Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1923, p. 3

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j gthg artnn jffrgr jprgap thursday junk 14 lftll the ball qame while the breakfast tablo wrhb i for u nun who uevor tame the syrup jug iumll that tliny have a biaebalt m tb knives and fork- n lauded euy in waiting a su li a born will pla agsliial the china anil tho clock vsn lh arore wall call tho t nak batter from tho kitchen for tho mi lls a uch a aplondld batter and ho thin enough lo runl tim cream jug was a pitcher of rapu tat ion great ila daftly pul ho butter ball right over 0 u hum pk tt ilia partake but tor made u hit an i ran for enoond base but a apry yuunc toaapoon iut tho bull l and beat him lu the race tl a bailor acted nulla upset but ha recovered soon and aald oh woll im uaed to being beaten by it apoonl tim clot k aald flvn to aoven and i xultmneht mounted high hut the vimu abruptly ended when tho t in her caught a fly ell both heath otmateu i joy cometh in the morning mother had been taken iii sudden ly father pale of face hu 1 tela punned for the doctor the children subdued and frightened had gathered round him mother never had been 111 like this before and they did oot know what to do the doctor came that day una the next and the next for the illness wan pneumonia and it wu a matter of life and death then canio the nigh when they all father in her room and breathlessly and prayerfully watched the attll figure on the bad mother thalr mother tp b so ill aa that get tho obildron to bed father whispered to molly hla face waa white with anxiety they can do no good here molly ooadlantu led she children to their own room will mother live little alioo aaked as molly un buttoned her bingham frock and took oft her hair ribbons 1 hope and pray ao dear poor molly replied with quivering up when the children were tucked away ahe went back to the alok room again and aat by the bd at quarter paat three in the morn lng tho doctor turned to her she a going to live he aald in a low voice she ha reached the crista and passed 1l i wanted to be sure before i told you m4ly bo he b a whispered th songs op lonc ago tl uugh tho years havo sifted o er me like the drift of fallen leaves and my childhoods dreams uro scat terod like thn churl from garnered sh oaves through my life so soft and low that us cadences at 111 lull mo with lie aong of long a go- in the christian a home in glory there remains a lund of rast there my saviour n gono heforo me to fulfill my souls request r buay feet are lightly stepping o er the white and sunlit floor of a kitchen plain and homelike ltttle prayer taowg palo up tmrv ed also then molly sapped noiseless- ly downstairs to tho kitchen in a few raldutoat ahe had a brisk fire going then quickly and deftly ahe made coftee miked wantles in the big- yellow bowl and put on the waffle iron whan the doctor came downstairs the first gray streaks of- dawn were visible in the east the doctor stumbled a little he had had uttle sleep for several night how tired he waal he reached for hla hat he caught gtlmpse of the dining room the table was neatly spread and there was molly corning- in with a smoking plate of waffle how fragrant the coffee was i he wondered why molly waa getting breakfast at that early hour the child should have been in bed will you come to breakfast alrr said tmhry smiling- tve waffles and honey coffee and soft bolted egg as the doctor looked at bar bis tired eye becammisty wkh tears ix hla own little dorothy had liv she we have been just mollys age and pt tutpe ahe would have made waffles fo blm too you ought not to bare done this for me molly he said but molly only smiled this la a thanksgiving breakfast she replied ealmoat gaylr she paused and then added shyly weeping may endure for a night bnt ioy cometta in the morn- inst- the doctor nodded wa have only one mother be said soberly comes the heart aong of my mother and 1 haar tho tender lay with the rhythm of her footsteps oentle as tho air otuay iln la fitting up my mansion which eternally ahull stand for my atay will not be transient in that holy happy land once again a child i m playing- in the sunshine by the door while the brown thrush tfllla his lovo aong from tho poplar top once more one again the apple bloaaoms breathe their inccuao to tho sprlng- and once more i hoar my mother bweetly softly fondly sing boxing the compass captain ejlandy commander of the canadian iaclflo liner mellta was at some pains to explain to una o hla pessepgars the mysteries of the oompaas olok anderson tho favored tra li r waa the youngest menftrat of a party of boy immigrant from dr born it a homes ho has been received into tho north toronto heme and is in the tiroccas of being turned into u flrut close canadian cltisen und wqtktr acton working tho matthews gardens robert lived fur years in dakota but latterly in uuelph davl 1 wue accl dentally killed by being jolteevout of a wagon while conveying a rout pulpor the sovon daughters all lived ut one tlmu in and near ac ton in i umea of their own vis mos lumen thos through wboaeopen swinging dooy itemrjehn uteohanaan juw f wilson on tke olneraasdr jbiwl in the sweet flelda of eden where the tree of life is blooming there is rest for you when at lost i alnk to slumber and the world moves far away when the darkness gathers round me at the closing of life a day may that mother voice her welcome in the song of long ago may the angels join the chorus in the golden morning glow- there is rest for the weary there is rest for the weary there la rest for the weary there is rest for you lv t chamberlain r a little horse sense why la it that the average young plan of twenty has a ng for uf e in the big city wjty lg it that million of men of maturity in the cities havo amtquallr intense longing for the p4jace and quletltude of the rural districts thay lived in in their younger dayst the country town does not blase with the lights of life as does the great city it is small but it u solid and snbatantlal and lnolisjed to be subdued its eluxena words are as good aa thou bonds and their reputation stands hbxb in the sight of their fallowmen but the variety and excitement that appeals to the youth la too often missing hanoe youth becomes fretful and impatient of restraint and finally rushes into the maelstrom of metropolitan eitlstanoe onee in the great tdty possibly one in tan suoobeds and a few forge gradu oily to the front in time these few are known to the world aa self made tnhn the other nine are not so fortunate opportunities are numerous true but where there is one opportunity there are many young men of varied experience waiting to grasp it thus the great majority of young men from the country who invade cltlef ejcpectlng to set the world on flre und that about the best thine they can do is to burn the candle at both ends too proud to go back to the home town and confess failure they just plug along and do the best they can disillusioned and wiser but no bettor off they are the millions who in after life long for the peaoe and quletltude of the home town thay left behind in their younger days the remedy is simple ptl the home town out of the rut and the boys won t want to rush but of the town loosen up on the purse strings and induce some spice and varlaty into our community life make the country town and the farm so attractive to our younger people that the city will no longer appeal to them l don t expect our boys und girls with red blood in their veins to he content t spend th h in a u ilegtn to live yourself and you won t be opposed to allowing the rising gener- alloh to do the asms life is full of ohangea and thsre a only one end for the parson whole not wluin co change with the times call his a aormon if you like we call it horae sense exchange wm plank walter chilis lutvr john hlewart it o brown und wm a coleman although the homna of mou tlumva stephenson wluon and cole man are now in toronto hamilton and hespaler respocilvnly mm stewart deceased in manitoba yours ago as mentioned in nurller noton mr mc known hr waa curpontor for thu construction of the church when it wan located out at dolmuge h whi noo it was- move 1 to the corners about 1870 at thut tlmo it wua on the ltockwood ultjaiitl up to 1872 mr mrknown was for many ycura deprived of his eywelghl duo i have uiiduretood lo a apiunn irum suras nunju horse sense a fuel sud his horae etu uld aoon in parted there s no fool like u horse whlpir frightened horses will b frightened horses kindness has power to sootlv tit horae s breast kurf me hurt ray fume never put off until to morrow mr lng fon ahe hoof that- cauans llm itu toeday u a little freedom now un i then b relished by the tanlest hleeda lie a wise horseman who occasion ally indulges hla mount koram should be guided not coerced qentillty loves the company oj horess sympathy is the sou of horseman smpvedmund j ktafar the editor has handed me the fol lowlnjr interesting loiter com mop ting upon the crewsona comer sketches by my friend c who has evidently stirred up memories among former residents of that community dear sir i have been very much interested in reading tho reminiscences of crewsona corners which have lately appeared in the columns of the old man of the big clock tower it is with a deep sense of gratitude that i remember the old church and the in fluence it had on my life of course the home influence was aodbut wheri i think of those who aid so much for tho church i think of robert brown sr and his devoted family when sunday school was held in the afternoon he would take some of us down home for supper and have such a load coming to church in the evening that the would walk sack himself i can see him now jus he led the servloe of song also his daugh ter jane who taught a sunday school class x think also of lewis cann who was so powerful in prayer or our humble and devoted christian john coleman who used to have us search the scrip tures and reward us with a prise tor doing this or for regular attendance of james and david moore and their families of the nelus and hugh mclaughlin and family and the grippe and then there were the men of 9od who ministered to us ao faith fully on such- small salaries as they received they preached wonderful sermons and there were the revival meetings und the love feasts and once a year or so we d have a tea meeting- we loved to go to the church there and the preachers dldn t have to har monies the bible to get us there either and we d walk ave or six lots from home to church when sunday we asked ho questions as to going to church or sunday school we knew our w there it was a feeling of great regret that i read that the church had been closed whenever we sing the church in the wildwood my mind always looks back to the years spent in the old church at crewsone corners and i thank god tor the devoted godly men und women whb put so much time and effort into training souls for the master a king dom and i would not forget the man of another color who used to have the church wurm and comfortable when we got there it waa a good com nlty and there i spent many happy years which built up character and gave faith courage and backbone for the the trials that tame to all in later ufe with huppy memories of the past i am these tat or days fah kltom this old homk new york slate june 5th lta it may be u matter of ome aat is faotlop to the writer of lip tfbove to havi thn hiipfn that w old iuiw no preach lng- aurvlw olaitxii sunday school in the is being fully continued by u loyal chris tlan worker there the old man tho wind ausy be tsmpafred to the adorn lamb but nothing at ail is don for she gufeolad calf home words of upproclutlun having been received as to tha qid man s ccewsun corners reminiscence w request for further muttur lit that line i tun endeavoring t udd from week to week u little of oaalble in urtsau i mudi a im rfnrunru lo the ruggeil plonet r hoht lirown hr hla place might be well uunaldored the lower und f the cornets territory in that direction the opposite boundary might be said to be up ut the mckeown farm at no ft croasrumd erin lor aultuble reasons comjnunlty gravitation beyond wuiu towards ltockwood bverton oaprlngt and over on th other line east tuwurtlm anton oil ui mi- keown ranuv on to i t o in the very early days i think from the urarapton country cheltenham mf somewhere th1 way but his second wtfe was one ome of the older section not coming his way out his second wife was opo of the moerea who also settled out here and lhayha4rgh or ten otslu dren a couple of them 1 think eon and daughter settled up ot mount forest and at least levo sons and ttf xavld lived tb 0 neighborhood and utar la ifmmirnt ic died full at years in ibs mrs mc keown died some ton or twelve yearn later at the homo of her duughtor mrs stepboiseon in acton before starting dawn tbd town line towards the comers we might digress half a concession o the west to speak of the old lodge room i can not aay ul to its ago or duration certainly it has been out of sight forty years but old timers uaed to dwell on ita history a very loyal oramia lodge mot at tho jog oflne road there where the black und hill farma met it has even been more than insinuated that more than loyalty to creed and country was considered und thut social customs wore lnfuaed to such un extent that serious results followed o course wo must remember that malt injt ontario dry had not then tlje- enthualastla advocacy of recent year i think it might be admlaalblu to statu that a ut thut time younger bar of tho organisation had become ao imbued with the customs that going to quelph fan- to sell a cow had refreshed himself to such an extent that he forgtt all about when and whoro to meet tho purchaser to get hli money a month later he vlsltru tin fair und his man met and recognised him and paid him as of course un honest man would butpur friend took no more chances with any such liquid refreshments and enacted and enforc ed prohibition then and there ju far as one cltlxen waa concerned a very good way to do in the times when conyaqtlons petitions paradeu etc to secure provincial prohibition wore only coming forward speaking of prohibition 1 arudue might u dlgriasion take plucu lure which has a little bearing on our main theme re the corners tho great pur ade in toronto to present the wishes from the counties to lsemlar whitney in x9u was attended by a few acton and ltockwood men one of the hitler was pastor of tho corners church us per circuit arrangements at that tlmo he wished to secure hov j c wilson of acton for u coming aoryloo und not bains acquainted with him he arranged with ope qf the aaton bty men a mutual friend on tl 0 night train for a possible introduction at acton station as the train was very crowded no sign of the acton pustor appearing the ltockwood clergyman retired into the train und fhe aoton man now this waa not the editor al though he paraded of coursej started along the trsipk platform for home things seemed to look strange for the mill street corner for instance the big double atone houae soemed to come sooner and look higher turtiliur to a gentleman following ho said la thla acton r no this 1 ltockwood i ltockwood here was a dilemma us to the cause and results of thla ex perienee the cause was confidently affirmed to be that the train men had not called the elation in that oaf and that the acton atop had been be ueved to be only georgetown remem br no reflection for they hud been prohibition parade the results were even more aerluus for the acton man was due in tho early morning at a business engagement and t was now a howling winter night the marvel lous modern jild lu emergencies the phone was sot u golnr and arrange ments were made hut the pastor had gone on and aomewheru between hock wood and uuelph would be dismayed to hear the name of the royal city the acton man wua hospitably enter talned for the night und just before boarding the 7 the pext morning waved a greeting to the clerical friend who had jut left the train und was trlklng for the paraonaare mentha after both wrtjos mot lu aoton and h mn- tmtatnsrees 1 1 e ananythtny but urn using episode and now limy thla digression also hjrmlt another referring to the corn era but simply a rallway matter an acton nuui some yesra ago thought ha would like to attend u social dance function lu uauncetowu lie should huvo kiywu better for hu had wife all 1 balrna ut homo but thought he would uku a tilght out hu was for ionilns home on the midnight but thought it cluuur to jump a freight uh i get off coming up the alow grndu before getting to auton however that truln wua not lit the slowing business on that gruriv and he iior found jhat safety to life and limb do mahdtfrt that he buns on until hook wood and risk being notlted even if he had to wulk back the extra trip hut the truiu lespauhor had uevan consulted on i frtnd und limf given ibi driver jualruuliuns to go tlieough to ouelph ami a th oinburrassmeitt and dlaiomfllure may be imagined as he realised he wastn for another asvajj mile train ride and gnj back the thjr teenmllaa the best he could coming down the line towards the corners st the head or the hill was the original moore home jeawph moore was the nairlarch of tho tamliy his wife being- of a johnston fsmlty i up fn calodon there wire at leant four sops and two daughters itobart end samuel ssftlsd up nbrtharey county i think but david and james remained hero for life mrs mckcown and mrs hart wore daughters david settled at tbo foot of the bill west tilde but also had the fifty l the east aide up at the corner james sue ceodod to the homes toad where the parent died there being fifty acres on vaoh sld4ftb road a- beautiful aprlng issued from tho foot of the hlir there which with additions fur ther down became the creek crossing into nuaaagawaya over rtcor the next line at the ilennatt place james yuungeat nun jamas in his turn oa- cu in tho old homeaffeud there is how u one brick house on the west eitlf of the road the elder of tha two aonn joseph for years occupied what was formerly tho hoper homestead below the hill but for yeurw has been at ltockwood joseph hart whoso mother died early abio made his home wllh uncle jamoa tho four older dauffhta uf sia m in iln rurmers vis jbhn brown at the corn era j ii denny now of acton a t mann east of acton and w swindle hurst i think of balujiafad i can not now recall the marriage of the younger daughters ilolh mr and mrs james moore sr are deceased more next week c for being happv alone humanity tends to extremes borne personh love solltudo and aeek it by preferencs at ail times turn with petit lent irrllation from the unmeaning chatter of their fallow and are never sutlatnd with long wandering in re mote quiet woodlands where they can enji y the unfailing dlr raided solace of tholr own cxhauatlnss uiouxhl others again wjll never be alone if they can help it seek to forget thought to forget their huge intruding ego to forget themselves in the busy bom munlcy of others and i refer any com pany tu none of those two extremes doubtless the latter la the less harm tut even dis tinctly the more advantageous li is better to aeek your fellow men than lo- oy them better for them and gen erslly speaking far better for you in getting rid of your auporflutty of self you may benefit others to be sure you do not always but you may and you are getting rid of something that may be cherished to vory doubtful prone for the lovo of solitude carries- with it great and obvloua danger the dutignr or un exaggerated estlmatn of your own importunes the danger of losing- your adaptability the danger of brooding too much and too long on things that all of us gain by leaving m shadow yet in spite of the danger what a priceless gift it is tb be able to be happy alonel how many pea pi o there are who have it not who are uneasy und restless unless thijy have com psnlonahtp to entertain und divert them who find even an hour inter mlheble whan it rauat bs passed far from the support of others voices and thtv touch of others hanlsl what privilege it la to be able to- people solitude with merry or absorbing- thoughts to till the woods rfnd fields or your own quiet chamber with quaint endless delightful creatures of the imagination who hase the 1m- moose social advantage that they come when you please and jrn when you plnuse and not pester youl after all we have to aee njon of ourselves than of anyone else it is fortunate when we find ourselves gqqd company neighborhood new8 town and country oahtf arrangamonts have been made ti boll a dominion cllautauqua in osk vlllff on july a 4 and 8 a very at tructivn i rogrammn will bo presented tl e buaemeut of the nnw public hohix i at lironle la romph led an wi rk la pn irnaalng on the first storey mr j it hiurnton has the founda tlon c impletixl on hla now house on thn highway at dronto the munp n methodlat church in tenl boiling a garlen party at mr jaih featheralones on tuesday june 10 a rocord was ustabllahod cm tuesday in the laaulng if permits for oakvin the larger i nee w 0 000 to tho mathi hat church for a new fdunday hoh ol und jo 000 ror a new moving pl turn thiutro at the rorner of dun tua and l it lnr no mtreets tim naw moving picture theatre to l 1 nllt by n i arfigory a son of at n will be commenced immediately the new i ulldltig will bo 06x4b feet t tft 00 ooplr uixl will le equal ti ii y lty theitre uf its also the lute 1 r willfie decorateit and equip p u w h lluwkes ot oukvllle haa tl e nnniial tonlrirl record milton mlua i uihi davidson was given a ahower one evening last week by her young lady friends on tho eve of her approach its marriage among those from a distance who attended tho funeral of the late mrs w j clements last thursday was mr j 8 deacon of toronto formerly of milton who favored us with a call the progressives cf hatton are plan nlng to hold a monalcr pw nlc at featnerstune a grove near mi hon friday june 12 tho orangemen have secured tho band to go with them to west toronto on the twelfth of july where u big celabratian is to toko plac among the 4 nurses who graduated laat woek from the torontq oeneral hoapltal we notice the name of miss aatbra kathleen cleaver daughter of k h and mrs cleaver burlington our town band made its first ap poa ranee this aesson last thursday evening when a splendid musical pro gramme was rendored from the band atand at victoria park mr m f nixon has purchased from mr d s itobertson the lot next to the utters residence and formerly owned by judge flllot und has commenced to erect thereon an up- to date brick resldenee ref free 10- shave tube c e ask you find out how millions of men enjoy quicker easier shaves to whsa we perfect oil a sluving cream with i dtaqe advantages we aked men to try it mil hoajdtd tneykmiad out how tp reduce haring time and st the same t trocar ilcm irritation ws sik you to discover the nme tiiini by a test at our rtjkomj tm 5 sdvantaccs of palmolive shav ing daakam nrn the rerult of 130 ubortory ssynnwnti covering- u monthi ume study tactni f it rsmpusa itself tipics in rich whef soit etu any brj m one minute without rub i iny in jathet lain f0 inlnutet if neccuary j sltons walled buhl lea hoh haln trtci tot jailer coning dlcndcd palm and olle olli have lotion like effect on kin millions of men have lo in i these cutmttrue we uk from you merely tl e coufleay of a trial wc only can lote by that mail coupon how fotjrcc id hme tube the pajlmolive company of canada umiftd hiialiiil fair i toronto dm wuwiptf man palmolive shaving cream 10 shaves frfce juet fid la year hum atis nu3 toasen is th pklnuiutptxnpaayafcsseit lsskss drpt i404 leo i mr burlington mr oeorge mocdllllvray pan led by mr henry nolan of cadis ohio apent the week with mrs truman the fomirtater the council has decided to grant the request or the firemen and purchase a luckla truck at a cost of 4 000 f w taylor and v w watson of the local chamber of commerce an t mayor harris returned from ot tawa qulto confident that the brant hospital will not be closed for the present at the luat meeting of the high school hoard principal welsh miss orwn and mlas eby were re enraged us teachers for the coming year at increased salaries mr d b smith has tendered his resignation as mathematics teacher in the high school mr smith has taught in the acrbtjt hero for the past fourteen years and has given splen did satisfaction on monday wllkerson brcev trtt- falgsr line aold to messrs copp a curtis a stahla of cattle for shipment to the old country thay averaged i s00 pound eaclvj and topped the mar ket at the toronto stock yards during- the past week the women s ipatltute have made a canvass of the town for subscriptions to the self denial week fund of the salvation army and mat with good ovor usb was collected his honor judge elliott presided at tlie revising court of the voters lists for the provincial elections held in tha town hall n monday there were ovor oo appeals and many new names were added victor chlaholm presided ut ncla in and ovor too namus addad in the township goxstts erin mr and mrs phillip and of wellspd spent sunday and mrs j a stephens the turf club intend holding a pro gramme of sports at stanley park on july z the north erin ufo and u w o will hold their monthly meeting at the homo of mr and mrs t bay lias this afternoon june 14 mr itobert overland of north ontario apent saturday with frlenda in town bel fountain- and vicinity is to be llghtsd by electricity in the near tu turc arrangements have been com plated and we understand work is under way for the construction of the line the cataract kleotrlo co will extend their line from the credit forks brick works where fifty horse power is supplied to the picturesque villa advocate a terrible mistake x nearslghted man lost his new atraw hat in a stronjr wind he gave chase but every time he thought he was catching- up with it it was whisked away from under hla band a woman screamed from a nearby farmhouse what are you dolrurjtherer he mildly replied thatlhe waa trying to retrieve his hat your hatr exclaimed the woman there it is over there under thut wall that our little white hen you ve been chasing djxd 22 loose forskladbeaac a t brown acton prescription for eczema fsvii teats oav stssdatd skin rvowdre wqakl ased sxrsmejsslal rouef frees lies eosweesm f ehdsat of t ioap ssrtss 120000 lbs wool wanted il r barbour buyer for thi uuelph worsted and spinning co will be in actop at the o t it station and erin on the following datpg to buy wool i acton june 6 13 and 20 erin- june 5 12 19 and 26 highest market price will be paid warmers market your wool direct to the mills and get the middle man s profit british drink in africa further light lux lately boon thrown upon the native races in west africa hr alhert scliweluer missionary of thv paris h vangellcal society on the agowe niver french equatorial africa alteaka of his axierlences there on hl wuy out the ravages wrought by the liquor trade were among- the unit facta whtoh met his eye on the bunks are the ruins of abandoned huts when i cume- out here fifteen yours ugo aald a trader who ttood near mo theae places were ull nourlahlnst vllagoa and why are they ao no jongerr i asked ife shrugged hi shoulders and said in a low volo l alcohol a little after aunsel we lay to opposite a store und two hours were spt t in shipping- 3 poo logs if we had a topped here in day light said tha merchant to me all the negro passengers tlore were about eixtvwfthetnywouht ha aud bdught aplrlts ifiimt of thirnoney that the timber trade brings into tho untry la converted into rum i have travelled about in the colonies a great deal and can say that rum is the great georgetown in the third year arts course exams l toronto university miss d matthew georgetown headed the claas in kngllah and history kev bertram wlllougbby of chi cegu and mrs eveline wlllougbby of toronto visited mr and mrs stock ford during tho week the prospects uro good for u big crop of strawberries there ar stilt a row dogs running around town with 1b3 tags on senator wlllougbby waa up from ottawa and spent the week end at the golf links the methodut church in the glen will hold an open air concert on frt day evening junu 23 mr und mpv a hlnde and qmnghl stwtiirmev resided irf george town for the past three years left last week for merritom mr obarles ttyuh corai t roller of the brualluan traction light and power co mrs uyan ami family ot rio do janerlo brosll are vial tins with the mlssea kyan quelph street mr ryan la one uf tho old george i own boys who tuts made stood dr und mrs mctlulre of hlmcoe spent the week one with georgetown friends mr david dick of olsvaland visited georgetown and squoalna friends during the week mra j t whlttukar of winnipeg was a guest at the home of dr and mrs c v williams last week mr ltklisrd dick left last week for cleveland where lie will vlalt with his sons tor a time mr john bingham of ottawa spent couple of days tast week at tho home of hla brother mr wm bingham r j a wii lough by and dr wu loughby of ouolph attended the bhrlners he union at washington dur lng the past week herald btwothhr enemy of every form of civilisation the coxnelllan jul profeaauri 1 m getting ttome rare work frt m the hew freshmen aaslataiit karat professor yos not wall done florence automatic oil stove now that the warm weather is here auromor oooklng will need to bemade eaaler we have the fotece automatic oil stoves tn two three and four burner also can also be had with high shelf oven supplied with all alsaa safe eleatt and economi cal come in and 1st um demon strate this etove to you before you place your order no wloka to burn out and cahnor smell or smoke v d talbot acton v ontario tit mr why should i advertise ii i a press agent travelling ahead of a circus called on the owner of a general store the only merchant in a little town brother he said when the show gets in town well have the usual parade and i want to rent you advertising space during the parade whereabouts the storekeeper ask ed on the elephant hes the greatest thing in the procession ill paint your name on each side of the elephant and there wont be a man woman or child ior miles around who wont see your ad theres not one of em dont know me already replied the merchant and whats more they all trade here why should i advertise i dont need it the circus man reflected hejtooked across the street and felt stumped he looked up the street and decided that he was stumped then ha looked down the street as far as the church then he turn- edtoilietorekeeper i nice church down there he haid how long has that been there forty years i guebs baid the mer chant most everybody around here is a member that chureh has been there forty years said the circus man and most everybody in town belongs and yet they ring the bell every sunday morning use the columns ofjhe free press to keep your name before ypur customers thmnambssjasmsnajii iikw x ii f o k

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