Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1923, p. 2

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utyr artmt 3to vftea thtlhhrav jijnl 7 1023 only a dad only u dud u omlnii homo hrlngliuf little to uhow tuiw hi tin rn i fr nt hi lully iuy of b ii i fuimf i imn ployid ti only i l i i r if u ii iv rillllui tj hulillng tltiitr in dully ntrlfo inuring thn whlmu uml unrti of lln with novo it wlilmiwr of uln 01 hut for ilia tluuit of itiom who nt bom uwall only u dud in uliur rl h nor prou i mi ruly uiii of tin urging rniw i tolling striving front tluy to day kuolrrg whuttivoi tny minu jilii way hu nt win in vt r tho huruh rutidi inn and in irliik ii ii ri th love u ttioin olity u dud hut ho uivi u bin all to vmuulli tin wuy for bin hlldr i nmull iolng with ipuiugu btorn untl grim i tilt dundcfthut ids fnthur did for mm j this in tho linn ihnt far tln i pan only a dud llto be i ot moil relaxing alum chun unyihlng 1 hfu in tin twentieth cdiilury tneana tension w live wound up to tho highest pitch everywhufi about ue u tho lonan o epeoil tho mi mo of mud multiple uo lvlty tho eunau of vurled strain al crowding in up tin unn another with such u pom latent throriglrur domln utlng inoaum thnt on besets us bo torn we shave fairly finished with that which should huve preceded it ilke chlldrun playing on tho shore uurlnd u wav beneath another wave nurceodn lie for wo have1wd time to breuthu thu tension is ho constant a un relieved that wo un hunly rwura of it us tonalon at alt until all at oi nomethlng breaks well for un if it doe not break irremediably in such an utmoaphora of high persistent strain relaxation is good for ua all for moat of ua it india penalbla if wo wish to preserve our usefulness und ovon our existence tho form of relaxation commonly sought and advocated la diversion turning ouf though ui from the pressing business of life to something that wo are not obliged to dp something- that will cheer und gladden and amuse and for tho moment make us forgo l and thnt la wall enough the only trouble is h tension undtral laare bw 1 t ihilj- m ov v curry them into ovon our amusements to travel to play golf with the same passionate exbaustlng ardor that wo lve to the- bualneaa pursuits that ore wearing- out our uvea hotter therefore than even relaxing r by dlvermion la uio habit of relaxlna by ptrro will lcurn to throw yourself down in the sun or in ths hade by day or by nltfht and juirt for a few momenta absolutely cose all train corbet all praasurs o matter how overwhelmlnjly urrent it may appear hake the mind a blank make the i nerves and muscles soft flexible quiescent only when you have learn d really to do that will you begin to perceive how arrest and unnatural is the state or strain in which you om raonly live and if y6u learn that profound and beneficent secret of laxing- at will and it can be learned you will not only uvo longer and tar more happily but you will do mor work when you do work and the work wilt be better done psjttlauaaw trffl iyp jfrtp prpaa giarl torg the srhoouiouiki of indian kidg l- kanf fh ii icinnon moitin ffijft rwrmfflfhisl o iwll ai itolll itrhun ilixil in 1k nourwifi lof the nchoolhouna niiu tooufl on intif tho puri in llutanno wlioro thh i luu curvi it indhin ltlilicu hfti d thnhlvoii to ky lm sky alkivo wun a fur awity f tin miftrtil hiinfltt rolrr wtiil iw tin durktmlntf vail- y mi i it him mint bf nitiklt lhl hut opul in i i lury f tin utln of illttll ultn th othr way i i m oh ih tt th wry t uuly ground mouin 1 t irrluitu h i oh ytui itj iv vnry hniutlful vlw ntul thn wmld u aim y rlorlouu it- mi lovoly hut llatn bin turiln cioni llto glory without w thu aortlld nhahlilnraa within it ian i u wchool houuc it a u hut u abln u ahanty no wondnr they imvo u hurd tlmo ru tlug it tvachnr to romn hnrn t und a ullll hurdor time uniting amy hut opal a uttontfdi wun junt tlnn drawn to tlm bight of u hmtvy jtvnalve ui moving ruthor n lowly along tho rough highway that ran i the achoolhouad aa alto watrhfid nhlny naw car crawl ulong llko nltok fut caterpillar tt suddenly grow quint und a lopped by the aide of thn road opals attention vat now thorough ly drawn from tho nchoolhouan tulha- hlg car in tho roud aa it cumn to u ktandatul u brisk rapublo looking mini atepled out of thr cur walked- u round t 1 wove nil tlmonchluud tin hood itnd lodked tnaldu ahook hln houd an i turn daway i1u mind vn not un the hunnol though 11 had what h would con ider a mora practical loa h had juat anan opal a little gray car drawn up bealda tho achoolhouae door with u wave of tho hund expressing- thu friendly oomradory or th roud hi turfed up tho ridge toward the wciool u detail of hla appouruncu hla self assured und confidant mini ar as ho came neamr ahu rocosnlx ed him and her eyes nurrowod to ditto halfclosed window concealing a and da u p oput did not- mlah well kept well groomed r utrnndod fhp mhft viiii mnmm lultlm lmjoda the habit of reticence although reucencfl is commonly ro- gardod as one of the attributes of tha wise and it has been saldthat no one ever made a serious mistake by hold in bis toncue we are not sure that if is desirable for everyone to cultivate tetlcenoe as a- habit there are people who are oo reticent just as there are people who are too talkative it is hard to believe that ardent and enthusiastic people can ever be really reticent and we think tost tbe world would be distinctly a poorer place to live in were all the urdor end enthusi asm in it to be exchanged for reticence of course egotism and lack of re licence frequently go hand ih hand indeed the egotism that is tetlceit la a raro variety and tbe enthusiasm that people haye for themselves is a kind of enthusiasm thar socfloijroart well be spared to urge the egotist to practice reticence however is like trying- to cure a disease bytrea41na on of its symptoms so ions epotlsoi remains ingrained in the eys- s tem reticence 4m unlikely to become a habit a certain reticence in the oxpressuui of personal oplnlnna especially when they are of a critical or censorious nature can be cultivated to advantage thousth even on that point advice can not be unqualified there are times when expression of opinion should pot be shirked bowevor disagreeable it may be amthhe people who are retl cent about their opinion are likely to shirk at times when they ought to apeak up itelcence when it becomes a habit tends to isolate a man not only from the sympathy and interest of others but lalso from the activities going on about him it is llkeiy to make him silently critical and nut ao useful as ha might otherwise 1m in i co operating with the othef members of the community the reticent man fa a secretive man and thtfugh he fa the safest kind of person for people to open up to thsy don i often do il two of a kind i an old yarmouth flharnun settled xin the east aide of london on looking oyer his jrrocera bit he occaslotlbtrs fpqnd ohcrjres like the following- to lb tea to u ditto wife said he this area a put ty business i should like to know what you bve done with ao much of this ere dlttq mllio ditto m raptled the old judy never had a pound of it in the house in my ilfel bo buck went the enhermun n high dudgeon that bo aboutd- have been charged for things ns hud nevor re reived mr lirown he said i shan t stand thla wife says she hant had u nounfl of ditto in her life the tradesman thereupon explained he meaning- of theierm and the old man want home eutlafjed hla wlf inquired if he had dlacoverod wimt ditto meant yes he said it niediia that uin tin old foot and wu rv ditto the straight road it la ull vary well tn lake the wind ing way if you are out tor aesnary if you want raystury und uncertainty and constant surprises along- your routs then the ourved road is the better on but if you urs in a hurry to arrive tbe straight road la a tlmel aver it may luck poetry but it is practical a great many peopja do not seern to jtet anywhere they uo ntn oven seai w know where they are going tha curve ahead leaves them unc as i tu wl t i tfcnsiblo young folluj will veld wars tfcab wind aiid etlck to th traigtot food tu redly und with ull thi of ne uccuatomed to haying his own wuy about tbiiiga und i l huvn to uak you to give me u lift down to tho mill hla laat words only aervod to aaaurn opal that ahe was net mlatukon in tho identity of the mart und to fix her purpose more strongly in hor determln ad mind 111 be glad to take you down the mountain in my car if you will flrat top inside this little cabin und let me show you what aort of aclio0lhouse the indian hldge pooplo provide for their children the man who bad just boon on the point of introducing himeelf to har seemed suddenly to ettffen and grow hard uqdef opal a scornful tonn and muhner why what a the meju with th choalhouso he said rather uhurply everything la the matter with it opal answered hoi own indignation rising to meet his abrupt manner dirty dark dingy no conveniences ugly unkept opals face had begun to flush but the man interrupted her with a super ior air that was irritating toier you said the word unkept thata the secret of it thn schoolhouoj is juat as good as the people deserve what they have they dont appreciate nor even take care of uut 6pul was too excited to gva her visitor a chance to go on uny further with hla talk mo wonder llmt you have no much troubje getting a teacher out hrti and still more trouble keepipg one after you got hor ahe said the man opened his lips as though to speak apparently thought better of it and dismissed tho suhject we ii call it even you uro the new teacher i suppose and i am herbert hendrlck the owner of tho mill and one of your school trustees opal had known him ail the timi but how disappointed she was at the outcome cf her iule bho hartmeant to be so full of courage in ridiculing tho achoolhouae to him under the pre tense that she did not know him 1 seemed to hito had quite the pppositt effect from what ahe had intended i to have rthe gritted hor teeth und smarted under he failure to urnuso the school truateo to a eansa of his duty eee i ve dnly made things worsu she admitted with u belated attempt at courtesy but im going down the mountain now and i ii be glud to give you a lift thatis unless we can sat your cor started mr hondrlck lifted hla eyebrows and atsred at onal with u couple of well defined question murks a tumped in the expression of his fuce opal hud to luugh oh yes i know something uimiui the machinery of rant ua well about the reiuremenls of proper schoolhouses x her tune was aharp juid har munnor one of aggressive aupeflority hut aho lifted the hood of the car touched u park plug here poked a bit of wire there wiped off a nmear or two of greaee snapped the hood abut plwpped into the ear and pressed on th tarter thus was a cheerful whir of wheels i response to her touch and ahe atnlled not exactly u aralla of friend llneaa but one that said plainer than wprda x feel very indlgnunt toward you but 1 mlghtn t refuee to help uny one no matter what might think of him what ahe really auld was there you ore lis all in knowing how herbert hundrloka taking hla ua from her thanked her civilly nn n i purled without uny effort ut all to it friendly ojial atotid and wutchnd him drive uway he duean t dcbervn to have u tur thinks because ha has all ha wunta it duean t matter what sort of a school liouae we teuohers hava t uva in five days out of the week fhlnka it duos not matter about poor ulilldreu who cftpt stand up and muke uny vlulma for thamatdve wall i vr made fulluro with hits out hunt uro two more ttuatoea i ii tiy uiurn utlll amartlnff with u amaa of de feat opar drove hat llttlu iur down the rough und atony unu that lud to the home of mr illihu the next trustee on hr list l oiai wat u close oltavrvvr und vory uck ip draw oonclualuiia from what she aaw und um alio ountruid thu big- uuuiperaua looking hurnu and the shabby little brown dwelling house on the wiener farm she ull her indlgnu tlon rising atuj higher tpo atlnlr to build a home for hla own family tb live in what could you expect a- matt ilk tho to do for a achoolhouser was too question she asksd herself as mr plloher aifproach ii k t mil lor oi ul a uulliihl tulxr fur tlui ryutrli mountuln achool tlitira wuu u poor ftlnttlug un both aldra hut hllm un i youinx iiioukii nhn wun opo wun iio iwurd uliolit i irihhlnu hriiuf un i wh n lh inti r vlw wiui ovi r mr i ii hur ul until hid mmothlnir to think ul out uh tif iriui tnxt ii if jrovldtok lultumi n i mmo- dutlouu for the hll lnin hi tlu ii wull mr 1 lluhoi il fi ml d him naif tiny re n mlxi d i rowd i wn thu ul in din ii itlclku so nit of lhuin jiimt routh in uii tu in tuyrt und irif itn 1 mi m of thim llttlo forflknrn with no ldaii i f amlirkjl or aiiwrllhii wnya it h iirtumi t ua l wuhih time incline fun it wltt the hlldrnri hrnko in opul whnt i um lnlmlcl tn la ty nd out if thoro in uny hi lo of jd i hoolhi uh ll i up jfit of thn ill mil hutli i thin judklnif by ih nah knltut i ti fl i table it a thtt drm most of tin in dcai rvo way thny take itn if thata tin- wuy ion fool mr tllchor opul auld t auptioan i d um well drive on thi re a ono morn truatio to sen hwforo night mr illrher wan juat going to uak tho yoiuig leuohor to atuy to auppor he know that hla lauorit llttlo wife would well umu u gueat from thu out aliln world und hv hud tho glow of u aolf rlghtoouu nuin about to fnrglvo u girl u rudi neaa and do iur a kind noaa hut oiol wun too full of her purpose to havouccoptod thin if it had been itlvori film turtod up her onglno with u ruth r vicquh ahwrpnnas und wont whirling uwuy down thn hinn toward tho llltl moi tain home of old mr kvupv malnlng trustee kvart can t do unythlmf for mr illcher hud nnnounmd tho courso of their con vernation miirt of eusu your mind ho isn t abln to do anything in u tlnnnrlut wuy hut opal had out that mnteni rather nliort hhu ftrr heartily duiiktuj unythtng in thu nut urn p puma pridu 1ml no long mi w urr uviiik lnildo our in romn i inn l him how nnyonn ixild objert hh knit up thit ultlludt hiio ui not nnk foi uriytlihitf ut ull for ihi n irtiol hhe tni ri ly pnrnlntnd in mnk und of iniwdlng thu dnyu ao full f work and plnv nnd i lunrdng on i hlldrnn trinrtlioy would iih k- upi n tlm llttlu urnv- nrhoolhounn in the hill u i im mil h ivh ah tho un i ntiiln 1 h l i tho mil l of ili i k nt driving up x thn hi hool hoiixt tint nwiritlnir oput uiiji yod flu w n ii i untl iimusninnnt ihnt iihowi i in th ir fu u won l r tlml aurh ihuiiicn hud tukmi plum nlucii thuy hint iiif mnn tho lu h und umuxomont thnl u mm ii ri ul iwuuty hnd cmmi to iimutlu on thn old hlllnldff whore lie llttl gruy w fioolhounn nut hordi r of iuii fi inn upd guy flower bfds vv ii thi re m ono thhlb opal kiutulutui lurw tf und thut la that lnin ut huat mr ufrtjurri u kttln infi nut hut in thin ahe wkm din tppi loin i rr whn tito uma inntltig uy th hill th wa imfdlng mr i mlrlnk by hiiriiinitrnrttim irr a nflur vuu ihnlrl i i thi ieilpoly hey old mr rat hur klpdly dlsikwiad toward nvuiiu bhu wua atuj fuullng so us ua aho approitchud hla ulto cabin boma sti htono- mountuln in tho iougll lano approaching tho house uiu foil hor 3r hwerve from tho roail und her ateorlntf whool give un uncomfortublo hluffjerlt a flat of coumu aho auld aji topped to got out and oxumino her tire fortunately a nlow leak i can pump it up und make it do far awhile but still moregood fortune wua in eture for opul ua juat than a kindly faced old mountaineer with ruddy cheeks und a morry twinkle in hla eyea came climbing over the rail fence to help har let me pump that up mian he auld cheerfully iro kind of glad of tho chance to do eamothing for you i nup poao you uro tho new toachur up in dlun ilidgu way opal thanked him cordially and tried tu work liorsolf up again to a feeling of indignation about the indian illdge achoolhouae tho old man a kindness and friendliness however were so i completely disarming that to quarrel i with him wua quite impossible j tno achoolhouae lu not fit to touch in or tu go to school in opul auld in the courso of their conversation even you wu have to admit that mr evans wall he said it la kind of neg lected of lute years wo vo bud some teachers who dldn t seem to euro for anything but the i ay checks und tho old place hann t had uny euro good material thut old achoolhouae i helped to build it und i always uaodj to keep bqmo point and some tools ready to doctor it with but lately th teachers wove hud said it wasn t worth fixing up und it s boon going down mighty fast lve been moaning resign us truatoe i sort of hate bo- trustee of anything i can t do anything for went flashing through opufs mind und illumined hor pathway for her don t roslgn mr kvajia she auld earnestly you bring that hummer and those nails over to mprrow- and well aco whut wn can do with tho old pluco then next day tins pulnt j bucket und bruahoh may holt i thorn sure la u beautiful view rrum indian kldgo schoolhoune now tan t there miast ha uahed as his mijry i eyes durkonod with the memory of the picture thut sproud out kow indian illdge it is wonderfull oiul crivd und w u just sue what wo uin do to the sid schoolhuuso to make if lit in better ua well as ba mare comfort- ablu committed to her plntl of muklm the very best of what aho hud to work with it was surprising to opal homclr the msny wuys she found of bright eiiing up thu old sflhoolhouso and mak fng it mora livable and lovuble insld um out wo ought to huvu some flowur buds kuggostcd llttlu tito blmlnpi unu of tho onllttrun fiom thu lnl but tho cows get hi and out thuin up teuoher sold inst year it wasnt any una opal loowl pit over the far blue line of indian hid go trylnb her bent to think of a plan she hud ao filled the young pople of lie- school with her own spirit of improving and making the hast of blngii that the ideas oftun cume up in their minds instead qf hers this urue it wua young henry illcher who aitu to tho rescue with u plun for building a rustic feoco round the aohoalbouae yard we can fix up tho playgrounds out aldn i f the fence ho suld and then build u runt la fence of cedar logs uat like that one you ahowed us in he muguslna the uthvr day hfi otxrt a cumtiuign of improvement want on from one good thing to an other until spring cume round thn niollow eoll in tho flower be tn began to aend up their shoots of green uiul their promise of beuilty ii t a uak our mothers t u day uggoata i tito with muro lioart in his pveuh tlinn ttirrootiiuaa of grumnnr wvji do it tttol opal ugiixd linurtlly und so thu luns were laid fur the ullduy pie ulo at indian jlldgu nohool i don t ihtemf to uh any of thu pi run tens xu pt mr uvuns opul de cided for her own purl of ournu itiey cuu oinu if thuy wunt to but kid lilm to orrie ioo toucher llttfe lud confided happily bo ttuino ho huan i ht much nuney yo know iimlhuh no tlilldron to invito him opnl mil 1 not restrain a hiihii nfnunumiit in unuwor to thtt atrungn look ihnt ami over mr hoiidhqk h fuft whon llttlo tito n furred to him thu owner of the rn 111 un i thu mout uiiwerful truste f thu nchoo us r having much indnoy mr hendrlck wan thoughtful for long tlmo uftor thn hid a word unsl wua a very grave mr htnlrlck w bmkoned opul ualdo jater for u little talk blnce i hnvu hi on up hero und looking around at whut you huve done und uro doing i hi llnvn you are th rltliont person on in hun itldgi und i ulv ut the mhroat it wun u xtr inge ihlng fir u mini like ij rb rt hi ndrtrk to any und opul celt thut uhu hi not i under stand hut lfi next your whon she oumn hurk ntie found that it nunny mucohd htoo hnd boon nil in i to tin 01 1 achool hotm un i thut ull horts of in ipful furiilhing un 1 l qulpmunt hud bn n purchase i undi mr hi ndrirk a ordnrs hhu undamioi i that oven thu heart of u man ilkk hurlxrt hndriok ouul be touched thin in but u liklnnlnjf of whut wi want to do he told opal when im called tn w in mi h r bm k to lu r work hut wn want you t hi ii t and nuju r vise the huylnrr nf hlo rest ul ilu thlnfth w- ukl dm wuy you huvu umd what you hud and mlnre it fltn pnrnuniy iiio dldn t try to 1 ul lundncapo wi rptlroly i w nchoolhousn only to muku thin more nomfnrtuhln unit huultury otul smlh 1 mont klnjly an nln thuilkuit hor most inlluentlut truntie its uho hud tmi n iict uutonieil to tull him lp her niln i hut nhe totd hurm if uftii ho wum gone ufti r nil ho un t really my tnost influontlul trustee thut title belonga to kind old mr kvuna who helped me to love the id bchoolhouae uhd to see its pt nslhllltles under pro per trentmcot i novuf fully reallxed before how much more influential love is thnn money money cannot byy lovo but onuhow loye ijin win the gift of monoy f i usefulness some of her wlno conclunlonn opal donfldod mipplly to mr evuns whnu mho ww him ugnln well ho huld with ids quuer little mile folkw are ort of llko tho little old hihoothquse they vo got geod mulorlul in them if you treat thora rlgbt nnd try to make tho mout of whats in them qnunjsand 0runter8 ignonino is jih inoiher if impli di neivntitiilir nil lt nmn mndliui fault with everything thut e i ut be you put it down that he wuii hrouaiil up in u shu k and wun iiln i inri in gt hln mi ii in on u ttacklng lx riu pu 1 1 who lurudei hla lni ortum und who ihhiiiih upon itclng wulu d ii on hun and foot i i uuuiilly t llog trill iur who him not to io fur inn b 1 inn up urulnnt u i irk r u bin ksaw wi moot these pooplo evvrywhi n nil tin hlrei t curs railway- trulmi lp in h i corrlduru end in stored wikl act tbi farre until it makes nm regret thut tho fool killer has quite thu joj a very pompoua uldermun lu u oity tn l u hundred miles from t routo who wuw nfcied for the mont y he hud und tho hralfia im hudn t wan a nirlklnu i xuini io or this chararturlnllc ii un tertpok to interfere iiunec haarlly wllh u oorhrutlon forumun nt day uml the latter snubbed him io you know who i ii m ulrt ho null swelling him mi if out like hull paddy and glarltiit at the man of fustlun von replied tho other quietly with a twinkle whilu tho other employees h i d on tlielr picks to hoar tno aequo you um jlncmlo h and i helped in carry ull you owned on my buck from the wharf when you lundod lu thin country tl6 wealthy alderman strutted off with dire threats of vvngeiinco but ln k pt away froni the job uftarwurdn when thn hog can t do anything ulse it can grunt end some folku have no other way of inspiring folks with tholr slxii hont grunt solomon lu uh und leather- jounjo you can learn more salada than we can tell you in a page of advertisement try it today a alow oven will not spoil your bakuig when you user eggo baking powder order from your neighborhood grocer dpino our best a schoolgirl was cotnpluluiig of hor teacher i nnyer knew anybody so hard to please you can do your level bent nd then shea not satisfied in thn sumo block und at the same minute u youuflt mail won speaking of hln employer you d think hedx pect noma mluiukes but ho makes nc allowuncce i vo dona my beut for him and thut all tho thanks i gel perhaps there is no phrase we uan moro carelessly with leas realization of its algnincatice tluin the one in auch froqyont tlao i ii do my vary buat and it is safe tu uau thut not on co in u hundred times la thut prom lao kupt ior doing unu a beat la do ing a groat deal i did my beal sighs thu atudunt who has fulled lu her recitation but if she atops to think she will re member thut us she out over her books previous evening her i thoughts wore busy with aorae plana for the forth coming vucutloi thut ua h nup i osodly atudlnd she hummed the tunes played by thu vlutrolu in the next house trobubly them was ni t five minutes out of the hours given oaten slbly to study when ho wuu doing her best concentrating hep attention putting the whole energy of her being into thetask in hund muny of us who use thut phruae glibly huve po idea whut it is like to do our best becuuiw we have novwr really tried it 2w says everytime tor the washafter the shave it soothes the skin cnll ihe family use u infants delight tbilet soap falirbank bakery acton ontario the trip to a happy meal lean rjisy journey yqu pliicc our koods uputi your tabic it h the one lure tnolhej of niakinr your mcl complete your incndi und ncighhors lovc proven litis to he iruu wliy dont you- tiyourmaitana browu bread jas fairbanks bakes mill btheet phone 1 this stores policy to represent goods ex actly as to their quality to sell to those who know and to those who dont know ot a uniform fair pi ice to fulfill all guarantees and cheer tally corre all mis- witess to deserve your confidence by always igtving you satisfaction savage co jnveurb ouelph ontario examination answers a milwaukee giudo nohool a osuiuli utlon pup rs uxhlblt tbu following wheusnn leuiiyaiu wrotu in moniurudum t lender nlipwa whutlmr u man niilhoiilliu fumlne or hnuter iouin xvi wuu gelutlnud duilng tho rench revoluluul ltv india it niun out of ii mink may not marry u woman out of unotbt cask qravltutlon is thut which if there were none we should al fly away a uurkoo never lays its own eggs dont think they duei rvuvn invitation ryjiluhuv i eft her opals greeting wagoourtboiui enough y w0 put anal waowvore far frnj fdendly and no mora oulf trie plgtlaapokfia mr pudhar hidjm ani tbkre irfgedby lho uldu henry jnuiiur tuough iaine in naturally for un uivl lotion from hlu own children nnd wuu utuong the rtrsf to appear on thu groat dkiy un young tito insisted on celling tlm plo nlq day bavatftl times hufpra that mr 11 chr had mudu vrforu to talk with opal about the fully uf spujidlpg uny inoiley on the old snhoolhihjse but opal had only imurhrd the pinna alio wjin puttliuf into uffedt did nut cull fur any mumly from tho truatves treft raxtnjn baifs a sturdy mstco big enough to handle with yoor tnltui on stroruj engtud to strike on rottsn aurfacea msdo to wlliuuaad moro moisiure a safe match roe from oiseh and frett from glow wfceo blown oul tlielr added length longer llghi in tbe oars ua uju ini0i6u about them t i tft chudren and i are keeping aousa up atindlan kldga sohoolboaso ha 1 i l ww the cost of living advertising turns over btockb rapid ly and therefore mnltiplicb profits tliis means tliat prices in a shop which adver- maple leaf a4 atsttitg tu qoudua mk co ualud jo- tises can be short rather than long of this you may be sure prices in a bhop which advertises are not more than ui u shop vvluch does not advertise tlj chances are that they are oftentimes lower this also is generally true you will find better goqds better values and better ser vice in those shops which turn over their stocks rapidly this means as a general tiling shops which advertise alex l noble nevr o t r 8tation following rdcs on hind manitoba flour paairy flour norral bran shorts mixed chop hay ciover timothy seed henry awrey manager a wdrfj to the merchants advertfeinif coaui you nothing it in paid for by the pruflui oh increased salea adrertiaiiux in easy it ik hlniply buying in writing uluit you xny id the cuatomera in your shop turn oxer ntocka quickly il you vould make more money shop where you are invitee to shop notice to creditors of william taylor deceased xwdltora of wllluwct tuylor late of thu vlllugo f aototi rutlred farmer uio dlud un or about the tenth day f juuuury a r ibus und all other pvrauua havhrg clulma against his es tate urn rnjulrud on or before tbe 35th day of juno a d ju23 to send by pout or othurwlue dallvar to the un- dorhlauud aollcltor for thu ud ml n 1st ra dix of thu ut of the said william tuylot tlsnlr- full nuinun addresuns and ihi rlptl nm full tairtlmlara of their vlulmu und thu u turn of tlm securities lfun h hi y tlirm on uiul uftii thw uuld 3th day uf juii a 1 1u3 th auid udmlula hulrlx will troiod t i diutrlbutu the thn auld fhtute among tha tithd thurvto und nheherv- untllu thut hhu will not be itspotimlblu lltorvuftpr tor uny claims if whli h ulii ahull not huvu rvtelvd notlc ut thu tlmo tlxwl for audi dis tribution dutut this juh duy of may a t uj i uatthll tayioit admlulutrutrik hy n 11 1 utiiioi auton ontario uotloltoi for the mild administratrix 4t3 urtle issued by osnsdun weekly newspapers asoegtlot hssd omos toronte canada- u j the old and reliable granite and marble work we um luujiufaoturers and direct luiliqrturs of all kind of monumental und lleudstoju work we sail direct to our customers at whulessla phoes tit us saving our ouutouiais 40 pr oiit wo huvu thn beat upplianoau slid tha only mechanics in lbs dominion who uu operuio pnoumatlo tools properly wo can give references rfm lnindrd of our uuntomars lu toronto kud other ila cos whsre others have to have law eulta in urdor- to oolleot we hv the hirguut und best stock of o rsnl u la tho dominion or more thuli any three dealura in the wwl we are legiti mate duuura and amptoy no ggauts und do tint fcutioy or post o uut omars by sending out ignorant agents allolt- lag orders we employ only mechanics and dofy aomputltlon hamilton sons r norwtoh w iwluh 0ts qusipl ii ix castor i for infants uaj chiloioa lnufo for over 30y6ar always besi qlsjnataic 76bb ki

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