hi thg aetna jffrgg ffirggg tiiuhhday junk 7 1d2b t46mabteh ofmvooat i owned u little bout awhile ago and nulled a morning up without fair vnil whither an liru- might fulrly blow i d htur tin 1itil run nfii i tin ml ami mini and mini i and uilnrt ii my boat ho rum my l toll i bullml lit mudhut i at tnnrn l tin hint flighted with tha spoil r nightly ami mi an i nilp i ring wdrk i i lkut hi lint skill to gnt alintu uhi mxki im m vr man treforo 1 followi i hun nttw hfo begun jn mini wiih tha lnut i hit ills the volc an i hi tho cull vot mice out ehjrtce ah lwn u fearful nlshi out on tha imlt and all my hklll uiullad not ut thn halm till 111m unlaap i uwukqnod crying take tukn thou command lest walurs overwhelm iii wai the bout and hln tho bum and iii ho imucf o or all and ma o1110 from his tioat llu luught tha curious throng than bad mo lot down natm out in tho ea i murmured hut obaytd nor wux it ions hefore tho cutch umuioil and hum hied mn hi wax lli- ixmt and hi tho hklll and iiim tha cutch and him my will the sunday school lesson for sunday june 10 1b23 nlllhhall till- hoi ltllllllllt n t r tr itllllm k twenty years ago prom tha issua of the fro press of thursday juno 18 1003 stnrwberrlo ore a bountiful crop thu year tho lxu and quality are un- uaually hnc about iso uxcursionlsts took in tho piremen excursion to niagara falls ohetiundred anafbrlv ycuels for quelph wen wold on friday to visitors to rlngtlng bros circus eft- two n tho ctrcua at ouolph and tho excursion to tho tolls acton was pretty well cleared out last friday mr n forbes is engaged this week at tha works of th acton tannins company put tins in tho mason work for the bod of a now 10 h p entjlne shortly to bo installed the istest attachment to a self- binder is a machtno that carries the bundles alone until there am enough ror a shock than sots them up as nloely as they could be done by hand boon tarn labor will be dune by machlnory the farmer need only alt on the ver andah and press the button and the rest will bo accomplished communication wore received and presented to tho council at their regu- lor session on monday evening from councillor john aftnew who is at brandon statins that he did not in tend returning homo before fall and tendering his resignation as a member of the councll upon motion mr agnewa resignation was accepted and it has been arranged to bold a nom ination forjblectlon of councillor and a member of the school board on saturday june 27 mr j l warren for flvo years secretary of halton farmers insti tute realsnod his position at the an a mial meeting of the institute an ad dress of appreciation of hfs services was presented to ur wanen by the members married 3lajrhyndman in college road presbyterian church newcastle england on may 8 1b03 bytlev or potter george a blair of new york formerly of acton to miss mem hyndman also ollnewyark heuermid- cobban at the home of the brides mother bower avenue acton on wednesday june 17 lt0s by the rev a blair b a of nas- amgaweya john mcdermld of georgetown to miss nettle second daughter of mrs j e cobban died hocre in acton on thursday june 11 1h1 thomas c moore in his 7lvd year the text explained varna ho wi lmilll the wiill having nccured ihirmbtnliin from tin iirslan klnic with letliir to tha gov ertmr neh 2 0 nrlxinluli arrived in jarusulnm 445 l c at ornt ho did not make tha iiurpiwn if his visit known rttttiar seeing for liirnaair wlmt work wus riiiriml to nlor tlmvnllh neh ii 17 nihauiluhe miaul on in ovldi net of his patriotic ami bona volant spirit ainm tm mwins of carry ing iv tha work wart probably nuuiillrd largely from hl uilvata furtuna noh t t10l hud w mind m work itutild insicfn wns madn tha wslt hi lug ruliid to hulf hii doslrod ho la lit untl camillatoly urriuniltd tha city vurso 7 arabians persian sub- joe in inhabiting lu1uatlno ammonites rvople living ast of tho jordan amtulimllfe- inhubltaiits of tho jhllls na city ashilod ilepalrlng tho waits uebrpw hoaung wont upon tho wallti trtio 8 4at u watch an armod uuard wi tit hand lu hand with prayer vpnta 10 mtrtfngth docayart the firao iwtuimi nx haunted with tho long and diaicult labor v verne 11 our adveraarlas ald fxirasnlng tho intention of the con- nplrlng anemias to tako tho workmen hy surprisa v ora 1c hvmry ono unlo his work tha n building t the wulls of jcri suit m is ii flnt axumpla of team work- tlio efllclant combination of conscien tious indlyldumi effort and concerted cdllartlva uctlun lesson thm a jewuh community tha returning jaws found thomsolvam to u htrtklngly now sltuatloji jorusalom was a long way from ilubylon tha change in their social ufa wns uiclajly notable thpy had sojourned tot many long years in a foreign country now they had come to their own natlvo land and they are to dwell henceforth amid tha dear memorials of their fathers they havo built tho templn to tha true ood and no rival worship is tolerated jcrusajem hut their neighbors are jtwhltm thlr city is in ruli our provinces by the sea riddles 1 went to india and stopped ihure i came back because i didnt go a watch why la c such a fortunate letter t because l is always in luck what is that which you cannot hold for ten minutes although it is lighter than a feather t your breath wby is 13 the must unfortunate letter of the alphabet because it is never out of danger always in debt and never in luck what letter ov tha alphabet will nuke a cat speak t the letter ll becaunti it makes cut chat whon may u chair be said tu dislike you 7 when it cant bear you per sprslna and bruises there 1s nothing better for sprains and cim- taslons than ir thomas ttcloctrlo bll it will xnduce tlw w follows d striulrtwlll coot the inflamed flesh and draw the pain it will tako the ache but of u bruise hy counter acting tha inflammation a trial will convince any who doubt its power illmated dctbey wora a loving couplv he full of romance she not knowing the mean ing of the word walking in tha woods he turnud to her with the love light in his eyes and said whats your favurlto fluwer dearest r oh hmlth s for breuil and john suns for pastry slio replied sweutly the cows nest it was their first visit to tha lountry and jhu two small boys wm iakliuf thelr noses into avury i ou i utul cranny in una coniar of the fluid whare ttmy bad hjd their lunch the blguest boy dtsoovered thraa or four enipty oon densad milk tins hera llert ho cried in grtat njc- cluunaot i va found a ww a howl the itoyul atngaslna attkekedy asthma the flrvt fear ful sensation is of suffocation which hour by k hour becomes more desperat and hopeless to such a- case the relief afforded by dr j j kellogg a asthma remedy aaems nothing less than miraculous lis help is quickly apparent and son tha dravful attach is maslertkl the oalnmatlo who hau fuuntl out the deuaiittnblllty of tlth sterling remedy wilt never bo without ll xtu sold evwywheru i aiis ili si i s lass tho social forces wee centrl- fugal in bdbylon they tomlod to separatq and to ilupcrse tho jews among their friendly conuueror in jerusalem it became necessary for them to keep together i every interest of safety and of prosporlty demanded doubtless in babylop tho jaws first thought was of his homo hero in jerusalem thn home must bo sub rdlnatod to tho community kach man s homo was in peril until tho city wax fortlflttd tha wall that should surround the town would protect all within it tho necessities of their life in tho now homo not only com pa hod to fortify tha town but they gen erated a strong community feeling bach man must work for tho good of all the rest the moral influence of this was vtfty great it is a great gain for any community when its elements are compelled to ignore their jealousies and their petty quarrels and unite in some commanding community enter prise this was conspicuous in amer ica during tho a real wap the com munity cheat one of tho good legacies of tha war time s worth all it costs in tho promotion of public spirit alone hard vork of course for tho jews to trugglo against the moun tainous yuiria in the midst of which they had corns to live and to build a strong wall around their city but they got far more than protection out of that great enterprise the reformer- task this lesson fairly bristles with suggestions to the social reformer of tho present day ho must confront a unity of unbelievers and a disunion of believers critical worse than foes afield inveterate enemies spears traitors in camp are worse than foes afield i nvoterate apathy jn faoo or unrighteous rendi tions is dispiriting to the lost degree the civic worker hears the plaintive oldtime refrain of atrcngth decayed and wo are not able yet never were motives for aggressive social endeavor more manifold and inspiring now is a time to remember the lord and fight fo your brethren and your homes the permanent lessons what makes tills book of nehemlah worth while t what are soma or its per man en t lessona there are several worth remembering 1 the value to a nation of one strong true man cod was in it all of course but god was chiefly in nehemlah and ood does not do things in tho world vaguely and indefinitely but through men jn whom and by whom he can work nehemlah became the heart of the nation and est its blood flowing and its nerves tingling and he bocaraa the conscience of tha nation and sat up for it the forgotten standards of rlghtoousifuss s tha wacrodneas of the secular there was nothing tech nically religious in the work which nehemlah did it wus simply building walls it was public works such as building of river dtk and wall ur subways or the cutting of isthrolun canals or the works of public sanitation in our day hut nehemlah made it all sacred and in the highest degree religious by the motives whloh carried into it there is nothing seoular except to secular people s the religion is politics and business nehemlah made no distinction between the religion ur his vrlvate ufa and his public life ha wss simply u man of robust conscience and strong will who took it us a matter of course that religion ought to bo nqual ut home in all departments u ufa 1ollmcal nirlghteousnaas was aomeone m private unrighteousness and tfcia man who obbeil another in truda belongud to ta same class as the one who robbed ii tho hlghwsys thero wus no cant n nahemlnha rwllvlon but thnry was a grwut stock uf oonatlenoe lu it par study and dlsouaslon j how do nrhantluhs warly training niulilfest itself in his desire to return to jerusalem t iiuw muy we tnjut create a love in the child s hurt for the institutions of chunh and nutioii which wa uherlsht u genulna ml riot ism a purt of religion t wss nuha- nluh woik as great us his own s- llmiite uf itr what traits of char- ufitnr douii liemluhs deslm lu hulp pie show 7 what lu nehemlah s character made him u good executive whut muile him a good leader what uuulttlts w ijch nahamlah dlspluyad i nsadftd by modern christian load- t muntlon some of the oportunl tlvs for helpful leadership to day dslly rudinge for nest weak monday june it vushtl twed ksther l 11 s3 tuauduy juno 12 kthar t liosai in queeti fcather 1 ltls walliaxlsy juno p human riot ting agalnstihe jews ustbor 3 s la thursday june 14 lfis there hero ism ocsthr 4 13 t- 3 ifrlday junn ib monleoal honored bather 7 4 11 hat urdu y juno 10 human hungud usthar h 11q sunday juue 11 help lu jehuvaii psalm 114 as to cjl just use soap and hot water to clean s14p enameled ware it is so clean and so pure as smooth as china and as strong as steel and no metal touches the food be sure you get smpcvware three finilhei pearl ware two coau of pearly grey enamel inude and out diamond ware three coati light blue and while ouuude white lujing cryitnl ware three coats pure white inside end out with royal blue edging the stnt metal product co sussst movrtresl 4 torowtq rauway time tables no 30 at acton grand trunk railway syetem qoinqwsat no 33 a 18 am 10 3d om jdpm c 09 p m no r munduy 100 am oono lt v wo c tuhoin no 3j 11 ik am vo 34 3 3t p m no 30 l 17 pra no 38 r 1 3 p m nos34 sunday 7 08 pm toronto suburen cleotn railway kbw countritu in th r world oftui a xaalar variety f uci nury or leltar travailing fucllltluh thai tha iomlnlon of canada can ml limn if for no othnr reason than tlm improvnmotit of their general education should una und know canada oral while tho ylolm trotter wl utso find tnutli to liiteruit him vurlud and etut ttct nultjln uru thn dlvorsions for thn suninit r ourist in the mnrllm- jpylnn nt y urunu wick nova bcollu and 1rlnco edward ihhitiil llir one ru tho null tnni of thn hih as will uh thr unno of uioutidiinm moor and luko tlio rllnc utn is kit ut ivijy i porttinliy for huatlni uuthfng mid tlnhlinr is uf forded cjolf is a popular itport iuu lixxi hotnl mnnnmihiutluii lu ph ntlful tho ruitkd south short of nnvu ctlu orf im u i im it o ihiwi n fushltm- ahl i uii miiio runmtu und iiulot llttlif ltiiluk yllluftf the liriis u or lak of capo uraton ur nlmowl tin t xnc i piiiu r the rnmous rugtish l4k mutrlct liliico i dward inland in nn idyl ho gild i whi the bt ot hilif iwithlng i oiulni iiiki lhinif uro avullabla now mitiiihwlk formts urn lllloil with gum lur rlum tnm with fish and tlill fill iinitni rinr spots hna i uildy w shore iiimi tin hula di chulur canadian sill mil kullwuyu olknttit tiotwork of hiilti jilrulnji tho ihouiutt parts of lh maritime imvln the sales managers mid week chat by long distance tho enthusiasm gener ated on saturdays seems to die down around mid week sales maiuiger johnson knows lua men ho is their inspiration and they are alt for the chief the saturday morninff a a 1 g s conference is a real get together meet- wg and when tho chief speaks his voice is the force that makes them want to do better ho talks as oiitrwho- knows when their enthusiasm dies down around mid week johnson knows tie need for revival his thrco minute chat with each of the boys on tho road works wonders perhaps he got tho idea from tho churchs mid week meetings long distance makes it possible and station-to- stfltion rates make it in expensive oems 0p thought sclencu routch forwurd kwift und ium under a higher guldntoo than one h own king winy lla who thinks lie is rulaitu u mound may only in reality bo digging u pit chinese pro vert btupldlty uomlimu lutitocts us from being deceived by u iluver man iji llochefoucauld a ilttla house w tl hllnl u uttlo tsnd well tilled und a litllu wife will willed ur greut rldies if you would be wealthy think of saving as w11 us of getting lien- jam in franklin hinds which huva nothing tooonfer find little to imiriilv wordsworth envy lsthat durk shudow ovur wait ing upon a ahinluk inorlt thutnus fuller wliuii uuniiwn iimif they ootue not single spins but in luitlullons yhalo- spaura bhakonpukro wun lu brok r but be furnished u gnut many sttxk imita tions it tukus a gihid many shovelruis uf urth to bury dip truth fctwlu pro vwih hu piihlu how mum fo im muhi ro ho tu iuki u i uhlhif rhsmftrt kiixliii in uimtoni 1hr is niiuu in i if but uads it und may warn ood gives us ivu koiuothlng to love llu lellila us tvutlvhun k1uiutloli is th kiitwlidua of how use tin wliolu tit ihhhtlf ueii fi4if tiutli hm children fvai o o lu tha dark llu ion oar haa qulokly lluva you a tiarslstant kr thai rrutns to hiult then try ur 1 liotnnti rdmtrli oil in tha ilrwblng it will slip nlougtdng carry uwsy thu proud hush drtw out tha pus und pri pure a iluun way for tha nfw skin it is imogulsid hnuli t umong nils iiiul uutnlibra uf patfplo van osrtlfy that ll in n led win ri properly ippllfld a long life a itnc un is guawmtaid to thu who follow tliuue rules laid down by thn jiji hhlmiw ii japanese pup r thy an us followti puss us tnuth time um im tislblu lu the hii til 1jt nuut only oui a du tuki ii hot both viw w ok vvmr luum wlh unnunts hleep for ut kai ix lioui mi i in vi r uioiii tttuii noven mint a half with tin window oix ni duud thi room ditrki ilml lust oiu dn in suviu avoid riving way to ungi i win a ccmmivo t nilii work wldowa tlnd wlilowutu hotild lu inurry work modi rutely tjo not tulk to rxccms as u vjtiiicltl tin viullint prei irn ion is mutlmr liivfi worm h i nnliintnr t hnit suvid ihe liv f couutluum rhlldrmi a prize that holds an in ducement th university nfarlxonu hold- an annual university woek durlllk which ver high school in tho ututi is lp lt d to hi u 1 i jin stiiitutlvcri to cuinihitii in vurlous dis an i exum inutlous tin rlxa in ouch rum is un uwurd of tuition und uituratory foi i for lhu fnuhmun yuur in cusa thu winuar tdclts to ijccumu u student ut tho stain university mmcrti worm powdorm ura opi pltite in i hi nut lvs thuy not only ilrlvo wontim from tho system imt r pair hu duinug hut worms cuutiu uu1 so invlhorutu tho roiistltutlon that it 1 oedlly rarovara from tha disorders of tlm dltniutlon that nro tho riwult of tu work of thnsa purualtla lutruil un they do their vork thoroughly and st renglh ami hgulidurss follow thalr use lessons prom hog grading a dw hnlir nt tha elbow of u hotf ciuihr ut one of ihf ubuttolru or nim k yards lit aiuuhi would he limn will spent one may learn murdi ulout how grading from reiidlng and oou versa hon but the lunoh is much mora inl preaulvi it ono sees a nhipinuut dlvjituil tl tn jo i turn la lots according to grud nioro iaiiimlully it tha shipment con- tulmt mpuclmnnh rrnninok own furtn a riiit r lias thraa principal poluu to bur lu mind weight length ami iirm mnity hogm of lib ul wnlfjht litv unalid fd to tho tlukmnooth roup wsumo i hoy are k nhort foi suljjjt othuts may haw the iioimnr langdi imd wiild but nr no riugh in blumldt i us m put then uutalita thu m h u sictlun onu limy doubt thn juntuif of u grndliitf it mirl w he bus invar wit iuhwi grudltuf lu ruula but hi u uullkuly to do if ha hvt the work dniia by uu titnulul grailar it 1 ijuuliy lntruntku h tluelilh tho tttakliih puut and to b shown coiuh tlons of hiiius insdn from line of th dlfteruiit insl ket mtiulw lb- wlltuhllo hide is of iledlliu finil und of wuli hm ruiuliiit latw4ii eer tuhl limit- tharia rliuractarlslih of tha htiln thnt brugs tho highest price uru wnlt uliiltitttohl ulld tho tlfut ctaiht of wiltuhlia is illoliinl inly fiom u suuct bacun hog like no i hurt win at no 1 qhotise no t ureaniry biittr 4r fanny fruit thit hoiioi hog ix worth tlin hlghar priot a lio inir will profit preutly by vlitltlllk u htoi kyurd or an ulultnlr und hnwliik for hlmiiif tha uotual grading of u midi ment of hojs issued by ha ln mllltoii dcpurimallt f agrluultura dooclas pgyptian linimlnt i thfi parmers friend relieves caked bag gar- gelsplder or infection of life teat also thrush in horses itei fistula etc stops bleeding at once removes proud flesh soreness and swell ing al all desist sad druntats no short cut rhn lu tto royal road to uny- thin that is worth whlln having in till i lift not long usd the writer i iw lu u m wpupar u ilttla udver- tl nn nt o thut erfet violin pluy- li tain lit iterfntaly in twelvo ins ti i iiuinadiutaly thara unn to inlnil lb reply of olardlnl the groat iolliilt to ono who uskn1 him how ii iik h would tnko jo loum to play tin vlollni i wi iv hourw u ilnj t ir tw nty y ti i thn was tho instunt rtply i him is no short out to imrfeo- tl in hi music art llttrutjri or in uijthjk etna that brinks ono real fonn mil honor to lalor is tho loininoii lot of nit it is gods wise plihi for di v loping the towar ha has- i ivi ii us tatltiiuu und paruovcrunce lliiiio urn tha things combined with unfading industry thui hnvo mude all 1- it nn u whut they ur they lost no hum in soaking for the royal road tint rjtistii only tn tho imagination of tlm idle mil tin ihuruotarh hm helect- lightning and a oterplb jack at lttt tlm lira of steeple juak is iniiii llttlo things llkn a fraysd p it ioohh knot a uutud hrune or l lit hiuy iui hln instunt diath it in tnii of com me hut such things can i i ttjl but tlivro is uuv thing that u iiiho hiyuiu anyone control in do ann h un mugaslna a utoeailn jack yi alfnd h do duscrlbas a har- i tape thut br once hud from llljitnlng n i hot duy in summer he says i wuu painting tho cpm op u church mtilo ihe day ynn uu uue as you f ul i itnk for uvpt that irfuw auri- i u i lo king duudii hud ilrlftad up ti in uoiiiowhcra und hud partly ob- h in i tin sun lu the htrrnd perhaps two liundctd fiet bulow i i oftld see 1 ouplm l riming their ducks to watch un uu 1 painted mulluniy out uf the sky thui burnt tlm iihorti st tbuiidoswtoim i vr saw ii ndilnt tltuuttarulsp wo stieuks of hi ijtnlnw li llttlo spit of ran and it uuh uiivlud hwluging thu luilnt- lp uth with one bund und holding to ft full rope with the olhr i wus sit- in k in my boatswains ohh when tl iitotm broke t ant say thut th mrimt bilt of llghttilug struck im all i know is thut i felt u smash ini ihuigc ut alectrlclty rip through in i d i oppud the paintbrush and uhi forward iil in the- street ti id inn ufurwiml thut they could iu my body mphting spaikh rnw i iiiniiuit to nllng to tho rope knd 1 in u from fulling i do not know in lava i thut i could huhtly wubhle nn i with vveiythlug blank brfor tng tv i 1 loutiiglmo iuw down into hill huilu of tha utuaplu tha hilly mug i i uuambtr clearly is that uu old soar on in iiiiul hut turnol ih white us mil va mmin uu 1 wits inside th i li jil i t ip it i to tlip fid i und slept i i iiro tli ill an huui ulian i awnka i ii v mink i thought i should die i it tifln u fiw houis i bugttu to r dnri buiv i felt if uhll i nir l it ii l it k- wll tha i iv tin if mliu thl next j0u iui nothing uioir duiiuiioiis to iminuiit than to think uf yes- iy h sin cos instuud u u blur i my muiiihh shuuld iikrousa t if iind tu u hut thut is thf m i vli it tu in uuerully i idu tlio mini wo ttafclf ulmut it ill 1 1 n lilt ivu ul ou luivo ilomi mn ihlog wollh i ul mid good llilnk utaiut it dioliull to let lha hhtl souk in ln hi u ii do thut nig motiths or u r n go you onu do mime thing i mill bvltai how and than 1 ou ii vo baiotna perntoatutlwlth bleu forget ull uhotlt it mid put wliulo niirgi of your tu tug into urt lob galnn wont dally ax opt kundag dully xipt hunday uiilly ixtfpt hunda munduy only u l hunday only hunday enb golnp east dally oxcupt sunday dally exrapt hunday dally oxrept hundayi hunday only humuiy only sunday onlr frelglit delivered by special oxprt freight iro1jrht picked up at an ad- toronto h t thbtford agent acton d17nni 3 31 p m 8 00 p m 1 1 02 m 36 p m 0 go p m 7 48 a m 2 0 p m c 18 p m o 58 a m 4k p in k 56 p tn j na oneill sons georgetown headquarters for automobile and carriage painting taps recovered or your car fitted with door opening cur tains automobile wheels respoked carriage repairing of all kinds promptly attended to we carry a good stock or new buggies rubbcr or steel tires lumber wagons and demo c ruts carriago rubber tires put on best grade of goodyear rubber tire always uscil our prices arc very reasonable we are distributors of studebaker and dodge brother motor cars for georgetown acton milton j n oneill son ir nljiti hmv ki root 1 the tion ii ii lulliit ylidd to llnllimu uomovor if uaett as directed castoria for infante and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of in use for over thirty years copy cj wrapper i get your job printing at the free press bedding plants forsajbb astcrg stocks petunias sweet alystum pansies zen- nas salvia verbenas be gonias fushias cannas scabious and tomatoes a h bishop hone 54 fairvtew ave ferry notice to farmers fowl wanted wo uru liuyluh li liitliht lirlcwd jtor lvi fowl t you huva uny oult phone si m brown mill street acton edwards co mill street brjead is a food thut liannhtuli degree of digestibility mid require tlio tuimmiim of labor on the purt of the hu- tiun riody to bcconiu avuil- uble for vital purposes edwards co bread is un iticrfy pioduliiiji louf wc ulsu huvo brown bicad ull ktndb of croctt ks dtlivtt cd tq all parts wugou un road every duy 6lve us a call olt phone 11 m edwards co ai t