhluu uifuln hutu klokii nhout tho dimt hut 1 imlllnir mil thut miiuuhlm iho mud him oomplulnu hot liualuvim im not hulf om oo i tin it wuu mn it wan twlm iid trool un it im ii oimrutiilutimhlmnolf that iiuhi mu im iwlm kh u oil an it wiim whim wuu only hulf iim aooil uu it im lhoun two iinii hvlinr in tho mium iowh mil un h i thn i mn nli hi ru i iiiii- iihioiim uao thin ut oiw dltuly uml tho run in ulwnym huppy unil thojlhii ul wnyx muoruhln iho illrfnri nco iiom of tlmlr y not lu front of ham tho pbnimh t uoom ahotit with u luuli rn orliiir into th dark ph nu irnkluif tit uiouiiitnhm uu i thlnum lo llni fault wimitit iho uumlt u lit in hn irlht muiihiiiiix look i nt tho uuiitlful thlnum mil niulliur lotu of hum tho in ulnilmt nit only wornw hln mn 1 hut it lu phymlauo iim wnll nml hlti innin nr i on ntlioim lu jln i h lly do lutf tlm ojitlmut rlunm in thn inornlutf with find ti ruin tn iiim lutitt uulifuo hi hlu fore mul umlln t ill i n hlu ll m ihn tiioro plvlleuo of llvihl in prlciuiefim joy to hint jin hu ni it iiiih hi fin mil i in n i n ill i din ml of vary uumlt u mu nit hiknii mlnuly miiy hn of llttlo ilim hut win n all aro itroupa i to rfi the r urrunuel mil not thny form u lilniitilnif wholo who nuitit try tn ift owoy from hlniuolf un 1 out of hlu mitiiral t nvlrou jnuul to ihi i lipihmiimwllm vi rrtnrt wn curry with iim tho i nnuty wo lull mil thn mn lie wlih h omhnntm um r olun thoy doi t oxlut f ir uu at nil optimiot and pesolmiot jin j i llmhit haltd woltk and pooh pay anyho ly who worku for a uvlnu in chlriiio lu a miokir a koo 1 hurl limit ntory will i nt money on tho ulrmt uny time niyu a profrouulnnfll 1 eatfiir who tor yturu linn pluyol rniiy uuouutu uu ho linuuluoh without work inif hut thn chunreu aro that to oatoh hlu un ok tint lio huu hud to w rk hnrilor hnn muny un hoi i out nn who mukon l uood llvliik ami now iio lu in thn poorhouuu it lu hnr lor to heu il dollar than to irn ono it im 1inrlot- to fiuinn a plauullilo ln thnn to toll tho truth hurdor to appoul tn uniuroulty linn to binilmnoi iinua and hu rtio notu it dollar nroth intc in thlu war i linn to oxort onoth limonuity nml ttiort tn hnvo otirnod ii twlro ovor i tho fuker hludlnu hlu arm to hln loly and dlupluylnu an oppoallnic ompty iijuovd htutidu ull dny nnd fur into tho ulicht in ull klmlu of woather u charlluhlo plttmiro wliloh an i nuout worklnuuinu ut wholnuomo ni 1 coniconlul ocniipitlnii woul 1 doniiluo nu pultry puy jokeuetb yon ii hnvo to takn mo at my fu vnluii who iifthl may i non your drinmt hlllu tlient ho inqulrotl llilinlny hohool tun oil on who wnu it i aw tho linn uvritlnfr o tho wall uohtiyt hohhy tho i amllord u umot tim itch srajtrt or hura rjfsore irritated la- ur tyt3umodorgranuutl jqrmaoftienkiituimifcw4stator infant or adult atkll drutfsta write lot rraabnllook ludbrik 100 enney tiros the shoe men a merry xttl ad a flappy new year kenney bros hill 8ti1eet i aoton tihr what are you going to do this winter in feeding beef cut tie you are taking a chance whether you jot paid tor your fttd nnd labor kjjpmore milk cows ship or bring your cream to us nnd fake no chancti we will buy your cruini in thu winter an well a hi tin utinuncr higheat cash price foi en the acton creamery co l j onbiu proprietor ours is the christmas gift shop i h now 1 1 tt o tlmo 1 i v i u eh of cliri it inn in otlrul uronomy qlvi your chrlutnum ul u i in if 1 rom our urnnt u hnn ii in ym run roinl luo ultl ilvln with uitlnl ulftu hiu yiur poii ladile1 w huvo u full lino it vol ulttr rrnpo do ch ii m imlu mul trlcoh tto hlouirli at mo lor ulo prlrnu ii dlou wooll u icnrfu in vi ilouu otoru ijhiiou plnid tiklrtii hoth pliln an i 1 ox pi on toil ut n in nnlilo i rlttoil woo 11 on uwnntorn an i p ill ovarm nro alwuyu a wnlromu ulft i idldi u 11 liuttorlly hoihry full fuithlonod 1 iiak iniaiim i in 1 e lutlful iflft iioxoh handkchchicfo poit all wi uuocic hi i n it aopm at a i owicit rnici open cvcninqq phone flo poh men liflttikifin ii tt fit tunhy ultl au woo uwoatorci and pull vm wool cumhmoro ami ullu uockh l starkman starkman block acton ontario irisfmasgiffe x have all tho money i need for chriatmna can you bay this today have you enough to buy all tho pres ents you planned and hnvo them ag nico as you expected it you cant do this thin year make suro of it for tho christmas of 1922 by joining our christmas club anyone cart join wouldnt you like tohn flush thin tlmo next year of courno you would and you can bo by joining our chnatmun club even payment classes in which tha haina amount a ilapafcllud mchwmdt for 30 vokn 23c woouiy total 30c wooldy toulu 1 oowonuly tnuln 3 00 weekly tnlul t 3 00 wookly tntaln 1000 wonlily lolols t j 000 weekly tctala j 120 33 00 5000 10000 33000 soaoo 100000 increasing payment classed it which incriufeliik duiountm nr lopodtsitiitcii wkfor3o wln c mid lucroano toul i 2 71 2c miui lociuuim totau i 23jio 3c nml i nermann mtalo 63 75 10c and increuio toulu 1275q vou cn join navoral clanuoa if you wish aeloti branch b shoty maiwoi i merchants bank criristinds club business directory oh j a monivi n phyalolati and otirjon qfll an 1 it ul 1 ni o co i i li iwr iv iiiib ui i kliln ulr ii tli uu m forimrly wo ii i j jj hi orou aoti ii onu dh e jj nclbon thyloian surjon ohttrloun aolou onlario- hiicooauoi- to tho i ili dr uiuy onion und itoal imu 1 r l rl k tit dh c p w no ou pliyiouit nl unrgoon mill bt cor pho iijikih nttniitloii lo j31ui iiui of wo uu ui 1 lhlllrmi mil infuilt vaa lliiif jcqal iii no no i j x 335 iiahold nash vwimi it m a dafrjur goliellor notary puulio pdttllvman dlock acton ont mowi ro row llouru d 30 a in lo r ir on j m ncut d d 8 l o r dnlut honor qruilimt of toronto uuivr- alty hi lttii nnwthtia uuf if llrwl om p q gollop d d 8 u o 8 daoljil onrflon offlio ovor hunk at nov fleotlm- iiouiio 0 3a to c 30 ivonlnuu hy ai i ointment mlflcellantoue prtancio nunan boouhindr aoount bookri of h11 kin 1b tv to onlur iorlodlchlt or ovary dujcrfti hon cure fully tiouml uullnir hmtly fttid promptly dona wyii ihnm fltroat ou ilh ont tovor williams ht m n j xcnix lioansad aucliori i or ii i counting of i ilio ion pul ntul hiift ir citi tt tiull h acton ontaillo llalnm mny ho nrriinnod ty mall u at roshlonco at acton or fct tho 1 ro rrci olllro art i tha lloronry oltlco ouolp 1 he now uncord lforcun or with w t oorhn jinn v maker ulllmhiirir flalno on trim tort ti iv i lin r oolvo nttontlou from dun t ii thn to ilato of hoiu ust inur flilu with m naaidanan bower avanua aoton phono 80 acto i cj11 at u y iciin roy hindsey auctioneer livid biocic itfal wllatw and m10kchandibp conaolldauj phoitti crln 4v 1 1 n n 3 acton coxes garage acton bakery wishing our many friends and custom ers the compliments oftlictseason makes a specialty or storing batteries tor winter nnd keeping them up to toit storage for motor cars either tor the wlnlor or during ubc oxjaccelylenewelding m edwards co acton ontawlo 8tor cloaid evary loht exoapt f dy and 8atur at fljio mn of motor purtii or nny other mucliitiery oils greases gasoline cloiiuluf und pititliiiiir fluids accessories of all kinds j e ciieevers boqk utndgh tluatiao gt cua qualph ont itnokti on 1 ninifauluon won ji in imiduomo mul tiuhulniitlal rovoiu nnmnn lotfora i in rol 1 on lllhlw hymn hooku ami othnr tiooku am work promptly exwouud d alex niven ontario luntl burvayor and civil tiurvoyu hiilmllvlulrnn plnuu hot ttortm ixihorlptlmui lllunnrlutu etoj cortllloaloa for nurcl h 10m und tnorttfuaoon liurvoyo for accliltccln hull lam unit miiuloliul countiln llralnaicollonrrtti iidtlmntou olo mcliian buildinq douulan oh oulowlt ihono 1004 oni anything you wuni in slock or avnllalilo supplied with sulla factory promptitude 9 h k kwg mumtcr ii a coxb proprietor j free press acls bring results tho old and rollablo granllo and marblo boalors lahiilsjia sskssl u ur outomam t wholohnlo vrloo thim having our oiihlomor- 40 la ont withw tho boat mplunoo mill iw niy mwhatilm in tho oomllium w bo modint pnounmtlo wu vroijwu wo can klvo rkoroiuoi from hwiidroda of our cuatomirw in toronto uiiil othor dlnom whoro otlmr hnvo to havo law d tin onlr u oollrot w1 havo th lnrtwt anil bat took of ordnlto in tho dominion or morr ihun any thv idaalora in thn woac w oro lo tnnta floftlorit ami niniy l fttonw nnd ln not unnoy ur icut fliimomani hy itonflhuf out utii rnnt nut uth ollolt- intf urtiarti wo omtlny only hiochaiil unil lofy airnipntlllon hamjtton sons cor norwoli a wootwloh stm k quejph

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