Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 21, 1923, p. 3

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the home op wi if cn iun ivvl7 nwppcr oclatloa lt ember slr trd town wackllc ol oulitlo tl jiii- acton i hejakksl i i nimf t t ftee l llulllinir ulllink tl a auuacripllof mill uiti acivi untl pc li uoo tr year hi advance ioilaae charal ml lltional to office in the united btaica the data to which ubcilplloof lira paid 1 iodic ted o the addrcial label advertising katestratet advert awata i ccnn ptx ilea lo mure for aral lnaruo4 aod t ccata per una or ch mbae oucnt inaertlon contract qlapuy edvcrtlie neat a for so inchea or mori par annum 16 cent telephohk3- edlttrla nd dulueat onua uealdeae of prcildent who darts to program ucat 7 for tho election in halton next monday thero arc nearly 16 000 voters who would care under the cirumstqncs to venture even o gucssaa to how thla largo listot voters willdivide among the three candidates judge ejjiot the revjsing officer for the county and his assistants completed their work inst week many names were ndded to thr lists in all the municipalities the totals with the original names aggregates is 800 and the various municipal tics have the following milton 1 224 aston 1 285 georgetown 1 500 burlington i 802 oakvilte 2557 nassagaweya i 281 csqucsing i 314 nelson 2 025 trafalgar 2 832 there are about twice as many voters on halton lists to any as thefce were at tho election in 1010 the m0rningjun31he23 editorial canadas great resources while canada lias only about onohalf of one per cent of tho world s population she produces 00 percent of tts cobalt 88 per cent of its asbestos 86 per cent of its nickel 32 per cent of its pulp cured fish 18 per cent of its oats 15 per cent of its potatoes 12 per cent of its silver v per cent of its wheat ii per cent of its barley 4 per cent of its gold 4 per cent of its copper no due for the moderation leagues effort we have received from the secretary of the mod eration league of ontario a request for financial help tn order that it may carry on its work of un doing the work of the temperance people of this province by way of repealing existing prohibitory laws and making it easier for the people to obtain hquoj whenever they may desire it in our humble opinion this moderation league is nothing more nor has than an agency and ally of the liquor interests in whose behalf they are carrying on a propaganda for the restoration of the liquor regime that proved such an unmitigated curse to the country that the people by their votes put an end to it and the moderation league may as well make up its mind that it will be many moons before the people will reverse their verdict and bring to life again this curse of the ages milton reformer labor and liquor there seems to bftsomo difference of opinion in ranks of organized labor in theunited states regard to prohibition samuel gornpcre prest dent of the american federation of labor while declaring that thero must be no return of the saloon favors a modification of the volstead act per mitting the sale of light beers and wines but ac cording to an article in the new republic labor lead ers in many industrial centres are outspoken in their belief that prohibition has helped the labor movement considerably the heads of the railway brotherhoods are said to be especially strong for prohibition grand cfiief stone of the engineers in a recent state ment recajled that the international convention of his organization in 1018 by a unanimous vote pro hibited the use of intoxicants by its members the chief pf the locpmotivc firemen is quoted as bit terly opposed o any modification of the volstead act to appreciate the changes that have beon brought about bqth in canada and the united states within a lifetime it is only necessary to look back pt conditions as they were less than fifty years ago stratford herald beacon a steel that will not stain ttu inventor uf uilnl tool which im crcalodiiuch u ri v lutlon irr tho iumi few your u a native of ttbot held mr ilurrxjjroarloy who aot on the tfnuk of it whl in htuclyltiff tho of foci of cxploelon on gun barrel and tha inner tuben f largo gunu 1i then prottucod 14 n amnion fealntlna- atrial wlilch undor i ho name tf ntrtln lea noof huii tilnru boon usod f r mukliifc duilnry nu mn un urtlclrm inclu ling tool urtinow nmmifncturo i f ri m the ma crlul a unlquo xumt 1 an nil orninun ax pjeonto 1 to hlr krlo jnd inn llint year on f tho latent dnvolo man ft tho at plication of tho irlmlnlo nv- bodlel hi mtalnlomm nloul in tnlnlcu iron which in ateaillly making mm way in rwtiry clvlllood country lixtth produotn have numnrou unou tnl inter into motor car nlilpn am no n un woll a tho nqul mont of colllerli n and aniline ring ui d othai workh it 1 anticipate too tliut thoy will hoc mi rooro an 1 morn important factor in iron and mtl uhujto every whoru in tho outlory bruurli uf llm tra i un avrtry h uiiuwlfu uil wh it hoi in t i ttty tho premier 1 ihco v t tin in vnitor had hard w rk in tfolunk bludem m an 11 fa turnd frojii it two well known uuighnh nutlory houmia w u i not lake h upon tho ci011 i tht t it who uj dlllleult to forgo hiid rln i unu third though it uijroo 1 make norrfo trlttu thought that full urn win inevitable tht munusec of this nrm doolurod unit a bin le which woultl not ntnln or rvi won an 1m ponalblllty editorial notes wellington cdunty goal has been empty since fhe first week in june this is a healthy sign of the times whether due to the ota or to a combing tion of this and other causes surprised at results in sliqit shoftttime anothar striking victory for droo lh famous herbal rmdy otw bottla effect marked improvement in condition ofmra wm boneney mr william bonaney of a idem hot i o hamilton ont wna sroatly worried over tho condition of his wife who had auftered for year with etomach kidney and liver ullmentn thuno orsann nlmply would not do their work prnerly renultlng in many din treaalliar and weukenlng nympti ma jlowroitdlly theae nymplomn yield to the corrective influence of dreco in typlnod in the cuno of mriynonanoy for years my wife nun nuffered from ntotnach kidney and liver trouble declarca mr jjonanoy l3he wnn very oonntlpat and bad rhou mutlnm in join in and munclea hho lont r appetite and found it almoat m salble to iret a gtod nlfht a nleop r 50 per month saved and invested in safe bonds from age 30 to 60 interest being reinvested accumulates 477206 our partial payment plan for buying bonds is excellently fitted for such a scheme through it is proyided the necessary incentive to carry out a sys tematic programme of saving a determined portion of your jncome each month and investing it in safe bonds the contract into which you cnjerjkuhus is just sufficiently stimulating to create and maintain the desire to continue buying high grade government municipal and corporation bonds the availability at all times of funds so invested is an attractive fea ture of this plan many investor both large and small have found in buying bonds on the partial payment plan the solution to many of their financial problems we suggest that you mail the coupon below for full particulars milius jarvis ca tw xfmn zub buying bond 00 tfaa partial ptan ottawa new york 263 bay st toronto montreal london en plcaae eend me copy of booklet 18 bi j payment i addreae quy or town business directory medical r dr j a mcniven phyilelan and bjiraaon ohire and real dene corner 1 to war avenue and flgln blreot 1 iiohw 8h dr e j nllson kiucduikjc btllbict acton ontario dr w s laird oi auicrui 80 woolwich htreet kyo kmr noao an l throat uiuli aho when a man asserts that he is just as good as another man he always believes be is better and that is especially true at a time like the present when an election is tn the offing the women have a vote and a right to vote as thoy consider to be for the best interests of the country the community and the home and every woman should use her franchise and poll her vote it s passing strange isnt it said an elderly citizen 0 a friend on the street the other day mot only each of the leaders and all their followers you meet now are in favor of prohibition the long- vexed topic has at last become very popular ft coming tpxannds from the united slates whilq much has been heard of the migration of canadiiss to the united states from time to time it should also be stated there is a considerable move- menxlntheopposjie dikytoninlonntiaiiswttre from tho office of tho commissioner of immigration f winnipeg shows tht in one month this spring over 22q0clnersons were inspected on the trains and highways crossing the international border from the states into uestern canada through 33 border ports extending from port arthur ontario along the in ternatfonal border to kingsgate b c in this total is included new settlers landseekers buslitess men and yisltors from tho states farmers mchames busl ness men and visitors returning from visits to the states and also returning former canadians who had left canada and are- now returning to the land of their birth or adoption for permanent residence acton high school it is a compliment to acton hih school and must be gratifying to tho town that the attendance is growing to such proportions than an additional winm is now deemed tn hn nyiiy if th hrf if- ifp interests of the students are to be conserved and the high standing of the school is to be maintained inttje near future the board of education will be under the necessity of seriously considering the erection of a new high school building it is very evident that with our growing populallon the whole of the present building wi be required to accom- i modato the pupils of the public school at present over forty have to be accommodated in the town hall a new high school building will be an im perative necessity within ave years and it will be well for our citizens and our school trustees to bo- come seized of the importance of the situation and be prepared to meet it ie keeping the roads in condition the weakness of tho county good roads system ha been tho lack of proper attention to maintenance of the roadways in order to remedy this a patrol system has been adopted by tho grey county good roads committee men have been appointed to spend theiv fufl time ut the work hauling gravel fixing holes in the roads using drags after rains and in other ways improving the roads this system is now n vogue in all but four of the townships in a the county the men with teams will get 5 per day u and will each have a jieat of about is miles their work at the commencomenfwill bo gather heavy but after the roads get repaired the upkeep wol not be aoatrenuous some such phm should be adopted in halton county our roads would then be kept in much better condition arid at a greatly lower cost rian the system now observed of lotting the roads wear outand tho foundations became djs iripoprated and then proceed jto rebuild them vhe nmttwirie tr pa j most satisfactory one for kecpipg tho roads con tinually in oonditiojk it is reasurrlng to note that despite reports of adverse conditions in tho prairie provinces respect ing last seasons crop saskatchewan officials estim ate that after paying all expenses the farmers of that province had 100000000 in net proceeds to apply to debts ntamanh caunlnjr tran sho had palm nnros her bfltc from hhi kldnoya her joint achom lvnd nhe would set nllff with rheumatism she had a uallow complexion and ut tlrocn wc uld gut jnxav n pel la stin tried almoat overythtpflr but nothing aoemod tn help an ho con tliunlly became weaker until aho hoard about dreco and doatded to try it she nan only uned no bottle but we urj nitrprlned how different aha looks it in doing world pt rood for her and nhe i much atrxnaer when thd dlgeetlve aynum ffdta out of rdi r it mean that food vuluen are not proi erly retained and distributed to nouruh the ayetem noit in want matter coat off bucb a condlth n m idly undermine tho truntrt c n ntltutlon let the corrective i roper ha of dreco compounded from na luro m own medicinal herb and root tone and regulate the orijaiim to their proper function the end of u rigor inter find thounand in need of a topic and restorative thin need in root perfectly by dreco dreco contain no mercury potuith or habit forming drug qreco ie being specially introduoad in actdn by a t brown and la sold by a good drtrograt everywhere at the nomination meetings of the province last thursday there were 103 conservatives nominated three less than for last election 77 liberals four more than in 1019 end 76 u f o twelve more than four years ago there aro fewer labor men and independents running sir adam beck is running as a conservative can didatein his home city of london the chairman of the hydro commission has every right to do this he pleases but his right to retain tho chairmanship of the hydro co ni mission while so doing is open to very serious question renfrew mercury the brantford expositor formerly a liberal paper but which since 1017 has assumed an inde pendent political attitude says that one of the most remarkable features in the presenf political campaign is the violence with which premier drury has been su attacked by his political opponents oh the evo of the election this is attributed largely to mr drurys unswerving support of the ontario temper ance acf i ireland is gradually following canadas example and going dry last sunday the new liquor laws having received royal assent ulster went partially dry all public houses in belfast were closed on sunday and only guests in hotels were allowed re fresh men is of any kind tho first prohibition sunday was a surprise to the people but tho public houses were rigidly closed and kept closed during the day gradually but surely the prohibition sentiment will grow r the tweed news says a candidate for the leg islature has deemed it necessary to deny a rumor to tho effect that ho was drunk at o certain plowing match last fall this is an illustration otlhe great change that has come in the people of ontario in hc rood old days nobody would have thought of either making or denying such a charge indeed tho failure of a man to got properly diunk at a plowing match or on other similar occasions would have been more likely tovtell against him than be recorded in his favor but those days are gone forever the number of hogs being delivered by farm truck arfd wggon to tho packing houses of peterboro toronto brantfdrd and inftersolt is increasing week by week by fhja direct method of marketings hog raisers are securing the full advantage of the grad ing system they are benefitting not only from the full amount of tho premium on select hogs bti are becoming acquainted by watching the process of grading with tho precise type of hog th tbey snoula seekxjo produce hogs are being marketed in this way from upwards of twenty miles in some cases and jht radius is extending k a backyard puavohourjd in your backward a vhtco where the hlldren can pluy or ijr it u deaert waalo ofc cloth nallne and unh barrel id tmxe7 you would bo aurprhed to itnow how many thing you can do to make that yard a mak playground any child betwa en throe and ten love to play in u aondbox und it a a- much u for i lnro to mnke mtld plea than the road an active boy can get infinite thrill out of performing on u had sontal bar incidentally it a flno for dovoloplpg ht bice pa and nhoulder muele a teeter board la guaranteed to keep two children playing together without quarreling probably longer than any other piece of play aupar utua yet devbted a allde will keep almoat any number of children in a ntattt of bllanful locomotion for hour on an pr awing tbey have been favorite with children ever alnce qhu dron and grapevine have grown all theae thing can bo made at home if fathom will tajto m little time to turn carpentur queen sheep you are no ud to aeolnif out lo mi tlc mhp with lull which ore nothing tn apeak or that you will hardly believe there are sheep in iom purl ol the world with tulu which weigh un much u forty to eighty pound thee fat to i led utioep are found in northern india and egyi l the tall in connldered u great delicacy and the arab out it in allcee and fry it lint worn who tnmtifl thu rtuhmnv aid it wan very much like fried tml low children and up7rtwiyi agree on the pleasure m using infants delight iis iygainhe toujctsoap ginjl shoep6liflhfi8 5bb9 palmersunitedanractions canadas representative travelling exposition made in canada for the canadian people notice no connection with any other socalled canadian travelling exposition i erospect park acton 7days7 commencing thursday june 21 to thursday june 28 inclusive refined aggregation of attractions catering to tho taste of refined people at night ablazo with splendor a cle three big rides three 3 big band organs palmers 10000 jumping horse merrygoround a stud of leaping prancing horses combined with absolute safety the bestismonetoo good for our patrons the kiddies de light equipped with the fnest band organ with any merry go round palmhrs new big eu perris wheel l he granfc3t and most beaufi ful ferns wheel to day op the american continent the easiest highest safest and must delightful ride irj the world the trip to mabs the big sensational ride with a real thrill fun tor everybody 100 guaranteed 1aukha a minute 100 i at the entrance of tho midway palmer s sloodo orchestrion tho largest finest and moit tuneful band organ in existence positively the most bcuutlrul and wondorful instru ment ever carried vith any travelling organization kquol in volume to a 20 piece band dispensing a selection of standard and popular music at tycry representation alono worth coming one hundred miles to hear penny aucabb crowded wllh mechanical ndvoltitl of every disuipnoil bomuhlllg to please everybody palmers indian shooting jungle buoot ut lunning animals in the jungle iwst of llllci i xilii in ilttcntlmlto many other attiaetioiib too numcimm to mention nothing suggestivenothiiig vulgar refined gentlemanly attenduntb coui teous treatment ladles and children specially invited the bhow that places decency and sublimity ubovc suggcstivencss ibovo tho doll come see and be convinced and have the time of your lives on the gladway admission i ree to the grounds j ammmmm is leoal rhonn no 53 p o doe us harold nash farmer m at batxular 8olloitor notary publjo oonvayanoor eto perrvman block acton ont honkty 1jsnt on kloutdaaeb iouro b bo am toc pjn batunlaya 13 00 o clock h g meir banlater solicitor ftotary public oeorgetown ont dental dr j m bell dw d s l d a dentlet honor gradual of torooio unlwr- nlty the utaet anoathetlo uaad tt dealred office at reaidete cornar c1u ajul frederick straajt realdeaco i traet1 tlp g gollop d d s l da dental surgeon office over bonk of nova sootl uours 9s0 to 6 so evenjji by appointment miscellaneou8 francis nunan 1 hniiiiii account book of all kind mod to order periodicals of aver deacrlptloo carefully bound iluunj neatly ana promptly done wyndtiaro street ouolpb out over wlulama store lodge directory sons of england lodge woodqftetn no 302 mmilnu llrt an 1 third tliurmlay id inch m nih at 8 p in in i o o f hall mmterm and vrnltlnif member cordially li vltu i li iittnnd precious w little secretary acton l o l no 47 miietu oi thu second thu rutin y f nuch month in tho o id fellow- hall at it i m viniuiil iqumbera of the order ulwnyn wel come t thlttfoitlj w m 1 1 kjnnkdt shop with those who invite you and solicit youv custom r j kerr auctioneer and real estate agent 17 yeuru kxpijiiouco acton ontario sae oiitruated to it j fcerr re celvo attention fromdate of 11 un to data of aula lut your aajea with me realdcnce llower avenue acton ijione sfl acton call at my exptinso s rbricmuokosrvsbr 1torowto onaoa frrcheevers book binder quebae st et quelph ont liook and roaatajilnm bound la handnome and substantia oowra tamea letter t in cold on bible hymn looka and other tjooka al work promptly executed d alex niven ontario land surveyor and civil engineer survey ubdlvllouu 1 innd he port ieorll tlon llluej hint etc certlllcutem fir puruhuaerm and tnortuukae hurvey for aral uoiui builder and municipal cout oil drulnawo iuporu butlmate etc molean buildinq doupla 8t ooiolph hhone 1004 ont the old and reliable granite and marblo workri y ar manufaoturera an 1 dlrot iniportarw of all kluda of uaituinenul atld lloadatoh work we aell dlreol to our ouatomer at wboleaale pride tbua eavlrur our ouatornert 40 per oenl we havo the bent appllanoe and tha only mechanic in the dominion who can operate pnaumatto tool property we oait ivcreferenoeei from hundred of our outomar in toronto and other plaoea where othera have to have uw- nulla in order to oplleou wo hava lb larcwt and heat etonk of orajtlte la th dominion okjmjre than any thraa dealt in the weal we ara leajltl- ttu dealer mid employ no jnu i do lot umiy of pent cu to mora by aenrttnif nut luiu rant kent nollolt lag order wo qpiplo mi- meoha arnf flery 6 hlmi5rf hamilton sons cor mrwlrli ar u v l ulpl tjl

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