Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1923, p. 5

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i j j i i glpjrton3trpg flrebb tiiyihday may 17 idj1 what newspapers do when you or bdrn the newspaper auits irt jtnltiioif tubnut your xillix ark i to u twin t your iiivi iiknh li f illnw you to t lii ol audi prints ttiti li itu r roll if yotir nainn in f m i hi ti it to 11m of your irra lunilon and ti oaks or tin i x hi n of yotti magnirtt oil u i it tollo of youi llti and then dualis mti the choice of yui lnullrti then it kivh u nl n illit about ymn inairlitt and pralm u the 1 luuhli k bill till hor klriitflk unit to ow ut thnn hi llkll iii iii rh i t m i iur ll 1 h all diih i he ikjwhi uu and it 1 u mimo niui li inort it tells f li ii i mttdu i yuun uu l i lunly and bxili nil tut i pi lacs ulv rr art muihk worth ikuiuhi if dollaru to in j ii town tin ir ti 1 1 r lliliiftu ihut nil w t ik w do i or which hi y jiimol he paid 1 hut in why iv ry utueu bhoulti do lil bint to huui irt th r in t voty poiolllilo and all the time vasnui 1 di huri unr l the sunday school lesson foh sunday may 20 1023 twenty yeapbqo from tits issue or the free proas thursday may 28 1903 tbej prophecies of a ehqrt hay crop have ceased the now fin at fcho 1 ubllo school floated gaily nn victoria day mr john arthur manager t niratbrook kuh hatchery took a ooo trout fry to pf catharlnrs mid good to col borne last weak h oddfellows of ontario hnvo paid 7 ood for a ploco of land noar ouk vlue 6n whlnh they purpose building an oddfellow iiom mr j kerr drown who spent four years in tha drug mom of hi brother mr a t brown and has just rtnlahed his course at the college of i hnrroacy has not only pasaed tfio examination to entitle him to prurigo as a rhemlnt but ha hlio secured tho degree of pwn b mrs janet anderson main htroet one ordnvldeat cltlaens met with a most serious accldnt on thursday for hie uot of altt i m when oho slipped down on a oholr nd fell to the floor fracturing her right hip the fracture watt successfully reduced and the psiiont ladoingwetl she is tn her eightyeighth year u 1 df a oe warren who has been physician to u firm or lumbermen in their camp between sudbury und kll larney alnce lout september returned home but wek lie look tho picture of health after aubaiatlns on lumber man a btub mr roderick mcdonald ion of mr htifb 8 mcdonald who applied re cntly for a poaltlon on toronto police force hoe been accepted and went to toronto laat thursday to enter the force married mcnabd cameron at tho real denee of tha bride a father op thtire- dy may 21 1d03 by key h a macphemon mr william mcnabb on of arch mcnabb to emm daughter of thoinaa cameron ell of acton i i uah t1ik hkavn hi 1 l i kiuko ih 10 3j ooldun text i ooaa whom yo will txryo lonli 4 th text explained ormo 30 ih r pwlnd i i hlrue the time f tl dlvlulon klnirdom lliuil wondilp 1w1 i nan mi r if inmd imlcotirilki d hy lc klllkft df inrni with dm nmilh tluc tit tiltjirh runt ml for worn hip of j hnvtth hud fnl ion into mjtlim t vnrae 31 twi ivi kl n h hlkiilfylnt tl c unity of thn tw k irlbvw whl b in ooil h iiluht wo in iviit peoplo ihim i hhtill i thy imintv tho numo imiiio ru ul ltt rily v vnrrlor tr 1 llr illil voreo 33 1 wo in imitr- oi a two nub rnatiotiti tulvutrii1 to utiout llm x k in our uyn in i f uiunmureii viimii 31 tin nvfidiitr ol lutlon thf hour win ihri mluli in ttiu irtiriouin vttrutt 37 tlliit iioh biopln may uiow tim i ruyri of tiit propbot mide in thn hrurlif icr the pooplm woiil i tvnd t belutiimi thn nooi o mlracul iu mmwur which follow m 31 jnhovuh hi 1m otitl thlw iniullodjm thu nmnnuirii of moulit mti riljuh h onrouiitor with the prli ultt f hun i wuit a hftttli royal to dhtuhllmh not ho miro uperiurltof j ho villi minima oihur kodh but hlu tiuiicmncy ut tint only ooil the truth f monothnlam ltiton thomee tha mrunugo of kujah it la to tho immortal honor of fujhh thut ho ww liliit vxproxand the nhurp opnoaltlnn hntwci n tho wjimhlp of haul and the womhlp of llio lord throujrh ion pfrlodn tbn nutlon had tried to com- hlno tho worship of the lord with heuthohlam 1robably there ware many wail moaning jooplo in thnt old er day who thought that thin couli ho done wo tuiy oomnomoo that chrlatlanlty in un long hltttory bui incorptiratod many olotm nta from out aide we ovon ay umt in tlm lonif futurn chrbiilanlty may take to itaolf vome elemonui from tho oyiteinm whlah w now think of us outoldo of chrlo tlunlfy hut wi mum rimombur thnt chrlatlanlty will never kurrunder it vantial ronoeptlon that tho worahlp of tho lord la to bo put at tho cenio of nil thlngh and thnt only audi thlngn a ure good and truo and beautiful can wver find oln lhnt v wild animal life in jasper natfon al park railway tijne tables at afjton too much think 90 wherevjohnr uakod lincoln had lock a he t6okoctrounonimm weth erbeea gsrierml etoro tfe got through unawered the atorpkeeper towa that waan t john a anmrt and aunina chap i thought you d be sure to keep him you thought uuahed mr wether- be that woi the trouble with john why hea a reguiar thinkao feller a think ao feller what a that well ill tell you about john aunt jane pinkrmm bought aomo calico and nd9 aheetlng and some other things of me and left the bundle to bo called for henry stack pole came in and bought a pair of overalls nnd a jump er and left the bundle wtjlle t went out to the storehouse with me too look at some pateot rooting aunt jane a grandson came in after her bundle and john handed over hejuy overall and jumper when we discovered the blunder he said i thought that was aunt janes i did think so really l fixed it up all rght with henry and ben seeing as x know aunt jn tongue fairly well i thought i d give her a chance to tell john what the customers think of fellers who make mistakes so i told bun to hitch the hossv into tha buggy and drive out to aunt jane a and deliver her bundle and bring back the other stuff it a otu a mile and a quarter out there and 1 told him he ought to get book in just about one hour but he was gone nearly three x asked him about it and he aald he d been over to yfcsop salt- waters shack moren three miles away onnother road aunt jane does sotmr of her charity work there when john asked tor her they told him one hadn t vrlved so he left the bundle and could n t bring back the other stufft for it vmd t there and when i wanted to kpdw f h dldn t know better than to think tnat aunt jane would live in such u ahuck ua aop ho said i thoughuahe lived there i did think so really i and juat then the telephone bell rang and oront colfax pushaw hes particular about being called grant colfax wanted to know what i meant by giving him a hundredpound bag of salt instead of the middlings hod bought it was another af john s mis takes he had put the middlings into tamtsaahcy h oru lem was going to do some butchering the next day burr bis salt was in grant colfax a wagon john hald x thought that blue crt wasiuahs and that red wagon was icsancys i did think so really j oidy him thut if he oouldn t atop so muah thinking und do some genuln knowing what he waa about hed bat tsr hlmtanotbttr job- ho a hired out tojueasthefra to work in the flan nous add if be goa o thinking that salt dried poflook is pickled mackored jud will likely be violent 1 cheapest of all oil coiialdertng un quallieao dr thomas bnioctrlo ojj l is tho qheupaat of uli prepsrh- tlons offered to the public it u to bs found in every drug uiorm in canada front coast to coast und ull oountry mrohhts keep it for aula ho being easily prboumbls and extrvinu j mod- erats in jrlce prt oim ehould bo with out u bottls of it i t- a prebh squall in your bermun uiis morning you spoke of u twiby us a now wave on the ocean of life suld the ouuroh warden who hud recently beooma a father a the vicar i did replied tht vlur it wua s poetic figure of ejveach ban t you think freah thluull would have been hearer the ttmrkr asked tbe church warden ehjuh- snw then wn no way that his people could arve two jnuntera they could nob worahlp imagea which ministered to the loweat cruvlnga of r uman nature and at the umi time worahlp- that lord who could only bo found by human nature at its beat as we state- fha opposition thus it is per foctly clear it was not mo clear ir- etjlah s time it might not have boon bo clear in our time if elijah had not dona his part to majce the oppoaltn self evident blihop moconnell tho heroism of tbe prophet wo ust stop or u moment longer over the heroism of the prophol it ta true that there wore thousands tn israel who had never bowed down tho knee to boat but it is also true that those thousands had not yet deported them selves with any degree of conspicuous boldness elijah could depend on the righteous wrath of the nation being on his side in esse everything went well but something might gowrong ahab and bis forces were there and elijah knew what to expect from thorn in case anything did go wrong but what could go wrong 7 well tho people might be captured by tbe frenzy of the priests religious emotion alwaya makes a deep populur impression wo may well imagine that the priests hoped to make auth an impression upon the mind of the spectators as to overwhelm- them with tholr very fer vor itself anybody who bus soon crowd atlrrnjd by a great rellgloua emotion kjows how helpless and hope loan the ory of a alngle opponent would bo in the faco of tbe roar of the multitude of courei in buying this wo are frankly drawing upon ou guesses sa to what the thought of the priests might hjivrf been in any however no picture of old testament li la t ory suggests more complete hero lam than doa j his of elijah and according tn the chronicler it rooted down upon fslth in god the religious motive in rofore elijah was a socuil reformer in his ufework he was act us ted by high religious ideals and motives such motives have usually religious ideals motives have usually predominated in individual efforts at social und national betterment the lives and work of all the hebrew prophets witness this foot and later chrlatlan reformers such as savonarola wycllffo luther culvln zlnxehdorf and wesley have followed in their footsteps in the appeal of these men to public conscience we discover a compelling note a cste jtoticul imperative an unanswerable thus saith the lord it is true that tha rellgloua motive in reform merges wlfh other molvrn much nc patriot um philanthropy and an al truistic interest in thn social wellbe ing of one s fellows this merging however invariably lift those othw motivert to a higher level purify n snd transforming them indeed one cannot fully undent tun d or rightly ap preciate philanthropy snd altruism until one trances them back to their hlotorlo source inthe aesse ofrellgious obligation one does not aee patriot ism at its best untl one finds a patriot in whom love or oountry l chastened by four of oed the religious ideal and motive is both capable and worthy ultlvatlon in ones dally task the noblest jir of service without it falls ahort of what it might become and achieve per study snd dlaousslon it right nowaday to enter lniu s contest with evildoers and usk jod to perform u phyelckl miracle to prove himself tho trus god 7 should chris tians ot to day expect visual manl flotation of gods power and orant- tiotenco 7 name some modern evils wtluh should be eradicated what in your opinion la tho best weapon with hlch to right tlteae ovilat la tbe world growing bettor or worse give vsasona for your unawer what con- queuts of christianity in roton t years ight be compared to elijah m conquest on mount carmolt are there unmls table algns that uod is winning in the ufa of tho american jeoplot whut we as christians louth from ull jah a method of conibuthfg ovltt dally heading for next week monday may 11 ionian cull low 1 h tudoday muy s3 the victory over hennacborlh 8 kings 10 3397 wedtieaduy may 39 lfexrkluh s life ln t honed i klugo so 17 thureduyj may th babylon tun captivity kurelom 3 klnra 30 u ib kilday k jblaiyh iropheoy of paie hl ul huturduy may kb ipsluh a pro pliocy of ttitt saviour isu fll 1 it hunduy muy 9taulsbw vision of htroiigth las u corps crlpplo the feet und nsklug wslklnjs yst aure relief in hap utthotlowi y ctirnrvmovoi ithln reach of sll asthma dsea wear off a ions ln uot make tht mlstuka of wultlng for usthma tu wear awuy by itbolf while ou are walling the dlaoas la surely gktlivrlng astrongor foothold utjd you live in danger of a t rouge r and ys stronger attacks dr j v kellogg asthma remedy taken early will pre vent incipient condition from becomln chronlb and onvestu ferlng fttmf f i uu ovof famclnntlng nnlkvnl honut jhh f niulonnl turk 4nh otbrr rltilms to dlatlnctlon it is thj inrgeat will imlmal sunt tuury in the world 1 is murvolloualy rich in plant ii fo its btreaqix and luke ubound in tlah and n great variety of birds uie found thpre tho grandeur of its mountain tliero nro over l lofty peaks in its area tho aheen of tn glaciers the glory of it wood lull do and its vulleyx tin nusultiir tirlbhtnesa of its wutora all combine in allure mont of eyu und mini not found a whore in cunadu all the main uilmul fattillioo of this country uri found in jus pot- nntlonal psxk tho lint of ilium reads llko u section of a wurk tu natural history there nro fho itlb horn ml unlaln sheep mountain goats wolvoa bucl snd grey cpyoti vttxin mule deer moose caribou elk lynx couuura or as my call them mountain llonw bruvor marmots miwkralfi squir rels itublilts porouplnus woaselh mlnkh muptons plshent ot torn tin i ghzxly blank und cinnamon ii oil i ftomo of 0h qo hnvu btowii iitrtn tomid to munkliid and uctopl its pnu pnci without fmr uerios blank und brown oroinnainotl hoars do not hfjil late to come nuar tho lodge and tli campo in hoarch of daiihli s which ald to the variety of tlm tllot mitoro pro vfdws for th in do i ellf iteuvir rabblu und jjirouplm ure ilao fr ueiit visltorn to pulms whpro tw nro rmi lily obi ryablo or are vir iminonl lesldtliu in plants nnll reiilhul by tboso who do not c- uliout hunting hut uru yt intorr il in uninial lir with all this prodlgulity of v l animal lift it in ihhurlng to know that ijo i ilaonouk miuurs or reptll havt v r- boon fiund within jnapt r laik utd that the uruiln ilrt of ihw itnrn u ulni t ntlrjy r from mo tuilom and iiinoot ixwtm th t in lifo of janpur national 1srk ft nnothrr attraction that every visitor i iprotlatt no loss thnn seventy ilf ftitjil opoclas of birds have so for vnn rocofnlxdj outaldt of tho jurk confines then- u u hi of huqtlng for ihoso to whom th i imi in as tho wino of life there no many triilln u tho ureas whorebtg u una abound and tho huntors who hi jrn oasy killing may havo all tbe tirill an 1 xcltenn nt thy deslrn es lirlenc d guiiloh urc ulwuys available tur hunting and exploring parties or u i thoso who aloiply dealm to wunder li uumly through ti imvflr ending sua tssloii of scsnlc bautloa with its iiiajtatlo mountains mount t uth cav ii being th hlshust 11 031 fcu its numerous klaclors ita lautl ful mtretchtm of woodland valley uteinih bq 1 utkea und its unrivalled wild animal llfn jasprr ntullonal park irt mi alluring prvsihiat alike for the miktrfor honltlt thu aourchrr for re- i at inn tho utiglor or tho hunter of i h uumu bven and it ring like bell write for free litera ture to moffata limited weston ontario moffats mnges pr0panity oiu of llio grraprmt tiinnuroa f an age is ili lansgatft unit on of thi richest jewttls an indlvl lual run poa sess la that f tha tongun oroak latin krnnoli r knclltli which in to tho mind thn hi art at tings ny which t makes itself uu ul it not only to others but ovon to itholf an onolnnt dec la rod laiiguaga to be tho picture of the soul wo all think n it just aa we olng in the eight noys to take this sublime property and mix into it vulgarity and profanity is to have fallen as low as one would who should pass thn loauro throwing mud and pitch upon tho inimitable cai vn for ii those ultt words man ought to be and is brounhf to judgment jorhap fow leron ever design to become profane notm dream in nd ice that they will botonio so yet by far too many uvm in our duy are irrovormit and profnntr mprol don tl mokciton evcrutnoni ing habit cwifh shoepolislies phil080phic training after a man lias eat around in hr sunshlrihttf your ollmate for a liumw of years what makes mm think hes a phllosophoi t the fact thut ik nils uround the no hi tin und lulu tho world go by if ha dldn t liavo u grut dnal of phllumo- phy in hla msko uji h toulilnt do it imple and suredrj tbotnus eo- leotrlp ou is wo simple in application thut a ublld x tin understand jhe in- atrultloiis usutl us a iluluisiit the only dlmethm in to rub and whvit used ss a dressing lu m ply thn directions are vmi plain ami utpn mutable that are readily uliiormtooj by vung lld old he could use it trrtnln iciigllah hin oh wanlun his own tiiothoda of doallug with cusog of doubtful thatlty one hundiiy tpi rnfug b wua on his ay round with hht ihist und ut last rouahod u man of ouiitunmbln goner oalty the lattnr rolndjub ring that it la flnui that oiio should noy publish ones good doeda too widely concealed his donation in hla list mid ruachod for th bag wberonjhhi the church wanlun ild reach wlthdruwrtig jt tefori i it aald in u hi i n whlspiu uly it to um sir one hau juat come off my walstcout mlllors wotm pctwdrrs not tinly make tho nfuutlle oyntem untouahte for worms but by thjxav p nb stomach liver sud iiowoh theyottrroet aucti trouble as lurk of uppotlte bir lousnssh and other internal disorders ih t worms croutr children thrive uhn them spd no mottor whut opndl- jti tlutholrworm lufostiid hutinushs may rs otwrujbujvfbs in rttey vrtuliowtrfrprotflmenrtar oqon sa tba trsntmoiit begins kmake moneys ip at home f yoo sua i e i au m bdw at imow u i roar tptn ho k casnic or jwdo i i w awuw to tnrn yra un can laoja 1 datgoit sbowcud school i 3s8uj g toronto os regulation of variety names for seeds and plants a new phaau in relation to ac li t ontrol is bolng provided in u ltill bofore pal llanioiit at ottawa this niuaiium wuu it coiihtltutis an amopd mont to tl a sovd control act pro- bibltn thu oiterlilg for sale of furm meld that huvu will slvun u fulwo it upurl iui immo nflthj- will tho aollrr hi ulk wi d to urror mn ds or plant umlor a now variety numo not gen uialli omptoytd in cuuudu for that purtirulur vurloty unlfs ho first ob tilioi u uitimh throforrom thomln uuf i f auilcultuto tito minister muy n t tut i iwmitt u ih iiho in rtspoot of the to o of any khpr or vnrloty nanti uulimti or until i ho htodm or jilantu havo bbi muhpiitlod t propagutliil vitt or thn naturo iuut huv bmii eyumliikl un i roportod upon a ii oonu will not m kluiiti i fur tho nl ing of an old variety undo u now mum in oxjil niatlon t this ummnl on nt it nuiy tit 1 thnt furmor il douloi mlaht unhitantlouully soil sot i iwih umlit the iniiiiti of itnluinr jm i dullvji avid nuts thut wm not tru to that vurb ty a complaint mlglit bo laid ukohiat hhn under jtnoxhor in of thu at but thu sortlou undur vu iv is liit intimidod to 4lmly to li un off tu i wliiu tho varifiy nam lliunii r uh uppllr 1 o nuts lull t ho in 1 1 tu tuo or spurious 01 w thu pimuiim la lnfondd to ply iti pt imoiiu who invent new imniun for oil xlitudtml viirlctluu it 1h r ifurdod uh lluidy that this new rugulu lion will kivu imoiirakimi lit to tilant tie ilnrs by uff nil ik them more pro tuition with tohpt to iiicli ntrw s 1 1 p us they may uilkliittvl by hfe director f pubhhly dorrtlnlon iw partmont or asrltultmi qttuwu douglas egyp linimtht j thhe parmers friend relieves caked baff 8w get spider of infection of thteot qbo thrush in horses teeu flatuia etc stops bleedlotf at onjav removes nrotld nesla aortatna and bwell- lruj at oil pssjeni druggbta mannfaawnnl only by 0owujlacqitktahamqak get acquainted with your self a ivuntagu than ut- tuilntotl with nftilialntutufl cnl flit i if us idtu that iy i i tint to better u j it in getting uli yourself and such sails for more effort thsn ppoho if you havo any i know yourself iptul- onnr you dbiabuse your mind of that idea the iwiior the muj n ity of popln wro appallingly ignorant of thornsi lve thoy know ihlh f tholr capacities little of tholr waknpkjtis thoy have no idea what tin l utd to ifuuril against nor what th y ehould uultivute jand so instead of hndliig tho pluuo lutonded for them mil filling it thoy no stumbling ahead in ti hapligsunl fashion doing the tiji t thing or tho nourvst thing re- uonllwm of tholr natural capacity know thynolf it is not new advice all tho ronturloh have been repeating it mphllelxlng it as u secret of euc- t- uu nijt thu young people of america to ln mill to have it emphasised nw ro thsti any young people who hvo xorlivud and for two rossons nrst our like preaontn more dls tractions than any other hod wver done thiers in m iiiuh to think nbout thot it is naxy to ovoilook tho little matter of oa hulf ami a conilly industry it h ornuulxml thut it tukus losa inltla lli than ovtr boforo to earn a weil i i l put u car on a tiuck aqd i inparattvly trifling powur is sot ftu nt to nioua it 1ht is what is luipl nlng to the majority uf our young 1 opu hyittpm and rout no make lhinih- biq asy for them und thoy go i u thtough llfw without having any lhuiioa to prove what thoy calico i ilu ttmt o mot aoiiuolnlod with yori if on will rind it u prontuhle biw tmnt that beloved paisley bhawl 1i you know tin story if that pale- kj olutwl nf yours that perhaps you hiiiu on a olothus hue in the sun tvtrv uprlng and thnn repack in a nimphor or perhaps you have had ul up into u y stylish modern wiup its a story u hundred veers t id lwk at- a plcturu of a laity between k uth i 1u7d nil ulna ohuixoa out of it ii you wfll dud she t in ber dhnwl orftaore vtbo sent presents of whuwl homo from tho wat st ha rashlon going i bun ipdluu ciisithteio nhnwu wula to plod ut iii looms in tin ild w living town of puis ley in huitlatul and it wua a pnlaley shawl that ov ry oinr wailtt t i hu ashuni putt ma w r very 1u miuful h litibtlituh s vrul man wutiui work juis at unu loom al wus p tho ptttotn thoio wua some in of tho indian pine tree seared to lh hindoos tho old paisley shawls r i ri dutilng tbeou have the designs on oiki hi lu only in 1800 machinery was lnvntt t that ntudo iwaslt le woavlng tbo loveislblo shawl jlut the days uf biuivh wtra i rawing tn u olos snd thus ruvwrwlhttut no mir became- eo p ipului und wlduly known mm the illwr itnlslr with right and wrong que n vionrlw worn a pulalpy shawl him ohrlstoiilug of llwaid vu a lifo wor a shawl in be married in ajul fvty ludy m cosiumu through tbe id lli of thn luiitury rriiltrsd s pal- shawl with a whlto or soar let ntru for mini in ur ami foi winter tbe lilltivui i attorn l thurs nil easily know whan thai hlbln n are tioufbled wtth wnrmk and th y loss no tlma lu w plying a reliable itnxfyt-msiher- uravos wtirrti -f5x- luimlnttfor j j n oneill sons georgetown headquarters for automobile and carriage pahitirig tops recovered or your car fitted with door opening cur tains aqioroobilo wheels rcspokod cartiaga rcpairm ot all kinds promptly attended to wc carry a good stock of new biirgic rubber or steel tires lumber wagons and democrat carriage rubber tires put on best grade of goodyear rubber tiro always used our prices nro very reasonable we are distributors of studebaker and dodge brother motor cars for georgetown acton milton x n oneill son after april 23 1 will u 1 xatod at my new stand ou midn htriot in the store formerly oootjpled by moffata confectioner prompt attention to ropulrlng of all kinds will bo uttowlod ti id usual at our now storo juat around tho corn or from will street ti e gibbons mile street acton ont children cry for fletchers castor i a pletchers caatoria la strictly a remedy for infants and children foods are specially prepared for babies a babys medlcina in even more essential for baby remedies primarily prepared for grownups are not interchangeable it wagthe need of remedy for the common ailments of infants and children that brought custorla before the public after years of research and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven what is casjoria caatoria is a harmless substitute for castor oil parecoric drops and soothing setups it is pleasant jt contains neither opium morphine nojother nnipouc sftstajice its age is its guarantee for more 4hon thirty years it has been in constant usefor the relief of constipation flatulency wind colic and diarrhoea allaying feveriahness arfsing therefrom and by regulating tho stomach and bowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleeps the childrens comfort the mathers krjmuk genuine cas tori a always beura the signature of in use for over 30 jears hk cflntaum company tiet your job printing atthe free press edwards bakery and grocery bread la your best food w have while orvn 1 hrown dread rolls duns and coffoocakos fresh every day you don t have to go out of town for your wbolawhoat broad made rluht at our own shop also plea ukus and iastry fresh ovory duy all fresh orootrlos olvo us a csll or phone 77 and wagon will call goods dollverud at any time m edwards co the red cross of ontario asks the generous people of ontario to come to the help of cochrane n ontorw town 3400 people bvc in cochrane 780 pavc hext typliolcl fever urate how sacg the town itself has gallantly carried its burden until now the red cross aakeontuno for 7500000 in order to run kite cmergeiicy hospital with 20 nurses and 80 beds also to care for hundreds of convuleacenta still urgently needing speciul food alid care to restore tltcnt to heal tlu please send your contribution to tbe hon treasurer onturto red cross 410 shcrboumc street toronto adelaide m plumprrc tmsssvorufesl i slulj r sy luw u- tffi

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